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Formula sheet MAT 243

Mrs. Dottin
Done by: Leondre Joseph


- A combination the no. of ways a particular selection can be made from a group of items.
Unlike a permutation, the order in which the selection is made does not matter.
If sample of r items must be chosen from a set of m different items, so that the order does
not matter then the number of possible selections is known as a combination and is
equivalent to:
nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!

Example 1:

A committee of 8 men and 4 women must be chosen. In how many ways can a sub
committee of 3 men and 1 women be chosen.

Solution: 8C3 × 4C1 = 224 ways

Example 2:

How many three letter selections can be made from the wors STATISTICS

Steps to solving:

1. Separate he no. of selections into categories namely:

i) Selections with three different letters
ii) Selections with two identical letters
ii) Selections with three identical letters

2. Identify the how many different letters and how many of the same letter there are.

5 different letters: 3S's , 3T's, 2I's, 1A, 1C

2. Find the no. of selections for each category.

i) Three different letters: no. of ways = 5C3 = 10
ii) Two identical letters:
For each letter that can be selected twice,
4 selections can made:
No. of ways = 3×4 = 12
iii) Three identicall letters:
For each letter that can be selected there times, 1 selection can made:
No of ways = 2×1 = 2

3. Find the total no. of ways

No. of ways = 24 ways


- A permutation is the no. of ways a particular selection from a group of elements can be
If r items must be chosen from n set of different items and arranged in order then the no. of
possible arrangements is
nPr = n!/(n-r)!

Permutation with repetition

If n items are to be arranged in order, where n1 of them are identical, another n2 of them
are identical and so on. Then the no. of different arrangements are:
N!/(n¹!n²!n³! ...)
Circular arrangements

No. of ways of arranging items in a circle = (n - 1)!

In cases where clockwise and anitclockwise arrangements are not considered to be different
No. of ways = (n - 1)!/2


Probability measures the possibility or chances of a certain event to occur

A sample space refers to the all possible outcomes of an event.

The probability that event A occurs:

P(A) = no. of successful outcomes/ no. of possible outcomes

Ways of measuring sample space:

Axes diagram
Tree diagram
Probability distribution table
Venn diagram


NB: 0<P(A)<1
P(A) + P(A') = 1
P(AuB) = P(A) + P(B) - P(AnB)
P(AuB) = P(A) + P(B): mutually exclusive
P(AnB) = P(A) × P(B): independent events
Conditional probability
P(A/B) = P(AnB)/P(B)

Addition and subtraction:

NB/ Matrices can be multiplied together if the no. of coloumbs in the 1st matrix is the same
as the number of rows in the second matrix.

Finding determinant of 2×2 and 3×3 matrices

Inverse of a 2×2 matrix

Transpose matrix
If an H×N matrix is rewritten with the rows and columns interchanged, the resultant matrix
is the transpose of the original matrix.

Co factor and adjoint matrix

Adjoint of C = The transpose of the contactor of C

Inverse of a 3×3 matrix

Solving 3×3 systems of linear equations

Example: Solve
Step 1: Convert the equations into a table of numbers

Step 2: Rewrite the table of numbers as two matrices with a third matrix as shown below

Step 3: We can write the equation of matrices above as AX = B

Hence, the solution will be X = A-¹B

z = -2
Row reduction to echelon form

Two matrices A & B are row equivalent if and only if B can be obtained from A using the
following operations called row reduction.
1. R1 <---> R2: interchange rows
2. R1 ----> cR1: multiply row by scalar
3. R1 ----> aR1 + bR2: a linear combination of R1 and R2
Echelon form:

Solving a simultaneous eq by row reduction

Example: Solve

Step1: Write the augmented matrix of the system

Step 2: Row reduce the augmented matrix

Step 3: Rewrite the system using the row reduced matrix

Step 4: The solutions is found by going from the bottom equation up

Differential equations

A differential equation is an equation involving differential coefficient.

The differential coefficient can be first order ie. dy/dx or second order ie. d²y/dx²
Solving first order differential equations:
Using Variable Separable method:
Integrating factor method:

Solve the equation

+ y =x

Step 1) express the equation into the form + a y=b
+ y =x

Step 2 – Find the integrating factor (IF) using

IF = e∫ 1 dx

= ex
Step 3 – Multiply both sides (of equations in step 1) by IF
dy x
ex +e y=xe x

Step 4 – Simply RHS and integrate both sides

∫ e x dx + e x y dx=∫ xe x dx
dy x
LHS : ∫ e x
dx )
+e y dx=e x y

NB: the integral of the LHS is always equal to the ( integrating factor )×( y ) ie. (IF)(y)

RHS : ∫ xe x dx

Using integration by parts

dv du
∫ u dx =uv−∫ v dx

u= =e x
=1∧v=e x

∫ xe x dx=x e x −∫ e x dx=x e x −e x +c
Therefore RHS = LHS

e x y=x e x −e x +c
Solving homogeneous second order equations:

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