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Effect of Construction Dust on

Construction Workers
A Seminar Report Submitted
For the Partial Fulfilment of the Continuous Assessment of Bachelor of Technology in Civil


Name Roll No. Reg. No.

MASUM HAFIZ MOLLAH 14201318035 181420120043 OF 2018-19
AINDRILA PANDA 14201317105 171420110220 OF 2017-18
PRITAM SARASWATI 14201318030 181420120048 OF 2018-19
14201317106 171420110221 OF 2017-18
Under the Guidance of


Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology

Department of Civil Engineering

Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology
Kolkata: 700150



This Seminar Report titled “Effect of Construction Dust on Construction Workers” is

prepared and submitted for the partial fulfilment of the continuous assessment of Bachelor of
Technology in Civil Engineering Course of MEGHNAD SAHA INSTITUTE OF
TECHNOLOGY for the Session 2017-2021. It is declared that no part of said work has been
presented or published elsewhere.


Roll No. 14201318035 Roll No. 14201317105


Roll No. 14201318030 Roll No. 14201317106

Date: 08-06-2020

Place: Department of Civil Engineering

Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology
Kolkata: 700150


It is hereby certified that this Seminar Report titled “Effect of Construction Dust on
Construction Workers” PART-I is prepared and submitted for the partial fulfilment of the
continuous assessment of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering Course of
AZAD UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY for the Session 2017-2021 under my supervision
and guidance.

Dr. Biswajit Thakur

Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology


I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deepest sense of gratitude to Dr.
Subarna Bhattacharyya, Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Studies, Jadavpur
University and Dr. Biswajit Thakur, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, who have supervised this thesis. The thesis would
have never been completed without their able guidance, constant vigil, careful supervision
and inspiration at all stages of the work.
I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Joydeep Mukherjee, Director, School
of Environmental Studies, Jadavpur University, for his extensive guidance throughout the
period of preparation of the thesis.
I would also like to express my gratitude to other respected teachers of the School of
Environmental Studies for the continuous encouragement, support and valuable advice they
provided throughout my work.
I would like to personally express my appreciation to Debleena Mukherjee, the
research scholars of the School of Environment Studies, Jadavpur University for providing
help as and when necessary.
I would also like to thank all the librarians, assistant librarians and library staffs of the
Central Library and the Departmental Library of Jadavpur University for their kind
cooperation during preparation of this thesis by providing me the books and documents as
and when necessary.
I would like to thank the research scholars of the School of Environment Studies,
Jadavpur University for their constant support and encouragement during all stages of the
thesis work.
Last, but not the least, I express my gratitude to my classmates, my friends and my
family for the encouragement and support they provided throughout the work. This thesis
would not have been possible without them.


Roll No. 14201318035 Roll No. 14201317105


Roll No. 14201318030 Roll No. 14201317106

Date: 08-06-2020
Place: Department of Civil Engineering
Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology
Kolkata: 700150

Table of Contents
Chapter Section Topic Page

Chapter 1 1 Introduction 8

Chapter 2 2 Occupational hygiene

Chapter 3 3 Dust in construction industry 14-21

3.1 Particulate Matter 14
3.2 Classification of Particulate Matter 15
3.2.1 Inhalable coarse particles 15 Viable Particulate Matter 15 Non-Viable Particulate Matter 15
3.2.2 Fine Particles 15
3.3 NAARS 16
3.4 Health Effect 16
3.5 Causes of Dust in Construction Industry 17
3.5.1 Common dusty activities 17 Wall chasing 17 Grinding and sanding 17 Block and stone cutting 17 Drilling 18 Sweeping floors 18 Cutting of softwood, hardwood and wood- 18
based products 18 Movement of rubble during site clearance 18 Demolition & Carpentry 18
3.6. Classification of Construction Dust 18
3.6.1. Diseases Caused Due to Construction Dust 19
3.7. Dust Monitoring and Exposure Assessment 20

Chapter 4 4 Health risk assessment 21-24

4.1. Managing Health Risk and Personal 24


4.1.1 Dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of


4.1.2. visible dust plumes, which are evidence of

dust emissions; 25

4.1.3. Elevated PM10 concentrations, as a result of

dust generating activities on site; 25


an increase in concentrations of airborne 25

particles and nitrogen dioxide due to exhaust

Chapter 5 5 Respiratory protection considerations 26-28

5.1. This can be attained in three level 28

5.1.1. Less production of PM 28

5.1.2. Less emission of PM to environment 28 Screening 28 Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) (Wallace 28

and cheung, 2013):

Equipment Idle Reduction and Control 28
Engine Preventive Maintenance 29

6 Equipment Operator Training 29 Applying Dust Collecting System 29 Applying windbreaks hedge 29 To filter unwanted air borne chemicals (such 29

as pollens, smoke, pollutants) that can affect
health and wellbeing. 29
To collect dust from the atmosphere that is
consumed by bacteria on the leaves. To increase oxygen levels in the air 29 To control noise this is done best in 29

conjunction with an earthen mound. A single
row of plants might not stop much noise.
5.1.3. Less entry of PM to respiratory system 29 Face mask 29 Suitable respirator 30

Chapter 6 6 Economic cost 32-33

Chapter 7 7 Limitations 35

Chapter 8 8 Conclusion 37

List of Tables
Table No. Title Page
Table 1.1 On the basis of survey conducted among the online marketplace 35

List of Figures
Figure No. Caption Page
Figure 1.1 Health Impact 10

Figure 1.2 Construction Site 12

Figure 1.3 Causes of Air Pollution 12

Figure 1.4 Occupational hygiene basics 14

Figure 1.5 Size distribution of particulate matter 18

Figure 1.6 Source of PM10 emission 19

Figure 1.7 Source of PM2.5 emission 19

Figure 1.8 Toronto environmental alliance 20

Figure 1.9 Fundamental elements of industrial hygiene 23

Figure 2.0 Toronto environmental alliance

The construction industry is one of the primary sources of fine dust pollution. Aging labour,
occupational health impacts, and stagnant productivity are the concerns within the
construction industry. Even though control measures are implemented to reduce exposure to
fine dust during construction works, occupational health impacts for construction
practitioners still exist. At the worst, it can lead the construction practitioner to premature
death or long-term illness. It is found that the research and applications of fine dust emitted
from construction equipment are in a progressive stage, but that of the construction activities
is still in an early stage. The majority of recent publications in this area of research are
associated with the control measures, health impacts, monitoring systems, and emission from
the construction activities. However, still, there is no consensus about an appropriate real-
time monitoring system or a targeted countermeasure. Researchers and construction
practitioners can accommodate significant factors such as the distributional characteristics of
different sizes of particles while using different materials and tools for various activities

FIGURE 1.1: Health Impact

Chapter 1


Chapter 1
1. Introduction

O The back-bone of economic development is infrastructure. All construction sites generate

high levels of pollution and this can carry for large distances over a long period of time. As
per the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) officials, 30 percent of air pollution is
caused due to dust which emanates from construction sites. Air pollution is not limited to just
the build itself, and can also occur during excavation, land clearing, demolition, the burning
of materials, the operation of vehicles and equipment, and when construction workers are
working with toxic materials.
Various construction activities like land clearing, operation of diesel engines, demolition,
burning, and working with toxic materials contribute to air pollution. Given the nature of the
work undertaken on various construction sites, dust is one of the main causes of air pollution
from these sites. First off, the materials that the builders are working with, such as concrete,
cement, wood, stone and silica, are prone to releasing dust and can be carried over wide
areas. Additionally, diesel engines, and on-site equipment that uses diesel, releases dust-sized
particulate matter in the form of soot, sulphates, and silicates into the air.
Diesel engines and equipment are also responsible for the release of toxic gases into the air.
Aside from the dust-sized particulate matter, the use of these machines also releases carbon
monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Many of
the other hazardous chemicals used on construction sites, such as oils, glues, thinners, and
paints, can release toxic fumes into the atmosphere as well.

FIGURE 1.2: Construction Site FIGURE 1.3: Causes of Air Pollution


Chapter 2


2. What is occupational hygiene

Occupational illness normally develops over a period of time because of workplace

conditions. Such conditions might include exposure to disease-causing bacteria and viruses,
for example, or to chemicals or dust.
Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, occupational illness is defined as a condition
that results from exposure in a workplace to a physical, chemical or biological agent to the
extent that the normal physiological mechanisms are affected and the health of the worker is
Occupational hygiene is a unique and highly skilled discipline which uses science and
engineering to control or eliminate workplace hazards and create healthier workplaces, in the
most efficient and effective ways. With good occupational hygiene science and practice,
occupational health risks can be eliminated or at least brought under control. It is possible,
today, to be a healthy miner; the ill health effects of working with or near asbestos, and how
to avoid them, are well understood; silicosis amongst pottery workers can be prevented.
These are just some of the major achievements of occupational hygiene. Today’s workers
however continue to be exposed to health hazards such as harmful dusts, which can cause
debilitating and often fatal diseases such as cancer, COPD and asthma. These risks will
always need to be properly understood and managed, through good occupational hygiene

Chapter 3


3. Dust in the Construction Industry

Recent legislation changes and efforts to promote education on the effects of dust by the TUC
and HSE has led to many organisations implementing an Occupational Health and Safety
Management System (OHSMS). However, despite some progress being made, the
construction and demolition industry are not attributing the same level of importance to
health as they do to safety. As a result, workforces are still at great risk from inhalable and
respirable dust. It’s vital for the industry to make a behavioural change to protect long-term
In fast-growing industrial societies, large amounts of emitted dust and energy (e.g., fossil
fuels) consumed by human activities can cause climate change, problems to human health,
and resource depletion. In particular, due to a considerable amount of dust emissions and
energy consumption, energy-intensive construction sites are causing global environmental
problems capable of destroying the environment and possibly damaging the health of both
construction workers and the surroundings.
Emissions of dust to air can occur during the preparation of the land (e.g. demolition, land
clearing, and earth moving), and during construction. Emissions can vary substantially from
day to day, depending on the level of activity, the specific operations being undertaken, and
the weather conditions. A large proportion of the emissions result from site plant and road
vehicles moving over temporary roads and open ground. The scale of these impacts depends
on the dust suppression and other mitigation measures applied.

3.1. Particulate Matter

Particulate matter, also called particle pollution is a complex mixture of extremely small
particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot or smoke,
are large or dark enough to be seen through naked eye. However, some are so small that they
can only be detected using electron microscope.
These particles come in many sizes and shapes and can be made up of hundreds of different
chemicals. Most of the particles form in the atmosphere as result of complex reactions of
chemicals such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which are pollutants emitted from
power plants, industries and automobiles. However, some of them are emitted directly from a
source, such as construction sites, unpaved roads, fields, smokestacks or fires.
According to Seinfeld, ‘particulate matter’ can be defined as ‘any substance, except of pure
water, that exists as a liquid or solid in the atmosphere under normal conditions and is of
microscopic or sub microscopic size but larger than molecular dimensions (about 2 Å)’.
Based on this general definition, it is clear that particulate matter (PM) is a complex subject,
with a variety of particles differing in size, origin, composition and morphology. Their
(sub)microscopic sizes render individual atmospheric particles invisible to the naked eye.
Though, collectively, particulates can become clearly visible (e.g., smoke, SMOG, haze, …).
Apart from PM, different terminology exist referring to atmospheric particles, such as
‘environmental aerosol’, ‘aerosol’, ‘airborne particle’, ‘suspended particles’.

3.2. Classification of Particulate Matter

Particulate matter on the basis of size can fall into two different categories:

3.2.1. Inhalable coarse particles: The diameter size of the particles range from 2.5 to 10
micrometers (PM10 – 2.5).
They can also be classified as- Viable Particulate Matter: These particles include lower living organisms
such as algae, bacteria, moulds, fungi, etc. They are dispersed into the air. Human beings are
allergic to these microorganisms and they can also cause different types of diseases in plants
and animals. Non-Viable Particulate Matter: We can classify these particles on the basis
of size and their nature. These particulates include smoke, dust, mists, and fumes.

3.2.2. Fine Particles: Usually found in haze and smoke and the size can range up to 2.5
micrometers (PM).

• Inhalable coarse particles are present in the nearby regions of dusty industries and
roadways. Fine particles originate from forest fires. Moreover, they can also originate on
a reaction of air with gases released from the industries, automobiles and power plants.

3.3. NAARS
Based on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) review of the air quality criteria
and the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM), the
Administrator has reached proposed decisions on the primary and secondary PM NAAQS.
With regard to the primary standards meant to protect against fine particle exposures (i.e.
annual and 24 hour PM2.5 standards), the primary standard meant to protect against coarse
particle exposures (i.e., 24-hour PM10 standard),and the secondary PM2.5 and PM10
standards, the EPA proposes to retain the current standards, without revision.
3.4. Health Effect
Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they
can be inhaled and cause serious health problems. Some particles less than 10 micrometer in
diameter can penetrate deep into the lungs and some may even contaminate the blood stream.
Of these, particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, also known as fine particles per
PM2.5 , pose the greatest risk to health.

3.5. Causes of Dust in Construction Industry

Construction sites are known to generate high dust levels due to the tasks involved. Over 500
construction workers are believed to die from exposure to silica dust every year. The amounts
needed to cause this damage are not large. The amount of silica dust that would result in a
person exposed to the legal unit is shown below next to the penny.
Before any dusty activities begin, such as those listed below, the type of construction dust
which may be generated should be considered. Working methods and procedures for
preventing airborne dust arising in the first place should be top priority. If airborne dust
cannot be avoided, then working methods for minimising the amount of airborne dust
generated and breathed in must be followed. Personal protective equipment must only be
considered as a last resort, after all other avenues for control of dust exposure have been
explored. A specialist advisor, such as an occupational hygienist, may be required to provide
guidance on the level of risk posed by particular dusts and the appropriate control measures
for specific circumstances.
3.5.1. Common dusty activities: Wall chasing Grinding and sanding Block and stone cutting

19 Drilling Sweeping floors Cutting of softwood, hardwood and wood-based products Movement of rubble during site clearance Demolition & Carpentry

3.6. Classification of Construction Dust

Construction dust is regarded as a mixture of particulates, construction dust from places like
roads, construction sites, wasteland, dump and farmland, is induced by human activities in
construction stage. With the grave environmental pollution, some scholars paid more
attention to the monitoring of construction dust emissions.. In the past few years, studies have
found evidence that construction dust exerts an impact on both environmental protection and
human health. It was presented that the construction dust made great contributions to PM10
(Zhang et al. 2010) and PM2.5 (Huang 2014). Healthily speaking, risks of numerous diseases
witnessed a remarkable increase as a result of articulate air pollution (Guo et al. 2008). The
exposure to construction dust could gradually lead to cardiopulmonary failure and some
blood disorders in the long term.

Construction dust can be classified into the following categories based on their origin-
Oil & gravel dust - soil and gravel materials that are excavated, hauled, tipped or stockpiled
on the construction site can create dust that can be blown offsite by wind or erosions and/or
tracked offsite from vehicle ‘drag out’ (e.g. dirty tires, open truck beds). Soils with a high
clay/silt content are especially likely to create dust when dry because of their small particle
sizes. Smaller particle sizes pose greater health risks because they are easier to inhale and can
impact your respiratory system.
Wood dust - wood-based construction materials can create dust when the materials are cut,
drilled or sanded on-site. Certain types of wood and wood products pose health risks to
workers but are unlikely to travel off-site.
Silica dust - construction materials such as sandstone, mortar and concrete as well as certain
abrasives used for sand blasting contain silica, which can be released in a form called
respirable crystalline silica when the materials are mixed, cut, drilled, sanded or used for
Non-silica mineral dust - construction materials containing limestone, dolomite, gypsum, or
hard stone (e.g. marble) can create dust when the materials are crushed, cut, drilled or sanded
on-site. Non-silica mineral dusts pose fewer health risks.
Demolition dust - most materials that went into the construction of the building could be
released as various types of dust during the demolition of the building, including the dusts
listed above. If any asbestos-containing or urea formaldehyde insulation materials were used
in the building, highly toxic fibres and dusts could be released if not properly managed.

3.6.1. Diseases Caused Due to Construction Dust

When control measures are not in place, regular exposure to construction dust can lead to a
range of respiratory diseases.
The four main types of construction dust which can be found on a construction site are:
• Silica dust: Concrete, mortar and sandstone (also known as respirable crystalline silica or
• Wood dust: Softwood, hardwood and wood-based products like MDF and plywood
• Other construction dust: Gypsum (plasterboard), limestone, marble and dolomite.
• Demolition dust: In addition to the above this may contain insulation fibres or allergenic
substances, such as bird droppings

Breathing in these types of dust can have a lasting effect on a person’s health. The types of
illnesses related to breathing in construction dust are:
• Silicosis: Silicosis is an incurable lung disease caused by inhaling large amounts of
silica dust, usually over a period of many years. If silica dust has entered the lungs it can
cause inflammation and over time lead to areas of hardened and scarred lung tissue (fibrosis).
Lung Cancer: Exposure to silica dust has been linked to a risk of developing lung cancer.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): COPD is an obstruction of the airways, the
airways become inflamed and narrowed. COPD is predominantly caused by smoking;
however, exposure to harmful dusts can also bring on the onset of COPD even if the person
does not smoke.
• Occupational asthma: Occupational asthma is directly linked to the working
environment and is usually the result of exposure to a certain substance known as respiratory
sensitizers. For example, wood dust is a respiratory sensitizer and, if inhaled, can cause
asthma symptoms. If the exposure continues, this can lead to severe chronic asthma. Asthma
symptoms can take weeks, months or even years to develop, depending on the person and the
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that “in most cases it should be reasonably
practicable to control exposure to 0.1 mg/m3 (8-hour TWA) or less by engineering or process
control. Employers should aim to ensure that workers are not exposed to respirable crystalline
silica dust concentrations above this level”. Over in the States, OSHA (Occupational Safety
and Health Administration) have recognised that their existing PEL (Personal Exposure
Limit) is not adequate to protect workers and are proposing a new lower level of 50µg/m3
averaged over an 8-hour day. It hopes that once implemented this ruling would save nearly
700 lives and around 1600 new cases of silicosis per year, over 80% of these in the
construction industry.

3.7. Dust Monitoring and Exposure Assessment

Dust particles differ in size and for personal monitoring there are generally two fractions of
interest, ‘Total Inhalable Dust’ and ‘Respirable Dust’. Total Inhalable Dust is the total
amount of airborne material which enters the respiratory system (up to 100micron). Larger
particles do not penetrate into the deep lung and are caught in the respiratory tract being
expelled by the body’s own defences. The smaller particles (up to 10micron) are termed

‘Respirable Dust’ and this is the fraction that causes the most harm. These particles are
capable of penetrating the deep lung where gas exchange takes place and get lodged there.
In general terms, the method for monitoring personal dust exposure consists of a known
volume of air being drawn through a pre-weighed filter using a TUFF sampling pump. Post
sampling, the filter is re-weighed and the difference in weights is used to calculate the
worker’s exposure.
In practical terms, the pump is calibrated to the desired flow rate (generally 2-2.2l/min) and
attached to the worker, usually around the belt area. A suitable sampling head containing the
filter is connected to the pump via a flexible plastic tube. The sampling head is mounted in
the ‘breathing zone’ (the area 30cm around the nose and mouth) usually on a jacket or lapel.
The pump is then set to run for the duration of the shift or desired sample time, usually 8
It is possible to monitor for different fractions of dust (Total inhalable and Respirable) using
different sampling heads. An inhalable sampling head is used for Total Inhalable Dusts which
is all size fractions and a Cyclone Head for the respirable fraction, the smaller size fraction
which is more hazardous and that is capable of penetrating into and getting lodged in the deep
lung. For a simple gravimetric method, i.e. difference in weights of filter paper, generally
glass fibre filters (GFA) filters are used. For further analysis on the type of dust collected
other types of membrane filters may be needed, e.g. MCE or PTFE.
The studies tended to focus on some characteristic of construction dust from a single aspect
or on mere one effect on environment, construction workers and nearby residents separately.
Therefore, more explorations on the comprehensiveness of effects on multiple factors are still
on the way.

Chapter 4


4. Health Risk Assessment

Working in the construction business is physically demanding. The wellbeing and safety of
those deployed in the field are oftentimes most at risk. Each time they step into their work
site, they expose themselves to countless health threats that cause severe ailments.
Asbestos Exposure: Asbestos has been found to be a serious cause for concern in numerous
studies. Unregulated contact with this hazardous mineral can easily result in workforce
casualty. The type and severity of asbestos related disease that is acquired depends on the
personnel’s proximity to asbestos exposure.
When contracted to work in an environment with asbestos, ensure that the compulsory
regulations are met. Companies will be required to provide the necessary asbestos abatement
training as it is critical to have a solid understanding on proper asbestos handling and
Respiratory Diseases: Many factors cause respiratory disease. Harmful airborne pollutants are
present even indoors. In construction sites, where these perilous elements are widespread, the
risk of acquiring respiratory disorders is more prevalent. Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease involves inflammations of respiratory tract with a pattern that differs from that of
asthma. In contrast to asthma, the inflammation in patients with COPD currently has no
effective anti-inflammatory treatments.
Several government-mandated safety policies are implemented to lessen incidents on
respiratory disease. Respirators are common protective gears and these are often required in
toxic work environments. It is important to note, however, that the use of masks require
workers to be medically examined. This assessment determines their physical and mental
capacity to use a respirator
An estimated 3,500 cancer deaths were attributed to the construction and demolition industry
in 2013, according to Mike Slater, President of the British Occupational Hygiene Society
(BOHS), and yet these deaths are rarely deemed worthy of news coverage by mainstream
media. As well as the impact on worker health, companies must also take into account the
impact of insurance claims and higher premiums, sick pay from a higher number of sick days,
and project delays and stoppages on project profitability. These unwanted consequences of
poor hazardous substance control reduce the return of investment, so it is in the best interests
of companies in the short-term, as well as employees in the long-term, to ensure occupational
exposure to dusts are minimized.
Year on year, the majority of worker deaths are a result of ill-health, rather than accidents.
Therefore, industry must increase efforts to defend against the avoidable inhalation of
hazardous substances. To do so effectively, the industry needs to approach health with the
same attitude as safety, by evaluating the many different types of risks and threats to health,
and then introducing an effective strategy for protecting workers. Construction companies
taking this pro-active attitude go beyond regulations by following risk reduction strategies
that utilise personal and environmental dust monitoring and analysis to ensure workers are
protected from over-exposure.

4.1. Managing Health Risk and Personal Monitoring

FIGURE 2.0: Toronto environmental alliance

The main air quality impacts that may arise during demolition and construction activities are:
4.1.1. dust deposition, resulting in the soiling of surfaces;
4.1.2. visible dust plumes, which are evidence of dust emissions;
4.1.3. elevated PM10 concentrations, as a result of dust generating activities on site;
4.1.4. an increase in concentrations of airborne particles and nitrogen dioxide due to exhaust
emissions from diesel powered vehicles and equipment used on site (non-road mobile
machinery) and vehicles accessing the site.
The most common impacts are dust soiling and increased ambient PM10 concentrations due
to dust arising from activities on the site. Dust soiling will arise from the deposition of dust in
all size fractions. The ambient dust relevant to health outcomes will be that measured as
PM10, although most of this will be in the course (PM2.5-10) fraction, rather than the PM2.5
fraction. Research undertaken in the USA9 suggests that 85% to 90% by weight of the
fugitive dust emissions of PM10 from construction sites are PM2.5-10 and 10% to 15% are in
the PM2.5 fraction.
There are other potential impacts, such as the release of heavy metals, asbestos fibres or other
pollutants during the demolition of certain buildings, such as former chemical works, or the
removal of contaminated soils. The release of certain fungal spores during the demolition of
old buildings can also give rise to specific concerns if immune-compromised people are
likely to be exposed, for example close to an oncology unit of a hospital.
The risk of dust emissions from a demolition/construction site causing loss of amenity and/or
health or ecological impacts is related to:
• the activities being undertaken (demolition, number of vehicles and plant etc.);
• the duration of these activities;
• the size of the site;
• the meteorological conditions (wind speed, direction and rainfall);
• the proximity of receptors to the activities;
• the adequacy of the mitigation measures applied to reduce or eliminate dust; and
• the sensitivity of the receptors to dust.
Dust particles differ in size and for personal monitoring there are generally two fractions of
interest, ‘Total Inhalable Dust’ and ‘Respirable Dust’. Total Inhalable Dust is the total
amount of airborne material which enters the respiratory system (up to 100micron). Larger
particles do not penetrate into the deep lung and are caught in the respiratory tract being
expelled by the body’s own defences. The smaller particles (up to 10micron) are termed
‘Respirable Dust’ and this is the fraction that causes the most harm. These particles are
capable of penetrating the deep lung where gas exchange takes place and get lodged there.
In general terms, the method for monitoring personal dust exposure consists of a known
volume of air being drawn through a pre-weighed filter using a TUFF sampling pump. Post
sampling, the filter is re-weighed and the difference in weights is used to calculate the
worker’s exposure.
In practical terms, the pump is calibrated to the desired flow rate (generally 2-2.2l/min) and
attached to the worker, usually around the belt area. A suitable sampling head containing the
filter is connected to the pump via a flexible plastic tube. The sampling head is mounted in
the ‘breathing zone’ (the area 30cm around the nose and mouth) usually on a jacket or lapel.
The pump is then set to run for the duration of the shift or desired sample time, usually 8
It is possible to monitor for different fractions of dust (Total inhalable and Respirable) using
different sampling heads. An inhalable sampling head is used for Total Inhalable Dusts which
is all size fractions and a Cyclone Head for the respirable fraction, the smaller size fraction
which is more hazardous and that is capable of penetrating into and getting lodged in the deep
lung. For a simple gravimetric method, i.e. difference in weights of filter paper, generally
glass fibre filters (GFA) filters are used. For further analysis on the type of dust collected
other types of membrane filters may be needed, e.g. MCE or PTFE.
The results of the monitoring exercise enable the site management to make informed
decisions on whether the workforce is being exposed to harmful levels of dust. It is good
practice to keep the exposure level as low as is practicable as exposure limits, which are
based on current information, may change and generally they become more stringent, not
less. It is accepted that there are no ‘safe’ levels, just levels of risk. Even if levels of dust are
deemed to be acceptable it is advised to carry out regular monitoring to account for differing
tasks, changes in routine, environment and differing staff with differing work practices to get
a clear and ongoing picture of workers’ exposure. If exposures are high then a plan to control
the risk needs to be implemented utilising the hierarchy of control, i.e. looking at ways to
eliminate, contain or manage exposure before resorting to PPE.

Chapter 5


5. Respiratory protection considerations

• Most effective way to protect respiratory system would be keeping the respiratory
system as much as possible free from above mentioned harmful substances.

5.1. This can be attained in three level.

5.1.1. Less production of PM.
• Although total prevention of dust in bulk material handling is an impossible task.
Properly designed bulk material handling tools and construction products can reduce dust
generation. Swiping with such a tool which catches dust at its source Development of an intelligent system for automatically managing dust
emissions and energy consumption on construction sites
5.1.2. Less emission of PM to environment
• Several technologies could be used for this purpose in construction sites or in industries. Screening: Screen the whole site to stop dust spreading, or alternatively, place
fine mesh screening close to the dust source., Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) (Wallace and cheung, 2013): local exhaust
ventilation (LEV) system is an engineering control system to reduce exposures to airborne
contaminants such as dust, mist, fume, vapour or gas in the workplace. Simply put it is
something that sucks an airborne contaminant out of the workplace.
It is vital that the correct LEV is chosen for a particular task and kept correctly maintained. If
a process or activity with which the LEV is associated is changed then the suitability and
specification of the LEV system must be re-assessed. Equipment Idle Reduction and Control: Idle reduction technology is a wide
range of commercially available equipment or devices that are installed on or retrofitted to
light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicle fleets that usually by necessity practice prolonged
idling. IRT can greatly reduce idle time and save money in fuel use and engine wear,
including avoidance of ghost miles on engines (every hour of idling equals about 30 miles a
vehicle can travel). Further, IRT will decrease criteria pollutant emissions, greenhouse gas
emissions, and noise. IRT can help an increasing number of commercial and municipal fleets
interested in meeting financial, environmental, and energy sustainability goals

30 Engine Preventive Maintenance: Regular maintenance inspections include
checking for wear and tear on various engine parts, replenishing air and fluids, and
cleaning the interior and exterior of the automobile. The Service Schedule identifies
inspections that should be considered every month, every six months, and every year. Equipment Operator Training Applying Dust Collecting System: A dust collector is a system used to
enhance the quality of air released from industrial and commercial processes by collecting
dust and other impurities from air or gas. Designed to handle high-volume dust loads, a
dust collector system consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning system, and a dust
receptacle or dust removal system. It is distinguished from air purifiers, which use
disposable filters to remove dust. Five main types of industrial dust collectors are: Inertial
separators, Fabric filters, Wet scrubbers, Unit collectors, Electrostatic precipitators Applying windbreaks hedge: A row of plants used to slow or deflect the
wind is known as a windbreak. The plants in the windbreak may have dense foliage that
deflects or stops most of the wind, or open foliage and branches that allow some wind
through but at a greatly reduced velocity. There are many reasons for creating windbreaks
hedges To filter unwanted air borne chemicals (such as pollens, smoke, pollutants)
that can affect health and wellbeing. To collect dust from the atmosphere that is consumed by bacteria on the
leaves. To increase oxygen levels in the air To control noise this is done best in conjunction with an earthen mound. A
single row of plants might not stop much noise.
5.1.3. Less entry of PM to respiratory system Face mask:
Based on research, some face masks do reduce a person’s exposure to pollution particles 2.5
micrometres in diameter. Importantly, there is a need to evaluate filtration efficiencies as a
function of aerosol particulate sizes in the 10 nm to 10 μm range. Although the filtration
efficiencies for various fabrics including cotton, silk, chiffon, flannel, various synthetics, and
their combinations, when a single layer was used ranged from 5 to 80% and 5 to 95% for particle
sizes of <300 nm and >300 nm, respectively, the efficiencies improved when multiple layers were
used and when using a specific combination of different fabrics. Filtration efficiencies of the

hybrids (such as cotton–silk, cotton–chiffon, cotton–flannel) was >80% (for particles <300 nm)
and >90% (for particles >300 nm). Suitable respirator:

A wide range of industries use respirators including healthcare & pharmaceuticals, defense &
public safety services (defense, firefighting & law enforcement), oil and gas industries,
manufacturing (automotive, chemical, metal fabrication, food and beverage, wood working, paper
and pulp), mining, construction, agriculture and forestry, cement production, power generation,
shipbuilding and the textile industry. Most types of respirators depend upon forming a good seal
between the respirator body and the face of the wearer. Fit testing procedures have been developed
to ensure that the respirator is appropriate for the wearer and the wearer's donning technique is
capable of creating an adequate seal. Poor fit can have a negative impact on the respirator's overall
filtering effectiveness by as much as 65%. A study on respirator effectiveness conducted in Beijing
found that facial fit was the primary contributor to total inward leakage (TIL), based on a test of
nine different models. A high-quality respirator should see TIL of only around 5%. Facial hair
such as a beard can interfere with proper fit.

Chapter 6



Of cores these safety measure can’t be taken free of cost. We must pay a fine for invading the
nature. In this case it’s in the form of worker compensation
Workers' compensation is ostensibly designed to compensate individuals who have suffered
occupational injuries and illnesses. But there are enormous flaws in the system, particularly
as it applies in construction and especially as it applies to chronic conditions, including
occupational diseases (like hearing loss) or injuries (such as musculoskeletal injuries) which
can often be cumulative. Workers' compensation laws assume there is a specific date and
known employer when the injury occurs, but in construction these are not always clear. With
workers changing contractors regularly, who is responsible for chronic injuries and illnesses?
Normally, where there is a documented "injurious exposure," it is the current employer. In
theory, all employers are equally affected and pay amounts commensurate with their records,
but this system creates incentives for contractors not to hire workers who may be more
susceptible to injuries, like workers who have had previous injuries, are new or are older
(although they have more experience and may be more valuable, older workers tend to have
more disabling injuries) (Mitchell, 1988; Windau, 1999).
Construction workers have high workers' compensation injury rates for acute injuries but file
very few claims for chronic diseases. Disease claims have been hampered by employers
contesting claims they believe are not work-related or by statutes of limitation, which run out
so many years after "the injury." Many of these laws have now been changed to limit claims
to a certain number of years (typically, two) after a condition has been diagnosed.
Companies spend about 170 billion Rs. a year on costs associated with workplace injuries
and illnesses, and almost 1 billion Rs. every week to injured employees and their medical

Following table gives an overview of market price of above-mentioned technologies.



Power Respirator Rs 28,000

Wet and dry vacuum cleaner NT 35/1 16000


kärcher km 70/15 c push sweeper 30000

3M™ 6000 Series Full Face Mask 1500


3M 3M-6200 Half Facepiece Reusable 1990


3M ™ 4000 Series Maintenance-Free 1550

Gas/Vapour and Dust Respirator

Disposable mask 100-250

Source: On the basis of survey conducted among the online marketplace

Chapter 7



Although we have several technologies to take measures against the dust pollution there are
some limitations to it.
The foremost limitation is price, the technologies and product does not come with very cheap
price considering the worker’s earnings.
Another one is using technique of the technologies. As many time it’s been seen that worker
are semi-literate or illiterate. Knowingly or unknowingly they use the technologies wrongly
which leads to less effectiveness of them.

Chapter 8



PM2.5 pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems in INDIA, and one that
much of society is trying to solve. Urban PM2.5 pollution comes mainly from construction
dust, exhaust gas emissions, and industrial emissions. Hence, effective control of PM2.5
caused by construction dust can significantly improve the quality of urban air. To formulate
effective urban PM2.5 control measures, this paper studied the source of dust in urban
(PM2.5) and their effect to workers health and precautionary measures can be taken.
According to both results from monitoring and calculations, PM2.5 emission intensity from
construction dusts in the main urban areas of kolkata was medium, but the total PM2.5
emissions were high due to the large scale of construction and extensive annual average
construction time. Atmospheric conditions at construction sites can influence the dilution
capability of construction dusts, and accordingly, PM2.5 concentration at construction sites
correlated negatively with wind speed. Effective methods for controlling urban pollution to
improve air quality can be better determined by understanding construction dust’s significant
influence on urban PM2.5 emissions. The emission intensity of PM2.5 from construction dust
is influenced by many factors which is discussed in this paper.

Chapter 8



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