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Commonly defined as the name of a person, thing,

place, quality, activity, concept or condition.

▪ Proper Noun – specific names and are, therefore, the
first letter is capitalized when written.
▪ Examples: Philippines, Sebastian

▪ Common Noun – general names and first letter is

not necessarily written in capital letter.
▪ Examples: country, player
▪ Collective Nouns – represent a group/class considered
as a unit. (jury, committee, school of fish, bunch of grapes)
▪ Count Nouns – (box, package, truck, house, chair)
▪ Mass Nouns – (water, coffee, wheat, flour)
▪ Abstract Nouns – refer to concepts and emotions
(imagination, fear, anger, honesty)
▪ Concrete Nouns – refer to phenomena which can be
experienced by the senses. (thunder, earthquake,
▪ Masculine gender
nouns are words for
men, boys, and
male animals.
▪ Feminine gender
nouns are words for
women, girls and
female animals.
▪ Common gender
nouns are nouns that
are used for both
males and females.
▪ Neuter gender
nouns are words for
things that are not
▪ Subject
▪ A noun/pronoun. Tells who or what the sentence is

▪ Examples:
▪ The Fifties and Sixties were times of great change.
▪ There are many insurance companies in Manila.
▪ Predicate Nominate / Predicate Nominative
▪ A noun/pronoun that follows a linking verb and equals
the subject.

▪ Examples:
▪ Ms.Valeria is our debate coach.
▪ The finalists are he and she.
▪ Direct Object
▪ A noun/pronoun that follows an action verb. Answers
the questions: whom or what, about the action verb.

▪ Examples:
▪ Kalix played the piano.
▪ The Ledezmas gave him a reward.
▪ Indirect Object
▪ A noun/pronoun that follows an action verb and
precedes a direct object. It answers the questions: to
whom/for whom, to what/for what the verb's action is

▪ Examples:
▪ We gave God the glory.
▪ The teacher gave Ian much encouragement.
▪ Object of the Preposition
▪ A noun/pronoun that completes a preposition

▪ Examples:
▪ Yanna sat on the chair in the kitchen.
▪ The dog jumped over the fence.
▪ Appositive/Appositive phrase
▪ A noun/pronoun that comes after a noun/pronoun and
equals that very noun/pronoun that it follows.

▪ Examples:
▪ Sevi, the basketball team captain, became an engineer.
▪ Avi, the daughter of Hiro and Yanna, grew up to be a
fine lady.

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