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Topic: Trends/ Relationship ::Worksheet Number :19

Directions for Questions from 1 to 4:

In a certain language,
I know Spanish - Gyi/Pu/Jyun
You know French - Gyi/Sua/Qia
French is well - Qia/Wyuh/De
You know German - Rou/Sua/Gyi
German is not well - De/Kho/Wyuh/Rou
Find out the code for the words using the given information.


a) Gyi b) Pu
c) Jyun d) Cannot be Determined

2 - French

a) Qia b) De
c) Wyuh d) Gyi

3 - Know

a) Pu b) Gyi
c) Jyun d) Qia

4 - Well

a) Wyuh b) De
c) Kho d) Cannot be Determined

5 - A sequence of numbers is given: 23, 34, 45, 56, 67. What would be the rule that is
governing this sequence?

b) Every term is 11 more than the

a) Every term is 11 less than the previous term
previous term
c) Each digit of a term is one more than the corresponding digit
d) Both B and C
of previous term

6 - Find the next pattern in the series.

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a) b)

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c) d)

7 - Which line will come in place of black “?”

a) b)

c) d)

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8 - First and second term below have some relationship between them based on the given
picture. Use the picture to find appropriate option that can replace the question mark.

@ : ! ::: * : ?

a) 6 b) $
c) & d) 5

9 - Image 1 and 2 have a relationship with each other. From given options find fourth
image which will lead to the same relationship between third and fourth image?

a) b)

c) d)

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10 - Find the option which will come in place of the question mark?

a) b)

c) d)

For any queries, email us at -

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