CROCHET - Sirdar 4066 - Tunic and Cropped Sweater (56-76, 1-10yrs)

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Cc oul oy St ty le Double Knitting 4066 SIRDAR- SIRDAR DOUBLE KNITTING MEASUREMENTS ‘To Fit Chest 4066 TUNIC AND CROPPED SWEATER Actual Measurement Full Length Tunic Cropped Sweater Sleeve Length (adjustable) Tunic Couniry Style DK Country Style Highlands and Islands DK Denim Tweed DK | Calypso DK Cropped Sweater Country Style DK Benim Tweed DK Calypso DK ‘The quantities of yarn are based upon average requirements und are therefore approximate. 14,00 (UK - USA F5) Crochet Hook, 1 3.50 (UR9 - USA Ea) Crochet Hook, Owing to printing restrictions the colour reproduction is matched as closely as. possible to the yarn, QUERIES, Please contnet:- Knitting Advisory Bureau, SIRDAR PLC. Flanshaw Lane. Wakefield WE2 9ND. West Yorkshite, England, ‘As 5 sizes ure quoted we suggest that you circle all the figures for the size you wish to make before you commence, BACK Using 4.00 crochet hook, make 61 [67:73:79:85]ch. Foundation Row. 1tr into 4th ch from hook, Itr into each of next 0 [0:3:6:9]ch, * miss 2ch, ldtr into each of next 2ch, 1dtr Tension 18 sts and 11 rows fo lem (din) over pattern an 4,00 erochet houk or the size required to give correct tension. VERY IMPORTANT IT IS ESSENTIAL TO WORK TO THE, STATED TE SIRDAR PLC CANNOT ACCEPT RESPONSIRILITY FOR TL SULT OF USING ANY OTHER YARN. ABBREVIATIONS alt alternate patt pattern beg, beginning Fep repeat ch chain rp right side cont continue ss slip stiteh de double crochet sts) stitch (es) dir double treble foll following tr treble ws terong side rep repeat yeh yarn round hook bir half weble em centimetres ine increaseling) in inch(os} 0 no chain (worked from front) into each of missed 2ch (last 4 sts will form cable), ltr into each of next 13 [15:15:15:15]ch, rep from * twice more, miss 2ch, ldtr into each of next 2ch, dtr (worked from front) into each ION TO ENSURE SUCCESS, WORKING ABBREVIATIONS RirP. Relief front treble Make a treble in the usual way but insert hook, from the front and fram right to left, around stern of st indicated, RirB, Relief back treble Make a treble in the usual way but insert hook, from the back and from right to left, around stem of st indicated. Raith. Relief frant double treble Make @ double treble in the usual way but insert ‘hook, from the front and fram right to left, around stem of st indicated. Ratrh. Relief back double treble Make a double treble in the usual way but insert hook, from the back and from right to feft, around stem of st indicated, RtirP. Relief froni triple treble Make a triple treble in the usual way but insert ‘hook, from the front and from right to left, around stem of st irdiog * Yeh, insert hook into st indicated, yrh and draw loop through, yrh and draw through 2 loops, rep from * twice more, yrh and draw through all 4 loops on hook, RairB3teg * (Y¥rh) twice, insert hook around stem of st ‘indicated, from back und fram right to left, yrh and draw Boop through, (yeh and draw through 2 loops) twice, rep from * twice more, yrh and draw through all 4 Joops on hook. LRast Yeh, insert hook into next wr, ythi and draw loop through, yrh and draw through’? loops, (yrh) 4 times, insert hook arnund stem of st indicated, from front and from right to left, yrh and draw loop through, (yrh and draw through 2 loops) 4 Hand draw through all 3 loops on times, hook, Babble * (Yh) twice, insert hook us indicated, yrh aad draw loop through, (yrh ancl draw through 2 loop’) twice, rep from * 4 times more working Into same place cach time, yrh ind draw ihrowgh all 6 loops on hook, ‘Small babble * Yrh, insert hook as indicated, yrh and draw loop through, yrh and draw through 2 loops, rep: from * 4 times more warking inte same place ‘eaeh time, yrh and draw through all 6 loops on howk, sed 2ch, ltr into each of last 2 [2:5:8:1 1]ch, turn. 59 [65:71:77:83] sts. Next Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as ltr), ltr into each of next 1 [1: 4:7:10]tr, * 1RdtrB around each of next 4 cable sts, ltr into each of next 13 [15:15:15;15]tr, rep from * twice more, 1RdtrB around each Of next 4 cable sts, ltr into each of last 2 [2:5:8: 11), turn. Proceed in patt-as follows: Ist Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as Mtr), Itr into each of next 1 [1:4:7:10ltr, * miss 2 sis, 1RdirF around each of next 2 sts, [RdtrF (worked from front) around each of missed 2 sts - now termed Cablea, ltr into each of next 3 [4:4:4:4]tr, ILR4st into next tr and st 2 rows below and 2'sts to left, lir into each of next 2tr, 1RttrF around next st but 2 rows below (thereby leaving next st On previous row unworked), Itr into each of next 2tr, ILR4st info next tr and st 2 rows below and 3 sts to right, Itr into each of next 3 [4:4:4:4]tr, rep from * twice more, Cable4, ltr into each of last 2 [2:5:8:11]tr, tum, 2nd Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as lin), Tir into each of next 1 [14:7:10]te, * TRdteB around each of next 4 cable sts, Ltr into each of next 5 [6:6:6:6] sts, Ihtr into next st, 1 bobble inte next st, [hte into next st, Itr into each of next 5 [6:6:6:6] sts, rep from * twice more, IRdtrB around each of next 4 cable sts, Lir into each of last 2 [2:5:8: V1 ]tr, turn. 3rd Row, 3ch, (3ch counts as du, ltr into each of next 1 [ls 10}tr, * Cable4, Lor into each of next 13 [15;15:15: 15] sts, rep from * twice more, Cable4, Ltr into each of last 2 [2:5:8:11]tr, turn. 4th Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as ltrh, Itr into each of next 1 [1:4:7:10]tr, * 1RdtrB around each of next 4 cable sts, 11r into each of next 13 [15:15:15:15]tr, rep from * twice more, 1RdtrB around each of next 4 cable sts, ltr inte each of last 2 [2:5:8; Li}te, ten. 5th and 6th Rows. As 3rd and 4th rows. From Ist to 6th row forms patt. For Tunic only Keeping continuity of patt as set (throughout) cont until Back measures 36 [41:46;51:56]em, (14 [16:18:20:22]in), ending with a ws row. For Cropped Sweater only Keeping continuity of pat as set (throughout) cont until Back measures 25 [2B:33:35:38]em, (944 [11:13;1344;15]in), ending with a ws row. For Tunie and Sweater Pasten off. FRONT Work as given for Back until 6 [6 ] rows less have been worked than Back to shoulder, ending with a ws row Shape Neck Next Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as Ite), patt next 22 [25:28:31:34] sts, lum, Working on these 23 [2 35] sts only proceed as fallows:- Next Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as ltr), [RdtrB3tog over next 3 sts, pat to end, turn. Next Row. 3ch, (Sch counts as ltr), patt to last 3 sts, tr3tog aver last 3 sts, turn. 19 [22:25:28:31] sts. 9:32: For Sth size only Next Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as ltr), tr3tog over next 3 sts, patt to end, turn. 29 sts. For all 5 sizes Cont in patt until Front matches Back to shoulder. Fasten off. With rs facing, miss centre 13 sts, rejoin yarn to next st and patt to end, 23 [26:29:32:35] sts. Neat Row. 3ch, (3¢h counts as ltr), patt to last 4 sts, 4066 RdirB3tog over next 3 sts, Itr into last st, turn. Next Row. 3ch, Gch counts as ltr), tr3t0g over next 3 sts, patt to end, turn. 19 [22:25:28:31] sts. For 5th size only Next Row. 3ch, (ch counts as Itr), patt to last 3 sts, tr3tog over last 3 sts, turn. 29 sts. For all 5 sizes Cont in patt until Front matches Back to shoulder. Fasten off. SLEEVES (Both alike) Using 4.00 crochet hook, make 37 [37:37:41:41]ch. Foundation Row, lir into 4th. ch from hook, ltr into each of next 4 [4:4:6:6]ch, miss 2ch, Idtr into each of next 2ch, Idtr (worked from front) into each of missed 2ch (last 4 sts will. form cable), ltr into cach of next 15 [1 15:15]ch, miss 2ch, Idtr into each of next 2ch, Idir (worked from front) into each of missed 2ch, ltr into each of last 6 [6:6:8: 1S position of cables and one flower panel worked up centre as given for Back. Keeping continuity of patt as set (throughout) proceed as follows: Next Row. 3ch, (3ch counts as lir}, Itr into base of 3ch, patt to last tr, 2tr into top of 3ch at beg of previous row. Working all increases as set by last row, ine 1 st at each end of 2nd and every foll alt row until there are 49 [55:61:67:71] sts, working ine sts into trebles. Cont without further shaping until Sleeve measures 21 [26: 28:33:36]om, (844 [10M:11:13: 14Jin), ending with a ws row. Fasten off. CUFFS (Both alike) With rs facing, using 4.00 | crochet hook, rejoin yarn to first ch of Sleeve foundation ch, make 13ch and proceed as follows;~ aj Ist Row. Iss into 2nd ch from hook, Iss into each ch to end, iss:into each of next 2 foundation ch of Sleeve, turn, 2nd Row. Miss last 2ss of previous row, Iss into back loop only of each st to end, turn. 12 sts. 3rd Row. Iss into back loop only of first and every ss to end, * 1ss into each of next 7 2 foundation ch of Sleeve, turn Rep 2nd and 3rd Rows until all foundation ch of Sleeve have been used up, ending with a 3rd Row and ending this last row at *. Fasten off. NECKBAND Join shoulder seams. With rs rr) 1 Lin facing, using 3.50 crochet hook, rejoin yarn at right shoulder seam, ** 3ch, {counts as Itr}, then work 1 round of tr evenly around entire neck edge, working a multiple of 4 tr plus 1, 3tr into each pair of rows at neck shaping, ss to top of 3ch at beg of round, turn. Next Round. 2ch, (2ch counts as first st, * 1RtrF around stem of next tr, TRtrB around stem of next tr, rep from * to end, ss to top of 2ch at beg of round, turn, Next Round. 2ch, (2ch counts as first sth, * [RtrF around next st, 1 small bobble into next st, 1RtrF around next st, 1RtrB around neat st, rep from * to end, ss 10 top of 2ch at beg of round, turn. Next Round. ich, (Ich counts as Ide), * Ide-into each of next 2 sts, 3ch, Iss into last de, rep SIRDAR recom imprint forthe wnshing 4066 from * to end, ss to top af Ich at beg of round. Fasten off. TO MAKE UP Fold sleeves in half lengthways, then placing folds to shoulder seams, sew sleeves in position. Join side and sleeve seams. HEM EDGING With rs facing, using 3.50 crochet hook, rejoin yarn to lower edge at bottom of right side seam and complete as given for Neckband from ** to end. See ball band for pressing and care instructions. WARNING. Reproduction of this publicotion ix provecied by enpyright Tris sokd-on ihe eondiion that i kx only sed for non-comnineria paepones. WPMao06 All other rights reserved by SIRDAK PLC, Pinto in Great ean ‘mii 24723) Pel Pa Pts lw dew Fe PF Fe FE e Ee FF Fe

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