Designed Website Resources Educators

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‣ Con ne ct with oth er t ea chers a nd suggest an activity that

everyon e can do from th eir cla ssro oms. Include the p are nt s o f
studen ts who h o me-sch o ol in you r o ut reach.
‣ Read books a loud that a ffirm th e ident ities and backgrounds of
ED UCATORS all children – check ou t th ese lists co mpiled by th e A DL,
the  Ameri can Library As s oc iation, We Need Diverse B ooks,
and the Univers ity o f Washingto n Lib raries.
‣ Organ ize an a ge approp riate con versa tion with the children to
first fin d out wh at th ey k no w abou t race. For exam ple, t he
question might be as simple a s a skin g what they kno w about
Asian, Latino /Hispa nic, African -American, White, and Am erica n
Indian/ Native America n peo ple. Lea d them into a conversa tion
about making the world a bett er p lace. Emphasize ca ring a bout
and re specting people of different ra ces.


‣ Devote classro o m t ime to teach an d/o r discuss an issue relat ed
to racial hea ling. Con sider u sing teaching materials fro m
the  Zinn Ed ucation Project; Teaching f or C hange; Teachi ng
Tole rance;  ADL; Border C ross ers ; o r F acing History and
Ourse lves.
‣ Organ ize a time for studen ts to crea te art – visual or writt en –
that inspires ra cial healing.
‣ Facilitate conversation s in schoo l ca feterias using t he
resource s abo ve.
‣ Con ne ct with th e loca l Pa rent Teach er Association (PTA) t o
organ ize activities.

‣ Reach out to th e Asso ciatio n of Am erican College s an d
Universit ies  to co lla borat e o n th eir efforts as an of ficia l p artner
in Truth, Ra cial Hea ling & Tra nsformat ion efforts.
‣ Con ne ct with oth er u niversities already organizing activit ies for
MLK day, f or exa mple, a ppro ach th em about integrat ing racial
healing day in to the ex istin g pla tform.
‣ Con duct outrea ch with the Office of Community Engag em ent at
local colleges an d un iversities.
‣ Enlist stu dent organiz a tio ns (e.g., fraternities, sororities, clubs
etc.) in developing sp ecia l events.
‣ Work with Ho usin g an d Residence Life in creating pro grams for
dormitorie s h osted by Resident Assistants (RAs).
‣ Activate your n etwo rk of professiona ls and friends; reach out t o
everyon e you kno w.
‣ Speak at f aculty ass emblies.
‣ Outreach to scho ol Superin tenden ts, Principals, educa tiona l
ED UCATORS association s, h igh er educa tion , teachers unions, student af fa irs,
(CONT’D) studen t governmen t, commun ity leaders.
‣ Make a commitment t o continue teaching principles of ra cial
diversity at lea st o ne mo nt h of every school quarte r. Encourag e
your collea gu es to do th e same.
‣ Se nd proposa ls to sch ool districts, pa rents, youth group s and
others inviting th em to spon sor even ts .
‣ Plan a social media strat egy th a t reaches young peop le and,
don’t forget to u se t he h asht ags #H o wWeHeal so everyone can
fin d it.
‣ Cre ate an d enco urage fa milies to p articipate in sp ecia l
activities related to racial diversity (e.g., after-school p rog ram

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