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FULL NAME (‫)نبأ صادق ناجي شعالن‬





 This assignment is worth 30% of the final exam i.e. 15 marks.
 Late submission without valid extenuating circumstances will not be
accepted. A piece of work is regarded as late if it is not submitted by
15/7/2020 for the assessment in question.
 Non-submission of work will result in a mark of zero.
 The report should be word processed and professionally produced.
Submission via the University of Kufa Moodle is required for this
 All information and quotations obtained from primary and secondary
sources should be acknowledged. Plagiarism or any form of cheating will
NOT be tolerated.


:The topics
1.Th Consonants of English
The Vowels of English .2
The organs of speech .3
Place of Articulation .4
Manner of Articulation .5
Consonant Sequences .6
Write a report about one of the above topics, taking into consideration -
:the following instructions
.The report must be between 1000-1500 words .1
2. It should briefly describe the content of the topic and cover the main
points of it.
3.Avoid any detail or discussion not in the scope of your subject.
5. Remember that your report should provide the reader with a clear and
helpful overview of the content of your topic.
in this report , we will learn about the consonant equences .. and
The types of the consonant sequences

: Introduction

some language have many consonant sequences and speaker of

these languages will now now not have any difficulty in
pronouncing most of the English ones however other languages
do no longer have sequences of consonant at all or only very few
and short. and audio system of these languages in which two
consonant are normally separated by using way of a vowel can
.also have hassle in stinging

Consonant sequence is a combination of two or increased stops

and nasals consonant the consonant sequences are which are
very prevalent while fricatives, affricates nasals, lateral, trill,
and semi-vowels occupy the 2nd people of the same. Sometimes
fricative, lateral, and trill in addition act as first member. Hence
the reverse order can additionally be seen

he mutual combinability of the consonant-phonemes is lots

extra constrained than that of the vowel-phonemes with some
consonants fully a few combos occur, whereas others, e.g. m and
appear to have extra possibilities concerning the occurrence or
non-occurrence of consonant sequences there are completely
three broadly standard rules, making use of to all consonants
. these guidelines are

a consonant-sequence can in no way be word-final -1

sequences of increased than three consonants do not occur the -2

solely exception is hngr
A- sequence of two equal consonants does no longer occur
consequently in all polymorphematic words, in which such a
sequence must be anticipated on account of the constituent
. morphemes, completely one consonant is observed

Problems with consonant sequence

cream, song -1

next, text, world, fields, pledged, fifths, strengths -2

texts, plunged, top student, lengthy street, subsequent saturday -3

student strike, blended sweets

twelfth street, fenced square -4

subsequent strike, she tempts strangers -5

In Arabic any preliminary consonant have to be followed through

using a vowel

In Arabic no more than two consonant sequence (English, next)

: Types of consonant sequences

First - Initial consonant

Two consonants in the beginning -1

A_ In stay, sky and secret agent the quit cuts off the
/sp/,/st/,/sk/,/sf/,/sm/,/sn/,/sl/,/sw/,/sj/ e.g fricative snack ,
slow , sway , sue . spherical , smoke
In pray, play, climb the 2d is totally shaped while the first is
nonetheless being mentioned

in three the tongue glides from one role to the other

preliminary consonants (s {k,p,t} {r,l,w,j}) second cuts off the first

second is being and the 1/3 is completely original whilst the
. advised

B_ One of the /p/ , /t/ , /k/ , /b/ , /d/ , /g/ , /f/ , / ʃ/ , / Ө / , /v/
//m//n/h/ followed by one /l/ , /r/ , /w/, /j

this is list about type (B)

p/ followed by /l/, /r/, j/ , e.x( play) ,( pray) ,(pure) /

t/ followed by /r/ , /w/, / j/ e.x (try) ,( twice) ,(tune) /

k/ followed by /l/ , /r/ , /w/ , /j/ e.x (climb),(cry) ,(quite),(cure) /

b/ followed by /l/ , /r/, /j/ e.x (blow) ,(bread),(beauty) /

d/ followed by /r/, /w/ , /j/ e.x (dress),(dwell ),(duty) /

g/ followed by /l/, /r/ e.x (glass),(green) /

f/ followed by /l/ , /r/, /j/ e.x (fly), (from) ,(few) /

Ө/ followed by /r/, /w/ e.x (throw),(thwart) /

ʃ/ followed by /r/ e.x (shriek),(shrink) /

v/ followed by /j/ e.x (view) /

m/ followed by /j/ e.x (music) /

h/ followed by /j/ e.x ( huge) /

Three consonant at the beginning -2

these are /spr, str, spj, stj, skj, spl, skw/ and are combination of
the /sp/ sort of sequences and the /pr/type the /s/at the lead off
is decrease off by way of the following stop and in the course of
the give up the following consonant is totally geared up e.x
(spread) _ (skewer) _ (screw)

Second : Final sequences

sequences of consonant at the cease of phrase are extra one of

kind than at the beginning mainaly due to the truth /s/ or/z/have
to be add to most nouns to grant plural sorts . e.x cats, dogs and
/t/or /d/ have to be added to most verbs to from their previous
tense. e.x raised, risked

stop+stop : when one end consonant is without delay -1

accompanied by every other as in kept and act. the closure of the
speech organs for the second consonant is made while the closure
for the first consonant is still in function e.x ( lecture , fact )
stop+nasal : when /t/ or /d/ are accompanied through using a -2
syllabic /n/ as in button ans backyard the explosion of the cease
takes location by means of the nostril this nasal explosion takes
location in this way the vocal organs form /t/ or /d/ in the
ordinary way with the sift palate raised to shut off the nasal
cavity and the tongue_tip on the alveolar ridge on the other hand
as an choice of taking the tongue_tip away from the alveolar ridge
to give the explosion we go away it in the equal role and lower the
gentle palate so that the breath explodes out of the nostril as a
substitute than outof the mouth . e.x (pardon , hidden)

t/ , /d/+/l/ : /t/or/d/ are made with the tongue_tip in the /-3

alveolar ridge and the facets of the tongue firmly touching the
sides of the palate /l/ is made with the tongue_tip touching the
alveolar ridge however the sides of tongue away from the facets
of the palate so that the breath passes out laterally the simplest
way to go from /t/, /d/ to /l/ is to go away the tongue_tip on the
alveolar ridge and solely lower the facets and thet is what we do it
is referred to as lateral explosion . e.x (battle , muddle)

consonant+/s,z,t,d/ : because of the way in which reular plurals -4

are shaped in english there are very many sequences of a
consonant accompanied by way of /s/ or /z/ such as lips, birds
ect.. and due to the truth of the way in which normal previous
tenses are formed there are moreover many sequences of loved
consonant accompanied via way of /t/ or /d/ such as kissed ect ..
e.x (songs , jops)

consonant+/Ө/ : e.x (eighth , health) -5

l/+consonant : e.x (milk , shelf , welsh) /-6

nasal+consonant : e.x (want , revenge , jump -7 (

Third : longer sequences

in phrases one phrase might also provide up with a consonant

sequences and the subsequent phrase may also also start with
one so that longer sequences pretty in many instances occur.. as
constantly there is a smooth passage from every consinant to the
subsequent with no hole if you have masteredy the preliminary
and final sequences. the only task will be to pass by thru without
difficulty from the closing consonant of the closing sequence with
no vowel or interval between

three consonant : e.x (best man , thank you , help me) -1 .

four consonant : e.x (next Sunday , good student , strange -2 (


five consonant : e.x (milk's free , bent spring , mixed sweets) -3

six consonant : e.x (next spring , i helped stuart , hinged screen) -4

seven consonant : e.x ( the text's stupid , she tempts strangers) -5

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