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2.1 Cagayan State University- Carig Campus

Among all public buildings, on account of their educational purpose, school buildings

have a major social responsibility. Therefore, energy performance in this type of buildings are of

great importance and are greatly used. (Pererira, et. al., 2014)

Cagayan State University- Carig Campus, is located on 19.8 hectares land area which

houses seven colleges offering 24 undergraduate programs in the arts, agriculture, natural

sciences and technology. It has several breakthroughs to infrastructure development and

continues to build more state-of-the-art laboratories and classrooms (, 2016).

CSU- Carig Campus is still growing as also its energy consumption annually…

2.2 Energy Management

“In the existing power utility set up, energy consumption information is presented only

once a month. The length of time between updates about power usage is far too long to observe a

changed behavior’s effect on power usage” (Srividyadevi, et al., 2013). With energy usage being

a big part of the university’s expenditures, the researchers are determined to increase awareness

to energy conservation and on the potential reduction of energy demand through energy saving

activities. Other than awareness campaign and energy saving competition, a development of real

time energy monitoring system is proposed.

“Real time energy monitoring system has been evaluated as one of the next-generation

energy solutions. Several experiments had been conducted that proved the system could reduce

the entire energy consumptions up to 10-30%.” (Dahlan N.Y., et al., 2016). Hence, creating

more awareness about energy consumption would reduce energy costs as well as conserve

energy. (McNally C., 2010).

2.3 Data Logger

Data loggers are battery-operated, stand-alone measurement tools containing a

microcontroller, memory, and sensors for measuring and recording one or more variables over

time. For this project, electrical parameters such as voltage, current, apparent, real and reactive

power, energy usage and power factor will be logged and stored in a local SD card. Data logger

will be used to assess the Cagayan State University- Carig Campus’ performance to better

understand energy consumption and manage demand. The researchers will develop a device that

allows three phase measurement of energy use in CSU- Carig Campus in real time basis. The

device is capable to transmit data at set time interval using USB module, and in LCD display.

2.4 . Energy Metering

Electricity is an integral part of our lives and is directly linked to all areas of indoor

human activity. In order to achieve good management of household electricity consumption, it is

first necessary to make a correct and detailed measurement of it. Based on that aspect, this paper

utilizes Arduino-based Data logger to monitor and record the energy consumption of Cagayan

State University-Carig Campus. The measurements are saved and analyzed in order to gain a

perspective of energy consumption patterns. The results could be use by current and future users
as a guide to shift electricity behavior towards energy saving and create new standardized

profiles regarding demand response management to achieve energy efficiency.

2.5 . Power Measurement Unit

a. Apparent Power

Apparent power (S) is the voltage of an AC system multiplied by all the current that

flows into it. It can be computed as the product of RMS voltage and RMS current, as

shown in Eq. 1 and is expressed in units of volt-amperes (VA).

b. Real Power

Is the capacity of the circuit for performing work at a time. This can only be

calculated by measuring voltage and current simultaneously and multiplying them and

averaging over time (Gunawan TS., et al., 2018).

c. Reactive Power

Reactive Power (Q) is the imaginary or complex power in the capacitive or

inductive load. Reactive power represents an energy exchange between the power source

and the reactive loads where not net power is gained or lost. It is stored in and discharged

by inductive motors, transformers, solenoid and capacitors (Engineering ToolBox, 2005).

d. Power Factor

Power factor (pf) is a measurement of how efficiently electrical power is consumed

(Tinytag, 2020). It is calculated as the ratio between Real Power to Apparent Power. It
refers to the ability of the electrical systems on the installation to convert electrical

current into useful workload such as heat, rotation, or light.

Real Power (W ) P
pf =cos θ=¿ = ¿
Apparent Power(VA ) S

The pf value is ranging from 0 to 1 which represents the load characteristics,

including resistive, inductive, or capacitive. Maximum power transfer happens if the

power factor equals to 1 (cos𝜃=0). If the current leads voltage by -90 o phase, the load is

purely capacitive. While if the current lags voltage by 90o phase, the load is purely

inductive. If the power factor is poor, the load will drive more current, which means more

energy lost in the electrical distribution system. Most of the load in the electrical system

is having inductive characteristic (Gunawan TS., et al., 2018).

Although many researches have been conducted on the power meter, but little

research has focused on the power factor. Therefore, one of the objectives of this research

is to develop a device that is capable of power factor metering.

Low power factors are not desirable. If a load has a low power factor, more current

must be supplied by the utility company than is needed. This means heavier equipment,

inefficient use of energy and adding to the cost electricity. Organization with poor power

factor are likely to be charged of premium for power by the utility company.

Therefore, organizations with a low PF may well be wasting both energy and

money; when it falls below a set figure, electricity companies will have to supply extra

apparent power to make up for the loss caused of power factor. They will often apply an
additional charge to the real power being consumed or the whole supply may be charged

as apparent power.

In addition to saving energy and reducing costs, as the power factor of a system is

improved, the release of electrical capacity means that the total current flow will be

reduced. This permits additional loads to be added and served by an existing system. In

making an assessments of overall energy efficiency, it is important to use an energy data

logger that records only single and three phase power usage, but also power factor.

The ability to measure PF in a facility will indicate how effectively electrical power

is being used. This will enable corrective measures to be introduced which can target the

inductive reactive currents, counteract the inductive element of the load and increase

electrical efficiency to nearer the ideal target of 1.00 power factor. Power factors can be

corrected/improved by the installation of newer equipment including dedicated integrated

circuits or installing specialist equipment.

Some low-end instruments only measure current and then assume that the voltage is

fixed. They also assume that the power factor is 1.00, as they are not connecting to the

voltage and comparing its timing with the current flow. Therefore, this can present a very

inaccurate picture of actual electricity usage. To present an accurate measurement of

power usage, it is important to choose an energy logger that measures both voltage and

current usage and correlates the timing between the two measure the power factor

(Tinytag, 2020).

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