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Academia Journal of Educational Research 6(5): 129-134, May 2018

DOI: 10.15413/ajer.2018.0107
ISSN 2315-7704
©2018 Academia Publishing

Research Paper

Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) communication research

graduates batch 2013-2016 employability

Accepted 4th May, 2018


This study analyzed the employment status of the Polytechnic University of the
Philippines- Communication Research Graduates Batch 2013 to 2016. By utilizing
the descriptive method, a total of 159 graduates were selected. The study
employed online survey through Google Form using standardized survey
Hernandez, Nelda R.*, Madrid,
instrument provided by the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension
Karla V., Juan, Jerome R. and and Development. Mean, Percentile and Standard Deviation were used to analyze
Bernarte, Racidon P. the data. Results showed that majority of the respondents are college degree and
only few of them pursue advanced studies. In terms of ways finding their first job,
The College of Communication
Polytechnic University of the
respondents said that online platforms and previous internships helped them in
Philippines, Sta. Mesa, Manila, securing employment. Moreover, 93.7% of the graduates are currently employed
Philippines and half of them were employed in a span of 1-6 months after graduation.
Furthermore, 60.4% of them are working related to their course of study in
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
college. Communication and Critical Thinking Skills are the prominent skills they
,, learned in PUP., Key words: Communication research, employment, skills, competencies.


Filipinos are known for showing great value for education, the Philippines (PUP) is the largest state university in the
where, in fact, Philippines gathered 96.5% simple literacy country which was founded in the year 1904 and later
and 90.3% functional literacy rate on its 2016 survey, cited expanded with more than 70,000 students and 22
by the Philippine Statistics Authority. According to Bañez branches and campuses throughout the country. This
and Pardo (2016), in their article entitled “Licensure expansion allows education to be more accessible among
Examination Performance of BSEd-Biological and Physical willing and deserving Filipino youth. PUP is a highly
Science Graduates in a State University in Northern competent, public, non-sectarian, government and non-
Philippines”, stated that education carries out the progress government subsidized and governed by Republic Act
of every aspects in the society. They added that every Number 8292 known as the Higher Education
nation’s asset is its people’s literacy more than anything Modernization Act of 1997. Its Implementing Rules and
else. This proposes that education and literacy makes Regulations are contained in the Commission on Higher
every nation competent which leads to future success in all Education Memorandum Circular No. 4, series 1997, with
aspects. primary task to develop the potential of the youth of the
The eagerness of the Filipino youth to learn and finish country by honing their intellectual capacity and well-
college remains the reason of many aspiring “Iskolar Ng being. `
Bayan” to gain admission into the well-known state Based on the official website of PUP, majority of the
universities in Philippines. The Polytechnic University of students belong to the economically challenged level of the
Academia Journal of Educational Research; Hernandez et al. 130

society. Thus, PUP commits to its vision and mission by study among graduates of batch 2011 and 2012. To
providing quality higher education to deserving and continue tracing the development, the researchers
qualified Filipino youth. conducted this tracer study to determine the employment
In terms of accessible education for all, PUP is one of the status of Communication Research graduates of batch
112 state universities and colleges (SUCs) to benefit from 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.
the duly signed law by President Rodrigo Duterte; the In 2017 survey, PUP was recognized as
Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, a law top university of main source of fresh graduates to be
providing free tuition for students enrolled in SUCs. hired for two consecutive years (2015 and 2016). As
In its increasing demand, PUP and its colleges take pride reported in a Fresh Graduate Survey in 2016, PUP
in maintaining excellence. As stated in the official website graduates are generalized as very hard-working,
of the university, most of its alumni have successfully determined and non-complainant on their assigned tasks.
landed jobs immediately after graduation. The College of According to article published by the
Communication (COC) is one of the prominent colleges in (2017) employer survey, most of the
PUP. COC upholds quality and excellence and it has proven graduates hired in 2016 were from PUP with 56%, most of
its competence as educational institution - evident to its its graduates have dominated Business Process
laurels - recognitions and contribution to the country’s Outsourcing (BPO), retail, real estate and manufacturing
mass media. COC has produced media practitioners and industries - second on food and beverage, tourism,
global communication professionals who are passionate materials and construction. While in terms of employers’
not just on work, but also in society at large. It bears the assessment on performances of fresh graduates, University
distinction of being the first communication school in the of the Philippines (UP) graduates scored highest, followed
Philippines to have achieved Level III Accredited Status by alumni of PUP and Ateneo De Manila University
awarded by the Accrediting Agency Chartered Colleges and (ADMU). Thus, this tracer study would like to determine
University in the Philippines (ACCUP). This recognition whether the acquired skills and competencies of
was achieved in 2008 to its two programs – Broadcast in Communication Research graduates batch 2013 to 2016 is
Communication and Journalism. related to their present job.
On the other hand, the Communication Research
program, initially offered in 2006 as Bachelor in
Communication Research, was later renamed as Bachelor Objectives
of Arts in Communication Research after the
implementation of approved BCR revised curriculum by This research study aimed to analyze the Employment
the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). PUP-COC Status of Communication Research Graduates in
became the second communication school to offer Polytechnic University of the Philippines from Batch 2013
Communication Research in the Philippines. The revised to 2016.
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research curriculum Specifically, it sought:
was designed to train future research practitioners to
become competent, critical thinker, and responsible with 1. To know if Communication Research graduates secure
high ethical awareness in the area of communication jobs related to their course of study.
research study and practice. 2. To distinguish among the acquired competencies in
Among the four programs offered in COC, this research college, what is the most useful to their current work?
study will only focus on Communication Research 3. To determine the extent of relevance of the acquired
program. There has been two tracer study previously competencies and skills to the demands of their present
conducted. Thus, the first tracer study was conducted job.
among graduates of batch 2010, and the second tracer
4. To know if practicum/internship/on-the-job training most researchers over the years modified the original
help in their work environment. model. Researchers focus on the factors that affect the
5. To assess if competencies and skills give them an edge group (input), what happens within the group (process),
over other graduates. and the results (output).
The input-process-output model provided the general
concept of the study for the guide and direction.
Conceptual framework Substituting the variable of the study with the IPO model,
the researchers applied the following: Input refers to the
The researchers applied the General Systems Theory of action of the researchers in terms of communicating or
Ludwig von Bertalanffy to show how the variables are reaching out to the graduates of each batch, another input
related to the study (Figure 1). is the actual responds of the graduates to participate in the
According to Littlejohn and Foss (2008), the basic idea of survey.
input, process and output in groups has influenced how These inputs will undergo certain processes to properly
Academia Journal of Educational Research; Hernandez et al. 131

Figure 1: Modified input-process-output (IPO) model.

Table 1: Demographic profile of respondents.

Sex: Frequency Percentage

Female 116 73
Male 43 27
Total 159 100

Civil status:
Single 152 96
Married 7 4
Total 159 100

Educational attainment:
College Degree 146 92
Master's Degree 1 1
With earned units in Master's Degree 9 6
Earning units in Teaching Certification Program 1 1
law with units 1 1
with Professional Education units 1 1
Total 159 100

assess the results. These processes are specifically: data platforms such as Facebook and messenger. Also a
encoding, analyzing and interpretation. Lastly, for the Quantitative approach was used, which is unbiased,
output, the researchers will be able to know the relevance numerical and more analytical in nature.
of acquired skills and competencies in college to current Data were obtained by locating the names, contact
job of the respondents. From the process – the researchers number, address and email address of the Bachelor of
will come to know the employability of the graduates and Communication Research (BCR) and Bachelor of Arts in
most importantly – the researchers will be able to produce Communication Research (BACR) graduates batch 2013,
a reliable Tracer Study of the Polytechnic University of the 2015 and 2016 in the provided list of the PUP Alumni
Philippines – College of Communication- Communication Office. Moreover, due to some uncontrollable scenario, the
Research graduates batch 2013 to 2016. researchers were limited to the list of Batch 2014
graduates, wherein they requested the Records Office of
the university to provide at least names of batch 2014.
METHODOLOGY Data were collected through online survey via Google
forms in a specific time-frame within September 30 and
This research study used the survey technique, which was November 18.
primarily employed to answer the research questions and As for the sampling technique, Stratified sampling was
objectives. As for data collection, the researchers used used. In summary, there were total of 159 graduates who
online survey through Google forms, links were sent via e- participate in the survey which is higher than the target
mail (electronic mail address), Gmail and social media sample of 143. Table 1 shows 100% response rate among
Academia Journal of Educational Research; Hernandez et al. 132

Table 2: Period of time they acquired their first job.

Parameter Frequency Percentage

Less than a month 63 39.6
1- 6 months 81 50.9
7-11 months 6 3.8
1 year to less than 2 years 2 1.3
2 years to less than 3 years 2 1.3
others 4 2.5
*Not Applicable 1 0.6
Total 159 100.0

Table 3: Employment status of the respondents.

Parameter Frequency Percentage

Employed 149 93.7
Self-employed 7 4.4
Unemployed 2 1.3
Not applicable 1 0.6
Total 159 100.0

Table 4: Present job level position.

Parameter Frequency Percentage

Rank-and-file or clerical 50 33.6
Professional, technical or supervisory 84 56.4
Manager or executive 12 8.1
No Answer 3 2.0
Total 149 100.0
Note: Self-employed, unemployed &pursuing Law is excluded

its target respondents of batches 2013 to 2016. it take to get their first job, one-half (50.9%) of the
respondents stated that they got their job within 1-6
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION months after graduation, followed by the respondents who
got their job in less than a month after graduation which is
Table 1 shows the demographic profile of the respondents 39.6%, trailed by 3.8% who got their first job within 7-11
along sex, civil status and educational attainment. This months. Moreover, some of the respondents got their job
presents that a huge majority of the respondents were while studying (2.5%), and also 1.3% got their first job
female with 73%, whereas the rest of the respondents within 1 year to less than 3 years. On the other hand, one
were males with 27%. This is in line with the result of of the respondents was “not applicable” (0.6%).
previous Tracer Study of BCR batch 2011 and 2012 carried Table 3 shows that among the 159 respondents, almost
out by Bernarte et al. (2014) in which female respondents all were Employed (93.7%), whereas 4.4% of the
were also dominant in their study. graduates were Self-Employed, while the some of the
Moreover, almost all of the graduates were still single respondents were Unemployed (1.3%). Thus two of the
which amounted to 96% of the total respondents, while respondents said “Not Applicable” as one of the
the remaining 4% were those who were married. This is respondents is currently pursuing advance studies. This
similar to the previous BCR Tracer Study that most of the shows that most of the respondents were employed,
respondents were single at the time of data collection indicating that the Philippines’ labor industry is
(Bernarte et al., 2014). continually increasing, whereas unemployment rate is
Lastly, among all of the respondents, 92% have acquired decreasing.
College Degree as their highest educational achivement, Table 4 presents the Job level position of the
whereas 6% of them have earned units in Master’s Degree, respondents’ Current Job. More than half of the
while the remaining 1% was equally distributed among respondents said that they were Professional, Technical or
the respondents who answered they earned units in Supervisory which is 56.4%, followed by those who said
Teaching Certification Program (1), Laws with units that they were Rank-and-file or clerical (33.6%), then
(1) and Master’s Degree holder (1). 8.1% were Manager or Executive and 2% did not answer.
The Table 2 shows that among the total number of This table shows that as time goes by, the respondents was
respondents who answered the question on how long does able to get a higher position and majority of them were in
Academia Journal of Educational Research; Hernandez et al. 133

Table 5: Relatedness of current job.

Variable Frequency Percentage

Yes 96 60.4
No 60 37.7
No Answer 1 0.6
Others 2 1.3
Total 159 100.0

Table 6: Nature of industry/ company.

Parameter Frequency Percentage

Academic 5 3.1
Advertising 7 4.4
Agricultural/Environment 1 .6
Banking &Finance 3 1.9
BPO 22 13.8
Construction/Engineering 4 2.5
Consultancy 5 3.1
Consumer Goods 1 .6
Entertainment 1 .6
Financial Service 2 1.3
Food & Beverage 2 1.3
Government 11 6.9
Insurance 1 .6
IT/ Computer/ Software 1 .6
Manufacturing 1 .6
Marketing Research 14 8.8
Media 4 2.5
Telecoms/ Communications 2 1.3
Legal 3 1.9
Retail 2 1.3
Services 2 1.3
Pharmaceuticals/ Medical 2 1.3
Tourism/Travel/Leisure 2 1.3
Real Estate 9 5.7
Others 14 8.8
No Answer 4 2.5
Mix Industry 34 21.4
Total 159 100.0

the position of professional, technical or supervisory. Reh secured jobs related to their course of study. On the other
(2017) stated that those who were in the professional, hand, the results are in line the previous tracer study
technical or supervisory levels were those who had three conducted by the Communication Research Students batch
years and up work experience. 2014, that majority of communication research graduates
This is parallel to the statement of Thompson (n.d.) in of 2011-2012 got their jobs related to their course of
his article entitled “The importance of education in finding study.
a job”. He pointed out that the higher the education levels Moreover, this proves that Communication Research
of an individual, the greater the chance to be promoted in accredited curriculum provide graduates with better
the company. employability in line with their course of study. This also
Table 5 shows the relatedness of Communication supports the idea of Kinash (2017) that the university
Research to their current job; majority said that their must help the students develop their career. However, this
current job is related to their course (60.4%), 37.7% of results disagree with the findings of UNESCO (2012) that
respondents said that their current job is not related to stated: oversupply of graduates in some fields was an issue
their course, and the remaining 1.3% respondent did not and most of the graduates were unable to find jobs related
specify their answer including the one of the respondent to their specialization, such as nursing and information
who pursue Law. technology due to lack of work experience.
This results are contrary to the idea of Brad Plumer Table 6 shows the highest number of graduates that
(2013) that there were only 27% of the graduates that answered with multiple responds is considered as “Mix
Academia Journal of Educational Research; Hernandez et al. 134

Industry” with 21.4%, followed by BPO with 13.9% and REFERENCES

the least of it are some industry that is not too related to
program, such as Agriculture, IT/Computer/Software, Bañez S, Pardo C (2016). Licensure Examination Performance of BSEd-
Biological and Physical Science Graduates in a State University in
Insurance and Manufacturing with only (0.6%).
Northern Philippines. J. Educ. Human Res. Dev. Retrieved from
The Media/Arts industry is more dominant as compared
with the previous tracer studies. Bernarte et al. (2014) Bernarte R et al (2014). Polytechnic University in the Philippines College
concluded in their study that the Media/Arts industry of Communication Research Bachelor in Communication Research
Graduates Batch 2011 and 2012: A Tracer Study (Unpublished thesis).
ranks third as nature industry of the graduates. In line
Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines.
with the released result of employer survey, Employment Rate (2017). is Estimated at 94.3 Percent | Philippine
most of the graduates hired in 2016 were from PUP (56%), Statistics Authority. Retrieved from
which most of its graduates dominated in Business Process Kinash S (2017). Snapshot in How To Make Graduates Employable Find
Out In 5 Minutes How You Can Improve Your Graduates’ Employment
Outsourcing (BPO), retail, real estate and manufacturing
Outcomes [Video file]. Retrieved from
industries- second on food and beverage, tourism, Philippine Statistics Authority (2017). Employment Rate in April 2017 is
materials and construction. Estimated at 94.3 Percent (2017-063). Retrieved from Philippine
Statistics Authority website:
UNESCO (2012). Graduate employability in Asia. Retrieved from 978-92-
9223-395 2.

Grounded with the assessed results of the study, a vast

majority of the graduates were employed in a job related
to Communication Research program. It is highly evident
that the program is versatile in several facets as it covers a
varying nature and fields of research, such as advertising
and marketing.
The researchers extend the study’s significance by drawing
the following recommendations:

1. This study of PUP Communication Research graduates

batch 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 marked an important
result that can add to the body of knowledge in the field of
academe and corporate industry.
2. The results of the study will serve as a reference to
future researchers. On the other hand, there are some Cite this article as:
unspecified answers of the graduates due to online
platform that limits the supervision of the researchers in Hernandez NR, Madrid KV, Juan JR, Bernarte RP (2018). Polytechnic
data gathering. University of the Philippines (PUP) communication research
graduates batch 2013-2016 employability. Acad. J. Educ. Res. 6(5):
3. It is recommended that future researchers should 129-134.
minimize the use of online platforms, such as Google
Forms and other same online data gathering tools to Submit your manuscript at
accommodate and supervise every respondent.

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