Trends in HRSG Reliability - 10 Year Review

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Trends in HRSG Reliabil ity — A 10-Year Review ‘Bary Dooley an B00 Anson ABSTRACT By 2008 tho authors hac conducted assesment suey a snl umber of combined eyleat recovery steer (erator HRSG) pants inthe sens of ela chemi, fow-ancalratea corcecn FAC) andthe vaslen ‘The reclts lax) showed some inpertanttende on why tha male falar events occrod on theo per Inte inrim par he authors have extendes th eure of plants word o 0 to alow afer your review of csrbiad ey reac. Tore hasbeen &renarable rece In knowl and udestandog othe man ‘vers of camagefalixe, ad It conbnatin wit the tools devseped forth aeseeemants th paper row icacee ‘leer rection an howto adress the ty lesueeeractayandhow to avid them proactive, Thermo yee homst ilusnoed issuoe are: HASG Tube Fale dus fo FAG. under cepost corenon, depost high esse (HP) evaporators and fur inthe pas rast zone ofthe steam ube, Tho rain heal taster aspect of thermal and corosin fsigue rl to rappropit/nadequsto operation and manenance of atenperatr, Poor ‘faincontel of supercars arareheatr, HP dm ramp res, a forced ence, Anster ererang sue = severe ‘rosin bypatsproseure conto valves, The paper dscusas each ans proves rections by whch paca eld ‘he uous the te 1 BACKGROUND heath of combina eyleest recovery stom generator (HRSG plants as had bean ree that he rankings frequency of falios ara damage in these pars ade the in iderityng the Roy evers for hese cyte cherisey ‘ar thamal arent cod mechanisms nt orm, tho asosamons sacessed the actors for fow- orca ated crest FAC), under depostearosion (UDG), cor ‘oson proucts and pti, nthe ater the asearmants ‘scsoseed thermal fegue snd cre aigue renting ‘fom condensate foro and cralage in supaeatrs and reneater, a8 wall ar dro ramp rates, Cowncon evackng igh presse (HP) bypane pressure cont ‘ive [PCW erosion. ae the operation of tompesting Systems By 2000 11 lars tas boen surveyed and the resus wore pulsed [12 Te compiled ests leary ‘Seed the weaknesses nthe ele chemistry sd the rma vant rea whch won et onacdeesed rested ‘Snooth cay work, the ethers have now conducted as essments on 0 plants woidwdetorthe yeechemiey/ FAC and 5 pants fx thermal ancients the operators Ketty and access previously untae {3 problom peavey. Th was based onthe authors ‘tong impbet bol thatthe HASG Tbe Fasures and danage mectanis, mectlonad above, se 80 wel i 188 orto that tho hay ver or 2 use) can clay be lene’ and emirates orto inception of sanous damage and aire, Whe ths & sti the cave in 2019 mare ecey mary ofthe aseesements have bas con {uct toisentty te mecnaiom and oo casees tet ‘2 falroutdamage tat Rave been expoinoed bya pla. ‘Avery wie range of plans hasbeen astatcad wove 5 gas tine (GI) mantaches (8 CE FG, Hf uaa and Ree ceria condensing) * 1 Tvo-sat and singe staf arargoerts st Hosea andro of sth HRSGe HGP and VSP) 1 Rocrodatng(un-yp arone hah 1 Sing tw andthe presse HS seta, anes 1 Pete nd reset CCogeneston, purpos-bult power generation, and conventional plant repower f8 HRSG nol cherica gs, usenet gas (NG {nd akminur eter 1 Spray interstage and fal attempsraton, HP sup neler and eestor seam bypacsatomperston ‘orden HRSG Relay A 0a Row Ducted and unred 1 Exhaust bypass damper, exaust tack eoaton 2000, 1 "Every posable" type of eycl chmisty 2000, he itis ascasemens mac clara almost Insaperert ofthe manfactur or ype of HRSG. ere tre cormon teatro ansocated wt he cla ehity pean and th tral Wane cers. wes found Ta thas ae ray erties, and borate thy ae Towed fo conthuo without remain, hese peat oF contnung fetes eertaly lad oar or carage “Thre was vr te varaton aces the et war ‘ne 2008 pape lear usta. In some ways ti was ‘aught be otanete boca shou lon the oper ‘orto revi ted at paper and cede emake the necessary change knowing tt there Wasa ack oe In aloviating and eanectng the ervers which ar com ‘ony presant and active. The author inated in 2008 MYatsoltiors ee eelachomistyintuerced seas wore ‘ruch mave rato than thos tothe tar arin Issues. But in he stervsing yor the undertone of ‘he tamal ansient sues hes advanced teensy trough ecagiion af the factors nha paper along wth Ihe user greupe ara oxen hat he authors un annually "Austaasia Eopo, the US, and Carac This matty a edo 8 coupe of addon tl tater ses ‘ich are now ined inthe plat aossament: HP by aie presire contol valve erosion, stperter spay ‘ater laaing, an ered coding following shutdown tron years ts tne to see wheter both the chamty ‘nd thermal vansiont tas ae now etablahed eu 2 Slow operators to sso the necessary feature li ‘atetnese versn naw pla asin anatakecoractve scton nesting plants, But oe of tha mparat aspects SF sesembing ts age aout data ocr ‘xgmizatons re rnare preacve wih pln ich haan? ‘Steady exparenoed flue, Te caret pubcaton ro "voes vated ests on bth aspects Plant Assessment Process ‘he process usd by tho authors was nly describes in ‘2000 papar A few sonal ar are now carps ‘din the procec. The assessments ae uel conaucted ‘hung to-day vio th plant bythe ators to eve the design, construction, aperation, and eels ebay oF the cambined cele ard HRSG. Each pane bench Iarkaguseg te some process detorbea ne 2008p. et whic pone a raning ona wore Das, (On the oe camisty/FAC id, revew ad assessment ote folowing take place: 1. Te heat balance lagrams forthe pants pecans The detled arangements of he HRSG chcuts (ie sievators) with mateils of consivetion ot tubes hraors,ppng, are curs. Deli cegn of tse! Ir conmectons and whiter tubes have bende they epreach the adr: «Thermal perfomance of HRSG uid and fue gas ta peratures and pressures, 6. Te oj crams tatmeris nth condensate and ‘oocwaty and in ech rum neg the atl cha leas aed to the plat. proprietary chemicsa sre ‘end, then th compostion se ned, Both ope Ingand sutdown conatons are neice Tho instal en-ne instumentation and how cous i comes tothe rteaton! Associaton forthe Prope ths of Water and Steam (APHS)["Lve of Is rans", 2d whether they are alarmed nthe conto evi of any jee christy inven HRSG Tube Falures(HTF ard staan tursne drag, flues it tng, en dope; 9. Goneral nspacton reperts of HASG moor rasure ‘vostls (ous, heads, deaeatr ntl) h. Pertusr review oft FAC potent fre unt, wich Incest metre eton and operating ar Parties of the ow pease (LP) and termes Pressure IP] oculs wich ae known tobe euareptle fo FAC [Review of previous FAC predetone andor Inspectors: Feviow of Pistoran data on cycle chamlty fr repre Sertatve time pesos to deve te yea operating Sromsties (aed 609 value} 7 |. The tory of mantoed tot von vale he fect Reve of lant choristy manus (nthe thermal tanset sido, evew and sseessmant of the folowing tke aoe 1 GT vigil equipment manutactur (OEM) and no al nctig sry ars comprenr, ombunson Piping a instramertaton dagrans (PADS) of HRSG, ‘tea water and gs path etme For supamoctor and reheat: dmesion, materi, ‘2 aangomert of tubes, hadars, hlstconnecing Dies, atempaatrs, vents, an, ad ah ae ©. ForLPeconomizar: mensions mers, and arange- ‘ment of tubes, headers, nstconrecing pes, she. ‘creda sso, and condeneate aps 159 ‘edn HRSG Raiy- . For supsmeaters,rasaters, vapors, and econo rngerearengement and constion ot sidewall and be {woen module gas bas 4 For igh energy piping (HP, ht wheat, cold east) ‘marlon malas, arangomentope end ras 1 For bypass systema (HP twine ad IP trie) 2 ‘rangament rane rewarming, operating procedree; Fo It units an both lac and ag nts in 2, 126 lant: ky hora! data clsion syst (DCS) ‘ia csng tel clé star, ht start, roma shut ‘oun, a ood cooing 1. For Hx ants and bo le! ad ag us in 2x, te plans: operating prcedues usd for cod stars, fot stars, norma shuns, ard forced cooling & tompeatr contol nd protective log or HP super. tar reat, HP bya, and IP Dyas8. 4.4 INTRODUCTION TO COMBINED CYCLE? HRSG RELIABILITY ~ FAILURE AND DAMAGE MECHANISMS ‘ee more than 20 years tha rain fale ee damage ‘mechan iflurcod by the elo chs andthe ‘na transata whch nave caueed ajo eisay nse ‘Combined eyoa/HAGS plants have become ssabishe, ‘yee Chemistry Intuencod allure and Damage ‘lenoteuprsng ht because eye chemist “ouch fo" al te pats ofa combined ejee plant. tcontels ‘ho avatablty and sity of hea pans hae Bean ‘tugested over the lst 20 yeas thatthe oie chemi try inuences sbaut 70% fal the fire ane darage tmesnaname n ombine eyelalHFSG lan ith multe Pressure Thea canbe catogonzed a alos fs RSG Tube Flues 1+ FAC in LP and IP evaporators, LPP, and HP econo: ‘izes nl and wo-phac) [4 + Under-depost coreion (UDC) in HP evaporators of bot vrial and Rezotst gs ath HRSG aily hydrogen damage Sut sed phocpratecoresion sn ‘cust gouging have als edcured bites eaves ‘ve th ast 10 yea) 7) + Corasion faigue in LP evaporates and economies * iting oteneviderood as tubers in pressure ves- als (eum doaorstors 18 FAC i aircooled condensers with main damage by {wo-ahtea FAC at alecosed condenser ACC) tube er ‘is upper duce 2, 1 Steam turbine damage + Comosion fatigue of beds and dick nthe praca treatin zone (PTZ ofthe LP turing + Stross comosion cracking (SOC) of blades and sin + Ping rom which al PTZ damages ittod + ow-accaatedcorosion FAC) + Deposton of salts onthe PTZ sutacos “Tame! Transient ntvencad Faure and Damage 1 HG Tube Fakeos + Thal ceep ft in HP sparta an easter ttubetorhesder wees, ‘Thema fatigue 9 secnomizers at tubo-o‘neader vide + Distortion outof ne with ater bes (etched tubes) Incconorvza, HP superestrand reheat + Aoceleatad thermal aging overheating) f HP supe ester andrseater bes dounstenrat uct burners + Watevaca deupotntcorasion in LP economize (nt ‘ntey fluenced by tana Wansiots but by tos ‘tar nt tomperatues| 1 Steam ping furs ‘+ Tharmal cee fiue iH supereater sn eater tempest pipe gh wos ‘Teal quench eackrg In HP supethater ad re ater atlemrator pe, elbows, and tes ‘Transient and peinanert thermal dstotonthoging ecnamnpng) davnstesm and upstream fora ‘+ Theal fatigue in MP superheated ener an + Thera fag ing wai dounstaa af HP and IP bypass decorates ; + Aecelated thermal apr overheating of pipe down ‘team of HP bypass proses conrl ve 1 HP steam cum damage + Cooaionfatque tshel-o-douncomer and shalo rome welss 1 Va damage + Erosion of HP bypass POV set and pug (nat inh ‘enced by them ansionts but by eporting proce ea jo A Rey A 10-Yer Rei CHANGING PERSPECTIVES ON HRSG FAIL: gE AND DAMAGE ~ PAST AND FUTURE. ugh thee oe no efi statisti fr combined FSG plans, the suhors conser thatthe main rd damage mechanisms in HRSG plats have op ver te over the st 20 ears of moe naa. a a aos are repetva and hat plants contin rae the same mistakes and not prose addess Tiong factor alr lesen adersaed Wel a hey occur mary 2896 plat Saf make step oder te ale mechanism by ibe ale removal ars matures analy, andor rot cales fp abo darageitures thet have not accu sg feqvnty a oso dolnastod into lat subsacton hose row othe ators note comet ude Ison (CUD. back ena consi, and ne damage SOC [Recswisms, There are slo those ters which ae opera Aaland may nt ecu are ‘Some desig fstures and pactoes whieh 10-18 years ‘app vor aicpstod te causa many flues cso oars Got and sore unardepates ermal nero aes fufoced For example, igamentorkng nH suse eal Readers and te-o bender fren et er teil expansion betwean the tabe and HP superhcte! Ienstr her borehols nar ely manfestod ast Fete big problems, One otnenara leaking stor eso spray water has caused and contest eae, ‘qu thermal fatigue damage team HP eupehester te ahaa stn pips. ‘Teroareaeadysionstody.tutheauboreantpatthat semecfthechangingopersingregmes witout afte ‘uteralnity anda eeelsrage, Same ofthese ‘rang regimes ane possbidamagemechersasirlider 1 Nor tex operation accompanied by Ireeased cor conlon product warapol and tama vans ' created startups and hutdowns inacing to ered consi prodott, nadequats oondansatldran ‘rl and attemperir raed thas! Yansiets; 1 Mere low GT ose apraton lacing oa hi in foca- ‘ions sibjct o FAC, Ripher comand for tempat Sprayversray, an possibly higher tubamesser pi Inge temperatures upgrades lacing to siti locations subject to FAC ‘and unanepstod HRSG. operat constons Sch a higher met! temperatures and ecu lompertor eran 2x1 and 3x parts operating wth increasing tine p= Sods at 1x1 and 2xt operation, respect. Thi ‘roasos there astacined wh GT low lad operation nd GT upgrades, but abo changes he locaton of he ‘mor avers ronment the sags tanaton 2008 of the LP stoam tui. The changed oparaton ai mean increased shutdown paiodor HRSG, equeng more requon shutdown potcton fr the nemo irgune 1 Faster starts leading to Inresad Hk of racoquat laiing of HP supeheatenectar and HP bypass Pov eesion: 1 Forced cooing facing to increased therma Ste asa at HP um nezzios, le thera ransonts In HP ad hot rtoat (HAH) pipe, and aroson of HP bypass Powe "= Longer oporing peneds wi lass gadunty to ove esting of HP superracte and abet tusrgheacars dhe to icra neal thknsaes ef eta grown ‘oxides, wich have aready been obsened 1 Cyclo chemisty requrements my need addon Tears wth the mln ene bang beter shutdown pro ‘econ. This provides le! applstion fo i orm substances FPS}, whch wil reed tobe epped prop sy accanting to IAPWS Gudence (Gacton Bo [10N, Further cscusion on this osc can be feund Seton 2a INTRODUCTION To RELIABILITY ISSUES. ‘Successful commetialopration othe pantraques tht ‘operating commimnts auch asap tins, curton ‘mn, a pare output eapacty areroutnay rt To do 0 reauites tat al evel part equipment, ncuding be HRSG perfor wthatigh dgre of lab. Soma evel Cf conosan igs sie and soars) and thermal ‘gradation frep aed fatigue) are unavldeben HRSG pressure pars. The kay Io relale operation and lng vce of ining the rtes of hese saaga mecha: iss to those antpatod bythe Gaigne: Aching & onaisonty igh lve of acy rages prontve « Imanagernnt aperoch that soaks fedora corect ‘peatng conditone/practens that rutin equipment bong exposes to condone (erica and thera) ot ‘io hese anticpsta byte designer nso, when 2 procaur part favo occurs i spite of te forogang Dest efors, the commer success management spproach most place a high ety on prompt ad fd: Ij undestancing what cused the far, than promptly {aking te covectve econsnaceseary to sold 8 repeat {anuro. These post-alure acti are often eee to a2 rmoteaus naive (ICA, The approach hes boon provon to be very effecve when supports by high vel ranaa- ters and consstonty xozuta. The srg because the ‘mast amen alure mechanism rious yes Sr Sen, fatigue, ana cep} cause rst, cura, and Iraveabe damage proving he apport o pve {alues by not epeateg the seionaleonstion that cours the garage 161 24 INTRODUCTION To CYCLE CHEMISTRY ‘ASPECTS AND IMPORTANCE OF REPEAT CYCLE ‘CHEMISTRY SITUATIONS (REGS) ‘The cycle chemistry Yostmants and contal on com bred cyclaHASG plans inlusoe atgh pecertage of ‘he avalaity, obit, and safety Iesues experienced ‘on hese plans worldwide. The equpment end materials ‘et constracton ard ne rly operon the ital Surace pectactve xdes the formation of which roe ‘recy othe cole cnomisty veces tata use in ‘a condensate, endwater bole/HASG evaporator wale, an stea, Tho optimum chomisty tesent te to= ‘hoe boty i ectn and are dec reatoa to he ‘ance provided by IAPWS [3 10-10}. Th cyl cham Ity damape ad fare mecranisms areal nfusreed by et operating wth these optimum toate, wich ‘eoute the protec oedee breaking down The hid arto he sub sectonetrosuces tho hey anita 0 Which have been devoped by the authors and used al ‘hoplant arcosoments word iderty wether toe fale arc damage mechanisms wil occu This consists 1 ientyig the numer of Repeat Ole Comisty St stone (ACCS) curenyappeable a plant. Hose too fe nroced hn ti easton and dscusod deta = Section ogster wih ihe sats rom he dst base 6f 0 combined cyl assem. ‘oyle Chemistry Trestments for Combined Cycle! For the development of eptimum cycle chai itis n= ‘onan 1 note tata tha cyte ofthe combined cycle ant must be considers. Most oten te cause ofthe {ye chemisty Invenced fallve and damage machae fot orginal at that location. For stance, condensate! foeanalercovsien products we Yansported nto tbe HP ‘eaportor and depot. Also, any contaminants inthe ‘Saporter aga Inthe condensate canbe caied ‘veri the sean trie ‘The chemi ofthe condensate ar feaduatar is ciel tothe vera eaty of HRSG pats, Coroson ana FAC take place inthe fader of HRSG plats (reeators fina econemasr), ac the rsuting corosiongrocuets few into the HRSG evaporators, where they depost on eat taeter areas. These deponts cat act the HRSG. ‘vaporator as iitng canter or some ef he te tal tre mochassmne, and in he staan tuino as & source of ‘ihe etienoy loses, Baca are, or ting. Ta oe of fsaater chars depends primary on the Inari of onstruction an soso on be eanty ot Iman purty aroue the watesteam cle Most often a vostle aang ape, usuly ammonia, ‘ed tote condoreatfeedwatr fo increas the p. ‘Arata an akalng amino an be aden pace ot 102 armenia. im forming substances (FFS) canbe aos ‘Teac of he armani or ane FF ne fr ring lrones (FA fim forming ame posucs FFA, an ay ‘omng products FFP which don onan an ami (1, Condonsate and feedwater yele chemist vestments ‘Fare are fur ma vaatlons of oat cononng tht ‘ante apple tothe condensst are feeder: ATR) -Al-VontiTestment(Rececing (11) ‘This teatment involves the action of arn or an famine, an FFS, a blend of ares of lower voli han ammonia, até @ reducing agent (suaymycezne or fhe of the aoceptaie astiutes such as carery ‘raze o the conderate or fedvatr of tho plat. Ir-combinaton wha lave low oxygen level rom siriniekage) of out 10m "Kg" rls inthe con. Gensata fusualy measured a the condensate pump ‘Seenange (CAD), the resulting fear will Nave rosoing potent. Migr lava of oxygen (> 20 9g ey) fe to ugha leakage wl ual preclde (generation of te reducing envcrmant, Bt ae fin Ineorecty accompanied by excesive dosing ofthe e- zing agent. ATI stout not be used in mutes Sue HRSG oye de to concer fr sngle pase FAC ae cecueresin Section AVT(O)~AllVoltile Treatment (xidzng (11) {Tus slolale eestment has emerged a3 he much ‘fared vasmen over th lt 25 ars fr combined [jel0HASO plats In theo caese, a raduong sport ‘Shou nts used ding any operating or shutcowrd layup poroc. Ammonia oan aie, an FF, or len ‘of aines of omer vol than armenia i ced at the CPD or condensate passhr outet (2 poser inluded within the oye). In combined cylaASG pats wh rately good onl oar rsakone (ox. ‘gon elm the range 10-20 yg» Ky. the resulting {oawatr wil ald amily xiang potential. OT Oxygenated Treatment 1] Zepieaton of OT in combina cyel/HASG plans is rch ter but often found tat house of AVTIO) ‘eth ves of eaygen 104g a) on these pans foes not provice sult oxcteng power to pasty tothe very Inge intra matoce wees associated ath Prost, LPP and HP econo, ana LP ean ‘ator, expecaly# deserts cided inthe L> Sheu In hase cases, onygen can be aed betneen 0 and 9 pg kgm te condensate. A condenete potener wa be requires tomanian econductuty afer ation exchange OCH a! < 0.18 18 en in the con ‘enant and esate alr fod pues) FS — Fm Forming Substances (10) FFS wort ina dite way fom th conortiona oat Iran by bong adscrbadontometl oxie/Sapoct su {tows th roving physi bari a he moacar sn HRSG Reabity—A 10- Your Renew cr ulhmolscarove between the wntorvatrtearh sii arte. Evidence of aderbed ime roves Era sroshebe prenariesote surfaces ofranes Chnponents star westment Thee we tee man 9c {ve Shomea substances which Nave been used his {orcaly:extdeoyamine ODA) oelaming (OLA, nt ‘Sovopenecamine (OLDA). AS wel bs hese com poundas eer eutetarces such ax altalzing amines, fructios, retuong agents and dispersant (og. Paeabontes) ae often consis in commercial FFs. Theres curenth much conusion abe hoe ap pcan fer nom operation an far shutdown, rd tere has ot Boor any ntemational uae i 8 ocument issued recery by IAPWS {1} on dec ing hater to uso an FF and whether il prove {bone othe pant An FFS must be custorizad t2 cen pla, which requres an extenve col cheat ‘ovew porto appzeaton of te FS. The FFS fe acded {tha CPO or polsher outlet (ia potster is included ‘atthe yee. Tovar an nasi ruber oe arenes reports that FS prove single and, n some {Sioae of the pla, te pho FAC rtection HRSG evaporator cycle chomisty treatments For ‘rn HAS the adn of sole aaliang ages tothe aio crunvovaporetor water ay be necessary er Toimpove te oleance to impurities en edce the ik of covesion. The akazing aenta whic canbe usa for ‘hs ao tcodum phospho (phosphate eatment PT) 6 sod hyoxido (eaustio eaten (CT) sad aona “he wo can ao be Used in combination. The smote of saan hose ede hve to be sty ted To 8 UDC mechanism (ease gousng) whieh destoys the Protective ode layer inthe boar HRSG eveoorator ‘he amour of Bath sodum hyeroxao and testi resprate add the oc als haveto be contol to aid aninoeasefcaryover ofthese conctoning che. lento the stem possly puting the supareatre and ‘utes a ak, Boer and HASG evaporator treatments ae etic the ara alibity of HAG plants a hey conte ad i nae nat only the majo tbe fare mechanisms bu bo {humber of damage mechanism the star utine. Pr Phosphate Teatment (12) For mor than 25 yours, coostdates ood operting xparenoes woreda havo led to te recognition at Uwrsodum phosphate (TSP) shuld be the any pos Bate chomia! aed to an HRSG, and tet he ope fang range shoul be bovnded by'a secu 0 tos. pata molratioot 1,2 TSPievelot tng. ng wth a Frnimumet0'3mg- hg" and NaOH toes pH above 80. Tis precios action of mena- andar aensm Phosphate and thos smite te possi of ac Bhosphate corrosion [7 W shoul ao be emphases {nat tha 09 mg: fv! rgarded es 8 minim snd that eter protcton willbe aera by operating ‘ts righ lov of phosphate as pons witout ene ‘eoding be seam sod tints ‘cr Causte Mestment 12) ‘Cau tester (OT can bo used n HRSG Gru ype Dotan torediea the rao FAC whee volt ose ‘ment has proved nective or wre PT hs be Seictectory due to hieou or has exparanced dfn ‘ies of montoing ard conto. The aon of Sock Iyer tothe botevevaporatr wate na tobe cre. {Uy contrat rede ne rik of eau coyoner ino the stom, whlch coud lad! danage of Stam ‘hes and tirana ous to SCC. ‘Summary an Basic Rules forthe Cycle Chomietry ‘Toalments for Combined Oyea/MASG Plants Based on APWS Guidance for combined cycle plants [B0-16) and onthe mest recent understanding ofthe FAC mechanism [tho ar tee tase smple ang principles for pteiing the oye comisty ara con Toling FAC combined cyte IRC pants «9 An oxctang etme. AUTO) o OF must be ied to proven single-phase FAC. Noreaucng agent enous be used at any tie during operation er shutdown of 2 corbin ojos plat. Use ot AUT) cor tines elas plants remains as ono ofthe major incorrect cherries sl ed wore. The Sha ‘ton ls mprauing ba tl represerts over 3096 of ts ‘woke raed tom about 70% nthe ery To0Ds {major eason hatches FAC ol socoing 1b A eovates p25 with enmoni oan ahaling aie 'Sneoded to conto two-phase FAC (up to pH 8. Fer those combined cyeo plants wth an ACC i hes ‘een four tat he operating pH wl ped o be cogs {00310 are the FAG atthe tbe ees ofthe ACS > ‘he upper dts toes) to proven rge lovee ofc rosin reduc ft a) enter the HRSG [6 Most ‘econ FFS have been chown to ares! he FAC 1 61 Te toll ron coresion products shod be men tore to cepa wth the PME Guldonce value of £2 ug. hyn tha fosdwater and <5 9 kino Caume [1S Ths one of the ways to very thatthe ‘hams optmum,eut swe sen tr ot a Ing these masursmant athe mor atin Feat Gyee Chemety Stuaton RECS) nea ot the eyle chemist of combined oye plants wo wis. Importance ofthe Anaya! Tot of Repeat Cycle ‘Chomistry situations RCCS} [though the undertanng of tho cycle chemist i ‘enced fue and damage mechanismsin tha soar !eter {heats of combined eyes HRSG plat ery dane land nas boon known an documeried for mare Ba 20 yours, chemistry infuened damage (ction 11) an the ‘associated aalastylossoe due fo delet coessty ‘races remain enormous Te eutors thought ithe ng-20006 tat wa leer a he cya chem roaches taken by pans operating combines cel pts ‘tere equontyurauerses Fra nays 2008 17 of pst cyele chemistry assossments and damanatalie Imvesigatons in over 150 omanzatons were ldo ‘yo nterestng conclusions an why thee damagesaires ortinud to acsur Ths involved ariying Repeat Cycle CGhamsty Stustons (ACCS), which can be regsrded ar the basis of eycle chomisty and ae alowed to conte by he chemity cr operating sta ae mposod onthe anorgaizaton ass conseauence of madequate ah lgement suppor for eyo sey, From ine vanpont of exgantzationl or maragemant a= Docs of the yee chemistry an contol, # became ‘a that okey yet chomaty fauredamage inst ‘an be related acorn te to mips of RCS ‘which wee not recognized er pope ness anda Tone repeater carte. sore ces th oaity staf nad not recognized te Impartane of he station land slowed to contnua In oher cases, te chemist Sia recognaad he mporanes, bit was nt suceeshe ‘omen he manager otha lane execute) hat con wae equted i elmira the ACCS. In ray aes the management has delayed aon or Pas not provided te necessary funds to resove the station, n dig th ‘ype of reooctive analyst ry auc Became obvious ‘hat planserganestens can get aay wih hang one oF ‘wo RCS, bt ance tha number ncrcies then fare! amaze sa cenit. 2008, the folowing orginal RCOS were identi which wee very conmeniyestocised with provetabe eye ‘hams reste damage in combined eye pats 18 Management of corsion product uch non mos surement, heave! teciqun lvl oo Nigh) 1 Bole/iP eaporordepoeon ac snot moasued, too hgh, possbaty of under copostcarsion 5-7) 1 Non-apinim chemical ain ' Cortaminnt ingress (wih no raction bythe operators) 1 num earyover 1 Mh owl of arineakage WF Leek of shutdonn pretation 18 nacht n-ne alarmed neuron "Not chalnging the status qu euch as using the same shamical teste rom oral operation, eto te ‘padtines,no che mana for plan) | “es nC elit 1- Yar Ravin ‘The catagories emai th sane, butithas become loser that hae are muti sub-estogoes foreach Tha ais hasbeen used by be authors al 90 combined y= ‘le assessments and any root cause analyse to Isnt the eye cham tealues responce ar wich an be adreese trough acton panng Th res ae da ssn Sacton 51. Tene which ar very smile been found by one ofthe authors asensments toner 120 carventonal fsa plants, 22 INTRODUCTION OF MAJOR FAILURE MECH- [ANISMS IN COMBINED CYCLE/HRSG PLANTS. FAC in HRSG In combine ce pants, FAC has bean th long case ‘of HRSG Tbe Fares ITF) ovr tha at 20» yoars ae ‘presents about 35-40 % of at HIF th ingle and {wo-prase FAC can occur in LP and IP evaporators and Lip and He ooonomzar bing, bu ther ae na eae statistics fo provi dtition on he cut, Toone FAC has also boon a pote LP and IP eeperatr ‘rum sleam separation equmert ann the evans torre ping. The este fom te lage data sac of assessrnis of combined oye plants have alowed the Buors ode te tes! systema scepibto both Single and two-phase FAG ine rene eacn ft paper Becton 2 Ascent lage tochical review of FAC in generating ants was pubes eo ony 3 ow of the key aspects fe Include in the papar for undestaneing the mecha itm and est of FAG combine eel plate FAG ic Corr by he axe fm at forms on heen ie! Suraces and ators a bar o stvson, Dselvad en Species re ransprteatomte suse totheflowing Buk Ii (ater or two-phase starwars the onde ce Selves inthe water an eee bythe metal ox dation then tains a steady-state rcknese. The tke ‘rand more compat the fhe gest ithe barr fo ‘ison andthe mre protective onde and ths the lower the FAG rao. Egurs 1 shows # empl schonatie the mechanisms in tems ath chemi actions ns processes oecrrng win tha axe tm inser reciin ondtons. The ferous fn athe mati intertaos Combine wth the nero os fo form dasa ferous hcroxdo, hat af which decompocss acta tag ttf il vlume cmt eared ed eae hy Sogn melecuis that dts toward te fa The ter hal dituses Hough he exe and el leased one isk fl Al the outer src ofthe once tha magretts Sszoves recut o foros nycroxie tesa ate consuming ext the amount of Perogen produced by Es ormaton atthe metal surface. Conon nt ince the dole rate tough chemist By newaring the Imagnette colby and dneolison Kinet, se teuay fig dynamics by creasing the mass tanstrandremot of deel rn rom the sure, endo thi the xis tn ncreaaeheranepor processes, ac to notased it steadyatte fe reouad. Te hare the oxo, te fase tha FAC. Typical ont ls nsnglo-phas ee Water sjtems ae up fo amicoratar sock, but fertworphace condone arn 150°C can be Facto Hacks sures) Ineeased ubutce omy he HAS eonety thins the ss boundary aera reoaoes the ass ana intr nereasng he oxge dscluton ane fe FAC rate Tha sous can promote the erosion oF Irroval of xe parts byt forces, FAC kr Cooled Condonsars (ACC) Operang combine ete ut wth ACC at th Sonar gies Fp provided inthe IAPWS Tectnical Gulerce ecument (TED) 11] wl rout i soreue corsionFAC Inthe ACC tibet pecoinanty oth ene othe ‘ing tubes nthe upper sting (sets) 4. Tho. ene neces FAC dagen ACC can be et dsc teh nd or quart fing sina a ttn on RE. Ton a eronym HAC acy Howe ACG Coroeon ne) [5 Tharmmhacloy me ect puted ss «gi West ACC Use roo ACCU, Tee sp ee fe th rca FA tw i need Buss? ana tl ge mma 1-5 tm ee i ‘bere esate ofa parovar ACC, whichis wuss nmatio af the chemist and of FAC nto HFSS, isals avery uss means of tracking changes tht occ fea resut of mating changes inthe cele chest. For instance, part tat has area poor ating Tor FAC tte condensate cycle pl of 85-28 (a, wh @ DHAC! of fh change improves sang (29. to & DHAC of 3) 1 poor rang indeats the need to consider options to ‘ecu tha FAC at, expoclay athe tbe ety ras 168 ae ‘hamage 3. two-phase locaton nthe HRSG. The DHAG! an ako rouse a qusaieindeaton of otalrencorosion prod sown the AGC ino the lant condensate The ‘ifort unis and when atrtva homies are used For xampiaa numberof ars werewide rave changed {othe ue ofan FrSrater an, or uppiemenry to, a trons, ad by usng the DHAC! the Inprovemerts can be ‘ooumented| Under dopoit Corosion in HRSG HP Evaporator Tho tree UDC mechanioms, hydrogen damage, eck ‘rosphateconeson, and cause yougn, cocuin HRSG Fe evacrator ing, analogue relate tek porous ‘goo anda chemeal (thera certarnant er ran-op- tinzed eaten conceiraton mechaism win hose taposts Ube damage can acer ear inte bt plant too tothe inareeratonsup between depost esa ‘hehe ante spvery of te homie excurso, For Hydrogen Damage (HO), he concentrating cor rodent spores is maton chlor wich ents he ‘jo trough condense leakage espeiay wih se er of rack wate co) i snag ‘Shore ion exchangeresne ae repented wih uric Sorter si) ‘Acid Phosphate Corrosion (APC) rts to lan ‘Gana pheaphate bende hicn hav sodum-o-pos ‘rtpnoceeteteatnet ing one orboth ef ano: oF dtsoaum phoseht 108 Caustic Gouging (CG) inches tho concenrton GFN used above he requred cont level win nuste reament or wh these of coordinates phos phate wih gh oes of oe Myx, or arose Er Neo! fort iproper generation o on exchange teens or condengelakage fresh wat col) The UDG mechani of hidogan damage and aus TC gouging have been wel understood nt converiina {Seat pln for over 40 years, and the acc phosphate tnecharism shce the aay 1000s, Despite thi, these Irechaisme nave bocome requnt problems words Trnee Ths ray be bacavee uri econ the Slestanging of how the ining cepastion fakes pace In eG HP evaporator tung hasbeen oss wel nd ‘Sood than foal pans a2 wa 0 th lov! of epost owmneny fo hese meson to nine by eonesta fon vn Bick cepoets. The IAPWS TCD (15) s baseo tn dept deta rom over 150 HRSG wosdviso ane droves dead ntmaton wher to sample a How rave HRSG tubes for dopants and how fo determine Ihe HRSG needs obo chorea clean, ‘2SINTRODUCTION TO THERMAL TRANSIENTS. ‘Staring, stoping, #8 GT load chenges reat nunavois Sole and ropeted thamal transients In ctea) HRSG Components These teres in tan rau nereme {al eccumulaton of inl, oversble ft damage in these components dureg each thermal anc. The Soares atque rage oocuring cing eech thal She esinglcoaling) dependent upon the ze o the ftansent (07 andthe component's design dais and Copondent on the sages of atgue accumulation dug oye anid he umber of cele experienced. Once Suet ftigos damage sxounutos a race ited Sat may grow though tv component wal a atonal Seles oor operating conto sit he dope ofa {ue demage and number of eyes to those ateipated bythe dese the component Tabeatd as pe do Sp and teal propertas ar coroct, te come= ont wil operat suc, ela 1 aque ie, and ae will our ring the desgn oo he HRSG, ‘hile design issues aed erat mtr propeies occ Stn rs gn ao, on ae fa by the designer Thao rariets ray res tue fesraned detortone fursng ena hogging) compo” rents auch os the HP cum, HP spate and restr (PSH Readers and steam pipes, or retain fa Crtal expansion between HPSHIRE fubes, The authors Srowtonce sugast hat mos fags flrs er caused by urriiog or uvesoted opeatona sues eautng ‘end a HAS Resbily A 10-YeurRevow tempeatrdesupereatr spray water leaking 1 nsuficlent raining of HPSHRH condonoste dring 1 Excess HP drum pressure ramp rates 1 Inappropriate operon of HP and HRA bypass sys 1 Econemizr int quench ‘Thao and ater undeying causes of daraging hema “ransteno re aecuseed tutarin Section 24 IMPORTANCE OF ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS [AND HRSG TUBE FAILURE (HTF) PROGRAMS. ‘ain he ein! pcan in 20091). the athe con “ue ta repot rm the assacements that te very com non fer efganzatons to “assur” the achanm and Toot cauoe of un’ ft tube fur o be someting Simple ko 'a bea weld" Sometimes operators conduct rmoctanim anajie by extracting ibe samples, but do ‘ot condint = denied rot eaune ana But most oF fen tbe saris ar nt tan 2 th mechanism Is Not teow, and fares contnas ura ge rarer Pave oe Cea, The autre have expaancad up 027 repeat HIF ‘nan HRSG. Inthe case a tube samp fer mstalueal tray was ony taken for HTE numbers 16 ané 27h ‘many exes the atl oot ease may ds dom ye hasty dicen, desig fost. or operating practice ‘vathae opened ited earosion,corosion au, ot ‘tarmat- mechanical aigue damagein te fae be ond Ienalghoor. For to ee chemist ture mechan thcla mest etn ca plants contrung to operate with Inultoie RODS. Sc ofthe pants assess hale program pois in piace tat ensure ho actal oot case il [ecietermined when afaive occurs. Not uring over 50 % ofthe pais aasesses have aeaay experienced faluee or depay obvious symptoms of eevee thermal Yranaent damage in the sipareatar reheat, ono mize Tho on way fo ereue that he conecive actions {rp taken ar wll reent ube falls fom ecarng sto Ferove te ital far sit, have te acta fur Sem ete ina retalrpe iabortory aay ond hve inate tobe pars assessed tat aking he ac ‘tonal freed outage time to remove te aed sacton of {ube i ot trl matter But can easly be secon: {ate tough a tube fale prverion program mitted oor fares cocur and fn ho nt ranning wll not hig the forced evtage when the unary and ost revere meer are ein “The authors stays suggest plants tht tobe proactive, fd preparation forte HF, a management suppor 0 tube flr rovanton plan shou be devloped Such 3 pln coos not noose compos, but shou nce {he fouoving oy slemens tobe exerted ang ay 8 ‘alr event 1) There shou be pro agieament, thoughout the man agement chain, tata tube sample cortaring a a= tests bo removed tom the HRSG or metals lanaly co that he mechanism can be anedicon- fires In Root caus, a5 contrasted wth fale mechan, rust be determing fo eae ibe ire ve tn Each ere cate, ropa scope, ad Taelaestin with nthe HRSG mt be preci recoded ing a ‘nbiquoes oreration schemes (alu ste aetaton Uuplcown, gas fow drcton, postion and aetaton lontube of alr, es. shou eo be recoded MA modest supply of spre HRSG tube n zopeprate ‘zoe and mera, including mf Benda souls De Pisced eto ) ation pan shoul so be develop for rot causes tf and damage by the HIF mechenisma wich ae rast ‘oman n anlar combined ola plant, 3 KEY ASPECTS FROM THE ASSESSMENTS: RELATING TO HRSG CYCLE CHEMISTRY “Te undarstanaing of ee chemist inuenced FAC ‘and UDC michaniama in combinad eye pate ‘ar advanced and has ban known and decurrted for more than 30 your. The atest understarng frre oye omisty of hese pans avalon the IAPWS TSD T1812) and theatest mechanism endestanding for FAC 51d UDC has ben published ands acursew Section Imactanms and nan-opumlzatin ofthe cele chem 1 contnuo to acer relates to plants alow RCS [17] {te continue by the chomistr oF oparating sa or some ‘of he ACCS are inponed on te planvorganizaten a 8 ‘onsequene of asequrie management supe for 2 ‘Se chars. In combines eye HAS plate oe plant Ssaranta have cotemed that every cle chery Intuenced fale, damage. and inccert can be raat ‘2 barwards In tne to mules of ACCS when wore et recognced or propor addressed and were alowed {o rapes or contin. any cass he chars tat ad ot recognized the importance ofthe tution and ‘Slowed to conn Inca casa, he Cerny at ‘eoognaad tne mporanes, bu was nt succosstl co ‘ing the management other pant or execu) that ‘ction was equred Alo, bocame obius tha plants ‘rgarzatons ean got avay wh having ona or vo RCS, but once ths number ereaes then faursamage 3 onan. 167 13. THE ROCS CATEGORIES IDENTIFIED IN ASSESSMENT In toa thr are en RCOS (17a of which ar asocit- ‘wth combined ey lant. The 90 assessments cor ‘ucla te auttors at combinedcycle plants Wowie Indeate tht there are mule sub-categois, To asst the reeds In understanding how ACCS rence da agefaiue in combed cyeiMRSS pans, and wheth- 1 they exist In ak plas, the flowing provides 8 few ote 09 some of he most important OCS extopaes Conesion Products Montomg o tal kon i the ky intr for optimizing tho pants cyele chemistry, an inact for FAC and UDC. Te ava gusta in Seton 2 provide an ince tor of achievable vel In combi cyte ats (© 2ug- Ryn feodwater <9 Hg In he aruns) and I us wth ACG fe Sp9- kn the condensate ser = |S micron able fe). Categories that wore Weis ung the assessments ne 4) The coreslon product eves ate net known er mon tore 1) The evs are too righ ancmuch above th ntnaton alachoable vale Tete ate nodose andor rt sete oaton be lng monte «Sampling es been conducted at the same imesh exch one, 2) Testis oe ed with cot detection Bits 1) Amos commen fete montaing only the sabe pa of tefl ron by nt pectin the sap Stearate carping troughs need eavnt casing (rns tones pr oa). ‘Akay casy-o-obcave viicatan aspect of his RECS e soning back deposits inthe lea and wate sampling {wet rac ough for unts on AVI) Ao these cago ‘sare iscssed coal nthe APAS TGD on caenon proauet (3) HRSG Evaporator Deposits CConosion products depect on the Inside sutacee of [HRSG HP evaporator tng an ae an nest ascetor cori and FAC nthe Iver omperatr/ pressure pars ofthe yee. They ae lao precrrort UDC. Cat (ois hat were dented dang te assent clude 8 HRSG HP evaporator samples havent oe taken for 1 Ther is no knowledge of doposovels and depoetion ‘a in HP evaporators, ven pans wth savre FAC: 6 Samples nave ben than but not anayeed compte evel 168 ‘Tens HS Raity A 10-Yuravew Deposit are excesivn and eicend ciao chemical aan [5 The HRSG HP ovaportor deposits are not inked with ‘chomst inthe loner pressure creuts ot th eves of rarsported toa ot (13) 4 The HP evaporator haben sample anid nace sn Ing. but manageront delayed ox cancle, For combined cylaSGe lo these categorie sacle- ‘iste in cata n the IAPS TD (15), whew a Map fs ‘Proved to detains tn HP svapraor needs che ‘ales, Continuous On-Line Cycle Chemisty instrumentation ‘Toe APWS TOD fl ncates the importance of he cha Isvy parameters in eating FAC and UOC. Categoria ‘al ware deed cing the asestmans inch 9 Instat nc operating nstunenation ae at ow por ‘centage compar APS 3) fe sssasaments have inated that an average ale for pantie rund {5096 comparedto APM, but 10 96 of plants aes fad ar struments working Too many nstumerte se out of sre: 6 Pants dovtnave a mantenance a caltaton sched a 6 Inserts ae not led for operators inthe cont room and most often operate dont Krom and eat find te alarm evel 6) Tare ae no comprehensive procedures for operators Insho evertof an alam 1) Many nstumente are shared at mui locations and notnevar etched ‘The pantreeson grab samples to conta the ant is example 1 or 2 tes per ly, moaning that he pan fut ot cote for 12024 tours, epee, Montoring Drum Carryover ‘This ROCS if primary importance or protecting he PTZ che star tuoinen sustone whan covtaminats = {er the jee Ay conden leakage wil medi ae tha HP um ane HPSH chore lev Thi ROSS [etnies win povisng shun precon ofthe PTZ ot the steam turbine to prevent ping Calegories thet were Toons dung te assossments ele: 2) Caryvertxtng hs nt been conducted sn com raion: 1b) No carryover tating s most oon found whan units havo PTZ pobions Te plan not ava of inp process (HENS TED ey « Satate steam samples reno wartngo a8 rex stent 1) Sarpks for carping satiated steam are of not selene ‘onan HAS Reatity A Dea Roo Monitoring Air n-Leakage r inieakage acts bot the cyl chomisty and power ‘lt productive. Ar ncakage (A) io a power plant ‘jh excess oF IAPWS Guanes for oxen [1] and! ‘of designepecteators, «a common probion for cm Snes ojo plants. reduees both pent eapscty and sifeieney (pods) and rakes contel ofthe oye hams rately mare leut. AIL oten corte © ‘ibvcolng of ba cordenaato and o erased conc raion of dsslved oxygen ai athe cortainansin the 4) Plante ae not aware that etetve cnt of AL seta to cycle cham aptmiaton ant ataring ‘he highest potable levels of plant ganraton capac, andeticancy ») Plants dont have an AL eam or srogram wich in eludes items 2 «Aa not mosauredrontord bythe operators: ‘Tra panthas not conte a vacua al et 1} ne racer gas sucha Roku has not been ed to ‘ey sources of AL: 1) Coection of nk sources ant egards rgh p= It shout be note hat hare scent ineratonal ui 2c rom APWS [1 on A Shutdown/Layup Protection “Ts ROS i mut-aceted and the lak of protection has testo saves iting aage in HRSG cums and scam turtines. Categories that wece erifed rng the a 8 Thee Ss no eapipment (nitrogen or debumied alr (Chi nog sown proton Plane doesnt recognize the ain concemes PTZ in LP © Equipment is present but not used ors inoperabinot rmantaned «Tere are poornecpertr process © Onypartal peteconsepoled folk HASG vs ee teh 4) Thre 90 DHA fr th seam tine except on te ewes ats 9 FFS i not recognize as a possible protection, oF a FS is apld income and not folowing the IAPWS ToD ho, Chateging the Status Quo ‘This ROS is most important in ensuing that ast op- ‘ales wth he atest oye chars understanding, enc that & hes practices to arent FAC an prevnt UDC Ih len cycle. Catgories that wore inti during he as- esemants nls 5) Nochange chemist since common: 1) Unig ncorect or outdated guidelines (ery plants ort now the ign of her guidance ane ow out ot at) ©} Cantinang to use incoect chemistry such as AVF land reducing agents (hu keg o experiencing ne ‘9o-phase FAC 1) Cantinang to se rately ow pt Aus king = oroncing two-pass FAC 1) Not hangs camgrehensvechemisty manval forthe Un, lator axganaation (sea econ. fran exan- Be 1 Inconetedio pit for shea Not questening the use of propa chemical adc ‘ions phosphate blond, ames, FS) and thetore ‘otk te compotion a chemicals ages toe hy Not determining the apt feast pH to prover conte FAC tvough metering ttl on. 32 KEY ACCS RESULTS AND RANKINGS IN ‘COMBINED CYCLE/HRSG PLANTS ASSESSED “The ACCS ana)yse nas haan sopld rng al 90 ca bined cyele HRSG part assossments. abo 1 shows ho ‘most recetarkng ofthe RCO fr those plans, nd es {evisy provides an inden ofthe mac eterna (Coosion products |Fosel watrwallHASG evaporator \opesion Chemicalcaning SSH | Contaminant re <10= [Dum ceryover ot | Pevwteakage ct | Stutdown poston Teva “Omine alared instaumentation —_|087 Not chalengi ha sais quo 687 Pope Cyl Chery Station ACO 8c ‘jeeteiea pss morons nb beet ne pa Sissel ena RSS ated od “pacomagect pnts nat ut eh a (OH4 oo 169 InHRS Raany- A 10-Yoar Reg ‘ofc cheristry treatments and eantels whch continue to ‘eau daragefahras ovtneain Section 22, Ara val to pln operators and chemists who want tobe on tho path to workin performance, tua tse poas ‘ne most important yee crema aspects which ee to be adcrossed to oraure they avo ure cycle chemshy inncod caragetalure Tabet Indeatos hat eet commen deanees n cambined cel plants worldwide Se ised to contnuousietmentton and monte onoion products Al he farm ted Yl ha lengig te stats auo ae ao pron ot bi Ket ‘tel 2 adreaod, THe tble ca also Be ued to tently ‘themajor ACCS respanabie fr why theman damage nd 4 Fow-acclerated coreson FAC: corasion products, halenging the states qe, nsturertatin; 1) Under deposi coreson (UDC): coroson prodkct, HP evaporsor intr cepoats,chatanging the st {us qu, nerumantaton, eancalngllayg cheno ‘esi Stam turbine phase ransten darapatalire: pet ‘the contminant above aeton/engown lv, st entation, um caryove, shutdown protctin (spe {aly nk of DHA, cononon products, chalenging the ‘isustrates ceaty why thos these malo falafdon age mecharisns contnu to occu Geet th excelent “rtancing of tio mechanisms, to wal docurerted ‘eeations, anata svlabity otha comprehonsvo PWS ‘fee cromsby gudance. The arows on Table roto the ppromate ans over st ve years be oimiated as soon as posable. THe authors usually ‘iogest an acto pan and ate fame [see action ‘Sepiesonn Sacton 61). 4. KEY ASPECTS FROM THE ASSESSMENTS RELATING TO HRSG FLOW-ACCELERATED ‘CORROSION 41 APPROACHES TO IDENTIFYING AND ‘ARBESTING FAC IN HRSGS. ‘Contoing and Monitoring FAC {As forthe je chery cota there wor some par FAC aed how icon SG plat: Some ofthe ‘most inporaetinek 170 18 Depts NPWS Guidance cary inating that nj ‘xiang retments shuld be used combined cy plans, ducing agents contin to be wed Sout 3506 of plans: 18 As roported inthe PCOS eaction, oy 0 % of pln ‘ro tee the ion levels condosatend water and eniy 20 96 thought they "new" te en 18 Most ron measurements made were ony measuing ‘ouble ron wth ry digason and using espe ‘rophatoneterin the ramet abort 1 Only 209% nad conductd ispostiownen structive ‘amination fo FAC, but only nthe cases wher dam ‘gp and fare ha akeady occurect 1 Mest plats adcrssed sala nd two-phase FAC at ‘te same tine fom a chemisty perspective, and reported net there lesa lt of miscerfeation of ‘Siglo ara tworaso FAC. dentiiation of FAC Itisrmestimportant tint th yp of FAC const be- Cause the cycle choristry slut fo ares singe phase FAC luse of oncang reer Is quite ater to tat fer twer pase FAC eof vate up fo), Th key ‘evo (and Decouoe of the mpartance of ening FAC tom sutaco sua fetes some af tis cscusion ‘Sroponted her tose sure feaios ar inked! wth {ho oeaon ofthe FAG (nxt so-so, hen shod says be possible to entity the eorec ype of FAC oo uring nha HRSG. qu provides two examples ofthe typical surtaceap- pearance of sgle-phase FAC In fess and combed sphere fate han into a Bowron stom. Gacauve the Amar ican Society af Mecho! Engineers (ASME) Boter an Prue Vessel Code, f2 whieh mest HRSGe arelvere ssgnee, dos not requre the HRSG OEM to pero fa ‘gue eralyea dung te des proses, few ery HFS desgne Included faique ie sevesarants Most omy HASGe wer atcpates to operat in bar oad saroe fa fw designe conscred the impact of wansent epore fens such a strtup and sutdown. Lise, many uns bleed unnecessary and damaging theme tensa fue lo unthoughtul operating ractces ara procecrss. “Th eau of a tha was that many HRSG euifrd pro nature presur part fares ‘Begining in 1898 Bob Anderson (en wth Fai Pow Gareraton, USA, win the ad of J Mcheal Pearson Src Assocs (Canada) and based upon werk inal Paloma by Jon Jason of Misa Bao, UK, began the rors of instaling large numbers of hemmocouples (240-600 per HRSG) on tubes, oes, and adore in Flo lea Power Corporation's for Promres Enea’) new fot of Fels HASGe. Tarmocoulee were inated in HEISGe from fur iferrt OEMa The finns reauting from analy ofthe dea colected ing made oo ‘ation wore publshed [21-25] na trad tho Bal or ‘much of what now known abou thermal ens Paste 272009, when the fst verson ofthis paper ws pub hed [th ternal rnb elalod dere mech ‘em and har underyng causen prev n HRSG ‘were wal understood bythe auhors and most were ‘ed i that paper Mest HRSG OEMs EPC contactors, land anchary equipment suppor had by ten feared t ‘rod some previously used undesrablo coin feats Sand poromed som lend of fae ie assess of fey components when dering newer HRSGs. Dee 12 ‘peste talues mary owners have meaes sor othe ‘wor etree iru, Soma of hese elude: 12 Replacing atomparaters with th spray contol vave Tortes Iie te nzzo suppor ast with hardvare 15 Repiaong simple teacback oop stepeatrcontols ‘wth easeade conta gio 15 Noctyng sity sunpered HPSH/RM modus toads 2erng upper or creat exit bawaen Mere |= Separting common lowes HPAP econo haadre that ised 8 pariten inside the Header flo separate loner andiP nese, 1 Replacing LP preheter net hare that contained ube bonds 18 Repiacing 25: mm (tn) HPSHRH cin pipes wth lege pipe sz 1 Bypassing olvatedblowdwn tarks wih stmosphecc low point HPSH/AH dans or sea ow press ‘since 2000 themal vansent suvoys have been per formed on an adios 46 combines yen gb turing {COG clans. Unfortunate, many ofthe avoidable cass ‘sof maging thermal rash iene In 2009 con ‘ue tone common triage in hese ae surveys. Some fof tbe_ceegn wasknessee and nor-optinum operating proceduie sin use by some cuss = Insc straight stan pps lenath downsteam of stlompetetor spray nea ~ parculary mh AH ato 15 Lack of atemperator protective logic that prevents spaying wher dangorous to pressupars; 15 Auorperator spray block and cana vave protective Tog tat rents In spay war leaking into ht pre ‘See pats 1 Operating process tat ize the interstage stem ports too ary sn startup are ting staan 1 Oparating procedure that ize tha interstage atom Darter to scheve excestively low HPSHIRH oat ‘Stam fonporatre nan staring the steam tine 1 Aterparator conto ancler protective fg capable of avoiing ovrseays 1 Pemiting operators 19 manipute aerperator set pants 1s Periting operators fo marly con! stanpersor s2 HPSH and BH dain ystom arangements incapable Cf proving compo raining during startups nated ‘rom bow preseare ane nigh presse 1 HPSH ana RH can system operating recedes that” {alto provide compet craning dura al starips, 1 vert aggressive decease anaorinvease n HP cum presatre reultog In cracking of tho covncomer to ‘coupe of the cvs of thamaltansents predicted to ‘eau in prossire part falures i 2009 rave not done so. 1 Crckng in HPSH outitheacore ac thei tbe con rectons ue fo overly aggresive star tempore fino tes 1 Falur than economize tubes do to soppot load ‘ranstor when aro staan rappeein he uve pina ocks wate Pow nina tube, wa Atle mechanism thet has become common in recent years but was ot rted uring the eater wok i roca (ofthe HP steam turbine bypest pressure conta lve ‘5.1 HOW TO IDENTIFY DAMAGING THERMAL, ‘TRANSIENTS ‘tas nacenary to ntl temocoups On tubes nthe HRSG tol damaging themalransert reg the lat 19000 when tte was known about the undehing avses. Today ntiyng avoidable thomal angi Is "ypealyaccompshed by need review of equement ~ Sfmt tenes 1 oR t aRnomon oem j ed | — |e J — serge ie os i knee a I oe “one Pe ‘ose peut np ral of rom and acon PSH ete and mn em POs ‘Az eroloncamage ta he seting suas prowesses an Ineessing amount of supareate ster Hake EWOUgN the PCV dure nomal operation. Evenly th ang resus in overeating of the cownsteam carbon stl ave pe. To pret overheating damage to the downstream oa POY sc be some operators manual opan the HP bypass esi Sars taj sereon” past pay valve fo coo the downtrem ppm Ts ppactoe ls napproprise and ear to use thea ove 16 {ouefaiuresin wets napping sar dwt ofthe (Sear ataronh iow #8ubereater tn spt of PCV OEM equremant hat the PCV erin ‘hove ur superastd steamy i sealable, fo # any plums are equpped wih permanent isrumentaton to feaoure steam foparatu a the PCV ine. Thetere, Steam ofthe POV brah toe must be ue Tone when Htc —— Pov psn aid ‘pened during stztup after supaheted steams aa 8110 he PCV and ane opened par toy supofoatod ‘Sear becoming alae expecta, ‘Tharmal surveys and root cause aralyees conducted ‘rng the fst few yare have denied he cetubing 180 “Tends in HRSG lah A 10-¥er Rew Fae 16 PV Spree th mn ‘eerste ‘nerev orc tcindete Fue Pv aperad bt nein ‘soins saree twang of autorated contelsepening the HP bypass PCV ‘on GTigton. Opening the PEW on ight of durng wary ‘St not starts may or may not expose the POV To wel ‘Soam andor water depending ue a nner varies uch a he duration a he ay, ambi erat, {. Opaning the POV at let of na cold trp ses thatthe PCV wl ngast water Condensate genera ‘ton mihemain sewn ppeupsream ath bypass batch 190 is urvodabie we warming the ping, Same ofthe ‘condensate wil be pul past man steam ising drains ‘Sd pas though the PCW ‘52 RANKING OF KEY CAUSES OF DAMAGING. ‘THERMAL TRANSIENTS IN COMBINED CYCLE/ HRSG PLANTS ASSESSED ‘Te agra paper] evi and ranked 55 potent suse of damaging thera arsints nthe 1 ns ‘tated Analy a hon ansier a adalinal 43 thts revels hat ring the 10 yours sce he ital = ‘hits were publshed many ofthe 85 petal cases are ‘ary obsored dve to Improverants i equpran design {i Spemtingprocecien Tabla 3 shows the moe recat ‘anking of potential causes that contin to cause ava ‘le damage io eaupment anor HIF For tne eager bis abe provides he most mpodant her ma varlont aspects whch need to be eddosses by Bats to ensure they aren th path eli. The abe ‘howe thatthe mest commen dienes ae rete to ‘stomperaor protect lege and operating pois that purat manual manpulston othe aterperator convo td ietctne supertente Gain ecipment sche oper ‘Sion Ae ith este chery fnsngein Satan 3 the ‘ganizations fale to ehalange the status quo ia actor ‘et dentiyng and edceaing thee dtislnces, Rost atterpeator hardware inspectors conducted Lesing tiempestor say evident in DCS ata _trperatr spray Mastor Contolary Block va ogi ued HSH atempartoreverspray evident in OCS cate Inappropriate attomperater operation permited PSH or Rt dain pipes to sat HPSHH pipes Sloped downward Bowron trk lvstlon Nghe than lower HPSH/RH headers Poor HSH rinng evident in OCS deta oor RH aring evden DCS data HPSHIRH rain open cuir puge Prudent HP chum am rat exceeded xing sap ‘ihavat temportue matching used during col ag war or hot ALLEVIATION OF PROBLEMS. 6.1 HOW TO ADDRESS CYCLE CHEMISTRY IN [NEW AND CURRENTLY OPERATING PLANTS. “Tho optimum cyl choir conta of combed cyt! ASG panto paramount importance machin and ‘maniaang the deste sala, rely, aed pro ‘mance. Tare se number ef Ky base fare whch ‘eed te be acoptd and assessed io achieve hs highest ‘Srl of operations patomance. Tose vole ray ensuing thatthe cyl chars divers fer the mane} ‘So chemist nfnoed damage mecnoneme are cam prehensive uncertood and addressed Sovlping land mortoing the eye ears Tor sombre eye! [HRSG plants. The mor damagefalure octane of ‘concern and whch ae att occuring a igh frequency ‘oid incuae-) HRSG Tube atures cu to FAC and UDC, 6} deposton in he HP evaporators, c) tanspoted ‘onion prosict om he lone possi erat) ting et racequat shutdown pctostion.and toa {urine phase transition zone fire nated at ps. The {rst stop to ensre tat optimum chert riers and conto wil be used on he pat by vlorenes the Suto of IAPWS TGD dure tha nal spactetionprase ‘fa plat. Theos TOD need to be cst othe plant ‘nce operations as many of he probs repertd lta {to pants not changing the status quo and keeping the homisty taatmnts and cont up t tho lest rer Eesiis ner a : ot af [et Toss at Ter a oe ee SG Setceeegee a Me cone 181 national stander, Aso, plant needs to ese thatthe (general guidance a wars nto the hae uiing a ‘pes proved mn Sacton £2 for chery cote of & combed eyoe HFSS pat. ‘Once apart is operational the plant epertions/chemic! Stat should introduce and condoct ho very power as ‘secamant mathodoigy of ACCS dlcineed in Seton 3. ‘These Key te bases of eye chemist cont te not balng used rare to bythe pa ery ‘ar fom the lage deta base epetd inthe paper that ‘operating outside of optimum apereacnes and without equate oyce chomisty confessions (nentarng instrumentation analyss, mosuromont of HP evaporator opost ete) wiles flue af or cmageto hepa. Wan te any conducted bythe auhors ports, ‘hay alvays xis an cutie of the stops (acon lar) ‘eau limit the ACCS and way supget 8 ne Frame do so. Atessng each RCCS wt ansetion pan to elminat the stuson Mes been shown Yo adress fi ture fur and damage Ths assosomont methodoogy sls used hot caus aalss tsi of oye chery Intuenced damagefaiie 1.0 | todction ‘Hees HRSG ality 10-¥ar Revo ‘A discusend in Section 3.1 mos ofthe plnts aasseag 4a not have a comprobenive Plant Chem Manat tic nude the test tama cyoe ety ta es an action Saves (APWS) fr te operator, an tho other yc chamisty procedues oo that sa nthe Plant re aware of ths Iportence of he cyte charity fonttol A ypalcutne of «comprehensive document & eluded as Table tis important to nota that devon Imart Secton 10 shou tae a miner of wo sto) hitaty te quaares ean be eutomzed fom the APS ‘Guidance an) fe inal guidance can on be developed ‘Yom amenitong program which eludes carosion pos vet montong (Secten 15) {82 HOW TO ADDRESS FAC IN NEW AND CUR- ENTLY OPERATING PLANTS. Section 4.2 nas dlnsate tho approaches fr single ant ‘two-phase FAC, the optim chemists to ava FRC, ‘he mantering of ttl ron, ana he lvl neting tt minum FAG i occuring. These leties fre asc {he ame fr row and eporting plants 8.3 HOW TO ADDRESS THERMAL TRANSIENTS IN NEW AND. (CURRENTLY OPERATING PLANTS 20 | Pupose 50 | Cojestivs/Goas of Chemisty Progam {40 | Prgran Benchmaring Leaking Attomperator Spray Water ‘The uso of Master ContsManyr Block vale loge soni mn Socton 51 asa Mabe use ofatonperatr spray watt 5.0 | Repeat Cele Chemisty Stone ACCS) 10 | Program Roles and Responsible “900 | Drum/Evaporstor Water Teatment 100 | Cycle Chemisty Targets ane Action Loves 120 140 Makeup Sytem 150 (Gerace tom APIS TOD) ‘Equant apacions Te Type cone of pot echt man 182 70 | Oye Chemistry Testment Chemicals (APWS Guidance) {80 | Fescwater Treatment (APWS Guidance or AVT) IAPWS Gulanoe for Vlatlar Akal Temes) ‘Stutdown Protection of Steam. War Gye Components Drum CarjoverTestg (Exact Nem IAPWSTGD) | ‘Airl-Leaksye Development of AL Team fom BPS TGD) ‘Grab Sample and Total ron Analysis Procedures (Eapecaly nena of Pressure Vessel: Drums anc DA) | 17.0 | Rafernces snl Source Dou [10 | Siaratue/Asproval of VP OpeatonaPant Manager Ioking. Eston of spay water leleng ‘an be achlved by inspecting and ropar the Block anc conta! valves core 1 toaking and revrsng tha atamperstr ‘lve potcton logic toa Mast lock” Marty Corl vave gis and on ator stor Systm Fleas perissve Instead of ale atampt te protect the contol he Seaialug fom camage, tis revised ge ‘nil preec the mien more expansive to = bairstoam ping ane HPSHAH tom ar Master Sloe vary Control valve log: le wi open tne Dock valve beer opening ‘he cont ve and lows te con vale before losng the Block vao. The Bose ‘alve shou loge as soon ae the onto “alvin elood alors short me de iy. To avoid aazahe Bock valve opeing fd closing ding uit epraten. pen he boc wave curing trun nly hr the tempertor System Release parmssive sce Sytem Rulosse permisove ort Shou elude the following ancreqare tet abe sats proto acaton ‘Hen n HS Roabity- 10: Reiew rin 18 GT exhaust tempers (or HPSHIRH out staan Temperature) srcaeds a value in the rnga of SIO" cory 1 Minin HR star wf achiev ‘he bck vate show remain open unl the Sytem Fe- lease permissive becomes naive dug shut hen ‘ry ne or mare ofthe permissive ortra snot mh. Btn he book and eontel ves shou be oloes sing Naser Block Vavaartyr Conta Valve og) any te tne Syston Rooase peeve nace, Attemperstor Overpray ‘erspray scented in Secon 6.1 as a equa cose of damage io stam pipes ae tubes. Elmntion of ove ‘pay canbe achived taking the folowing acon: 1 Repair anderuporade attamparstr equoment por Iymabtahed or substandard here fin ue |= Exsuro the etamperatr's contol yet capable of onatealy rariainng outet seam fomperties ‘stints, or nary 0 wth no egurement fe Op ‘ator intovertion The vague the use of propery ‘designed a tuned cascade orl syste I eas ‘here steam pipe eng cownstaam of he sterner {tor andor HPSHRH heing surface troton ae ‘marginal mode-ased Contos may pode Improved paromanoe. (Parting = sigh owas In cute team temperature fortes prods of tne ding Stat is far ess damaging than perniting overspay toaccut |= Prohibit operates tom manual manipulting the st temperate’ seboit or mary operating the atm pats spray va; 1 Ersuo the atanperatr's contol system ince an ‘Oterepray Potton feature. This enti should ‘ent futhar apeing ofthe sory cool ve hin stlamperator ult steam temperatures decrease #0 28°C 60°) above statin tamparature _Aitemperator Operation When napprepite ‘Operation of the attanperstor when staan How i ow (F290 i Mertied in Secon 51 sea equa case Stier damage fo stem pipes and tubes Provtion af Sith damage can be avoided by ensuring hat an stem patsior Sytem Foease pemsive an described above fhe sacunson on avocng atari py ahha) ISistales an maintane Inaction, bau the tr Sage attmparaorcanot be designed fo prove HPSH FH temportures subi or roling and warming a cok steam ture, emp to Use I dung rtp forts purpose shouldbe prot, 7 laud Hit, GT exhaust Temperature conta fetus, nor ain! stempera. ters should bo sod to saat seam tarbine startup om perature equremons Faire te Adequatly Drain the HPSHFH dering ‘Startup Migration of nari water was identi n Section 5.1 ‘8. common cause of damage steam pipes, acer land tubes Ensring completa eating of tho HPSH an FH daring satups rites for al yston presses can bo a complex exercise dun to th vara o» HPSHFH ‘arangement, exten stean anc dren pe sangeet, ‘ain ale typoard se, lowcoun ankocation,and the ‘met by which dan valves ae conta. rovw of PSHM crain patomance reves tat a water not removed sear te iain of arr stam ow ng A startups, meditations to cain equipment, oporing ‘rcsdures, and conls shou be developed andimpa- mente. Key stps in deveoong effcive modieatons Inet |= Caleting the rate of eoncansat formation cing the restart purge in each HPSH an AH tarp dng sa Uiptom various rite rasa coniions, "= Using the foregoing peak condensation aes to deter fine he minum drs pipe sizes ana the avange- ‘ment necessary t can the HPSH sna AH a tha ata Ct condersae fomaton ding sit from any nl HP chum and BH presse, Features that should be Indes in dain system mot- 1 outa caine wih coinscus downer slope tothe lowdown tark erty pane. Til equi hese tank at ace, a vera fank m2 por a blowdoun Tank byes fo stosphere when HPSHRH posse |S below tat rogure to move water up into sn a” ‘vata lowdown nk mega lowdown tank by asshas been safely sad by aome oe chang eat Startup when system presse blow 2 bar 29 15 No inercennectin of HPSH and Hci iro en tering he lowconm ang 1 Consicor a separate AH bowown tan f back pes sures developed inthe Bown tank When HPSH ‘rans a ope, or s9 a blowaoemn tank pass ae de 1 Drsin pipe thermocouple to close dan valves curing statups inate fom low presires afar constant Supereats detected in ne rs pe 1 ctrrination of optimum dain valve opaning/tsing posttone and timing fr startup ited orm mode Se and hgh pressures. This may requre conecarate ald taxing to achve adequate arin wthost ox. Cece reas of staan ung sat am ar rial pressures; 19 1 Instaltion ofan ftv autrati cain vais aysti; 18 Compliance with perenne safety and monet preteen practices. HPSHIRH cain operating procedures shoul strive to ac- compln me fon: 1 iain accumulate water prof nting the retrt pure: 1 Drain condensate formed during te prstat purge at ‘hate it foes so at et porn condanetot a= ‘uml inthe HPSHURH his avis dyin iatng o0lng stam fw to the HPSHUAH whe wating (ain accumulate concert, 1 Avoid excessive eleas of stam tht may rest in ‘ver aggressive HP dram pressure decay andor over hosting of lewown sstan components, Prieto and curing resuricod startups cperate HPSH tan vates smutsneesly rather an in sequence {is povents the crop in pressure that eccrs the Secon of HPSH wth he open veer raving we {or "overtatop* om HPSH sections wh closes dan ‘alves AH ain vas eneud aga bs operted sm tanooush Automate Brain Control Given the rapity of evens cng statue, athe need for ronson sequoncing and tng of HPSHH arin ‘ave operation automaton of HPSH and Re rn ates [such prtored Acsuming tht en pipes ae sf ety large and routed using the ucance above, auo- mate option of HPSH dan waves pros rng ‘Sartupe fm 20 and lw nl pressures is rely ‘smpi to accomplish athe following procedure: 15 Open al ein valves prior to inttion ofthe prestat page fe emove any water sects tna lav 1 Lave al erain valves ful open dung the pestat uno and lt ther romain open ter Tight oft 18 Automataly clos ach cain ave whens cain pine temperate consent inseates @ moderate amcut cof uperneat f= Since ee ate to no HP hum pressure when sing ‘ve crumressure down amp rat, noe sy ak tt ‘pg thebiowdown system's design ts [Automation of HPSH dn conta! ding startup inat- fat nigh pracurs ln conlderabiy more Somplox end ‘Sicut. Se tis mportan to delay nttng toam owe Unt the HPSHIRH are completo anes ad pormtg Condneate fo sccumuate'n HPGHRH cols sows the Galnng process uel o dan condensate fom the FHPSHRH ast foes cng th purge. Inthe way tng sam ow can be provided tothe HPSHH bes very 184 hon alter GT ignten. The guidance provided above {o dering the optimum openingiciosing postions an tiring of dan vaivesvia fel tate possba ut ot ‘ory eee fort unt tat stars fequemy ene rm ‘our inal poeawen, Tho opsningllosng poeions and timing of dan valves requed to adequst aren the HPSHIRH witout excenivevelaze of tam ary sant Canty depending upon system pressures. Unfors, (an pipe tperetie sa ite value in contting in ‘ave porto GT ignition since no eal nut svable to creat superastod steam. Tertore, both wale ant Seam in he dan poe a ater near saturation tempera {ure and some ahar method of determining when o psn the dan sae 16 remove wor and when fo cose ft ‘std eating seams noode, Same o the HASGa ne 54 COGT slants evaluated are faquppedth ain pte wing tharnocaupes, conde tity probes, or oat stitches on HPSHIRH ran n an attonpt to automata dan com Some ches use 5+ {emprosncevalesin m atirptio doo, neome eases the oune: had cand foe and manta thee systems ‘due 10 ther ineocivenees andor relay. In othe ‘cases the operating dela pot, such se those in Figure 40, dsmaneate tat the automaton system did ot work ‘feces Mahou bo noted hat wha operating da ‘bine tom permanent see Temperate reburan {ation ke atin Fque 10can cate goss amounts of Unaraine water pastng fom sections ofthe HPSHFe, ‘ths elatvelyslow to respond strumentaton may fio lictesnair, but ti damaging, amounts of maratg ‘wat Rap reponse temocousie tale cn HSH! FH tubes and intra ing Ike hose dsrbed Sa ‘ion may be ecuedto eur adequate craig dung allstartup contons. Clutton of cendenastion rte nthe hotest HPSH cll fa typical Fesess HASG during the prectart purge wth FHP pressure aruna 68 ber (1000 ps) wl yi & pk ‘ave the ange of 9070-18610 kg per Nor 0 B00 to 300001 per Ror) very lage ean pot requ to contd such linge towrte wl avon Yoong of he pal andor parting steam t escape, Some Years 499 (ne of the authors pareipate in an Exc Power Po Sean Instiute (EPR) project to deign a an pot that oul retabyaccempsh ths task The resiing an pot ‘onsced of multiple introoanected 1628 on (in) a= ‘ter cokemn each stout 1524 m (54 fl. Whe the de ‘en woul kay have worked, ts 28. coe anacompen= ly made masts. Gob Anderson then werkad th ata detamine means of automatosy contoling HPSHIRH dran ales ung ulasonie senears could be SGorsoped. Ts work ead inthe develope of such ‘neystem, wien Ie cortarcalyavalale rom FLEXI (Gmbit Germany, a suppor of ultrasonic ow raters. The EEPRUFLEXIM iq detecton sensors ae atsche othe fxtarr of tha din pe, raqare no penton ofthe pe, gure very ite space, can be sed in ne co ner in HS Rant 10 Yor Rew swt, end canbe rete to ating cin ster eva equees informed evauaton of he axing rin ips\ale/blodown tank dota an aangenent oe femine if roars are requec. EPA has developed fentl lage for use wih tha FLEXIM sytem and made fein ineniatonrequrements and th conta! li eva bs the puble domain tthe timo of writng rtf ‘Seton are stalled on 4 HRSG and 2 nem constuction RaSGe ae eating instalation of he ston, ‘Aagresive HP Drum Pressure Ramp Rates caress ievessing and decreasing HP cum possue ‘emprates were dened in Sacton 5.110 be a commen tulsa of eackng in downconer and somstnes seam rezaleconactons. Avian thoso cracks requies ope ‘Shgtneuntin emer hat Ime op ae dow HP am reais ramo rte fo thoes speced a the mam umd by be HASG OEM or other compen person) ‘mers eer HRSGS may ot have been provided wih ‘tae rum amp al ts since ASME Cage coos Pot ‘nae the CEM ror tha agus aeasamete ‘Sire to dtamine tase amo rate its. Hama ate Sts are not eval, o he sutabty of egal ramp ‘ae ins Is questioned, ow ran rt its shoud De procired rom tne HRSG 6M a elt competent pa fons, The ramprate ers should be narperata tthe plans start and sutsown procadutes, peor nan Sutomated fasion. some ust maybe necessary to alg Glad low vals for some pio’ dng coll atm startup to avldexcaedng sae HP cr ramp at lt, HP bypass and H sy vor seit and expat {20 ey actor in comping wit drum ramp rte ent [ser int star, Foreed Coating Section 5.1 dortifed forced cooIng as a potential cause ‘of ceraging tarmal rain inthe HPSH, RH, ran ‘team pipe, and HAH pip. Review of operating daa tom ‘aver HASGs whe ung the Ho snd HR bypass aye fens afar the GT le shut down to axpaste depres tenn ofthe HP system read that maging ternal transunts do not coeur in eases, Whe selon data has pot yt boon revowed to relably pret under which ‘ondins damaging tansets wil or it pet occu ap ‘aor tht coprecsuring he manera tar [Gr stutdown may bees harmful tan doing 9 ater the {Gris ges path nae cele. Having sad het 90 (fe ehaactrites esta to GT heat stanton and coast ‘oun may render ths peimary ovation ure fr Some unt Oars are clot sweatin ardosly monfor HPSHIH outet terpenes and man star FHRH pips tompertires any tne he HP an HAH bypass ‘tome ein usa ith ha GT nt ng. {HP Bypass Pressure Conte Valve PCV) Erosion Wile not a themal wansent, stromal rosion of he soa, plug, 2n¢ cago in HP bypass PCV by Ingestion of ‘ot stam was erties in Sonton 51 as an nceasnghy ‘Sormer damage mechan Ths canbe area by Oe layng pening fhe HP bypass PCV unt steamers {ere upstream ad dawnateam of ta HP bypass ranch tee nave ncessed above saturation temperature dung ‘tarup. Tapractoe of pening the HP bypass POV at GT ‘gnion shouldbe avoided sine ro steam pps warming fas yet once and mic otha concern ford warrang eso pipes wil be ingested by the POM 2 Set et. uns the HP bypass PCY branch ies often = tod it upateam of he cman stam Nea oa Yon vale. Type, a dan pot wth an automatic rin orl Vesta between th brah te an olton ‘alve Since this stam pipe erin arangomentprenarly ‘deposes of ely water ccuraitng he dain po a tose ot provide a suber staar fo to ray wary the pipe the ray be an excess lang delay bore ‘ipurated saa avaiable atthe POV st. Tiss the ‘nan fore plots provid in Pure 7. n such casos the instalation of ufelry sed stoan pipe warming ran ‘awaon te soit valve and bypase brah to may De nacasay to both opan the PY soon alr GT gon land potest he PCV rom excesve eraiondarage. (64 CONDUCTING AN ASSESSMENT/SURVEY: PLANTS COULD/SHOULD FOLLOW SAME 'APPROAGH AS DESCRIBED IN SECTION 1 BACKGROUND ‘Al fhe assessments an surveys repent pape ve boon condcteby tho authors dng o two-day st Sep Terenas nade cedars that lot stat cou pererm sims assasemerts en flvas as they are nt boyond the casi of com patent planicororate ss 8 would requre becoming Fromledgenbi about te deat anc methods doscibes Int pape aswel es abtaring petnent and accurate Pant nforatin. However, ver tho yous fw ogantea- tins ave developed the ety (or abr) 1 9 pererm ‘hago types of assessant, maybe Bocauso ofthe cor tinang tend twas fewer an ‘ewer parlcoparte oopl ving the eo co ‘SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS & TOWARDS THE FUTURE osty combines eylsHSAG plane wound the word thie been aamassedaurvejed to roude an ication ofthe curent stats of tba prosctenaes of operstors in ‘Sadeing the inown falura/darage HRSG Tobe Fale {HIF} machaiome, andthe potenti fr damage io Wick 185 ‘scion erste ese A inthe ft pubeaon of en ls resuts for ony 1 plans [the thes most mporané lsspecs nave beon assessed: cle chery, FAC, and tharmal wales nthe fre, the asesaments have a rested the kay tacts fr FAC, UDC, deposts, iting fos n the she raraten zone of the stau fae tine. Inthe It, the astesamarts have adress th Ina faguo and ep tive due o nadequats oper tion of ttenperatrs, dan ont! of supersatre sn reheat, HP drum ramp rates, and oteed cooing, The femering Issue of saves erosion of HP bypase pressure ontol vies hse bean rveduoed. Tha paper eos humerus example heath category of hora op ‘ating, equprant, and eon fates 20 pan purr lean idority them in ew pnts Overal the asses Iensurveys have provided a lew pct each see ‘of exact whore th weslesoes he cron approach =e occuring, ts Feped atte kay massage wthin this paper canes be applied by operator to ange soon he caren sation ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ‘The autos are gaol othe various oxantzntions that have supporad aspects ofthe wer over th yeas fo the any utes tht fave suppted infomation and helped ‘th nave, and to al the poops tat have contd {o the ojele chamty, FAC, a themal ania o- yams underyng ths paper Mach mougtt and dscussion were provided by oer ‘momoats ofthe HASG Tear Mike Pesaon lr Porn, {nc Kovn Shale. Thee coloapiee eee! the asens ‘monslurveys of many ofthe plants and In any cases Provided calculations and important insight Dian Doo 1 hlped wih the werd pracasang and development of some fhe ables 16 O REFERENCES. TM] Dooley, A.B. 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