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ABRSM Grade 1 Scale and Arpeggio Game.

Equipment: Guitar and Dice.

How to Play: 1. Roll a Dice, and then what ever number the dice lands on is
the number of spaces you move along the board, EG. The dice lands on 1, yu
then move one space!
2. IF you come across a ladder, you must do the scale or arpeggio, correctly
on the way up and the way down to pass up the ladder, if you don’t get it
correct on the way up and the way down, then you cant go up the ladder ;(,
pay attention to the articulation! If it asks for Tirando (free stroke), then play
Tirando, and if it asks for Apoyando (rest stroke), then play Apoyando!
3. if you come across a snake, then you need to go the scale on the way
up( and way down to stay safe! If you make a mistake on the scale or
arpeggio, then you need to go down the snake! ;( pay attention to the
articulation! If it asks for Tirando (free stroke), then play Tirando, and if it
asks for Apoyando (rest stroke), then play Apoyando!
4. When you reach the end of the board you win!

E minor
E Harmonic
(thumb only)

G Major,
G Major

F Major,
G Major,

F Major,
A Minor Harmonic
(thumb Only)

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