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wo 2s a a a eo . L What is the fundamental difference between surveying and levelling? In surveying, the measurements are taken in the horizontal plane, but in levelling, they are taken in the vertical plane. Wha the fundamental difference between plane surveying and geodetic surveying? In plane surveying, the curvature of the earth is not considered. But in geodetic surveying, the curvature of the earth is considered. What do you mean by the terms ‘topographical map’ and ‘cadastral map’? A map which shows the natural features of a country such as rivers, hills, roads, railways, villages, towns, etc., is known as a topographical map, and one which shows the boundaries of estates, fields, houses, etc., is known as a cadastral map. What is the main principle of surveying? The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the whole to the part. How is a chain folded and unfolded? In order to fold the chain, a chainman moves forward by pulling the chain at the middle so that two halves come side by side. Then he places the pair of links on his left hand with his right hand until the two brass handles appear at the top. To unfold the chain, a chainman holds the two brass handles in his left hand and throws the bunch with his right hand. Then one chainman stands at a station holding one handle and another chainman moves forward by holding the other handle. In a chaining operation, who is the leader and who, the follower? The chainman at the forward end of the chain who drags the chain is known as the leader. The one at the rear end of the chain is known as the follower. While chaining a line, you have to measure through a steep sloping ground. What method should you apply? The stepping method. ‘Two stations are not intervisible due to intervening high ground. How will you range the line? The ranging is to be done by the reciprocal method. What do you mean by normal tension? The tension at which the measured distance is equal to the correct distance (ice. when sag correction is neutralised by pull correction) is known as normal tension. What do you mean by RF? The ratio of the distance on the drawing to the corresponding actual length of the object is known as RF. What is the difference between plain scale and diagonal scale? ‘The plain scale represents two successive units. The diagonal scale represents three successive units. Scanned with CamScanner Introduction 51 12 What is hypotenusal allowance? When one chain length is measured on sloping ground then it shows a shorter distance on the horizontal plane. The difference between the sloping distance and horizontal distance is known as the hypotenusal allowance. 13 How many ranging rods are required to range a line? At least three ranging rods are required for direct ranging, and at least four for indirect ranging. 14 What is the length of one link in a 20 m chain? The 20 m chain is divided into 100 links. So, one link is 0.2 m, i.e. 20 m, long. Exercises Scanned with CamScanner —— 1. The object of surveying is to prepa ca (a) drawing (b) cross section \ {f-map 2. The cu ure of the earth is ignored in (a) geodetic i plane su (c) hydrographic surveying 3. The curvature of the earth is taken into account when the extent of area is more than (a) 50 km? (b) 100 km? Ler 250 km? 4. The main principle of surveying is to work from (a) the centre to the boundary the whole to the part (c) the part to the whole 5. Surveys which depict the natural features of a country are known as (a) cadastral surveys \ (b+ topographical surveys (c) engineering surveys 6. The diagonal scale is used to read (a) one unit (b) two units \LeF three consecutive units 7. A 20 m chain is divided into (a) 150 links ey 100 links (c) 200 links 8. A 30 m chain is divided into (a) 100 links LF 150 links (c) 300 links 9. The length of Gunter’s chain is (a) 100 ft (b) SOR \LF 66 1 Scanned with CamScanner 15, 16, 17, Introduction 53 . For ranging a line, the number of ranging rods required is, (a) at least two byt least three (c) at least four . The difference between the arc length and chord length for a distance of 18.2 km is only c (a) Som 10 om (c) 15cm . Compensating error is proportional to (a) L er VE ©Lr If @ be the angle of slope and / the sloping distance, slope correction is given by (a) (1 - sin @) LF I (1 - cos 8) (©) 1 -sec 8) If I be the sloping distance and /h the difference of level between two end points, slope correction is given by A e 21 Or wee oF If @ be the angle of slope and the length of chain be 30m then correction to be applied per chain length is (a) 30 (cos @-1)m_ ——\ (H¥30 (see @- 1) m (©) 30 (tan 8-1) m ‘One link’ means the distance from centre to centre of middle ri (b) centre to centre of inner rings (6) centre to centre of outer rings The end link is considered including the length of the handle (b) excluding the length of the handle (c) from the centre of the handle Ss 18 The walking step of a man is considered equal to 80 cm (b) 90 em (©) 100 cm Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions 1L© 2. &) 3. © 4.) 5. () 6. © 7.) 8. (b) 9. © 10. @) I. @) 12, b) 13, (b) 14. (b) 15, (b) 16. (a) 17. @ 18. (a) Scanned with CamScanner 76 Surveying and Levelling Short-Answer Questions for Viva 1 u 12 1B 4 15 What is the principle of chain surveying? The principle of chain surveying is triangulation. What do you mean by triangulation? ‘The method of dividing an area into a number of triangles is known as triangulation, ‘Why is the triangle preferred to the quadrilateral? The triangle is preferred just it is a simple figure which can be drawn by just knowing the lengths of its sides. ‘What is the disadvantage of using ill-conditioned triangles? The apex points of an ill-conditioned triangle are not well defined and sharp. This may cause some confusion while marking the actual point correctly on the map. What is reconnaissance survey? The preliminary inspection of the area to be surveyed is known as reconnaissance survey, What is an index sketch? During reconnaissance survey, a neat hand sketch is prepared showing the framework of the survey. This sketch is known as the index sketch. What is ‘base line of survey"? ‘The base line is the backbone of the survey. The framework of the survey is prepared on this line. How is the north line of the chain survey map fixed? The north line of the chain survey map is fixed by taking the magnetic bearings of the base line by prismatic compass. Suppose you are asked to conduct a chain survey in a crowded town. What would you say? In chain survey, the whole area is to be divided into a number of triangles. But the formation of triangles is not possible in a crowded town. So, 1 would reject the proposal What should be the maximum length of offset? The maximum length of offset should be within the length of the tape used. Generally, it should not be more than 15 m. How is a station marked on the ground? The station is marked on the ground by a wooden peg, and with a cross on the station point. ‘What is the need of a reference sketch? Xf the station peg is removed by someone, the station can be located accurately with the help of the measurements shown in the reference sketch, How will you set up a perpendicular with the help of only a chain and a tape? By forming a triangle in the ratio 3 : 4: $ using the chain and tape. Who are the ‘leader’ and ‘follower’ when a line is being chained? Te htinman at the forward end of the chain who drags the chain is known as the “leader”. The one at the rear end of the chain who holds the ‘zero* station is known as the ‘follower’. tices ne ort et Why does the field book open lengthwise? If the field book is opened lengthwise, it become easy to maintain the continuation of a chain line, Scanned with CamScanner 1. (a) What is the principle of chain surveying? (b) When is chain survey recommended? (c) When a chain survey becomes inconvenient? 2. (a) What is a well-conditioned triangle? Explain clearly why it is preferred to an ill-conditioned triangle. (b) The sides of a triangle are 156, 103 and 257 m long. Examine whether the triangle is well-conditioned. . Explain, with a neat sketch, the principle and use of an optical square. . What are offsets? How are perpendicular and oblique offsets taken? (a) What should be the limiting length of offset? (b) Explain, with sketches, how the number of offsets are decided for some common objects. a . Describe, with a sketch, the construction and use of an open cross-staff. . What is a field book? What kind of field book would you prefer and why? . Describe the field procedure of chain survey, (a) What are the points to be kept in mind while selecting survey stations? (b) What precautions should be taken while taking field notes? 10. Give the conventional symbols for the following: River, swamp, pond, orchard, rough pasture, embankment, cutting, cultivated land, barren land. ww d Multiple-Choice Questions Scanned with CamScanner 78 Surveying and Levelling 5. The working principle of the optical square is based on ; (a) reflection (b) refraction ULF double reftection 6. The field records of the chain survey is entere a/an ‘ (a) exercise book nfey field book (c) level book 7. The chainman who drags the chain is called the (a) captain Loy leader (©) follower 8. The preliminary inspection of the area to be surveyed is known as (2) primary survey \LBy reconnaissance survey _(c) route survey 9. The limiting length of offset depends upon the \GY scale of plotting (b) method of measurement (©) method of layout 10. The main survey stations are located on the ground by (a) index sketches by reference sketches (c) line sketch 11, In an optical square, the mirrors are fixed at an angle of (a) 30° (b) 60° US 45° 12. Perpendicular offsets may be taken by setting the right angle in the ratio (a) 3:6:9 34:5 (c) 2:4:5 13. For taki an oblique offset which makes an angle of 45° with the chain line, the instrument used is the (@) adjustable cross-staff (©) open cross-staff OF French cross-staff 14, Ifa 20 m chain gets displaced from correct alignment by a perpendicular distance dm then the error is given by & & a BP a0 (b) a © 0 15. If a wooded area obstructs the chain line then it is crossed by the (a) profile line LF random line (©) projection line 16. A flag is provided on a ranging rod when the ranging distance exceeds about (a) 10m (b) 25m (©) 50m WA 200 m 17. A cross-staff is used for (a) marking of survey station (b) setting perpendicular lines to survey line (©) alignment of a survey line \GY setting a line at an angle to a survey line at a point 18. The position of a point can be fixed more accurately by (@) cross-staff (©) optical square (©) oblique offset ‘LW perpendicular offset 19. The main object of running a tie line is (a)_ to check accuracy of work to take details of a nearby object (©) to take an offset for de (@) none of the above Scanned with CamScanner Chain Surveying 79 20. Which of the following angles can be set out with the help of French cross-staff? Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions (a) 45° only Lr either 45° or 90° 1. © 2. (b) 6. (b) 7. (b) I. (©) 12. (b) 16. (d) 17. (b) (b) 90° only (d) any-angle 3. (b) 8. (b) 13. (c) 18. (d) 4. (a) 9. (a) 14. (a) 19. () 5. (c) 10. (b) 15. (b) 20. (c) Scanned with CamScanner Compass Traversing 121 3.19 PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN COMPASS SURVEYING The following precautions should be taken while conducting a compass traverse: 1. The centring should be done perfectly. 2. To stop the rotation of the graduated ring, the brake pin should be pressed very gently and not suddenly. 3. Readings should be taken along the line of sight and not from any side. 4, When the compass has to be shifted from one station to another, the sight vane should be folded over the glass cover. This is done to lift the ring out of the pivot to avoid unnecessary wear of the pivot head. 5. The compass box should be tapped gently before taking the reading. This is done to find out whether the needle rotates freely. 6. The stations should not be selected near magnetic substances. 7. The observer should not carry magnetic substances. 8. The glass cover should not be dusted with a handkerchief, because the glass may be charged with electricity and the needle may be deflected from its true direction. The glass cover should be cleaned with a moist finger. Short-Answer Questions for Viva 1. What is the principle of compass surveying? The principle of compass surveying is traversing, which means that the area is enclosed by a series of connected lines. The magnetic bearings of these lines are taken with the compass and the distances of sides are measured by chain. 2. What is the difference between triangulation and traversing? Triangulation involves dividing an area into a number of well-conditioned triangles. But traversing involves the consideration of a series of connected lines. 3. What does the term ‘chain angle’ mean? When the angle between any two adjacent sides is fixed by chain and tape only by taking tie line. The angle is said to be the chain angle. 4, What is a 12 cm compass? The size of a compass is designated by its diameter. Therefore, a 12 em compass is a compass of 12 cm diameter. . What is the fundamental difference between the prismatic compass and the surveyor’s compass? ‘The prismatic compass shows the whole circle bearing of a Tine, whereas the surveyor’s compass shows the quadrantal bearing of a Tine. 6. How would you detect the presence of local attraction in an area? When the FB and BB of a line differ by exactly 180° then the line is free from local attraction. The presence of local attraction is established when the FB and BB do not differ by 180°. 1. The FB of a line is 96°30" and BB is 276°0’. How will you adjust the bearings? Here, FB of line is 96°30” So, BB of this = 96°30’ + 180°0" = 276°30° Scanned with CamScanner 122 Surveying and Levelling But the observed is 276°0’. So Adjusted BB = 1/2 (276°30’ + 276°0’) = 276°15’ and Adjusted FB = 276°15’ — 180°0’ = 96°15’ 8. What is local attraction? The disturbing influence of magnetic substances on a magnetic needle is known as local attraction, » What is declination? The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian is known as declination, 10. What are isogonic and agonic lines? The line passing through points of equal declination is known as the isogonic line, and the one passing through points of zero declination is called the agonic line. 11. What do you mean by azimuth? The true bearing of a line is also known as its azimuth. 12. The FB of a line is 145°30’. What is its BB? BB of the line = 145°30’ + 180°’ = 325°30' The FB of a line is S 45°30’ W? What is its BB? BB of the line = N 45°30’ E 13. 14, What are the precautions to be taken while shifting a prismatic compass from one station to another? The sight vane must be folded. 15. A compass was properly balanced at the equator. What will be the effect on the needle if it is taken to the northern hemisphere? The north end of the needle will be inclined towards the North Pole. 16. What is the angular check of a closed traverse? The sum of the interior angles should be equal to (2N ~ 4) x 90°, where N is the number of sides of traverse. 17. How would you check the accuracy of open traverse? The accuracy of open traverse is checked by taking cut-off lines or an auxiliary point. Exercises Scanned with CamScanner 1. Ina prismatic compass, the zero is marked on the (a) north end 29 south end (c) west end 2. Ina surveyor’s compass, the ring is graduated (a) from 0° to 360° LF in quadrants—-0° to 90° (c) in any way 3. The compass box is made of (a) iron (b) aluminium wef brass 4, Open traverse is suitable in the survey of (a) ponds rivers (c) estates 5. The sum of interior angles of a closed traverse is LS (2n — 4) x 90° (b) (2n + 4) x 90° (c) (n 4) x 90° 6. At the equator the dip of the needle is (a) 180° LH 0° (c) 900 7. At the magnetic pole, the dip is (a) 0° (b) 45° US 90° 8. The true meridian passes through §, geographical poles (b) magnetic poles (c) arbitrary poles 9, The line passing through ‘zero’ declination is known as the (a) isogonic line Lf agonic line (c) contour line 10. In the WCB system, a line is said to be free from local attraction if the difference between the FB and BB is (a) © (b) 90° TH 180° Scanned with CamScanner Compass Traversing 125 1. In the QB system, a line is said to be free from local attraction, if the FB and BB are (a) numerically equal a steep slope (b) gentle slope (c) uniform slope (d) plane surface 16. The suitable contour interval for a map with a scale of 1:1000 is by2m (b) Sm (©) 10m (@) 20m 17. In direct method of contouring, the process of locating points lying on a contour is called (a) ranging (b) centering (6) horizontal control {9 vertical control Mii Scanned with CamScanner Contouring 229 18, In the cross-section method of indirect contouring, the spacing of the eross section depends on (a) contour interval (b) scale of plan {c) characteristics of ground {44“all the above 19, The intersection method of detailed plotting is most suitable for (a) forests (b) urban areas (er hilly areas (a) plains Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b) I. (a) 12. (¢) 13, (b) 14, (a) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17 (d) 18 (d) 19 (c) 1 Scanned with CamScanner

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