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Bilal Farooq Khan

A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar in

Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement of the Degree of Master of Business Admnistration

Institute of Management Sciences, Peshawar

2015 - 2017

I certify that I have read Effectiveness of Cartoon Advertisements by Bilal Farooq Khan,

and that in my opinion this work meets the criteria for approving a thesis submitted in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the year 2015 MBA at the Institute of

Management Sciences, Peshawar


Name: _____________________

Designation: ________________

Coordinator Research& development


Name: _______________________

Signature: ____________________


I, hereby declare that the research submitted to R&DD by me is my own original work. I

am aware of the fact that incase of my work is found plagiarized or not genuine, R&DD

has the full authority to cancel my research work and I am liable to penal action.

Students Name: ______________________

Date: ______________________________


I dedicate the Report to my parents and my wife for their infinite love, care and support

and for always beliving in me.


I would like to express my gratitude to my research supervisor Mr.Abdul Ghaffar for his

guidance, support and help when ever I needed it. He always gave me that push when I

was about to stop and this report wouldn’t be complete without his humble supervision,

so Thankyou Sir.


CHAPTER # 1…………………………………………………………………………….9
1.1: Background…………………………..……………………………………………….9
1.2: Advantage..………………………………………………………..………………….9
1.3: Purpose of the Study………………………………………………………………...10
1.4: Research Statement..……………………………………………..………………….10
1.5: Scope of the Research..……………………………………………………………...10
1.6: Objectives: ………………………………………………………………………….10
CHAPTER # 2…………………………………………………………………………...11
LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………..11
2.1: Types of Cartoons.………………………………………………….……………….11
2.2: Cartoons as an Advertising Tool……………………………………………………12
2.3: Cartoons and Brand Recall………………………………………………………….13
2.4: Cartoons and Children………………………………………………………………18
2.5: Choosing the Type of Cartoons……………………………………………………..19
2.6: Summary of the Literature…………………………………………………………..20
CHAPTER # 3…………………………………………………………………………...22
3.1: Research Methodology……………………………………………………………...22
3.2: Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………………...22
3.3: Research Questions………………………………………………………………….23
3.5: Research Design…………………………………………………………………….23
3.6: Population………………………………………………………………….………..23
3.7 Sampling technique…………………………………………………………………..24
3.8: Questionnaire………………………………………………………………………..24
3.9: Sample Size………………………………………………………………………….24
3.10: Limitations…………………………………………………………………………24
CHAPTER # 4…………………………………………………………………………...25
Table 1.1……………………………………………………………………..…………..25
Table 1.2…………………………………………………………………………………25
Table 1.3…………………………………………………………………………………28
Table 1.4…………………………………………………………………………………29
Table 1.5…………………………………………………………………………………30
Table 1.6…………………………………………………………………………………31
Table 1.7…………………………………………………………………………………33
Table 1.8…………………………………………………………………………………34
Table 1.9…………………………………………………………………………………35
CHAPTER # 5…………………………………………………………………………...36


The objective of this study is to measure weather cartoon advertisements are more

effective in terms persuading the target audience and enabling them to keep the product

in mind while doing a purchase and also if they are able to remember the advertisement

as compared to live action advertisements. A sample of students at IM|Sciences, both

male and female were selected at random to participate in this experimental study and it

was observed affirmatively that Cartoons are a much better tool of advertising if the goal

is to attain recall potential, convincing people and getting their attention. Two

advertisements, one cartoon and another with live action real people was displayed to the

participants of the experiment and then two days after they had seen the commercials

they were asked to fill out a questionnaire which had questions about the advertisements

and the products in the advertisements. The participants gave a very good response and

showed very good retention and recall-ability of the cartoon advertisement in comparison

to the regular live action advertisement. The participants demonstrated a keen interest in

the product which had the cartoon advertisement. Hence from the experiment it can be

concluded that the hypothesis was confirmed making Cartoons a much more effective

way of advertising.



In today’s media industry, cartoons have turned into the new innovative

publicizing trend. Using cartoons, a business can come up with out of the box and

unconventional ideas for advertisement by making cartoon content for different media,

such as the social media, electronic and print media through the internet, mobile phones,

and television. Cartoon commercials can more adequately give a visual elaboration of

items which would not be conceivable to show generally with a live action advertisement.

1.1: Background:

Research has demonstrated that buyers tend to show a high association with

cartoons and high involvement brings about a more focused attention towards the

commercial and subsequently it prompts high retention and recall leading to more

awareness about the product. In the last ten years there has been a notable rise in the

number of in cartoon advertisements being made. Cartoon mascots are largely used by

companies which manufacture items for kids but now companies making FMCGs are

also trying to these type of commercials. One of the reason being that kids can influence

the choice of their folks about specific items because of cartoon characters.

1.2: Significance to Study:

There is a very distinct edge of having a an cartoon mascot rather than a real

spokesperson because the audience can attach and associate different stereotypes with

these spokespersons depending on their age, race gender etc., but same is not the situation

with cartoon characters since they don't have real presence existence. Other than having

mascots we can likewise demonstrate to the clients firsthand how the item is made or

functions via cartoons which would not be achievable, in live action advertisements.

Cartoons have turned into a very important technique in modern visual effects since it can

convince the customer and dictate his decisions and also occupy a place in the customer’s

subconscious embedding features of a particular item in his or her mind. Knowing the

effect cartoon advertisements have and the way it encourages watchers or effects their

emotional reactions and behavioral desires gives profitable data to specialists who make

cartoon promotions when they want make compelling cartoon ads.

1.3: Purpose of the Study:

The primary reason for this experimental study was to find whether cartoon

advertising if more effective than live action advertisements.

1.4: Scope of the Study:

Scope of the research was restricted to the population of the Institute of

Management Sciences Peshawar comprising of students and a few faculty and staff

members on whom I measured the effects of cartoon advertisements.

1.5: Statement of the Study:

This research was an attempt to know that between cartoon commercials and live

action commercials which one is more effective in terms or product recall and customer

purchase decision.

1.6: Objectives:

The research questions in this was aimed towards finding out the impact of

cartoon advertisements on recall and purchase behavior of the population who are a part

of this experimental study.



2.1: Different Kinds Cartoons:

A considerable studies have been conducted in the field on Cartoons, its

belongings and also its utilization as a promoting instrument. Cartoons are an

exceedingly compelling outline device for catching watcher intrigue and consideration.

Chang Hyun 2006 states that Cartoons are generally characterized into various

classifications, like CGI (Computer Graphic Image) Cartoons, clay cartoons

(Claymation), cartoon Cartoons, film Cartoons, drawn Cartoons, pixilation, puppet

Cartoons, and silhouette Cartoons. A total of 13 distinct sorts of cartoon ads are there,

which fall into a few useful classes: Demonstration, fiction, comparison, explanation, big

model, documentary, image building, slice of life, symbol, production, spectacular,

advertisement, and comedy.

One of the well-known kind of cartoons are drawn on a cell and are in two

dimension or 2D. It is a conventional outline method. Propelled innovation can make

another style Cartoons. The three-dimensional cartoons of clay cartoons are made. In

current media outlet, clay cartoons and PC produced cartoons have turned into the most

well-known kind of cartoons in film and TV commercials. Clay Cartoons, PC produced

Cartoons, puppet cartoons are the most prominent cartoons sorts in today's cartoon

industry. Clay cartoons utilizes figures made of plasticine, a material that has an oil base

to keep it adaptable. Manikin cartoons utilize three-dimensional assumes that are moved

incrementally for every edge of film. Pixilation is cartoons made by utilizing people or

other live subjects taped incrementally in different settled postures; when the

developments are played back, the subjects move in an unnatural or to some degree

strange way. Because of cutting edge pixilation innovation, the figment of movement is

made through a progression of PC produced still pictures (;

contributed by Furniss 2006). Cartooning is alluded as a progression of drawings made

on paper in arrangement for and in an indistinguishable size from an artistic creation,

woven artwork, mosaic, or bit of recolored glass (; contributed by

Kunzle 2006).

2.2: Cartoons as an Advertising Tool:

Right now, cartoon cartoons have ended up as devices to impact individuals'

feelings on legislative issues and society. In spite of open deliberations about the

insufficiencies of Cartoons, studies particularly identified with publicizing components

like sound, shading, and movement take note of that watchers react well to such

elements. Besides, new advancements have extended and rehashed the idea of publicizing

plan and Cartoons. While past reviews focused on youngsters' states of mind toward

cartoon commercials and items (Hoy, Young, and Mowen 1986) or the viability of

cartoon spokespersons (Neeley and Schumann 2004), cartoon advertisements warrant

additionally think about in light of the fact that they have turned into an inexorably well-

known outline kind that interests to buyers of any age.

The other advantage of a cartoons study is the examination between cartoon

promotions and real to life designed notices by sorting the sorts of Cartoons. The

outcomes got illustrate the abnormal state of buyer excitement and promotion review

connected with cartoon advertisements. The abnormal state of excitement could be

changed into positive brand assessment and demeanor toward the advertisement and

brand. The review displays justifies by exhibiting what compelling cartoon publicizing

jolts is and by classifying cartoon commercial sorts as a rule for more cartoon notices.

Cartoons have turned into the new innovative promoting pattern in today's media outlet.

As a character-based business, cartoons can extend the outline of ad by applying

computerized substance to various media, for example, the Internet, cell phone

innovation, and TV. Cartoon commercials can all the more adequately give visual shows

and review declarations for items. Besides, suggestions got from this review light up how

cartoon promotions ought to consider the impact of lower-level fringe handling courses

on watcher influence.

Understanding the relationship between cartoon promotions and how they

animate watchers or impact their enthusiastic reactions and behavioral desires gives

important data to professionals who configuration cartoon promotions when they make

viable cartoon commercials. Cartoons have turned into an imperative outline device in

late realistic interfaces since they rouse purchaser activities and attract watchers'

thoughtfulness regarding particular item includes. From a functional point of view, the

discoveries give sponsor and cartoon planners a helpful data when they are making

another cartoon characters in notices. Understanding the relationship between

presentation of cartoon commercials and watchers' view of cartoon advertisements, mark

and behavioral activity intersections subjective and influence reactions is exceptionally

important resource for promoting professionals and researchers.

2.3: Cartoon Recall ability:

While conducting an experimental study Hoy, Young, and Mowen (1986) wrote

that the participants of the experiment who viewed a cartoon character in the

advertisement had a much more likable tendency regarding the item that was being

advertised by the cartoon. In contrast the participants of the experiment who viewed the

live action advertisement did not show such a tendency. From this observation its can be

seen that the cartoon advertisements made the viewer sway towards the product and the

cartoon character made it easier for him to recall the product. Rossiter and Percy (1980)

and Gorn (1982) have stressed in their stud that if advertisements are made attractively

then they have an impact on the consumer’s behavior about the product through visual

demonstrations and verbal testimonies.

Neeley and Schumann (2004) discovered that cartoon mascots affect the subject's

regard for an advertisement's character and item acknowledgment, and can ingrain

inspirational states of mind toward the item. From a useful point of view, the discoveries

give sponsor and cartoon originators a valuable data when they are making another

cartoon characters in promotions. Understanding the relationship between presentation of

cartoon notices and watchers' impression of cartoon promotions, mark and behavioral

activity intersections intellectual and influence reactions is extremely important resource

for publicizing experts and researchers. Cartoon designers trust that picture movement

ought to be produced from certifiable.

Created of value HR can be upgraded cartoons picture movement and also

characters. The better-outlined cartoons could give a superior downplaying of how

cartoons impact the relationship between customer psychological and full of feeling

procedures and ensuing shopper conduct.

Callcott and Alvey (1991) say that examination proposes that cartoon mascots are

both prevalent with groups of onlookers and successful in publicizing since they may fill

in as objects of wistfulness, (for example, the Pillsbury Doughboy and the Jolly Green

Giant), they can make a personality for the brand or sponsor, and they can fill in as

constructive influence prompts since individuals appreciate watching cartoons and

partner constructive sentiments with them, which then prompts to constructive affections

for the item and more noteworthy review of the item. The creators found that mascots

made particularly for an item or brand delivered higher rates of right item review than did

``celebrity' “endorsers, for example, the Peanuts characters and Bugs Bunny, who may

speak to a few items.

As per Phillips (1996) sponsors utilize exchange characters to pull in

consideration, upgrade recognizable proof of and memory for an item and accomplish

limited time progression. She found that they are additionally powerful in light of the fact

that they can be utilized to exchange sought implications to the items they promote. They

can make an alluring picture for the item by connecting the identity and social importance

of the character to the item in the brains of the customers. Promotions with cartoon

mascots have likewise been found to score better than expected in capacity to change

mark inclination (Stewart and Furse, 1986).

Callcott and Phillips (1996) found that promotions highlighting cartoon characters

were observed more frequently than different sorts of commercials and that brand loving

is influenced by mascot agreeability. Affability, they say, is essential since it converts

into promoting viability. A few respondents in their review confessed to purchasing items

in light of the fact that a character in a commercial centered their consideration on the


Callcott et all (1994) examined cartoons and cartoon mascots in TV promoting.

The greater part of mascots saw in this review were people, creature representations, or

item embodiments. Characters will probably represent the item than give visual show

despite the fact that they did both in the greater part the cases. There were much more

non-VIP than big name mascots, and an expansive dominant part of them were male.

Critical contrasts were found in the utilization of cartoons crosswise over day parts,

program sorts, item classes and item classifications. Albeit no expansion was apparent in

the utilization of cartoons since the last review was finished, there was proof to

recommend that the part of cartoons have been changing in the previous decade.

Discoveries demonstrate that cartoon mascots are being utilized all the more frequently to

present high association items to grown-up gatherings of people.

Maclnnis et all (1999) The power to recognize things from memory is most

elevated when the name of the brand is graphically drawn and presented in front of the

eyes of the customer. Signaled review is most noteworthy when a graphically drawn item

classification is combined with components that maintain an item class mark name


Lutz & Lutz (1977) were the pioneers of studying the force of brand images.

Mark images are recognized by 3 extents from their review. Initial 2 identify with the

methodology by whom the brand name plus the item classification are demonstrated.

Actual connection versus actual partition. Therefore, a few images speak to both

substances graphically, others speak to both verbally. Barbara (1990) said that scholarly

ideas from classification investigations of established purposeful anecdote are adjusted to

examination of promoting organizations. Two traditional structures - reification and

typology- - are examined, and their significance for promoting compressed. Four

essential symbolic components are depicted to recognize the structures, and two

advertisements are examined to uncover the capacity of each in connection to item class,

message claim, duplicate structure, and media choice. Publicizing outcomes are proposed

regarding brand methodology proper to message sort (educational or transformational),

killer claim (wistfulness and unusual), and sought reaction (consideration or compassion).

Remaneuk, Sharp, Paech and Driesener (2004) say that diverse sorts of publicizing

mindfulness is distinctive in the company’s general scale of remarkable quality however

it is really not a solitary hidden develop is seen through various measures. Stafford, and

Day (2002) thinks that some sorts of mascot for a portrayed and a retail benefit show that

a mascot adjusts within the described administration however it stands out with the

utilitarian administration. Superstars did good in both kinds of administrations however

impacts changed with various administration sorts.

Walker and Dubitsky (1994) researched states, enjoying a television commercial

corresponds straightforwardly to publicizing review. One demonstrated purpose behind

this connection is that amiable or very much loved commercials can influence a person's

data preparing by making good incitement, expanding the review of the publicized

content, and taking the meaning delivered in the commercial in a positive way.

Singh, Rothscild and Churchill (1988) the creators say a progression of tests on

acknowledgment as a reliant variable while concentrate on the learning and overlooking

of TV commercials. They concentrate the moment presentation, advertisement term, and

promotion repeat on acknowledgment and unhelped review points. The outcomes

demonstrate that acknowledgment points are not aimlessly too much, as contended, and

so diminish, contradicting to what frequently is accepted. The information, indeed,

demonstrate that acknowledgment points are more touchy and segregating than, and co

differ with, unhelped review points. This demonstrates they demand more thought by

publicizing party.

Doss (2011) looks at the perspective of a company name and its transformation on

the underwriting by big name of the item. Investigation of big name supports in past have

broke down the effect of the big name on the item/benefit embraced however not the turn

around transformation. General believability of a big name, and ability, is affected by the

gathered state of mind toward a marked item. Other than this a gravely saw brand may

likewise impact a big name's allure and reliability adversely. Be that as it may, in the

meantime an emphatically saw mark does not really build similar qualities of appeal and

dependability on a less acknowledged superstar.

Silvera, Austad (2003) analyzed that item mentalities are anticipated by

derivations regarding the person in the commercial preferring for the item and by states

of mind toward the person in the commercial. Till, Baack (2005) analyzed that

imaginative advertisements help in unaided review, yet that inventiveness did not

increment supported review, buy plan, or brand and advertisement state of mind. The in

addition to of innovative promoting improving unaided review was discovered to have

delayed effects by as much as six to seven days.

2.4: Cartoons and Kids:

Schumann, David (2004) said that utilizing cartoon mascot in promoting

to youthful youngsters does expanding consideration regarding publicizing and may

prompt to driving their folks to purchase the brand for them. It talked about different

variables of purchasing choices in the families from kids' state of mind, resemblance and

guardians impact.

Lin, Wang (2012) investigated that inclinations and perspectives about cartoon

mascot contrast among shoppers of various age, and state of kids. Other than this

utilization in high association proficient results of same sort can likewise expand client's


As per Neeley (2004), the utilization of cartoon mascots in publicizing to youthful

kids is a vital correspondence strategy as often as possible analyzed, faced off regarding,

and scrutinized by guardians, scientists, youngster backers, and government authorities.

Albeit popular conclusion recommends that mascots impact youthful youngsters' item

craves, scholastic research has for the most part neglected to show this impact. The

present review expands past reviews looking at mascot impact on kids, and particularly

analyzes the impacts of character activity and voice. Aftereffects of two reviews bolster

past discoveries that despite the fact that character activity and voice may impact a

youthful youngster's regard for a promotion, character, and item acknowledgment, and

even an inspirational state of mind toward the item, the relation among mascots and a

tyke's inclination, aim, and decision of an item are indeterminate.

2.5: Which Type of Cartoons to Choose:

Additionally Garretson (2004), says that Mascots have showed up in

various advancement battles all through the previous century. While enthusiasm for these

characters has developed after some time, a generous bit of the exploration concerning

characters has risen amid this previous decade. However there exists an exploration

crevice regarding the effect of particular mascot includes on company name related

results. In this review, we look at this crevice and develop this surge of writing with the

principal experimental analysis of the relationship between particular mascot components

and the company name’s disposition. In light of the tried directed intervention display,

our outcomes demonstrate that mascot reliability is an essential middle person of the

impacts of mascot highlights on company state of mind. This model likewise

demonstrates that brand encounter fundamentally directs the impact of mascot reliability

on brand state of mind. Subsequently, mascot highlights result in greater ideal brand

mentalities for customers with lower brand involvement, while mascot highlights have

less impact on brand states of mind for shoppers with more involvement with the brand.

2.6: Summary of the Literature:

Organizations can pick amongst these sorts of cartoon strategies and utilize the

one that best fits their item's identity and their advertisement needs. From thinking about

their own unique character to go about as a brand mascot or to display with PC created

cartoon representation how their thing is made, will work or directions about the item that

how it ought to be utilized by the clients. Firms have an awesome arrangement to look

over however what's basic is picking the right sort of cartoons sort that will work for

them in light of the way that picking the wrong sort can truly hurt their picture rather than

enhancing it. A couple of the procedures for cartoon creation are more costly to make

than others and sometimes they are significantly more costly than making live activity

advertisements, so the cost of the advertisements shortlisted assumes a gigantic part in the

administrators choice with respect to the sort cartoon Cartoons the brand goes for. It vital

that sponsors go for a decent real life advertisement than a poor cartoon advertisement to

pass on the message.



3.1: Research Methodology:

The research found the impact of the using cartoons in advertising, its ease of

recall-ability in the customer’s memory and its capacity to persuade customers to buy the

product. The researcher additionally checked whether there is any involvement of the age

factor in being the influential force of cartoon commercials.

3.2: Theoretical Framework:

To understand and observe of the effectiveness of cartoon advertising in detail,

the researcher selected effectiveness as my dependent variable against and independent

variable cartoon ads.

3.3: Research Questions:

 Does cartoon advertising help in recall of the brand name?

 Does cartoon advertisement have an impact on the buying decisions of the


3.5: Research Design:

I opted for a question paper based on an experiment to conduct my research. To

begin with I carefully picked two advertisements of a similar nature but of competitor

firms, such that they would be appropriate for all ages. One advertisement was a live

action advertisement and the other one was a cartoon. The products that I chose were

namely Red Bull Energy Drink and Monster Energy Drink, as they are both energy drink

producing companies and arch rival in the energy drink market so it gave my experiment

more authenticity.

3.6: Population:

After choosing which advertisements I was going to expose my audience to, I put

them in one video clip side by side and had different groups of people watch the

comercials. The people who viewd the commercials comprised of students, mostly

youngsters and some children. At the time when I showed both the ads to the audience I

did not clearify the reason why they were viewing the ads I oldly let them know that they

were part of a research experiment. After two days when I went back to each of the

viewers I gave the a questionire to fill regarding the ads they had watched two days ago

and then at that point told them that the questionaire was designed to check their recall of

the both the brands from memory and also if both the ads have influenced their buying

decsions in anyway. The two day space was specifically given to measure which one of
the two of advertisements had the most retening power and also to see that if the

participants of the experiment could rethink advertisements from their memory or not.

3.7 Sampling:

I used non probability convenient sampling.

3.8: Questionnaire:

In the questionaire I asked the participants of the experiments various questions

from which I can calculate which type of commercial was more effective. The questions

were designed in such a way that they test the retetion power of the viewers that which of

the two comercials do the remember more in detil afer two days. Then I also asked them

questions regarding their purchse decsions that between the two products in the

commercials which one would they buy and what is the reason behind the decsion, it it

because of the brand image, quality or only because of the type of commercial they used

to advertise their product.

3.9: Sample Size:

I showed the commercials a sample size of 100 people. Amoung these I was able

to track down 80 of the viewers and made them fillout the questionaires related t the

commericals they had watched. Out of these 80 filled questionaires only 60 had acurate

useable data. I have further done anaylasis of this data and come up with results which

are quiet significant. The results are further discussed in the study.

3.10: Limitations:

As with all research studies at this level the limitations are mostly due to the sample size

which is small due to lack of resources but in my study another limitation was finding the

same people who watched the commercials again to fill the questionnaires.


The appropriate response of the respondents got from the questionnaires have

been put into tables underneath with nitty gritty explanations and elucidations. Every

question has been translated individually and furthermore it has been clarified for the

statistic profile of the respondents. Recurrence tests have been keep running on the

outcomes got from the questionnaires and a cross tab to check the relationship amongst

age and viability of cartoon advertisements has likewise been run and appeared in a table

towards the end.

Table 1.1

From the total 60 questionnaires with the useable data I made a table below

showing us the characteristics of the people who filled out the questionnaires. The data

shows that 44 of these people were Males and the remaining 16 persons we females.

Further I divided them into age groups and noted that 1 person among the 60 was aged

between 16 and 20, a large chunk of the experiment participants were from the age

between 21 and 24 which amounted to 53 persons, there were also 5 people from the age

bracket of 25 and 30 and lastly there was 1 person whose age was above 31 years

Table 1.2:

In table number two that I have given below I have tabulated the answers of the

second question which was designed to check the recall-ability of the brand names of the

products that the viewers had witnesses a couple of days before. Out of the 60

respondents 52 reviewed both the brand name Monster Energy Drink and Red Bull

Energy Drink effectively. 3 respondents couldn't review any of the two, while 5 reviewed

just Monster Energy Drink. Here we don't see cartoons having a critical preferred

standpoint in light of the fact that out of the two promotions more individuals reviewed

the non-cartoon advertisement.

Table 1.3:

The information in this table demonstrates that what number of the respondents

could review what mark had the cartoon advertisement. Out of the 60 respondents 43

accurately reviewed that Red Bull Energy Drink had the cartoon while the rest of the 17

proved unable. This shows maintenance of 71.1% a day in the wake of viewing the



The next question was asked to know the ad preference of the viewers that is

which of the two types of commercials, cartoon or live action commercial did they like

more. As a response 40 people liked the cartoon ad while 17 people preferred the live

action commercial. The remaining three people however did not like any one of the two

commercials. If we observe the response of this question we can identify the carton

commercials have a clear edge of live action ads in terms of likability.

Table 1.5:

Linking this question to the previous question the viewers were asked why did the

like they type of comercial that they mentioned in the last questions. They were given

three options to choose from, first was the message the ad delivered, second was the

overall execution of the ad and lastly the characters that were in ad. In response 19 people

lied the commercials because of the message, 17 liked the execution and the remaining

24 liked the ads because of the character in the commercial. From this we can see that

the mascot in the commercial is very important for the likeability of the brand.

Table 1.6:

This questions asked the viewers which of the two brands they like more based on the

commercials they saw. 22 of the people said that they preferred Monster energy drink

over Red bull and 34 people said vice versa. A total of 4 people said that they did not like

any of the two brands. These responses were mainly based on the ads these people saw

but some it might also have smaller contributing factors of pervious experiences with the

brand and overall existing brand image in the viewers mind.

Table 1.7:

In this question I asked the important question of which brand the viewer’s

actually purchase would. This is important because this is the reason for which

commercials are made to sway customer’s purchase decisions in their direction. In

response of the question 20 people opted for buying Monster energy drink, 34 people

wanted to buy Red Bull energy drink, 2 people were indifferent between the two and 4

people said they did not want to buy any of the two. As we can see from the table below

in this response the ad with the cartoon ad again attracts more customers which indicates

its effectiveness.

Table 1.8:

Relating this question to the previous question, I asked the viewers, what were the

factors on the basis of which they selected one product over the other. I gave them four

option from which they could choose why they picked one product over the other. The

options were perceived quality, price of the product, ease of availability of the product

and finally how much role did the commercial play in convincing them to select the

product. In the response 31 people said that they selected the product because of its

perceived quality, 2 of them claimed that it was solely because of price, 18 person wrote

that they selected the certain product because they were convinced by the commercial of

that particular product and in the end 9 persons said that they selected the one over the

other because of its easy availability in the market. As we can see here the most

important factor turn out to be the quality of the product followed by the commercial of

the product.

Table: 1.9:

In the end you will observe that I have tabulated data that compares age with the

preference towards cartoon commercials. The data is very contradicting to common belief

that only kids will be attracted to the cartoon commercials. We can see very clearly that

people from throughout the age spectrum are equally attracted or convinced by cartoon

commercials which proves it to be a very effective tool which is usually underrated or

neglected by marketers.



Going through the tabulated data above one can easily conclude that cartoon

commercials have a significant role to play in the purchase decision of a customer and

hence we can say that it is very effective as compared to live action commercials. Since

the both the products we picked were from the beverage industry it may be a factor that

this technique is more useful for FMCGs than other products but it is effective none the

less. From the experiment conducted we see that most of the people from the sample size

picked the Red Bull energy Drink which had the cartoon ad over the Monster energy

drink. There are a few more factors also involved that were observed such as product

quality, price and availability but the commercial has a quiet significant role to play in

persuading the viewer. It can also be concluded that if the customer purchases the product

or not but they definitely remember the cartoon ad for a longer time and in more detail as

compared to the live action ad which if good for the brand as it makes brand recognition

and brand recall very easy. Cartoon commercials are very good to keep the product in the

customers mind especially in the FMCG products, it might not be very suitable for very

serious and commercial products because one has to keep in mind the brand personality

before deciding to make a cartoon commercial. Another reason why cartoon commercials

are effective is because cartoons do not have real existence so people do not associated

different personality traits, biases and stigmas with them as compared to models in a live

actions commercial. Using a model may drive away people if they do not like the

personality of the model in the ad or if they associate certain negative characterizes with

them. Overall I can say that yes cartoon are a great tool for marketing and advertising.


This study will help those who want to further make in depth analysis of the
effectiveness of cartoon advertisements on the customer’s recall behavior, purchase
decisions and likeability towards certain products as compared to the traditional live
action commercials. This research can also be used as a literature for further studies
related to cartoon advertisements. These results cannot be generalized because of certain
limitations, first being its small sample size but this research can be very helpful for
companies who are thinking of using unconventional methods of advertising such as
cartoon advertising as compared to live action advertisements.


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Gender: _________________

Age: _________________

1. Can you recall the names of both the brands?

i) _______________

ii) _______________

2. Which Brand had the cartoon ad?

 Red Bull Energy Drink

 Monster Energy drink

3. Which advertisement did you like more?

 Red Bull Energy Drink

 Monster Energy drink

4. Why do you like the above mentioned advertisement?

i. Message
ii. Execution

iii. Characters

5. Which brand do you like more?

 Red Bull Energy Drink

 Monster Energy drink

6. If you were to purchase the product, which brand will you intend to buy?

 Red Bull Energy Drink

 Monster Energy drink

7. Why do you like the above mentioned product?

i. Quality

ii. Price

iii. Convincing advertisements

iv. Availability of product


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