Light On The Path To Spiritual Perfection - Book 3 - Del Sole, Ray

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Table of Contents

Light on the Path to Perfection Book 3

Spiritual Topics
Basic Literature
Spiritual Places
Breaking Karma - Healing Fate
The Revelation of the Akasha Principle and Its Consequences
The Placebo Effect or How Subconsciousness Works
Spiritual Articles - Nita Hickok / William Mistele
Three Steps in the Mystical Development - Clean, Heal, Hallow (Elaborate/Unite)
Christmas - Blessing Time
What Are The Wonders Of Magic?
Duality - Light and Darkness, Two Principles, One Choice
Ego - The Divine Child In Comparison With the So Called Inner Child
About Healing
Criticism about Bardon
Rising Of the Shakti
The 3 Poles in Spiritual Development
Out of Body Experiences
Healing, Analogies of Body and Spheres
Add-On about Karma
Spiritual Techniques
The Use of The Chakras for the Magical Training by Bardon
Silence of thoughts/mind:
Concentration on the crown chakra:
Concentration on the Ajna chakra:
Concentration on the Heart chakra:
Concentration on the Solar plexus chakra:
Concentration on the Hand and foot chakras:
Nita Hickok - Solving Obstacles on the Path
Introspection - Dealing With Negative Characteristics
Health - Problems with the Atlas
Healing With Thoughts
Magical Self-Defense - Introduction
"Normal" Magical Self-Defense - Building a Magical Shield
Quabbalah - The Beauty of the Cosmic Language
Questions and Answers
Q: Patterns, Karma
Q: About Polarities, - Light In Darkness
Q: Differences of Energies
Q: About Mutyas from the Philippines
Q: About Nita’s Problems Solvers Alphabet
Q: About Nita’s Problems Solvers Alphabet II
Q: About Unity
Q: About Transferring Energy
Q: Contacting Spirits
Q: Spiritual Experiences and the Intellectual Language
Light on the Path

to Spiritual Perfection
Book III
Ray del Sole
This book deals with a variety of spiritual topics, techniques and experiences for real seekers. It
is a collection of extracts of my work in my spiritual study group.
Light on the Path
to Spiritual Perfection
Book III

Copyright © by Ray del Sole, 2010

ISBN: 978-1-4478-5715-0
All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without permission in writing from the
author, except for brief passages in connection with a review.

Art work: Copyright © by Ray del Sole, 2010

Front cover: Photo: Paul P., „Bark at the Moon…“, CC-Lizenz (BY 2.0)
Back cover: Photo: Bonsai, „Nur ein Sonnenuntergang“, CC-Lizenz (BY 2.0)

Please regard that you take the responsibility for all exercises, experiments and advices you do
or follow in this book. All warnings of spiritual teachers, especially by Franz Bardon, Indian
Yogis and me should be taken serious. Spiritual training is an art and science and not
something to play with or for curiosity. Spiritual development takes years, whole life times,
many incarnations indeed. As you are an eternal being you have time enough to proceed step
by step keeping the balance in all aspects.

To become a master of magic also means to become a real master of life, indeed magic is the
science for successful living, to experience life in its full abundance and beauty.

Ray del Sole

I dedicate this book in deep love and adoration to our divine mother who gives birth to

Ray del Sole

Spiritual Topics
Basic Literature
Franz Bardon, Swami Vivekananda, Choa Kok Sui, Yogiraji Boris Sacharow
Spiritual Places
Essay: As you know there is nothing dead in the whole universe. Everything is alive. Energies
are flowing everywhere. On the surface of our earth you can find a lot of different energies
floating in lines or appearing like walls or like springs or whirls or points or whatever. You can
find objects on the surface which accumulate energies or spread them. The energies of the
earth are running in a big metabolism. So there are places with positive life-giving energies and
there are places with destructive death-bringing energies. In former times people had
cemeteries on negative places because the destructive energy helped to disintegrate the dead.
But they never built their houses in negative places - bad illness would have been the result. In
these wiser times people located places of positive energies - high quality and quantity of
spiritual energy - and they built there temples to serve the Gods and of course for initiation.
The strong spiritual energies (positive energies) have the advantage that every kind of prayer,
ritual or meditation or magical technique is much easier, more powerful than somewhere else.
The place with its energies works as an accelerator for every spiritual purpose. Everywhere you
can find very old and holy places full of spiritual powers. If you go there you can feel the high
energy lifting you up, supporting you in your spiritual development, healing and cleaning you,
awakening you and helping you when you make rituals, do magical techniques, meditate or
pray. It is a great thing.

In Great Britain and in France you can find old stone circles with the powers of the cosmic
letters - used for rituals and initiations. Places where old temples were built a long time ago are
often replaced by churches or cathedrals. The energies are still there and sometimes they are in
good shape because initiates had cared for them.

So I can recommend everyone to make a visit to those places and to experience the great
powers which are still there. It is good when you have developed chakras of heart and crown so
you can receive the high energies much better.


I have visited some days ago a Hindu temple. There I could feel the Hindu paradise - the
spiritual place where Hindus are going after death. It feels great - it is full of legends, Gods and

I will probably make a visit to this paradise - it is totally different to other spiritual traditions.
More exciting and full of wonders.
Breaking Karma - Healing Fate
Summary: Some words about the unholy side of karma and how to cope with it.

Essay: As you know, karma is the law of cause and consequence. If you set a cause an analogue
consequence will follow. This consequence is at the same time a new cause for following
consequences. Causes and consequences are an endless chain of action and reaction. The law
of karma can be found on every plane and level of our universe - mental karma - the
consequences of thinking, astral karma - the consequences of feeling and physical karma - the
consequences of acting/ behavior.

It is not always obvious but positive, constructive behavior in the mind of God and creation
shows good fruits, benefits and divine blessings, also help from above, and negative,
destructive behavior in a selfish unlawful way against the wealth of creation brings bad fruits,
disharmony and so on. A problem is that good things need in most cases much time and effort
- long term orientation and negative things are really quick with short term fruits and bad long
term consequences. So bad things are much easier to do. In all cases you have to take
responsibility for your creations / behavior even though you might think that is not true. Really
"bad guys" are often punished with really bad diseases - and nothing will help. But often they
do not understand the connection between unlawful behavior and disease and they still think
that no one calls them to account for.

The problem of karma is that negative behavior provokes negative behavior in return. This can
build up to a vicious circle of destruction. There are several examples worldwide where you can
watch this. One example is the vendetta in Albania where people murder each other over
generations because someone has killed another one hundred years ago for a reason no one
remembers. Totally crazy but nothing helps. This was a big example but there are so many
small examples - conflicts in the neighborhood lasting for a lifetime because of some
misunderstandings in the beginning, conflicts in partnership and so on.

In the Old Testament of the bible there is a saying or law which says that you should do the
same bad things to the one who has done it to you - kill for a kill, eye for an eye and so on. This
reflects in a way the law of karma and this interpretation of karma causes the destructive
vicious circles - this is unholy.

In opposition Jesus says in the New Testament that someone who is beaten on his cheek
should present the other cheek to be beaten again. (I can´t express it better - sorry - language
problems!) And this is the main point. Jesus says that you shouldn´t follow the old law - eye for
an eye but to break the unholy vicious circle. This means that it is wise to break the chain of
karma, to refuse the destructive consequences although it would be lawful regarding the law of
karma. In other words by forgiveness you stop the unholy consequences of karma, the never
ending vicious circle of violence.
Why it is possible to stop this karma circle? It is possible because of the laws of divine love and
grace. These laws are higher than the laws of karma. Forgiveness is powerful.

All the masters who incarnate down below in this physical world even though they don´t need
to at all, they come in the name of the all-embracing divine love. They are agents of divine
mercy and grace. They are here to break the unholy chains of karma and to help mankind. They
have to intervene to correct the human development.

The chains of karma mean fate in the end. If you are able to control your karma, to set
knowingly causes with positive intentions, to refuse from destructive behavior although you
might have the right to do so, then you will steer your fate in a positive direction, then you will
be master of your fate and not a passive cue ball of the forces of fate.

Back to Jesus. To present also the other cheek means that by this behavior the aggressor is
flabbergasted and irritated - because he does not expect something like that. He wants to be
beaten so that he can beat back again - the circle of violence! Maybe the aggressor starts
thinking when something like this happens to him to change his behavior - think of Mahatma
Ghandi and his nonviolent liberation of India. That´s the power of nonviolence!

One important aspect is that you open up for negative influences by showing destructive
behavior (negative thoughts, feelings, action).

This is not good for your health and for your development. You have to clean yourself from
these things.

A last thing - what I said before doesn´t mean that you have to take all aggressions with a smile
in your face saying thank you for beating me up. Everyone should take care about a good
defense system to protect himself and his beloved ones. Defense is your right - this refers also
to the law of karma. If someone attacks you, you have the right to stop him. It is just a question
how clever and wise you do it. Very clever is to become potentially dangerous like for example
Shaolin monks. No one would ever be so stupid to touch them. Because these Kung Fu monks
are so potentially dangerous they never have to fight or to harm someone. Another way is to
keep things secret like Bardon tells us to do. If the Christian martyrs have kept their belief as
secrets they wouldn´t have been killed. Magical shields are another good way. About this topic
I write later.

So, if you are wise, with an opened heart, you will make peace with all these people and
circumstances which caused you pain. Forgive them all; bless them with insight and love. They
all need healing and they only act aggressively because they miss divine love and light.

There are so many undeveloped, unaware victims of vicious karma circles - it is sad!

Assist with breaking the unholy karma chains of violence and negativity.

And become untouchable for negative influences! It is the best protection.

May divine love protect your ways!

May divine wisdom enlighten your behavior!

May divine love heal all your wounds and give you the power to forgive!

May God bless you all, my dear fellows!

Love and light,

The Revelation of the Akasha Principle and Its Consequences
Reference: Bardon´s predictions in his books, own studies of the things which are going on in
the world

Summary: The world is going through deep changes. What does it mean for the spiritual

Essay: This topic is not easy to describe but it is very important to understand and to draw the
right consequences. We live in a very special time. Things which were common and legal for
several thousand years have changed completely. Human development is increasing
dramatically. Decisions with long term consequences have to be made.

But let´s start somewhere from the beginning. Once there was a time where human beings
were really integrated in the whole universe - they were receptive and alive on the higher
planes, they communicated with Gods and higher beings, they lived in a magical world and this
state was totally normal. Everything was clear and right. Magic and magical rituals belonged to
everyday life. Normal craftsmen were initiated into their special powers/ abilities and magical
techniques. A lot of different castes of priests cultivated the communication with all kinds of
Gods and Goddesses. Magic was in the air. Nature was alive. Magic was used for everything.
They didn´t need industry or special machines. They did nearly everything through magical
implementations and handwork. The human beings and the entire nature were more astral
than today. In this time most of the humans were sleepers - dreaming their lives. Only a few
were really awake with full consciousness - these were the magicians and the high priests.

These were days as we humans love to live - being at home in nature and universe, talking to
gods and nature, mysteries and wonders everywhere, knowing the Divine Providence, doing
magical things - a life full of magic and adventures.

Then something bad happened. The earth with its nature and the human race fell into matter.
Magic did not function any more as they were accustomed to. The perception of the higher
worlds vanished. There was no possibility to talk to nature any more. The Gods were out of
sight. Life was not really alive any more. The integration was lost. The human race was isolated
in the material world. Only a few things could be rescued - some pieces of the old knowledge.
Magic had to be fully reconstructed. The human race had to cope with these new circumstances
of life.

From this point - the fall into matter - everything went down step by step through thousands of
years. Mankind entrapped itself deeper and deeper in the material world - so far that most of
them didn´t believe in God or higher realms any more. Religion became corrupt. Priest didn´t
serve any more but were looking for wealth and power. There were only a few real initiates
and rightful people who carried the divine light and love in the world. With the fall into matter
the human race also fell into duality, into the twilight, into the choice between light and
darkness. These new circumstances were the impulsion for mankind to develop themselves
from sleepers to full incarnated - full aware - people taking responsibility for their lives. In this
way the fall into matter was necessary for the development of the human race.

This is more or less a very short description of some main points of human history. We
have reached now the deepest point of falling into matter - just have a look on our societies,
on our scientists, on our politicians, economics and the priests of our religions. There is not
only duality to be discovered but even more darkness and unholy intentions. So many bad
things have happened in the last some hundred years. So many people have suffered badly.
The Indian wisdom says that we live now in the Kali Yuga - the darkest age - the Iron Age - the
age of war, egoism, the addiction to total power and world control, the age of materialism and

The principle of darkness and its worshippers have increased dramatically. Main positions
of power and control in society are occupied by the dark brotherhood and there are bad things
to be expected from them.

Fortunately there is a law in the universe that says that there has to be a kind of dynamic
balance of the powers of light and darkness. This means when darkness is increasing light will
increase too. In the last thousands of years the influence of darkness was not so strong - it was
in a way restricted to special times, cultures or areas in the world. So light was also not so
strong or necessary. In this long period of time the knowledge of magic and the higher worlds
was kept secret and aspirants for priesthood had to manage very hard tryouts to be initiated.
Only the best ones were chosen for initiations into the highest knowledge. The mysteries were
totally kept secret and death had hit the ones which betrayed. So it was like winning the full
sum in lotto to be worthy for initiation in the old times and to survive the trials.

As you can see for yourself these very hard times are gone. The holiest knowledge is revealed in
our days - all techniques of every kind of spiritual tradition. Everyone is able to initiate himself.
No one has to go through life-threatening trials. No one is killed for speaking about mysteries.
Everyone can study everything. Everyone can develop himself to the maximum. And why are all
these secret things are revealed in our days? Because an immense power of light is intervening
to support mankind in its darkest days. This is a very clear sign for the situation we are in. The
agents of Divine Providence from all spiritual traditions are working to enlighten and to
strengthen mankind to manage the menacing darkness. Old masters have incarnated to reveal
the holy secrets, to teach and to help and there are so many great masters who help from
higher realms. This is a great lightful movement.

The menace of the worshippers of darkness will increase. So normal people or better said
everyone has to make the decision which principle he wants to follow - the light one or the
dark one. Until these days people were in most cases grey - not light not dark but it is time to
decide for one principle with 100%. Darkness is the slavery of matter with some kings ruling
over the unfree masses of servants. Technology is their god and their magic. There is no real life
in it. Light is our true nature and we are children of the universe and it is our destination to
reunite with the divine source and to share a great life in the higher realms with all our
brothers and sisters in a great alive nature worshipping the One in happiness like in the old

So my beloved brothers and sisters don´t let yourself be grabbed by the dark side through
stupid seductions - become 100% light and receive the full support of God and the agents of
love and grace!

There are powerful movements of the light forces and a lot of divine things are going on. Some
movements I will present here. You probably know some others too.

A very powerful divine movement is the circle of friends of Bruno Groening http://www.bruno- Bruno Groening was a master who healed hundreds of people after the second
world war in Germany with divine power. He implemented meetings where people are able to
receive divine energy for healing on all planes. He reconnected people to the divine source.
These people are protected by God and they receive guidance and power for all tasks. Every
religion is welcome in this circle. Gröning is a great master with high abilities working in the
name of love and grace. His movement which he controls and supports from above is growing
worldwide. As I said already he reconnects human beings to God and this is healing everything.
This is absolutely divine work.

In Germany there are also movements which cultivate alternative knowledge, better ways for
society, economics and so on. These are movements for holistic thinking and acting. One is
called "Netzwerk Ganzheitlichkeit" and it will grow step by step in the whole world - - . Another one is "Neue Impulse" http://www.neue- . If you are interested to support these movements in your own countries you can
make a contact to these people.

Another aspect of these changing times is that a lot of knowledge is available in form of books
and internet groups. The nature of the dark forces and their plans and ways of acting are
revealed and everyone who is interested can read about it. People have to open their eyes to
see what is going on: It is important to wipe the rest of sleep out of the eyes and to fill a
position. Someone is a victim only as long as he allows the aggressor to plague him.

Spiritual support is also given by William Mistele, Nita Hickok, me and a lot of other people
who are on their way. We are here to help each other and everyone is asked to help and to

Nita Hickok has developed a great healing system - the problem solvers alphabet - which is a
real gift to all genuine students to accelerate their development and to heal beloved ones.
(Details in a later essay). This system will have great consequences for this

world and the suffering people. It is just in its beginning phase. In former days her revelation
was completely unthinkable. Today it is reality!

Another healing system with really good consequences worldwide is Pranic Healing by Choa Kok
Sui. He teaches it for free in Third World countries so that people there can help themselves
without high costs for medicine.

So you can see that a lot of good - lightful - divine things are going on here. We receive a lot of
support from above and we are a great brotherhood of servants of the Divine Providence.

This is what Bardon predicted - the revelation of the Akasha Principle. It means that the divine
principles of harmony and light are incarnating to heal the world, to help mankind, to lift us
all in our development! This is great and there is a lot to do for us!
The Placebo Effect or How Subconsciousness Works
Summary: Why do placebos work, about the good sides and the bad sides of this effect,
and the technique behind it.

Essay: I think that everyone has heard before of the so called "placebo effect". In short form - a
doctor gives his patient a sugar pill and tells him that this is a powerful medicine. The patient
takes it and heals from his sickness. So this is a great thing - a sugar pill costs not much and the
patient is healed. This could be a kind of revolution in medicine and it also asks many
questions about the "help" of real medicaments - do they work because there are active agents
inside or do they work because it is just the placebo effect. To speak for myself I find it really
funny and totally stupid how doctors or health professionals react on the placebo effect - they
don´t realize its potential but they laugh about it how stupid the patients are to take sugar pills
for real medicine. But this is the world we are living in and I am not astonished at all.

Back to the main question - how does it work when there are no active agents inside?

This is really interesting to observe. It is nothing else than a magical process. It is all we need to
realize a wish - the program/ order/ wish itself and the belief in it and for sure the
subconsciousness to bring it into life. Let´s observe it at an example. The sick person is coming
to a doctor and tells him about the sickness. The doctor takes a sugar pill and tells the patient
how this pill works - he gives a program to the patient and the patient receives it in his
subconsciousness „This pill dissolves your headaches. You will feel well immediately." This is an
order as we know it from Bardon´s teachings about autosuggestion. Now the aspect of belief
comes into play - the patient has got the pill from a doctor - a doctor is a full respected person
in society and the belief in his words is 100% - "What the doctor says is always true!" So we
have the program, the belief and the programmed subconsciousness which immediately starts
to work when the patient takes the pill. The program or suggestion is realized and the
headaches are gone. The subconsciousness produces the necessary energies to dissolve the

This is magical suggestion in everyday life. You can find it everywhere. It is the same when
adults tell children "You are able to do this or that." or "You are too stupid to become a
good....." What does it mean? Everyone and especially magical trained persons can and do
influence other people with their suggestions, their words. So it is really important what you
say to others - if you strengthen them or if you put them down. Remember your childhood or
what you experience in everyday life. I find it often terrible what I have to see and hear and I
use my words and suggestions to build people up. It is good to help and it is great to see how it
helps - smiling, happy faces!

A lot of things happen by this way of suggestion and autosuggestion. People do not need much
energy to place their thoughts or programs into someone’s mind. If this someone has not a
strong will and personality then his subconsciousness will realize this program equal if it is
good or bad or true or a lie. A strong will is a good protection against unwanted suggestions
from others.

Take good care of the things which are tried to be placed into your mind! Think of TV,
advertising, media, internet, family, friends and newspapers etc.

And be aware of the things which you set into the subconsciousness of other persons. Be a
blessing for the ones who are in need to build up and stabilize their personalities. Give
everyone helpful encouraging and positive suggestions.

God will bless you for all the good things you are doing!

PS: By the way - you can use this technique also for yourself - it is somewhere a technique of
Eucharist - to impregnate food with a wish (or higher qualities and forces).
Spiritual Articles - Nita Hickok / William Mistele
Dear fellows,

you can find really good articles about magic and spirituality written by Nita and Bill under the
following links:

They are highly recommendable to increase your magical knowledge and your understanding of
the world we are living in.
Three Steps in the Mystical Development - Clean, Heal, Hallow
Reference: Bardon´s teachings, old saying of the mystics

Summary: Three main steps in spiritual development and what they mean.

Essay: The old mystics had a great saying about the spiritual path which was really short and
included the main steps of development. In German language they said: "Reinigen, heilen,
heiligen!" This means in English: "Clean, heal, hallow!"

Every spiritual student has to clean and to heal himself completely. Then he is mature to
elaborate his personality to unite with God. These are the mystical aspects of the spiritual
development in the way that mysticism represents the quality side of human development and
magic represents the quantity side, the mastership of the different forces. A real magician is
always a real mystic and a real mystic has to master the forces of creation to unite with the
divine virtues. So mysticism and magic are the two sides of one coin.

Step one - clean yourself!

You have to clean yourself completely.

Clean yourself from negative energies, from negative thoughts, negative feelings, from negative
behavior, negative thought patterns, negative patterns of emotional reaction, negative habits,
energy vampirism, negative links and ties, negative influences of all kind, energy parasites, bad
circumstances in life, blockades and energy knots in your microcosm and so on. Get rid of all
the shit in your life, of everything which blocks you, which hurts you, which makes you suffer.
Get rid of the negative karma. Get rid of bad memories and traumata.

Use the forces of the elements, light, Akasha, the fluids and vital energy to dissolve every kind
of negativism in your microcosm and life. Tell the forces to clean your microcosm of all negative
patterns in thinking, feeling and behaving, to clean your energy system from all the blockades
and energy knots, to remove all bad ties and links, to dissolve bad karma, to dissolve all the
things which block you from a good life and success on your spiritual paths. Use your divine
authority to send all the negativity back to where it comes from. Free yourself from all the
negative influences. Tell them to stop their work and that they have no longer the permission
to harm you. Kick them out of your life.

Step two - heal yourself!

Heal yourself, heal your relationships, heal your past, your present and your future. Heal your
wounds. Heal your connection to God and creation. Heal everything in your life. Heal your soul.

Make peace with yourself, make peace with the ones which hurt you and the ones you have
harmed. Ask God to forgive you all of your faults, ask your victims to forgive you as you forgive
everyone who has harmed you. Do this from the bottom of your heart. Stop the negative circles
of karma. Send love and good wishes to all these people or creatures you have harmed before.
God’s love is divine and everyone makes faults, so if you have learned your lesson God will
forgive you and will bless you with healing. Forgive especially yourself for all the stupid things
you have done in your life. No one is perfect. We are here to learn and to develop ourselves.

Use all magical forces to heal your whole microcosm. Tell the forces to create balance and
harmony in your system. Tell them to heal you wounds and all the pain you had to experience
in life.

Tell God that you are ready to receive all the good things, the blessings and positive - divine
energies and influences which God has reserved for you already. Receive the divine energies to
transform your life, to take part in the wealth and happiness God is offering to you. Start to
blossom in every aspect of you personality. Make good progress in your spiritual development.
Ask God for his guidance and inspiration. Have fun!

Step three - refine yourself!

Now that you are cleaned and healed it is time to cultivate the divine virtues, to unite with
God. The ultimate way to unite with all aspects of God is the mastering of the cosmic language
- the third book of Bardon about the key to the true Quabbalah. These virtues, energies,
qualities, powers, forces are the answer to all desires and needs. They give total fulfillment,
ecstasy and beatitude.

Refinement goes step by step. Good forms of meditation about divine virtues will help a lot
already. These meditations are recommended right from the start of magical studies. The
cosmic language is just the crown of the mystical development.

In conclusion:

Times have changed. Divine love and forgiveness manifest to help us to recover to accelerate
our spiritual progress. Free yourself from negative influences and circumstances. Dissolve
negative karma. Invite the positive, divine forces to fill your life. Ask God for guidance and help.
Receive the divine blessings which are waiting for you. Use your magical abilities for cleaning,
healing and refining. Use also the forces which Nita prepared to improve your life.

In these days of fundamental changes a spiritual student doesn´t have to suffer more than he
wants to. So take the chance to change your life! Grow in your spirituality! Enjoy your life!
Christmas - Blessing Time
Dear fellows,

we have "Christmas time" as you know. This was, is and will be a special time where you can
receive a lot of spiritual energy through your crown chakra. A lot of spiritual light is floating
from above to all those who are open to receive these blessings. So I recommend being open to
feel the light floating into your microcosms to strengthen your spirituality and to improve your
development. Benefit from this divine light! Let yourself be uplifted, cleaned and healed! As it
is said you may ask for the realization of a wish from your heart. It will materialize in the
coming year.
What Are The Wonders Of Magic?
Summary: I answer this question in a dialectical way which differentiates between the
principles of light and darkness.

Essay: You will find the answer in two versions and a conclusion at the end.

Answer - version A (black magician):

The wonders of magic are only experienced by superior, appointed people like me. The first
time I took a look into the mirror I knew that I am something very special and that it was my
fate to rule over all those brainless idiots stucking in their fears, their incompetence and
humanistic world view. I am a born king, good looking, high intelligent, simply much better than
the rest. So what? When I started my career I soon discovered the games of might and magic. I
have read about magical spells, how to punish your enemies, to reach your aims and to gain a
lot of money. This was quite funny and I decided to be a member of a privileged club with like-
minded people. Fast I climbed up the stairs to higher positions and a demon was bind to me to
fulfill my wishes. And guess what happened? I just have to snap with my fingers to get what I
want. A demon is a useful thing. And now have a look on my life and discover the wonders of
magic: I am very rich, I am famous, I party with the prominent people of society, I have a
famous fashion model as my lover and a lot of beautiful girls for my pool-parties, people who
bother me with their existence I tantalize or destroy them completely, others I make to serve
me and to fulfill my wishes. Certainly I have several big houses, big cars and big yachts.
Everything in my life is big and famous. So what? I am a star, an eagle among the pigs. These
are the real wonders of magic - to rule like a king, to make the world yours, to destroy your
enemies and to force the rest to serve you. Life can be fun!

Answer - version B (white, true magician):

The wonders of magic can be experienced by everyone who is honest in his wish to work on his
spiritual, human development. I was born with the mind and attitude of an adult which was
the result of my early death in my last life. So I started to behave like an adult with the
profession of a priest in my earliest ages telling my parents what is right and wrong like if
someone goes to an old priest to ask for help in his decisions. The behavior as a priest was also
a relic of former life times. I just started speaking when I showed this behavior. My parents
found this funny. The mind of an adult and the feeling of a priest doesn´t fit with living in a
body of a child, having to pass the whole phase of growing up. There were some really golden
years for me in my childhood but the rest was deepest darkness and endless pain. I know that
when I was a little boy I looked up to the stars at night and I thought by myself - now I am
caged in this material world, in this material body. In the basic primary school I wished from
the bottom of my heart to gain real wisdom in this life. When I was fifteen years old I started
studying everything to widen my knowledge and understanding of the world. With eighteen I
have passed already the insights of the so called sciences, religions, philosophies and so on and
I knew that there was hidden wisdom to be discovered. In the coming years I studied nearly
everything which was of value to understand human beings and creation. Before I started with
Bardon I reawaked my cosmic consciousness without really knowing what I was doing. I also
had unusual experiences with leaving my body. These all were relicts of former life times. When
I was sixteen I had a pneumonia which damaged several organs and nearly killed me. In my last
life I was killed by such pneumonia, so I started in this life where I had stopped in the last one.
With a damaged health and negative circumstances because of not feeling well down here I had
to fight through my life. To explain it - between this life and my last one I enjoyed heavenly
circumstances in the upper world with divine atmosphere. It is hard to bear to come from
"heaven" down into the darkness of the material world. The atmosphere here makes ill and is

I am older now and several things have changed because of the endless healing work I have
performed for myself but I still have to fight to implement my place in this world. I am a high
qualified architect with additional studies and I still must fight. All these years of immense
suffering and fighting, feeling left alone I was strong in my faith and I prayed every day to God
to thank him for every progress I made. I learned so much by having to cope with all the
problems and obstacles in my life that it is enough for three lifetimes.

So you can understand the real wonders of magic - every step forwards is a wonder for itself. To
keep the faith and loyalty through the worst times of suffering. To stand one fight after the
other - fights without ending. To get up each time you are smashed. These are wonders. And
then there are the wonders of your development and your training - to feel the first time
energy, to be successful in your exercises, to know that you managed one more step on your
spiritual journey, to have the ability to help someone by magic, to meet your spiritual leader,
all these things are real wonders. The greatest wonders are to experience the virtues of God by
using the cosmic language - this means endless joy, deepest knowledge and wisdom, great
powers and initiation into divine mysteries. But as it is said - to know how an apple tastes you
have to eat one by yourself. So it doesn´t help much or is someway impossible to describe
these things in detail.

One really big wonder is the wonder of divine love. When you experience it you know that all
your awakened brothers and sisters are bound and united through the all embracing love of
God. It is really great.


In the first version I give an answer from the view of someone who is dedicated to the principle
of darkness which brings only for a short time dubious joy and satisfaction. The suffering
afterwards will be much greater than this small "joy". This world view misses higher wisdom
and the knowledge of the divine laws.
The second answer had some impressions from my personal life experiences. All this means not
that you have to disclaim things like having money, a big house, a beautiful wife and so on, to
be successful in your spiritual development, but these things are not really important in life. On
the other hand it doesn´t mean that you have to suffer endlessly to be good in your spiritual
development. Everyone has to go his own individual way that fits best for his personality and
the lessons he needs to learn. Why not live on the sunny side of life but don´t forget why you
are here.

By the way all the famous superstars with endless money are somewhere bored because there
are no real challenges in their lives - it is like dreaming and when the dream is over a bad
situation can come across in the next life and what do they do then? Without having improved
their abilities, their knowledge of the laws, without refining their personalities? So I am always
thankful to learn my lessons fast without being punished by fate and to gain real freedom in
the end. It is the freedom in God, knowing how his creation is working, what is wise to do and
to refrain from. Unity is what we are looking for. Only this gives total satisfaction.

So these were some words about this topic. Taste the divine fruits which are waiting for you,
awake in the glory of God, do what you have to do!


I just want to add some real and beautiful examples of these wonders:

1. Spiritual guide

In general I prefer girls which look Italian or French with brown eyes and dark hair. I like this
very much. In some way I also like the opposite - a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair with
perfect face proportions. So I was looking for such a girl and my first girlfriend had blonde hair,
blue eyes and a nearly perfect face (although I normally prefer the girls from the south.) As
normal the partnership ended after a time and I was looking for brown eyes and dark hair girls
again. I didn´t think much of this until I met my spiritual guide. It was a time when I thought I
would be nice to know him and to speak to him. In the evening before laying down for sleep I
prayed to Divine Providence to meet my spiritual guide in my dreams. After some prayers I met
a group of people some men and one female in my dreams. I talked to one of the men and the
others were in front of us walking forwards. I was deep in our conversation when I recognized
that the woman turned her head towards me and gave me a wonderful smile. I was amazed.
The man who talked to me said I should go to her, she is interested in me. Someway I felt out
of the dream and in another dream I met them again. When I did meditation about these
amazing things I suddenly realized what was going on. They were friends, probably also
teachers of me and the girl was my spiritual guide. This girl is really beautiful, blonde-golden
hair, clear blue eyes like the sky, a pure, beautiful soul and a divine warm smile. I knew that we
were companions in the higher worlds like two children playing in the garden of God. This
relation is so pure, divine and high in love that it only can be felt in the higher worlds. So I
knew why I was looking for a blonde girlfriend with blue eyes in the material world - I just was
looking for my beloved spiritual guide/companion from the higher worlds. This was a really
beautiful experience and I am thankful for my beautiful spiritual guide who cares for me from
above and I am thankful for all this loving care from my brothers and sisters high above who
often visit me and help me through this life.

2. The bumble-bee

It was in the summer time when I was sitting in the garden, just watching the flowers, the
butterflies and all the other beautiful things. I recognized a bumble-bee which was flying from
one flower to the other. I connected my consciousness to the bumble-bee and I got the
beautiful impression that the bumble-bee feels real joy every time it lands on a bloom drawing
nectar. It feels like a little explosion of joy when the bumble-bee drinks the precious nectar of
the flowers. It was really nice to be witness of this happening.

3. The sea and the mussel

I like to sit and to walk along the beach with its endless horizon, the salty breeze, the waves
coming in, the blue sky and the sun. I some way I feel at home there. Once I sat on the beach
watching the sea and I recognized a small shell. I connect my consciousness to this shell and I
got a really beautiful impression of the life of the mussel. I saw and felt how this mussel in the
shell was cradled like a baby by his mother to and fro with the surf of the sea. The sea is called
in other languages "mother". You can sense the energies of love and care, and peace and
harmony in the water of the sea. The inhabitants of the sea are embraced by this love of the
water element, the mother. It is beautiful to experience it.

In fact there are uncountable wonders to experience by magical development. Every step
forwards bring new fantastic experiences.

This should be a good motivation to go on and to manage all obstacles on the way.

Ray :-)
Duality - Light and Darkness, Two Principles, One Choice
Summary: Once in the eternal life everyone has to make his decision between light and
darkness. I will show here the consequences of this choice.

Essay: The world we are living in is dualistic. This means that we can sense the principles of
light and darkness in the whole creation. A normal human being is also dualistic - he shows
both - good and bad behavior. For his good behavior he reaps good fruits, good life
circumstances, - for his bad behavior he reaps the bad fruits, pain, illness, harm, bad luck and
so on. So if we watch normal people we can see that they have good moments in life and also
really bad ones.

You know that life doesn´t end with death in the material world. Human beings have eternal
lives. In every incarnation a human being sees himself in duality and experiences the fruits of
his behavior. By these experiences he grows and understands the law of karma. In this
development there comes the point where he has to choose which direction he wants to follow
because dualistic behavior makes no longer sense. He has to choose between the principle of
light and the principle of darkness. This is the point where duality ends forever.

Everyone who is going to develop himself to higher levels has to do this choice. It is like a vow
which has the power to call on the analogue masters, higher beings and forces for help and
guidance. You set the course for your future, for your development, for your future life
circumstances. When you choose the principle of light you call on Divine Providence, the
brothers of light and the holy masters saying (for example) "Here I am, your humble and honest
worshipper of your majesty, oh Divine Providence! I call on you to guide me to real mastership
and self-refinement to unite with you, to embody your Divine Glory and to fulfill your Will. Let
me be your loyal servant. Let me become a brother of light, a real master! This is my heart’s
desire. So be it! Now and forever!" Such a vow is very powerful and it is heard by Divine
Providence, the holy masters, the angels and all your brothers and sisters in light. It sets the
course for you to receive Divine Guidance, Divine Power to manage all obstacles and to be
successful in your training, your spiritual guide will help you and you will meet higher brothers
and sisters who assist you. All your life circumstances will change to serve your spiritual
development in the right way.

If you don´t do something like this nothing really will happen. You keep your dualistic life; the
powers to draw you in the right direction are not awakened. I hope you understand it.

For beginners especially in magic it is not always clear in which direction the development goes.
Magic is somewhere a trap if you think that this is the shortest way to a rich and famous life. In
reality magic is a science bound with mysticism - the quality side. Magic and mysticism are the
highest way for spiritual development.

I want to show the differences of the two principles especially for beginners so that they can
make the right choice. As God gave human beings the freedom of will I respect everyone’s
choice. But have in mind that this group ONLY provides the principle of light as its purpose is to
support everyone in his spiritual development.

The "Beauties" of being a black magician:

your "God" is Satan

you are evil and you are surrounded by evil beings
you are on your own, no friends, no family
no one loves you
everywhere are threads
your fellows have always a knife in their pockets ready to attack you
your master forces you, takes your energy
you fear your master
your soul is always full of anger, hate, rage, fear
you get jobs to destroy peoples life and do bad things
you have a lot of evil beings in your microcosm which are trying to harm you
you know that the time will come when you are not able any more to control you evil beings
you end up in illness, in psychiatry, your health will be completely smashed
in your coming incarnations you are born insane or handicapped, no one will care about you,
you are treated as the last piece of shit
your demons will make you to serve them after death, like a puppet
you are completely dark, no light left
if you have an enlightened moment you pray to God to rescue yourself
your rescue is immense painful and takes endless lifetimes
but this was your choice!

The beauties of being a brother of the light:

Divine Providence, the holy masters, the brothers and sisters of light and the angels love you,
help you, strengthen you and guide you on your way
you are never alone
you are loved and protected
you have real friends, a loving and caring family
Creation loves you
as an agent of Divine love you are highly respected
you do the right things
your life is full of wonders and beauty
you receive joy by helping others
you are thankful for all the powers and abilities God gives you to perform his work
your soul is blessed with harmony, fortune, success, peace and love
you have a fulfilled life
you receive everything you need from the source of all sources
you are happy
your master is your friend bound by the holiest kind of love
your are blossoming
you get to know the whole creation on all planes
your are totally free and you know that it is the best thing to do when you serve the Divine
plan and creation
you are thankful for healing other people and bringing joy and happiness into their lives
in God is everything clear and great
you know and feel that you are a divine being, a son/daughter of God
and this was your choice!

Just abandon negative behavior and cultivate the good things in your life!

It is not always easy but it works and is the right way. We belong to the principle of light as God
is the source where we come from.

I hope you understand. If you want to become rich and famous then be born as a
gangstarapper in the USA, call yourself “50 CENT" and make a lot of money with singing. Don´t
think that magic will do this for you. Magic has higher purposes than these material things.

Ego - The Divine Child In Comparison With the So Called Inner Child
Summary: A short essay about the experience of the two "children" in yourself.

Essay: When I wrote about the chakra system I wrote also about the inner child - the human
ego which can be located in the solar plexus chakra/center. The human ego can be experienced
as a child. In principle we are all children although we maybe are grown up and looking like old
people. The human ego - inner child - is a child of God, the creator. Imagine a spiritual sun -
God and his children - small suns. The refined ego is a small sun like its father. Like the big sun -
the one sun, all its children are "egocentric". So the solar plexus is the center of the microcosm
- its small sun. This ego gives us individuality - identity - personality. It makes it possible to
experience the world/creation as an individual being. So we need an ego to exist and to
interact with other individuals. The problem is that this ego/ child is restricted - limited
knowledge of God and creation, of the laws, also limited in perception, thinking and feeling.
The ego has to fight through the limitations of creation, especially in the material world. It
seems that there is never enough, so that the individual has to work or to fight to satisfy its
needs. In its original nature the ego is good - a child is good. Satisfy the needs of a child, give it
love and care and the child will be happy. That´s it! And that is the same with our egos - inner
children. We have to take care of them. By the way - the ego - inner child is the one which has
to suffer in life, which is sad but which also has fun in life. So take really good care of your ego!
If you don´t care enough of your child, it suffers and maybe gets angry or jealous and then it is
possible that it hurts other egos or that it becomes selfish. This is what we normally know
about "ego". Bad behavior, selfishness is mostly the consequence of a hurt and sad ego/child -
have in mind - the child/ego is restricted in its point of view, in its understanding. For spiritual
students means this that they have to heal their poor and maybe wounded egos to feel as a
happy, powerful child again with much fun experiencing the world. Children are in their original
nature very pure, playful and good and always looking for making new amazing experiences. It
is really advisable to get back to these feelings! So integrate and love your little sun, ego, child
and take good care of it! An integrated ego will shine like the sun - golden and happy. (It is the
worst fault to neglect or hate your ego because of its restrictions or its negative behavior
caused by being hurt. This fault can be seen by many "esoteric" schools/communities. They are
looking, feeling and behaving like they were already dead - no joy is left in their lives. This is
unlawful. So love your ego and show it the right way!)

Let´s come to the divine child. I have experienced it fully some days ago as a side effect of an
exercise with the cosmic letter "Ü" (UE). The center of the divine, macrocosmic child is the heart
chakra (it has to be fully awakened to experience it, respectively you should have mastered UE
to a higher degree). The divine child is in opposite to the human ego completely unrestricted.
There are no limits in any case/direction. It is somehow strange to express - the divine child has
a cosmic nature, it belongs to the macrocosm and therefore it is not really an ego or individual,
it is more a cosmic child, a cosmic feeling, state. It characteristics are beside its unrestricted,
cosmic nature, the pure divine love, happiness and joy. The characteristics of the divine child!
God is sometimes described as a child itself, sometimes in a dream mind state or playing the
creation. Experiencing this divine child is certainly an aim in the spiritual development. When
you watch Buddhistic monks or yogis of the Bhakti-Yoga you can sense this state of feeling like
a happy, loving child. It is beautiful to see those smiling, happy faces expressing so much love,
understanding and care for all creatures. And they are so funny, they like to play, to experience
the world, they are so curious and open for everything - like happy children.

So I like Buddhists very much as I am in my heart a Buddhist too. All-embracing love,

compassion and care are their holy path and so are their ethics - very high ethics. And I say that
every real master has developed this high love inside his soul and only this divine love makes
them coming back to hell (the material world) to help mankind in its suffering. Without this
love every enlightened master would stay in the higher worlds in endless joy and happiness, in
the divine glory. But the all-embracing love and compassion let them bear the greatest
sacrifices to help mankind.

So - let our hearts be filled with unlimited love and thankfulness for our beloved masters who
are making the biggest sacrifices to enlighten us on our way!

Especially our beloved master Franz Bardon did very big sacrifices to teach us through his divine
books. He suffered so much and he served so well God and creation.

May Divine Providence let him know how much we love him and how great our thankfulness is
for teaching us!

My dear brothers and sisters, I wish you all that you heal your wounded egos and make them
happy again, and I wish you all that your heart chakras may flourish, so that the seeds of love
which God planted in our hearts are growing to the highest states of love and compassion.

In love, light and service,

your brother Ray


As a further explanation: The human ego is the sun of the microcosm in analogy to the sun and
its function in the macrocosm. All other planets/spheres can be also found in the microcosm
regarding the law of analogy. So it should be clear that the ego, the sun has to be healed and
integrated in the spiritual practice. A human being, a human microcosm without sun is dead,
dark, without the principle of life! Indeed through spiritual practice the ego receives fulfillment
through the heart chakra and then it gains peace and happiness, - then you become a child
with access to heaven like Jesus said.
About Healing
It sounds trivial but indeed it is very important - if you want to heal yourself successfully then
you have to heal all those you live with - family, beloved ones and so on.

If you have a personal enemy then you have to heal the enemy so that you can find peace and
healing yourself.

This is the principle of love which unites duality - where unity is there can´t be hurting.

Please think about this.

Criticism about Bardon
Dear fellows,

we all know those people who criticize Bardon, who say that Bardon made faults and also
those who think that they have to correct him and to expand his work.

In general scientific work has to be proved. Bardon is no exception. The main point here is that
Bardon´s teachings has to be proved by own practical training, practical experience. There is no
way to prove his teachings just on an intellectual level. And this is the problem of most of these
critics - they neglect to do the training but think that they are able to criticize what they neither
understand nor experience. When you watch these critics then you can sense bigger
disharmonies in their personality, especially problems with their egos. In most cases they are
not able to cope with the idea that there is someone who knows more than they do and has
more skills than they have. Bardon doesn´t fit into their world model. So they search for things
to show their own dominance over him. They try at all costs to defame him. Indeed they only
show how small and impure, selfish and stupid they are – victims of their big egos.

For me it is just a sad and also stupid thing born from bad characteristics and a lack of scientific

Some time ago I read an interview with S. He is one of the critics of Bardon although he admires
him at the same time. As it seems S. did magical training. I can´t say much to this point as I
haven´t read his 10 books about magic so far, I have read only his interview and one book
about astral traveling from him. The point is that S. is celebrated as the successor of Bardon
which is nonsense itself already. S. is the one who says that several names of higher beings in
the evocation book are wrong or must be decoded. He also says that some points regarding
Bardon as a person are not true.

These are nice statements which simply can´t be proved by 99% of all interested people as they
lack of the necessary abilities.

Certainly I am also not perfect but I have made a lot of experiences in magic and from this base
I see things different than others.

In this interview S. expresses himself as a man with good humor, also as a kind of rascal. He is
kidding the interviewer in a nice/friendly way. From his statements I can sense that S. has
studied spiritual things and that he made spiritual training/experiences. Beside this his main
focus is astrology. For his astrological studies he has looked for the corresponding higher
beings, planet spheres to make horoscopes. Bardon presents more higher beings with their
special functions than all people who made horoscopes before. His evocation book is not made
for astrology itself. So this is one major mistake to look for astrological names in his evocation
book. (Bardon stated also that it is not right to compare astrology qualities with for example
Quabbalah qualities.) S. did this and wonders about why he does not find them as he wants to.
So he develops an arbitrarily code to form some names into fitting astrological names. For me it
makes not much sense to do so. In truth Bardon says in his Quabbalah book that all names
listed in his evocation book are made from quabbalistic letters. So the evocation book or better
said the names of the higher beings have their origins in Quabbalah - not in astrology. I have
proved more than a dozen names of higher beings of different spheres by quabbalistic use and
I must say that these names were true and that they fit to the responding sphere and to the
description of Bardon.

A real big problem is that S. makes it obvious that he lacks on special abilities or maybe on a
higher quality of special abilities. High developed magicians are able to get all information they
want to know directly. S. does it not in this way he interprets strange things like simple ghost
phenomena as real messages from Bardon - this is simply mediocre, it makes absolutely no

Next thing – S. does not know simple things regarding karma and the topic of incorporation.
Regarding karma these are basics every Buddhist can tell you. Regarding the phenomenon of
incorporation it is a higher topic but it is a known one, a real one.

So these things do not put a good light on S.. They prove that he is probably not something like
a successor of Bardon. In the future I will read two books of him regarding Quabbalah and
another topic. This will give me more insights about his maturity but until this I am not
enthusiastic about him as a magician. In comparison you can sense magical development and
high insights in the articles of Mistele.

In conclusion - someone who obviously lacks of abilities or certain experiences/basic

knowledge should be taken carefully in his criticism.

In general it is always good to be careful with such things. Statements must be testable, they
must be logical. Spiritual people speak and behave like spiritual people - the law of analogy. If
it isn´t this way something is wrong.


Dear A. and C.,

thank you for your good comments. Certainly there are countless languages with different
words for one meaning and they all work - through all cultures and all religions.

In conclusion I would like to fix here that Bardon used the original names of the beings which
are based on the cosmic language, the Quabbalah as he has told the reader in his KTQ. Indeed
it is a further Tarot-Card which describes the quabbalistic work with the names of the higher
beings. I have tested several names by quabbalistic techniques and I have proved them true.
His PME is indeed made for evocation and it serves also as a book of higher quabbalistic
formulas for the training of a higher Tarot-Card.

As A. says can some(?) names be decoded into known astrology names of planets. This is
probably a sign of the law of analogy.

What I personally do not appreciate is when people with obvious deficits in spiritual attitude,
in personality, in scientific attitude and working, in honesty, in experiences, in magical abilities
or in maturity spread strange ideas, lies, half-truths and unscientific criticism about Bardon and
his teachings. They kid and unsettle the beginners and for all students it is a sad and painful to
read such things. I have read so many stupid things, nonsense about Bardon himself and his
teachings and I also read between the lines and sensed the deficits, the personality of the


Meanwhile I have got to know so many spirits from the spheres, their energetic nature, their
qualities and powers, I also have invoked many of these spirits – and I must say that all given
names throughout all spheres were true regarding name and quabbalistic formula. So where
are the coded names of spirits? I haven´t found them. Indeed the whole topic is totally
senseless as every magician who does evocation is also able to get all information he wants to
– without the necessity of a book with names and sigils.
Rising Of the Shakti
Dear fellows,

I would like to discuss the meaning of the full awakening of the so called Kundalini energy or
Shakti with you to reach a deeper understanding of this phenomenon.

Kundalini is the sleeping spiritual power in the "lowest" center in the human microcosm.
Bardon calls it creative power - the power which is used for imagination and creation.

As I see it, the spiritual power from above - crown chakra - must flow down to the Kundalini
center to awake it by spiritualization of it - somehow an act of transformation/alchemy, then
the Kundalini is flowing up awakening all centers in the body and uniting with the spiritual
power of the crown chakra which means perfection - Shiva-Shakti - as you can see it on the first
Tarot-card in Bardon first book.

A state of full awakening is reached when the person is completely spiritualized (by Kundalini
or special training before).
The 3 Poles in Spiritual Development
Dear fellows,

I like to share some thoughts of me with you regarding the first three keys of wisdom and
spiritual development, beside this some different things.

Bardon speaks about the ten keys of wisdom - in his KTQ-book. I don´t want to write an article
about this, I just want to pick out only a few points.

The first key is number 1 - it is the number of God - unity.

The second key is number 2 - the key of duality.

The third key is number 3 - in general the key of the three planes - mental, astral and physical

Something very important what we can derive from these keys are the following

1 is energy

2 are quality and quantity (power)

3 are quality, quantity and structure (form)


Everything is energy; there is nothing but energy therefore energy is one. You can (must)
differentiate energy into its two aspects - quality and quantity. For example you give a certain
amount of power (quantity) a certain quality. A magician must be able to handle both perfectly
to reach full success in all his work. Wishes (quality) can´t manifest when there is not enough
power (quantity) to make the wish realize.

A third differentiation is structure - form, the container of power with its quality. Rock crystal is
for example a structure which is able to keep the magnetic fluid. The human being can be the
perfect structure for the Divine Being - the perfect temple, the perfect body to express the
divine on all planes.

In conclusion we deal always with energy (1), differentiated into quality and quantity (2) using
structure (3). This is useful for all magical operations and also for your own spiritual
development. In the spiritual development it means we must refine ourselves (quality), we
must increase our powers (quantity) and we have to build the perfect spiritual temple in
ourselves to reach total unity (structure). All three aspects go together.

The ten keys of wisdom, especially the first three or four keys are very recommendable to
understand early to increase success and understanding in all aspects.

Leaving this topic I want to look on the 3 poles of spiritual development which I feel as
important too:

Indeed we have the same differentiation here like above but I want to explain it here in a
different way. The first pole is what can be called mysticism (quality), the second pole can be
called magic (quantity/power) and the third one is the implementation of mysticism and magic
(building of structure).

The first pole mysticism:

This is the aspect of spiritual development which deals with total refinement, maturity, total
balancing of microcosm and macrocosm, building the perfect temple, becoming one with all
qualities of God.

The second pole magic:

This is the aspect of spiritual development which deals with the total mastering of all powers in
the universe.

The third pole implementation:

This aspect deals with becoming a full master in the application of magic/mysticism.

Interesting about this is that all three poles are not logically one. You can refine yourself to a
high degree but you don´t have to gain all powers nor you must know what to do with your
abilities necessarily. Mysticism and magic require each other - without refinement and high
ideals no real success in magic and without mastering the universal powers no real refinement
and unity with God. The application of magical skills to form structure, to serve God and
mankind is then a matter of time, of living as a magician.

All three aspects are big challenges for everyone who is on the path. The attitude of a real
mystic - love, devotion, humbleness, service, high ideals - are a good key to master magic, to
grow. Without mystical attitude no real progress is possible. Pure magic as it is very often the
aim of students can lead to feeding the ego. A big ego in combination with the occult science
leads normally to the dark side.

A forth aspect is that we have beside our spiritual life a material life full of duties. And this we
also have to manage successfully. Life is somehow not really easy.

Certainly it is not something to wish for to learn on yourself from books without a direct
master who could give so much support. From an old master you also could learn easily how to
implement your abilities. We have to manage this challenge. By growing new sources of
teaching open up - your spiritual guide, later the higher beings of the spheres, until this we all
have to make it on our own. Fortunately our guides send us inspiration for progress. So don´t
think you are left alone although it might seems so.

Another thing. I have sensed the phenomenon that there are people who think of themselves
as spiritual people and additional that they are enlightened, perfect. This is really interesting to
observe. The examples I have experienced were either agnostic, atheistic, ignoring all higher
teachings or they picked out a few teachings which fit to their personality, their own opinion,
view. In the next step they read some things, some spiritual teachings - intellectual studies.
From these studies they made up their mind and came to the conclusion that they were
already enlightened. For example one person came to the conclusion that everything is illusion
= enlightened. Another one had the conclusion that it is enough to meditate and to feel some
peace of soul = enlightened. Such "enlightenments" are real illusions - intellectual ego
illusions. Take care when you meet someone like this. Such persons can become really
aggressive when you discuss spiritual things with them. It is good to respect the law of silence
and to make exchange only with real spiritual people. Discussions are often only a system of
ego entertainment and a place for ego war. I have made some unbeautiful experiences in this
direction recently. You meet such people on “spiritual” platforms in the internet. By these
experiences I enjoy silence on a higher level than before.
Out of Body Experiences
Here are all books of Marilynn Hughes for free downloading:

I think that they should be good. I have a good feeling about her.

Healing, Analogies of Body and Spheres
Dear fellows,

today a few words about disharmonies, organs and spheres.

About the analogy of the human body and the spheres for introspection and healing:

You all know the saying: Microcosm is analogue to macrocosm, or above is like below.

One aspect of this is that the spheres have their analogies to the human body on all three
planes. The knowledge of the spheres with their typical qualities regarding mind, soul and
physical body together with the knowledge of the analogue organs and functions is a highly
useful instrument for introspection, balancing, healing and the analysis of disharmonies,
diseases on all three planes, also for the analysis of problems in life.

Samuel Sagan has written a good book about the spheres and their forces: "Planetary Forces
Alchemy & Healing" which I can recommend and which should be enriched with the knowledge
by Bardon especially in his Evocation book. Recommendable for studies are also books dealing
with the planetary energies from Chinese and Indian point of view and books about
homeopathy. Here the psychic qualities of for example gold = sun sphere are described in
details. The description of metals and their qualities is also useful for studies. You can also
meditate in/with the spheres to deepen your knowledge.

For a first access I want to give some examples. The kidneys belong to the sphere of Venus, the
gall bladder to the sphere of Mars, lungs to the sphere of Mercury, the liver to Jupiter and so
on - this could be differentiated for all parts of the human body. Your liver has the physical
function to detoxicate the body, also to provide energy, on higher planes it is the same - the
liver has to work through problems. Jupiter is good for this job. He integrates energetically the
work/power of Mars (gallbladder) and Venus (kidney) to solve things with power and
love/understanding. The sphere of the sun is also not far away - solar plexus chakra and so on.
Already from this simplified and short description you can see that all spheres and their
referring organs work perfectly together on all planes. Let´s imagine you have problems with
your gallbladder. This means you have problems with your Mars energies and Mars principle -
some kind of disharmony. Maybe the cause is suppressed anger, hate - here the Mars energies
can´t really flow, they are somehow retained. Consequence is that you will have probably
problems with your digestion, not only on the physical plane but also on the psychical plane -
problems to digest the problems in your life, to cope with them. It is also possible that you lack
of the vital energy of Mars, that you often feel exhausted, that you lack of will power, also of
the ability of visual imagination,- such things.

Another example - if you often feel depressed, also if you have problems in fast thinking and
understanding and maybe you are not good in dealing/bargaining then you should have a look
on your lungs, your Mercury energies. It is already enough if you had some time ago a bad
pneumonia which damaged your lungs on all planes.

A further example - your life lacks of fortune, love and feeling - ask your kidneys, Venus
sphere, they are probably not in good health.

Indeed many problems in life together with imbalances on mental and astral (soul) plane and
in your physical body are obvious and clear when you study the analogies between the spheres
and the organs, the functions of the microcosm. Heal yourself on mental, astral and physical
plane and your life will change, you will change.

So it is really recommendable to study these things for a deep understanding of the human

I hope that in the future an initiate will write down all analogies of organs, body regions and
the whole chakra system with the spheres and also with the referring quabbalistic letters
together with imbalances on all planes. This will be a benchmark.

You can use the analogies quite good to understand yourself, possible problems in life and the
right methods to help yourself.
Add-On about Karma
The topic "karma" is not described completely satisfying in the traditional texts. There are
many questions, things which are not really clear. In addition to what I have wrote already
about karma I want to try to make "last" questions about it clearer.

My impression is that karma works like payment, an exchange of energy, of something, like
countertrade. We all know the normal work of karma - you set a cause and you have to bear
the consequences, equal if they are good or bad (for you). Indeed as we learn und develop
ourselves also the bad things we do are in the end good for us but these are in main painful
unwished lessons in comparison to the good seeds we plant and the good fruits we reap.

Other cases are that people and also animals/plants have to bear torture and pain where you
ask yourself how this could be. People often make mistakes and have to take responsibility for
them but animals can´t do mistakes and there are many good people - good souls which suffer.
So why? Beside the "mistake-thing" it is often a matter of lacking the positive powers to keep
untouched by the evil. Imagine you are a sheep and a wolf wants to get you. The wolf has big
teeth; your chances to escape are low. You lack of the power to protect you from the wolf. So
your karma is (nearly) clear. Otherwise if you learn Kung Fu you can defend yourself against the
wolf - you became a Kung Fu sheep. So in all cases you must be able to subtend positive powers
against the evil to protect yourself.

The payment thing is that in nature there is always a tendency for compensation, balance. This
means here that if someone rapes your energy, equal if it is psychic energy or material energy
like money, property, job, partnership etc. so that you become a victim, the energy gets
somehow and some when back to you - this I call payment. In clearer words - the evil has to
pay back the damage/harm/loss which it has caused to you - it has to be compensated. Imagine
someone who is a good soul or just innocent and this one is tortured/victimized by evil and
suffers then the compensation could be that own evil karma is forgiven or that life
circumstances are much better than normally possible or that a special form of fortune, health,
wealth is with the former victim in the future.

The whole creation, life is based on the exchange of energy between the different poles,
duality. I think this answers why someone suffers without being "bad" and how it is balanced
by universe.

Indeed we can only work on ourselves to build up all positive powers so that evil is not able to
victimize us. Hopefully my explanations are able to give you peace by the knowledge that
everyone that suffers will get compensation.

Suffering is somehow a typical quality of the material world as we human beings lack of
understanding and love.

Let´s provide love and understanding - real brothership - we have a deep need for it down here
on earth.

And a last word on karma: Things happen and we are called to make the best out of it. This is
Spiritual Techniques
The Use of The Chakras for the Magical Training by Bardon
Summary: Chakras can be used easily to improve magical techniques or to make progress in the
training. (For more information of the chakras, please read my article about the chakra system.)

Essay: As you know, the chakras are centers of special energies, centers for special feelings,
thoughts, patterns and for connections to the referring worlds/realms/spheres of the
macrocosm. I will have a focus here on the practical, useful side of the chakras, so you won´t
find much theory here.

For the use of the chakras you just have to know where the chakras are and how to concentrate
on these centers. It should be really easy. Your chakras are always in function although you
might be not aware of this. So the main thing is to get awareness of them and to feel their
energies/ qualities. Just have a try!
Silence of thoughts/mind:
Imagine that your mind is totally free of thoughts. Imagine this mental emptiness. Nothing is
left. You are. You are without mental action. Now focus your concentration on your crown
chakra and keep it there for a while. You will experience that your crown chakra will activate
itself. It will increase the energy flow into your head. This concentration will help you to keep
the silence of mind AND as you know - a vacuum can´t exist in nature - your emptiness will be
filled with what? - With the divine spirit through the crown chakra! It depends on you spiritual
attitude what or how strong you will experience it. In the best case your crown chakra opens up
and you receive a waterfall of divine spirit/light. This will be a great gift from God. This is the
best result you can get for the exercise as Bardon describes it. This opening to God increases
your God-connection, your higher inspiration/intuition, also the ability of directly knowing
things. Congratulations to your first enlightenment!
Concentration on the crown chakra:
It can be useful for healing yourself - higher energies are floating through your whole energy
system, cleaning and healing yourself. (Focus on this purpose.)

Also useful if you need inspiration, an answer to a question. Just be aware of your question, to
the concentration and wait until the answer comes. (It can come after the meditation - just do
meanwhile some different things.)
Concentration on the Ajna chakra:
Concentrate on your Ajna to increase your willpower, the feeling of being a master, the feeling
of being focused "here and now" (mastermind). Also useful to arrange/control/readjust the
work of the other chakras. The Ajna is the controller of the other chakras. Use it to increase the
fire element of your mental body.
Concentration on the Heart chakra:
Concentrate on your heart chakra to harmonize your mind, your soul, your body (increases the
self-healing effect through your immune system). Use it to feel deep peace, joy, selfless love.
Use it to give heart wishes more power for realization. The heart chakra has Akasha effects for
realizing wishes! Use it for blessing someone withlove. Use it to fall easily into sleep in the
evening. Use it to increase the air element of your soul. It could also be used for out of body
experiences as it makes it easier to leave.
Concentration on the Solar plexus chakra:
Use it to increase the fire element of your soul (if you like combine Ajna and Solar plexus for
much power). Use it to feel centered as an individual. Use it to be successful among other
human beings.
Concentration on the Hand and foot chakras:
Concentrate on them to increase your energy level (vital energy).
There are certainly some further possibilities but these ones are good to handle. Experiments
with the other chakras can be unhealthy/dangerous. For example when you concentrate on
your root chakra and your other chakras have bad energies/blockades it can lead to very
unpleasant experiences - the Kundalini syndrome. Too much concentration on your navel
chakra and you have to search for the next toilette. In general you should take care of yourself
when you manipulate your body.

I think that the most interesting centers in the beginning are the Ajna - master center, the heart
-for higher feelings and the crown - for God-connection.

PS: If you like you can load some energy somewhere in one small point in your arms and so
you will discover your nadis/meridians.
When you do training with your senses, equal if it is for imagination or for clairvoyance etc.,
you will experience how organs/chakras are connected. For example your ears are connected
with your third eye/forehead chakra and your heart chakra – they belong all to the air element.
Your eyes are connected with your Ajna chakra, with Solar plexus chakra and also with your
root chakra – they belong all to the fire element. By training you will make more interesting
experiences and theoretical things become practical completely clear. You will also witness that
you chakras refine, grow and get stronger through the exercises of Bardon – this as a natural
side effect of the training (without special focus on the chakras).

Please take good care in all your direct work with the chakras.
Nita Hickok - Solving Obstacles on the Path
Dear fellows,

as you all have experienced already, there are obstacles on the path which makes it difficult to
proceed sometimes. Major obstacles are problems of health - imbalances, disharmonies, illness
on mental plane, soul or physical body. Major obstacles are also bad karma, bad fate, bad
things we brought with us from former life times.

These obstacles give us the chance to grow. They are challenges to win.

Sometimes these obstacles are just a waste of time and effort - to say it in a radical way.
Everyone has to see for him/herself what sense obstacles bring in their life.

I highly recommend for everyone to perform a ritual to get rid of all unnecessary obstacles of
problems with health and bad karma. Time is very precious in our days as we pay very much for
being incarnated in this material time. Leave it up to Divine Providence and try to get rid of bad
things as fast as possible to fulfill your highest ideals.

I recommend to use the latest ritual from Nita:

Do it in this way:

Perform the whole ritual on three days one time. Say the prayer/banishing three times - one
time on the mental plane, one time with a low voice and a third time with a loud voice. While
you are doing this concentrate on the fact that you are a child of God - with Divine authority,
and speak it with your throat.

The ritual doesn´t cost much - some salt and some time but it can have very good results for
your development and health.

Please do it also when you are an advanced student.

May God heal your wounds and clean you from the dirt of life!

May we all make good progress to reach our holy aims!

Please use the following link as Nita has changed her websites:
I also recommend her ritual for "Removing Negativity":

Very often the small things in life have major effects. Even when you have fight yourself
through the big problems, there are often small ones left - hidden in a chakra, an organ, a nadi
- small blockages, traumata, wounds which make unnecessary trouble.

Get rid of them all!

Introspection - Dealing With Negative Characteristics
Summary: A short comment and recommendation to Bardon´s teachings about negative
qualities of soul and the work on them.

Essay: Probably all you have worked out the so called soul mirrors as Bardon describes it in his
first book. In the second chapter of soul training Bardon says that the student should work on
his character to reach inner balance and to dissolve negative qualities, patterns and behavior.
It goes along with the form of asceticism Bardon teaches - to think, feel and behave in only a
positive way, to neglect the negative. Asceticism is therefore a wise form of hygiene to keep
balance and health on all planes.

Bardon focuses in this chapter on the principle of will as it is his aim that the student develops
a strong, powerful will when he has to fight against bad habits. Bardon has some suggestions to
manage bad habits/qualities. All of them have the intention to increase the will power of the

In the beginning of the training it makes quite a lot of sense to strengthen the will power.
Beside this aim it can make really sense to get rid of negative things quickly just because they
are bothering. When I say this I think of fears, stupid patterns, negative thoughts, bad feelings
and so on. You have probably experienced that you or someone else is conditioned in his
behavior. We call this pattern because someone behaves always in the same way when he
enters a special situation. He has no control over it. For example you are afraid of spiders
(why?) and you see far away a very small spider sitting on the ground. What is happening? The
pattern starts - extreme fear, you are sweating, your heart is pumping wildly, you are screaming
but nothing bad happens to you. It is just a stupid pattern which you do not need. Something
similar is when you have programmed yourself on being a complete looser in special situations.
Why and which sense is in it? There are uncountable examples of negative conditions, patterns.
Have a close look on yourself. Which patterns, negative thoughts, feelings, qualities and habits
are torturing you, causing problems in your life? Ask yourself. And also ask where they come
from. You will see that several habits are not from yourself originally - you have assumed them
from your parents, friends, family and so on. Think about it. Other patterns arrive from special
situations which were bad for you - bad experiences once marking you for the whole life. Bitten
by a dog - fear for a life time - although not all dogs are bad. I hope you understand.

So, it can be very easy to dissolve these bad things. Do it like Bardon suggests or do it (more
easy but without increasing will) like this:

Thoughts, patterns, characteristics and so on are energies. Energies you can control and work
with. These are the basics.

Take your meditation position. Take your list of problems, fears, patterns and so on. Choose
one topic. Now imagine that - as an example - your fear referring to spiders is in front of you in
form of an dark energy cloud or something similar. You manifest, concretize your fear giving it a
form and a color. Now you can work on it. Imagine firing your fear - your fear is burning
completely and so it is dissolved. You are free! You can also cook your fear or rub it away from
a white paper or bury it on a cemetery. It is just a matter of imagination. You can repeat it as
long as you need/want to. It works really well.

You can also transform the bad energy into the opposite - fear into peace, hate into love and
understanding. Just do it in the same way.

If you have some abilities you can sense where the energy is localized in your body, for example
a stupid thought-pattern in your back head chakra - subconsciousness or hate in your liver/gall.
This can be very interesting.
Some Points about Using Rituals
Reference: Bardon´s first book, Nitas rituals, religious books/prayers

Summary: A short comment on rituals, their implementation, main factors to regard and a

Essay: As you all know there are uncountable rituals, prayers, banishings for every purpose you
can think of in every religion through all centuries. I want to have a look on them from the
magical point of view, - the view of implementation and wisdom.

One problem of all these rituals is their immense quantity. The next problem is their quality -
are they useful? Do they fit the purpose? Third problem: Do they fit to you personally - to your
religious context? And so on....

So when someone works with a ritual/prayer/banishing then he should regard the following
factors to ensure success:

1. The right - fitting - religious context. When you are Christian you should use a Christian
ritual. For different religions there might be no (real) connection.

2. The Gods/angels/higher beings you call on should fit to you. If you have no real idea about a
higher being or Divine name/expression/ God/holy men/master then it will be hard to connect
and to get the right feeling for the performance.

3. The prayer/text should feel comfortable for you. There are prayers which feel individually
too long or too short or are in a strange way formulated. This is a disruptive factor. Choose
always texts which you like and you are able to identify with.

4. You have to differentiate between traditional rituals/prayers for exoteric usage (normal
people), traditional rituals/prayers for esoteric usage (initiated people) and nontraditional
rituals/prayers - new self-made rituals/prayers, - and in this last category rituals/prayers with
power behind or not.

> traditional rituals/prayers for exoteric usage: They are charged by normal people over
hundreds of years and more or less powerful/successful

> traditional rituals/prayers for esoteric usage: They are charged by initiates - often very
powerful but secret and bound to membership in secret societies. So hard to get or with a high
price to pay for.

> nontraditional rituals/prayers not charged: You make your own ritual. The success depends
on your maturity/personality.

> nontraditional rituals/prayers well charged: You make your own ritual and you charge it with
any kind of energy. This will be probably very powerful and successful but requires some

5. Realism. You can call on "Superman" and nothing will happen. You probably know why. Or
you ask God to make you disappear in front of your enemies. This is probably fantastic. So the
things you ask for in your prayer should be realistic – realistic from the point of view of an

6. The quantity of energy: If you put not enough energy into your ritual then it will not work as
you expect. (You can repeat it until it works!)

7. The same with the quality - if you don´t have the right energy quality then the results won´t
be good.

8. The right attitude. Most of the rituals/prayers need to be performed with a higher level of
consciousness - God-connection, master-mind, unity with God, divine authority. Another way is
to have the attitude of a loving child which asks his divine parents/father/mother for
something. The feeling of love must be really strong - divine. Without right attitude it will be
hard to get results.

These were some main factors for a successful usage of rituals/prayers/banishings.

I would like to give a recommendation:

It is a good thing to choose purposes for the usage of rituals/ prayers, - for example one prayer
to dissolve negativity, one to bless houses/people, one for protection and so on. So you have
now a list of aims you want to reach with rituals/prayers. You can look for fitting - already
existing prayers or you create your own ones - I would recommend this. Think about the
necessary content of your prayer, the higher beings you want to call on, what should be done,
formulate it in a nice text/ritual and then load it. How do you load it? You can do it just by
using it often - 462 days - then it is really powerful without much effort (but much time) or
create an energy battery maybe bound to a fluid condenser/object for example a religious
I think this is a great exercise which brings much fun and good success.

You can bequeath them to your children, your beloved ones, maybe your students.

PS: You can find several prayers/rituals for inspiration on the internet sites of Nita/Ashira
Health - Problems with the Atlas
Dear fellows,

the topic in this short article is health. A man in Switzerland called Schuempli discovered that
most of the people have a defective position of the first vertebra - the "Atlas" - where the head
is based on. This defective position can have many different bad effects on your health. All
main nerves are going through this Atlas and by having a defective position these nerves can be
blocked or squeezed which leads to pain and illness. The main problem is that most of the
doctors do not know this fact and so they are not able to check it as a cause for health

Mr. Schuempli discovered this phenomenon and he developed a therapy to bring the vertebra
back to its healthy position. It is a kind of massage and it is more than really expensive.

There is an easy way to check if your Atlas is in the right position and I have invented an easy
method to correct the Atlas position if necessary.

Because of the great variety of problems which can be caused by a defective position of the
Atlas I ask you to check it for yourself and to correct it - just to increase or restore your health.

How to check the Atlas position:

Keep your back and neck straight. Then turn your head to the left and to the right without any
force. If you see that your head is a little bit diagonal when it is turned to one side then you
have a defective position of the Atlas. When your Atlas is in the right position your head is
perfectly vertical on both sides.

How to correct the Atlas position:

Make the same like the check but now keep your head vertically when you turn to both sides.
You need a little bit force but just a little bit. Make it smooth. Then you will feel how your Atlas
jumps into the right position - that´s it!

In the coming days you can watch the effects of this correction - a better energy-flow in your
nerve-system and self-healing progress.

Be careful and do it smooth. Your vertebra needs some time to "heal". The whole procedure is
without any pain or bad side effects. The defective position of the Atlas can already be
watched at babies after their birth.

This should be interesting information for our professional healers.

Healing With Thoughts

A comment on "healing with thoughts":

This technique belongs to the fire-element and uses the will-power to give direct orders to an
organ or area to correct its function. It is very simple and also very effective. The stronger your
will is the faster and better are the results. If you like you can soften your will by sending some
love from your heart with the order. Just do some experiments and follow your intuition.

The idea to put the order into water to be drunk by the patient or in the air to be breathed in
is very good and also very effective. Something like this you will find in Bardon´s first book in
the first exercises of water impregnation and active breathing (with a wish).

A popular technique is to take a glass of water and to focus it with your eyes (analogue to the
fire-element) and send a strong impulse of will-power and order in it. Then the patient has to
drink it completely. The will-power-energy with the order floats directly to the referring organ
and starts working there.

In addition you can load the glass of water first with life energy and then with your will and
order. This is a step more powerful but not necessarily a must.

These things have to be playfully experienced. Just look what makes more fun or brings better

Maybe a last hint: You can imagine that you speak directly to the organ. This is the use of the
Akasha-Principle to bridge time and space or obstacles. Long distance healing functions by the
same principle.
Magical Self-Defense - Introduction
Dear fellows,

I would like to initiate a workshop about magical self-defense - not common self-defense, not
basic techniques and no techniques for "magicians" without any abilities.

I want to design, - to work out a highly effective, powerful defense system, a real piece of art,
regarding the different kinds of threats and purposes.

Self-defense can be dangerous, so I ask only those among us who are centered in themselves
and won´t be trapped to misuse such things. Self-defense is a part of war and war can be lethal.
"Normal" Magical Self-Defense - Building a Magical Shield

Reference: Choa Kok Sui: Book about self-defense, own experiences

Summary: A short instruction for a magical shield with some additional thoughts

Essay: We live in a dualistic world with many "bad guys", bad influences, black magicians and
others which try to harm, to steal, to destroy. It is already a kind of zoo, a diversity of evil - and
just stupid ones. In most cases a "normal" and quite easy to use techniques is to build a
magical shield. There are a lot of variations of the technique I present here. You can use
instead of violet energy the fire element or a golden energy or orange. There are different
purposes/meanings behind. You can use Aikido here - giving the order to send back all negative
energies to the sender (return to sender principle) or as I suggest - to send the energies into the
earth to dissolve them there. You can make easy and quick shields or complex and long term
shields, direct body shields like a few initiated martial arts masters and so on. Maybe we
discuss this later in another article.

For normal self-defense try the following technique:

How to build up a magical shield:

Sit down in your asana and then imagine a violet energy bulb. Concentrate on this for at least 5
to 10 minutes to make it strong. Then imagine yourself inside in the middle of this violet bulb
with enough space around you - a bulb maybe with about two meters radius or more. Now
imagine and give the order that this energy shield protects you against all evil which might be
sent to you. Evil energy is not able to penetrate this shield. Evil energy bangs on the surface of
the shield and it is directly routed into the earth. Imagine that the earth banishes all negative
energy which is banging on your shield and that the earth dissolves this energy. (You can
visualize this - imagine a dark cloud banging on the violet shield, led directly into the earth,
being banished and dissolved.) Then imagine that your shield lets the negative and exhausted
energies of yourself pass through it so that you keep clean in your bulb. Tell the shield to
stabilize and to renew its power from the universe for three up to seven days. Tell it that you
are the only one who is able to program your shield.

Now it is ready. It is recommendable to strengthen the shield referring to the threat every few

When you use it then have in mind that it keeps also aggressive feelings away from you - for
example when you are in a situation of dispute, heated argument. Your behavior will be
different as you are not touched by the negative emotions of the disputant. You must keep
high control about your behavior as it can be not normal. (Your disputant will look stupid when
you are not touched in any way by his angry energies.)

Beside this technique you can imagine a ball of energy or light. Tell it to let you appear invisible
to aggressive people in the streets so that they don´t sense you as a potential victim.
Concentrate on this energy ball for 5-10 minutes. Tell it to recharge automatically from the
universe for three or seven days.

Another possible order could be to distract the attention of the aggressive guys from you. Third
possible order is to cause great anxiety in them when they are looking forward to victimize you.

It is good to make experiments with it to get to know the variations in practice.

Maybe a short hint about the Aikido technique. It can cause problems to send negative
energies back to the sender. Why? The sender often thinks that it is a reversal - a magical attack
by yourself. This can be the beginning of a real magical war. Under negative circumstances
there is the possibility to get hurt by such things as no one has always high defenses - normally.

So I personally like more the idea to dissolve the negative energies. Imagine your enemy when
he looks for the results of his attack and he sees you in health as nothing has happened. He will
doubt his abilities or will be amazed how untouchable you are - he will feel respect and fear for
you. Good image, isn´t it?!

These were just a few words about normal - good working - self-defense.

Last hint: Make yourself invisible for potential enemies/ threats - the law of silence! It is the
best way of self-defense.

Just a short addition to the shielding technique:

The energy-bubble can be made of different energies:

violet energy - in analogy to Akasha, Saturn sphere, total harmony, justice, crown chakra -
electric white-violet energy of high frequency - spiritual energy

golden energy - in analogy to perfection, gold, being untouchable, dense energy

orange energy - in analogy to transformation, explosive, corrosive energy of the sacral chakra

green energy - smooth dissolving energy, throat chakra, Venus sphere

pink energy - in analogy to heart chakra, love, also smooth dissolving energy
blue energy - in analogy to Jupiter, the divine laws and being untouchable - perfection

and probably others.....

Techniques to create the energy bubble:

just by pure imagination, will

by crown chakra - hand chakra technique - the violet shield
by throat chakra - hand chakra technique - the green and blue shield
by root chakra - hand chakra technique - the orange shield
by heart chakra - hand chakra technique - the pink and golden shield
by mastership and order through the elements

What is the difference between imagination technique and chakra to chakra technique?

When you draw through one chakra special energy and release it through the hand
chakras forming the shield, the energies are different to normal imagination. The chakras
produce energy on mental and astral plane which are specific for the use in the body. E. G. the
body uses the green energy to dissolve ill energies or blockages or food - this means the
energies in the body have special functions and can be used well and easy for shielding. For
more details please read Choa Kok Sui books.

For quick use: Just imagine the violet bubble around you where negative energies bang on and
return to sender. In short moments of danger or dispute that´s enough. For several days use
the shield should be made more complex/ intelligent.

Crystal technique:

You can bind a cleaned crystal in analogue color to your shield. Tell the crystal to strengthen
your shield automatically. You can take a second crystal and bind it to the shield. Imagine that
the negative energies send to you are floating to this second crystal and give it the order to
dissolve the negative energies. Keep good care of these crystals that no one comes in touch
with them. Clean your second crystal from time to time in salt water. Instead of the second
crystal you can use an egg or a potato buried somewhere in the earth.
Double-bubble technique:

You can build one or two or more bubbles/shields to strengthen your protection. You can also
paint your violet shield with green or pink color so that negative energies roll off better. To
color a shield is also used for camouflage.

Dissolving shields:

You can tell the shield to dissolve bad energies directly when they hit the shield - also a nice
technique but it needs a powerful shield. For this you can color the shield or make a double-
bubble - one energy-layer is for protection and the other energy-layer dissolves the bad

So these were some additional points as a short overview for good implementation. In general
the most used shield is the violet one - most powerful because of its high frequency and
analogy to Akasha, Saturn sphere, law and order, justice. It is good to use the crown chakra to
draw the energy from the universe through it and release it through the hand chakras building
the bubble.

It is a very fascinating experience to be in a dispute and feeling completely untouched by using

a good shield. Just try it.

Magical shield – add-ons:

Just a very short but really important addition:

When you are in close combat with negative energies or beings you can build a functioning
shield. This works through the Akasha-principle. Imagine in the process of building the
shield that your shield cuts off all negative connections to the sender/negative being and goes
between you and the negative being/sender/thread (although it can already be in touch with
you). Space has no real meaning here because of the Akasha principle.

Just an act of imagination. Your shield cuts like a knife and is as thin as it is able to depart you
from the negative.

And another add-on: You can use such a shield to isolate yourself from unwished thoughts and
emotions in a place or room. This can be good to keep control and clarity of mind and soul.
Quabbalah - The Beauty of the Cosmic Language
Excerpt from a letter:

At the moment I am reading KTQ again to get deeper in the use of the cosmic language. A very
fascinating thing and it is so complex. KTQ is for me like a treasure chest and I feel somehow
like a child which has much fun with the amazing gems in it.

Jumping from duality into unity, then back into duality with a mystical smile and a heart full of
love and wisdom.

Mystic experiences are great, aren´t they?

Questions and Answers
Q: Patterns, Karma
Dear N.,

I can understand you. I have experienced myself negative situations where I asked myself why
must this happen to me. I have seen this also at other people.

First of all there are probably no negative beings which are bothering you.

This is a different topic. As you say there are patterns, - probably to some degree unconscious
patterns,- patterns of thinking, emotional reaction and altogether of behavior. These are the
three levels - mental + astral (emotion) => material (behavior).

Regarding patterns there are two main aspects:

1. The cause of it. Where and why has a pattern occurred?

2. The characteristic of patterns - there is always a key impulse which sets an always equal
reaction into operation - always the same reaction, therefore it is called pattern. When you
know about this then you can break it by being aware of the situation, watching it and
controlling it. The main point is here to raise your awareness to get out of the pattern. Patterns
are unconscious automatism. Karma or fate is made to a good degree from patterns. This in

As we are on a spiritual path it is one of our duties to increase awareness in all aspects of life,
especially concerning our personality with its patterns. There are good ones we keep by and
improve and there are bad ones we must understand and get rid of. It is the clearing of karma
and the balancing of personality and life.

Everything in life follows the law of cause and effect. So there is a reason for experiencing good
or bad situations in life. Bad situations show that there is something you must correct in your
personality as it is the container of the seeds of your karma. Changing yourself means changing
your life.

So when you experience a negative situation then there is a need to balance something, to
change something, to correct something in your personality and analogue in your life. So the
first big questions are: "What I am supposed to learn from the situation? What do I have to
correct, to improve to get rid of in my personality?" Also: Why do I meet such people with
these special problems? In which resonance do I stand with them?

Special questions for you: It is a game of "offender and victim" where you "like" to play the
victim role (unconscious pattern of behavior, matter of conditioning in youth e. g.)? Or is it
possible that these control freaks mirror yourself in some aspects to make you aware of own
negative characteristics you need to balance? Or is it a matter of the branch you are working
in - there are branches which provide control freaks and why did you get into this branch?

So this is the search for the "why", the reason. When you have found it you must dissolve the
negative pattern/karma like a negative habit. And then you must replace it by a positive
attitude, positive thinking, feeling and acting.

I recommend for you to make a deep meditation on this problem. One part is to analyze all
aspects of your problem from all perspectives, the other part is to ask for divine enlightenment
to understand your problem - to learn the lesson and to be able to change it.

Please try the following technique:

Take 1-2 hours for yourself without any disturbance. Take a piece of paper and a pencil. First
thing: Get into your favorite asana - sit down, relax, focus on your naturally breathing, become
calm, now try to get into the stillness of mind, open yourself for the cosmic consciousness like a
flower to the light from above, try to move your awareness to the crown chakra on your head
(middle, highest point on your head - the direction is enough), feel the flow of spiritual energy
coming from above entering your head enlightening yourself. Now ask God to enlighten you
concerning your question. Ask God to let you understand the problem completely and to know
how to solve it. Feel total trust that God gives you this enlightenment - you know the reason
and the solution - now! The answer is given. After this prayer you keep your focus on stillness
of mind while being open for divine intuition. Maybe you receive now direct answers or hints
or messages concerning the reason for it all - just stay open. After a while you thank God for his
enlightenment in total faith. Maybe you take a walk now to let you consciousness assimilates
the impressions. Come back and take paper and pencil and start analyze everything. Try to see
the problem from all perspectives - your point of view, the point of view of the control freaks,
the questions "Why", "What", "When", "Where", "How" and "Who". Write down; draw down
what comes into your mind. Then take another break, maybe walk and then get a second time
into stillness of mind - focus on receiving divine intuition and inspiration - stay open. Take a
last walk, break. Focus now on other things or go to bed if it is the right time. It is possible that
you get quickly answers or enlightening impressions and it is possible that your
subconsciousness needs some time (days) to work through it all so that it can present you the
understanding and solution. Give yourself the time you need.

Maybe you find patterns in your youth, maybe you have suffered already as a child under
control freaks - adults and as a child you were not able to say "no". So the situations repeat
until you say "no thank you" and leave. Maybe it is an unconscious negative attitude where you
doesn´t allow yourself a happy job situation. Maybe you haven´t wished for a happy job.
Maybe you can´t imagine this. Maybe you don´t come into resonance with a good job because
you miss the necessary energy of happiness, ease in yourself. You know - one rule is: You will
be judge and treated like you occur as a person. This is human and this has something to do
with analogies. Someone like Brad Pitt is treated in a different way than a normal man for
example. Ask yourself - are there any signs in your appearance which make other people think
that they can control you or bother you or treat you bad? If yes then change them. Appear as a
strong, upright, balanced, happy woman which expects a good treatment. Please meditate
upon these analogies.

Imagine yourself in a positive way. Anchor the expectation for a good treatment and respect in
your personality - plant these good seeds for new karma. Change your image. Try to imagine
that things flow more in your life than that you must work hard for them.

In general it is good to make meditations where you work on a positive image of yourself -
imagine yourself being happy, balanced, peaceful, blessed, guided and so on. So things will get
easier day by day. You will probably get a better job, maybe new friends, more money....

Have in mind that you are the creator of your life. For a good life you must create things in the
right way.

I hope these where some helpful hints for you. I am sure that you will understand your
situation/problems in the right way and that you find the right key for changing your life to the

With a positive attitude and positive creation of life circumstances positive things will happen
in life. Make yourself 100% positive in thinking, feeling and behavior then the rest will come
naturally - principle of resonance and analogy!
Q: About Polarities, - Light In Darkness
I´m a fellow practitioner of the Bardon´s system and find it the best
around to met the objectives of hermetic human development. I have experienced other
systems and trying different authors, to some advance, but what have completed and catalyzed
all the previous preparation was the introduction of Bardon´s techniques. I am forever grateful
to Franz Bardon and The Divine Providence for such a gift!

My question is this: Are there any practical uses (positive ones) for
the principle of darkness derived from the water element? I have found my meditations giving
me hints about the nature of the "positive side of darkness" and addressing my attention the
polarities given on Dion Fortune´s text "Psychic self-defense". Hope to be further enriched by
someone else´s experience!


Hello U.,

there are deep mysteries hidden in the law of polarity. If you want to say so - there is a
"positive" side of the principle of darkness and there is a "negative" side of the principle of
light. In some way both principles need each other. There is a basic necessity for the dark
principle. Without darkness there is no development possible. Without darkness there is also
no differentiation to light.

Without restriction there is no freedom or infinity to experience.

The darkest hours in one’s life have the greatest impact on one´s development. So in a way you
can thank the negative principle for all the pain you were forced to experience and which give
you enormous power to accelerate you development. (This is an aspect of the energy exchange
of polarity.)

Imagine someone on his path. In front of him there is an angel showing him the blessings of
paradise - the positive principle. Behind this someone there is a demon with his trident stinging
in the backside of him - the negative principle. The light principle is drawing/ pulling the human
beings on their path and the dark principle is pushing them. Unfortunately human beings need
both principles to follow their path of spiritual development. Both principles serve Divine
Providence - this is the mystery of the cosmic letter "AE". Something different is the negative
behavior of human beings - they have the free choice in opposition to angels and demons -
they are lawful servants. If you have reached a certain degree of development, no demon
would come on the idea to influence you in a negative way. Negative human beings wouldn´t
care about that.
These are just some ideas from me. Maybe they put some light on your question. One of my
next postings will deal with these principles and how they manifest. It is a very interesting and
important topic.
Q: Differences of Energies
Hi Ray,

Just wish to know the differences between these energies you describe and the basic life energy
or vital energy of the golden color that Bardon describes in IIH? Are these energies more
effective than this vital energy of golden color?


Hi T.,

thank you for your question. There are a lot of different kinds of energy with different qualities
and for different purposes. Vital energy is one basic energy form with universal possibilities for
application. All energies belong to the five elements (Akasha, Fire, Air, Water and Earth). The
colors and the combination of color (light), element, tone and quality belong to the wisdom of
the cosmic speech - the third book of Bardon. Golden color means perfection. Gold means the
end and crown of all developments. It is fulfillment. When you have mastered the cosmic letter
"R" (golden color/light, heaviness, earth element, etc.) you have reached perfection. You are a
genius in every aspect, you are untouchable, totally free, absolutely integer. This is certainly a
great thing.

If you need energy for a special purpose it is recommendable to respect the law of analogy and
to choose the right quantity and quality of energy. Golden energy is good for feeling fully
centered, untouchable and ingenious. So each type of energy has its special purpose.
Q: About Mutyas from the Philippines
Hi Ray and to everyone,

I am fairly new to the forum and i would like to ask everyone regarding an aspect of our folk
Christianity here in my country. I am from the Philippines and though most of the people here
are catholic, our culture has retained its animistic flavors and our local healers here which are
called albularyo (a corruption of the term herbolario) use much mystical prayers (locally called
orasyon) and are very much into loading amulets (called anting anting).

Besides this there is much interest in what is called a mutya -- any item that is magically loaded
which is natural in essence (not manmade/ constructed). This I believe comes from entities
from the elemental or maybe planetary spheres, when I read the lectures of Bardon in his
books, - am I right in this? And is it really possible that planetary intelligences from the sun or
others, to bequeath these items to people? I mean is it lawful in the overall picture?

I hope you could provide me some inputs on this. Thanks.


Hello R.,

thank you for your posting!

Do you know Choa Kok Sui? I studied his Pranic Healing System. He also comes from your
country. His books and courses are really recommendable.

To your question:

You can load anything with everything. See Bardon´s first book "Initiation into Hermetics".
There he describes the different energies and how to work with them.

If you use Mutyas it makes sense that you know what kind of energies or beings are bound with
it. It is possible that some kinds of influences of local Gods or Goddesses are bound in these
Mutyas, maybe also planetary intelligences.

I only can recommend you to be careful with the magical things you use. Karma is not a joke, it
is a law and it works perfectly. Have good intentions, do good things, maybe ask good
intelligences for help or blessings. Things of the dark principle are not recommendable - you
will always burn your fingers.
Ask Divine Providence for guidance and inspiration if you are not sure what is good to use or
not. Try to feel the energy quality - does it feel good or bad?

I know that in your country a lot of black magic is going on. So keep good care of yourself and
keep silence about your studies. Magical fights can be very hard and are not recommendable.

Additional question:

Have you ever encountered something like the mutya in your practice and dealings with the
different personalities from the other spheres? If so I would gladly welcome inputs on this.



As C. says everything which exists in creation is connected with higher spheres, intelligences,
beings, ideas, virtues or qualities. By using objects from nature it is possible to make contact or
to experience the qualities and beings behind it. For example when you connect your
consciousness to the sea you can sense the qualities of love and peace, also the qualities of the
Venus sphere and its intelligences, the beings of the water element, the qualities of the water
element and the magnetic fluid itself and so on. These are the laws of analogies. Microcosm is
analogue to macrocosm. The worlds above are analogue to the worlds below. Everything is

For the usage of this law you can take for example a ring of gold with its natural qualities -
perfection, being untouchable, freedom, being ingenious - clean it magically and load/
strengthen these qualities in it to feel them when you wear the ring. (Just a very short

Another thing which you have eventually meant is that it is possible that objects of the higher
worlds are materialized in this world. For example I know of a master that materialized an
amulet from astral regions into this world so that his student was able to wear it. I think that it
is a rarely used technique. Higher beings can also materialize themselves or objects into this
world. Normally things are loaded/blessed with higher energies or qualities - for religious
Q: About Nita’s Problems Solvers Alphabet
About PSA I will just give a short comment or suggestion:

You can use the glyphs also as some kind of "decoration/jewelry" for example as a necklace -
pendant or wristband or as an amulet or something like this. You can also draw it on your T-
Shirt or on your bed sheet or directly on your body (healing of body parts).

Referring to my examples you can use F for protection and power or T for success or D for
protection and others for health, inspiration, God connection and so on.

If you work in an esoteric shop you can produce those things by yourself and sell them.
(Spiritual people often have problems to find their place in the economic world and to earn
enough money. Money is just a kind of energy and it is in general good to have enough energy!)

Maybe a tip of Bardon:

When you use PSA for others to help them or to heal them and they don´t know this - God will
gift you spiritually with insights and abilities. This is a law of karma. If I don´t forget it I will
write more about this topic in my article about cross-karma. (But don´t forget to ask God for
healing permission!)
Q: About Nita’s Problems Solvers Alphabet II
Two things about PSA I forgot to mention:

1. The letter Q is a little bit dangerous because you leave all judgments or decisions up to God.
That sounds not dangerous but it can be indeed! I have used this letter for a healing session
and God thought it would be nice for me to assume the bad karma/illness from the patient. In
the end the patient and the healer will benefit but it means for the healer to get rid of the
patient´s negative karma. Negative karma is an unfunny thing to experience but it works like a
kick in the butt to accelerate your development. So in the end you will be thankful, - but only in
the end! Meanwhile you have to cope with negative circumstances.

(I am fighting with the patients bad karma night and day for more than two months now and I
have reached personal aims/steps in knowledge/abilities/insights which I wouldn´t have
climbed so far or in the next years if I hadn´t have to cope with this bad karma of my patient.
So I am thankful but I am also looking forward to end the "never ending" nightmare. By the
way, this is the reason why I have not much time to write. I am very busy - day and night - with
self healing and self-defense. Hope that God shows mercy for me.)

So please be aware what might come across to you when you use the letter Q!

2. Although PSA works with letters, sounds and colors it is not comparable with Bardon´s KTQ.
KTQ is something completely different. PSA is designed by Nita with Akasha-Powers for special
purposes. Her letters don´t need to be imagined with all three senses and mind itself like
Bardon´s Quabbalah. Bardon´s cosmic language is cosmic, is universal, it is not handmade. PSA
can´t be used to perfect yourself like it is the purpose of the Bardon training with one letter per
exercise - real mysticism. PSA is meant and good for helping yourself on the spiritual path and
others with typical human problems. Nita did a really good "job" by designing these letters but
it can´t be an alternative to Bardon´s Quabbalah or the tantric system of our eastern brothers
and it wasn´t meant as one.

Just differentiate between both systems and use them for their original purposes.

I really appreciate Nita’s whole work. She is something like an older sister or a spiritual mother
who cares for all the children on earth who are in need. This is really good. Her PSA will be a
great help for all spiritual seekers now and for the next centuries.
Q: About Unity
Dear J.,

these are wonderful experiences. Strengthen your self-confidence and your trust into your God-
connection. There is no need to feel scary. God loves his children and especially those who love
him too.

The "sprinkled water feeling" on your head means that you receive energies from above, an
activation of your crown chakra. This is very good. There will come times where it will feel like a

Concentration on your crown chakra and your heart chakra will strengthen your God-
connection further on. If you think that negative energies are in your room then activate heart
and crown chakra by meditation and imagine that you and the room are filled with high divine
energy, light. Where light is no darkness can stay so negative energies will dissolve.
Q: About Transferring Energy
If someone transmits personal energy to another person then it is necessary to cut off the
energy connection. If you won´t do this the transmitted energy can return to yourself and with
it also energies of the other person can flow to you. These are things which are not desirable.

From the old magnetizer it is noted that they often had problems with the bad energies of their
patients (bad energies of the disease and maybe of bad characteristics of them), also that they
have often lost much energy to the patient, so that they felt very exhausted themselves. A
condition for becoming a magnetizer was a fine character to transmit only good characteristics
to the patient while treating him with own vital energies.

Today there exist several healing traditions which use own energy or which use the body as a
station for drawing universal energies in and giving them to the patient. In most cases they
clean their selves from the energies of the patient and they also cut the energy channel off.

As we are magicians we should use the technique of Bardon to draw directly energy from the
universe into the patient as C. describes it. This is the safest technique.
Q: Contacting Spirits
Like Bardon says - there is not much distance between a positive spirit and his negative
opposite. In bad cases you can easily contact the negative spirit instead of the positive one you
have asked for. So it is very important to be totally aware of the things/aims you ask for. The
negative spirits like to trap people, also spiritual people to teach them.

Follow your intuition, the wisdom of your heart, the good feeling.

Q: Spiritual Experiences and the Intellectual Language

Certainly you are right that many experiences are hard to transform into the intellectual
language and it is even harder to make it understandable for others who haven´t equal
experiences yet. I think that many experiences simply can´t be understood by others without
equal knowledge/experiences. If someone hasn´t taste an apple so far, you can´t really tell him
how it tastes.

Regarding my experiences on the path I can only tell about what I personally have
felt/experienced. I compare my personal experiences with the explanations in the book and
then I see if I am on the right way. This is helpful and works pretty well.

Dear Reader,

if you like to contact me, please regard the following:

I can only provide answers for genuine spiritual seekers on the path – not for curiosity. Before
you ask me try first to answer your question by own research as many questions of beginners
and advanced students are already answered in my books and in the recommended spiritual

Please respect that

I have not much time for answering questions. I am very busy.

I do not provide any magical help in any case. There are others who provide direct support.
everyone has to go through the spiritual training by himself as training means a deep
transformation of your personality, - there is simply no alternative. Discipline in training will let
you reach all aims. Practice makes perfect!
I am not interested in joining any kinds of circles, secret societies, brotherhoods etc.
I am a genuine servant of the eternal light and only responsible to God, not to any kind of
limited religion or human interests.

Please join my community: SOLE – Servants of the Eternal Light

Please mail to:

Further books of me are published on

Thank you for your understanding.

In love, light and service,

Ray del Sole

About the author:

I am an architect with special skills in management, eco-biology and economics. I have visited
many foreign countries so that I got to know the beautiful diversity of cultures and people. I am
a cosmopolitan and I feel at home especially in the south and the east of the world. I feel the
old bonds of former incarnations to other countries, forms of old love and appreciation.

When I was a little child I have dedicated myself to the aim of understanding the world
completely, how everything works. Today I would say – to understand God, man and creation,
to gain real wisdom. So I started very early to study books about sciences, mysteries, religions,
cultures, ancient history and spiritual teachings. Around the age of eighteen I began with the
spiritual training system of Bardon. Indeed I chose this life to make as much spiritual progress
as possible. And with this I will continue until I leave the material plane. For the future I have
some spiritual, altruistic projects in mind. Let´s see what the coming years will bring.

Yours, Ray

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