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ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

Pathobiology of Pulmonary
Marlene Rabinovitch
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford,

California 94305; email:

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007. Key words

pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary vascular development,
The Annual Review of
Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease is online at bone morphogenetic protein receptor, elastase
This article’s doi:
10.1146/annurev.pathol.2.010506.092033 A variety of conditions can lead to the development of pulmonary
arterial hypertension (PAH). Current treatments can improve symp-
Copyright  c 2007 by Annual Reviews.
All rights reserved toms and reduce the severity of the hemodynamic abnormality, but
most patients remain quite limited, and deterioration in their con-
First published online as a Review in
Advance on October 19, 2006 dition necessitates a lung transplant. This review discusses current
experimental and clinical studies that investigate the pathobiology
of PAH. An emerging theme is the consideration of ways in which
one might reverse the advanced occlusive structural changes in the
pulmonary circulation causing PAH. The current debate concerning
the role of regeneration through stem cells is presented. This review
also highlights investigations in a number of laboratories relating the
pathobiology of PAH to mutations causing loss of function of bone
morphogenetic protein receptor II in patients with familial PAH, as
well as sporadic cases.

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

DEVELOPMENT OF THE actin cytoskeleton (5), which likely involves

PULMONARY VASCULATURE IN the Rho kinase pathway (6, 7), and by changes
EMBRYONIC AND FETAL LIFE in the production of connective tissue, es-
pecially elastin and collagen (8–10). Experi-
Normal Lung Vascular Development ments have also shown that there are SMCs
In the fetus, the pre-acinar arteries and with differing proliferative potential (11, 12),
those at the level of the terminal bronchi- and this variability is associated with differ-
olus are muscular, whereas the intra-acinar ences in the activation of protein kinase C in-
arteries (i.e., those accompanying respiratory tracellular signaling pathways (13).
bronchioli) are either partially muscular (sur- Studies by several groups have related
rounded by a spiral of muscle) or nonmuscu- changes in vascular development to specific
lar. Arteries at the alveolar duct and wall lev- alterations in growth factors and extracellular
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

els are nonmuscular. The immediate postnatal matrix molecules that govern the processes of
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

period is characterized by rapid recruitment of migration, proliferation, and differentiation

small alveolar duct and wall vessels, which ap- of endothelial cells, SMCs, and fibroblasts,
pear to be functionally and structurally closed and that regulate branching morphogenesis.
in the prenatal period (1). Progressive di- For example, in the lung, tenascin-C is critical
latation of muscular arteries also occurs; that for endothelial cell growth and differentiation
is, the smallest muscular arteries (less than in the lung, leading to angiogenesis and vas-
250 μm) dilate and their walls thin to adult lev- culogenesis (14). A variety of growth factors—
els within a few days, and, by four months, this including vascular endothelial growth fac-
process has included the largest pulmonary ar- tor (VEGF) (15), acidic and basic fibroblast
teries at the hilum. As the external diameter of growth factor (16), and angiopoietins (17)—
the intra-acinar arteries at the various airway interacting with specific cell surface tyrosine
levels increases with age, muscle appears to kinase receptors such as flt-1 and flk-1, tek,
extend peripherally in that it is observed in ar- and tie (18–20) are also responsible for the
teries located more distally within the acinus. orderly growth and branching morphogene-
Although most alveolar duct arteries become sis of blood vessels. The balance between pro-
partially muscularized, most alveolar wall ar- teases and antiproteinases regulates the con-
teries remain nonmuscular even in the adult stant turnover of matrix and the availability of
(2). The process of distal muscularization ap- growth factor receptors.
pears to be related to the differentiation of Recently, a number of studies have shown
pericytes, as well as to the recruitment of fi- that VEGF orchestrates the development of
broblasts (3, 4). the distal vasculature and in fact coordinates
Precapillary (alveolar duct and alveolar alveolar and vascular development (21). The
wall) arteries proliferate through the neonatal effect of VEGF appears to be regulated by
period and early infancy, accompanying the a number of different factors. These include
proliferation of alveoli; the ratio of alveoli to transcription factors such as the hypoxia-
arteries can therefore be used as a measure of inducible transcription factor (22) and oth-
arterial growth. The ratio of alveoli to arter- ers such as forkhead box m1 (23). The Wnt
ies decreases from the newborn value of 20:1 signaling pathway also likely plays an impor-
to the value of 6–8:1, which is first achieved tant role in lung vascular development, but
in early childhood and persists through this has been investigated only recently (23,
adulthood. 24). Vasoactive peptides regulate pulmonary
Experimental studies indicate that the nor- vascular development; for example, endothe-
mal adaptation to postnatal life is regulated by lin production is associated with SMC prolif-
remodeling of the smooth muscle cell (SMC) eration, and nitric oxide (NO) production is

370 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

associated with the suppression of SMC endothelial cells and pericytes. Grades A and
growth (reviewed in References 25 and 26). B are refinements of Heath-Edwards grade I
NO also plays a key role in regulating alveo- (medial hypertrophy). Grade C may be found
larization and lung vascular development (21, with Heath-Edwards grade I, is common with
27). grade II (cellular neointimal formation), and is
invariable with grade III (occlusive neointimal
formation with fibrosis). In fact, when grade
Congenital Heart Defects III is seen, arterial concentration is generally
with Pulmonary Hypertension half that of normal, or less. In general, features
Lung biopsy studies from patients with con- of grade IIIC—or more severe abnormalities
genital heart defects, and analyses of tis- such as Heath-Edwards grade IV (dilatation
sue from experimental animals in which complexes), grade V angiomata formation, or
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) was grade VI (fibrinoid necrosis)—correlate with

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

induced, have suggested how structural al- severe elevation in pulmonary vascular resis-
terations in the pulmonary arteries produce tance of greater than 8 units × m2 , which is
hemodynamic changes (28). The first abnor- frequently refractory to acute vasodilation in
mality detected is the extension of muscle response to oxygen, prostacyclin, or NO.
into peripheral, normally nonmuscular, arter- Our previous studies suggested that in a
ies (morphometric grade A) (3). With grade B, patient with a congenital heart defect, re-
as in grade A, there is increased extension of versibility of the vascular disease usually oc-
muscle, and, in addition, there is more-severe curs when a surgical repair is performed in
medial hypertrophy of normally muscular ar- the first six months of life. Most often, how-
teries. When medial wall thickness is greater ever, the vascular disease had not progressed
than 1.5 but less than 2 times that of nor- beyond grade IIIC. Beyond two years of age,
mal (mild grade B), pulmonary hypertension the loss of arteries and associated intimal
is usually present; when medial wall thickness formation usually results in some residual
is more than 2 times that of normal (severe hemodynamic impairment (29). Regression of
grade B), pulmonary hypertension is invari- medial hypertrophy and muscularization of
ably present, and usually the pressure value distal vessels following pressure off-loading
is greater than half that of the systemic level. has been shown in experimental studies (30).
The medial thickness is due to hypertrophy Note that the initial response to high flow in-
and hyperplasia of preexisting SMCs, and also duced experimentally from the time of birth
to an increase in the intercellular connective appears to be angiogenic, with high levels of
tissue proteins. VEGF and its receptors. However, later, in as-
With grade C, in addition to the findings sociation with the decline in arterial number,
of severe grade B, arterial concentration and, the resistance is elevated (31).
usually, artery size are reduced. Patients with Our immunohistochemical studies carried
these changes usually have a pulmonary vascu- out in lung biopsy tissue from patients with
lar resistance (mean pulmonary artery – mean congenital heart defects showed that the de-
left atrial pressure to pulmonary flow normal- position of tenascin-C and fibronectin in the
ized to body surface area) ratio of greater than media and neointima increases progressively
3.5 units × m2 . When the artery number is with the severity of the lesion (32). We related
less than half that of normal (severe grade C), increased expression of tenascin-C to vascu-
pulmonary vascular resistance values are often lar SMC proliferation (33), and fibronectin
greater than 6 units × m2 . The cause of grade to increased SMC migration associated with
C is likely the failure to develop new vessels, neointimal formation (Figure 1) (34). Stud-
as well as loss of arteries through apoptosis of ies by other investigators found evidence that • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 371

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

there is increased activity of the serotonin

transporter (SERT). These findings are in
keeping with studies indicating that a poly-
morphism causing increased SERT activity is
highly prevalent in patients with PAH (41).

Chronic Hypoxia-Induced
Pulmonary Hypertension
Chronic hypoxia induces PAH and vascular
changes that, based upon experimental stud-
ies, consist of muscularization of distal ves-
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

sels, medial hypertrophy of muscular arteries,

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

and a reduction in the number of peripheral

Figure 1
arteries. These features are largely reversible
Photomicrographs showing immunoperoxidase staining for tenascin-C with the restoration of a normoxic environ-
(a, d, g), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) (b, e, h), and epidermal
growth factor (EGF) (c, f, i ) in graded lung biopsy tissue sections.
ment. However, researchers have learned a
(a–c) Vessel showing a typical grade IA lesion. (d–f ) Vessel showing a great deal regarding the pathobiology of PAH
typical grade IC lesion. (g–i ) Vessel showing a typical grade IIIC lesion. through studying the impact of chronic hy-
In low-grade lesions (a), modest tenascin-C immunostaining was evident poxia on the pulmonary circulation of experi-
in the adventitia. With medial hypertrophy, tenascin-C immunoreactivity mental animals. Interestingly, the loss of pre-
became more prominent in the periendothelium (d ), with the most
intense immunostaining apparent within the neointima of high-grade
capillary arteries occurs despite the increase
lesions showing occlusive neointimal formation ( g ). In the lowest grade in capillaries; the latter finding is likely due to
of lesion, PCNA was negative (b), despite foci of EGF in the media. With an increase in hypoxia-inducible transcription
medial hypertrophy, PCNA was expressed in the media (e), together with factors (42).
foci of EGF ( f ). With the development of higher-grade occlusive lesions, Stenmark et al. (43) took newborn calves to
tenascin-C (g), PCNA (h), and EGF (i ) colocalized to the neointimal cell
layers. Note that tenascin-C and PCNA staining were performed on
a simulated high altitude of 4300 m and ob-
serial sections, whereas EGF detection was carried out on similar vessels served severe PAH with right-to-left shunt-
within the same biopsy. Original magnification × 40. Reproduced with ing due to the rapid development of suprasys-
permission from Reference 32. temic levels of pulmonary artery pressure.
There was striking medial hypertrophy and
the neointimal lesions in PAH are accompa- remarkable proliferation of a dense adventi-
nied by increased expression of transforming tial sheath that, in large vessels, sometimes ex-
growth factor-beta (TGF-β) (35) and procol- hibited neovascularization. Hypoxia-induced
lagen (36, 37). Researchers have also proposed adventitial fibroblast proliferation has been
that endothelial cell proliferation and a form related to protein kinase C activation (zeta
of angiogenesis can be observed with plexi- isoform) (44). Further studies showed strik-
form lesions (38). ing synthesis of elastin in the pulmonary ar-
More recently, we described an increase teries of these neonatal calves (8, 9). Many
in the expression of the calcium-binding pro- recent studies have implicated fibrocytes as
tein S100A4/Mts1 in advanced lesions from key contributors to the remodeling of the pul-
patients with congenital heart defects caus- monary vasculature. These fibrocytes are pu-
ing PAH, as well as in those with idiopathic tative “stem cells” with characteristics of both
PAH (IPAH) (Figure 2) (39). S100A4/Mts1 fibroblasts and leukocytes (45), and they may
can induce vascular SMC migration and pro- migrate into the vessel wall through the an-
liferation, is produced in response to sero- giomata located in the expanding adventitia
tonin stimulation (40), and is enhanced when (Figure 3) (46).

372 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

A variety of studies attempted to show

how acute vasoconstriction or a direct hy-
poxic “injury” initiates the structural changes
observed in the pulmonary arteries. Neona-
tal lamb pulmonary artery SMCs in cul-
ture show a decrease in the production of
prostacyclin in response to acute hypoxic ex-
posure (47), as do bovine endothelial cells
(48). Endothelin receptor blockade appears
to be the most selective agent in reversing
acute hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasocon-
striction, as well as in the remodeling as-
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

sociated with chronic exposure (49, 50). In

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

addition, hypoxia inhibits endothelin recep-

tor B–mediated NO synthesis (51). Impaired
NO synthesis and vasodilatation in chronic
hypoxia are also associated with impaired Figure 2
cyclic guanosine monophosphate–dependent Photomicrographs of human lung biopsy tissue after immunoperoxidase
mechanisms (52). Agents also shown to be staining for S100A4/Mts1. (a) Vessel from a patient with a normal
effective in the treatment of chronic hy- pulmonary artery with no immunodetectable S100A4/Mts1. (b) Vessel
poxic pulmonary hypertension in rats include showing a typical grade IB lesion, with severe medial hypertrophy but
without immunoreactivity for S100A4/Mts1. (c) An artery from a patient
inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase-activating pro- with grade IVC disease, with occlusive neointimal proliferation and strong
tein (53), as well as those of cyclic 3 ,5 positive staining for S100A4/Mts1, particularly in the intima but also in the
guanosine monophosphate–specific phospho- media of the vessel. S100A4/Mts1 was not detected in all cells and appears
diesterase (54), and continuous inhalation of to be localized in a subpopulation of intimal cells. (d) A plexogenic lesion
NO (55). Additional strategies are aimed at from a patient with grade IVC disease, with staining of the smooth muscle
cells and sparing of the endothelial cells (arrows). Immunoreactivity for
preventing acute hypoxic vasoconstriction by S100A4/Mts1 was present in the lung parenchyma at a similar level in all
blocking potassium channels (56, 57). grades of pulmonary vascular disease. Original magnification × 40.
Recent studies in transgenic mice suggest Reproduced with permission from Reference 39.
that genetic factors might modulate the re-
sponse to chronic hypoxia. For example, in (66), as does haploinsufficiency of bone mor-
the absence of hemoxygenase 1, there is re- phogenetic protein receptor II (BMP-RII)
duced production of CO and its associated va- (67) or dominant negative BMP-RII (68),
sodilatory effects (58). Prostacyclin synthetase although in both the latter cases the degree
overexpression is protective against the hemo- of structural remodeling is relatively unim-
dynamic and vascular changes of pulmonary pressive. Haploinsufficiency of BMP-RII in
hypertension (59). Serotonin has been impli- cultured SMCs and in transgenic mice makes
cated in the increased vasoreactivity of the them more sensitive to the proliferative
fawn-hooded rat (60), and there is attenuated effects of serotonin (Figure 5) (69).
severity of pulmonary vascular disease in mice Mice overexpressing the calcium-binding
lacking the SERT gene (61). Most recently, protein S100A4/Mts1 have pulmonary hy-
Rho kinase inhibitors such as fasudil have pertension under room air conditions. Val-
proven effective, even by inhalation, in pre- ues for pulmonary arterial pressure are in-
venting pulmonary hypertension and struc- creased over control mice in chronic hypoxia,
tural changes associated with chronic hypoxia but the remodeling response also appears to
(Figure 4) (62–65). be mitigated. We related this to increased
Overexpression of SERT worsens production of fibulin-5 by S100A4/Mts1 and
hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension to the consequent thickening of the elastic • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 373

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

binding growth factors and by decreasing

smooth muscle hyperplasia. There is also
evidence that heparin might inhibit SMC
growth by increasing the activity of the Na/H
antiporter (73). Other studies have shown
that calcitonin gene–related peptide admin-
istered by gene transfer not only attenu-
ates hypoxia-induced vasoconstriction and re-
modeling, but also can enhance the effects
of phosphodiesterase inhibitors (74). We also
showed that exogenous or endogenous ser-
ine elastase inhibitors can effectively reduce
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hyper-

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

tension (75, 76). In another strategy, acti-

vation of voltage-gated K channels (Kv2.1),
by gene transfer or by a metabolic acti-
vator, inhibited chronic hypoxic pulmonary
hypertension. (77, 78).

Collagen Vascular Disease,

Inflammation, and Pulmonary
Pulmonary hypertension is a frequent com-
Figure 3 plication in certain collagen vascular diseases
Immunohistochemistry (brown peroxidase signal) revealed a greater
(e.g., it occurs commonly in scleroderma);
number of c-kit+ cells in the vessel wall of distal (a) and proximal (b, c) in CREST (calcinosis cutis, Raynaud’s phe-
arteries from hypoxic animals, compared with control (d, e). The c-kit+ nomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclero-
cells (arrows) were localized contiguous to vasa in proximal vessels (b, c) dactyly, and telangiectasias) syndrome (79,
and contiguous to, and within, the vessel wall of vasa located in the 80); and, more rarely, in systemic lupus ery-
adventitia ( f ). Scale bar represents 100 μm in panels a, d, and e, and 50
μm in panels b, c, and f. Reproduced with permission from Reference 46.
thematosus (81), rheumatoid arthritis (82),
Takayasu’s arteritis (83), polymyositis (84),
and dermatomyositis (85). Thromboembolic
laminae (70). Thus, overexpression of genes phenomena have also been described, par-
that might worsen hypoxia-induced pul- ticularly in association with the antiphos-
monary hypertension appears to invoke com- pholipid syndrome (86). However, in that
pensatory mechanisms that protect against setting, it is generally thought that an im-
the remodeling response. Understanding why mune/inflammatory vasculitis is the initiat-
these compensatory mechanisms fail may ing event. Also, high levels of circulating
be critical in appreciating why some pa- endothelin-1 have been described in subsets
tients develop rapidly progressive pulmonary of patients with systemic sclerosis (87). Au-
hypertension. toantibodies against B23, a cleavage product
Thompson et al.’s (71) and Benitz et al.’s of granzyme B, distinguish the subset of pa-
(72) experimental studies in vitro first sug- tients with scleroderma who also have PAH
gested that vascular smooth muscle growth (88, 89). Unfortunately, the results of ther-
inhibitors may prevent PAH. Heparin infu- apy, including intravenous prostacyclin, have
sion can decrease the severity of hypoxia- not appreciably improved long-term survival
induced vascular changes, presumably by in this subset of patients (90).

374 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31


ΔMPAP (mm Hg)

* *

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.


BL 100 BL 100 BL 100

Fasudil (mM)

Figure 4
Effect of inhaled fasudil on mean pulmonary arterial pressures in chronically hypoxic Sprague Dawley
rats (CH-SDR), fawn-hooded rats (FHR), and monocrotaline-treated Sprague Dawley rats (MCT).
Exposure to fasudil was performed under conditions of spontaneous breathing in CH and FHR, and
during mechanical ventilation in MCT. Values are means plus or minus standard error; n = 5 each; ∗ ,
p < 0.05 versus baseline. MPAP, mean pulmonary artery pressure. Reproduced with permission from
Reference 63.

Inflammation has been linked to the de- Neointimal formation associated with in-
velopment of PAH, and both the chemokine flammatory processes in systemic arteries is
receptor CX3CR1 and the chemokine also accompanied by an increase in serine
fractalkine appear to be elevated in PAH elastase activity (96) and by fibronectin pro-
(91). Severe PAH has been associated with duction (97, 98). In the experimental setting,
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, even Song et al. (99) showed that haploinsufficiency
in the absence of lung parenchymal disease of BMP-RII is associated with an increase in
(92), and has been reproduced experimen- PAH in response to an inflammatory stimu-
tally (93). Moreover, the development of lus. Other experimental models of chronic in-
PAH in the subset of patients with human flammation, such as repeated injections of en-
immunodeficiency virus infection may be a dotoxin (100) or tumor necrosis factor (101),
function of the immunogenetic background can result in the development of pulmonary
(i.e., human leukocyte antigen class II alleles) vascular changes.
(94). More recently, a correlation has been
identified between the expression of human
herpesvirus 8 associated with Kaposi sarcoma Toxins and Pulmonary Hypertension
and IPAH (95), although this association PAH has been associated with the inges-
has not been confirmed in all populations tion of substances, including aminorex—
studied. which resembles epinephrine in its chemical • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 375

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

a b
+/+ Wild type *
750 * 40,000
+/– BMPR2+/–
incorporation (cpm)




0 0
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

0.0 0.1 1.0

Day 0 Day 3
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Serotonin (μm)

1000 –5-HT
+5-HT *
incorporation (cpm)

750 *



Control SB Ketanserin Fluoxetine

BMPR2 +/–

Figure 5
Proliferation to serotonin in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs). (a) Cells derived from
wild-type and BMPR2+/− mice, showing increased 3 H-thymidine incorporation measured in counts per
minute (cpm) in cells derived from BMPR2+/− mice in 0.1% fetal bovine serum. (b) Cell counts in
wild-type and BMPR2+/− cells exposed to serotonin for three days, showing increased proliferation in
BMPR2+/− cells. (c) 3 H-thymidine incorporation in response to serotonin (5-HT; 1 μmol/L) in
BMPR2+/− PASMCs, and the effect of co-incubation with selective antagonists of the 5-HT2B serotonin
receptor (SB; SB215505, 1 μmol/L), 5-HT2A serotonin receptor (ketanserin, 1 μmol/L), and the
serotonin transporter 5-HTT receptor (fluoxetine, 1 μmol/L). Data are representative of experiments
performed with cells from five wild-type and five BMPR2+/– mice; ∗ , p < 0.05. Reproduced with
permission from Reference 69.

structure, suppresses appetite, and causes have suggested that the PAH that develops in
symptoms of right-sided heart failure in 10% such settings resembles primary PAH in terms
of patients within 6 to 12 months of initial of monoclonal expansion of endothelial cell
administration—and the fenfluramine com- populations (103). As previously mentioned,
pounds, e.g., dexfenfluramine, a serotonin our studies have linked serotonin to increased
antagonist (102). Pathophysiological studies production and secretion of S100A4/Mts1, a

376 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

gene associated with advanced clinical and loids, such as bush tea, causes hepatic veno-
experimental PAH (39, 40). Certain toxic occlusive disease, and a similar compound,
oils, such as rapeseed oil, have been im- monocrotaline, causes severe pulmonary vas-
plicated in the development of malignant cular disease when ingested by animals
PAH (104). Ingestion of pyrrolizidine alka- (105).
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Figure 6
Proposed cellular mechanism responsible for the reversal of pulmonary artery muscularity. Elastase
inhibition arrests tenascin-C accumulation and proliferation and induces apoptosis of smooth muscle
cells (SMCs) and loss of extracellular matrix proteins (including elastin). (a–p) Days after injection of
monocrotaline. (a–d) Saline-perfused pulmonary arteries stained with Movat pentachrome. (e–h)
Pulmonary arteries after tenascin-C immunohistochemistry. Arrows indicate positive (brown peroxidase
signal) staining. (i–l) In situ TUNEL (terminal transferase dUTP nick end labeling) assays identifying
apoptosis. Arrows indicate TUNEL-positive vascular cells. (m–p) Proliferating vascular cells, shown by
immunohistochemistry for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA); dark nuclei are PCNA-positive
cells. (q, r) Percent of SMCs that are TUNEL positive (q) or PCNA positive (r). (s) Densitometric
quantification of elastin. Graphed data represent the mean plus standard error of the mean of n = 4;
scale bars represent 5 μm; ∗ , p < 0.05, compared with †; p < 0.05, compared with results on day 21 in rats
treated with monocrotaline (M) and inhibitor (I) (IZ , ZD0892; IM , M249314); U, untreated; V, vehicle
treated. Adapted with permission from Reference 112. • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 377

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

Rats that ingest the toxin monocrotaline an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance
develop pulmonary arterial changes that can occurs secondary to both a further rise in
be correlated with hemodynamic evidence of pulmonary artery pressure and a drop in
progressive PAH, including increased pul- cardiac output, there is a reduction in the
monary vascular resistance (106–111). Ini- number of peripheral pulmonary arteries,
tially, there is an increase in cardiac out- and “ghost,” or disappearing, vessels can be
put associated with extension of muscle into seen.
peripheral arteries that are normally non- Ultrastructural studies have demonstrated
muscular. After a few weeks, there is an injury to the vascular endothelium within sev-
increase in pulmonary artery pressure, and eral hours of monocrotaline injection; inflam-
medial hypertrophy of normally muscular ar- matory cells and edema are apparent after one
teries is apparent. After three weeks, when week. Studies carried out in our laboratory
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

q r
* * *
TUNEL-positive SMCs (%)

4 40

PCNA-positive SMCs (%)


3 30

2 20

1 10

0 0
Saline Monocrotaline Saline Monocrotaline

Day 21 Day 28 Day 21 Day 28

(densitometric units x 10)

10.0 *

5.0 * *


Saline Monocrotaline

Day 21 Day 28 Day 35

Figure 6
(Continued )

378 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

comparing the response to monocrotaline in pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic

neonatal, infant, and adult rats suggested that, hypoxia, there is an early increase in enzy-
in the neonate, transient inflammation causes matic activity only two days after injection
a severe decrease in the number of alveoli. of the toxin, but there is also a further in-
The development of vascular changes is sim- crease in elastase activity observed with ma-
ilar in the three groups. In the infant rat, lignant progression of the disease in adult rats.
however, the abnormalities regress between Furthermore, elastase inhibitors are effective
two and four weeks after injection, whereas in in reducing the pulmonary hypertension and
the adult rat, they progress (106). Our stud-
ies showed that increased elastase activity not a PKI166, daily, (n = 8) No Tx, (n = 9)
only initiated but also contributed to the pro- PKI166, 3x/week, (n = 13) Vehicle, (n = 8)
gression of the vascular changes. Similar to
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.


Survival (%)
Figure 7
Survival, hemodynamic assessment, and
morphometric analysis after epidermal growth 40
factor receptor blockade. (a) Kaplan-Meier
survival curve of monocrotaline-injected rats that 20 21 days after
received either no treatment (no Tx), daily
administration of vehicle, or daily or thrice-weekly 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 32 42
administration of epidermal growth factor
receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, PKI166. Days since starting treatment
Saline-injected rats receiving identical treatment
were used as controls (data not shown). (b) Mean b
pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) measurements in 60
saline-injected (n = 12) and surviving
Mean PAP (mm Hg)

monocrotaline-injected, PKI166-treated rats 50

(n = 7) four weeks after cessation of therapy. PAP 40 *
in vehicle- and monocrotaline-treated rats was
measured just before euthanasia (n = 5). (c) Ratio 30
of right ventricle to left-ventricle-plus-septum
weight (RV/LV+S) as an index of right ventricular 20
hypertrophy (RVH) in PKI166-treated animals.
(d, e) Representative light microscopic
photographs of Movat pentachrome–stained lung 0
tissue, showing a monocrotaline-induced increase Saline Vehicle PKI166
in arterial muscularization (e) compared with Monocrotaline
saline control (d). Arrows denote alveolar
duct–associated arteries. ( f ) Percentage of
muscularized alveolar duct (Musc. AD) arteries.
( g, h) Representative light microscopic
photograph of Movat pentachrome–stained lung

tissue, showing monocrotaline-induced decrease in 60

arterial number (g) compared with saline control
(h). Arrows denote alveolar duct and wall arteries. 40
(i) Morphometric analysis of fully and partially
muscularized alveolar duct and wall pulmonary
arteries relative to 100 alveoli. Bars represent 20
mean value plus or minus standard error or the
mean; p < 0.01 compared with vehicle-treated rats;
p < 0.05 compared with saline control rats. Saline Vehicle PKI166
Reproduced with permission from Reference Monocrotaline
115. • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 379

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

vascular changes (109). Elastase inhibitors can even one month after cessation of treatment.
effectively reverse the pulmonary hyperten- More recently, the use of a PDGF receptor
sion that results from monocrotaline toxicity, blocker to reverse PAH in this experimental
resulting in values similar to those in con- model (Figure 8) (116) prompted a case re-
trol animals (Figure 6) (112). Reversibility of port showing the successful use of a tyrosine
disease was associated with coordinated apop- kinase inhibitor, Imitibmab (Gleevec), in a pa-
tosis of SMCs and degradation of the ex- tient with advanced pulmonary vascular dis-
cess extracellular matrix (113), with regen- ease (117). This report has prompted several
eration of normal endothelial channels and clinical trials using Gleevec for patients with
precapillary vessels. It appears that the cas- PAH. Other experimental therapies that in-
pases released by apoptosing cells can de- duce regression of pulmonary vascular disease
grade elastin and other extracellular matrix have included simvastatin (118), endothelial
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

proteins. NO synthase gene therapy in association with

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Because the effect of elastase was critical endothelial progenitor cell administration
in maintaining survival signals through epi- (Figure 9) (21, 119), gene therapy with sur-
dermal growth factor receptors (114), we re- vivin (Figure 10) (120), angiopoietin-1 (17),
cently blocked epidermal growth factor re- inhibition of SERT (121), adrenomedullin
ceptors (Figure 7) (115). In these studies, we (122), or the Rho kinase inhibitor fasudil.
showed sustained reversal of progressive PAH Potassium channel dysfunction is implicated

Figure 7
(Continued )

380 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

a b
1.0 110
* Treatment
0.8 * 100


Survival (%)

0.4 80

0.2 70
60 STI571, 1mg/kg/d
STI571, 10 mg/kg/d
MCT – + + + + + + 50
STI571, 50 mg/kg/d
STI571, 1mg/kg/d – – – – + – –
STI571, 10 mg/kg/d – – – – – + – 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

STI571, 50 mg/kg/d – – – – – – + Day

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Day Day Day 42

14 28

0.4 *




Hypoxia – + + + +
STI571, 50mg/kg/d – – – + –
STI571, 100 mg/kg/d – – – – +
Day 21 Day 35

Figure 8
Effects of STI571 on right-heart hypertrophy and survival. (a) Ratio of right ventricle to
left-ventricle-plus-septum weight (RV/LV+S), and (b) survival rates of STI571-treated versus
sham-treated [monocrotaline (MCT)-treated control] rats are shown. Treatment dosages of 1, 10, and
50 mg/kg/d began at day 28 after MCT injection; the different doses are indicated. (c) RV/LV+S values of
chronically hypoxic mice. STI571 was applied in dosages of 50 and 100 mg/kg/d by gavage from day 21
through day 35. ∗ , p < 0.05 versus control; p < 0.05 versus MCT-treated at day 28 or hypoxia at day 21;
p < 0.05 versus MCT at day 42 or hypoxia at day 35. Reproduced with permission from Reference 116.

in the pathogenesis of pulmonary vascular SMC and fibroblast proliferative response,

disease (124), and gene therapy restoring K and of the initial endothelial cell susceptibility
channel function has been used effectively to apoptosis (126–129).
to suppress pulmonary vascular disease (78),
but this has not been tested in efforts to re-
verse the process. Our future ability to prevent Unexplained Pulmonary
progression or reverse advanced pulmonary Hypertension: Novel Insights
vascular disease in patients and restore the through Genetics
normal growth of blood vessels (125) may re- After all known causes of PAH have been ruled
quire further identification of the cause of the out, the patient is then diagnosed with IPAH. • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 381

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

This unexplained disease, in which a struc-

tural abnormality is always found either in the
arteries or in the veins, occurs in both chil-
dren and adults and sometimes with a familial
tendency (130–132). A mutation in the BMP-
RII gene is associated with 60% of familial
cases of PAH (130–132), but the penetrance
is only approximately 20%. That is, 80%
of family members that carry the mutation
never develop PAH. Moreover, mutations in
BMP-RII have been described in 20% of spo-
radic cases of PAH (133, 134). In addition,
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

other BMP-TGF-β receptor family members

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

such as ALK-1 and endoglin, which were first

Figure 9
(a) Representative confocal projection of sections
of lungs perfused with fluorescent microspheres
b (green) suspended in agarose (i.e., fluorescent
Prevention Reversal micro-angiography) and immunostained for
0.7 α-smooth muscle actin (red). Normal filling of the
0.6 microvasculature was observed in control rats (i),
whereas rats treated with monocrotaline (MCT)
Perfusion index

0.5 showed a marked loss of microvascular perfusion

0.4 and widespread precapillary occlusion 21 days (ii)
* and 35 days (iii) after MCT injection. In the
0.3 * * prevention model, animals receiving
0.2 endothelial-like progenitor cells (ELPCs)
0.1 displayed improved microvascular perfusion and
preserved continuity of the distal vasculature (iv).
0 In the reversal model, endothelial nitric oxide
eNOS synthase (eNOS)-transduced ELPCs dramatically
improved the appearance of the pulmonary
microvasculature (vi), whereas progenitor cells
alone resulted in more modest increases in
perfusion and little noticeable reduction in
arteriolar muscularization (v). Calibration
c NM PM FM bar = 100 μm. In the prevention model, animals
100 receiving ELPCs displayed improved
microvascular perfusion and preserved continuity
% muscularization

80 of the distal vasculature, and similar findings were

observed in the reversal model. (b) Summary data
60 * * for pulmonary microvascular perfusion for animals
treated in the prevention and reversal protocols (6
40 to 7 animals per group). (c) Proportion of small
* pulmonary arterioles (<30 μm) that are
20 nonmuscularized (NM), partially (PM), or fully
muscularized (FM) in the various treatment
0 groups of the reversal protocol (9 to 13 animals
per group). ∗ p < 0.05 versus control; p < 0.05
versus MCT saline. Reproduced with permission
from Reference 119.

382 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31


mm Hg


2 seconds
Control MCT +Ad-GFP +Ad-GFP-S-M
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from


by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

(mm Hg x g x min ml–1)

(mm Hg x g x min ml–1)





0 0

Figure 10
Gene therapy of rat monocrotaline (MCT)-pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) with adenovirus
green fluorescent protein survivin mutant (Ad-GFP-S-M) improves hemodynamics, reduces remodeling
of the resistance pulmonary arteries (PAs), and prolongs survival. (a) Representative high-fidelity PA
pressure tracings and mean data show that Ad-GFP-S-M, but not Ad-GFP, therapy reduces PA pressure
and pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRi) without altering systemic hemodynamics. SVRi,
systemic vascular resistance index; PVRi, pulmonary valve resistance index. (b, c) Ad-GFP-S-M, but not
Ad-GFP, reduces the right ventricular (RV) thickness measured in parasternal short axis and preserves
the normal round shape of the left ventricle (LV). Similarly, Ad-GFP-S-M reduces pulmonary artery
acceleration time (PAAT). Resistance PA remodeling, as measured by percent medial thickness, is
reduced by treatment with Ad-GFP-S-M. RVOT, right ventriclular outflow tract; AV, aortic valve. Panel
c, original magnification × 40. (d) Targeting survivin with inhaled gene therapy in MCT-PAH
significantly prolongs survival within the study period. ∗ p < 0.05 versus MCT; p < 0.05 versus Ad-GFP.
Reproduced with permission from Reference 120.

identified as mutated in hemorrhagic telang- independent of a mutation in BMP-RII, all

iectasia, are also occasionally mutated in IPAH patients have reduced BMP-RII pro-
patients with PAH (135, 136). Focusing ad- tein expression, as do, to some extent, pa-
ditional evidence on this family of recep- tients with secondary PAH (138). In addi-
tors, a microsatellite instability in the TGF-β tion, a reduction in the coreceptor BMP-RIa
receptor II—resulting in its reduced expres- is frequently observed in patients with IPAH
sion and function—can also be observed in (139). A number of laboratories are address-
patients with IPAH (137). ing the functional consequence of reduced
Although the penetrance is low, the func- or absent BMP-RII in endothelial cells or
tional link between mutations in BMP-RII SMCs. Studies by Morrell et al. (140) reported
and PAH is reinforced by the fact that, that SMCs from patients with IPAH (with or • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 383

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from
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Figure 10
(Continued )

without a known BMP-RII mutation) prolifer- apoptosis (144). Recent studies have shown
ate in response to TGF-β1 and BMP2. This that BMP4 induces differentiation of fetal
is in contrast to the inhibition of proliferation lung fibroblasts into SMCs and inhibits their
observed with these ligands in SMCs from pa- proliferation (145), suggesting that lack of
tients with normal pulmonary artery pressure BMP-RII might expand this population of
(141–143). The latter is in part linked to SMC cells in disease. In addition, BMP4 normally

384 Rabinovitch
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Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Figure 10
(Continued )

suppresses proximal pulmonary artery SMC each contribute to the development of PAH
proliferation and promotes distal pulmonary (148).
artery SMC proliferation, but in patients with Impaired Smad 1/5 signaling has been
PAH, proximal pulmonary artery SMCs also described in association with a variety of
proliferate in response to BMP4 (146). In BMP-RII mutations (149, 150). There is also
a recent experimental study, deletion of BMP- evidence that signaling through a Smad-
RII in cultured pulmonary artery SMC re- independent, p38-mediated pathway may be
sulted in gain-of-function signaling through abnormal when there are alterations in BMP-
activin receptor IIa, in addition to reduced RII and BMP-RIa oligomerization (146, 151).
BMP2 and −4 and increased BMP6 and Most of the functional data on BMP-RII sig-
−7 signaling (147). Thus, changes in the naling come from studies in SMCs rather
expression of BMP-RII and BMP-RIa, in than in endothelial cells. Although much at-
the availability of ligands such as BMP2, tention has focused on changes in signal-
−4, or −7 or in downstream signaling ing patterns in response to BMPs when
events that influence gene expression, may BMP-RII is dysfunctional, few studies have • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 385

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

specifically addressed the transcription fac- TGF-β, matrix proteins, and macrophages
tors and genes that are subsequently upregu- (159), as well as the molecules observed
lated or suppressed. One candidate supported with advanced lesions in congenital heart de-
by our unpublished studies is the transcrip- fect patients, i.e., fibronectin, tenascin-C, and
tion factor peroxisome proliferator-activated S100A4/Mts1.
receptor gamma (PPARγ). BMP2 can induce The lack of expression of NO synthase
PPARγ transcriptional activity in adipocytes (160), coupled with increased expression of
(152), and TGF-β also causes a rapid increase endothelin (161) in the vessels of patients with
in expression of PPARγ (153). IPAH, suggested that treatment with NO, l-
In young children, the pathobiology sug- arginine, phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as
gests failure of the neonatal vasculature to sildenafil (162, 163), or endothelin receptor
open and a striking reduction in arterial num- blockers might also be beneficial. Recent re-
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

ber (154). In older children, intimal hyper- sults with both the dual endothelin receptor
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

plasia and occlusive changes are found in the antagonist (164), as well as with a more selec-
pulmonary arteries, as well as plexiform le- tive antagonist (165, 166), particularly in pa-
sions. In adults, in addition to the latter tients with less severe symptomatology (167,
changes, ghost arteries have also been re- 168), show alleviation of symptoms and slow-
ported. An electron microscopic study (155), ing or even arrest in the progression of dis-
performed on a lung biopsy of an adult ease. There is also increasing experience with
patient, showed severe endothelial injury, sildenafil, used mainly thus far as adjunctive
which was speculated to be the initial site therapy but with promising results in primary
of damage. In some patients, defective von as well as in secondary PAH resulting from
Willebrand factor (156) and fibrinolysis (157) scleroderma (169), sickle cell disease (170),
have been described. Additional features in- thromboembolism [at least based upon exper-
clude thickening of the pulmonary adventitia imental data (171)], congenital heart disease
and venous hypertrophy, as well as endothe- (163), and persistent PAH of the newborn
lial cell hyperplasia (158). Immunohistochem- (172). Of interest are observations that silde-
ical changes include increased expression of nafil can improve PAH in patients refractory

Figure 11
(a) We speculate, on the basis of our studies in cultured cells and in experimental animals, as to how a
stimulus could induce activity of an elastolytic enzyme and how this might stimulate the remodeling
process. In response to an injurious stimulus, the first casualty is the endothelial cell. As a result of
structural and functional alterations in endothelial cells, some of the barrier function would be lost,
allowing a leak into the subendothelium of a serum factor normally excluded from this region. The
serum factor could induce activity of an endogenous vascular elastase. This enzyme, released from
precursor or mature smooth muscle cells (SMCs), would activate growth factors normally stored in the
extracellular matrix in an inactive form, which are known to induce smooth muscle hypertrophy and
proliferation and increase in connective tissue protein (e.g., collagen and elastin) synthesis. The growth
factors could also result in the differentiation of precursor cells into mature SMCs and thereby
contribute to the muscularization of normally nonmuscular small peripheral arteries. Elastase activity
could also contribute to the loss of small arteries. (b) As a result of elastase activity, a proteolytic cascade
could be amplified through the activation of matrix metalloproteinases. We have shown that proteolysis
of the matrix leads to the induction of tenascin-C, which, in clustering to β3 integrins, results in the
clustering and activation of growth factor receptors that send important survival as well as growth signals
to the cells. Continued elastase activity would cause migration of SMCs in several ways. The elastin
peptides, or degradation products of elastin, can stimulate fibronectin, a glycoprotein that is pivotal in
altering SMC shape and in switching SMCs to the motile phenotype. Inhibition of elastase activity could
lead to SMC apoptosis and regression of pulmonary vascular disease (PVD).

386 Rabinovitch
ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

to intravenous prostacyclin (173). The direct UNRESOLVED

comparison of sildenafil with a dual endothe- CONTROVERSIES
lin receptor antagonist as adjunctive therapies In IPAH, whether the plexiform lesion arises
in combination with anticoagulants showed de novo as a perturbed angiogenic response
comparable results of the two therapies (174). or as a result of remodeling of the vessel

a Elastase-mediated pulmonary vascular disease

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from
by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Endothelial cell Endothelial injury Degradation SMC proliferation

first casualty serum leak of matrix migration

Elastase Release of
growth factors

Loss of


Elastase inhibition and regression of PVD


Growth Metalloproteinases

Tenascin-C /
β3 integrin

SMC proliferation Growth factor SMC apoptosis

receptor activation
Progression Regression • Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension 387

ANRV295-PM02-14 ARI 13 December 2006 18:31

Genetic Injury or Inflammation

• Increased asymmetric dimethyl arginine, endothelin, chemokines
TGF-β family • Reduced prostacyclin, nitrous oxide, vascular endothelial growth factor
• Increased platelet-derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor signal
transporter • Impaired voltage-gated potassium channel activity

• Increased intracellular calcium

• Increased elastase, matrix metalloproteinases,

• Increased tenascin-C, fibronectin, Mts1

• Decreased survivin
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

• Activation of Rho kinase

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Impaired endothelial survival, resistance to

apoptosis of smooth muscle cells, enhanced
smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration,
dysregulated antiogenesis

Figure 12
Outline of current processes and future targets of therapy. Those in blue represent vasoactive targets
currently in clinical use, and one growth factor target and one cytoskeletal target in which clinical trials
are ongoing. Those in red represent future potential targets.

following occlusion remains to be established. ogy via release of growth factors (178) and via
Experimental models showing the evolution tenascin-mediated activation of growth factor
of these changes will be most helpful in assess- receptors. Continued release of elastase might
ing the efficacy of future therapies. It will also promote SMC migration by inducing further
be important in the future to link, in a more changes in the extracellular matrix that sig-
unifying hypothesis, the diverse receptor sig- nals the SMCs to produce a new constella-
naling pathways with effectors implicated in tion of gene products, including fibronectin
the pathobiology of PAH. We have tried to (179, 180). In this hypothesis, suppression of
link the BMP-RII/1a pathway with the patho- elastase activity can then lead to regression
biology of PAH by showing that loss of down- of disease by inducing SMC apoptosis and
stream signaling from these receptors might by restoring normal vessels (Figure 11b). In
influence activation of the transcription factor Figure 12, we show how new knowledge in
AML-1, which we have described as critical PAH is producing a variety of new therapeu-
to the production of elastase by SMCs (175– tic targets in this setting. Some of those suc-
177). In Figure 11a and b, we present our cessful in the experimental setting are finding
proposed model for the mechanism by which their way into clinical application, and others
elastase activity could lead to vascular pathol- are close behind.

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Contents ARI 13 December 2006 2:13

Annual Review
of Pathology:
Mechanisms of
Volume 2, 2007

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

Henry C. Pitot p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xii

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Adventures in Hepatocarcinogenesis
Henry C. Pitot p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Endocrine Functions of Adipose Tissue
Hironori Waki and Peter Tontonoz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p31
Endometrial Carcinoma
Antonio Di Cristofano and Lora Hedrick Ellenson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p57
Muscle Diseases: The Muscular Dystrophies
Elizabeth M. McNally and Peter Pytel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p87
Pathobiology of Neutrophil Transepithelial Migration: Implications in
Mediating Epithelial Injury
Alex C. Chin and Charles A. Parkos p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 111
von Hippel-Lindau Disease
William G. Kaelin, Jr. p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 145
Cancer Stem Cells: At the Headwaters of Tumor Development
Ryan J. Ward and Peter B. Dirks p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 175
Andrea I. McClatchey p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 191
Malaria: Mechanisms of Erythrocytic Infection and Pathological
Correlates of Severe Disease
Kasturi Haldar, Sean C. Murphy, Dan A. Milner, Jr., and Terrie E. Taylor p p p p p p p p p p p p 217
VEGF-A and the Induction of Pathological Angiogenesis
Janice A. Nagy, Ann M. Dvorak, and Harold F. Dvorak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 251
In Vivo Pathology: Seeing with Molecular Specificity and Cellular
Resolution in the Living Body
Christopher H. Contag p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 277

Contents ARI 13 December 2006 2:13

Cell-Based Therapy for Myocardial Ischemia and Infarction:

Pathophysiological Mechanisms
Michael A. Laflamme, Stephan Zbinden, Stephen E. Epstein,
and Charles E. Murry p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 307
Cystic Disease of the Kidney
Patricia D. Wilson and Beatrice Goilav p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 341
Pathobiology of Pulmonary Hypertension
Marlene Rabinovitch p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 369
Body Traffic: Ecology, Genetics, and Immunity in Inflammatory
Bowel Disease
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2007.2:369-399. Downloaded from

Jonathan Braun and Bo Wei p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 401

by Universita degli Studi di Napoli Frederico II on 08/11/13. For personal use only.

Contents vii

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