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The R&D Challenges to Secure Energy

Supply for the Third Trillion Barrels and Beyond

Vikram Rao, chairman, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Halliburton Company
Arnis Judzis, Vice President and General Manager, Data and Consulting Services, Schlumberger
Barth E. Whitham, President, Enduring Resources

o address the world’s energy States Census Bureau.1 Moreover, the to exploit, requiring new approaches
needs and demands over the increasing populations in developing in their development. The disciplines
next 20 to 30 years and be- nations outside the Organization of chemistry, the biosciences and
yond, a substantial increase for Economic Cooperation and chemical, mechanical and electri-
in energy research and development Development (non-OECD nations) are cal engineering will play increasingly
(R&D) is critical. Without this increase pursuing higher standards of living important roles in new energy R&D
in R&D investments and activities made possible by recent economic areas. Collaboration among industry,
worldwide, adequate and afford- reforms. academia and governments will be
able energy will not be available to The forecasted growth in the essential in creating solutions to these
maintain economic growth and qual- world economy—with much taking increasingly complex technical prob-
ity of life in the growing populations place in non-OECD Asia—is driving lems and meeting economic chal-
around the world. enormous growth in global energy lenges that demand vast R&D invest-
The world’s population of 6.6 demand. The International Energy ments and capital projects.
billion is forecast to reach 8.3 billion Agency (IEA) forecasted in its World Leaders also say that energy
by 2030, according to the United Energy Outlook 2006, the Reference supply can be made more secure if
Scenario, that global energy demand its sources are better diversified. The
SPE’s Research and Development will grow by just over one-half by 2030, IEA predicted, however, that fossil fuel
Advisory Committee is a standing with demand growing by one-quarter resources will remain the dominant
committee with the role of promoting by 2015 alone.2 energy source; accounting for more
R&D that contributes materially to the Industry and political leaders are than 80% of energy supply in both the
production of energy. One initiative today acknowledging the importance Reference and Alternative Policy Sce-
is to promote awareness of R&D of global energy security in providing narios.2 Thus, the primary focus over
challenges in the oil and gas industry reliable and affordable energy the short and mid terms will remain on
to an audience wider than petroleum through measures such as technical the major sources of oil, natural gas,
professionals. To this end, members innovation, supply diversification and and coal, with a measured nuclear re-
of the committee documented the energy conservation, while mitigating surgence in the mix.
industry’s R&D challenges in this “white geopolitical risks and managing The United States Geological Sur-
paper” for the information of those the interdependent relationships vey (USGS) has estimated that there
within and outside the industry. This among consuming and producing are just over 3 trillion bbl of recover-
document focuses on the challenges countries.3 able conventional oil worldwide, with
to secure energy supplies for the third Continued strides in technologi- one-third already consumed.4 How-
trillion barrels and beyond. In addition cal innovation to ensure global energy ever, about two-thirds of the remain-
to this paper, the R&D Committee has security will necessitate sizable R&D ing proven conventional oil resides in
developed two series of JPT articles investments to develop and produce the Middle East, where there is also
delving more deeply into areas of both an increasing and increasingly believed to be a substantial portion of
challenge for the industry. The SPE secure supply of energy in the com- undiscovered conventional reserves,
R&D Committee has 12 members ing decades. Oil and gas in harsher according to Saudi Aramco President
and is chaired by Vikram Rao, Senior and deeper environments and frontier and CEO Abdullah Jum’ah.5 Moreover,
Vice President and Chief Technology hydrocarbons, including unconven- the six largest publicly-owned interna-
Officer, Halliburton Company. tional resources, are more technically tional oil companies (IOCs) have di-
difficult and economically challenging rect access to only about 5% of the

 The R&D Challenges to Secure Energy Supply for the Third Trillion and Beyond
world’s oil reserves, and another 30% Industry collaboration/ held in San Antonio, Texas, last April
indirectly through partnerships with globalization 2007. Also, one of the roles of SPE’s
national oil companies (NOCs), ac- Global collaboration is key to ensur- R&D Committee is to promote interac-
cording to ConocoPhillips Chairman, ing continued R&D investment and tion among universities, governments
President and CEO Jim Mulva.6 technology transfer. DeepStar, a joint and industries. In another example,
So while NOCs will continue to industry technology development AAPG supports R&D through its Com-
play a major role in conventional oil organization, focuses on develop- mittee on Research, whose mission
supply, increasingly limited quanti- ing the technology to meet its mem- includes research idea interchange
ties, and restricted access will re- bers’ deepwater business needs to and information distribution through
quire IOCs to increase their focus increase production and reserves.9 A conferences and symposia.13
on the development of both frontier collaboration among operators, sup-
environments and challenging hy- pliers, regulators and academic and University collaboration/
drocarbons, comprised primarily of research institutes, DeepStar has a globalization
heavy oil, shale oil, tight gas, coalbed proven success record in accom- On the one hand, collaboration is
methane (CBM) and tarsands. Addi- plishing its vision to provide a forum more essential than ever between
tionally, gasification of coal and petro- to execute deepwater technology de- industry and academia. One of the
leum coke, gas-to-liquids (GTL) and velopment projects worldwide and to main ways it can be promoted is by
the companion coal-to-liquids (CTL), leverage the financial and technical having broader industry participation
and liquefied natural gas (LNG), will resources of the global deepwater in- in university research programs. On
all play increasingly important roles in dustry.10 the other hand, universities must fo-
the coming years.7 The American and European cus on research that is relevant and
The IEA also found that although Drilling Engineering Associations attractive to companies that support
global oil demand will continue to in- (DEA and DEA-Europe) both provide it, while still preserving the freedom of
crease, and will remain the largest an effective vehicle for industry col- academic pursuit. Collaboration also
single fuel in the world energy use laboration to improve access to drill- is crucial within academia, which can
mix, its share will actually drop be- ing technology and information on a be facilitated via networks, forums
tween 2004 to 2030.2 The gap will be worldwide basis.11 Operators’ tech- and non-conventional exchanges
made up with mainly natural gas and nology needs and gaps are identified among universities and their depart-
coal. Coal will experience the largest and prioritized, which are then com- ments. However, government regula-
demand increase driven primarily by municated to suppliers, who propose tions regarding intellectual property
power generation, with China and In- innovative solutions at workshops and can provide obstacles even for inter-
dia accounting for almost four-fifths of other venues. university collaboration.
the incremental increase. Another example of industry col- As far as globalization is con-
However, increasing fossil fuel laboration took place in late 2006 in cerned, universities now have a glob-
prices, particularly gas, enable renew- Canada, where R&D got a boost with al presence more than ever before.
able energy sources to compete more the signing of a Memorandum of Un- A prime example is Education City, a
economically in the electric power derstanding between the Petroleum 2,400 acre multi-university campus lo-
sector. Renewables also will have the Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) cated in Qatar’s capital of Doha, which
potential to modify the fuel supply mix and industry partners, including most houses several universities offering
by creating new feedstocks while pro- of Canada’s operators, namely the programs available at their respective
viding environmental benefits. More Canadian Association of Petroleum main campuses. The Qatar Founda-
than twice as much private equity Producers and the Small Explorers tion has facilitated the presence of
investments were directed toward re- and Producers Association of Cana- Texas A&M University and Carnegie-
newable and clean energy technol- da.12 Started in 1996, PTAC has facili- Mellon University on its campus, with
ogy in 2006 compared to 2005, said tated industry collaboration, helping the former offering BS and MS de-
Chevron Chairman and CEO David more than 200 R&D projects get off grees in engineering, including petro-
O’Reilly, adding that the commercial- the ground. leum engineering, with a student body
ization of the new technologies can- Also facilitating technology trans- of 200 this year.14 The latter offers BS
not be far behind.8 fer and application are professional degrees in business and computer
Consequently, both energy societies like the Society of Petroleum science.15 In both cases, the degrees
supply diversification and techni- Engineers (SPE) and the American have the standing of degrees from the
cal innovation through global R&D Association of Petroleum Geologists host campuses.
investments and collaboration will (AAPG). For example, specific SPE ef-
be crucial in meeting world energy forts supporting industry R&D include Education of professionals, public
demand and ensuring global energy creating the R&D Providers Directory The oil and gas industry is facing a
security for the next generation and now accessible on and shortage of technical professionals in
beyond. organizing the first R&D Conference the US and Western Europe, where

 The R&D Challenges to Secure Energy Supply for the Third Trillion and Beyond
more than half will be eligible for re- ates on much longer timeframes de- gas. It has been suggested that antic-
tirement in the next few years. One US fined by an oilfield’s life cycle. Setting ipated demand for cleaner energy will
academic institution addressing this policy impulsively with quick fixes and drive a trend toward a gas economy.
trend is the former department of Pe- unrealistically expecting immediate As stated previously, energy demand
troleum Engineering at Stanford Uni- results can jeopardize project viability will grow by just over one-half by
versity, which was renamed to Energy and negatively impact operations for 2030. However, natural gas demand
Resources Engineering. The depart- years to come. is expected to increase during the
ment’s redirection goes beyond the same period by more than two-thirds.
name change, though, by expanding Vast in-place hydrocarbons Focusing R&D efforts to sustain long-
its academic mission and adding new While the amount of conventional oil term productivity and to maximize ul-
curriculum for undergraduates and deemed recoverable is declining, timate recoveries of unconventional
graduates wanting to pursue broader there are vast amounts of in-place hy- gas resources - shale gas, tight gas
careers in energy and conservation.16 drocarbons—about two-thirds—that and CBM accumulations—is essen-
The shortage of technical profession- are left behind after currently avail- tial.
als experienced in the US and Western able primary, secondary and tertiary CBM gas is methane associated
Europe is not the case in other areas recovery methods are utilized. In- with coal deposits. Coal’s large inter-
of the world. Two countries producing creasing recovery efficiencies would nal surface area enables it to store
engineers at high rates are China and supply much of the needed energy six to seven times the gas as the
India, where the industry can increas- to meet demand into the distant fu- equivalent volume of typical gas res-
ingly source from, the latter present- ture. Former Saudi Aramco Reservoir ervoir rock.21 CBM exploration costs
ing no language barrier because of its Management Manager Nansen Saleri are low because coal locations are
English curricula.17 Rather than petro- said that a 10 percentage point incre- known. Drilling and completion costs
leum engineers, these countries pro- mental recovery increase translates are also relatively low, because coal
duce more of the generic mechanical, to about 1.4 trillion bbl of reserves, and its associated methane reside at
electrical and chemical engineers, which would supply global crude con- shallow depths. However, these costs
which already make up the vast ma- sumption at current rates for about increase with increasing depths, as
jority of degreed technical profession- 50 years.20 Recovery improvements do production difficulties because
als in the oil and gas industry. in gas reservoirs could have similar of decreasing coal permeabilities.
While petroleum engineers re- results. IOCS and NOCs alike under- Estimates for world CBM resources
main important in this industry, the stand the need for more R&D in areas range from 100 to 260 Tm3, of which
R&D committee foresees an increas- of increasing their production in exist- Canada, Russia and China collective-
ing need for other specialists, such ing operations and improving recov- ly represent 80%.22 Other large coal
as chemists and biochemists as ery efficiencies of their conventional producing countries also have CBM
well as even more chemical, elec- oil reservoirs. New technologies can resources, namely Australia, Ukraine,
trical and mechanical engineers, increase recoveries in many forms. Germany, Poland and the US.
in light of the increasingly complex For example, horizontal wells drilled Shale gas is taking on special
processes needed for petroleum ex- in reservoirs where EOR technology is prominence in the US, with all uncon-
traction, particularly unconventional applied can improve chemical place- ventional gas now comprising 39%
hydrocarbons.18 Developing these ment and pattern effectiveness. By of US production. The Arkansas Fay-
technologies will require crossing the pushing the technological frontiers etteville, the Oklahoma Caney and the
traditional boundaries separating this of chemistry and chemical engineer- North Texas Barnett are large, eco-
industry’s upstream and downstream ing and marrying them with mature oil nomic Mississippian-aged shale gas
sectors. Boundary distinctions will and gas technologies, recovery fac- plays, with the latter being the fastest
undoubtedly lessen as the need for tors can be dramatically increased growing US natural gas field.23 Shale
collaboration between the two sec- given sufficient R&D. Saleri outlined gas is also available elsewhere in the
tors from both business and technical four main R&D challenges toward in- US and in Europe and several Cana-
standpoints continues to grow. creasing these efficiencies, namely dian provinces. Recoveries have been
The education of the public at deeper pore understanding, smarter improved by changing fracturing flu-
large also is an urgent need. Lack wells, faster well construction and bet- ids, modifying the type and place-
of communication to the public and ter electrical submersible pumps.20 ment of the proppant and incorporat-
its elected officials has led to narrow ing novel perforating techniques.
perspectives, outdated information Vast unconventional gas resources While not considered a typical un-
and short-term thinking. The Exxon- To meet future energy demand, con- conventional gas, another promising
Mobil Chairman and CEO Rex Til- ventional oil will need to be supple- long-term R&D topic and potentially
lerson said that many policymakers mented with unconventional hydro- enormous energy source down the
think in shorter timeframes of election carbon resources, comprised of the road are gas hydrates. However, size-
cycles.19 However, the industry oper- various forms of heavy oil and tight able R&D is needed to determine how

By the SPE R&D Advisory Committee 

to best exploit them. Japan, India and ic gas, or syngas, a mixture of carbon of Technology, the University of Cali-
the US are among the countries cur- monoxide and hydrogen that can be fornia at Davis and the US DOE Na-
rently funding and sponsoring their used like natural gas. After process- tional Renewable Energy Laboratory
research. ing, the syngas can either be used (NREL) to develop cellulosic biofuels
directly for power or liquefied. While with the overall aim of diversifying
Vast unconventional oil resources gasification is relatively inexpensive, the energy mix and broadening the
Heavy oil production also can help liquefaction is not, because of the feedstock of transportation fuels. The
close the conventional oil gap toward sheer scale required for its economic three joint programs will conduct R&D
meeting global energy demand be- feasibility. Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, that will focus primarily on creating
yond the next 20 to 30 years. How- better known as GTL technology, re- next-generation process technologies
ever, heavy oil is difficult to produce, quires very large reservoirs for favor- to convert cellulosic biomass into bio-
transport and refine, resulting in high able GTL plant project economics. fuels. While first-generation biofuels
costs and risks in up-, mid- and down- Consequently, heavy oil’s synergistic are made from food feedstocks like
stream operations. On the other hand, gasification counterpart requires sig- corn, wheat, and sugar cane and
like CBM deposits, its exploration nificant R&D for benefits to be fully beets, second-generation biofuels
costs and risks are low, as its locations realized. are made from non-food feedstocks
are known. Moreover, the in-place de- Oil shale is another unconven- such as wood chips, straw, fast-
posits of heavy oil, including natural tional hydrocarbon having potential growing trees and hardy grasses like
bitumen, tar sands, and viscous and to supplant conventional oil, but in switchgrass.31 BP also recently an-
ultraheavy oils, are huge—in the 5 to the more distant future with sufficient nounced its selection of the University
7 trillion bbl range by conservative R&D. Oil shale is a sedimentary rock of California Berkeley, the University
estimates, and mostly in the western containing organic kerogen, a solid of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the
hemisphere, namely Canada, the US bituminous material, which releases Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-
(Alaska and California) and Venezue- hydrocarbons when heated slowly tory to form the Energy Biosciences
la.24,25 Current technology is expected over time.28 While both in-situ and sur- Institute, a USD 500 million research
to recover amounts ranging from 500 face retort recovery processes have program that will conduct mainly bio-
billion to 1 trillion bbl.24 been evaluated for extracting oil and science-based R&D to develop trans-
The technical and economic gas from kerogen-filled sediments, portation biofuels that reduce environ-
challenges of heavy oil range from its in-situ retorting holds the most techni- mental impact.
production and upgrading to its trans- cal and economic promise and least Shell has distributed first-genera-
portation and refining. Its high car- environmental impact. tion biofuels for more than 30 years,
bon-to-hydrogen ratio makes it many Most of the world’s oil shale re- and is conducting R&D in second-
hydrogen atoms short of the required sides in the US. The largest of US generation biofuels, partnering in
form for light and middle distillates, or hydrocarbon resources (USGS esti- 2002 with Canada-based Iogen to
gasoline and diesel.17 New technolo- mates about 2 trillion bbl in-place de- create the processing technology to
gies and thus R&D investments are posits), oil shale is also the most costly make cellulose ethanol from straw.32 It
needed to unlock heavy oil’s potential to develop and produce.28,29 Chevron also has a technical partnership with
at reasonable costs, not only to the and Los Alamos National Laboratory Choren Industries in Germany to con-
consumer, but also to the environ- recently announced a joint research struct the first commercial biomass to
ment. Heavy oil’s high carbon con- project to study hydrocarbon recovery liquids (BTL) plant in the world, ex-
tent means that about two to six times from oil shale in the Piceance Basin, pected to come on line in late 2007.
more CO2 is emitted in its producing northwestern Colorado, conducted In Europe, BTL fuels have gained auto
and upgrading compared to conven- under the Strategic Alliance for Energy manufacturer support because they
tional oil.26 Efficient, integrated energy Solutions launched in 2004. Shell has can be blended with diesel and used
solutions are key to keeping these conducted its oil shale R&D for about in the existing fleet.
CO2 emissions in check.27 25 years, including field tests on an Generally, because of the current
Employing gasification in con- in-situ conversion method, also in the engine fleet and worldwide distribu-
junction with heavy oil processing Piceance Basin. The company said tion systems, biofuels would be used
creates valuable synergies, especial- that decisions on whether to move in the foreseeable future as a blend
ly important in light of the larger future forward with full-scale implementation in gasoline or diesel rather than a fuel
role heavy oil will play. Comprised of will not be reached until the end of the in itself. Introducing biofuels into the
20% or more carbonaceous material, decade.30 current fuel supply while maintaining
heavy oil’s processing results in an the stability of existing fuel streams
asphaltene or coke residue having a Energy diversification through will extend rather than replace current
carbonaceous value higher than the biofuels petroleum-based products, serving
most premium coal. The gasification of In 2006, Chevron formed strategic re- to increase both fuel efficiency and
coke or asphaltene produces synthet- search alliances with Georgia Institute tolerance to import volatility. If bio-

 The R&D Challenges to Secure Energy Supply for the Third Trillion and Beyond
fuels are to compete economically sectors and crosses over into other in- the globe.
as stand-alone transportation fuels, dustries like the power markets will be
however, R&D is needed to improve required. A comprehensive, collabor- In conclusion
biomass conversion technologies, in- ative solution is needed for a complex The R&D committee continues to pro-
crease process efficiency and enable global problem. mote R&D in the oil and gas indus-
suitability for industrial-scale deploy- That being said, the oil and gas try, and considers the need for more
ment similar to current transportation industry is probably the best posi- R&D activities and investments to be
infrastructure systems, according to tioned to develop and apply CCS greater than ever before. The energy
Chevron’s former Chief Technology technologies. While some emitted industry of the future will face great
Officer Donald Paul. CO2 can be used for its upstream challenges because of increasing de-
EOR projects, much of which is re- mand for energy as the more popu-
Environmental considerations cycled, most emissions must be lous developing world becomes more
Over 80% of world energy supply sequestered in other ways, like prosperous. The industry will also
will continue to come from fossil fuel disposal into brine and depleted face the continued pressures of more
resources during the next 20 to 30 reservoirs. Existing CO2 sequestra- limited availability and accessibility of
years. Therefore, global measures tion projects have achieved early conventional oil and increased reli-
must be taken to address the impact technical successes, providing ance on frontier and unconventional
they have on the environment, espe- promise that long-term storage of hydrocarbon resources with their add-
cially with regard to CO2 emissions the emitted gas is feasible in suit- ed technical difficulties and environ-
and their effects on climate change. able reservoirs.33 Geological CO2 mental impacts in their development
R&D of carbon capture and storage storage has been underway since and production. At the same time, the
(CCS) technologies and the imple- 1996 at Statoil’s Sleipner West field demands to supply cleaner energy in
mentation of both pilot and full-scale in the Norwegian North Sea. Here, a more environmentally responsible
CCS projects are either underway or about 2,800 tons of CO2 is separat- manner with less CO2 emissions will
under consideration by governments ed daily from the field’s gas produc- continue to grow.
and industry worldwide.33 Predictions tion and injected and stored in the Collaboration among industry, ac-
have shown that CCS technologies Utsira sandstone formation 1,000 m ademia and governments will be cru-
could reduce CO2 emissions from beneath the seabed.35 In addition, cial to meet these increasingly com-
power plants, oil refining and steel long-term geological storage of CO2 plex technical, economic and envi-
and cement manufacturing by up to is being evaluated at the IEA Wey- ronmental challenges that will require
85%. Estimations have also found that burn CO2 Monitoring and Storage extensive R&D investment needs and
fossil-fuel-fired power plants them- Project sponsored by the IEA and capital intensive projects around the
selves are responsible for one-third various governments and indus- globe.
of current CO2 emissions.34 Though try sponsors from Canada, the US,
CCS technologies that capture emis- Europe and Japan.36 The Weyburn List of References
sions at the source and store them field, located in southeastern Sas- 1.  nited States Census Bureau, cited Wikipedia,
in subsurface reservoirs are thought katchewan, Canada, and operated
2. “World Energy Outlook 2006,” International Energy
by scientists to be a viable solution, by EnCana Resources, is undergo- Agency, 2006.
these same technologies also would ing an EOR CO2 injection project us- 3. Yergin, Daniel, “Energy Independence,” Wall
Street Journal, January 23, 2007, http://www.
reduce the efficiency and increase ing anthropogenic CO2 drawn from
the costs of power production. the Great Plains Gasification plant newsArticleDetails.aspx?CID=8560.
4. United States Geological Survey (2000), cited
Therefore, economic barriers still located 320 km south in North Da- various sources, “Steady as she goes; Why the
exist, along with significant techni- kota, USA.37 Weyburn’s injected CO2 world is not about to run out of oil,” The Economist,
cal and social hurdles that must be that is produced back is recycled, April 20, 2006; Jum’ah, Abdullah, speech at
2005 CERA Conference by President and Chief
cleared before the benefits of CCS compressed and reinjected for stor- Executive Officer Abdullah Jum’ah, Saudi Aramco,
technologies can be fully realized. age in a 1,400-m deep Mississippian
More R&D is needed before seques- reservoir. This CO2 storage project ExxonMobil,
tration will be a technically and eco- has attracted worldwide attention Corporate/Citizenship/Imports/EnergyOutlook06/
nomically viable method to handle in evaluating the feasibility of long- 5. Jum’ah, Abdullah, speech at 2005 CERA
the CO2 on the scale needed for term sequestration for large-scale Conference by President and Chief Executive
emission reduction. National and in- reduction in CO2 emissions to the Officer Abdullah Jum’ah, Saudi Aramco,
ternational multidisciplinary teams atmosphere. Information obtained Statements/SpeechDetail.asp?cIndex=500.
consisting of engineers and scientists from this study will be utilized to 6. Mulva, Jim, 2007 speech to US Chamber of
will be required, especially those with evaluate the viability of and assess newsroom/other_resources/energy_speech.htm.
chemistry specializations. A collab- other geologic sites for underground 7. “ Oil and Gas Industry Investments in Alternative
Energy, Frontier Hydrocarbons and Advanced
orative effort that both combines the CO2 storage in the hopes that it can End-Use Technologies,” Institute for Energy
industry’s upstream and downstream be replicated in other areas around Research and Center for Energy Economics,

By the SPE R&D Advisory Committee 

Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas, 17. Rao, Vikram, “Carbon, Hydrogen and People,” 25. Kovscek, Tony, “Heavy Oil,” Focus overview, JPT,
(May 2006). Technology Tomorrow, JPT (February 2006) 58:2. (April 2006) 58:4.
8. O’Reilly, David, speech at 2007 CERA 18. Williams, Peggy, “The Next Two Trillion Barrels,” 26. “ NCEP Staff Background Paper-Unconventional
Conference by Chairman and CEO David Oil and Gas Investor, (February 2007). Oil,” National Commission on Energy Policy,
O’Reilly, Chevron Corporation, http://www. 19. Tillerson, Rex, speech at 2007 CERA Conference (2004), by Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson, Exxon finalReport/I.3.a%20-%20Unconventional%20Oil.
13_oreilly.asp. Mobil, pdf.
9. DeepStar, Newsroom/SpchsIntvws/Corp_NR_SpchIntrvw_ 27. T ertzakian, Peter, “Canadian Oil Sands – Myth
asp. RWT_130207.asp. and Reality,” Guest Editorial, JPT, (May 2006)
10. DeepStar, 20. Saleri, Nansen G., “The Next Trillion: Anticipating 58:5.
brochure.pdf. and Enabling Game-Changing Recoveries,” 28. O il Shale and Tar Sands Leasing Programmatic
11. DEA, Technology Tomorrow, JPT (April 2006) 58:4. EIS Information Center,
objectives.asp. 21. Nuccio, Vito, “Coalbed Methane: Potential guide/oilshale/index.cfm.
12. Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada. http:// and Concerns,” USGS Fact Sheet, FS-123-00, 29. R AND Corporation Oil Shale Development in the October 2000, United States Prospects and Policy Issues. J. T.
withGIF.pdf. fs123-00.pdf. Bartis, T. LaTourrette, L. Dixon, D.J. Peterson, and
13. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 22. Panorama, G. Cecchine, MG-414-NETL, 2005. events/panorama/IFP-Panorama06_05- 30. S hell Exploration & Production Company, http://
cfm?ID=218. ReservesDecouvProd-VA.pdf.
14. Texas A&M University at Qatar, http://www.qatar. 23. “Going Gangbusters,” Tight Gas supplement to en&FC2=/us-en/html/iwgen/shell_for_ Oil and Gas Investor, (March 2005), http://www. businesses/exploration_production_shared/
15. Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, http://www. zzz_lhn.html&FC3=/us-en/html/iwgen/shell_for_ 24. “In Situ Production Technologies,” Heavy Oil businesses/exploration_production_shared/
16. S
 tanford University, http://news-service.stanford. supplement to E&P and Oil and Gas Investor, mahogany_shared/mrp_technology.html.
edu/news/2006/september27/petro-092706.html. (July 2006). 31. M urray, Danielle, “Ethanol’s Potential: Looking

By the SPE R&D Advisory Committee 

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