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Implications of a Biphasic Two-Compartment Model of

Constant Flow Ventilation for the Clinical Setting

John R. Hotchkiss, Jr., Philip S. Crooke, Alexander B. Adams, and John J. Marini

Purpose: To investigate the theoretical effects of chang- sensitive to such changes. Compartmental ventilation
ing frequency (f), duty cycle (D), or end-inspiratory was much less uniform than compartmental peak
pause length on the distribution of ventilation and pressure. Ventilation could not be made entirely uni-
compartmental pressure in a heterogeneous, two com- form by changes of f, D, or pause within the usual
partment pulmonary model inflated by constant flow. clinical range.
Methods: Differential equations governing compart- Conclusions: In a linear, two compartment model of
mental volume changes were derived and solved. the respiratory system, disparity of compartmental
Validation was conducted in a mechanical lung ana- end-expiratory pressures is the primary mechanism by
logue with two mechanically independent compart- which changes off, D, or pause alter the distribution of
ments. Model predictions were then generated over ventilation during inflation with constant flow. Ventila-
wide ranges of 5, D, or end-inspiratory pause. tion is less evenly distributed than peak alveolar
Results: Disparity of compartmental end-expiratory pressure, and there are limits to the beneficial effects
pressure was identified as the primary mechanism by on the distribution of ventilation to be gained from
which changes in f, D, or pause alter the distribution of manipulations of machine settings.
ventilation. Distribution of peak pressures was less Copyright o 1994 by W.B. Saunders Company

HE DISEASED LUNG is both anatomi-

T cally and functionally heterogeneous, of-
ten comprised of gas exchanging units that can
regional differences in auto-positive end-expira-
tory pressure (auto-PEEP) may also influence
the partitioning of ventilation and peak pres-
be classified into distinct subtypes.19J2~32~44
Me- sure in response to a common central airway
chanical heterogeneity may characterize even pressure.
those conditions that appear symmetrical on a Many elegant and useful mathematical mod-
routine frontal radiograph, such as acute lung els have been developed to characterize respira-
injury.22,23 In a heterogeneous lung, regional tory system behavior. 2-4,7,9,13,21,25,28,35,36,40,49 How-
pressures and ventilatory kinetics may be more ever, relatively few have simultaneously
relevant to gas exchange and the risk of baro- considered parallel two-compartment systems,
trauma than is the common pressure profile addressed the frequent disparity between inspi-
applied to the airway opening.20,22T32The impor- ratory and expiratory resistances,“J8 and al-
tance of controlling alveolar pressure has be- lowed for the possibility of dynamic hyperinfla-
come clear as the full range and prevalence of tion while focusing on the overall changes in the
barotrauma have been brought to attention. distribution of ventilation and peak pressure
There has also been increasing awareness of that result from common clinical manipulations
the untoward effects of dynamic hyperinflation, of ventilator settings. In the current work, we
which can increase mean alveolar pressure, developed a two-compartment linear model for
impede central venous return, increase the respiratory system behavior in response to con-
work of breathing, and limit ventilation in pres- stant flow ventilation (CFV), which incorpo-
sure-assisted breathing.31,39 As will be shown, rates all of these features. Our findings empha-
size the central importance of regional
differences in auto-PEEP to the partitioning of
From the Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, ventilation between compartments, an empha-
St Paul, Minnesota; and the Depamnent of Mathematics,
sis on the expiratory phase suggested by the
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
Received November 9, 1993; accepted January 16, 1994. earlier work of Connors et all7
Supported by grant no. MOl-RROO40, National Center for
Research Resources, General Clinical Research Centers Pro- MATERIALS AND METHODS
gram; SCOR grant no. 1~50 HL 501.52-01, National Heart,
Dejinitions and Assumptions
Lung and Blood Institute; and The Ramsey Foundation.
Address reprint requests to John J. Marini, MD, Pulmonary The system modeled has two compartments (designated 1
and Critical Care Medicine, St Paul Ramsey Medical Center, and 2), each characterized by its own compliance, inspira-
640 Jackson St, St Paul, Minnesota 55101-2595. tory resistance, and expiratory resistance. These parallel
Copyright o 1994 by W.B. Saunders Company compartments connect at a branch point to a common
0883-9441/94/0902-0005$05.00/0 airway, which itself has independent inspiratory (RIG) and

114 JournalofCrificalCare, Vol9,No 2 (JuneL1994: pp 114-123


Effect of end-inspiratov (protoexpiratory) pause. During

an end-inspiratory pause, the system is closed, and gas will
flow from the higher pressure compartment to the lower
pressure compartment (pendelluft). During this pause, the
appropriate flow equations are

%(t) = ArV,(t) + BrVJt)

dt (t) = - T(t) (4)

Here AP and Bp are constants that are functions of

compartmental resistance and compliance, which differ
from their counterparts in equation I. Equations 3 and 4
may be solved to yield expressions for compartmental
Fig 1. Schematic diagram of the modeled system. Abbrevia- volume as a function of time.
tions: R,c, Rsc = inspiratory and expiratory resistance of the
Linking the phases of the ventilatoty cycle. We used an
common airway; R,,, Rs, = inspiratory and expiratory resis-
iterative method to link the inspiratory, pause, and expira-
tances of compartment 1; RQ, Rsr = inspiratory and expiratory
tory phases of the respiratory cycle. The appropriate inspira-
resistances of compartment 2; C,, C2 = compliances of com-
partments 1 and 2; V,(t), V,(t) = instantaneous volumes of tory, pause, and expiratory equations for each phase were
compartments 1 and 2; P.(t) = instantaneous branch point sequentially and cyclically applied, starting from initial
airway pressure; VsET = set inspiratory flow. dV/dt for com- compartmental volumes above elastic equilibrium position
partment Ci = (PB(t)V,(t)/CJ/R,, where Ri = R,i if compart- (FRC) of zero. The compartmental volumes predicted at
ment is filling and Ri = Rs, if compartment is emptying. the end of each phase were used as the initial volumes for
the subsequent phase, and the process was terminated when
stable values were obtained for end-expiratory and end-
expiratoty (Rnc) resistances (Fig 1). Resistances and compli- inspiratory compartmental volumes. This approach allowed
antes are assumed constant, and compartmental interaction outcome variables to be expressed purely as functions of
ta,kes place solely at the branch point. Inspiratory flow inspiratoty resistance (RI), expiratory resistance (Rn). com-
(Vsrr) is an ideal square waveform, and expiration is pliance (C), and the clinician-controlled inputs: frequency
assumed to be passive. (f), duty cycle (D), and VW.

Model Derivation Validation of the Mathematical Model

Inspirafion und expiration. Under these assumptions, To test the validity of our model, we compared its
instantaneous compartmental inspiratoty or expiratory flow predictions to pressure measurements obtained in a two-
is determined by compartmental inspiratory or expiratory compartment mechanical analogue of the respiratory sys-
resistance and the difference between compartmental pres- tem (TTL model 1600; Michigan Instruments, Grand Rap-
sure and the pressure at the branch point (compartmental ids, MI) subjected to constant flow ventilation at a variety of
driving pressure). With these characteristics, instantaneous flow rates (14 to 88 L/min), frequencies (10 to 30 cycles/
flows in compartments one and two (dV,/dt and dVI/dt) min), and tidal volumes (0.84 to 1.06 L). Fixed orifice
can be shown to be resistors were used to simulate the central airway and
compartmental resistances. Compartmental compliance val-
dV1 ues were set by adjusting tensions within the spring-loaded
dt (t) = AV,(t) + BV,(t) + K,
bellows chambers. No extrinsic PEEP was applied. Using
dVz lumped, measured values for resistance and compliance as
dt (t) = GV,(t) + HVz(t) + Kz inputs to the model, predicted and measured end-inspira-
tory and end-expiratory pressures were compared for (1)
where A, B, G, and H are constants determined by compart- inspiration alone; (2) expiration alone: and (3) the total
mental resistance and compliance, which differ for inspira- respiratory cycle (Fig 2). Good correlations were observed
tion, expiration without pendelluft, and expiration with in each, indicating that the model faithfully reproduces the
pendelluft. Under constant flow conditions, it can be shown behavior of a linear. two-compartment system.
mathematically that pendelluft will not occur during passive
inspiration. K1 and Kz are functions of Vsnr and resistance Predictions of the Model for Selected
during inspiration; during expiration they are functions of
applied PEEP and resistance. The rate of volume change of
Clinical Conditions
either compartment is directly affected by the volume of its We present predictions of model behavior over ranges of
companion compartment. An increase in companion com- f, D, and pause for two configurations, each composed of a
partment volume will increase compartmental inspiratoiy “normal” compartment and a “pathological” compartment
flow and decrease compartmental expiratory flow by elevat- that displays obstructive or restrictive characteristics. Resis-
ing branch point pressure. Equations 1 and 2 may be solved tances are expressed as cm HzO/L/s and compliances as
to yield compartmental volumes as functions of time. L/cm HlO. In these simulations, Rtc = 5. Rr(, = 5, and the

z 25-
3 20 -
L .
E 15-
=I IO-

1 5-

1. I * I * I- 1-t * I, I I I , , 7, I 8, I I, I

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Predicted Pressure (cmH,O) Predicted Pressure kmH,Ol

Fig 2. Scatter plots of predicted v measured end-inspiratory and end-expiretory compartmental pressures obtained in validation
experiments. (A) The inspiratory (A) and expiratory (m) phases are considered in isolation. (6) The total respiratory cycle is
considered. For inspiration alone: Ppred = 0.96 Pmeas + 0.74; n = 48, r = .99. For expiration alone: Ppred = 1.01 Pmeas + 0.74;
n = 72, r = .98. For inspiration and expiration combined: Ppred = 1.08 Pmeas + 0.82; n = 96.r = .86.

normal compartment (always designated as compartment little affected by either flow rate or A AP; the
one) was assigned Rrr = 2, Rar = 3, and Cr = 0.05. The only significant effect for either variable oc-
obstructed compartment was given the values Rr2 = 15,
Rm = 35, and Cz = ,035, whereas the restricted compart- curred for PpRversus flow rate in the obstructive
ment was assigned Rrz = 3, Rm = 5, and Cz = ,015. To setting in which increasing flow rates increased
elucidate the interaction between the inspiratory and expira- the PpR (A AP = 0).
tory phases of CFV in distributing flow and pressure, we
investigated both the isolated inspiratory phase and bipha-
sic ventilation for each configuration. In isolated inspira- Predictions for Total Ventilatory Cycle
tion, either flow rate and the absolute difference in auto-
PEEP between compartments (A AP) were specified, or A Obstruction. The duty-cycle (flow) and fre-
AP was set at zero and flow rate was varied. Two outcome quency-dependent behaviors of the biphasic
variables were examined: (1) the compartmental tidal vol- obstructive configuration (incorporating the ex-
ume ratio (Vra), defined as the quotient of the tidal volume piratory phase) are shown in Fig 4. The most
of compartment 1 (the normal compartment) by the tidal
volume of compartment 2 (the abnormal compartment); notable features are the existence, within the
and (2) the peak alveolar pressure ratio (Pra), defined as clinical range, of an optimal duty-cycle for
the quotient of the end-inspiratory (peak) pressure in minimizing Vra and a frequency associated with
compartment 1 (normal) by the end-inspiratory pressure in a peak in Pra. The value of D associated with
compartment 2 (abnormal). Vra tracks the distribution of
ventilation, with a value of unity representing uniform the VrR minimum depends on the disparity
ventilation and values higher or lower than unity indicating between RI2 and R,,; as the ratio R,JR,, ap-
nonuniform ventilation. Pra tracks the distribution of peak proaches unity, the nadir moves to lower values
alveolar pressure; again, values deviating from unity indi- of D. Vr, then increases monotonically as D is
cate nonuniformity. increased. In contrast, as RI2 approaches RI,,
RESULTS the PpR peak moves to higher frequencies (data
not shown). Also, the general behavior and
Predictions for Isolated Inspiration shape of the curves obtained by increasing fre-
In isolated inspiration, Vra was strikingly quency (and V,), at a fixed VT or by increasing
affected by clinically relevant levels of A AP, frequency with VE held constant are identical;
with increasing levels of auto-PEEP in the long however, absolute values for pressure and venti-
expiratory time constant compartment widen- lation are higher in the former case (data not
ing the disparity of ventilatory distribution in shown). Finally, in this linear model, peak
the obstructive setting and narrowing it in the compartmental pressure is higher in the normal
restrictive setting (Fig 3). The effects of isolated compartment, which also receives a greater
changes in flow rate were much smaller. PpRwas fraction of Vr.

Fig 3. Model predictions for ;

effects of compartmental auto- t
PEEP disparity (A AP, upper pan-
els) and flow rate (V,.,, lower o
panels) on VTR and Prs ratios dur- 0 1 a 12 (6
ing isolated inspiration. Vrs = A Auto-PEEP lcmH,Ol
Ratio of tidal volume of normal
to abnormal compartment. Pps = 3.5
Ratio of peak pressure of normal
to abnormal compartment. In the 3.0
upper two panels, VT = 1.28 I, -E
V,, = 0.853 lsec-‘, and A AP is z 2.5
imposed by arbitrarily increasing .E
the auto-PEEP of the obstructed = 1.0
compartment in the obstructive 5
configuration or of the normal ‘.r
compartment in the restrictive
configuration. In the lower two ‘J
panels, VT = 1.28 L, and there is
no auto-PEEP disparity.

Restriction. The duty cycle and frequency- little effect on the location of this peak, due
dependent behaviors of the restrictive biphasic largely to the low values chosen for these
configuration are converse to those of its obstruc- resistances (data not shown). As in the obstruc-
tive counterpart (Fig 5). In this case, there is a tive simulation, curve form was unchanged
local maximum for VrR within the usual clinical whether V-r was held cpnstant as frequency was
range of duty cycle. This reflects the increasing increased (increasing V,) or decreased to main-
influence of A AP (increasing auto-PEEP in the tain VE constant. In this model, fractional venti-
normal compartment) as the duty cycle extends. lation is greater in the normal compartment,
Variations in the Ri2/Rn ratio have relatively whereas peak pressures are higher in the abnor-

Fig 4. Model predictions in

the obstructive configuration.
Both phases of the respiratory
cycle interact. In the upper two
panels, VT = 1.28 L, 1= 20/min,
and pause = 0.1 (10%) or 0.2
(20%) of total cycle time. In the
lower two panels, VT = 1.28 L,
D = 0.2, 0.4, or 0.8, and pause =
0.1 or 0.2 of total cycle time.

Fig 5. Model predictions in

the restrictive configuration. Both
phases of the respiratory cycle
interact. In the upper panels,
VT = 1.28 L, f= 20/min, and
pause = 0.1 or 0.2 of total cycle
time. In the lower two panels,
VT = 1.28 L, D = 0.2, 0.5, or 0.8,
and pause = 0.1 or 0.2 of total
Frqqwney Imln-‘I Fraquwocy (mid’1 cycle time.

ma1 compartment, again, unlike the obstructive plex, because the effect of A AP on PpR is not
case. nearly as dominant as it is for VTR. In both
restrictive and obstructive conditions, there is a
DISCUSSION much greater disparity in compartmental venti-
Disparity in the values of compartmental lation than in compartmental pressure, with the
end-expiratory pressure (auto-PEEP) results in normal compartment receiving the greater frac-
differences in compartmental driving pressures tion of total ventilation. This disparity of ventila-
and emerges as the major mechanism by which tion cannot be entirely eliminated by manipula-
changes in f, D, or pause alter the distribution tions off, D, or pause, suggesting a limit to the
of ventilation in a given configuration. The potential benefits obtainable by such ventilator
direct effect of the inspiratory flow rate (inde- changes within the usual clinical range.
pendent of its effect on A AP) is much less The current model differs from its predeces-
significant. Notably, VrR is more sensitive to sors in important ways. Numerous previous
either A AP or flow rate than is PPR.The effect models have focused on inspiratory1-3,“,8,14,16,24,4’
of an auto-PEEP disparity is similar in both or expiratoxy5J5 events in isolation. Those that
restrictive and obstructive conditions, in that a have explicitly considered a biphasic respiratory
widening A AP increases the relative ventilation cycle have generally assumed sinusoidal inputs
of the compartment with the shorter expiratory with equal inspiratory and expiratory compart-
time constant. However, the clinical implica- mental resistances.10~25~37 These approaches have
tions of an increasing A AP are quite different proved fruitful in analyzing the frequency-
for the two impedance configurations; increas- dependence of respiratory system compliance,
ing A AP increases the relative ventilation of the as well as in determining the inspiratory distribu-
abnormal compartment in the restrictive set- tion of flow in the absence of regional air
ting, whereas it further decreases the relative trapping. However, the possibility of dynamic
ventilation of the abnormal compartment in the hyperinflation has largely been ignored in such
obstructive setting. analyses. By considering the interaction of inspi-
The effects of common clinical manipulations ratory and expiratory phase events, not assum-
of f, D, or pause on VrR are those expected ing equal inspiratory and expiratory resistances,
from their effects on expiratory time and, hence, and modeling constant flow ventilation, the
on compartmental auto-PEEP. The behavior of current model describes the distributions of
PpR in response to these changes is more com- tidal volume and peak pressure as functions of

clinician-controlled variables. It also identifies pendent compartments, any of which may de-
disparity of compartmental end-expiratory pres- part from linear behavior. The rigorous
sures as the primary determinant of ventilator-y quantification of such nonlinearities would re-
distribution. quire either invasive measurement of pressure
Because the current model does not assume in multiple alveolar compartments or the use of
elastic equilibrium before inspiration, its inspi- a complex nonlinear model and empirically
ratory equations differ somewhat from those of estimated system parameters before prediction
the model effectively used in vivo by oth- of system behavior. Both approaches may be
ers.1.7~rhJ8,4rNonetheless, our predictions for problematic in the clinical setting. Accordingly,
isolated inspiration are comparable when simi- to approach the question of clinical relevance of
lar values of resistance and compliance are used the linear model, we addressed the qualitative
in the isolated inspiratory equations (in both, effects of several physiologically plausible depar-
higher inspiratory flow rates increase the rela- tures from purely linear, independent, two-
tive filling of the shorter time constant compart- compartment behavior on the predictions of
ment). Predictive differences between the bipha- this model. We reasoned that if the inclusion of
sic distributions of ventilation considered by such effects does not alter the qualitative predic-
this model and those of the isolated inspiratory tions of the model, their presence in the clinical
model of Bake et al,’ Connolly et al,lh and setting should not severely compromise the
Pedley et al”s arise predominantly from the validity of our qualitative conclusions.
effects of A AP on the distribution of inspiratory Extension to multiple compartments. The
flow. Finally, the current model differs from independent two-compartment configuration we
that of Barbini,4 in that it is described by a modeled is undoubtedly a gross oversimplifica-
unified and well-characterized system of linear tion of the multiple interactive compartments of
differential equations and considers much wider the diseased lung. However, the expiratory data
input ranges. Although both models predict of Bates et al5 and Chelucci et alI5 and the
similar behavior over low frequencies and short inspiratory data of Bake et al’ and Connolly et
duty cycles, Barbini confined his attention to an all6 suggest that such a representation may still
f of 10 cycles/min and a duty cycle range of 0.25 have clinical relevance. Furthermore, the ef-
to 0.40.4 Consequently, the importance of re- fects of branch point pressure on expiratory
gional auto-PEEP effects was not illustrated in flow and of auto-PEEP on inspiratory flow are
that work. similar in any parallel array. Even ignoring
other types of compartmental interaction, a
Critique and Limitations of the Current Model larger number of parallel compartments theo-
In the interpretation of our predictions, it retically leads to greater interaction through the
must be borne in mind that we make no assump- branch point during expiration, with subsequent
tions regarding the relative capacities of the two reduction of A AP, a finding recently noted
compartments being compared. Therefore, val- empirically in a four-compartment mechanical
ues for resistance and compliance may reflect model by Kirmse et a1.l’ In a sense, then, a
differences in compartmental size as well as two-compartment system highlights the com-
intrinsic impedance. Consequently, if compart- mon principles of multicompartmental mechan-
mental compliance were reduced because of ics; the extent to which these principles remain
smaller capacity (rather than by an increase of of major significance as the number of compart-
tissue elastance), receiving less ventilation might ments is increased remains uncertain.
be physiologically appropriate. Parenchymal interaction. The assumption
Perhaps the most serious criticism of this that compartments interact only through the
model is that it has not been validated in vivo. branch point is also open to question, especially
Our validation in the mechanical analogue indi- in conditions in which similar pathology is
cates that the model accurately predicts the widely distributed, eg, diffuse pulmonary edema
behavior of a linear system composed of two or asthma. Parenchymal interaction between a
isolated compartments; in contrast, the dis- given compartment and neighboring compart-
eased lung may be composed of many interde- ments could either decrease or increase the

effective compliance of the compartment under Viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior. The
consideration. The strength and nature of such independent two-compartment model also does
interactions may vary widely and unpredictably not address viscoelastic or viscoplastic behavior,
between patients, because they depend on indi- topics that have been explored by others.6J9a45-47
vidual geometry and tissue characteristics. Viscoelastance implies stress relaxation and
In other unpublished work, we have investi- time-dependent compliance, complicating sys-
gated the theoretical effects of such interactions tem behavior, especially in the setting of resis-
using a mathematical model in which compart- tive heterogeneity. An adequate treatment of
mental elastance is a function of companion this intriguing problem is beyond the scope of
compartment volume. Figure 6 illustrates predic- this paper.
tions obtained in the obstructed configuration Nonlinear resistances and compliances. Fur-
when compartmental elastance is assumed to be ther concern may arise regarding the assump-
an increasing or decreasing linear function of tion of constant values for resistance and compli-
the absolute or fractional volume of the compan- ance over a range of tidal volumes and flows.
ion compartment. The qualitative features of For certain global outcomes, such as tidal vol-
the V,, curve observed in the independent, ume and average peak and end-expiratory alveo-
two-compartment, linear model were well pre- lar pressures, “lumped” impedance parameters
served. The form of the PpR curve was also yield quite acceptable predictions, even in clearly
relatively well maintained, except at very high nonlinear systems. l2 Furthermore, the work of
levels of compartmental interaction (effect of Bake, Rossi, Shardonofsky, and their respective
companion compartment volume five times that colleagues suggests that constancy of imped-
of intrinsic elastance), where it was shifted ance parameters characterizing the overall sys-
downward and flattened. Numerous other types tem behavior may often be a reasonable initial
and degrees of nonlinear interaction yielded assumption in the clinical setting, especially
similar data when tested in both obstructive and during constant inspiratory flow.‘,41343Our initial
restrictive configurations. Therefore, tractive or investigations of a two-compartment model in-
compressive parenchymal interaction does not corporating volume and flow dependent resis-
appear to invalidate the qualitative predictions tances, as well as volume dependent elastances,
of the linear model. suggest that the qualitative forms of the PpR and

Fig 6. Nonlinear model pre-

dictions in the presence of paren-
chymal interaction between com-
partments. Abbreviations: &, =
compartmental elastance when
companion compartment volume
(above FRC) is 0; V,,= compart-
mental volume above FRC; Vs =
companion compartment volume
above FRC; y = arbitrary con-
stant. Compartmental values for
E,, and resistance are the same as
used in the obstructive configura-
tion of the linear model. Curve 2
represents tractive compartmen-
tal interaction (etastance de-
creases as companion compett-
ment volume increases). Curves
3 to 5 represent compressive
compartmental interaction (elas-
tance increases as companion
compartment volume increases).

VrK curves are preserved. The results obtained compliances were varied over two orders-of-
with simple forms of such functional depen- magnitude (preserving their relative values) or
dence (linear variation of elastance with volume REC was varied from 5 to 20 cm H20/L/s, the
and variation of resistance either with V4’” or shapes of the Vra and Ppa curves were largely
exponentially with flow) are depicted for the preserved, although the locations and values of
obstructive configuration in Fig 7 (to emphasize maxima and minima were somewhat shifted.
volume dependence of resistance, we tested These findings suggest that the underlying prin-
V”!-’ so as to reflect only the change in radius ciples of auto-PEEP disparity and branch-point
expected for a cylinder embedded in a sphere, interaction are quite robust, affecting the distri-
ignoring the counterbalancing effect of cylinder bution of pressure and ventilation over a wide
elongation or shortening). The illustration rep- range of conditions.
resents the maximal theoretical effect in this
geometry. Similar preservation of curve form Clinical Implications
was seen in the restrictive setting, as well as with In unilateral pneumonitis, pulmonary contu-
different functional forms of impedance nonlin- sion, or single lung transplantation for restric-
earity and higher degrees of dependence on tive lung disease, the pulmonary system is com-
volume and flow. As the exact functional forms prised of a low-compliance restricted lung and a
and the magnitude of the effects will vary from relatively normal lung. Accordingly, maneuvers
patient to patient and are quite difficult to that shorten expiratory time would theoretically
assess in the routine clinical setting, we feel that be expected to increase the ventilation and
the purely linear model offers the advantage of mean alveolar pressure of the diseased lung, at
simplicity while still adequately predicting the the expense of increased effective deadspace in
qualitative effects of changes in f, D, or pause. the normal compartment. This may or may not
Finally, there may be some reservation regard- improve shunt, depending on the extent to
ing the specific values chosen for the system’s which perfusion of the more compliant normal
resistances and compliances. The values we lung decreases as a consequence of increasing
assumed for total respiratory system compli- auto-PEEP and mean alveolar pressure.
ance and resistance are well within the clinical In single-lung transplantation for obstructive
range.- 34 When compartmental resistances and lung disease or with an obstructing lesion of a

Fig 7. Nonlinear model pre-

dictions for volume or flow de-
pendent resistances and volume
dependent elastances. Abbrevia-
tions: V = compartmental vol-
ume above FRC; dV/dt = abso-
lute value of compartmental
flow; RI, = resistance at flow of
1.0 L/s (curve 3) or resistance at
FRC (curve 4); E. = elastance at
FRC. Compartmental values for
R. and Es are the same as used in
the obstructive configuration of
the linear model.

mainstem bronchus, the pulmonary system has We have developed a biphasic linear model of
an obstructed compartment in parallel with a the distribution of ventilation and alveolar pres-
relatively normal compartment. Our model pre- sure resulting from constant inspiratory flow
dicts that extending the duty cycle or adding an applied to a heterogeneous two-compartment
end-inspiratory pause would decrease the venti- system. Validation was conducted in a mechani-
lation to the obstructed lung. Such an associa- cal lung analogue. Our analysis highlights the
tion between shortened expiratory time and importance of regional differences of auto-
increased graft ventilation is consistent with PEEP in determining the uniformity of the
several reports in the literature.23,26~30~48 If in- distribution of ventilation and indicates that the
creased ventilation of the native (or obstructed) compartmental disparity in ventilation exceeds
lung is desired in the immediate postoperative
that in peak pressure. Furthermore, there ap-
setting, short-duty cycles and no pause would be
pear to be limits to the effects that changes in
clinically accessible inputs can have in render-
To the extent that the pulmonary system in
acute lung injury, chronic airflow obstruction, or ing ventilation more uniform. The qualitative
acute asthmatic crisis may be treated as a implications of these results persist despite a
composite of two compartments (diseased and number of physiologically plausible departures
relatively normal subunits), the implications of from linearity. Although consistent with anec-
the model may apply to these conditions as well. dotal reports from such settings as unilateral
In the case of acute lung injury, the use of lung transplantation, the clinical implications of
extended duty cycles or an end-inspiratory pause these predictions have yet to be rigorously
may increase the relative ventilation and auto- evaluated in biological systems. Moreover, the
PEEP of the diseased compartments, poten- desirability of resolving or accentuating nonuni-
tially improving shunt and recruiting alveoli formity may well vary with the specific clinical
(although at the cost of increased effective dead situation. Nonetheless, this simplified model
space in the normal compartment). In chronic facilitates conceptual understanding and may
airflow obstruction or acute asthmatic crisis, the well prove useful in a variety of educational,
use of short-duty cycles and high-inspiratory scientific, and clinical settings.
flows would theoretically improve the distribu-
tion of ventilation, as has been observed clini-
cally.” However, these manipulations may be ACKNOWLEDGMENT
associated with marked elevations in peak air- The authors thank Theodore W. Marcy for his thoughtful
way pressure, a consequence not addressed in review of the manuscript and Nancy A. Florian for her
this discussion. expert secretarial assistance.

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