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1282 knit & crochet The Chenille Baby Book Bobbie Matela, Managing Editor Carol Wilson Mansfield Art Director ‘Mary Ann Frits, Editorial Director Sandy Scoville, Patter Editor ‘Stephanie Hil Kelly Robinson, and Kathy Wesley, Editorial Sta Graphie Solutions ine-chgo, Book Design Soft and tender and cuddly — that's what little babies are. This collection of scrumptious chenille baby wear features designs using chenille yarn with all these same qualities. We've included both knit and crochet designs specifically designed for chenille yarns. Choose the Sweetie Pie or Ruby Princess set—sacque, booties and bonnet—for classic knit styling and picture-perfect attire. If you love to crochet, the Cozy Cutie or Pure Joy set offers you huggable styles that are fun to create in caressable chenille Patterns are sized from newborn to six months. Plus there are ‘two afghans—so you can get ready to spoil your new arrival with a luxury chenille wardrobe. Fora fulkcolor catalog including books of knit and erochet designs, write to: ‘American School of Needlework” Consumer Division 1455 Linda Vista Drive ‘San Marcos, CA 92069 Patterns tested and models made by Tammy Heber, Sandy Scovi We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness ofthese instructions. We cannot, however, be responsible for human error, ‘ypographical mistakes, or variations in individual work, (©1999 by American Schoo! of Needlework’, Inc. ASN Publishing, 1455 Linda Vista Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 ISBN: 0.88195.917.0 ied in USA. All rights reserved. Pri 123456789 = Abbreviations and Symbols _ Knit Abbreviations inc .- increase K _ knit P purl K2t0g knit 2 together P2tog purl 2 together P3tog purl 3 together PSSO........ pass sipped etteh over yb swum Yarn back Yeon yarn front Crochet Abbreviations BLis) . back loop(s) ch(s) . chain(s) hde -n-half double erochet(s) de double crochet(s) dec lecrease(-ing) Ipts) loop(s) rnd\(s) nem FOURS) sc single crochet(s) Yo. . yarn over Knit and Crochet Abbreviations beginning) loopis) -~- pattern previous remain(ing) repeating) ve Skip slip slst(s). slip stitches) pls) space(s) stls) stiteh(es) 109 oar together * An asterisk is used to mark the beginning of a portion of instructions to be worked more than once; thus, “rep from * twice more” means after working the instructions once, repeat the instructions following the asterisk ‘twice more (3 times in all. 4 The dagger identifies a portion of instructions that will be repeated again later in the same row or round. —The number after a long dash at the end of a row indicates the num- ber of stitches you should have when the row or round has been complet- ed. Th long dash can also be used to indicate a completed stitch such as a decrease, a shell, or a cluster. () Parentheses are used to enclose instructions which should be worked the exact number of times specified immediately following the parenthe- ses, such as “(2 sc in next de, sc next de) twice.” They are also used to set off and clarify a group of stitches that are to be worked all into the same space or stitch, such as “(2 de, ch 1, 2 de)” in comer sp. ( Parentheses are also used to pro- Vide additional information to clarify instructions. Join - join with a sl st unless other- wise specified. United States skip (sk) slip stitch (sl st) GAUGE oan yarn over (YO) single crochet (sc) half double crochet (hdc) double crochet (de). triple crochet (tre) .. The crochet patterns in this book are written using United States terminology. Terms which have different English equivalents are noted below. double crochet (dc) double treble (dtr) slip stitch (6s) or “single crochet” yarn over hook (YOH) English .- half treble (htr) .- treble (tr) miss tension Stitch Guide® Chains YO. craw trough pon hook Single Crochet - se: Insert nook in st, YO and drow through, ¥O and draw ‘through both ips on hook wate Reverse Sing Crochet Reverses irk rm left ight insert hokingp orate, rap though sor st-2 ‘nook i YO and craw ‘troughs on hook aif Double Crochet hd: YO, inact hook inst, YO, ra through, YO and drow ‘through a3 ps on nook sar Double Crochet - de YO, insert hook inst, YO, Grow trough, (YO and drow through 2 Ips on hook) ‘ple Crochet ve: YOtwice, inser hookin st, YO, daw through (¥O an Grow trough 2ps on Hook) Stimes ‘Slip Stitch! st (a) Used for Jonings Insert hook in inca st, YO and drew though stand Iponook (b) Used for Moving Yarn Over Ingert nook in st YO draw thvough st nd ip on hook Front Loop -F The ront oop isthe loop toward you atthe top ofthe site Beck Loop BL “Tneback loop sth lop away from you at the tp of thostten Post “The posts the vertical part ‘ofthe stitch, bc 1000 ron oop pos. Overcast Stitch is workos ease to join crochet pioces A Word About Yarns These cute baby sets have been created with Chenille Sensations by Lion Brand” and Honeysuckle Yarns che- nille by Elmore-Pisgah Inc. Any chenille yarn that works to the gauge given can also be used. A Word About Gauge A correct stitch gauge is very important. Please take the time to work a stitch gauge swatch about 4" x 4". Measure the swatch. If the number of stitches and rows are fewer than indicated under “Gauge” in the pattern, your hook or needle is too large. Try another swatch with a smaller size hook or needle. If the number of stitches and rows are more than indicated under "Gauge" in the pattern, your hook or needle is too small. Try another swatch with a larger size hook or needle. —_ _ Metric Conversion Charts © INCHES INTO MILLIMETERS & CENTIMETERS (Rounded off slightly) Tnches_mm em | Inches em | inches em | inches _ em % 3 5 ws | 2 635 | 38 965 wens A NSS fa Pe 104 6 1 | 23 ses | 40 1015 wots taf ore we | acer | at ton % 15 15 | 8 205 | 25 35 | 42 1065 Mm 2 Pi 23 [ote ep | aa mm 2 22 | 10 255 | 27 cas | a 112 cA | i || 2 SS 1m 2 32 | 2 5 | 29 735 | 46 117 wavs ap fois oes | onze. | artes wm 445 | ass | 179 | ae tz REED 8 PN B00 Ae [OPS 2m 65 65 | 1 405 | 29 o | 50 127 aE aS aE es =| se ere az 0 9 | 1% 4 | 95 09 4 10 «10 fae aes | 26 ots ams 15 | 2% 1 | 37 94 ‘mm milimeter cm - centimeter KNITTING NEEDLES CONVERSION CHART us. oft] 2,3] 4] s| 6]7 |e] 9] w]wn i] 13/15 Metricmm)| 2 | 2%| 2%| 3%] 3%] 3%] 4%] av | 5 | 5% | 5%] 6%] 8 | 9 | 10 CROCHET HOOKS CONVERSION CHART us. ve [2c [30 | 4 | SF [eG [an | on [rou [rovmn] N Continentatmm [225]275 [328| 25 |a75|425[ 5 [55] 6 | 65 | 90 —_— ‘knit = i a Ruby Princess Sacque, Bonnet, and Booties designed by Rita Weiss Newborn to 3 months Mater Sport weight chenille, 6 oz (440 yds, 125 ) red; 107 (88 yds, 25 g) white Size 3 (3'amm), 14” straight knitting needles, or size required for gauge Size 4 (3mm), 14” straight knitting needles Four stitch markers (for sacque) Four 4!" stitch holders (for sacque) 11yds white satin ribbon, '/"-wide Gauge With smaller size needles in stockinette st: Ssts=1" K1;# YO, K3, YO, K1; rep from # across. Row 2: Purl. Row 3: K2;# st 1 as to knit, K2 tog; PSSO; K3; rep from * to last 5 sts; s! 1 as to knit, K2 tog; PSSO; K2. Row 4: Purl Rep Rows 1 through 4 for Lace Pattern. Instructions Sacque Starting at neck edge with smaller size needles and white, loosely cast on 54 sts. Row 1 (right sidel: Knit Rows 2 through 4: Rep Row 1. Row 5 (turning ridged: Purl Row 6: K3 —for front border; P48; K3 —for front border. Rows 7 through 10: Knit. continued 5 oS Ruby Princess Rows 11 and 12: Rep Row 6. At end of Row 12; cut white. Row 13: With red, K11, YO-for left front; place marker on needle, K1 (seam st), YO, K6, YO—for left sleeve; place marker on needle, K1 (seam s), YO, K16, YO—for back; place marker on needle, K1 (seam s), YO, K6, YO—for right sleeve; place marker on needle, K1 (seam st), YO, K11—for right front—62 sts. Note: Slip markers on each row. Row 14: 3, P56; K3. Row 15: * Knit to next marker, YO, s| marker, K1 (seam st) YO; rep from *3 times more; knit rem sts—70 sts. Rows 16 through 35: Rep Rows 14 and 15, ten times more. At end of Row 35— 150 sts (23 sts for each front, 30 sts for each sleeve, 40 sts for back, and one st for each seam st). Note: Remove markers while working next row. Row 36: 3, P144;K3. Row 37 (dividing row: K3, P21, sl 24 sts just worked to st holder—for left front; purl next 30 sts, s! sts just worked to 2nd st holder—for left sleeve; purl next 42 sts, sl sts just worked to 3rd st holder—for back; purl next 20 sts, leave sts just worked ‘on needle—for right sleeve; sl rem 24 sts to 4th st holder —for right front. Right Sleeve: Row 1 (wrong side: Cast on 2 sts (see Fig 1), P8 {includes cast-on sts); # inc by purling in front and back of next st; P7; rep from * twice more—35 sts. Fig a Row 2 (right side): Cast on 2 sts, work Row 1 of Lace Pattern (see Pattern Stitch on page 5). Continuing in Lace Pattern, work even until sleeve mea- sures 5" from underarm, ending by working a Row 4 of Lace Pattern. Cut red. Next Row (right side): With white, # K2 tog; K2; rep from # to last st; K1. Knit 3 rows for border. Bind off loosely as to knit. Cut white. Loft Sleeve: Hold piece with wrong side facing you; with smaller size needles, s! 30 sts for let sleeve from st holder to needle. With red, work same as for right sleeve. Hold piece with right side facing you; with smaller size needles, s! 24 sts of right front from st holder to needle. With red, purl to last 3 sts at front edge; K3. Joining Row (wrong side): ‘Working across right front, K3; (P3, inc in next st) 5 times; P1, pick up 3 sts across underarm of right sleeve; sl 42 sts of back to free needle and work as follows, P6, (inc in next st, P3) 9 times; pick up 3 sts across underarm of left sleeve; sl 24 sts of left front to free needle and work as fol- lows, P1, (inc in next st, P3) 5 times; K3 —115 sts. Row 1 (right side: K3; work Row 1 of Lace Pattern over next 109 sts; K3, Keeping 3 sts at each end in garter st and rem sts in Lace Pattern, work until body measures 5° from underarm, ending by working a Row 4. Change to larger size needles. ‘Work 7 rows in Lace Pattern, keeping 3 sts at each end in garter st and ending by working a Row 3. Knit 3 rows. Cut red. With white, knit 3 rows. Bind off loosely as to knit. Finishing Step 1: With corresponding colors, sew sleeve seams. Step 2: Fold first four rows at neck edge to wrong side along turning ridge and sew loosely in place. Weave in all ends. Step 3: Cut two 12” lengths of ribbon. Tack one end of each rib- bon to wrong side of center fronts at neck edge. Trim ‘ends even. Bonnet Border: Beginning at front edge with smaller size needles and White, loosely cast on 48 sts. Row 1: Knit. Rows 2 through 7: Rep Row 1. Row 8 (inc rowk: inc by knitting in front and back of next st; rep from * 4 times more; K3—53 sts. Cut white, Body: With red, work Row 1 of Lace Pattern, Continuing in Lace Pattern, work even until piece mea- sures 5° from cast-on edge, ending by working a Row 4. Bonnet Back: Row 1 (right side): 36, sI 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 15 sts unworked, Row 2: Yf, si 1as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 15 sts unworked. Row 3: Yb, si 1 as to purl, K19, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 14 sts unworked. Row 4: Yi, si as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 14 sts unworked. Row 5: Yb, si 1 as to purl, K19, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSO; turn, leaving rem 13 sts unworked. Row 6: Y4, sls to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 13 sts unworked. Row 7: Yb, sI 1 as to purl, K19, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 12 sts unworked. Row 8: Yi, si 18 to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 12 sts unworked. Row 9: Yb, sI 1s to purl, K19, si 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 11 sts unworked. Row 10: Yf, sl 1 a5 to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 11 sts unworked. Row 11: Yb, si 1 as to purl, K19, si 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 10 sts unworked. Row 12: Yf, sl 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; tun, leaving rem. 10 sts unworked. Row 13: Yb, si 1 a8 to purl, K19, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 9 sts unworked. Row 1 Yf, sl 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 9 sts unworked. Row 15: Yb, s11 as to purl, K19, s11 as to knit, K1, PSO; turn, leaving rem 8 sts unworked. Row 16: Yf, si 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 8 sts unworked. Row 17: Yb, si 1 as to purl, K19, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 7 sts unworked. Row 18: Yf, sl 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 7 sts unworked, Row 19: Yb, si 1 a8 to purl, K19, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 6 sts unworked. Row 20: Y¥, si 1 a8 to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 6 sts unworked. Row 21: Yb, s! 1 as to purl, K19, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 5 sts unworked. Row 22: YF, sl 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 5 sts unworked. Row 23: Yb, st 1 as to purl, K19, si to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 4 sts unworked. Row 24: Yi, si 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 4 sts unworked. Row 25: Yb, si 1 as to purl, K19, si 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 3 sts unworked. Row 26: Yf, 81 1s to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 3 sts unworked. continued Ruby Princess Row 27: Yb, sI 1s to purl, K19, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 2 sts unworked. Row 28: Yi, sl 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 2 sts unworked. Row 29: Yb, s! 1 a8 to purl, K19, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem st unworked. Row 30: Yf, si 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem st unworked. Row 31: Yb, s! 1 as to purl, K19, sl 7 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, Row 32: Yf, sl 1 as to purl, P19, P2 tog—21 sts. Cut red. Neckband and Tri Hold piece with right side facing you; with free needle and white and beg at front neck edge, pick up 3 sts across front garter st band, pick up 16 sts across edge to sts on needle; * s! 1 a8 to knit, K2 tog; PSSO; rep from * 6 times more; pick up 16 sts across next edge to front garter st band, pick up 3 sts across front band—45 sts. Row 1 (wrong sided: Knit, Row 2 (right side): Work Row 1 of Lace Pattern. Rows 3 through 5: ‘Work Rows 2 through 4 of Lace Pattern. Row 6 (turning ridge): Purl Row 7: Purl Row 8: Knit Row 9: Purl. Rows 10 and 11: Rep Rows 8 and 9. Bind off loosely as to knit. Cut white, leaving an 18" end for sewing. ing ‘Step 1: Fold last 4 rows of trim to wrong side along turning ridge and sew loosely in place. Weave in all ends. Stop 2: Cut two 12" lengths of ribbon. Sew one end of each rib- bon to wrong side of trim at each front corner. Booties (make 2) Cuff: With larger size needles and white, loosely cast on 25 sts. Row 1 (right side): Knit. Rows 2 through 4: Rep Row 1 Row 5 (turning ridged: Purl. Row 6: Purl Cut white. Change to smaller size needles. Rows 7 through 18: With red, work Rows 1 through 4 of Lace Pattern (see Pattern Stitch on page 6), 3 times. Rows 19 through 21: Work Rows 1 through 3 of Lace Pattern, Row 22: Knit, Row 23 (beading row): K1;# YO, K2 tog; rep from * across—25 sts. Row 24: Purl Instep: Row 1: K17; turn, leaving rem 8 sts unworked. Row 3; tun, leaving rem 8 sts unworked. Note: Work following rows on center 9 sts only. Row Knit. Row 4: Purl Rows 5 through 12: Rep Rows 3 and 4 four times more. Cut red, leaving sts on needle. Foot: Joining Row: Hold piece with right side facing you; with red and using right-hand needle, pick up 8 sts along right edge of instep; knit next 9 sts of instep; pick up 8 sts along left edge of instep; knit next 8 sts on left-hand needle—41 sts. Row 2 (right side): Knit. Rows 3 through 11: Rep Row 2. Sole: Row 1 (right side): K2, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K5, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K2— 37 sts. Row 2: Knit. Row 3: K1, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; K3, K2 tog; K12, K2 tog; KI— 33sts. Row 4: Knit. Row 5: K1, K2 tog; K11, K2 tog; K1, K2 tog; K11, K2 tog; KI— 29 sts. Bind off as to knit. Cut yar, leaving an 18" end for sewing. inishing Step 1: With long end, sew bottom seam, Step 2: With corresponding colors, sew back seam. Step 3: Fold first four rows of cuff to wrong side and sew loosely in place. Weave in all ends. Step 4: Cuttwo 12" lengths of ribbon. Starting at center front, weave one length through sps of beading row on each bootie. Tie in bows. Trim ends even. Sacque, Bonnet, and Booties designed by Sandy Scoville Size: 6 months, Materials: Worsted weight chenille yarn, 8! 02 (522 yds, 240 g) white Size G (4.25mm) crochet hook, or size required for gauge ‘Three white buttons with shank, 5/8" diameter Size 18 tapestry needle ‘Sewing needle and matching thead 10 Starting at the neckline, ch 47. Row 1 (right side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 7 chs—for left front; 3 sc in next ch; sc in next 5 chs—for sleeve; 3 sc in next cch; sc in next 16 chs—for back; 3 sc in next ch; sc in next 5 chs—for sleeve; 3 sc in next ch; sc in next 8 chs—for right front—54 sc. Ch 2 (counts as first hdc on following rows), turn. Row 2: Sk first sc, hdc in next 8 sc, 3 hdc in next sc; hde in next 7'sc, 3 hde in next sc; hdc in next 18 sc, 3 hdc in next sc; hdc in next 7 sc, 3 hdc in next se; hdc in next 9 so— 62 hde. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: Sk first hde, hdc in next 9 hde, 3 hdc in next hde; hde in next 9 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hdc in next 20 hdc, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 9 hde, 3 hd in next hde; hde in next 9 hdc and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—70 hde. Ch 2, turn. Row 4: Sk first hde, hdc in next 10 hdc, 3 hde in next hdc; hde in next 11 hde, 3 hdc in next hde; hde in next 22 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hdc in next 11 hde, 3 hdc in next hde; de in next 10 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—78 hde. Ch, turn. Row 5: Sk first hdc, hdc in next 11 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 13 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 24 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hdc in next 13 hde, 3 hdc in next hde; hdc in next 11 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—86 hde. Cha, turn. Row 6: Sk first hdc, hdc in next 12 hde, 3 hde in next hdc; hde in next 15 hdc, 3 hde in next hdc; hde in next 26 hde, 3 hde in next hdc; hdc in next 15 hdc, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 12 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—94 hdc. Ch 2, turn. Row 7: Sk first hdc, hdc in next 13 hde, 3 hdc in next hdc; hdc in next 17 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hdc in next 28 hde, 3 hdc in next hdc; hde in next 17 hdc, 3 hdc in next hdo; hde in next 13 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—102 hdc. Ch2, turn, Row 8: Sk first hde, hde in next 14 hdo, 3 hde in next hde; hd in next 19 hde, 3 hde in next hdc; hde in next 30 hde, 3 hdc in next hdc; hde in next 19 hdc, 3 hdc in next hdo; hdc in next 14 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—110 hdc. Ch 2, turn, Row 9: Sk first hdc, hde in next 15 hde, 3 hdc in next hde; hde in next 21 hde, 3 hdc in next hdc; hdc in next 32 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 21 hdc, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 15 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—118 hdc. Ch2, turn, Row 10: Sk first hdc, hde in next 16 hdc, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 23 hde, 3 hde in next hdo; hde in next 34 hde, 3 hdc in next hde; hde in next 23 hde, 3 hde in next hde; hde in next 16 hdc and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—126 hde. Ch2, turn. Body: Row 1 (right side): Working in BLs only, hdc in first hdc; sk next hdo; + in next hde work (hde, ch 1, hde}—V-st made; sk next hdc, hde in next 2 hdc, sk next hdc +; rep from ¥ tof twice more; V-st in next hde, hde in next hdo; ch 2—underarm made; sk next 25 hdc, hde in next hde; rep from + to dc in next hd; ch 2—under- arm made; sk next 25 hdc, hdc in next hdc; rep from + to + 3times; V-st in next hdc, sk next hdc, 2 hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—16 V-sts. Ch 2, turn. Row 2: Sk first hde, hde in next hde, (V-st in ch-1 sp of next V-st— V-st in V-st made; hde in next 2 hdo) 3 times; V-st in next V-st; hde in next hde, in next 2 chs of next ch-2 sp, and in next de; (V-st in next V-st, hdc in next 2 hdc) 7 times; V-st in next V-st; hdc in next hdc, in next 2 chs of next ch-2 sp, and in next hde; (V-st in next V-st, hdo in next 2 hd) 3 times; V-st in next V-st; hdc in next hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: Sk first hde, 2 hde in next hde; (V-st in next V-st, hde in ext hd, in sp between last hdc worked and next hdc, and in next hdc) 3 times; V-st in next V-st; 2 hdc in next hdc; V-st in sp between next 2 hde; 2 hde in next hde; {V-st in next V-st, hde in next hdc, between last hdc worked and next hde, and in next hdc) 7 times; V-st in next V-st; 2 hdc in next hdc; V-st between next 2 hde; 2hde in next hde; (V-st in next V-st, hde in next de, in sp between last hde worked and next hdc, and in next hdc) 3 times; V-st in next V-st; 2 hdc in next hde; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—18 V-sts. Ch 2, turn. Row Sk first hde, hdc in next 2 hde, (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 3 hdc) 3 times; (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 2 hde) twice; (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 3 hde) 7 times; (V- next V-st, hdc in next 2 hde) twice; (V-st in next V-st, hdc in next 3 hdc) 3 times; V-st in next V-st; hdc in next 2 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn continued ab Pure Joy Row 5: Sk first hdc, hdc in next 2 hde, (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 3 hdc) 3 times; # (V-st in next V-st; hdc in next hde, in sp between last hdc worked and next hdc, and in next do) twice 4; (V-st in next V-st, hdc in next 3 hdc) 7 times; rep from # to once; (V-st in next V-st, hdc in next 3 hdo) 3 times; V-st in next V-st; hdc in next 2 hdc and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn, Row 6: Sk first hdc, hde in next 2 hde, (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 3 hde) 17 times; V-st in next V-st; hde in next 2 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Rows 7 and 8: Rep Row 6. Row 9: Sk first hdc, hdc in next 2 hdc, ch 1, (V-st in next V-st, ch 1, hhdc in next 3 hdc, ch 1) 17 times; V-st in next V-st; ch 1, hhdc in next 2 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Rep Row 9 until body measures 6" from underarm, end- ing by working a wrong side row. At end of last row, ch 1, turn, Edging: Working along center right front, reverse sc (see Stitch Guide on page 3), in each edge hde and turning ch to. Row 10 of bodice; reverse so in edge hde of Row 10, ch 2—buttonhole made; reverse sc in next 4 edge st, ch 2—buttonhole made; reverse sc in next 4 edge st, ch 2—buttonhole made; reverse sc in next 2 edge st; working along neck edge in unused Ips of beg ch, reverse cin each Ip; working along center left front in edge hde land turning chs, reverse sc in each edge st to lower edge; working along lower edge, reverse sc in each hde and in each ch; join in first reverse sc. Finish off and weave in, all ends. ‘Sleeve (make 2) Beg at top, ch 31 Row Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each rem ch—30 sc. Ch 2 {counts as first hde on following rows), turn. Row 2: Sk first 2 sc, (V-st in next sc, sk next sc, hdc in next, sk next sc) 5 times; V-st in next so; sk next hdc, hde in next sc—6 V-sts. Ch 2, turn. Row Sk first hde, (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 2 hdc) 5 times \V-st in next V-st; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn, Rows 4 through 1 Rep Row 3. 12 Row 14: Sk first hdc, V-st in next V-st; dec over next 2 hde [to work dec: (YO, draw up Ip in next hdc) twice; YO and draw through all § Ips on hook—dec made]; V-st in next V-st; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 15: Sk first hde, (V-st in next V-st, hdc in next hdc) 5 times; V-st in next V-st; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. At end of row, do not ch 2; do not turn Edging: Ch 1, reverse sc (see Stitch Guide on page 3) in each st. Finish off, leaving a 24” end for sewing. Weave in other end, Finishing Step 1: With tapestry needle and long end, sew sleeve seam with overcast st (see Stitch Guide on page 3). With wrong sides together, sew sleeve to body through FLs only. Repeat for other sleeve. Step 2: With sewing needle and matching thread, sew buttons opposite buttonholes. Bonnet Back: Starting at center back, ch 3, join to form a ring. Rnd 1 (right side): Ch 2 (counts as an hdc on this and following rds), 11 hdc in ring; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2—12 hde. Rnd 2: CHS hie th earhecei ae fsings 2 has sth vem heat join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2—24 hde. Rnd 3: Ch 2, hde in same ch as joining; in next hde work (hd, ch 1, hde}—V-st made; #2 hdc in next hdo; in next hde work (hdc, ch 1, hde}—V-st made; rep from * 10 times more; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2—12 V-sts. Rnd 4: Ch 2, hde in next hde, V-st in ch-1 sp of next V-st—V-st in \V-st made; (hde in next 2 hde, V-st in next V-st) 11 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Rnd 5: Ch 2, hde between beg ch-2 and next hdc, hde in next hhde, V-st in next V-st; * hdc in next hdc, hdc between last he worked and next hdc, hde in next hdo, V-st in next V- ‘st; rep from * 10 times more; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Rnd 6: Ch 2, hde in next 2 hdc, V-st in next V-st; (hdc in next 3 hdc, V-st in next V-st) 11 times; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Rnd 7: Rep Rnd 6. Crown: Row 1 (right side: SI st in next 2 hde; ch 2 (counts as an de), (V-st in next V- st, hde in next 3 hde) 10 times; V-st in next V-st; hdo in next hde—11 V-sts. Ch 2 (counts as first hde on following rows), turn, leaving rem sts unworked. Row 2: (V-st in next V-st, hdc in next 3 hdc) 10 times; V-st in next Vest; hdc in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Ch 2, turn Row 3: (V-stin next V-st, hdc in next 3 hdc) 10 times; V-st in next Vest; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn, Rows 4 through 6: Rep Row 3. Row 7: Hac in next ch-1 sp and in next 4 hde; (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 3 hdc) 8 times; V-st in next V-st; hde in next 3hdc, in first hdc of next V-st, and in next ch-1 sp; sk next hde of same V-st, hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—9 V-sts. Ch 2, turn. Row Dec over next 2 hde [to work dec: (YO, draw up Ip in next hide) twice; YO and draw through all 5 Ips on hook—dec madel; (hdc in next 3 hdc, V-st in next V-st) 9 times; sk next hdc of same V-st, hdc in next 4 hdc, dec over next, hide and 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 9: Dec over next 2 hde; hde in next 2 hde and in ch-1 sp of next V-st, sk next hdc of same V-st, hdc in next 3 hde; (V- st in next V-st, hdc in next 3 hde) 7 times; hdc in ch-1 sp of next V-st, sk next hdc of same V-st, hdc in next 3 hde, dec over next hdc and 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn, Row 10: Dec over next 2 hdo; hde in next 5 hdc, (V-st in next V-st, dec over next 2 hde, hdc in next hdc) 6 times; V-st in next Vest; sk next hdc of same V-st, hdc in next § hdc, dec over next 2 hde; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 11: Sk first hde, hdc in next 6 hdc and in ch-1 sp of next V-st,, sknext hdc of same V-st, hdc in next 2 hdc, (V-st in next V-st, hde in next 2 hdc) 5 times; hdc in ch-1 sp of next V-st, sk next hdc of same V-st, hdc in next 6 hde and in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 1, do not turn. Neck Edging: Row 1 (right side): Working along edge of crown, in side of turning ch-2, (sc’in side of next edge hdc, 2 scin side of next turning ch-2) 5 times; hdc in same hde as last hdc made on Row 1 of crown, sc in each unused hde, in each ch, and in each sl st of Rnd 7, hdc in same hdc as turning ch-2 made on Row 1 of crown; working along edge of crown, 2 sc in ‘turning ch-2 of Row 1; (sc in next edge hde, 2 sc in next edge hdc) § times. Ch 1, turn. Row 2: Sc in first sc and in each rem st. Ch 1, turn, Row 3: Sc in each sc. Finish off. Edging: Hold bonnet with right side facing you; join yarn in side of first sc of Row 3 of neck edging; ch 1, working across edge of crown, reverse sc (see Stitch Guide on page 3) in side of Rows 3, 2, and 1, in each st across crown, and in side of Rows 1, 2, and 3 of neck edging. Finish off and weave in all ends. Ties (make 2): che. Finish off and weave in ends. Tack one tie to each side of crown at beg of neck edge. Bootie (make 2) Sole: chit. Rnd 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 8 chs; 3 sc in next ch; working along opposite side in unused Ips of beg ch, sc in next 9 chs, 3 sc in beg skipped ch; join in first sc—24 sc. Rnd 2: Ch 1, scin same sc as joining and in next 9 sc; 3 sc in next sc; sc in next 12 sc, 3 sc in next sc; join in first sc—28 sc. Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same sc as joining and in next 9 sc; 2 sc in next sc; Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc; sc in next 11 sc, ( in next sc, sc in next sc); join in first so—32 sc. Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in same sc as joining and in next 10 sc; 2 sc in each of next 3 sc; sc in next 13 sc, 2 sc in each of next 3 ‘s¢; Sc in next 2 sc; join in BL of first so—38 sc. Heel: Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, working in BLs only, sc in same sc and in next 29 ‘sc—30 sc. Ch 1, turn, leaving rem sc unworked. Row 2: Ch 1, dec over first 2 sc (to work dec: draw up Ip in each of next 2 sc, YO and draw through all 3 Ips on hook—dec made); sc in next 26 sc, dec over next 2 sc—28 sc. Ch 1, turn, continued 13 Se Pure Joy Row 3: Dec over first 2 sc; dec over next 2 sc; sc in next 20 sc, {dec over next 2 sc) twice—24 sc. Ch 1, turn, Row 4: Dec over first 2 sc; sc in next 20 sc, dec over next 2 so— 22sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 5: Dec over first 2 sc; dee over next 2 sc; sc in next 14 sc, (dec over next 2 sc) twice—18 sc. Ch 1, turn, Row 6: Sc in first sc and in each rem sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 7 (eyelet row): Sc in first sc, ch 1, sc in next sc) 17 times more—17 ch-1 ssps. Ch 2 (counts as first hdc on following row), turn. Row 8: Hdc in next ch-1 sp; * in next ch-1 sp work (hde, ch 1, hdo)—V-st made; hde in each of next sps; rep from * 4 times more; in next ch-1 sp work (hde, ch 1, hdc}—V-st made; hdc in next sc—6 V-sts. Finish off. Toe Flap: Hold bootie with right side facing you and unused sc of Rnd 4 of sole at top; join yarn in BL of first unused sc. Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, working in BLs only, sc in same sc as joining and in each rem sc—8 sc. Ch 1, turn. Row 2: Sc in first sc and in each rem sc. Ch 1, turn. Row Dec over first 2 sc; sc in next 4 sc, dec over next 2 sc— 6 sc. Ch 1, turn. 14 Sc in first sc and in each rem so. Ch 1, turn. Row 5: Dec over first 2 sc; sc in next 2 so, dec over next 2 so— 480. Ch 1, turn. Row 6: Sc in first sc and in each rem sc. Finish off, leaving a 12" end for sewing, Hold toe flap and bootie with right sides tog; with tapestry needle and long end, sew side seams, carefully matching edge sts of each row. Rep for other side. Turn bootie right side out. Edging: Join yarn in first st to left of one seam; ch 1, reverse sc {see Stitch Guide on page 3) in same st; reverse sc in ‘edge sc of Row 7, 2 reverse sc in edge sc of Row 8, work- ing across Row 8 in hde and ch-1 sps, reverse sc in first st, (sk next st, reverse sc in next st) 14 times; reverse sc in next st; 2 reverse sc in edge hdc of Row 8, reverse sc in edge sc of Row 7; join in first reverse sc. Finish off and weave in all ends. Tie: Ch 60. Finish off and weave in ends. Weave tie through eyelets on Row 7. Tie ends in a bow. -— Soft and Afghan designed by Sandy Scoville Size: About 32" x 40" Materials: Worsted weight chenille yarn, 18 02 (954 yds, 440 g) white Size 6 (4 1/4mm) 24” circular knitting needle, or size required for gauge Gauge: 4.sts = 1" in stockinette st 14 pattern sts = 3" Instructions Note: When working a YO after a knit st and before a purl st, bring yarn forward, completely around the needle, and forward again to complete the stitch. Cast on 142 sts. Row 1 (right side) Knit, Rows 2 and 3: Knit. Row 4: K2, purl to last 2 sts; K2 Row 5: K2;# YO, P1, P3 tog; P1, YO, K2; rep from ® across. Row 6: k2, purl to last 2 sts; K2. Row 7: Knit Rep Rows 4 through 7 until afghan measures about 40°. Knit 2 rows. Bind off loosely. 15 Sacque, Bonnet, and Booties Size: 3-6 months. Materials: Worsted weight chenille yarn, 8 02 (425 yds, 200 g) pink ‘Size 6 (4Jamm) 12" straight knitting needles, ‘or size required for gauge Four 4’2" stitch holders 4'h yds cream satin ribbon, "e'-wide ‘Sewing needle and matching thread Gauge: Asts= in stockinette st 16 Instructions ‘Sacque Starting at neck edge, cast on 52 sts. Row 1 (wrong side): Knit. Row 2 (right side): Knit. Row 3: Knit. Row 4 (eyelet row: K3;# YO, K2 tog; K1; rep from * 14 times more; YO, K2 tog; K2. Row 5: Kit ee Row 6: Row 2: 2; # inc (knit in front and back) in each of next 2sts;K1; Cast on 2 sts; P31. rep from * 15 times more; K2—84 sts. Row 3: Row 7: Knit, K3, P78, K3. Row 4: Row 8: Purl. Knit Rows 9 through 14: Rep Rows 7 and 8 three times more, Rows 15 through 17: Knit Row 18: K2;# inc in next st; K1; rep from # 38 times more; inc in next st; K3—124 sts. Rows 19 through 26: Rep Rows 7 and 8 four times more. Row 27: Knit. Row 28: K3;* YO, K2 tog; K1; rep from # 38 times more; YO, k2tog: 3, (ine in next st, K1) 7 times; K3, (inc in next st, K3) 6 times; (inc in next st, K2) 12 times; K3, (inc in next st, K3) 6 times; (inc in next st, K1) 7 times; K3—162 sts, Row 31 (dividing row): 3, P25, sl these first 28 sts to first stitch holder for right front; P27, sl these 27 sts to 2nd stitch holder for right sleeve; P52, s| these 52 sts to 3rd stitch holder for back; P27, leave on needle for left sleeve; sl rem unworked 28 sts to 4th stitch holder for left front. Left Sleeve: Row 1 (right side): Cast on 2 sts (see Fig 1); K29 {includes cast-on sts), Fig Rep Rows 3 and 4 until sleeve measures 5" from cast-on sts, ending by working a Row 3. Decrease Row: K2; # P2 tog; K4; rep from #3 times more; P2 tog; K3— 26 sts nit three rows. Bind off, leaving a 24" end for sewing. ight Sleeve: Hold piece with right side of piece facing you; sl 27 right sleeve sts from stitch holder onto needle; join yarn in first st. Work same as for left sleeve. Sew sleeve seams. Body: Hold piece with wrong side of piece facing you; s! 28 left front sts from stitch holder onto needle; join yarn at underarm. Row 1 (wrong sidel: P25, K3. Row 2 (right side): 28; pick up and knit 4 sts across underarm of next sleeve; sl 52 back sts from stitch holder onto free needle, knit these sts; pick up and knit 4 sts across underarm of next sleeve; I 28 right front sts from stitch holder onto free needle, knit these sts—116 sts. Row 3: K3, P110, K3. Row 4: Knit. Rep Rows 3 and 4 until body measures § 1/2" from under- arm, ending by working a Row 4. Knit four rows. Bind off. Finishing Cut 32" length of ribbon and weave through eyelet row at neck. Cut 44” length of ribbon and weave through eyelet row of yoke. With sewing needle and matching thread, tack ribbons to sweater at center front edges. Tie into bows. continued 7 Sweetie Pie Bonnet Starting at front edge, cast on 52 sts. Row 1 (wrong sided: Knit, Row 2 (right sidel: Knit. Row 3: Knit. Row 4 (eyelet row): K3; # YO, k2 tog; K1; rep from * 14 times more; YO, K2 tog; K2. Rows 5 and 6: Knit. Row 7: 16; # inc (knit in front and back) in next st; K5; rep from. #3 times more; K12—56 sts. Row 8: Knit Row 9: Purl Rows 10 through 13: Rep Rows 8 and 9 twice more. Rows 14 through 17: Knit. Rows 18 through 23: Rep Rows 8 and 9 three times more. Rows 24 through 27: Knit Rep Rows 8 and 9 until bonnet measures 5" from cast-on edge, ending by working a purl row. Back Shaping: Row 1 (right sid K38, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 16 sts unworked. Row 2: SI 1 as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem. 16 sts unworked. Row 3: SI 1s to purl, K20, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 16 sts unworked. Row 4: SI 1 as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 16 sts unworked. Row 5: SI 1 as to purl, K20, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 14 sts unworked. Row 6: SI 1 as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 14 sts unworked. 18 Row 7: SI 1 as to purl, K20, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 13 sts unworked, Row 8: S11 as to purl, P20, P2 tog; tun, leaving rem 18 sts unworked. Row 9: SI 1s to purl, K20, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSS; tum, leaving rem 12 sts unworked Row 10: SI 1as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 12 sts unworked. Row 11: SI 1 as to purl, K20, sI 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 11 sts unworked. Row 12: SI 1as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 11 sts unworked. Row 13: SI 1 as to purl, K20, sI 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 10 sts unworked. Row 14: SI 1as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 10 sts unworked. Row 15: SI 1 as to purl, K20, sI 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 9 sts unworked. Row 16: SI 1as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 9 sts unworked, Row 17: SI11as to purl, K20, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSO; turn, leaving rem 8 sts unworked. Row 18: SI 1 as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 8 sts unworked, Row 19: SI11as to purl, K20, sI 1 as to knit, K1, PSO; turn, leaving rem_7 sts unworked. Row 20: SI 1 as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 7 sts unworked. Row 21: SI as to purl, K20, sl 7 as to knit, K1, PSO; turn, leaving rem 6 sts unworked, Row 22: SI 1s to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 6 sts unworked. Row 23: SI11asto purl, K20, sI 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 5 sts unworked. Row 24: SI11as to purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 5 sts unworked. Row 25: S118 to purl, K20, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving tem 4 sts unworked. Row 26: SI11asto purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 4sts unworked, Row 27: S11 as to purl, K20, sl 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 3 sts unworked. Row 28: S11 asto purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 3 sts unworked, Row 29: Sisto purl, K20, s! 1 as to knit, K1, PSSO; turn, leaving rem 2 sts unworked. Row 30: S11 asto purl, P20, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 2 sts unworked—26 sts. Row 31: SI11asto purl, K20, sl 1 as to knit, K2 tog, PSSO—24 sts. Row 32: S11 asto purl, P20, P3 tog—22 sts. Cut yarn, leaving sts on needle. Neckband: Hold bonnet with right side facing you and neck edge at top; join yarn at front neck edge at upper right-hand cor- ner. Working across neck edge, with free needle, pick up and knit 16 sts evenly spaced to left-hand needle; K1; #51 1as to knit, K2 tog, PSSO; rep from * 6 times more; pick up and knit 16 sts evenly spaced to left edge—40 sts. Row 1 (eyelet row): 2, YO, K2 tog; K32, K2 tog; YO, K2. Rows 2 through 4: Knit Bind off Finishing Cut 36" length of ribbon. Weave through eyelets around front edge, beg and ending in eyelets on neckband. Tack each ribbon to inside of each edge. Booties (make 2) Starting at bottom edge, cast on 28 sts. Row 1 (right side): K1, inc (knit in front and back) in next st; K10, inc in each of next 4 sts; K10, inc in next st, KI—34 sts. Row 2: Knit. Row 3: 1, ine in next st; K13; inc in each of next 4 sts; K13, inc in next st; KI—40 sts. Row 4: Knit. Row 5: 1, ine in next st; K16; inc in each of next 4 sts; K16, next st; KI—46 sts. Rep Row 4 until piece measures 1 1/2" from cast-on edge, ending by working a wrong side row. Instep: Row 1 (right side): K17, K2 tog; KB, K2 tog; tun, leaving rem 17 sts unworked. Row 2: S111 as to purl, KB, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 16 sts unworked. Row 3: SI/ to purl, KB, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 16 sts unworked. Row 4: SI1 as to purl, KB, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 15 sts unworked. Row 5: SI 1s to purl, K8, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 15 sts unworked, Row 6: S11as to purl, P8, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 14 sts unworked. Row 7: SI 1 as to purl, K8, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 14 sts unworked. Row 8: SI 14s to purl, P8, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 13 sts unworked Row 9: S111 as to purl, KB, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 13 sts unworked. in continued 19 Sweetie Pie Row 10: SI 1 as to purl, P8, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 12 sts unworked. Row 11: SI/1as to purl, K8, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 12 sts unworked. Row 12: S111 as to purl, P8, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 11 sts unworked, Row 13: SI 1 as to purl, K8, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 11 sts unworked. Row 14: SI 1 as to purl, P8, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 10 sts unworked. Row 15: SI/1as to purl, K8, K2 tog; turn, leaving rem 10 sts unworked. Row 16: SI 1 as to purl, P8, P2 tog; turn, leaving rem 9 sts unworked, Row 17: SI/1 as to purl, K8, K2 tog. Do not turn; knit rem 9 sts. Row 18: K18, K2 tog; K8—27 sts. 20 Ankle: Row 1 (eyelet rowh: K1, (YO, K2 tog) 6 times; YO, K1, (YO, K2 tog) 6 times; YO, K1—29 sts. Row 2: Knit. Rep Rows 3 and 4 until top of bootie measures about 1'/e" from eyelet row, ending by working a knit row. Knit 4 more rows. Bind off. Cut yarn, leaving a 24” length for sewing. Finishing ‘Sew back and sole seam. Cut two 20" lengths of ribbon. ‘Weave one length of ribbon through eyelet row at ankle of each bootie. Grochet Cozy Cutie ‘Sweater and Afghan designed by Sandy Scoville Size: ‘Sweater: 6 months Afghan: About 31° x 42" Materials: Worsted weight chenille yarn, for sweater, 5/2 02 (348 yds, 160 g) blue; for afghan, 22 07 (1364 yds, 628 g) blue Size G (4.25mm) crochet hook, or size required for gauge 6 buttons, “e" diameter ‘Sewing needle and matching thread Gauge: T hdc = 2" Instructions ‘Sweater Body: Starting at lower edge, ch 108. Row 1 (right sid In Sth ch from hook (beg 4 skipped chs count as a ch-1 sp, an hde, and a ch-1 sp) work (hdc, ch 1, hde}—V-st made; * sk next 2 chs, in next ch work (hde, ch 1, hde)—V-st made; rep from * 33 times more; sk next ch, hdc in next ch—35 V-sts. Ch 2 (counts as first hdc on following rows), turn, Row 2: Vest in ch-1 sp of each V-st—V-st in V-st made; sk next ch of beg 4 skipped chs, hde in next ch. Ch 2, turn Row 3: Vst in each V-st; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn Rows 4 through 16: Rep Row 3. continued 21 Cozy Cutie Right Front: Row 1 (right side): V-st in each of next 8 V-sts; hde in first hde of next V-st— 8V-sts. Ch 2, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. \dc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Rows 3 through 5: Rep Row 2. NECK SHAPING: Row 1 (wrong side}: \V-st in each of next 6 V-sts; hdc in first hdc of next V-st. Ch 2, tur, leaving rem sts unworked. Row 2 (right side): Sk first hdc, dec over next ch-1 sp and next hdc [to work dec: (YO, draw up Ip in st or sp indicated) twice; YO and draw through all 5 Ips on hook—dec made]; V-st in each of next 5 V-sts; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Row V-st in each of next § V-sts; hde in next hde. Ch 2, turn, leaving turning ch unworked. Row 4: V-st in each of next 5 V-sts; Ch2, turn, Rows 5 and 6: Rep Row 4. At end of Row 6, do not ch 2. Finish off. Back: Hold piece with right side facing you; join yarn in first unused hdc on Row 16 to left of right front. Row 1 (right side: Ch 2 (counts as an hdo), V-st in next ch-1 sp and in each of next 16 V-sts; hdc in first hdc of next V-st—17 V-sts. Ch 2, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. Row 2: \V-st in each V-st; hdc in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: \V-st in each V-st; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Rows 4 through 9: Rep Row 3. \dc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. 22 ; . LEFT SHOULDER SHAPING: Row 1 (wrong side): V-st in each of next 5 V-sts; hde in first hdc of next V-st. Ch 2, turn, leaving rem sts unworked. Row 2 (right side): \V-st in each V-st; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Finish off. RIGHT SHOULDER SHAPING: Hold back with wrong side facing you; sk next 7 ch-1 sps from left shoulder shaping, join yarn in next hdc. Row 1 (wrong side): Ch 2, V-st in each of next 5 V-sts; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 2 (right side): V-st in each of next 5 V-sts; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Finish off. Left Front: Hold piece with right side facing you; sk next ch-1 sp to left of back, join yarn in next hdc. Row 1 (right side): Ch 2, V-st in each of next 8 V-sts; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 2: V-st in each of next 8 V-sts; hde in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: V-st in each of next 8 V-sts; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn, Rows 4 and 5: Rep Row 3. At end of Row 5, do not ch 2. Ch 1, turn. Neck Shaping: Row 1 (wrong sidel: SI stin next hde, in next ch, in next 2 hde, in next ch, and in next hde; ch 2, V-st in each of next 6 V-sts; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 2 (right sidel: V-st in each of next 5 V-sts; dec over next hdc and next cch-1 sp; sk next hde, hde in 2nd ch of beg ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: \V-stin each of next § V-sts; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Rows 4 through 6: Rep Row 3. At end of Row 6, do not ch 2. Finish off, leaving an 18" end for sewing. Sleeve (make 2) chat. Row 1: \-st in 5th ch from hook (4 skipped chs count as a ch-1 sp, an hde, and a ch-1 sp); # sk next 2 chs, V-st in next ch; rep from #7 times more; sk next ch, hdc in next ch—9 V-sts. Ch 2, turn. Row 2: V-st in each V-st; sk next 2 chs of beg 4 skipped chs, hde in next ch. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: V-st in each V-st; hde in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 2, turn. Row 4: \V-st in each V-st; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Ch 3 (counts as an hde an a ch-1 sp), turn. Row 5: Hde in first hdo—beg V-st made; V-st in each of next 9 V-sts; V-st in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—11 V-sts. Ch2, turn Row 6: \Vst in each of next 11 V-sts; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-3. Ch2,turn, Rows 7 and 8: Rep Row 3. Row 9: Rep Row 4. Row 10: Hac in first hdo—beg V-st made; V-st in each of next 11 V-sts; V-st in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—13 V-sts. Ch2, turn, Row 11: V-st in each of next 13 V-sts; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-3. Ch2, turn Rep Row 3 until sleeve measures 67/* from beg ch. At end of last row, do not ch 2. Finish off, leaving a 24" end for sewing. Assembly Step 1: Hold wrong sides of right front and back shoulder tog; with tapestry needle and long ends, sew shoulder seam with overcast st (see Stitch Guide on page 3). Rep for other shoulder. Step 2: Fold one sleeve lengthwise with wrong sides tog; sew seam with overcast st. Rep for other sleeve. Step 3: ‘Sew sleeves to body, matching center of last row of sleeves to shoulder seams. Sleeve Edging: With right side of one sleeve facing you and beg ch at, top, join yarn in first unused Ip of beg ch to left of seam; ch 1, sc in same Ip as joining; working in sps formed by skipped chs and in unused Ips of beg chs, (sc in next sp, sc in next Ip) 10 times; join in first so—21 sc. Finish off. Rep for other sleeve. ‘Sweater Edging: Hold sweater with right front facing you and neck edge to left; make Ip on hook and join with a sc in edge hdc of Row 1 of body. Rnd 1: Working along front in edge hdc and turning chs, (2 sc in next hdo, sc in next hde) 10 times; working around neck- line, 3 sc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2—corner made; 15 sc evenly spaced along right neck edge to right shoulder seam; 26 sc across back to left shoulder seam; 15 sc even- ly spaced to next corner hde; 3 sc in next hde—corner made; working along left front in edge hdc and turning cchs, (sc in next hdc, 2 sc in next hdc) 10 times; sc in next hide; working along lower edge in unused Ips of beg ch and in sps formed by skipped chs, 3 sc in next Ip—corner made; (2 sc in next sp, sc in next Ip) 35 times; 3 sc in sp made by beg 4 skipped chs—corner made; join in first 80-235 sc. Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same so; so in next 31 sc, 3 sc in next sc—cor- ner made; sc in next 58 sc, 3 sc in next so—corner made; sc in next 2 sc; * ch 1—buttonhole made; sk next sc, s¢ in next 4 so; rep from # 5 times more; sc in next sc, 3 sc in next so—corner made; sc in next 107 sc, 3 sc in next so— corner made; sc in next sc; join in first sc. Finish off. continued 23 Cozy Cutie Rnd Make Ip on hook and join yarn in 2nd sc of last corner made; sc in each sc along left front, in each sc across back, and in each sc and ch-1 sp along right front to 2nd ‘sc of lower right front corner; sc in next sc. Finish off and weave in all ends. Afghan Center: Ch 154, Row 1 (right side): In Sth ch from hook (4 skipped chs count as a ch-1 sp, an hdc and a ch-1 sp) work (hdc, ch 1, hdc}—V-st made; # sk next 2 chs, in next ch work (hde, ch 1, hdcl—V-st made; rep from * 48 times more; sk next ch, hdc in next ch— 50 V-sts. Ch 2 (counts as first hdc on following rows), turn. Row 2: \V-st in ch-1 sp of each V-st—V-st in V-st made; sk next ch ‘of beg 4 skipped chs, hde in next ch. Ch 2, turn. 24 Row 3: V-st in each V-st; hdc in 2nd ch of turning ch-2. Rep Row 3 until afghan measures about 42" from beg ch, ending by working a wrong side row. At end of last row, do not ch 2. Ch 1, turn. Edging: Row 1: in first hdo—corner made; sc in each hde and in each ch-1 sp; 3c in 2nd ch of turning ch- 2—corner made; working along next side in each ‘edge hde and turning ch, * sc in next hde, 2 se in next hdc; rep from * to beg ch; working along lower edge in unused Ips of beg chs and in sps formed by skipped chs, 3 sc in next Ip—corner ‘made; sc in next sp; (sc in next Ip, 28c in next sp) 49 times; sc in next sp, 3 8c in next Ip—corner made; working along next side in each edge hdc and turning ch, # 2 sc in next st, sc in next st +: rep from f to ¥ to first sc; join in first sc. Row Ch 1, sc in same sc; 3 sc in next s—corner made; * sc in each sc to 2nd sc of next corner; 3c in next sc—corner made; rep from * twice more; sc in each sc to first sc; join in first sc. Row 3: SI st in next 2 sc, ch 3, hdc in same sc as last sl st made; sk next 2 sc; * V-st in next sc; sk next 2 s¢; rep from * around; join in 2nd ch of beg ch-3. Finish off and weave in all ends. Hm produced by Jean Leinhauser 3

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