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ABRIL, 2020

Spain, Italy and France have been the countries with the highest bilaterality index at present.

It is in these where more information can be found in this regard. The goods that Colombia

exports to Europe such as fuels, edible fruits, minerals, floriculture, etc., are increasingly

diverse. Colombia has become a preference in different aspects for Spain, due to the evolution

and mutual growth of its markets since they have a commercial relationship. Colombia

exports 73% of products to the European state.In 2015, Italy had an important place for

Colombia's exports to the EU, symbolizing 8.2% of the total sold, and in reciprocity with its

imports it represented 9.9% of the total from the EU. Currently, Colombia has managed to

balance its trade relationship with France, after presenting low rates of imports and exports.

The return as the new entry of French companies to the Colombian state has been evidenced,

increasing from 180 to 210.In conclusion, the most important reason why we have chosen

these three countries is due to the age of trade relations between them and Colombia, and after

this the assertive bilaterality.



It is located in Western Europe and has a geographical area of 301,338 km2.


It rises to 60,157,214.


It is Italian, but some dialects such as German and French are also spoken in the border


Euro.[CITATION via19 \l 3082 ]

Economy and business in Italy

The main industries in Italy are manufactures and engineering. It exports industrial

manufactures especially industrial machinery, automobiles, chemicals, electronics and

textiles. Tourism also occupies an important place in its economy.The financial services and

communications sector has an increasingly important role in its economy, the large state-

owned enterprises have been very important in that sense and have allowed the economic

growth of the country, however these companies nowadays are less useful and privatization is

imposed [CITATION Tra19 \l 3082 ].

Economic indicators

General Vision Last Previous Range

PIB - Quarterly Growth Rate -0.3 0.1 -2.8 : 6
PIB - Annual Growth Rate 0.1 0.5 -7.2 : 10.3
Employment Rate 9.8 9.8 5.8 : 13.1
Interfin inflation 0.3 0.5 -0.6 : 25.64
Sty Inflation (Monthly) -0.1 0.1 -2.4 : 3.5
Sa Of Interest Insy 0 0 0 : 4.75
Trade Balance 542 5007 -6389 : 8057
Current account 4833 4712 -10633 : 19333
Current account in terms of PIB 2.6 2.7 -3.7 : 2.9
Unbial debt in terms of PIB 135 135 90.5 : 135
Fiscal gdp in terms of PIB -1.6 -2.2 -7.3 : -1.5
Business Trust 101 101 71.5 : 122
PMI Manufacturero 48.7 48.9 46.2 : 59
PMI Services 52.1 51.4 42.3 : 57.7
Confiance of the Consumer 111 111 82.3 : 121
Ser Sale (Monthly) 0 0.5 -2.6 : 2.1
Imposed on 24 24 24 : 53.2
Imposed to Rent 43 43 43 : 51

Trade balance.

The export of data can give a reflection on the growth of Italy.Imports provide an indication

of domestic demand. Since foreigners must buy the national currency to pay for the nation's

exports, it can have significant effects on the EUR [CITATION Ita20 \l 3082 ].
Date of publication present precaution previous
18.03.2020 (January) 0,542B 2,813B 5,007B
14.02.2020 (Dec) 5,013B   4,890B
17.01.2020 (Nov) 4,872B   8,057B

Main import and export products

Italy is the 7th largest export economy in the world and the most complex economy according

to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2017, Italy exported $482 Billion and imported

$441 Billion, resulting in a positive trade balance of $40.8 Billion. In 2017 the GDP of Italy

was $1.93 Billion and its GDP per capita was $39.4 Mil.Italy's main exports are mixed or

unmixed products, prepared for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, dosed, Tourism cars,

petroleum oils or bituminous ore, except crude oils, Parties and motor vehicle accessories.

[CITATION IMP19 \l 3082 ]

Doing Bussines


France, officially French Republic, French France or République Française, country of

northwestern Europe. Historically and culturally among the most important nations in the

Western world, France has also played a highly significant role in international affairs, with

former colonies in every corner of the globe.

As of January 1, 2009, 65,073,482 people live in the French Republic. 62,448,977 of these

live in metropolitan France, whereas 2,624,505 live in the French overseas departments and

territories. Approximately 20% of the population of France lives in Paris and the metropolitan

area surrounding Paris.


France has the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal figures and the ninth largest

economy by PPP figures. It has the third-largest economy in Europe with Germany and the

UK in 1st and 2nd. The OECD is headquartered in Paris, the nation's financial capital.

[CITATION Glo \l 3082 ]

Economic indicators

• GDP (US $): $ 2,829 billion (2014)

• GDP growth: 0.2% (2014)

• Composition of GDP: 76.4% services, 18.8% industrial, 1.8% agricultural.

• GDP per capita (US $): 42,733 (2014)

• Unemployment rate: 9.9% (2014)

• Inflation: 0.5% (2014)


France is the 6th largest export economy in the world and the 14th most complex economy

according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). The top exports of France are Planes,

Helicopters, and/or Spacecraft ($48.8B), Packaged Medicaments ($24.6B), Cars ($24.1B),

Vehicle Parts ($18.4B) and Wine ($10.7B), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized

System) classification. Its top imports are Cars ($35.1B), Crude Petroleum ($20.6B), Refined

Petroleum ($16.7B), Aircraft Parts ($15.9B) and Petroleum Gas ($15.3B).


In 2017 France imported $595B, making it the 7th largest importer in the world. During the

last five years the imports of France have decreased at an annualized rate of -1.5%, from

$639B in 2012 to $595B in 2017. The most recent imports are led by Cars which represent

5.9% of the total imports of France, followed by Crude Petroleum, which account for 3.46%.

The top import origins are Germany ($103B), China ($52.9B), Italy ($48B), Belgium-

Luxembourg ($44.6B) and Spain ($40.5B).[CITATION OEC \l 3082 ]

Doing Bussines

[CITATION BAN \l 3082 ]


Spain, also called the Kingdom of Spain, is a transcontinental country, member of the

European Union, constituted in a social and democratic State of law and whose form of

government is the parliamentary monarchy. Its territory, with capital Madrid, is organized

into seventeen autonomous communities, made up of fifty provinces; and two autonomous
cities. It has an extension of 505 370 km², making it the fourth largest country on the

continent, after Russia, Ukraine and France. With an average altitude of 650 meters above sea

level it is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. Its population is 47.100.000

inhabitants (2020), which by the aforementioned resolution amounts to approximately

47.649.000 inhabitants.

Economic indicators

Spain has experienced a recovery in the economic balance in recent years, with an average

growth of 2.8% between 2015 and 2018. For 2019, the IMF estimates growth of 2.2% amid

net exports and private consumption slower. The IMF foresees a further slowdown in the

Spanish economy in 2020 and 2021 (with 1.8% and 1.7% respectively), mainly due to the

instability of the political situation, a further increase in protectionism at the global level and

more investments low domestic demand should continue to be the main driver of growth. The

debt-to-GDP ratio - which is almost three times higher than before the 2008 financial crisis -

fell to 96.4% in 2019, and is expected to drop gradually to 94% in 2021, thanks to growth of

nominal GDP and lower borrowing costs. Private debt and outstanding credit are still at high

levels, but continue to contract. Structural reforms to give greater budgetary and financial

stability to the regions remain areas of increasing importance. Inflation remained at 0.7% in

2019 (it had been 1.7% the previous year, IMF), and it is expected to gradually increase in

2020 and 2021 (1% and 1.4% respectively).[CITATION LaE20 \l 3082 ]

Main economic sectors

Agriculture contributes around 2.8% of Spanish GDP and employs 4% of the labor force

(World Bank, 2019). The country is home to almost a million agricultural and livestock

companies, covering 30 million hectares of land. Spain is the world's largest producer of olive

oil and the world's third largest producer of wine. The country is also one of the largest

producers of oranges and strawberries in the world. The main crops are wheat, sugar beets,
barley, tomatoes, olives, citrus, grapes and cork. Livestock farming is also important,

especially for pigs and cattle.

The industrial sector represents 20% of GDP and employment. Manufacturing is the most

important industry, since it represents around 11% of GDP (World Bank). The industrial

sector is dominated by textiles, industrial food processing, iron and steel, naval machines, and

engineering. New sectors, such as subcontracting for the production of electronic components,

information technology and telecommunications, offer high growth potential.


It is the 16th largest export economy in the world and the 28th most complex economy

according to the Economic Complexity Index (ECI). In 2017, Spain exported $ 296 billion

and imported $ 332 billion, which resulted in a negative trade balance of $ 35.7 billion. In

2017, Spain's GDP was $ 1.31T and its GDP per capita was $ 38k.

Doing Bussines

Spain's main exports are automobiles, refined oil, vehicle parts, packaged medicines and

delivery trucks, using the 1992 revision of the HS Harmonized System classification. Its main

imports are crude oil, automobiles, vehicles, medicines, and petroleum gas. The main export

destinations in Spain are France, Germany, Portugal, Italy and the United Kingdom. The main

import origins are Germany, France, China, Italy and the United States.
Economic Relationships
With a bilateral trade balance of -5,500 M in 2015, Italy is France's 6th largest

trade deficit. France's bilateral trade balance is unbalanced in some key sectors,

such as industrial machinery and textiles. Italy is the 5th investor in France,

behind the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. In

total, some 1,300 subsidiaries of Italian companies are based in France,

Italy employing some 80,000 people.

The bilateral trade balance Spain/Italy, according to data from Spanish source,

has maintained negative balances for Italy in 2018. This deficit stood at EUR

1,648 million (a difference between EUR 21,088 million in local imports of

Italian products and EUR 22,736 million in Spanish exports to the Italian

market), down 10.7% from EUR 1,846 million in 2017[ CITATION Amb18 \l 9226 ].
France and Italy are, for both the other, the 2nd trading partner (with 67,000

million euros of exchanges in 2014). Italy is the first market for sales of French

agri-food products and is one of the privileged outlets for French exports of

mechanical equipment (15.6%) chemicals (14.4%). Foreign direct investment

France (FDI) in Italy comes in much of France [ CITATION Fra16 \l 9226 ].

Spanish exports to France account for more than 15% of the total. Spain is for

France the second trading partner, behind only Germany. Spanish imports from

France account for just over 11% of the total.

Our products most exported to France are automobiles, automotive equipment

and components, foundry products, air navigation equipment, raw materials and
Spain semi-manufactures of plastics, clothing, fuels and lubricants and electrical

material. Import from France focuses on automotive equipment and components,

automobiles, foundry products, plastics and organic chemistry materials and

semi-manufactures [ CITATION CEO17 \l 9226 ].

The main products of the Spanish export to Italy of recent years are automobiles,

olive oil, fashion, plastics, fuels, chemicals, automotive components, foundry

Spain products, pharmaceutical products, seafood, organic chemistry, electrical

material, fish preserves, footwear and minerals.

Cultural, scientific and technical cooperation

French is the second most studied language in Italy after English, although the

Italian education reform, in force since 2010, has made teaching a second foreign

language in the institute optional. In 2009, an agreement was signed on the

double-obtaining of baccalauréat and Esame di Stato, called ESABAC. This

Italy agreement has successfully valued bilingual and bicultural training.

The rich interrelationships Italy-Spain, have been replaced by the gradual

elimination of Italian studies at the various educational levels and by the walks

that from time to time high and official Spanish promens give for Italy, or vice

Franco-Italian cultural relations are ancient and dense. Italy remains a prominent

cultural partner of France with a continuous presence, characterized by the

organization of great seasons in different artistic fields (cinema, dance, theatre,

France music...).

Spanish cinema is well received in art and essay circles, which appreciate

Spanish cinematic creativity. This table would not be complete 1st if

technological and scientific exchanges, which constitute a privileged chapter of

relations between France and Spain, were not mentioned [ CITATION ElP84 \l

9226 ].
The French language in Spain has always occupied a front-row place and with

some concern it is seen disappearing its primacy in favor of English. Faced with

this rise of the English language.

The current situation of teaching Italian language and literature in Spain is of real

Spain hardship, although legally Italian can be chosen as a foreign language, it has only

a minimal presence in some privileged institutes. All this makes the teaching of

Italian in universities vitiated by its poor base and also presents a bleak

panorama, currently there are only two professors of Italian in Spanish

universities[ CITATION ElP83 \l 9226 ].

General Data

Its infrastructure is made up of a railway network that allows it to be interconnected with the

mainland, it also has a road network of 681,224 km. In 2013, the sum of US $ 2,879 million

in FOB value was exported from Colombia, equivalent to 6.9 million tons.

Commercial relation between Colombian and Spain

Latin America has been and is, logically, a political, social and economic priority for Spain.

To continue being necessary, economic and commercial relations with the region as a whole

are necessary. In this sense, Spain works both at European and bilateral level. At the

European level, both the Trade Policy Committee and the regional Committee (COLAC) have

defended the deepening of economic and trade relations with the region. Currently, they have

free trade agreements with Mexico, Chile, Central America, Colombia and Peru (to which

Ecuador will soon join) and is in negotiations with Mercosur (without counting on the

preferential treatment that is given in many countries through the Generalized preferences).
Also from Spain, the modernization of the agreements with Mexico and later with Chile

would be supported. In addition, the EU-CELAC Summits (next 10.6.2015) have been key in

consolidating dialogue and relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean

and will undergo an alternation with the Ibero-American Summits from 2014 (key events in

our bilateral relations).Relations between Spain and Colombia have been reinforced with the

arrival of Iván Duque, who has reiterated his desire to have a privileged relationship with our

country to overcome the lack of legal security for Spanish investments. Consider Spain as the

natural gateway to Europe and the strategic ally before the European institutions.

Taking advantage of the Free Trade Agreement between Colombia and the European Union:

Colombia seeks to comply with sanitary requirements to be able to export non-traditional

agro-food products to Europe. Spain is interested in insisting on the need for Colombia to

comply with what is agreed in the area of public procurement. New Agreement for the

Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of Interests (APPRI): The text of the new agreement

between both countries has already been agreed. Now its internal processing and entry into

force are missing. President Duque underlines this new APPRI as a sign of his commitment to

legal certainty and IDE.

Window Spain: consists of the commitment to establish a mechanism to try to resolve

disputes with Spanish companies in Colombia before reaching litigation or arbitration.

Furthermore, apart from the joint statement, President Duque asked President Sánchez for the

support of Spain in two specific sectors that the Duque government wants to develop:

renewable energy and tourism[ CITATION Ice \l 9226 ].

Main bilateral economic agreements

• Trade agreement between Colombia and the European Union: the Free Trade Agreement

(FTA) between the European Union (EU) and Colombia signed in June 2012 entered into
force on August 1, 2013 with the aim of ending barriers existing for import and export

between both countries.

• APPRI: On March 31, 2005, a Reciprocal Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement

(APPRI) was signed, which expired in 2017, but has an automatic renewal clause. Currently,

the renegotiation process has already started and an agreed text is now available for signature.

• Agreement to avoid double taxation: it was signed on March 31, 2005 in Bogotá and entered

into force on October 22, 2008. An interpretation problem was identified, which is explained

in point 3.3.3.

• ICEX - ProColombia: On September 21, 2015, ICEX and ProColombia signed an agreement

to promote economic cooperation and the development of trade relations between Spain and


• Agreement on the environment: in 2005 the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was

signed between the Ministry of Environment of Spain and the Ministry of Environment,

Housing and Territorial Development of the Republic of Colombia, on initiatives related to

climate change, including Cleaning Mechanism development projects.

• Tourism Agreement: in January 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed

between the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism of Spain and the Ministry of

Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, on cooperation in the field of tourism.

• Cooperation agreement between SMEs: in May 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding

(MOU) was signed between the ICO and the Colombian Foreign Trade Bank (Bancóldex) for

the exchange of information, financing, and support for Spanish and Colombian SMEs. . and

co-financing of investment projects.

• CDTI- INNPULSA: The CDTI and the INNPULSA agency signed in July 2017 a

Memorandum of Understanding that aims to promote technological cooperation between

Spain and Colombia through the joint development of innovative projects involving

companies, cluster, technology centers and other entities from both countries [ CITATION Ice \l

9226 ]..

General Data

It has a modern port infrastructure, in addition to 6,000km of inland waterways, a road

network with 10,950Km of highways and an excellent road network. In 2013, US $ 327.3

million in FOB value was exported from Colombia to France, equivalent to 1.3 million tons.

Commercial relation between Colombia and France

On the occasion of the visit by President Juan Manuel Santos to France, the Ministry of

Commerce, Industry and Tourism took stock of economic relations. According to official

figures, this European country maintains active commercial relations with Colombia, and they

have become a key territory for the development and employment of the local economy.

The head of state will arrive in France on Tuesday in order to have a face-to-face meeting

with the new president, Emmanuel Macron, who has been in power for less than two months.

The idea is to strengthen the existing alliances with this nation and join efforts for the peace

process that Colombia is living, and in which France has supported. In the year of France.

According to figures from the Ministry of Commerce, Colombia exported goods for US $

149.10 million in 2016 to France, which shows an increase of 35% compared to 2015, when

sales to that country were US $ 110.48 million. Between January and March 2017, exports

reached US $ 54.70 million with an increase of 133.9% compared to the same period in 2016.
Colombia currently exports to France coal, coffee and products derived from coffee, oil,

crustaceans, fruit and clothing. Smaller volumes also record medical devices, gold, briefcases

and gelatin businesses. Domestic imports totaled US $ 827.36 million last year.

From January to March 2017, Colombian purchases totaled US $ 231.12 million. The country

imports from France various medicines, machinery and spare parts that include auto parts,

motors, power generators, ovens and centrifuges; makeup, pesticides and medical instruments

and vaccines. Milk creams, liquid pumps, panels, consoles, cabinets, chemicals and cables are

also purchased; but in fewer quantities. With a cumulative of US $ 2,857.6 million, between

1994 and 2016, France is the third in Europe with the largest capital investment in Colombia.

In 2016, according to Balance of Payments figures, direct investment from France amounted

to US $ 200.1 million. Between 2010 and 2017, 39 companies from that nation have invested

in Colombia, generating almost 3,000 jobs. The sector where the most companies have

registered is the information and communications technology services sector with eight,

followed by retail trade with five[CITATION PRO \l 9226 ].

Current trade agreements

The two countries signed in June 2014 an Agreement for the Protection and Reciprocal

Promotion of Investments (APPRI). The treaty establishes international standards such as

non-discrimination between investors, the prohibition of expropriation without adequate and

effective compensation, and the freedom of currency transfers so that entrepreneurs can remit

their profits. This agreement, which does not involve tariff issues, but rather complements the

FTA that Colombia has with the European Union, was approved by the French Legislative,

and entered into force for 10 renewable years.

• Ministry of Development - Ministry of Transport (MOU): In November 2017, on the

occasion of the participation of the Minister of Development in the Congress of Infrastructure

of Cartagena de Indias, both ministries signed an MOU on cooperation in the fields of

infrastructure and the transport[ CITATION Ame17 \l 9226 ]

General Data

It has a modern port infrastructure and road network, with 487,700 km of highways and an

excellent road network. The railway network covers 18,611 km. In 2013, the sum of US $

464.7 million in FOB value, equivalent to 2.1 million tons, was exported from Colombia to


Commercial relation between Colombia and Italy

After his meetings with the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, and the Prime Minister of

that country, Giuseppe Conte, President Iván Duque highlighted the significant increase in

Colombian exports to Italy, as well as the significant investment of that country in Colombia

in sectors such as infrastructure, banking services and the Orange Economy, among others.

• The issue of the evolution of the clearing of double taxation was also addressed, to further

facilitate Italian investment in our country.

In 2015, Italy was ranked as the fifth destination for Colombia's exports to the European

Union, representing 8.2% of the total sold to this block (USD 490.3 million) and, in turn, it

was our fourth largest supplier of merchandise in the European Union, representing 9.9% of

the total imported (USD 823.6 million)[ CITATION Pre18 \l 9226 ].

The products we sell to Italy are highly representative merchandise within the Colombian

economy, concentrated in: oil (25.7%), coal (25.3%), bananas (24.2%), coffee (15.7%) , and

in smaller proportions hides and skins (7.5%). For its part, the main products that we buy
from Italy are: medicines (9.6%), machines and apparatus for moving, leveling, trailing

(3.8%), machines and apparatus for washing, cleaning or drying (2, 5%).

Colombia's trade balance with Italy has traditionally been negative for Colombia, according to

our DANE statistics office. However, in 2014, the trade surplus balance stood at USD 24.0

million, due to higher sales of our oil, contrasting with the previous two years, when its

amount was close to the USD 500 million deficit. However, in 2015 the deficit was USD

296.2 million. On the other hand, in terms of tourism, Italy ranked fourth in the European

block by number of visitors to Colombia in 2014, representing 8.9% of total visitors to the

European Union. The figures show that 28,154 tourists from Italy visited our country in 2014,

with an increase of 23.8% compared to 2013, and in 2015 33,364 Italian tourists visited us.

Colombia will continue working to deepen its economic-commercial relations with Italy and

with each of the member states of the European Union. There are many potentials that

Colombia has to conduct business and to invest, for which we present the following

documents where you can find useful information for entrepreneurs interested in investing in

Colombia[ CITATION Emb \l 9226 ].


Ambasciata d'Italia Madrid. (2018). Obtenido de

America Economia. (20 de 06 de 2017). Obtenido de


CEOE. (14 de 02 de 2017). Obtenido de

Doing Business. (2020). Obtenido de Banco Mundial:

El Pais. (04 de 11 de 1983). Obtenido de

El Pais. (12 de 01 de 1984). Obtenido de

Embajada Italia. (s.f.). Obtenido de

France Diplomatie. (07 de 04 de 2016). Obtenido de


France-Importe and Exporter. (2020). Obtenido de OEC:

Icex. (s.f.). Obtenido de


Importer and Exporter Italia. (2020). Obtenido de OEC:

Información general de Italia. (2019). Obtenido de Viajar a Italia:

Italia - Indicadores Economicos. (20 de Marzo de 2020). Obtenido de Economics, Trading:

Italia Balanza comercial. (18 de 03 de 2020). Obtenido de
Italia Indicadores Economicos. (20 de Marzo de 2020). Obtenido de Economics, Trading:

Italia, c. c. (s.f.). cultura comercial y de negocios de Italia. Obtenido de

Presidencia. (22 de 10 de 2018). Obtenido de

Procolombia. (s.f.). Obtenido de


Tenders, G. (2020). Economy of France and Bussines Opportunities. Obtenido de GlobalTenders:

Union Europea. (07 de Febrero de 2020). Obtenido de La Economia:


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