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Local Grid Refinement: Local Grid Refinement is when the simulation grid is

made fine in a region of the reservoir where (LGR) quantities (such as pressure or
saturations) are changing rapidly. The idea is to increase the accuracy of the simulation
in the region where it matters, rather than everywhere in the reservoir. E.g. LGR ==>
close to wells or in the flood pilot area but coarser grid in the aquifer.
Hybrid Grid LGR: Hybrid Grids are mixed geometry combinations of grids which
are used to improve the modelling of flows in different regions. The most common
use of hybrid grids are Cartesian/Radial combinations where the radial grid is used
near a well. Hybrid Grid LGR can be used in a similar way to other LGR scheme.

History Matching: History Matching in numerical simulation is the process of

adjusting the simulator input in such a way as to achieve a better fit to the actual
reservoir performance. Ideally, the changes in the simulation model should most
closely reflect change in the knowledge of the field geology e.g. the permeability
of a high perm streak, the presence of sealing faults etc. The observables which
are commonly matched are the field and individual well cumulative productions,
watercuts and pressures.

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