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safaatech @gmail,com

61. Teacher l : fhev've imlrroved consider.ably. Nowadays, they can even write
whole paragraphs without making many mistakes.
Teacher 2 : How did you do it ?

.et L:.Yl gn
,*rls-)r g_er {lls e]lj! 4irls F 64:fu r,.!yl ora
i rJ,ils 1,**j ril .1
fcllj,-,1*1. ;r< .2 ,lJl
(B) to express hope
(C) to express admiration
(D) to express likes
62. Patient: It's really bori
Visitor: perhaps you should take up

.erctt dtJ.t Jell I

l.ra ; eoJ _el lStl-tg O1
1".,5 1

(B) to advise
(C) to instruct
(Q) !o suggest
63. Father: What are you thinking of doing after Form Five ?
Son :

f,-*LJl e ir-jll r'.t ! JSii g.Jl L ti,s .+)l

1,,,, I.r.,*,.,tlrl !jt ,i.,,- :o+)l

A) to express interest
B) to express likes

D) to ex satisfaction
64. Girl 1 : You think I lied, don't you ? You think I never went to school that day at all ?
Gkl2 : Exactly. I've just realized how wrong I've been to trust you.
f d)ttYl ,-l' rll 4llr ,=,s LJull .rJi ,rril J .+i +ru ,',i< gdllrs ..,'";li ,c+s ,rrl crsi: ,''i< .l ;u!
.4 d_iJ! + {t:s grll IL-ll qeu lci! c.rS1.ri riJ . h.;lrr .2 'oui

A to satisfaction

to acce

D to allow
65. Girl 1 : Why can't you even try to be punctual once in a while ?
Boy : C) 1'co Lrtse. I clo ! I just can't help being held up at tirnes.

fCr+- cJS.J.i'o.sl3 6J^ rr*ll

n!-dt"+ A:S OiiJrt*.j, dLis4 V tlu .1 iljg
,O!=Vl !ia,+ ,r3 s!..,JL Jt-llt ;r CF;i y !,!! Ui M!Cd! ,"*;'

(B) to explain
(C) to apologize
(D) to express fear
safaatech @gmail,com

71. Father : He's an ungrateful, selfish excuse for a son. He never cares whether we live or
Mother ; c1eals.

.#i# Jl clsl IrS lrl l^ i*+ Y 4Jl .aDtl qj[Yt u!-ll-i 1.rc. ,-!-+llJSU djl :tyl
^<le .:Lis"a y l+ LJJj'L lalr arl ."rJ+ usl l)+ J";,t- 4jl t"!J .eYl

A tod

to advise
D to claim
72. Student 1 : I think it's unfair that all of us should have to stand for mistakes that we
never made.
Student 2 : Yes. We knew the answers. But we were not even asked.
Student 3 :
vor"rI q uestions '?

.l.ui tei<l> el slt r$iYl,J' tEJl,;l U;^; U+L Oi dr*ll JJ. Of 4jl rtic.i :1 crlUJl

.,F till_r- e,t el Sl:.irlbYl.iJ,j tjs.e- :2 +ltll

L\-vl tlUJ.o- :3 cluJl
A) to defend

73. Father : No ! And that's final. You'Il not go to the picnic with those irresponsible friends
of yours.
Daughter : I'llpack up mv baqs and leave horne then.

.U:'**lt *r;.uJt cLtl-r*l pY3,t C^ i";,r Jl *+$ C .,rr$ lra3 !Y :+Yl


B) to promise

to su
74. Secretary 1 : You didn't do it ? But I definitely asked you to do it. I sent you a note.
Secretary 2 : What note ?
Secretary 1 : Don't vou try to pretend. You've been behaving in
this uncooperative way ever since you first started working here,

{-L-)- dll ,:l-Ji $l .dlli .J*t: Oi cli" ,",jlL ':<hg ul JSlr tclli ,Jii J si :l :+F
!;;S:^ ,_91
.l ;;^i

6l s^ Lrt ;^tl )ts 4'All o'r4; e-i sjj ,-,i< lil . ;alLill iJyL.i Y ;l ;p-;S-
ta cJJl irlr.

A to questlon
B to demand
to order
79 Mother : Hello ! Had a good day in school ?

rr, ctlS !!-y

& ui* '.*
l!J-)l i1*iYl $*'

A) to scold

to di
D) to discoura

BO Sister ; There's someone downstairs ! I can hear little tinkling sounds and shuffling
of feet ! Boris ! You'd better go downstairs and check.
Brother : What ? Me ? Oh no, I'm staying right here.

Sister : Call yourself a male ? A lilv-livered cowarcl !

!ei+,.r_:+ lJ,hri qF,Lr +l+li.*t crt.. i e,i Oi e..rli,i I.JtJt 6+r-Ut # tJ...jr dlt-r,r .,.,.:.i
.,JiiJlr,JsJl dill Jt .+s gt g!-:i)t Lj,"

uA ri! ui ,y o3i r lji f |1\- :-)l

!ol++_j +lillp'll.- lfirl^ij ;c..rr; I tiL;cr=i

(B) to criticize
(C) to urge
(D) to express anxiety
81 , ( On the telephone )
Elder sister : What is it ? Speak louder, the line is bad.
Younger sister : There's somethinq outside ! It's cominrt closer ! Oh. help rne.
lielp me !

es+, !.i,Jt t
et ,,=Jci c-, s+ gi.rsi , ,l ,!;.1.YL*II
cF4.oL* ro;;:cL" ,ori lLrli +$: k t !61Ult # o,*j clr"u . l*l cr*i
A) to express interest
B) to express shock

D) to warn

82. Doctor : I'm sorry but your son is dead. I ...

Mother : Dead ? Oh no ! If vou h4dn't insisted on operatins he'd be alrve still.

!) d;i tc:!. .2Vl

A) to exolain
B) toe sadness
(C) to criticize
85. But why can't I have a new dress ? I haven't had one for ages. Mary is
iu\.vir vs
^1.,,.-.,-, or cousin nexf to he:r-.

;gl.'gll L9J:-,ii tdl: +;u .u j qJ^.sl: .,le d^l C t++ +,ri.,1o cj,*lr c'jrs"J y ri\-l JsJ
\+ru+ ir+:illt .Jr +ir & ,+i ui .i++ll

(B) to criticize
(C) to compliment
(D) to scold

86. Student : I'm sony. I've lost your book.

Teacher :

book cost?

.,-glitis dJii! ril .,-!-i UI ',,,1t-.,L11

f+tiSltAJ$ S
"::"j & f tr+ ci"e. *(r ii iS+.+5 .rJJt

87" Dear Tom,

I could hardly believe rny ears when I iteard of your
man'iage. I thought you were a conlinned bachelor.
Congratulations to you I

(rqJ/4 ! LC

','jrl .:*tS iiJilcl .+J+t_rj iE irJ.4 U)lp ,jiil .9r*l rSlU Ui

.e! L+kr . J"rr-ix

A) to shock

C) toe di intment
toe di

88. Alice : I rvill never be able to repayyour kindness to rle and mv farnilv. All I
caLi clo is sav "Thank vou very tlurch."

. "*ll :."r+ tJS;;', Jyill ,s a-r *l'*.iji ,;6e t^ JS .#l,t*J-. j sG.t"l dJ r:1 *1" ll\! o:si ,;J :-,a+jl

A) to dissatisfaction

to ex wishes
D) to praise


J;iiJl i: Y :rLll
el;'l l* .,le d,.fi c
,sl;l. cdJlii y .*.:.*]!

(B) to persuade
(C) to order
(D) to suggest

94. Student 1 : She's the cruelest person on earth, giving us all this homework !

Student 2 : Well. I-guess she's doins it for oul'own

good. We need to practice Maths to get better at it.

Ujill grt
rrlll |ra LK li:Ld, soFJYl a+:.rJr 6j.,! JIS)I ,,)-i,rll kjl ;1 ,,,llLll!
.i-Hl lii^1. - o .J+i ,-* dflj &jj l-di Jiijri ,ri,,,-, .2 ,,,lgf,tl
.!g d;st e+:X dJr+,:!jl LJ\-^ Jl q+t=+ cF

A) to den

tu^ clai
D) to

95. Student 1 : How did you do for the test ?

Student 2 : Better than I expected. 70%

lJljlrvl ."/ {+Irl , ;l< :1 ,,'ll-f,1

Z.7o .i*iie:s L^ J^:sl :2 ulll.l

(B) to express dissatisfaction

(C) to praise
(D) to congratulate

96. Teacher :
so lazr,, Why can't you try to be like your brother?

grF .ri cJji^i .ri dLS4 Y lr\-l l.+ .-l,"*S *sl ,iD_kl4e] :J-Jl
fdl+ii ,Jj.

A) to condemn
to Dralse

D) to confnm

102.Boy: You did I I saw you I ( angry ) Girl :

No, I didn't ! I didn't ! ( angry)

have rnistake

( rgU ) I e,bit Ui t,"'td ciji :qs+;l

( ++u ) I d,Siel rasi rl (V :;Lis
.f-t*lt ,.:*+ rf+; U- +Y.L^Sg,i( r.lYl rlyrr*l .pyl

103. Suspect :

Detective : Was anyone with you ?

Suspect : No. I was alone.
,rlJIl.*!l .ar asi.ll
kj!",,t djiJl.,rr fi5
!dl-,-Eil ,*i OtS & ',J-L^ll

.Y :a+ ari,iJl
(A) to confirm
(B) to appeal
(C) to consent

104. Son : I got a Grade 1, Mum.

Mother : Oh. well done I I always expected you to do well.

.o-i ,i t_2r*5 ,''l - ;;)l

.rJ+ dS& Oi cl^ gfi t-tr c'S |..:*i*j ,uri ;,yt

to express admiration

105. Man: Clan I sive you a iift ?

Lady : No, thanks.


.l Sti r) '6rJ "

(B) to volunteer
(C) to invite
(D) to urge
safaatech @gmail,com
109. Giri: I lost ! I lost ! Oh, everyone will be laughing at me !

Friend :

ars fast as lyou. anywav.

A to protest

to criticize
D to blame

I 10. Girl : I take that as an insult Get out of here

! !

Boy: Oh. I am sorrlr ! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

! ljA .J. 6_At !i:b$ cIi $.1 Ui .;[ig

.tl_,'t;" Lri3l ;i .*!i il S]_!]-l_rl :"+:tt

to Drotest


111. Husband : Can't you learrr to dress faster ?

Wife : My fault ? Rubbish. You were still shaving at eight o'clock,

!e'r,l ds,4 u+)il! rl$11 rH d!s^r Y ll*!_$14_4S=_l*_# :erjr

.08:00 ielJl d ,Jti cjljJ ) L''i( .el_p trSiur .i=r,

12. Student : Good evening. Miss Tan, I'm so glad Jrou could corne ... but you look worried. Is
anything the matter?

oei *l d[^ ,-lA .;ili +"r EIISI_J .., ru-dll dK."t 4jl h+ +* q (uE L,jt . \$ll e\_* :crlUl
safaatech @gm

118. Mei Ling : If you want to know, I failed every single subject"
Ann: lteall]v ?

.6Flll cl- r-l_r 15.-,\,i:6 r,-i;*i 6i +j c.r:S tll :eC rf


to express admiration

119. i really appreciate the thought behind your letter. Ancl, I felt a lirtle better after le ading.

iel:611 r*r )l+l! cbgi,:r*ji, .$U-, t-dAto.3lt ;elj l! J$i tt Ui

(B) compliment
(C) to praise
(D) to explain

I20. Your pafents were verv kind to rne when I was a child and it's the least I can do to try to
repay their kindness.

.$itl r;l crs il_rl* ,J a+ e$11 .*JLJ \^ dli rrar )u.t_ +nS rj:\ra Hl ,:i.1+k. t+ ?ta]J elJtr nS

A) to express admiration
B) to oraise

D) to

I2I. Don't be anglv with rre. alright. Murnrnv? I would have told you beforehand if I could have.
dlr g-,,1_er!^1 9tS .;J G+* pSJ.JJIY dr'ls l"{^l ,si^ Y 'li* #{,fy
A) to ask

to compel
D) to ur

122. lso, its'now the rambutan season and

my trees are laden. We can roam around the town too.

.uJiQull cL=,I .j* cJ-.e,=:Jt r:r< ,.q1-: -'Si:08:-l_r ,Jt" JVr ui us-
safa atech
Girl : Yes. I'd love to,

A to request

to sffer
D to su
I29. Child : Mother, can I come with vou ?
Mother : I guess so. Come on. then.

fdt- sil ul ,:Sa LIa ,t5-t .dli-tll

.JrJ UA .e!.. ,Il?! :eyl

(B) to thank
(C) to direct
(D) to suggest
L30. Girl 1 ; I don't think it's going to rain. Do you ?
GtrI2 : Well. i1 I rvere vou. I'd take an umbrella with me, anwvay.

fg.r rit.j &. ,t"1 ,*iJ*, 4ji rijoi y Ui ;1 ;Us

.clt* c;j *J" ,**_#f,a *r* si* ciS ,tLlS^ iiS ,J ,1i."- ;2;l-:i

A) to offer

13l. Teacher:Well, at long last, I have received a reply from the scholarship board regarding
your application.
Student ; You have ? Well, ... so . .. did L.. I mean ...

.,:l,ll. p{ .'rj 4plJJl ej-ll , "J+^ gF lr; ,,',Ji;ll ,i-irl L Jl

tk', ,ti* ;pLJl
.*_ol:l_*!l_ t_.,__*lill_*t l*j: lghil

A) to lnterest

C) toe fear
(D) to e surprlse
l3Z. Teacher : Look and see for yourself.
Student : ( l-ooks at letter) Oh ! Oh ! I qot it ! I eotit ! Ohbov I

",:l;il ul*l jJl

i !:-.y I "+*Uf ! *Tfl }jih/ (aj'krjt * y;a) ;,,J'JJ\

A) to express shock

to exoress satisfaction

c+"1 1, -rli rt=.

probably originalry grew wild in Ethiopia in the province
_c,"{1." of
Kaffe, and from there _ to southern Arabia.

bringing it brought with it

Alabama was occupied by the French and Spanish before
England in 1763.

ceded to it

A group of winged reptiles pterosaurs is berieved to h;; b;;

vertebrates with the power of flight.
th" f..t

populatron of the US is

more than the

population greater than
Canada Canada's one

..4\ ) ih""Jl Jl JLb\,:l ,-oo i-* Lii..l .hi r+:-: Lls ; :ol3ill e+F dF ;.1"+ll j i.:&rS:t
:r+g! d
c,bit+J .f"'+ # i.q$& #J: itl! (369 _3S-ll; {r"*Vr
J*r* le d b

As a protectii,e protein molecule, a'antibody

'zirus prctein. "an "@

The el'lbrt to determine the exact

billion decimal dieirs 'u'rerical "utr@ ;i
70..)309779 - : ,rt
!+fqj I
;-,-*,i,..;* *-"i.j

obsidian is for nieelrvrrqn siliceous rava qgal!.@

rock- forming minerals

Road conditions in th. Unlt
the Civil War.

in spite of the fact that

The introduction of the J

arggsed widgqpread !nlereqt llro.ughqut-the: cauntry,-:-------._-tn"
precocity ofthe trees and the large size and great
neauiy oitne rruit.

owing with

When purchasing a
suryeys, tend to lea rouquet of red roses purchased online
found at a local supermarket
also a box of
----l:--il as widespreuA io tn.
actually classified as a rodent .

Not a mammal which None mammal Not a mammal that

and sell the fruit as a common c

association rather than to selr the fruit of each grower separatery .

wonders on the fair faces, delicate

of a large variety of plant species.
Environment There is It is the 330
environement environment
work that work
Ethyl cyanoacetate ir
ethyl ester.
at the reaction to the reaction above the

On the second level of mammalian evolution, thaG__--_-_- mammals

marsupials, the eggs are practically yolkless.

to the pouching

To further the important study of solar radiation long range

weather forecasting, the organization appropriated over ten percent of its
as relation with for relation on by relation of
sa fa at ech(Zt gma i l. coln

see the doctor if thht back ache persists.

better have

":d dt** *:SJ i-a"g_,{ i.{.;i

A:Irm dreadfully sorry. I have spittedTnL oo youi.*p"t

Neither do I But thanks, all

the same

Kim: what shall we do this weekend?

To advice

Billy: Why don't you ba"row Ail.onG bicy"lC

Two parallel lines ----meet.

always often frequently

Keane : The race will start at 8 a.m., wonrt it ?

tration. vou have

startins line in the field. t94
To describe To greet To request
salaatech@ ema

Situation: You are ut a f.i.odh

you have seen a vasewhich, you think, is
very beautiful. After
expressing your admiration of the vase you urk,
YOU: Look! What a beautiful,ve got here.
FRIEND: I got it last week. And it was made in China.
YOU: The designis marvelous. And the shape, too.......

How much did

I wish I had it, Give it to me.
you pay for it?
Why don't you?

07703309779 is$ *i grrs +'<*

trHave you had
enough to eat?il
'rlrdlike . )please.rr

Having seen the film

The car came

07703309'779 && cJ (-ilr$. *ds*j a*s;

sound travels much faster in solid than gas

IIi my name is josh ---------------

A pleasure it is It's time It's quick

No matter how hard I tried, he kept on _

complained to complain complain
$.a fa a te ch(@ ema i 1. com

Situation: Your classmu,u Ou

you brins_them to hirn and,he flr"or., y"r.
CLASSMATE: I:*,j.ur,
Thanks a lot. That,s a great help. yOU:
It doesn't
That's alt right. Never mind.

Situation: You are studying io

having the fouowing
English flat mate: *"^Y:y::are
fj:,lll1^:,11"-g chat with your
FLATMATE: rrve got some sandwiches ready for you
here. I hope it'll be enough.
Thanks but I
don't feel Yes, of course it
hungry right Thank you.
will be enough.

Situation: You are in yor. Eogli,

have the follorving conversation: FRIEND: would you like piece
a of
Why not? Thanks No, please.
07703309779 && *i *tJ$. *$s*r

situation: rn a lecture, you courd not get what your teacher has
explained and want hirn to repeat:

Again, sir Repeat it, please I couldnrt

understand you

situation: You are in Britain and want to invite a new English friend to
your flat

Come to my
Visit me
place and I'll Why donrt you
someday and
show you some visit me?
you'll enjoy it.
faatech(ia smail.coru

People--:----- work in Tv programming ten to be young

Hello my name is Davied

Do you need
any help
It'is a draft

Most people at some stage have a feeling

This stadium can hold

many audiences much audiences much audience

A:Would you like to come to Stratford for the dav?

I'm afraid 151
youtre wrong I can manage Irm a stranger
here here my self

could you please tell me the ---------- for Biology 334 ard ch"-irt.y

room's number rooms numbers

situation: You are at an English colleague's house. ue invites vou to

drink something: colleague: Tea or Coffee?
YOU: 156
Yes, please. No, please.

sa f,aatech(4 email. corn

A: it was so kind of you uod Evaorto .rr."t-*


I entirely agree
with vou Not at all

I managed to do some studying -------___ all the noise

Have you ever wondered w

principle that keeps food fr he open chest freezers at the sroccrv



oR.: Accordi'g to passage, balloo'pilots control the balloon's altitLrde


Changing the
amount of Adjusting the Moving into two
weight amount of air in different Iayer
contained in the the envelope of air

OR: The burner is situated

passengerrs Next to the
heads envelope
there are

They opened the door at noon. Some people were already

in Iine to wait waiting line in line waiting

trtrow are things?

The theater performance

the floor manager, we donrt need to work this Friday afternoon.

According of According from

I had finding my way around New york when I first arrived.

- time a time quite a quite time

07"/03309119 dl;e {di$*l

Guess who I yesterday. I saw my old landlord,at the bank.

run into into ran into run


The next bus will arrive

in three orclock on three olclock three orclock
077063A9t7e i*3.4 c *1r$, !#:Saj ;* *,s*d
safaatech(a qnai l.colti

They will be _ at the party.

WilI they go _ this summer?

to swimming

The New York police were very anxious about the crime.
to more learn 9l
learn rnore more learn
4_. d!

Many excited \ryomen courd ------ at the department store sale.

be seeing

The sink in the locker room tends to

over flowing

How long did the baseball game _?

survrve endure continue

We must the annual board meeting tomorrow.

attend to attend in attending
0770330e77e gi *t.*o +l.d'J d.,a&J"a e$*j
The subway station is here.
near to near from nearing

s ata a I e ch (ZD, ern a i-1. c_o ut

I am slow to
express my make my 7l
make my views
viewing opinion

I have:to have this report finished

until Friday

We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand Canyon. It has

much beautiful many beautiful beautiful 73

sceneries scenery that is

The car was parked direc{ly the diner.

The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people

that enjoying who enjoying

It is already 3 o'clock. Can you time to catch the bus?

make in have it in

I went to have my glasses

fitted on fit on fit
07103309179.&116'-J \$l_$; srisdi 4.&--J

Mary's house is ---the hair salon. Do you think you can find it?

go it go alone it : alone it
When will the meeting ?

The board meeting was held

in Tuesdav with Tuesday at Tuesday

Why donrt you us?

together the go together the

go the house
house party house party
party with
with with

That awful accident occurred

three weeks before three

three weeks past
before weeks

They didn't

agree about

The social wor:ker :the two

old sisters who were ill.
called on the called to the 59
called to
house of house of

Tomorrow is Pauls birthday. Letrs it.

congratulate Honor' nrq'
B I plan to go to university
Is anything What is your Where ar.e you
wrong idea of school ' from
Would you do me a small favor? I

appreciate it

I am familiar with that product.I dontt know -------times Irve *., tt

advertised on TV.

"When:------ leaving for Toronto, Canada? rlWe are ptanning to set out
at 10 o'clock.r'
are us will we

come around and'fix it

as fast as he as much as
could possibly possible


"Do you know ------ that building is? rrl would say that it was built at
least 100 years ago,t'

which age

The man told us thatthe next train would arrive

in three thirty at three thirty

in three thirty
orclock : o'clock

"How a crowd had gathered at the scene of the accident? "I donrt
know exactly, but there were a lot of shocked onlookers.f'


That-is-the-city-- worst-crime-r,ecord. ---

for the in the ' on the
s{Faa tech(Zir sma i l. conr

I have -------------- mistaken in dictation


fifty dollars were -------------- from iny wallet

Missed Present Absent

"You are welcome to or.der the goods now. rrBut payment should be
made .tt
to advance advancing for advance

rrl my
"Where do you live now? live in Utah; ."

parents too do

I cannot understand my neighborrs accent. I wish she would

more clearly 23
clearer speak speak clearer

"Why are you driving so fast? ttlt-

in hurry must be hurry

I have your music CD. I think I your concert video.

have further too have -_ have too
I hear you have started a new job. like it?
What do you What you How

I really have to go nowi I have the doctor.

appointment an appointment 27
appointments to
with to

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