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*“A5C PP ERO re 5 Ply Instructions CROCHETED JUMPER AND OVERALLS MATERIALS: VILLAWOOLS PLY: (100% machine washable shrinkproof wool) Jumper: Contrast Colour (CC) Overalls: Main Colour (MC) Contrast Colour (CC) CAROUSEL5 PLY: (100% machine washable acrylic) Contrast Colour (CC) ‘Main Colour (MC) Contrast Colour (CC) Nos. 3.00 mm, 3.50 mm Aero Crochet Hooks. Jumper: Overalls: SIZES: cm 45 80 55 in, 18 20 22 25g balls ee 7 Bl Hei 8 1 ton 20g balls, SG 7 sino” 12 ae 3 Astor Buttons for Jumper. 15, (20: 25) cm (6 8 10 in.) Aero Zipper for Overalls. MEASUREMENTS: Jumper: Actual garment size Length from Shoulder Sleeve seam Overalls: Length from Shoulder Length of inside Leg TENSION: om 49.5 54.5 59.5 in, 19) 21) 23h cm 26 285 3t cm 18 19 cm 0 70 cm 23 28.5 30.5 10 tr to 5 cm and 6 rows of tr to 6 cm on No. 3.50 hook or hook size to give correct tension, NOTE: (1 de2 ch) at beg of row stands for 1 tr, and always work the last st on next row into top ch of (1 de 2ch). JUMPER BACK: With No. 3.50 hook, make 50, (55 : 60) ch. 1st row: 1 de in 2nd ch from hook, 1.dc in each ch to end (49 : 54 : 59 de). Work 1 more row in de. Next row: (right side) (1 de 2 ch) in Ist de, 1 trin each dc to end. Cont in tr. Work until 16.5, (18.5 : 20.5) cm or length req ending wrong side. Shape Raglans: Ast row: Sisst in each of first 4 tr (all sizes), (1 do 2 ch) in next tr, dec 1 tr, 1 tr in each tr to last 7 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin next tr, turn. 2nd row: (1 de 2 ch) in Ist tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each trto last 3 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 tr in last tr (2 tr have been dec) 3rd row: (1 de 2 ch) in 2nd tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each trto last 4 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin next tr, turn (4 tr have been dec). Rep last 2 rows 2, (3 : 4) times, then rep 2nd row 3, (2: 1) times, fasten off (15: 16 : 17 tr rem and 10: 11: 12 rows in Raglans). FRONT: Work as Back until 6, (7 : 8) rows in Raglans have been worked (25 : 26 : 29 tr rem). Shape Neck: Ast row: (1 de 2 ch) in 1st tr, deo 1 tr, 1 tr in each of next4 tr, 1h trin next tr, 1 de in next tr, sl st in next tr, turn. 2nd row: SI st in each of next 1 de and 1h tr, (1 de 2 ch) in 1st tr, (dec 1 tr) twice, 1 trin last tr. 3rd row: (1de 2 ch) in ist tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin last tr (3trrem) 4th row: (1de in Isttr, dec 1 tr, fasten off. Miss centre 5, (6 : 9) tr, join yarn to next tr, 1/dc in next tr, 1h trin next tr, 1 trin each tr to last 3 tr, Page Two dec 1 tr, 1 tr in last tr. Finish to correspond with other side. SLEEVES: With No. 3.50 hook, make 31, (33 : 35) ch. Work as Back until 2, (4: 2) rows of tr have been worked (30 : 32:34 tr). Next row: (1 de 2 ch) in 1st tr, 2 tr in next tr, 1 tr in each trto last 2 tr, 2trin next tr, 1 trin last tr. Cont to inc 1 tr each end in this way on every foll 4th row until 38, (40 : 44) tr. Cont until 18, (19 : 21) ‘cm or length req ending wrong side. Shape Raglans: Work as Ragians for Back to end of 3rd row, then rep 2nd and 3rd rows 1, (1: 2) times, then rep 2nd row 5, (6 : 5) times, fasten off (6 tr rem for all sizes). TO MAKE UP: Lightly press on wrong side. Using small back st sew up Back and Right Front Raglan seams, then leaving 6.5 cm from top, sew up Left Front Raglan seam. Sew up side and Sleeve seams. Press seams Open. NECK BAND: ight side facing, No. 3.50 hook, join yarn to top point of Left Front Raglan, 1 ch, evenly work in de round Neck, turn. Work 5 more rows in de, fasten, off. Right side facing, No. 3.50 hook, join yarn to lower end of Raglan Opening, 1 ch, evenly work in dc on Opening to top edge of Neck Band, (1 de 2 ch 1.dc) in top Corner, 1 dc in each de round Neck Band, (1 de 1 de) in next Comer, evenly work in de'down other side of Opening, do not turn, change to No. 3,00 hook, work 1 row in B de on prev row, fasten off. With No. 3.00 hook, make 3 Button Ips by working 7 ch for each. Neatly and securely attach to inside of Opening. Ls03 TRIMMING FOR ALL EDGES: Right side facing, No. 3.00 hook, join yarn at a seam, 1 ch, work 1 row in B de on lower edge of Jumper and Sleeves, si st to 1 st B dc, fasten off. Sew on Buttons. OVERALLS RIGHT SIDE: With No. 3.50 hook, MC, make 69, (75 : 79) ch. 1st row: (right side) (1'de 2 ch) in 2nd ch from hook, 1 trin each ch to end (68 : 74 : 78 tr) Contin tr. Work until 23, (26.5 : 30.5) cm or length req for Inside of Leg ending wrong side. Place marker at centre of last row. Shape Crotch: Next row: SIst in each of first 4 tr (all sizes), 1 de in next tr, 1h trin next tr, 1 trin each trto last 4 tr, 1h tr in ‘next tr, 1 de in next tr, sl st in next tr, : SI st in each of next 1 de and 1h tr, (1 1st tr, dec 1 tr, 1trin each tr to last 3 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin last tr (B6 : 62 : 66 trrem). Cont to dec 1 tr each end of next 3 rows (50 : 56: 60 tr rem). Cont until 18, (23 : 28) cm from marker ending right side Divide work for Back and Shape Armhole: Next row: (1 de2 ch) in 1st tr, 1 trin each of next 18, (21:23) tr, Th trin next tr, 1 de in next tr, sl st innext tr, turn. Next row: SI st in each of next 1 de and 1h tr, (1 de2ch) in 1sttr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each trto end. Cont to dec 1 tr at Armhole edge on next 3 rows (15 : 18: 20trrem) Work 2, (4 : 6) rows in tr without dec. Shape Neck: Next row: (1 de 2 ch) in 1st tr, 1 trin each of next 9, (10: 12) tr, 1h trin next tr, 1 de in next tr, sl st in next tr, turn. Next row: SI st in each of next 1 de, 1h trand 1 tr, (1.de2 ch) in 2nd tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each tr to end (8:9: 11 trrem). Next row: (1 de 2 ch) in Ist tr, 1 t last 4 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin next tr, turn. each tr to Next row: (1 de 2 ch) in 2nd tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each tr to end, fasten off (4:5: 7 tr rem) Miss next 6 tr from Back for underarm, join MC to next tr, proceed for Front as follows:- 1st row: 1 de in next tr, 1 h tr in next tr, 1 tr in each trto last 4 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin next tr, turn (17 120: 22 trrem). 2nd row: (1 de 2ch) in 2nd tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each trto last 3 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin last tr. 3rd row: (11dc 2 ch) in Ist tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each trto last 4 tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin next tr, turn. 4th row: (1/de 2 ch) ‘in 1st tr, dec 1 tr, 1 trin each trto last 3 tr, dec 1 tr, 1trin last tr. Rep last row once, then cont to dec 1 tr at Front edge on next 3, (5 : 5) rows (4: 5:7 tr rem). Work 3, (3: 5) more rows in tr without dee, fasten off LEFT SIDE: Work as Right side reversing all shapings. TO MAKE UP: Lightly press on wrong side. Using small back st sew up inside Legs, Back and Shoulder seams. Sew Front seam to within 15, (20 : 25) cm of Neck shaping. Press seams open. KNEE PATCHES: No. 3.50 hook, CC, make 10 ch: ‘1st rnd: (1 de 2 ch) in 2nd ch from hook, 1 tr in each ch to last ch, 7 tr in last ch, working on other side of ch, 1 trin each of next 7 ch, 6 trin same ch as (1 dc 2 ch), s| st to top ch of (1.dc 2 ch). 2nd rnd: 3 ch, 1 tr in each tr to end at same time work 2 tr in each of 7 tr round each curve, si st to top ch of 3 ch 3rd rnd: 3 ch, 1 tr in each tr to end at same time work 2 tr in 1st and in every foll 2nd tr 6 times more round each curve, sl st to top ch of 3 ch, fasten off. TO FINISH OFF: Neatly sew Knee Patches into position. Right side facing, No. 3.50 hook, MC, work 1 rnd in de round each Armholer then round Neck and Opening, and lower edges of Legs, do not turn. With No 3.00 hook, work 1 rnd in B de on all edges. Neatly insert Zipper. ABBREVIATIONS: beg = begin/ning; inc = increase/ing; in. = inch/es; Ip/s =loop/ repeat; nd/s = round/s; st/s = stitch/es; sl st de = double crochet: hook. hain; cm = centimetre/s; cont = continue; dec = decrease/ing; foll = following; ; prev = previous; rem = remain/ing; req lip stitch; yoh = yarn over hook; mm = millimetre/s. sert hook in next st, yoh and draw through a Ip, yoh and draw through 2 Ips on required; rep — h tr = half treble: yoh, insert hook in next st, yoh and draw through a Ip, yoh and draw through 3 Ips on hook. t twice. inc 1t crease 1 tr: 2 trin next st. dec 1 tr = decrease 1 through 3 Ips on hook. treble: yoh, insert hook in next st, yoh and draw through a Ip, (yoh and draw through 2 Ips on hook) : leaving last Ip of each tr on hook, work 1 tr in each of next 2 sts, yoh and draw B dc = backwards double crochet: work 1 dc in each st working left to right instead of right to left. Remember, two things are vitally important for the success of your Villawool design. Firstly, you must use the yarn specified. Secondly, your tension must be exactly as stated in instructions. THE IMPORTANCE OF TENSION Befo! sul commencing garment, using specified hook and yarn, you make a length of chain and work ient of pattern to compare with stated tension. Mark area with tape measure and pins, then count number of stitches (or patterns) and rows. If less stitches use a smaller hook, if more stitches use a larger hook. NOTE: Having altered hook size to correct tension, corresponding alterations must be made to hooks throughout instructions. L803 Page Three

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