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English 365: For Work and Life (Student`s Book 2) (Series: English 365) \\ Kindle / 116V6SXL8Q

English 365: For Work and Life

(Student`s Book 2) (Series:
English 365)

By Bob Dignen, Steve Flinders & Simon Sweeney

Cambridge University Press, 2007. Softcover. Book Condition:

New. First edition. English365 is a Business and general English
course. It is for learners who want to develop their English skills
for their work, social and travel needs, and therefore reflects
the work-life balance of busy working adults. Student?s Book 2
is for lower-intermediate to intermediate level learners. Key
features: ? Stimulating content and activities for adult learns. ?
Listening material based on authentic interviews with real
working people. ? Excellent opportunities to practice speaking
with a variety of engaging topics. ? Survival language which
students can immediately apply to their lives. ? A balance of
grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and professional
communication skills (including writing emails, telephoning,
meeting and presentations). The Student?s Book provides over
45 hours of teaching and includes: ? 30 topical units, each
comprising at least 90 minutes of classroom teaching material
? two revision units ? a grammar reference section ? a full
answer key and tapescript of the recordings. Contents Thanks
and acknowledgements To the student 1. Working
internationally 2. Power for life 3. Edinburg ? the festival city 4.
Changing direction 5. Job swap 6. Tourist attraction 7. From
Mexico to Germany 8. Globalisation 9. Here...

[ 6.46 MB ]

R eviews

These types of publication is the ideal ebook readily available. It can be loaded with wisdom and knowledge Its been
developed in an extremely simple way and it is just following i finished reading through this publication in which
actually altered me, affect the way i believe.
-- Ms. Lur a Jenkins

This publication may be worth purchasing. I am quite late in start reading this one, but better then never. It is
extremely difficult to leave it before concluding, once you begin to read the book.
-- Ca ssa ndr a Von

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