Fullyraw 5 Easy Steps Eating Raw Vegan 2019 Final PDF

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elcome to Fully Raw! Saturday my family, friends, and I dispensed fresh
Thank you for being open, even fruits and vegetables to neighbors, until the co-op had
eager, to try eating fully raw vegan! so many supporters that it grew into three separate
locations around Houston, feeding more than 50,000
Your body, mind, and soul will
people and more than 750 families per week.
thank you because you will be eating nutritious,
delicious food, which will help you enjoy life starting After many families would take their produce home,
from a place of excellent health! they would return with questions: “What exactly is
this fruit?!” “What do I do with this kale?” “What
Before we get to the tips for eating raw vegan, here’s a
recipes can I make with these vegetables
little about me.
and fruits?” To answer their questions,
I’m Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram, I began my FullyRaw Kristina YouTube
known online as FullyRaw Kristina. channel, where I posted videos to share
I’ve been raw vegan since I was with co-op followers and anyone else
18. I overcame type-2 diabetes and who wanted to know how to eat fullyraw.
hyperglycemia by eating a fullyraw
The channel began to grow virally, and
diet (a diet widely recognizable as
hundreds of people grew into thousands
almost all fruits and vegetables.)
of hungry individuals wanting to learn
Two years earlier, when I realized that about how to treat illnesses, eat fullyraw,
I was sick and tired of being “sick… and live a fullyraw vegan lifestyle like me.
and tired,” I decided to make drastic
Today, I have more than 100 million
lifestyle changes. With the coaching
YouTube views and more than 3 million
and mentoring of raw food expert
combined viewers on all my social media platforms
John Rose, I started the “raw food diet.” In one day, I
(Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat,
began eating mono-meals – only one type of fruit –for
and more…).
the first two weeks.
I believe deeply that helping others live healthfully
I continued mono-mealing, eating various fruits, for
by eating raw vegan is my purpose. It is how I live
the next two years, and saw drastic changes in my
my life every day and it has brought me good health,
body’s chemistry. My overall skin and complexion,
boundless energy, and excitement to see others make
and most importantly, my symptoms of diabetes
their own transformations!
completely disappeared. I realized that there was
more to this message of health than I had originally Whether you want to take baby steps or jump in and
thought, and decided to make it my life’s mission to transform your life, let this ebook of 5 Easy Tips to Eat
support the diet and spread my knowledge of and Raw Vegan help you take the healthful path you need
passion for it. to live your best life!

I eventually started the RawFully Organic Co-op at

my home in Houston. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 2

5 Easy Steps to Eating
Raw Vegan:
At a Glance

1. If You’re Curious, Eat One Raw Meal a Day.

Start getting into the mindset that it’s possible,
even easy to eat raw vegan.

2. Stock Up On Fruits and Veggies. If good stuff is

easily accessible, they’re easier to eat regularly.

3. Educate Yourself. Start by knowing your

state of health. To ensure success, find
out about the lifestyle you want before
jumping into changes that will require focus,
consistency, and some effort.

4. If You’re Ready to Go All-In, Eat Fully Raw for

7 Days. With advance prep, you’ll be in the zone
and can stay focused on your goals.

5. Join a Community. Taking on what could be a

life-changing path requires support. You may
get it from your family or friends, but if not, your
vegan“ people” are out there.

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 3

1). If You’re Curious, Eat One Raw Vegan Meal a Day
(or add one more). Start getting into the mindset
that it’s possible, even easy, to eat raw vegan.

Even if you’re not sure about consuming a 100-percent raw

food diet, eating one fully raw vegan meal a day can be a great
start. The switch from eating cooked to raw foods is a matter
of increasing the percentage of raw fruits and vegetables that
you consume. The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less
room you’ll have for cooked and processed foods and animal

Many people find it easiest to start by having a fruit smoothie

or a large fresh fruit juice and some perfectly ripe seasonal
fruit for breakfast, while leaving everything else the same. Or,
if you’re already a salad-at-lunch person, try having a smoothie
or juice for breakfast along with your daily salad.

Mentally note (or write in a journal) if you enjoyed those meals,

how you felt during the day, and if you need to make small
changes to accommodate adding this raw vegan meal into
your day. Write down what will help you stay consistent, make
it easy for you. Start slowly, and be mindful of your body. You
aren’t just starting a diet; you are building a new life!

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 4

2). Stock Up On Fruits and Veggies. If the good stuff
is easily accessible, it’s easier to eat regularly.

A major key to success in eating Fully Raw vegan is to have

an abundance of fruits and vegetables in your home. If you
run out of food or do not have enough produce to eat, you will
most likely get hungry and grab something else that is not as
healthy. Fruit is your main source of calories. Fruit will satisfy
your hunger. But remember that fruits and vegetables are
lower in calories than starches and animal proteins, so you
must eat more of them to get the necessary amount of fuel
that you need to function. If you don’t get enough calories,
your energy is going to lag.

Severe calorie deprivation is one of the main reasons that

most diets fail. If weight loss is your goal, going Fully Raw
mindfully will help you modify your weight naturally, and in
my experience it will also improve your overall health, make
your skin radiant, and give you unbounded energy. Fruit is the
key ingredient to achieving all of these goals.

Stock your kitchen with enough fruits and greens to last you
about a week. Dispose of or donate all the “junk” food in your
refrigerator to make more room to store fresh produce. Junk
includes processed foods, packaged goods, canned goods, boxed
foods, concentrated sugars, and anything with ingredients you
can’t pronounce. Out with the old…in with the new!

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 5

3). Educate Yourself. Start by knowing your own state
of health. To ensure success, find out about the lifestyle
you want before jumping into changes that will require
focus, consistency, and effort.

First things first: Educate yourself about yourself -- My

recommendation is to see your doctor and get blood work done to
evaluate your overall state of health and see what nutrients your body
may be lacking, if any, before you start a new diet. Notify your doctor
that you plan to embark on a healthy eating plan and seek advice.

After you find out from your doctor what nutrients you need, look
into the nutritional contents of the fruits and vegetables you like,
and when you make your meal selections concentrate on produce
that is rich in nutrients you’re after—instead of taking supplements.

Feeding yourself is about more than just food. Once you’re ready
to change, educating yourself can not only inspire you, but also
motivate you as you adapt what you eat and how you relate to the
world. Knowledge makes us strong!

Research and make sure you not only are comfortable with what
you choose to dedicate yourself to, but also that you know how to
prepare and succeed.

Learn about the benefits of eating a raw, plant-based vegan diet

that eliminates animal products, and includes more fruits and
vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Educate yourself about animal cruelty
and environmental neglect.

Understanding the principles that underscore the choices you make

is the foundation of living a mindful, integrated life. Your health is
a journey, and learning about your body (your feelings, wisdom,
growth, and changes) is part of the adventure.

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 6

4). If You’re Ready to Go All-In, Eat Fully Raw Vegan
for 7 Days. With advance prep, you’ll be in the zone
every day and can stay focused on your goal.

For All Seven Days: Make Your First Meal of the Day/
Breakfast a Large Juice or Smoothie. Make Your Second
Meal/Lunch A Huge Platter of Fruit or a Large Smoothie.
Make Your Third Meal/Dinner, A Small Plate of Fruit Then
Have A Large Salad.

If you really want to make a change to live a healthier life,

follow the above steps for each meal of your seven-day
challenge. Before starting you’ll need to think through your
meal plans, even write them down, and then shop and prep in
advance. It takes work up front, but for each meal the follow-
through work should be quick and easy.

First Meal/Breakfast: When I first wake up, I typically

drink two large glasses of freshly squeezed lemon water.
Approximately, half an hour later, I follow this with a large
juice or smoothie. And when I say large, I mean large! It
is not unusual when going raw vegan to consume 32 to 64
ounces (1 to 2 quarts) of juice or smoothie in the morning.
The meal jump-starts your energy for the day. After a night of
rest and fasting, your body is fully charged with energy, but it
needs an influx of fuel to turn that energy into activity, both
mental and physical. By puréeing or juicing whole fresh fruits
and vegetables, you streamline digestion and make all of their
nutrients readily available to your body.

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 7

Second Meal/Lunch: Eat until you are completely satiated.
Gravitate towards sweet fruits, because these tend to have
higher calorie content than vegetables for the same volume.
This means you will feel more satisfied after eating a meal of
fruit than you would eating a meal of greens or vegetables. Don’t
freak out; calories are not your enemy. Our society has taught us
to eat less when “dieting,” but eating Fully Raw is all about eating
sufficiently and abundantly. If you want to be able to thrive in
your day, and stick to your diet, then you must eat enough.

Third Meal/Dinner: For dinner, I always start with a small

plate of fruit to help satisfy my calorie needs. Even though
I will be eating mostly low-calorie vegetables, I still want to
consume at least 600 calories in the meal. The second part of
my dinner is almost always a colorful rainbow salad. I try to eat
approximately 2 heads or bunches of leafy greens in my salad,
and I love to top it with chopped bell peppers, cherry tomatoes,
chives, avocado, beets, purple cabbage, or more fruit. The
colorful pigments in fruits and vegetables are indication of the
powerful nutrition inside.

The key to making any salad truly memorable is a delicious

dressing. You can easily make your own dressings by blending
up a few fresh ingredients that will leave your salad bursting
with extra flavor, richness, and nutrition.

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 8

5). Join a Community. Taking on what could be a
life-changing path requires support. You may get it
from your family or friends, but if not, your vegan“
people” are out there.

When you’re in the midst of building a new lifestyle, it’s

important to surround yourself with people who have similar
interests and values. If you have support, then all of the
information, work, and know-how aren’t just on your shoulders.
You build off the knowledge and experiences of the like-
minded people around you, as opposed to continuously being
surrounded by non-supportive energy. Everyone’s journey is
different, and your individual needs might be different than
some of your family members, friends, or colleagues, but you
do not have to face the journey alone.

Search social media and online for raw vegan or vegan forums.
Search for raw food videos on YouTube. Communicate with the
other users and connect. Join a co-op or find a potluck near
you via websites like meetup.com. If you hang out at your local
farmers’ market long enough, you will meet someone who is
connected with a healthy, vegan, or raw community.

Of course, you can start your community with me! I am here

to welcome, inform, encourage, and motivate you every step
of your raw vegan journey. We’re in this together. Let the
good health shine through you as you pursue your raw vegan

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 9

Notes & Resources

*Some of this information is excerpted from my book The Fully Raw Diet: 21 Days
to Better Health, with Meal and Exercise Plans, Tips, and 75 Recipes. Check it out if
you want more ideas and inspiration for your raw vegan journey!

You can also find out more information and more about me on:

My website:

My App:

My App is also now available on Android here:


Buy my book here:


My YouTube channel:

5 Easy Steps To Eating Raw Vegan fullyraw.com 10

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