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Saloni kharkar
3rd yr c Roll no 15
 is the largest city in Hubei and the most populous city in Central China
 Population of over 11 million, the ninth most populous Chinese city, and one of the nine National
Central Cities of China
 Wuhan was briefly the capital of China in 1927 under the left wing of
the Kuomintang (KMT) government led by Wang Jingwei
 As of early 2020, outside China, Wuhan is most widely recognized as the origin of outbreak of the
worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, or coronavirus

 Wuhan today is considered

the political, economic,
financial, commercial,
cultural and educational
center of Central China.
 It is a major transportation
hub, with dozens of
railways, roads and
expressways passing
through the city and
connecting to other major
  Because of its key role in
domestic transportation,
Wuhan is sometimes
referred to as
"the Chicago of China" by
foreign sources.
 The "Golden Waterway" of
the Yangtze River and its
largest tributary, the Han
River, traverse the urban
area and divides Wuhan into
the three districts
of Wuchang, Hankou and Ha
nyang. The Wuhan Yangtze
River Bridge crosses the
Yangtze in the city.
Up until the 21st century, Wuhan was largely an agricultural region. Since 2004 it has been a focal point of
the Rise of Central China Plan, which aims to build less-developed inland economies into hubs of
advanced manufacturing.

Wuhan is an important centre for economy, trade, finance, transportation, information technology, and
education in China. Its major industries include optic-electronic, automobile manufacturing, iron and steel
manufacturing, new pharmaceutical sector, biology engineering, new materials industry and environmental
protection. Environmental sustainability is highlighted in Wuhan's list of emerging industries, which
include energy efficiency technology and renewable energy

 More than 120 newspapers and periodicals, including national newspapers such as Central Daily
News and Republican Daily News, were founded or published during this time. [199] Chutian Metropolis
Daily and Wuhan Evening News are two major local commercial tabloid newspapers. Both of them have
entered the list of 100 most widely circulated newspapers of the world.

There are 35 higher educational institutions in Wuhan, making it a leading educational hub for China.
Prominent institutions include Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University.
Three state-level development zones and many enterprise incubators are also significant in Wuhan's
education and business development. Wuhan ranks third in China in technology

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