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There is now a great cultural, economic, political, social and educational integration and

interdependence that leads nations to create new mechanisms or tools to be able to compete with

all other countries within this globalized system and that will therefore allow them to increase

their possibilities for improving the situation in which they are currently and thus achieve a better

quality of life for their inhabitants.

Obviously this improvement will initially be observed at the macroeconomic level, but

appropriate mechanisms must be sought to be given in the short term at the macroeconomic level,

to bring employment rates lowered in the living standards of populations to improve and the

consumption power of nations to grow

This work reflects on the economic blocks of Asia and their effects, as well as the commercial

possibilities that could be found with Colombia.

Country Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Philippines

Capital Kuala Lumpur Jakarta Bangkok Manila

Currency Ringgit Rupiah Indonesia Baht Philippine peso

Malasio Tailandés
Language It is a country Their official Thai or Siamese is Filipino (based on

in which its language is the national and Tagalog) and English

official modified from official language of are official languages.

language is Malay by what is Thailand and the In addition, there are a

Bahasa known as Bahasa mother tongue of the hundred ethnic-

Malaysia but Indonesia, they Thai ethnic group, linguistic groups all

you can also also speak the dominant one in belonging to the Malay-

find people English and Thailand. It is a Tai Polynesian family, not

who speak Dutch. language of the Tai- intelligible to each

English, Kadai language other, 12 of the which

Chinese, Thai, family. are important in number

Tamil, Telugu, (more than 1 million

Malayalam, inhabitants).

among others.
Population According to According to the According to the  The last census carried

the United Nations United Nations out by the National

Department of Department of Department of Statistical Office of the

Statistics Economic and Economic and Social Philippines (PSO) in

Malaysia for Social Affairs, for Affairs, by 2020 the 2015 collected a

2019 the 2019 the population of population of

population is population of Thailand is 100,981,437

32,767,153 Indonesia is 69,236,642 with a inhabitants. It is the 9th

269,349,518, with growth rate of most populous country

a growth rate of 0.38%. in Asia and the 12th of

1.28% the world

Religión In Malaysia we According to the The most

find several Pew Research widespread religion Non-denominational

religions being Center. The is Buddhism, which state. 80% of the

the most Global Religious 94% of the population professes

prominent: Landscape, in population. There is religion catholic 5% the

Muslim Indonesia Islam a Muslim minority Muslim, 3%

(61.3%) prevails (87.2%), with (5%) and a evangelical and 3%

Buddhist then Christianity Christian community belong to the Philippine

(19.8%), (9.9%),Hinduism of one million church Iglesia ni Cristo

Christianity (1.7%), and people, of which

(9.2%), Hindu Buddhism (0.7%) about 300,000 they

(6.3%) are catholic.

Form According to According to the Thailand is an Under the current 1987

of the World World Factbook, institutional Constitution, the

Government Factbook, the the government is monarchy. The Head Philippines is a unitary

type of the Presidential of the State and territory, a democratic

government Republic Commander-in- republic with a

that operates Chief of the Armed presidential system

there is the Forces is, since 1 likeness of the united

federal December 2017 states.

parliamentary King Maha

constitutional Vajiralongkorn

monarchy. Bodindradebayavara

ngkun, tenth king of

chakri dynasty.
GDP According to According to Thailand's gross The GDP of the

CaixaBank, for official data from domestic product in Philippines in 2018 has

the year 2019, the World Bank 2018 has grown by grown by 6.2%

Malaysia in 2019, the gross 4.2% compared to compared to 2017. This

closed with a domestic product 2017. This is a rate 1 is a rate 5 tenths lower

GDP of 365 was 1,126 billion tenth higher than that than that of that year,

billion, dollars, of 2017, which was when it was 6.7%.

representing representing 4.1

0.7% of world 0.93% of the

GDP world economy.

Unemployme According to The data released Source: CIA World The average value for

nt rate the by the World Factbook the Philippines during

Department of Bank unemployment for that period was 3.46

Statistics corresponding to 2018 was 0.7% and percent with a

Malaysia for unemployment in for 2016 it was minimum of 2.15

May 8, 2020 Indonesia for 0.8%. percent in 2019 and a

the 2019 stands at maximum of 4.05

unemployment 4.7% percent in 2006.

rate stood at

Poverty index According to According to Population below the The MPI is calculated

the UN for Minister Muhadjir poverty 7.2% , by multiplying the

2019 the Effendy, 45% of National estimates of deprivation rate (the

poverty rate is the population the percentage of the proportion of Filipinos

close to 9%, does not reach population falling identified as

which economic security below the poverty multidimensional poor).

indicates that line are based on

the family subgroup surveys,

nuclei survive and the results are

with less than weighted by the

2,000 ringgits number of people in

each group.
Índex Doing According to According to the Thailand is in 27th The Philippines is not a

Business the World World Bank, the place in the "Doing conducive place for

Bank, ease of doing Business" of the 190 doing business.

Malaysia is business index in that make up this

ranked 12th 2019 Indonesia ranking, which

best country in ranked 73 out of classifies countries

the world out 190 economies. according to the ease

of 190. they offer to do


Specialization patterns

 These four countries make up the so-called "second generation tigers", due to their late

start to industrialization.

 The field of manufacturing is a common factor among these, for the spirit of

industrialization, all decided to bet on it.

 They are linguistically and ethnically diverse, thanks to important influences from China

and India.

 The Philippines and Indonesia were severely affected, this due to harsh dictatorships, led

by Ferdinand Marcos and Suharto, respectively.

 Important actors in the crisis of the international monetary fund. Which began with the

devaluation of the Thai currency, preceded by that of Malaysia, Indonesia and the


 ASEAN countries in 2016, has boosted these efforts. Because the ratification is quite

recent, each country’s implementation of the commitment remains a challenge and needs

to be examined in the near future.

 Indonesia Green finance: The financial sector plays an important role in managing

environmental risks as Indonesia works to fulfil its commitment to reduce greenhouse gas

emissions and other environmental targets.

 The Bank of Indonesia follows an expansionary policy so that the country can continue to

grow with the strength and rhythm of recent years.

 ASEAN is the fifth largest economy in the world, and with hundreds of millions of young

people eager to join the digital revolution, there is no better time to close the digital

divide. The future of the region depends on it.

Year Indicator Malasya

% Analysis
2020 PBI $365 In the coming years, growth will from 4.5% to fall to an area of
(0.7% of just over 4%. The main factor that will slow down exports of
GDP) electronics (it is the main product exported and its two main

markets are China and the US), affected by protectionist

tensions and less vigorous global demand. However, the

dynamism of private consumption will sustain domestic

demand and will make part of the export slowdown in

2020 Inflation 3.8 In 2020 and 2021, inflation will rebound although it will

continue to be below the historical average. The reasons for the

upturn are the impact of the new consumption tax and the

removal of ceilings on fuel prices. However, the stabilization

of oil prices and the measures envisaged to contain the rise in

salyer prices will keep inflation at moderate levels.

2019 Unemploym 3.31 Malaysia continues to have a shortage of both skilled and
unqualified labour and must rely on immigrants from

neighbouring countries. Foreign investors are allowed to hire

them, but under increasingly restrictive conditions. There are

very few Malaysians who have the will to find a job do not

succeed. If the labour market is analyzed by sector, agriculture

attracts much of the foreign labor (palm oil and rubber

plantations), as does the electronics industry and the less-paid

jobs of services. There is currently discussion of the need to

raise the level of training of the local workforce, the need to

attract foreign talent.

2020 Interest 2% Comparing the month of March to May 2020, Malaysia has
lowered the interest rate by 0.5 points, this allows it to cushion

the country's economic crisis that could occur due to Covid-19,

and this reduction helps to keep the consumption of people and

households, with less debt.

2019 Competitive 74.60 Malaysia for 2019 obtained 74.6 points in the competitiveness
ness Index
index although it shows an improvement compared to 2018 of

0.22 points, it obtained the position 27 out of 141 countries

analyzed, compared to the previous year it was ranked 25th,

therefore there is evidence of a decline.

2020 Balance of (-3.50B) In April 2020, Malaysia presented a MYR 3.5 billion trade
difficulty, a result that was not evident since the 1997 crisis,

this deficit is due to Covid-19, exports fell by 23.8% mainly in

products, electrical, refined petroleum , oil palm-based

products and imports fell 8%, led by capital goods accessories

and domestic consumer goods.

2019 Competitive 74.60 Malaysia for 2019 obtained 74.6 points in the competitiveness
ness Index
index although it shows an improvement compared to 2018 of

0.22 points, it obtained the position 27 out of 141 countries

analyzed, compared to the previous year it was ranked 25th,

therefore there is evidence of a decline .

  Consumptio   All these macro forces lead to a bipolarization of consumption,

n trends
whereby consumers will have more strength and, at the same

time, demand premium products and services with good value

for money. The consumer of the future is likely to be much

more demanding on everything from what he consumes

(personalized / localized / healthy / sustainable.

  Market   The halal market is rapidly becoming recognized as a vitally

important emerging market. Safety and quality control are the

reasons for halal products being widely recognized. There is

the main market for halal products in Asia and the Middle

East. There is great potential for Malaysian companies to

manufacture and export certified halal products to the world

  Coin   The Malaysian Ringgit (also or Malaysian dollar) has been the
official currency of the Federation of Malaysia since June

1967. The Ringgit has the ISO 4217 MYR code and is

represented by the symbol RM.Ringgit coins and banknotes are

issued by the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara

Malaysia).1 MYR 0,234150 USD . The Ringgit has the ISO

4217 MYR code and is represented by the RM symbol.

Year Indicator Indonesia

% Analysis
2020 PBI 3 Indonesia's gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2020

fell by -0.7% from the fourth quarter of 2019. This rate is 19

tenths lower than the previous quarter, when it was 1.2%. The

year-on-year change in GDP was 3%, 19 tenths lower than in

the fourth quarter of 2019, when it was 4.9%.

2020 Inflation 2,7 The annual CPI variation rate in Indonesia was 2.7%, 3 tenths

lower than the previous month. The monthly variation in the

CPI (Consumer Price Index) was 0.3%, so the cumulative

inflation in 2019 is 2.7%. It should be noted the 0.8% increase

in the prices of Food and non-alcoholic beverages, to the year-

on-year rate of 4.3%, which contrasts with the decrease in

Teaching prices of -0.1%, and a year-on-year change 4.3 per

cent, which contrasts with the decrease in Teaching prices of

-0.1%, and a year-on-year variation of 3.2%.

2019 Unemploym 5.24 The island that brings together the highest concentration of
labour force is Java, with the greatest contribution to the

agriculture, manufacturing and commercial sectors, followed

by Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali and Papua.In the

sectoral analysis of employment distribution, the main sector is

the services sector (47.11%), followed by agriculture

(31.17%), and finally the industry sector (21.72%).

2020 Interest 4,50% Due to the emergence of Covid-19, the Bank of Indonesia
lowered the interest rate twice with a total of 25 points, this is

because the Bank predicts low inflation, in addition to this it

allows the stabilization and strengthening of the rupee, as

evidenced by increasing its participation in the Spot market

2020 Consumer 84,8 In the month of April 2020 the consumer confidence index fell
by 29 points compared to the month of March, it is a historical

figure since 2008, this reduction is due to the restrictive

measures imposed by the government to prevent the spread of

Covid- 19, therefore, consumers have stayed at home losing

confidence and are waiting for what may or may not happen.
2020 Balance of (-0.35B) In Indonesia the trade deficit decreased to USD 0.35 billion in
April 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic definitely affected trade

worldwide, exports fell by 7.02% compared to the same month

last year, the products with the greatest impact they are oil, gas

and miners, meanwhile imports fell 18.58%,

2019 Competitive 64.63 The result of the competitiveness index for 2019 Indonesia
ness Index
ranked 50, worsening compared to 2018, which was in position

45, the result of the indicator also decreased by -0.31 points.

  Consumptio   In consumer preferences, this sophistication has been pointed

n trends
out, showing more exaggerated preferences and tastes of

fashion, food, and more e'-extravagant compared to what could

be American and European standards since 40% of its

population is young.

  Market   Study on the tourism market in Indonesia (data 2019-2020).

After presenting the definition and characteristics of the sector,

it analyzes the supply and demand, as well as the prices and

perception of the Spanish product. Informs about distribution

channels, prospects and opportunities in the sector. Collect

practical information and other data of interest.

  Coin   According to the latest opinion piece published by Bloomberg
on Monday, the Indonesian rupiah is likely to emerge as Asia's

performance currency this year, replacing the Thai baht that

led the way in 2019. 1 IDR= 0,0000712123 USD The official

currency in Indonesia is the Indonesian Rupiah, IDR or

Year Indicator Thailand
% Analysis
2020 PBI 4,2 The secondary sector is involved with 30% of GDP. The main

industries are electronics, steel and automotive. Thailand is an

assembly center for international automotive brands. The

production of electrical components and appliances, as well as

computers, cement, furniture and plastic products, are also

important sectors.The tertiary sector is equivalent to 60% of

GDP and includes financial services and tourism. Tourism has

gained importance as a currency generator.

2020 Inflation 0.7 The inflation rate in Thailand has ranged from -0.9% to 19.7%

in the last 40 years. An inflation rate of 0.7% has been

calculated for 2019.During the observation period from 1979

to 2019, the average inflation rate was 4.0% per year. Overall,

the price increase was 360.04%. An item costing 100 Baht in

1979 was calculated at 460.04 Baht in early 2020.Only in a

few countries negative inflation rates are achieved. This means

that the overall price level is declining and consumer prices are

cheaper. This case is called deflation. Compared to other

countries, drastic price increases are no longer on average. This

is usually a sign of political and economic turmoil.

2019 Unemploym 1.33 According to data from the TNSO (Thailand National
Statistical Office), the occupied population is distributed as

follows: 32.8% work in the primary sector, 22.5% is employed

in the industry, and 44.7% in the services sector.

2020 Interest 0,50% During the month of March 2020 an interest rate of 0.75% was
obtained and for the month of May it stood at 0.50%, it is

possible to show a reduction of 0.25 points, a historical figure

for this country, it is a decision that allows sustaining the

economy, helping consumers and entrepreneurs to obtain and

pay credits, during the Covid-19 emergency

2020 Consumer 48,2 Although for the first quarter of 2020 and the beginning of the
second quarter consumer confidence has decreased, but for the

month of May an improvement of 1 point is evident with

respect to the month of April, these indicators have

undoubtedly decreased due to the restrictions that have been

imposed to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

2020 Balance of 2.46B For the month of April 2020, Thailand registered a trade
surplus of USD 2.46 billion, despite the pandemic, exports

from this country grew 2.12%, the largest shipments registered

are for agricultural products, food and gold, as -17.13% fell to

imports, mainly in finished goods.

2019 Competitive 68.11 Although for 2019, Thai improved its competitiveness index
ness Index
by 0.58 points, it occupies position 40 in the competitiveness

ranking, deteriorating compared to 2018, which was ranked 38.

  Consumptio   The most important trend in products is food and beverage

n trends
spending, which represents about 27% of total consumer

spending, and is estimated to represent close to 30% of

spending for the future. On average, Thai households spend

35% of their total income on food and beverages.

  Market   It is the largest floating market in Bangkok and the one that is

open every day, perhaps for this reason, which brings together

numerous foreigners in search of the most authentic

photographic stamp. Sometimes even a caravan of boats is

formed, which is tremendously fun, however this market like

so many others was affected by the pandemic and under its

production 45%.
  Coin   The Thai baht remains a safe haven as it has not been
significantly affected by the worsening trade war, as if it has

happened in other emerging markets, "says Jitipol

Puksamatanan, strategist at Krung Thai Bank. 1 THB=

0,0321755 USD The baht (Thai: บาท, symbol: ฿, ISO 4217

code: THB) is the official currency of Thailand.

Year Indicator Philippines

% Analysis
2020 PBI 6,2 The best pace of growth is due, in essence, to higher public

spending and an increase in household consumption

(representing 70% of GDP) caused by lower expected

inflation, as well as higher remittances of migrants and an

uptick in employment.

2020 Inflation 6,2 The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) forecasts indicate the

continuity of this strong growth rate in the coming years (6.2%

on average for the period 2018-2022).Private consumption and

remittances of the large Philippine population abroad will

remain the engines of economic growth, although consumption

is expected to be moderated by rising inflation and up interest

rates. Boosting public investment from the government's

ambitious infrastructure campaign is also aimed at another

growth factor. Exports of goods and services are also expected

to continue to grow strongly in the coming years.

2019 Unemploym 2.15 Of the total occupied population of the Philippines, more than
half work in the services sector (56.8%), 24.1% in the

agricultural sector (although the sector only contributes 9.7%

of GDP, reflecting its low productivity) and the remaining

19.1% in the industrial sector.

2020 Interest 2,75% One of the lifesavers that the Central Bank of the Philippines
has sent to counteract the economic effects of the Covid

pandemic19, is to reduce interest rates, in the month of April

under 0.5 points, this will allow it to maintain the country's

economy, without However, more efficient monetary policies

must be established to counteract the post-pandemic effects

2020 Consumer 1,26 The survey of consumer expectation in the Philippines is
carried out to 5,000 households, the last survey that was

carried out in February 2020, consumers were optimistic but

less confident with the economic conditions that the country is

facing by Covid-19, therefore this indicator has decreased


2020 Balance of (-0.5B) The Philippines in April 2020 marked the smallest trade
deficit, it is an important decrease that arises with the Covid-

19, exports fell by 50.8%, highlighting manufactured products,

coconut oil, machinery and transport equipment, on the other

hand Imports fell by 65.3%, the most affected products are:

transport equipment, fuel, telecommunications, among others.

2019 Competitive 61,87 For the end of 2019, the Philippines ranked 64th in the
ness Index
competitiveness ranking, declining compared to the previous

year, which was ranked 56th, and if the result of the indicator

decreased by 0.26 in relation to 2018

  Consumptio   Consumption has helped catapult Spanish exports, which have

n trends
quadrupled in the last ten years. Especially in areas such as

pharmaceuticals, gourmet food, quality meat and wine and

beverages, fashion, as well as automotive machinery and

  Market   Study on the wine market in the Philippines (data 2013– 2018).

After presenting the definition and characteristics of the sector,

it analyzes the supply and demand, as well as the prices and

perception of the Spanish product.

  Coin   The peso (in Philippine and Tagalog floor) is the official
currency of the Philippines. It is divided into 100 cents (in

Filipino and Tagalog: sentimo) and its ISO 4217 code is PHP.

Before 1967, the language used for banknotes and coins was

English, and therefore the name was "peso". 1 PHP =

0,0198867 USD The peso (in Philippine and Tagalog floor)

is the official currency of the Philippines. It is divided into

100 cents (in Filipino and Tagalog: sentimo) and its ISO

4217 code is PHP.

Products with greater tendency of IMP and EXP between Colombia and Indonesia.


• Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes

containing coffee in any proportion. 2.617.899 $US

• Bananas, incl. plantains, fresh or dried. 1,609.13 $US

• Live plants and floriculture products. 1.445.831 $US


• Corn. 1,029,325 US$

• Waste and scrap from the food industries; prepared animal fodder. 695,608 $US

• Drinks, alcoholic liquids and vinegar. 425,828 $US

Non-tariff barriers: Indonesia:

• Foreign exchange control: administered by Bank Indonesia and the Ministry of Finance.

• Import licences: compulsory possession of an exporter's licence (prohibition of import of

second hand products).

• Exceptions: some agricultural products can only be imported by designations from the

Ministry of Trade.

• Sanitary and phytosanitary provisions: permit from the Ministry of Agriculture, health

certificate from the country of origin, for certain animals, inspection certificate from the

Indonesian Veterinary Service.

Tariff barriers Non-tariff

IMP barriers EXP
NMF 7,24% NMF 17,21%
Indonesia NMF 5% NMF 13,41%
NMF 11,36% NMF 14,65%



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