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J Neurosurg 129:890–905, 2018

Management of antiplatelet therapy in patients

undergoing neuroendovascular procedures
Keri S. Kim, PharmD, MS CTS,1 Justin F. Fraser, MD,2 Stephen Grupke, MD,3 and
Aaron M. Cook, PharmD4,5
Department of Pharmacy Practice, University of Illinois Medical Center at Chicago, Illinois; 2Departments of Neurological Surgery,

Neurology, Radiology, and Anatomy and Neurobiology, Center for Advanced Translational Stroke Science; 3Department of
Neurological Surgery, UK HealthCare; 4UK HealthCare; and 5University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy, Lexington, Kentucky

Neuroendovascular techniques for treating cerebral aneurysms and other cerebrovascular pathology are increasingly
becoming the standard of care. Intraluminal stents, aneurysm coils, and other flow diversion devices typically require
concomitant antiplatelet therapy to reduce thromboembolic complications. The variability inherent with the pharma-
codynamic response to common antiplatelet agents such as aspirin and clopidogrel complicates optimal selection of
antiplatelet agents by clinicians. This review serves to discuss the literature related to antiplatelet use in neuroendovas-
cular procedures and provides recommendations for clinicians on how to approach patients with variable response to
antiplatelet agents, particularly clopidogrel.
KEY WORDS  aneurysm; clopidogrel; intracranial stenosis; platelet reactivity; vascular disorders

ndovascular techniques are increasingly becoming which a series of small (typically 0.010–0.018-inch) plati-
the standard for the treatment of intracranial aneu- num coils are passed through a catheter into the lumen
rysms and other cerebrovascular pathology. Stent of an aneurysm to occlude it, thereby preventing rupture
and flow diversion techniques are often used, requiring of the aneurysm. These coils are procoagulant by na-
peri- and postprocedural medical therapy, in particular ture, with a high surface area, leading to early thrombo-
antiplatelet medications, to minimize complications. Ade- sis and ultimately formation of vascular collagenous scar
quately trained operators and appropriate facilities are still tissue.10,11 The use of antiplatelet therapy in the peripro-
relatively limited across the US; thus, many of these proce- cedural period is common due to the significant risk of
dures are primarily performed at regional referral centers. thromboembolic events, as high as 12.5% in 1 large study,
The intent of this review is to introduce clinicians to the although this must be weighed among other hemorrhagic
role of antiplatelet pharmacotherapy in preventing compli- risk factors, especially in the setting of a ruptured aneu-
cations during and after various types of neuroendovascu- rysm.52 While stent-assisted coiling has allowed for the
lar interventions. The current dependence on complicated endovascular treatment of lesions once deemed “uncoil-
antiplatelet regimens and the variability in patient-specific able,” the stents pose a risk for thrombosis through per-
response has led to the increased use of platelet function turbation of the endothelium and release of procoagulant
testing to determine the optimal dose and choice of medi- factors into the blood, as well as by providing a lattice on
cation. The role of platelet function testing and the use of which thrombi may form. Mocco et al. demonstrated a 4%
agents for thromboembolic rescue in this paradigm will
risk of thromboembolic events with stent-assisted coiling;
also be reviewed.
however, 1% were intraprocedural and immediately cor-
rected, while all others were associated with interruption
Neuroendovascular Therapeutics of periprocedural dual antiplatelet therapy (DAT).42
Coil embolization, most commonly known for its role Aside from being a structural adjunct, some intracranial
in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms, is the process by stents have been developed to treat aneurysms alone by way

ABBREVIATIONS  ACS = acute coronary syndrome; ARU = aspirin reaction unit; CYP = cytochrome P450; DAT = dual antiplatelet therapy; DWI = diffusion-weighted imag-
ing; GRAVITAS = Gauging Responsiveness with a VerifyNow P2Y12 assay: Impact on Thrombosis and Safety; HTPR = high on-treatment platelet reactivity; LTA = light/opti-
cal transmission aggregometry; LTPR = low on-treatment platelet reactivity; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; PED = Pipeline embolization device; PRU = P2Y12
reaction unit.
SUBMITTED  September 5, 2016.  ACCEPTED  May 15, 2017.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING  Published online December 1, 2017; DOI: 10.3171/2017.5.JNS162307.

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Antiplatelet agents in neuroendovascular procedures

of diverting blood flow away from the body of the lesion Other significant mutations to note are functional activ-
and permitting natural thrombosis and inflammatory path- ity allele *1 and increased activity allele *17. The degree
ways to allow the aneurysm to resolve over time. Thrombo- of CYP2C19 function depends on the genotype, whether
sis rates with the Pipeline embolization device (PED; ev3 it is homozygous or heterozygous alleles, as it will de-
Neurovascular) have tended to be higher than non–flow- termine whether a patient is an ultrarapid metabolizer
diverting stents, with thrombosis rates ranging from 8% to (e.g., *1/*17, *17/*17), extensive metabolizer (e.g., *1/*1),
12%, even when combined with DAT.14,32,38 The 6-month intermediate metabolizer (e.g., *1/*2, *1/*3, *2/*17), or
incidence of in-stent stenosis has reportedly ranged from poor metabolizer (e.g., *2/2, *2/*3, *3/*3). Patients who
3.5% to 16%.12 Because of these issues, significant inter- are ultrarapid metabolizers and poor metabolizers are of
est has developed in the neurointerventional community clinical importance and are identified in 5%–30% of all
regarding the optimization of antiplatelet therapy. populations and 2%–15% of all populations (specifically
2%–5% of Caucasians and African Americans, and 15%
of Asians), respectively. Observational cohort studies and
Platelet Function meta-analyses to date involving patients with ACS under-
Platelets contribute to the development of both hemo- going PCI have characterized the increased incidence of
stasis and thrombosis as part of the normal physiological major adverse cardiac events, especially stent thrombosis,
response. In clinical practice, extreme conditions causing in patients who were categorized as poor metabolizers (*2
increased or decreased platelet reactivity may predict ad- carrier, *1*2, *2*2). Conversely, an increased incidence
verse clinical events, such as ischemia or bleeding, and of bleeding was demonstrated in patients who were cat-
therefore evidence of increased or decreased platelet re- egorized as ultrarapid metabolizers (*17 carrier).30 Paré
activity may be noteworthy in some patients. Historically, et al. reported conflicting results on clinical outcomes of
patients at high risk for thrombotic events included patients CYP2C19 genetic variations in patients with ACS without
with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing percuta- ST-segment elevation (Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to
neous coronary intervention (PCI). In a similar fashion, Prevent Recurrent Events [CURE] trial) and in patients
patients undergoing cerebrovascular procedures are also with atrial fibrillation (Atrial Fibrillation Clopidogrel
at high risk for thromboembolic or ischemic events. Con- Trial with Irbesartan for Prevention of Vascular Events
sequently, DAT is initiated to prevent thromboembolic [ACTIVE] A trial); however, the study is limited by the
events, but the risk for thromboembolic events remains in low incidence of metabolizer phenotypes.49
some patients. This increased risk is likely due to differ- The American Heart Association and the American
ences in stent dynamics when comparing intracranial and College of Cardiology Foundation do not recommend
coronary stents, as well as high interpatient pharmacologi- routine CYP2C19 genetic testing in all patients due to
cal variability with antiplatelet medications, mainly with many clinical concerns.27 These concerns include lack of
clopidogrel therapy. The major limitation with clopidogrel prospective, randomized clinical trials to support the ef-
therapy is the incomplete activation of its parent compound fect of CYP2C19 on clinical outcomes, wide variation in
due to genetic polymorphism, drug-drug interactions, or CYP2C19 genetic polymorphisms in the general popula-
clinical factors known to increase platelet reactivity. This tion, the cost and reimbursement issues associated with
phenomenon is known as high on-treatment platelet re- genetic testing, interpreting the pharmacogenetics test re-
activity (HTPR).63 Conversely, low on-treatment platelet sult, availability of other thienopyridine P2Y12 ADP re-
reactivity (LTPR) may also be observed with clopidogrel ceptor antagonists, and utilizing the platelet function test
or other P2Y12 receptor antagonist therapy due to either a as an alternative method of monitoring therapy. However,
genetic polymorphism or the high potency of antiplatelet their clinical expert consensus document suggests genetic
effects. HTPR and LTPR with P2Y12 receptor antagonist testing may benefit patients at high risk for thrombotic
therapy have been associated with ischemic and bleeding complications (e.g., patients with prior stent thrombosis,
complications, respectively.7,68 multivessel PCI procedures, and/or other risk factors as-
Incomplete or excess bioactivation of clopidogrel has sociated with high platelet reactivity). With the current
been implicated in high or low platelet reactivity, respec- body of evidence, the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Imple-
tively, with genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P450 mentation Consortium Guideline suggests using standard
(CYP) isoenzymes 2C19, 3A4, 3A5, 2C9, 1A2, 2B6, par- dosing of clopidogrel if a high-risk patient with ACS is
oxonase 1, and ATP-binding cassette efflux transporter.30 undergoing a PCI procedure and is identified as an ul-
This led the FDA to revise the prescribing information for trarapid or extensive metabolizer, or changing to another
clopidogrel in 2010 to include a boxed warning to inform thienopyridine P2Y12 ADP receptor antagonist if the pa-
clinicians regarding the potentially detrimental clinical tient is identified as an intermediate or poor metabolizer.61
effects of “poor metabolizers” in patients undergoing PCI. Although point-of-care testing for genetic variation is
There are more than 25 known variant alleles of CYP2C19, currently unavailable, there are 4 commercially available
but CYP2C19*2 is the most commonly occurring loss-of- tests approved by the Center for Devices and Radiologi-
function allele.59–61 It occurs with high frequency among cal Health (Spartan RX CYP2C19 Test System by Spartan
different ethnic groups, i.e., 12% in Caucasians, 15% in Bioscience, Inc.; Verigene CYP2C19 Nucleic Acid Test by
African Americans, and 29%–35% in Asians. Reduced or Nanosphere, Inc.; INFINITI CYP2C19 Assay by AutoGe-
absent activity is also observed with alleles *3–*8, which nomics, Inc.; and Roche AmpliChip CYP450 microarray
are found in less than 1% of all ethnic groups, except for by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.). Similar concepts may
Asians, where *3 is found in 2%–9% of the population.60 be applied to patients undergoing complex neurovascu-

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lar intervention in which CYP2C19 genotyping may be and the limited clinical data available in monitoring anti-
clinically important in a subset of patients. Alternatively, platelet therapy. Automated tests include Platelet Function
a platelet function test may be used to monitor clopidogrel Analyzer (PFA-100; Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics) and
therapy, although there is no strong evidence to support VerifyNow (Accriva Diagnostics). PFA-100 may be useful
modifying clopidogrel dose accordingly. in detecting platelet dysfunction in patients without anti-
Clinically, variances in platelet reactivity outside ac- platelet therapy, as in von Willebrand disease, and assess-
ceptable parameters are determined by performing a ing the effects of aspirin therapy. However, this test does
platelet function test. Based on the predetermined cutoff not correlate well with thienopyridine therapy and may be
values, a patient can be categorized as a hypo- or hyper- of limited value in some clinical settings. In comparison,
responder or a nonresponder or as resistant to antiplatelet VerifyNow may not be useful in detecting primary hemo-
therapy. Nonresponsiveness or resistance refers to the in- stasis but may be useful in assessing antiplatelet treatment
ability of a medication to inhibit platelet function, so that effects, including thienopyridine therapy.
the medication has a null laboratory and clinical effect.7 The most commonly used point-of-care platelet func-
This can be measured by comparing the results of the tion testing is VerifyNow, and it correlates well with LTA
platelet function test before and after the drug exposure; (r = 0.67–0.77).21 VerifyNow, previously known as Ulteg-
however, this may not be a good prognostic indicator due ra Rapid Platelet Function Assay, uses a similar concept
to variable baseline platelet function among patients. Thus, as LTA to quantify the degree of platelet aggregation as
the term “hyporesponsiveness” is used more commonly in measured by light transmittance. A whole blood sample
clinical practice as the quality indicator of HTPR during is required using a 2-ml Greiner partial fill Vacuette tube,
antiplatelet therapy. Correspondingly, the term “hyperre- and with its placement in the VerifyNow System (an ana-
sponsiveness” is used to identify patients with LTPR dur- lyzer instrument) containing a disposable, reagent-specific
ing antiplatelet therapy. assay device, the result is available within 5–10 minutes
Platelet Function Tests platelet-reactivity-test). Platelets in the blood sample are
Platelet reactivity during antiplatelet therapy (also activated with a reagent of choice and aggregate around
known as residual platelet reactivity) may be quantified fibrinogen-coated beads. The degree of platelet aggrega-
with the use of a platelet function test. The gold standard tion in this final chamber changes light transmittance,
method is light/optical transmission aggregometry (LTA) where a decrease in light transmittance (expressed as low
because it can provide comprehensive platelet function unit of measurement) indicates increased platelet function
evaluation, where it can be used to diagnose various plate- inhibition (or good response to antiplatelet therapy). Dif-
let function disorders and bleeding disorders.48 When LTA ferent reagent-specific assay devices can be used to assess
was performed to predict clinical outcomes at 1-year fol- the effects of aspirin, P2Y12 inhibitor, or glycoprotein IIb/
low-up in patients undergoing elective coronary stent im- IIIa inhibitor on platelet function and are expressed as as-
plantation—which included all-cause death, nonfatal acute pirin reaction units (ARUs), P2Y12 reaction units (PRUs),
myocardial infarction, stent thrombosis, and ischemic or platelet aggregation units, respectively.
stroke—the negative and positive predictive values were The association between clinical outcomes and residual
94% and 11.7%, respectively, with sensitivity and specific- platelet reactivity in patients undergoing neuroendovascu-
ity of 60.2% and 59.1%, respectively (using 5 μmol/L ADP lar procedures requiring DAT has been explored in small,
as the agonist).8 However, its clinical use has been lim- retrospective, single-center studies (Table 1). VerifyNow
ited mainly due to lack of standardization and the time- was most commonly used as the platelet function test due
consuming preparation process. The main issues include to the ease of its use and validation with the LTA. Most of
choosing an agonist or activator and its specific concentra- these studies were published in the last 5 years. The col-
tion, as well as the preparation of either platelet-rich or lective interpretation of these study results is challenging
platelet-poor plasma. Ideally, point-of-care testing should due to many confounding variables. The variables include
be rapid, require low sample volume, minimize sample the neurointerventionalists’ surgical experience, nonstan-
manipulation or preparation, and correlate well with LTA. dardized antiplatelet regimens, variable definitions for
Newer methods for point-of-care testing are now avail- HTPR and LTPR, and different definitions for adverse
able, with advantages that include semiautomation, low re- clinical events.
quired sample volume, and minimal to no required sample There are 4 studies utilizing receiver operating char-
preparation.48,54,70 In addition to many technical variations acteristic analyses to identify optimal cutoffs for best
in each of the platelet function tests, there also appears to predicting thromboembolic and bleeding events based on
be variation in clinical utility as some are used to monitor platelet function analysis (Table 1).22,33,34,44 Each of these
antiplatelet treatment effects, screen primary hemostasis, studies used VerifyNow with the cutoff values established
diagnose platelet dysfunction, predict bleeding risk, and using either PRUs or P2Y12 percentage inhibition. Kang
guide transfusion therapy.41 Semiautomated tests include et al. and Nishi et al. found cutoff values for ischemic and
multiple electrode aggregometry, Multiplate (Roche Diag- bleeding events, respectively, but the specificity and sensi-
nostics), Platelet Works (Helena Laboratories), vasodila- tivity were low.33,44 Goh et al. and Kashiwazaki et al. found
tor-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation, Cone and similar cutoff values for major bleeding events with high
Plate(let) assay, and IMPACT-R (Daned SA). The clini- sensitivity and specificity,22,34 but the clinical application
cal utility of these tests is limited by additional sample of P2Y12 percentage inhibition in assessing antiplatelet
preparation, the requirement of an experienced technician, therapy remains controversial. This is primarily due to the

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Antiplatelet agents in neuroendovascular procedures

TABLE 1. Receiver operating characteristic analysis in endovascular neurosurgery

Authors & Year Cutoff Value End Point AUC (95% CI) % Sensitivity % Specificity
Kang et al., 2010 PRU >295 TE 0.675 (0.526–0.825) 75 57
Goh et al., 2013 ≥72% inhibition Major bleed 0.96 (0.89–1) 100 90.9
≥53% inhibition Major/minor bleed 0.75 (0.58–0.93) 70 75.7
Kashiwazaki et al., 2014 ≤26% inhibition TE; major bleed 0.79 (0.65–0.93) 81.1 69.2
≥74% inhibition 0.82 (0.71–0.98)  86.2 87.5
Nishi et al., 2016 PRU ≤175 Bleed 0.63 54 72
AUC = area under the curve; TE = thromboembolism.
VerifyNow was the platelet function test used in each of the 4 studies.

lack of association between P2Y12 percentage inhibition may start therapy as long as 14–21 days prior to a pro-
and clinical outcomes,33 the inability to make the P2Y12 cedure. In emergency neuroendovascular interventions in
percentage inhibition correspond with PRU, and the de- which preprocedure aspirin therapy is not possible, load-
pendence of P2Y12 percentage inhibition on a patient’s ing doses have varied from 200 to 650 mg. Based on vari-
baseline platelet function value. These varied results led ous laboratory definitions for HTPR, the incidence of aspi-
Accriva Diagnostics in August 2012 to voluntarily with- rin hyporesponsiveness varied from 2.1% to 13.5%.5,17,​20,​36,​
draw in North America the reporting of P2Y12 percentage 47,53
Prabhakaran et al. found a strong, inverse relationship
inhibition to accurately assess and reflect platelet function between preprocedural weekly aspirin dose and ARUs,
during antiplatelet therapy. in which lower aspirin doses were associated with higher
ARUs.53 Their findings suggest that aspirin should be given
at a dose of at least 100 mg daily to maintain ARUs ≤ 550.
Summary of Experience With Antiplatelet While the antiplatelet effect of aspirin in some individuals
Agents Used in Neuroendovascular may be attenuated, there is no evidence to suggest that this
Procedures affects outcomes. Likewise, no evidence exists suggesting
higher doses of aspirin (> 325 mg/day) or alternative an-
Antiplatelet agents are necessary for patients under- tiplatelet agents are necessary in these cases. Nearly all
going neuroendovascular procedures, particularly intra- studies investigating antiplatelet therapy in patients under-
cranial stenting and aneurysm coiling. Evaluation of the going neuroendovascular procedures include aspirin as
classic dual antiplatelet combination of aspirin and clopi- part of the antiplatelet therapy regimen, with doses rang-
dogrel constitutes the majority of the published literature ing from 81 to 325 mg daily.2,16,​17,​20,​22,​25,28,34–36,43–47,66,70
in this area (Table 2).9 Currently, the combination of aspi-
rin and clopidogrel is recommended prior to neuroendo- P2Y12 Inhibitors
vascular stent deployment, although there is considerable Clopidogrel
heterogeneity in treatment.19 The duration of therapy tends
to be longer than that for bare metal stent deployment in Clopidogrel is the other most common component of
PCI, with most practitioners prescribing DAT for at least DAT in patients undergoing neuroendovascular proce-
3 months. Numerous other agents have been investigated dures. Variation in individual response to clopidogrel has
to a limited degree in this clinical context, including pra- sparked a great deal of research and controversy in the
sugrel, ticagrelor, cilostazol, and glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in- cardiovascular and neuroendovascular areas. The inci-
hibitors, such as abciximab and eptifibatide. These agents dence of clopidogrel hyporesponsiveness has varied from
are primarily used in the case of clopidogrel resistance or, 21% to 53.1% in patients undergoing neuroendovascular
in the case of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, acute pro- procedures.5,15–17,​20,​34–36,​43,​45,​47,​53,70 The use of clopidogrel
cedural thrombosis. The use of more than 1 antiplatelet after coronary interventions is well described, although
agent in neuroendovascular procedures permits the pre- currently the role of clopidogrel resistance and platelet
scriber to take advantage of the additive effects of these function testing after PCI is not definitive. The Gauging
agents. Several mechanisms of action come into play Responsiveness with a VerifyNow P2Y12 assay: Impact
when combining antiplatelet agents, including inhibition on Thrombosis and Safety (GRAVITAS) study, which
of thromboxane, the P2Y12 ADP receptor, cyclic AMP, evaluated clopidogrel response in 2214 patients with
HTPR undergoing PCI with drug-eluting stents, suggest-
and the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor (Table 3).
ed that high-dose clopidogrel was no more effective than
standard dose clopidogrel. However, subgroup analyses
Aspirin indicated that achievement of a target PRU (< 208) was
Aspirin is the most common component of DAT in pa- associated with a lower risk for cardiovascular events.55,56
tients undergoing neuroendovascular procedures. Aspirin Asymptomatic and symptomatic thromboembolic events
is widely available, well tolerated, and has extensive clini- after neuroendovascular intervention have been primarily
cal evidence supporting its use in the cardiovascular arena. associated with clopidogrel hyporesponsiveness; this issue
Aspirin is typically initiated at least 3–5 days prior to ca- can result in events as high as 7.1% within 24 hours of
rotid or intracranial stenting, although many practitioners the procedure, 41% within 30 days of the procedure, and

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TABLE 2. Outcomes in clopidogrel hyporesponders

Authors No. of Patients Treatment Method & Definition Outcome

& Year (study dates)* Neuroendovascular Antiplatelet of Hyporesponder Laboratory Clinical
Lee et al., 98 (6/2006– Stent (intracranial CLP 300 mg LD (600 VerifyNow prior to Aspirin poor Clinical outcome defined in this
2008 4/2007) aneurysms, in- mg LD if same day or procedure; ARU respond- study as intraprocedural throm-
tra- & extra- 300 mg LD if P2Y12 <550, P2Y12 % ers 2.1% bosis & thromboembolic events:
cranial artery % inhibition <40%)/75 inhibition ≥40% (2/95), overall asymptomatic TE events
stenosis) mg daily + ASA 325 CLP poor 3.1% (3/98); CLP poor respond-
mg daily, 5–10 days respond- ers, asymptomatic TE events
prior ers 42.9% 7.1% (3/42); no bleeding event
(42/98) data available
Müller- 50 Stent (extracranial ASA 100 mg + CLP 300 Multiplate analyzer ASA nonre- Overall transient intrainterventional
Schunk stenosis, intra- mg LD ≥12 hrs prior, prior to proce- sponders thrombosis 2; overall TIA or
et al., cranial stenosis) 75 mg daily (or >48 dure; ≤52 ARU 0, CLP infarction 3; adverse events in
2008 hrs prior); intraproce- nonre- nonresponders vs responders
dure: heparin IV (ACT sponders 42% (5/12) vs 0% (0/36), p =
200–300 sec); IV tirofi- 28% 0.001
ban to dissolve clot (14/50)
Prabha- 76 (5/2005– Stents (intracra- ASA alone 16/76 VerifyNow prior to ASA low Intraprocedure acute stent throm-
karan 8/2006) nial aneurysms, (21.0%), CLP alone procedure; ARU respond- bosis or stenosis 0; intraproce-
et al., intra- & extra- 4/76 (5.3%), or ASA <550, P2Y12 % ers 4.2% dure aneurysmal rupture 1; w/
2008 cranial artery + CLP 56/76 (73.7%), inhibition >40% (3/71), in 6 mos, TIA 3.9% (3/76); no
stenosis) loaded w/in 1 wk CLP low bleeding event data available
prior; intraprocedure: respond-
IV heparin (ACT ers 50.9%
250–300 sec) (28/55)
Kang et 186: 209 Coil embolization Intraprocedure: IV hepa- VerifyNow prior to Overall procedure-related TE
al., aneurysms (ICA, ACA, rin 3000 units bolus, procedure events 9.1% (17/186); intra-
2010 (10/2008) MCA, PCA) ± then 1000 units/hr procedure TE events 4.8%
stent (9/186); postprocedure ischemic
events 2.7% (5/186); procedural
aneurysmal perforations 1.6%
(3/186); procedure-related per-
manent morbidity or mortality 0
Pandya 238: data anal- Embolization, ASA 81 mg daily, CLP VerifyNow prior to 12% (26/216)
et al., ysis based stents (intracra- 75 mg daily, ≥7 days procedure; ARU ASA in-
2010 on 216 nial aneurysm, prior; CLP 300–600 <550, P2Y12 % adequate
(2/2006– carotid stenosis, mg, ASA 325 mg LD if inhibition >50% respond-
11/2007) other) emergency er, 34%
CLP in-
Drazin 52 (2007– Stent (intracra- CLP 600 mg LD (subop- VerifyNow prior to ASA sub- TE events in CLP suboptimal
et al., 2009) nial stenosis, timal responders 300 procedure; ARU optimal responders vs optimal respond-
2011 cervical carotid mg LD if 10%–19%, ≤550, P2Y12 % respond- ers 1 vs 0
artery stenosis, 600 mg LD if <10%) + inhibition ≥20% ers 7/52
intracranial 75 mg daily, ≥12 hrs (13.5%),
aneurysms) prior; ASA 81 mg daily CLP sub-
day prior optimal
ers 19/52
Koerner 44 (8/2008– Stent (extracranial, ASA 100 mg daily, CLP Multiplate analyzer Hypore- Overall new DWI lesions 36%
et al., 6/2009) intracranial), 75 mg daily, ≥3 days prior to proce- sponders (16/44), new DWI lesions in
2012 percutaneous prior; ASA 500 mg dure; ≤468 ARU 25% hyporesponders vs responders
transluminal LD, CLP 300 mg LD min (11/44) 36% (4/11) vs 33% (11/33)
angioplasty if urgent

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TABLE 2. Outcomes in clopidogrel hyporesponders

Authors No. of Patients Treatment Method & Definition Outcome

& Year (study dates)* Neuroendovascular Antiplatelet of Hyporesponder Laboratory Clinical
Delgado 44: 48 PED PED (intracranial ASA 325 mg daily + CLP VerifyNow prior to CLP hypore- Normal response = PRU 60–240;
Alman- proce- aneurysm) 75 mg daily (prasugrel procedure; PRU sponders TE events 8.3% (4/48), bleeding
doz dures, 54 60 mg LD, then 10 mg 80–200 (PRU events 8.3% (4/48), major hem-
et al., aneurysms daily if CLP hypore- >200) orrhagic complications in ASA/
2013 (11/17/2011– sponder; CLP dose 26.2% prasugrel 16.7% vs ASA/CLP
7/23/2012) reduced if hyperre- (11/42); 2.9%, p = 0.16
sponder; if prasugrel CLP
hyporesponder, then hypore-
received ticagrelor sponders
180 mg, then 90 mg (PRU
2x/day; if prasugrel >240)
hyperresponder, 21%; CLP
then prasugrel dose hyperre-
reduced; prasugrel sponders
60 mg LD, then 10 (PRU
mg daily, if urgent/ <80)
emergency) 10 days 21.4%
prior; intraprocedure: (9/42);
heparin (ACT 2–2.5 CLP
times baseline) hyperre-
<60) 14%
Goh et al., 47 (5/2010– Coil emboliza- ASA 100 mg daily, CLP VerifyNow prior to Hyperre- Overall bleeding event during
2013 5/2011) tion, balloon 75 mg daily, 3 days procedure; major sponders procedure 23.4% (11/47); w/in 24
remodeling, prior; intraprocedure: bleed ≥72% (≥72% hrs postprocedure 6.4% (3/47);
stent assistance, IV heparin (ACT 2 inhibition, major inhibition) TIMI major bleeding events†
stent (intracra- times normal); post- & minor bleed 14.9% 14.9 (7/47); TIMI minor bleeding
nial aneurysm, procedure: IV heparin ≥53% inhibition (7/47) events, small groin hematomas
stenosis) (aPTT titration) of little clinical significance;
major bleeding events in hyper-
responders 6.4% (3/47)
Fifi et al., Group A: 49 Stent (extra-/intra- ASA 81 mg daily + CLP VerifyNow prior to ASA resis- Overall TE events 7.3% (7/96);
2013 (9/2006– cranial stenosis, 75 mg daily (600 mg procedure; ARU tant 5.3% TE events in CLP resistant vs
9/2008); intracranial LD if emergency), 5 <550, P2Y12 % (5/95), nonresistant 16.7% (6/36) vs
Group B: 47 aneurysm) days prior; intraproce- inhibition >20% CLP resis- 1.6% (1/60), p < 0.01
(10/2008– dure: IV heparin (ACT tant 37.5%
1/2011; 2 times baseline) (36/96)
150–600 mg
CLP prior to
procedure if
Heller 24: 27 aneu- PED (ICA) ASA & CLP 75 mg daily, Light transmission ASA nonre- By Day 1 asymptomatic (MR-DWI)
et al., rysms, 25 ≥7 days prior; intra- aggregometry sponders ischemia in all patients 52%
2013 procedures procedure: IV heparin prior to proce- 16% (13/25)
(10/2011– (aPTT 240 sec); dure; ASA max (4/25),
6/2012) postprocedure: IV platelet aggrega- CLP
heparin (aPTT 50–70 tion ≤20%, CLP nonre-
sec) for 12–18 hrs MPA ≤60% sponders
4% (1/25)

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TABLE 2. Outcomes in clopidogrel hyporesponders

Authors No. of Patients Treatment Method & Definition Outcome

& Year (study dates)* Neuroendovascular Antiplatelet of Hyporesponder Laboratory Clinical
Nordeen 81 (10/2009–Angioplasty & ASA 325 mg daily (650 VerifyNow prior CLP resis- W/in 24 hrs of procedure: ischemia
et al., 9/2010) stent, stent-as- mg LD if emer- to procedure; tant 21% 0% vs 1%, hemorrhage 6%
2013 sisted coil, stent, gency) + CLP 75 mg P2Y12 % (17/81) vs 8%, p = NS; by 30 days,
other (procedure daily (300–600 mg inhibition ≥20% ischemia 0 vs 3%, hemorrhage
performed only LD if emergency or (CLP resistant if 9% vs 8%, p = NS; by 90 days,
at P2Y12 % inhi- resistant or change to P2Y12 % inhibi- ischemia 0 vs 8%, hemorrhage
bition ≥20%) ticlopidine, prasugrel, tion <20% after 2 9% vs 8%, p = NS
or ticagrelor), 5–7 tests)
days prior, then for 1
mo after procedure;
intraprocedure: hepa-
rin or glycoprotein IIb/
IIIa antagonist IV
Delgado 44: 48 PED PED (intracranial Same as above VerifyNow prior CLP Normal response = PRU 60–240;
Alman- proce- aneurysm) to procedure; hyperre- overall TE events 12.5% (6/48);
doz dures, 54 10 & 30 days sponders TE events in CLP hyporesponse
et al., aneurysms after change in (PRU vs nonhyporesponse 100%
2014 (11/17/2011– P2Y12 receptor <80) (2/2) vs 8.7% (4/46); bleeding
7/23/2012) antagonist thera- 62%, CLP events in CLP hyperresponse vs
py, after change hyperre- nonhyperresponse 44.4% (4/9)
to medications sponders vs 2.6% (1/39); clinical outcome
that may affect (PRU w/ PRU 60–240 up to 6 mos
CLP metabolism, <60) 50% after Tx: overall 12.5% (6/48) TE,
or any time if TE/ 10.4% (5/48) hemorrhagic, major
hemorrhage; bleed 6.2% (3/48), parenchymal
PRU 80–200 ICH/death 4.2% (2/48); if PRU
<60, 60% conversion to hyper-
Kashiwa- 66: 66 Stent, coil ± stent ASA 100 mg + CLP 75 VerifyNow w/in 48 Hypore- Overall bleeding events 12.1%
zaki interventions (carotid steno- mg daily, ≥14 days hrs of procedure; sponders (8/66); overall asymptom-
et al., (10/2011– sis, intracranial prior; intraprocedure: 26%–74% inhibi- 28.8% atic ischemic events 19.7%
2014 10/2013) aneurysm) IV heparin (ACT tion (19/66), (13/66); bleeding event in
2 times baseline); hyperre- hyperresponders vs nonhy-
antiplatelet therapy sponders perresponders: 6 (44.4%) in
for ≥30 days after 22.7% hyperresponse group, 2 (6.9%)
procedure (15/66) in appropriate-response group,
p = 0.001; ischemic events in
hyporesponders vs nonhypore-
sponders 9 vs 4, p = 0.001
Oran et 100: 104 Flow-diverting ASA 300 mg LD + Multiplate analyzer CLP hypore- Symptomatic thrombotic events in
al., aneurysms, stents (intracra- CLP 600 mg LD (if prior to proce- sponders no-test group 9.1% (3/33), death
2015 flow-divert- nial aneurysm) resistant, ticlopidine dure; ASA AUC 25% in no-test group 3.1% (1/32), ma-
ing stents 1 g &/or IV tirofiban ≤500, CLP AUC (17/68) jor bleeding event in aggregome-
33 standard or IV heparin higher ≤468 try group 2.8% (2/71)
group (no dose), 8–12 hrs prior;
test) vs 71 intraprocedure: IV
aggregome- heparin 5000–10,000
try group units bolus (ACT 2–3
(test); times baseline)

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TABLE 2. Outcomes in clopidogrel hyporesponders

Authors No. of Patients Treatment Method & Definition Outcome

& Year (study dates)* Neuroendovascular Antiplatelet of Hyporesponder Laboratory Clinical
Asai et 181: 189 Coil, stent/coil ASA + CLP usually (up VerifyNow prior 34.9% Overall symptomatic ischemic
al., procedures to 3 antiplatelet drugs to procedure; (66/189) events 4.2% (8/189); symp-
2016 (8/2010– w/ cilostazol), ≥5–7 <230 (based CLP low tomatic ischemic events in
7/2013) days prior; intrapro- on GRAVITAS respond- low responders vs responders
cedure: heparin (ACT study) ers, 5.8% 3.0% (2/66) vs 4.9% (6/123), p
250–350 sec); post- (11/189) = 0.72; new ischemic lesions
stent: IV argatroban ASA low on MR-DWI in low responders
60 mg daily for 24 hrs respond- vs responders 66.7% (44/66)
ers vs 56.1% (69/123), p = 0.26;
new ischemic lesions >5 mm
on MR-DWI in low responders
vs responders 39.4% (26/66) vs
21.1% (26/123), p = 0.01
Brinjikji 698: 805 PED (ICA, MCA, Not available Platelet testing Platelet testing group 5.5% (28/511)
et al., unruptured PCA, basilar prior to proce- ischemic stroke vs no-platelet
2015 aneurysms; artery, or other) dure (73.2% w/ testing group 0.8% (4/511)
retrospective testing) ischemic stroke (p = 0.06);
review using platelet testing group 2.3%
International (12/511) intracranial hemorrhage
Retrospec- vs no-platelet testing group 0
tive study intracranial hemorrhage (p =
of PED 0.04)
Hwang 228 Coil embolization ASA 100 mg daily (if VerifyNow prior to Hypore- Overall TE events 3.9% (9/228);
et al., (5/27/2013– (unruptured HTPR to aspirin, 300 procedure; ARU sponders TE events in HTPR-standard
2015 4/7/2014; aneurysm) mg LD), CLP 75 mg <550, PRU <213 randomly vs HTPR-modified treatment vs
prospective daily (if HTPR to CLP, assigned non-HTPR group 11.1% (7/63)
randomized cilostazol 200 mg LD to stand- vs 1.6% (1/63) vs 1% (1/102),
open-label w/ 200 mg daily as ard or p = 0.02; TE w/in 7 days 11.1%
active-con- MD if stent-assisted modified (7/63) standard group vs 1.0%
trol trial coiling), 5 days prior; treatment (1/102) non-HTPR group (p =
w/ blinded antiplatelet therapy groups: 0.03 when adjusted for sex, age,
outcome as- discontinued in coiling 55.3% history of CHD, aneurysm diam-
sessment w/o stent; patients (126/228), eter, aneurysm neck size); TIMI
monitored 24 hrs & nonhy- bleeding criteria w/in 30 days
discharged next day, pore- 9.6% (22/228), 0 more than mini-
follow-up in 7 & 30 sponders mal TIMI bleeding criteria during
days after coiling 44.7% 30 days after coil embolization;
(102/228) 9.5% (6/63) modified group vs
6.3% (4/63) standard group, p
= 0.26; TE events w/in 30 days
in HTPR-standard vs HTPR-
modified group 11.1% (7/63) vs
1.6% (1/63), p = 0.02

50% within 60 days of the procedure.5,15,20,36,45 This is in Several factors influence clopidogrel responsiveness. In
contrast to much lower complication rates in patients with multivariate analyses, clopidogrel hyporesponsiveness was
appropriate clopidogrel response (1% within 24 hours of associated with age > 55 years, history of diabetes melli-
the procedure and up to 21.2% within 30 days of the pro- tus, female sex, higher body weight, and body mass index
cedure).5,15,16,20,43,45 (> 25 kg/m2).17,33,36,53 Some of these risk factors are known
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TABLE 2. Outcomes in clopidogrel hyporesponders

Authors No. of Patients Treatment Method & Definition Outcome

& Year (study dates)* Neuroendovascular Antiplatelet of Hyporesponder Laboratory Clinical
Nishi et 279 (5/2010– Stent (carotid, ASA 100 mg + CLP 75 VerifyNow prior to Hyperre- Overall major bleeding events
al., 4/2013) vertebral), coil mg daily, ≥5 days procedure sponders 11.1% (31/279); intracranial
2016 embolization prior, or ASA 200 30% hemorrhage 3.6% (10/279),
(unruptured mg + CLP 300 mg subarachnoid hemorrhage 3.2%
aneurysm) LD; intraprocedure: (9/279), cerebral hemorrhage
IV heparin (ACT 0.3% (1/279); bleeding events in
250–300 sec) hyperresponders vs nonhyper-
responders 19% vs 7.69%
Tan et al., 74 (4/2011– PED (ACA, PCA) ASA 325 mg daily, CLP VerifyNow prior to CLP hypore- 1 day postprocedure: MR-DWI
2015 8/2013) 75 mg daily, 5 days procedure; ARU sponders changes 39.2% (29/74); 1
prior; if emergency, <550, PRU <230 (PRU wk postprocedure: TE 6.8%
ASA 325 mg + 600 >208) (5/74), intracranial hemorrhage
mg CLP LD 2 hrs 52.7% 1.4% (1/74); 4 wks postproce-
prior to procedure; (39/74) dure: symptomatic TE in CLP
nonresponder: CLP hyporesponders vs responders
600 mg &/or ASA 12.8% (5/39) vs 0%; MR-DWI
325 mg immediately changes in CLP hyporesponders
postprocedure before vs responders 48.4% (15/31) vs
ACT normalization; 53.9% (14/26); intracranial hem-
intraprocedure: IV orrhage in hyporesponders vs
heparin (ACT 250 responders 0% vs 2.9% (1/35)
sec); abciximab (0.25
mg/kg LD + 0.125 μg/
kg/min or 10 μg/min
for 12 hrs) if ASA/CLP
Wong 90 (5/2002– Stent (intracranial ASA 325 mg daily, CLP VerifyNow prior & CLP hypore- Overall TE complications 1.5%; TE
et al., 12/2012; artery stenosis, 75 mg daily (300–600 postprocedure; sponders events in CLP hyporesponders
2015 standard aneurysms) mg LD per MD if PRU 120–180 53.1% 0; overall hemorrhagic complica-
therapy [no resistant), 7 days prior (17/32), tions 16.9%; bleeding events in
testing] vs CLP CLP hyperresponders 25%; TE
40 tailored hyperre- events during the procedure in
therapy sponders standard vs tailored group 5.6%
[testing]) 25% (5/90) vs 2.5% (1/40), p = 0.648;
(8/32) TE events after procedure in
standard vs tailored group 1.1%
(1/90) vs 2.5% (1/40), p = 0.522;
TIMI bleeding events in standard
vs tailored group 17.8% (16/90)
vs 15.0% (6/40), p = 0.455
ACA = anterior cerebral artery; ACT = activated clotting time; aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; ASA = acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin); CHD = coronary heart
disease; CLP = clopidogrel; ICA = internal carotid artery; ICH = intracerebral hemorrhage; IV = intravenous; LD = loading dose; MCA = middle cerebral artery; MD =
maintenance dose; MPA = maximum platelet aggregation; NS = not significant; PCA = posterior cerebral artery; TIA = transient ischemic attack; TIMI = Thrombolysis in
Myocardial Infarction; Tx = treatment.
*  Dates given as month/year or month/day/year.
†  TIMI bleeding criteria: major = any intracranial bleeding, clinically overt signs of hemorrhage associated with a drop in hemoglobin of ≥ 5 g/dl, fatal bleeding; minor =
clinically overt bleeding, resulting in hemoglobin drop of 3 to < 5 g/dl.

to increase platelet reactivity independent of antiplatelet et al. found no linear association between preprocedural
therapy and are of clinical importance when predicting weekly clopidogrel dose and P2Y12 percentage inhibi-
thromboembolic events. However, clopidogrel hypore- tion.53 Other factors associated with thromboembolic
sponsiveness did not consistently translate to thromboem- events include history of hypertension, posterior location
bolic events (stent thrombosis, restenosis, or any clinical of treatment, longer operation time, being a current smok-
outcome) in past studies.5,33,53 Interestingly, Prabhakaran er, larger aneurysm size, aneurysm neck diameter, multiple
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Antiplatelet agents in neuroendovascular procedures

TABLE 3. Summary of antiplatelet agents used for neuroendovascular indications

Antiplatelet Agent
Variable Aspirin Clopidogrel Ticagrelor Prasugrel Cilostazol Cangrelor Abciximab Eptifibatide Tirofiban
Mechanism Irreversible Irreversible Reversible Irreversible Reversible Reversible Irreversible Reversible Reversible
of action inhibitor inhibitor inhibitor inhibitor phosphodi- inhibitor inhibitor inhibitor inhibitor
cyclooxy- P2Y12 P2Y12 P2Y12 esterase in- P2Y12 ADP glycopro- glycopro- glycopro-
genases ADP ADP ADP hibitor, ADP receptor tein IIb/IIIa tein IIb/IIIa tein IIb/IIIa
1&2 receptor receptor receptor inhibitor receptor receptor receptor
Onset 7–60 mins 2 hrs 30 mins 15–30 mins 3–6 hrs 2 mins 2 hrs Immediate 5 mins
Duration of 3–5 days 3–7 days 12–24 hrs 5–9 days 48 hrs 1 hr 48 hrs 2–4 hrs 3–8 hrs
Metabolism Minimal CYP450 CYP450 CYP450 Minimal Dephosphoryla- None Minimal Minimal
2C9 3A4 3A/2B6 tion in serum

PED placements, and lack of statin use.5,16,20,26,67 Both clini- tigated patients receiving clopidogrel prior to PEDs and
cal and procedure-related factors must be considered be- divided the population into 2 cohorts: patients with PRU <
fore determining a patient’s risk status for HTPR. 208 and those with PRU > 208.67 No difference in bleeding
Numerous reports of platelet function testing for clopi- rates or ischemic lesions based on MR diffusion-weighted
dogrel have been published in an effort to define the role imaging (DWI) were evident, although there were higher
of HTPR on thromboembolic and bleeding events after overall thromboembolic events noted in patients with PRU
neuroendovascular stenting and coiling (Table 1). Assimi- > 208 (12.9% vs 0% in PRU < 208 group, p = 0.06). One
lation of all these reports is not particularly straightfor- confounding factor in this study was the concomitant use
ward because of the variety of procedures, doses, methods of abciximab throughout and after the stent deployment
of platelet function testing, and time to follow-up in each procedures (and for 12 hours total).
publication. For instance, procedures such as deployment Clopidogrel hyporesponsiveness has also been inves-
of the PED may be associated with a higher thrombosis tigated in other neuroendovascular procedures and has
rate due to the technical aspects and the risk factors of yielded similar results. Patients undergoing elective un-
the patients who receive this device, particularly when ruptured aneurysm coiling were initiated on clopidogrel
compared with carotid stenting, where flow in the target and other antiplatelet agents at least 5 days prior to their
vessel is higher and less tortuous. Cases of stent-assisted procedure or with a loading dose the day prior to the pro-
aneurysm coiling typically have a higher risk of thrombo- cedure in 4 separate studies. The results of these reports
sis than aneurysm coiling alone. are relatively consistent. Three of the studies demonstrated
Several studies have reviewed the impact of clopidogrel that an increased PRU was associated with thromboem-
hyporesponsiveness in patients undergoing PED deploy- bolic events.15,28,33 Asai et al. did not see a difference in
ment. Delgado Almandoz et al. used 75 mg of clopidogrel symptomatic thromboembolic events, though MR-DWI le-
and 325 mg of aspirin daily in 44 patients with PEDs.16 sions were increased in patients with HTPR.5 Several other
They demonstrated a significant association with clopi- studies reported the results of a mix of patients undergoing
dogrel hyporesponsiveness (PRU > 240) and thromboem- aneurysm coiling plus stent-assisted coiling, carotid stent-
bolic events. On the opposite end of the spectrum, they ing, or cerebral angioplasty. One study demonstrated a sig-
also demonstrated a significant association with PRU < 60 nificant difference in mortality in patients with clopidogrel
and bleeding events. Daou et al. used 75 mg of clopido- HTPR compared with those with target PRU (23% vs 4%
grel and 325 mg of aspirin daily (started 10 days prior to target PRU, p = 0.03), but no association with thromboem-
the procedure) in 231 patients with PEDs.14 Higher odds of bolic complications between cohorts.45 Fifi and colleagues
complications were associated with clopidogrel PRU val- evaluated clopidogrel response in patients undergoing
ues < 70 (hemorrhagic) and > 150 (thromboembolic) after aneurysm coiling or carotid stenting and suggested that
controlling for aneurysm size and aspirin treatment (OR 3, occurrence of stent thrombosis was frequently associated
95% CI 1.2–7.5). As a result, many current clinical trials with HTPR.20 Conversely, Koerner et al. described pa-
of flow-diverting treatments for aneurysms have specific tients undergoing stent procedures to various arteries (ca-
parameters for platelet responsiveness in their inclusion rotid, vertebral, or basilar) and demonstrated no increase
criteria (clinical trial no. NCT02186561; in thromboembolic events in patients with HTPR.35 Two
Other studies using platelet function testing in patients other studies including patients receiving aneurysm coil-
receiving PEDs were not as definitive. Some investiga- ing (with or without stent assist) suggested that a low PRU
tors found no difference in complications in patients with in patients receiving clopidogrel was associated with an
HTPR.26 Oran et al. used the Multiplate analyzer in 1 co- increased rate of bleeding events (incidence of thrombo-
hort of patients and after comparing them with a cohort embolic events was not reported).22,44
that did not receive testing, they suggested that thrombo- The most commonly used method to overcome clopi-
embolic complications and morbidity (but not bleeding) dogrel hyporesponsiveness was to administer additional
were higher in the nontested group.46 Another study inves- loading doses of clopidogrel prior to the procedure. Lee
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et al. reported a nonstatistical reduction in PRU before (Table 4). Patients receiving a PED who exhibited HTPR
and after an additional 300-mg clopidogrel loading dose, to clopidogrel were switched to prasugrel in one study. No
but this was based on a small number of patients.36 On thromboembolic or bleeding complications occurred.13
the other hand, Fifi et al. reported a significant increase in Similarly, 3 separate cohorts of clopidogrel hyporespon-
P2Y12 percentage inhibition in clopidogrel nonresponders sive patients undergoing a mix of neuroendovascular pro-
after an additional 150–600 mg clopidogrel loading dose cedures were switched from clopidogrel to prasugrel or
and observed a significant percentage of patients convert- ticagrelor. Significantly higher hemorrhagic events were
ing to responders.20 Alternative P2Y12 inhibitors may be noted with prasugrel therapy in 1 study (p = 0.02), but
considered in this situation as well. this was not significant when a patient with basilar ar-
On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are few stud- tery perforation was excluded from the data analysis (p =
ies describing the incidence of bleeding events in clopido- 0.09).2 Only 1 bleeding complication (prasugrel) occurred
grel hyperresponders. Clopidogrel hyperresponsiveness in the other 2 cohorts.25,66 No thromboembolic complica-
occurs in 14%–30% of patients and has been associated tions were noted in any one of these 3 studies. These pre-
with major and minor bleeding events based on various liminary data suggest that using alternatives to clopido-
laboratory definitions.15,16,22,34,44 Nishi et al. identified PRU grel in patients with HTPR may be reasonable, as more
≤ 175 as the optimal cutoff. Clopidogrel hyperresponders patients will become responsive to clopidogrel alternative
were at a 2.8 times higher risk for major and minor bleed- therapies. However, these alternatives must be used with
ing events than nonhyperresponders.44 The main differ- caution as prasugrel and ticagrelor may convert hypore-
ence between the 2 groups was a higher incidence in punc- sponders to hyperresponders, and this has been associated
ture site hemorrhage and not intracranial hemorrhage or with higher major and minor bleeding rates in both PCI
retroperitoneal hemorrhage. Goh et al. and Kashiwazaki et and neuroendovascular settings.6,15,51 Similar findings of
al. found ≥ 72–74 P2Y12 percentage inhibition as the opti- high bleeding rates in clopidogrel hyperresponders have
mal cutoff for predicting major bleeding events.22,34 Lower also been observed, and thus further platelet function test-
ARU values were not associated with bleeding events.34,44 ing may be necessary in patients whose antiplatelet ther-
Not all patients who exhibit hyperresponsiveness con- apy is modified. There are limited clinical outcomes data
sistently express this phenotype after neuroendovascular with ticagrelor therapy, and it should be used with caution
intervention. Within 6 months of the endovascular proce- as the currently approved FDA dosing regimen (180 mg
dure, 77.3% of patients who were clopidogrel responders loading/90 mg twice daily) may produce PRUs < 40.3,4,24
became hyperresponsive and 41.2% of these patients expe-
rienced major and minor bleeding events.15 In clopidogrel Cilostazol
hyperresponders, the associated major and minor bleeding Hwang et al. published a prospective study of 228 pa-
events were 19% within 1 week of the procedure, 15.4%– tients undergoing elective aneurysm coil embolization
44.4% within 30 days of the procedure, and 33.3% within (with the majority having a stent assist).28 Three cohorts
6 months of the procedure.15,16,34,44 Comparatively, major of patients were compared: those with non-HTPR on
and minor bleeding events in clopidogrel nonhyperre- clopidogrel (standard regimen: clopidogrel 75 mg daily,
sponders were significantly lower at 7.69% within 1 week aspirin 100 mg daily), those with HTPR who received the
of the procedure, 5.7%–6.9% within 30 days of the proce- standard treatment regimen, and those with HTPR who
dure, and 2.6% within 6 months of the procedure.15,16,34,44 received a modified regimen (clopidogrel 75 mg daily, as-
Intracranial hemorrhage occurred in both clopidogrel hy- pirin 300 mg daily, and cilostazol 200 mg loading dose,
perresponders and nonhyperresponders.15,16,44 then 200 mg daily as maintenance dose if stent-assisted
Definitive conclusions are difficult to make regarding coiling). Thromboembolic events were lower in patients
clopidogrel response and treatment success in neuroendo- with the modified regimen than in patients with HTPR
vascular procedures due to the heterogeneity of the pro- who received the standard regimen (11.1% standard vs
cedures, cutoff values used with platelet function testing, 1.6% modified, p = 0.02). No differences in bleeding com-
clopidogrel dosing, and the use of alternative antiplatelet plications were observed among the 3 cohorts. Thus, it ap-
agents. The majority of the literature evaluating concomi- pears that the addition of cilostazol to the combination of
tant clopidogrel and aspirin use seems to suggest that aspirin and clopidogrel in patients with HTPR may be an
HTPR is at least modestly associated with thromboem- acceptable strategy to overcome clopidogrel hyporespon-
bolic events. Platelet function testing seems advisable for siveness.
detection of risk of thrombosis based on patient charac-
teristics, difficulty of the procedure, and number of stents Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors
deployed.26,67 An increase in bleeding rates in patients with
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors may be used during
LTPR has also been reported in some studies, although
neuroendovascular procedures, usually either as an ad-
this is less well defined.15
junct to DAT or as rescue therapy for acute thrombosis.
Intravenous administration of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibi-
P2Y12 Inhibitors tors may be used in patients undergoing aneurysm coil
Prasugrel and Ticagrelor embolization or stent placement as an additive protective
Agents that act at the P2Y12 receptor, but exhibit con- measure for procedural thrombosis (analogous to their
siderably less variability in response, include prasugrel typical use in PCI).62 One prospective study compared
and ticagrelor. Both agents have been used as alternatives patients who received preprocedure antiplatelet therapy
to clopidogrel in patients with HTPR with some success (aspirin and clopidogrel) versus those who only received
900 J Neurosurg  Volume 129 • October 2018

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TABLE 4. Alternatives to clopidogrel in patients with HTPR

Authors No. of Patients Treatment Method & Outcome

& Year (study dates) Neuroendovascular Antiplatelet Definition Laboratory Clinical
Akbari 55 ASA/CLP Coil, PED, stent ASA 325 mg daily + CLP 75 mg VerifyNow Overall hemorrhagic events
et al., vs 31 ASA/ (intracranial an- daily (CLP change to prasugrel prior to 9.3% (8/86); hemorrhagic
2013 prasugrel eurysms, AVM, 60 mg LD/10 mg daily), ≥7 days procedure events ASA/CLP vs ASA/
(2/15/2010– dural arterio- prior; intraprocedure: IV heparin & as prasugrel 3.6% vs 19.4%,
10/31/2011) venous fistula, (ACT 2 times baseline) needed, p = 0.02; intracranial
intra-/extracra- P2Y12 % hemorrhagic events ASA/
nial stenosis) inhibition CLP vs ASA/prasugrel
>40% 1.8% vs 12.9%
Chalouhi 7 (11/2011– Posterior circula- ASA 81 mg daily, CLP 75 mg daily VerifyNow Mean 5.5 mos (range 3–7
et al., 7/2012) tion aneurysm (CLP poor responder: prasugrel prior to mos): no ischemic or
2013 40 mg LD, 5 mg MD), 10 days procedure, bleeding complications
prior; intraprocedure: heparin P2Y12 %
100 units/kg bolus, then dosed inhibition
per ACT 2 times baseline ≥30%
Stetler 16: prasugrel Stent (intracranial CLP 75 mg daily (CLP 300 mg LD, VerifyNow P2Y12 % inhibition Mean 3 mos (range 1 to >6
et al., (1/2009– aneurysm, intra- if urgent; CLP nonresponders prior to median 2% & mos): intracranial bleed-
2013 7/2011) cranial stenosis, changed to prasugrel 40 mg procedure; increased to ing or ischemic complica-
extracranial LD, then 5–10 mg daily), ASA ARU >50% in 77% tions 0, retroperitoneal
artery pathol- ≥81 mg daily, ≥7 days prior; 350–550, of patients w/ hematoma 1
ogy) intraprocedure: IV heparin (ACT P2Y12 % prasugrel
250–300 sec); postprocedure: inhibition
heparin 500 units/hr + dextran >20%
40 20 ml/hr when PTT <100, for
12–18 hrs
Hanel 18 (10/2011– Stent, coil, PED ASA 650 mg LD (CLP 600 mg LD VerifyNow P2Y12 % inhibition No adverse effects during
et al., 8/2012) (intra-/extra- + ASA 650 mg LD, if semiur- prior to <20% increased or following surgery
2014 cranial artery; gent), then 325 mg daily + CLP procedure; to P2Y12 %
16 elective, 2 300 mg LD (if CLP nonre- P2Y12 % inhibition >60%
emergency) sponder, changed to ticagrelor inhibition in 94.4% of
180 mg LD, then 75 mg daily), 7 >30% patients w/
days prior ticagrelor
AVM = arteriovenous malformation.

intraprocedural intraarterial abciximab prior to elective the thrombosis is usually the initial strands of platelets ag-
aneurysm coiling.37 Patients who received only intraarte- gregating after initial activation that is amenable to disper-
rial abciximab had no difference in thromboembolic or sion with glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. Numerous re-
bleeding complications compared with those who took ports of using intraarterial bolus infusions of glycoprotein
DAT in the days prior to the procedure, suggesting intra- IIb/IIIa inhibitors for successful stent or coil thrombosis
arterial glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor infusion may be a treatment are available in the literature.23,29,31,50,57,58 Clini-
suitable replacement for DAT during the procedure. Simi- cians may also follow the intraarterial bolus with an infu-
larly, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors have been used in pa- sion (again, based on PCI dosing) to run for at least 12
tients who demonstrate HTPR during neuroendovascular hours after the procedure to further protect against acute
procedures as a means of preventing acute thrombosis in thrombosis.1,18 Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors also appear
high-risk patients. Data supporting the use of glycoprotein to be as effective as and safer than intraarterial thromboly-
IIb/IIIa inhibitors as the sole agent during neuroendovas- sis, further cementing their role in rescue therapy.
cular interventions are not sufficient to merit doing this as The optimal choice of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor
a standard practice, but the available data do suggest that is not clear and may depend on the formulary preference
it may be a reasonable adjunct if it is not possible to load within each individual institution. No prospective studies
antiplatelet agents prior to the procedure or if patients are in the neuroendovascular realm have been conducted to
known to have HTPR during the procedure. identify the best agent, and all of the readily available op-
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are also used as rescue tions (abciximab, eptifibatide, tirofiban) have data to sup-
therapy when thrombosis occurs during the procedure. port their use in this clinical setting. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
Typically, procedural thromboses are detected quickly and inhibitors differ in pharmacokinetics, and these differenc-
can be addressed before substantial propagation. There- es may be important as they pertain to antiplatelet action
fore, the thrombosis is not mature and fibrin-rich; rather, during and after the procedure. Briefly, abciximab tends
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FIG. 1. Protocol for clopidogrel responsiveness using the VerifyNow test in patients undergoing neuroendovascular procedures.
When possible, patients undergoing neuroendovascular stenting should be initiated on DAT 5–7 days prior to the procedure. For
select patients and procedures, VerifyNow platelet function analysis should be evaluated prior to the procedure. For patients with
PRUs > 240 (HTPR), several potential options exist for rapidly gaining platelet inhibition (options 1–3), each with a corresponding
postprocedure treatment plan. For patients with PRUs < 60 (LTPR), clinicians may consider reducing the clopidogrel dose prior to
the procedure. Individuals who are hyperresponders to clopidogrel may require a reduced dose or an alternative agent. Patients
with a PRU within the goal of 60–240 should continue DAT as initially prescribed. The optimal range of platelet reactivity is not
well defined; some clinicians may elect to use a lower threshold of platelet reactivity, such as 60–150.14 *Clopidogrel dose reduc-
tion may be to 75 mg every other day or every third day. The prescriber can maintain the patient on this dose for 7–14 days, then
recheck VerifyNow. If PRU remains < 60, consider reducing the dose to 75 mg weekly or 5 mg (oral solution) per day. Reevaluate
VerifyNow 5–7 days after each dose change. May also consider using ticagrelor in patients in whom PRU remains < 60 despite
significant clopidogrel dose reduction. **The FDA recommends decreasing the aspirin dose to 81 mg daily in patients on ticagrelor
therapy based on post hoc analysis completed in the Platelet Inhibition and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) trial, where it showed para-
doxical worsening of primary efficacy outcomes (composite of death from vascular causes, myocardial infarction, or stroke at 12
months) with an aspirin dose ≥ 300 mg daily. This may be due to an aspirin and ticagrelor interaction and their effect on reduced
platelet reactivity.39 The effects of an aspirin dose ≥ 300 mg daily with ticagrelor therapy is currently unknown in patients undergo-
ing neuroendovascular procedures, and therefore close monitoring is advised. Figure is available in color online only.

to have a longer action on platelets due to the irreversible Management of DAT for Neuroendovascular Procedures
binding on the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor. As a result, Platelet function testing appears advisable prior to neu-
an intraarterial bolus of abciximab is likely to have a more roendovascular procedures, particularly in patients with
prolonged pharmacological effect than other glycoprotein risk factors for variable clopidogrel response and cases as-
IIb/IIIa inhibitors. In addition, in the instance in which sociated with complex aneurysm coil embolization, flow
bleeding complications ensue, platelet transfusion is likely diversion devices, or intracranial stenting. Within each in-
to be more effective in restoring hemostatic balance in pa- stitution, consistent use of a well-validated platelet function
tients receiving abciximab due to the irreversible binding. test may aid prescribers in predicting clopidogrel respon-
Other glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, such as eptifibatide, siveness. The utility of these tests for aspirin resistance is of
exhibit reversible binding and may inhibit recently trans- questionable significance in the majority of these patients.
fused platelets in the bleeding patient.40,65 Protocols for adjusting clopidogrel therapy based on plate-
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Antiplatelet agents in neuroendovascular procedures

let responsiveness have been proposed, but not validated clopidogrel and aspirin are the preferred combination for
at this point (Fig. 1).16 Of note, the VerifyNow PRU cutoff this therapy. The pharmacogenetic variability associated
value of 60–240 was based on a study by Delgado Alman- with clopidogrel response may need to be considered in
doz; however, based on PCI literature, the VerifyNow PRU cases in which the risk of thrombosis is more substantial
cutoff value is 85–208. There has been no comparison (e.g., PEDs). Routine platelet function testing may be help-
study to validate a PRU cutoff of 85–208 in the neuroen- ful in identifying patients at risk for HTPR, and the use of
dovascular setting, but many of the cutoff values used in alternative antiplatelet agents such as prasugrel, ticagrelor,
neuroendovascular studies were adapted or extrapolated or cilostazol may be necessary. In addition, with alteration
from initial PCI literature. in platelet therapy, combined planned, long-term platelet
When possible, patients should be initiated on clopido- function testing is advised in order to identify patients
grel and aspirin at least 5 days prior to the procedure to with LTPR.
permit these agents to reach maximum pharmacological
effect. However, many practitioners start patients on the References
regimen 14 days prior to the procedure. Patients taking
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58. Ries T, Siemonsen S, Grzyska U, Zeumer H, Fiehler J: Ab- all authors. Critically revising the article: all authors. Reviewed
ciximab is a safe rescue therapy in thromboembolic events submitted version of manuscript: all authors. Approved the final
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center experience in 42 cases and review of the literature.
Stroke 40:1750–1757, 2009 Correspondence
59. Scott SA, Sangkuhl K, Gardner EE, Stein CM, Hulot JS, Aaron M. Cook, UK Healthcare, 800 Rose St., H110, Lexington,
Johnson JA, et al: Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementa- KY 40536. email:

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