Mass Communication: Exploratory Project

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BS English (General)

Semester 2 (2019-23)

RN: F19-BSM-ENG-GE-1010

“Media is the means of catharsis and is must for everyday living.” (Aristotle)
•The phrase medium comes from the Latin phrase medius (middle). Media is a
plural phrase (singular medium). In communication, media are the storage and
transmission channels or tools used to save and deliver information or data. It is
often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer
to any means of information communication.

•Mass media is a term used to denote an area of the media mainly designed to
reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. Mass media
is the major source of providing news and entertainment to the people who
choose to know who is doing what and what is happening. Mass media choose
one to many communication. It refers to communication devices, which can be
used to talk and engage with a massive range of audiences. For example
Television, Radio Cinema, Newspaper and Magazines.

Types of Mass Media:

Mass Media is divided into four types.
1. Electronic Media 2. Print Media
3.Interactive Media 4.New Media

Historical overview of Media in Pakistan

• Print is the oldest media of mass communication. Media not only gives us the
information about an event or issue however also explains and interprets them. In
1947, Pakistan inherited a weak press with very little law for controlling and
regulating the pres. The first news agency of Pakistan was once associated press
of Pakistan (APP) established in 1947. Pakistan broad Casting Corporation was
established in 1972.On1964 the first official television station PTV transmission
broadcasts from Lahore. The free electronic media in Pakistan was initiated by a
dictator General Musharraf, even though he had his personal interests to present
himself as a democrat President. The Pakistani media is an enthusiastic member
of the new warrior clan of the 21st century and despite belonging to war-torn
country, is playing active role in keeping with the needs of the modern times.

Vision of Media policy

• Media Policy aims to employ communication as a dynamic continuum guided by
the past, responsive to the present and tools for the future. It upholds the ideas
of national unity, cultural diversity, equality, freedom of expression, get entry to
information, fair media competition and futuristic planning to face the emerging
challenges in the improvement of media in Pakistan.


Media is essential for health of democracy:
•Pakistani media enables citizen to make decision about electoral choices. It
performs a checking function. News channels play an essential role in increasing
turn out.
Role in exposing corruption:
•Implication of investigative journalism. Watchdog function of media by exposing
social injustice. Several major corruption cases and scams are disclosed through
journalist. For example The Pakistan Steel Mills Rs.26 billion Scam, corruption in
Pakistan’s International Airlines that caused losses of $500 million, @@@Hajj
corruption case and Corruption in rental power projects.
Role in education:
•Pakistani media broadcasts some educational programs on TV which make
bigger knowledge of people and also some technological columns are published in
newspaper to instruct people.
Role of Media in Promoting the Democratic Traditions:
•At the time of elections media openly and in a focused way supported
democracy. In Pakistan News channels played an important role in increasing
voter turnout e.g. GEO news, ARY the voter turnout has almost doubled in the
latest elections.
Social Media:
•Pakistani Social media serve as a communications platform via spreading
information about protest campaigns and different social movements. For
example Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination and Shahzeb Khan Case.
•Pakistani media is united in some problems of their common interest. Media has
unity in social problems like zarb-e-azab and indo-pak match.
Role of Media in Freeing the Judiciary:
•In March 2007 President Pervez Musharraf suspended Iftekhar Muhammad
Chaudhry. Formation of Adliya Bachao Tehreek along with 60 judges. Resignation
of Pervez Musharraf Lawyer’s movement.
•Besides spreading exaggeration, Pakistani media should resolve the matters with
positive attitude. It’s the requirement of time that our media work for the positive
and real soft picture of Pakistan. Media should not use negative tools to increase
their viewership. There should be institutions to check weather transmission of
media are up to credible and ethical standards.

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