Light On The Path To Spiritual Perfectio - Book 4 - Del Sole, Ray

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Table of Contents

Light on the Spiritual Path to Perfection Book 4

Spiritual Topics
Basic Literature
The World Today - A Critical View
Evocation - Names of the Spirits
Wisdom - The Insights of the System Theory as a Masterkey to Understand Creation
Magical Orders - A Warning
Book Recommendation - Ramacharaka
God - The Divine Self - The Self to Become
The Four Planes, the Way of Realization and the Referring Problems
God and the Three Types of Magicians
Some Points to the Quabbalah Training in General
Cosmic Ordering, the Way of Realization, A Critical View
Spiritual techniques
Meditation to Balance Mind and Soul
Meditation on the Human Bodies
Prayer - Calling On Higher Beings (Spirits)
462 - Ritualistic Charging Of Batteries
Senses - Technique for the Developing Of the Astral Senses
Imagination Exercises
The Magical Diary
Cooperation in the Exercises with Higher Beings
Magical Self-Defense - Basic Self-Defense
Guidance - Making the Right Decisions
Questions and Answers
Q: Missing Organs and Spiritual Training
Q: Natural Spiritual Progress
Q: Spiritual Attitude
Q: Magnetism Of Water
Q: Effort Of Training Time
Q: Working On the Astral Development
Q: About Introspection II
Q: Phases of Training
Q: Moving Consciousness
Q: About Introspection III
Q: Perfect Concentration
Q: Body Battery
Q: Forcing Chakras
Q: Transformation and Chakras
Light on the Path
to Spiritual Perfection
Book IV
Ray del Sole
This book deals with a variety of spiritual topics, techniques and experiences for real seekers. It
is a collection of extracts of my work in my spiritual study group.
Light on the Path

to Spiritual Perfection
Book IV

Ray del Sole

Copyright © by Ray del Sole, 2010

ISBN: 978-1-4478-5716-7
All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without permission in writing from the
author, except for brief passages in connection with a review.

Art work: Copyright © by Ray del Sole, 2010

Front cover: Photo: Tanni, „Lagerfeuer“, CC-Lizenz (BY 2.0)
Back cover: Photo: Bonsai, „Nur ein Sonnenuntergang“, CC-Lizenz (BY 2.0)

Please regard that you take the responsibility for all exercises, experiments and advices you do
or follow in this book. All warnings of spiritual teachers, especially by Franz Bardon, Indian
Yogis and me should be taken serious. Spiritual training is an art and science and not
something to play with or for curiosity. Spiritual development takes years, whole life times,
many incarnations indeed. As you are an eternal being you have time enough to proceed step
by step keeping the balance in all aspects.

From darkness to the light. From limitation to no limits. From unawareness to cosmic
consciousness. From needs to fulfillment. That´s the way.

Ray del Sole

I dedicate this book to all spiritual guides, masters and teachers who bless us selflessly with the
divine light and guidance.

Ray del Sole

Spiritual Topics
Basic Literature

Franz Bardon, Swami Vivekananda, Choa Kok Sui, Yogiraji Boris Sacharow
The World Today - A Critical View

Dear fellows,

I see myself forced to give a statement, maybe prediction, to what is going on and what will
come. I don´t like to do it. Certainly you should have your own opinion about the things I write

I am engaged now for more than 15 years with studies and deeper insights in politics,
economics, society, history and other things like science and religions to understand the "why"
and the "how" of the world - as you can imagine with the background of the magical

When you look behind the scenes you can watch the work of the forces of darkness and the
forces of light. You can see their strategies, their agents, masters, leaders and followers. You
can see what they have done in the past, you can see what they are doing now and you can
imagine what they are doing as next steps in the future.

When we look into the past we can see the relicts of the so called golden age. It was the age of
magic and wisdom. Through some bad circumstances this glorious age went down. The
survivors - high priests, initiates were the founders of the oldest high cultures we can remind
of - India, Persia, Egypt and so on. Knowledge and wisdom were still there but already not as
high as in the golden age. The world has changed. The following cultures lived and blossomed
from the relicts of these still shining days but the original wisdom, knowledge went down
continuously. You can say that from the oldest time of Egyptian high culture until now there is
a downfall in all aspects of human life - politics, economics, society, religion and so on.
Certainly there were short times where things were flourishing but seen as a whole, things
went down. The true knowledge of God and creation got more and more lost, was hidden,
ignorance and negative behavior increased.

Today we live in the Iron Age - the darkest age one can think of. We have reached the bottom.
Reaching the bottom means also that it is now the time to turn back to our origins, to God, to
jump off the ground. It means beside this that the forces of light and darkness are really busy
today and that they work extremely hard to reach their aims. You may be able now to imagine
why hidden spiritual wisdom is presented in book-form and courses in our days. This revelation
makes sense. The dark forces are already waiting in front of the door - ready to conquer and to
enslave everyone. The forces of light are working on the awakening of the people. Most of
them are still sleepy - with bad nightmares. Those who are awake already are asked to develop
themselves (quickly). Time is precious.

There are probably people who think that today nearly everything is fine - okay we have some
problems and not everything is nice but wasn´t it the same throughout all centuries? And didn
´t we make major achievements in science and technics? And don´t we work for peace and
prosperity for everyone?

I see it in a different way. Although the knowledge for a better world is already there and I don
´t mean magic here - just the knowledge of the leading scientists - politicians, economists,
responsible persons of society are doing just the opposite. In analogy the circumstances of life
for the most people in the world are bad. The so called leading countries of America, Europe
and Asia are in a disastrous condition. People have lost their trust, they don´t believe anything
anymore. They are searching for help, for hope, for security. Whom do you trust today? Do you
trust in the words of politicians? Do you trust your bank? Do you trust in globalization? Do you
trust your employer? Your doctor? Or scientists and their achievements? Society? The things
they say in the news?

In general the people know that there is something wrong with the world today and that
something has to be done to correct it.

And now comes the main point. The need to correct the situation is obvious and it is getting
day by day more and more obvious that the existing leadership in politics, economics and
religion are not able to solve the problems.

There will come a day where the whole situation is ready to collapse - the total breakdown,
chaos, panic, maybe war. Then there will come a charismatic man, a leader, an agent of a secret
society, a man with tremendous power, high education, high intelligence, perfect in speech,
perfect in his appearance. He will appeal directly to the people by internet, TV, news and
whatever. He will declare that the old and established institutions - politicians, society,
religions and so on have totally failed and that it is now the time for him and his society to
assume the leadership over the world for the benefit of all. He will declare that his society was
waiting through all the centuries to lead the human race to its purpose, to a better world.
Everyone will clap their hands. This man is the awaited messiah. He will correct
everything. They think.

The truth is that this man will be an agent of darkness. His fellows have been working for this
day for centuries to "rule the world" as they always wanted to. They will present their "god" for
devotion and they will show the necessity for total control and bondage. They will say - "Look
into the past, there are endless examples for failures and why? Because there were freedom,
individuality, unrestricted knowledge and there were different beliefs. We will change it and
everything will be fine." They are working for a world with a few kings and uncountable
servants, where they will reign unchallenged, where they will live without limits. The normal
people will be completely restricted and controlled. They just have to function. "They are not
able to control themselves, they do not know what is good for them, - and so we will guide
them, - we are forced to." All these failures in history, all the evil things were initiated by these
brothers of darkness.

So this will be a trap in the coming future. Everyone has to open his eyes to see the signs and
to make the right decisions.
From a higher point of view this time of decision will be the time of a great awakening, of
choosing the light or the darkness with long term consequences.

The brothers of light are already mobilizing great masses of people, reconnecting them to God.

A lot of things are going on in our days.

Take good care of you!

With love,


Add on:

Dear R.,

thank you for your good comment. Darkness is somehow like a fat parasite nourishing itself
from the ignorant sheep. It is also like cancer. I think that I will write an article about the two
principles in the next future.

The main problem is that the people are unaware of these things. They are unaware of the
dramatic manipulation, unaware of the bondage and they are unaware of the light and the
good things which are possible to reach. When people get awareness of these things they are
able to say "No", to stop manipulation, to regain freedom and responsibility.

This unawareness, this state of sleeping is the main problem. The harder the times the easier it
is to awaken and the more people will do so.

From a dualistic view there will be always the fight between light and darkness - in some
centuries more in some less. Everyone has to fight for his life, his beloved ones, just for

From the point of unity it is different. The dark forces are needed to push the development of
human beings. Darkness has the best effect on spiritual progress. Pain, torture, punishment,
fear and so on were always a very good motivation to climb the spiritual stairs. Unfortunately
the Divine light is not enough to pull people back to God.
In general the demons are pushing and the angels are pulling the souls on their way to Divine
spheres. These are their jobs.

Divine Providence is watching and nothing can go against his laws. So we should trust in the
Divine Wisdom and Love.

The whole negativity in the world is very hard to stomach but it is a necessary process to
understand and to overcome duality. It is also not easy to understand but wisdom is certainly
the crown of spirituality. Bardon gives hints in his books for a deeper insight in this topic.

My dear brothers and sisters, please don´t feel sad or angry about all these things. Just
strengthen your belief and connection to the light and work on your spiritual development.
Everyone and all abilities are needed now and in the coming years.


"This confusion can be felt through all things, sometimes I am doubting which is the real God, if
there is a causal, lesser god that really is manipulating us through it's dark forces while the God
above is trying to get in but barely succeeding (or is this thought in itself a trap set by some
other agents?)."


It seems sometimes difficult to understand God, the world and so on. Why does it all happen?
Why does no one really help with divine powers?

Doubts are not good but they are a sign to get deeper in understanding of the background of it
all. Beside this there are nearly uncountable traps also for spiritual seekers.

Maybe it helps when you compare the evolution of human beings or the situation of the world
with the process maturation of a fruit or the treatment of a brilliant. In the beginning there are
often hard, bitter and shaping times and then the fruit is well, the diamond is ground and
wonderful - brilliant.

Through darkness to the light! That´s the way - unfortunately.


PS: R., if you write a book about these things then please be very careful. Dark forces don´t like
such things and probably will cause much trouble for you. Know exactly what you are doing.


As an explanation – when I wrote about the dark messiah I was in training with a quabbalistic
letter for prophecy.

The time we live in requires high awareness, sharp senses and proofing of all information –
manipulation of mind, thoughts, feelings and behavior is everywhere.

The latest action of the dark side is the so called gender mainstreaming to equalize men,
women and children. It comes along with sexual activation of little children and it is a further
step of the tries in the past to implement the idea that all human beings are equal. These are
ideas to condition people, to limit them, to reduce them to equalized slaves for easier control
of the rulers. Where is the respect for individuality, for freedom, for the different qualities of
men, women and children? Flattened to zero. And where is the respect for different cultures,
different ways to live? Flattened too. (Just in short said.) The aim is to condition people to
hard-working ants, all equal, working around the clock for a few kings.

These ideas, social experiments were implemented already in what we call communism – the
medicine against all spiritual people, against God. To study the background of all these things is
very interesting.

One of the next steps will be probably soon the war all against all where all kinds of different
groups will rise out of their hideouts to fight each other – some kind of civil war. This will be a
period of clearing, of separating the followers of the light and those of darkness. The last grey
ones will have to make their choice.

You can already smell the blood, the hate and aggressions. The god of war and his servants are
already at work.

But, - let´s see what happens, maybe we have some luck and the dark time won´t become too
heavy. The work of the dark brothers is more and more unveiled and people become more and
more aware of the real situation behind the manipulative news of the media.

When darkness rises then light rises too.

Evocation - Names of the Spirits


Does Bardon describe the real names of the higher beings (spirits) in his second book about
evocation practice?


There is a web-page in the internet where someone alleges that the names in Bardon´s book
are encoded. He says that the practitioner has to decipher the names with his special code. This
is the background to this question.

I will try to put some light on this question in form of arguments because I think that it is better
than to say "yes" or "no". It is a good thing to use the brain which God gave us. Vera Birkenbihl,
a famous author of psychology books published one book with the title “From brain owner to
brain user”. In this way my arguments have to be understood:

1. The content of this web-page is in my eyes poor in quality. You can sense the personality and
the deficits of the page-owner behind it. The content is analogue to this person.

2. Why should Bardon hide names of higher beings? There is absolutely no intelligent reason
for this.

3. Bardon reveals great mysteries. He hides simply nothing.

4. Most of the names are traditional, old and well known. Why should he encode the rest of
the names?

5. In his evocation book he states that all names are given in history to the initiates by the
higher beings themselves. Certainly in history gods and beings were sometimes inventions of
human minds but as they do not really exist they are also not listed in his book.

6. Through all times there were people with a big ego, with bad aims, which try to defame
better ones. It is easy to say something which most of the people are not able to proof and
what shows the own importance and magnificence.

7. In his third book Bardon gives a quabbalistic key to the use of divine names, the names of
higher beings. Every listed name in his second book can be used for quabbalistic work. The
names are analogue to the powers and qualities of the higher beings and a Quabbalist is able
to work with them. In this way his evocation book is a book of powerful keys for quabbalistic

So, maybe you are now able to make up your own opinion about this question.
It always hurts me personal when great ones are affronted and dragged into the mud. Everyone
should be treated with respect, especially great servants of Divine Providence.

In deepest respect, thankfulness and love to Master Bardon.

Wisdom - The Insights of the System Theory as a Masterkey to
Understand Creation

Reference: Management teachings, Social teachings, Biology and Ecology teachings

Summary: Some few words about "systems" and how to use this knowledge for a better
understanding of God and creation and for problem solving

Essay: Magic is the highest and all-embracing science of all sciences. Creation and Gods
workshop behind the scenes, - the material world are probably not easy to understand.

One thing which helps to understand also the higher mysteries is the system theory. It is not
possible for me to go into details here but I want to draw your attention to it as it is very useful
to increase your wisdom and understanding. For more information you can have a look on e.
g. Wikipedia in the internet.

The whole creation, the macrocosm and the microcosm are systems, systems as parts in
interaction of other, higher systems. Self-regulating systems which modulate themselves to the
circumstances of their environments. This sounds like Chinese but if you take some time to
study these things you will get deep insights of the "why" and "how" in creation and normal

Let´s go to some main points for our magical studies:

A self-regulating system is for example the human body. The body as a system - organization of
energies, structures, organs and so on is working twenty-four hours per day to keep a good
degree of balance, to modulate itself to life circumstances, to heal itself, to renew the energy
level and so on. The human body does this work by its own regulating intelligence. So for
example when we say that we heal someone with energy, medicaments, special techniques,
and so on, we just give the needed energy or structure to the body and it heals itself. We just
support the body in its self-regulating activities.

Another example: In the system theory you find the laws of analogies. It says that all parts of a
system are analogue to the system itself - the holistic worldview. This means that the
microcosm is analogue to the macrocosm, the human being is analogue to the universe - all
beings are analogue to the universe in some way. We are all parts in interaction of the bigger
system called universe or macrocosm. So this means inter alia that you find all spheres, all
elements, all fluids, all planes and so on in a human being. Through magical training we
activate them and get control over them.

In the same way the microcosm regulates itself, the macrocosm does. Let´s take for example
"negative elements". The human body tries to dissolve negative elements to keep its health. If
this does not work the body isolates the negative element so that it cannot cause illness or
disorder (!). Human society does in analogy the same. Police dissolves negative elements -
crime regarding the laws (!). If this does not really work then the negative elements - the
criminals are arrested - isolated, so that they can´t cause disorder any more. What does the
macrocosm? It does the same on a higher level. The lords of karma care about the health -
order of the universe and all its parts - beings regarding the divine laws. Sometimes there are
more worst evil black magicians where normal punishment is not enough. So what happens to
them? They are isolated in space far away from life so that they can´t do any chaos and there
they will be completely dissolved - a happy fate of black magicians without insight.

Another really important thing which is the answer to very bad spiritual traps: God created the
macrocosm - system - with all its creatures. Referring to the system theory and the laws of
analogies every creature fits into creation. This sounds very trivial but it is not. A fish is created
to live in the sea, a bird to fly in the sky - this is the natural order and it is good. If this order is
disrupted the results are pain, suffering maybe death. A fish can´t live in the air, a bird can´t
live in the sea. This trivial example is important to understand more complex things. A human
being is well as long as it lives in his natural order - system. You feel well when you have your
sleep, your time of activity, something good to eat, to drink and a task to do. You are created
to feel well in creation - you are a fitting part of the system. Pain occurs when you are not
completely in order when something is against your nature. So you have to come back to your
order, your balance. This is one main point why we have to reach the magical equilibrium - to
be in full harmony, balance with the macrocosm, the great system - the great harmony and full
resonance of micro- and macrocosm. The most important point I want to focus on are the
spiritual traps. God created us to go through a very long development which is similar to the
development of a tree or a flower. Like a seed in the earth normal human beings are sleeping
and dreaming. Then they awake and drill themselves through the surface of the earth to see for
the first time the glorious sun - first enlightenment. Then they grow and grow in the divine light
and open all their buds so that they become great flowers, flourishing to honor the sun. This is
our natural plan, our inner nature to grow and to flourish in all aspects. This plan is given by
God and so it is right for us and we fit into it with all abilities and qualities. God gives us all
what is necessary to go this way. Everything is prepared for us. I hope you understand. The
second main thing is that there is no real place for doubts or feeling uncomfortable on the
spiritual path. If you feel uncomfortable or if you have doubts then it is a clear sign that you
are not in your natural order. There is something to balance, to clear or to heal. Understood?
And there are really bad traps hidden. I don´t want to name these traps but please keep in
mind that God created you to feel well in creation and on your path of development. Balance
uncomfortable feelings and doubts away. They are against your nature. I hope you can
understand what I am trying to say. It is probably not easy but it is important.

A last short example: The system theory is also good to understand the rhythms of nature,
human beings, society and so on. It explains the floating balance/harmony of all things.
Imagine a pendulum which swings to and fro. This is the dynamic balance of creation and it
goes along with rhythms. A coming and going. Everything works in a kind of sinus curve - with
phases of ups and downs, of increasing and decreasing. You can watch it everywhere. But these
are maybe other topics.

If you study the main points of system theory you will be able to give prognoses about how
things develop or change and you will be able to balance systems to get back to natural order
and harmony. You are also able to understand problems, to find solutions, to have deeper
insights in the mysteries of God and creation. You will understand why things do not work,
where faults are and how to get all done to full success.

Besides this key of wisdom, please remind yourself of the spiritual traps which are or can cause
the worst disharmonies - just balance all negativity away and know that God wants you to feel
well as a creature. The whole spiritual development is a great part of your inner nature, your
inner plan. All you need is prepared for you to go this way. Flourish like a wonderful flower,
become as big as a redwood. Grow in the divine light to honor the divine sun.

We are all spiritual flowers of great beauty. We just have to blossom.

Magical Orders - A Warning

Dear fellows,

I have had some discussions about magical threats with Nita Hickok. As a result I want to speak
out a warning concerning magical orders.

In most cases magical orders serve duality, human interests, darkness - which goes along with
making contracts with beings, evoking group egregors, negative vows, curses, magical slavery
and so on. This is serious, not funny at all and certainly dangerous.

For your health, your liberty, your free will and spirituality I beg you to rethink any kind of
membership in magical orders.

If you are bound in such a negative order please ask Nita for advice as she is our most
professional fighter against the evil.

Here in our group we do not provide negativity in any case. We are servants of the eternal light
and dedicated to unity, to the principle of light, love and wisdom.

So please take good care of yourself and don´t let yourself be trapped!

Book Recommendation - Ramacharaka

Dear J. and fellows,

I just have visited the website of Ramacharaka thanks to the recommendation of you, J. There
are some PDF-Files of his teachings and insights into the Christian esoteric tradition. Those
things are precious as in the former days there was a deeper spiritual sense. In general this
means that I have experienced that especially the "old" authors from nineteenhundred-
something century have written good "stuff" to study. The authors of today I do not appreciate
much but those from the former days they were good.


Ramacharaka wrote obviously several really esoteric books about Yoga and healing techniques,
higher worlds etc. I recommend having a look in the internet for deeper and interesting studies.
God - The Divine Self - The Self to Become

Summary: In this article I want to reveal the beauty of the divine self.

Dedication: I dedicate this article especially to our brother A. (who is in these days in deep love
with God)

Essay: In literature you can find uncountable "selves", especially in psychology and in esoteric
teachings. I don´t want to discuss how much sense it makes to differentiate one microcosm into
uncountable selves. I want to focus more on the divine self or maybe better called the inner
god, our divine nature, divine personality, the personality we all will become one day.

What we call personality - the sum of qualities and powers (quantities) of our microcosm - is
changing day by day, minute by minute. Some things change fast, some slowly or not at all. So
we can say that personality is something dynamic, in motion.

By the spiritual - magical and mystical training which we all perform here our nature -
personality is changing more than the personality of "normal" people. We refine ourselves,
balance and build them up - let them grow in harmony regarding the four elements and three
planes. So we follow our inner nature, our inner plan of God which says that we should flourish
and grow in all aspects.

You all know these human selves which are mostly in imbalance with problems here and there,
with a lot of limitations but full of hopes, dreams and wishes.

You all know the selves of us - spiritual students on the way to mastership - sometimes with
more problems, imbalances, dreams and hopes. Selves in great motion, in great changing
processes. Alchemy - the student has to be cooked as long as he needs to become golden -
perfect. So spirituality is a big kitchen and we cook ourselves to perfection in all elements,
fluids, spheres, cosmic letters and so on.

So, what about our divine selves, the divine nature?

Imagine yourself, see yourself in the mirror, now imagine yourself in perfection. You are
beautiful, in youth, full of charisma, perfectly shaped but still you, no blemish, just youth and
beauty, full of refined energy, a good figure, totally healthy, great looking, feeling fantastic.
Now focus on your divine qualities, the all-embracing love emitting from your heart bathing
everyone and everything in your environment, the divine wisdom shining like a crown on your
head and through your eyes, there is nothing you don´t understand - you are one with all
mysteries, all mysteries are found in you, the divine authority, your unlimited power and
almighty will, who will not respect you and serve God inside yourself with joy? You are a
perfect temple of God, perfect in balance with all spheres and energies. How great, how
awesome, how beautiful! And watch your divine smile; your smile is an endless blessing.
Imagine this all and you will know where the spiritual path will lead you.

It is no wonder at all that real spiritual masters were deeply loved by their students through all
ages. God himself is shining through his masters, lifting up their students to great bliss.

I like such visions very much. It is like taking a bath in divinity. It is uplifting and joyful.

Lift yourself up!

The Four Planes, the Way of Realization and the Referring Problems

Summary: This is an important topic which every magician has to understand for his full magical

Essay: Our hermetic world view let us differentiate the universe into 4 main planes, dimensions,
worlds. This has good reasons, practical reasons and wise reasons. In this article I want to put
some light on these planes as their understanding is very important to get good results in

The first "plane" is Akasha, a space without dimensions and time, without a real vibrancy,
without a created vibrancy. I call it the total harmony of the elements, a state of energy which
is beyond creation. Creation is the dynamic balance of the four elements. Before creation all
elements were/are in a state of total statically balance. As we are creatures we only can sense
creation not what is beyond creation. From Akasha all elements were born, came into life, into
creation, into dynamic balance. Dynamic balance means time. Between the happening of two
following things there flows time. Akasha is in steady interaction with the four elements, with
creation. It regulates the dynamic balance and keeps the harmony of creation. What we can
sense of Akasha is the nonentity, a dark violet color or a special black color. Akasha connects us
to the whole universe - we bridge time and space and get into contact with the highest being
we call God. Akasha activates the crown chakra for divine experiences for cosmic consciousness.
Akasha is the plane of pure ideas, of planting seeds to grow on the other planes. It is the plane
where we can create like God does - planting seeds directly.

The next plane is the mental plane, the plane of the immortal spirit. The astral plane is the
plane of the mortal, alterable spirit. This is something very interesting. Our personality, our
inner being is the mental being, the spirit, it is our original nature. As a mental being we dress
ourselves in an astral body - soul and during the incarnations into a material body.

Each plane has its own laws referring to the state of energy. Akasha has the quality of
omnipresence as it is not limited by time and space. The mental plane is high frequency energy.
On this plane everything is possible, also no limits of time and space. In your mind, in your
process of thinking everything is possible. You can go in thoughts into the past, into the future,
do things which are completely impossible on the material plane - you are not limited in your
mental activity. On the astral plane there is life and death although it is still similar to the
mental plane, the frequency isn´t as high. The energy is more concrete, more formed,
condensed, with color and real bodies, shapes. It is limited by these forms, forms and colors.
"Situations" occur. This means there are different objects, subjects in proportion, relationship,
interaction, correlation and interdependence. Bardon calls this situation. The astral plane is
more slowly and more dense, condensed than the mental plane. The most dense and lowest
frequency plane is the material world. The situations of the astral plane are dressed in matter.
We call this life. On the material plane we all know the heavy laws. Here we are limited, -
limited, concrete objects, subjects, creatures. We have to "work" here to get things down. We
have to move our feet to reach a place. It is not easy here. It is a world of life and death and we
have to care for survival - hard conditions.

Our consciousness is analogue to Akasha, our spirit (quality aspect) and our mental body
(quantity aspect) with our thoughts are analogue to the mental plane - very fast energy, high
activity, immortal. Our soul (quality aspect) and our astral body (quantity aspect) with (lower)
emotions and (higher) feelings are analogue to the astral plane, the first dress. The dress for
the material life is the material body - acting, behavior on the material plane.

Now you are probably able to understand why we human beings have so many problems, so
much to learn in the material world. Why? Because we consist of a composition of four
different planes with its different laws. What a mess!

The unlimited mind in his mental body has to experience that it cannot create and live in the
material world like it does above. Do you understand? The unlimited mind has to learn the
totally limited material laws of nature to be able to create things here down below and to live
here. This is one big problem of human beings. Therefore we have to learn in interaction with
our surroundings through our childhood and after this in school. If we were completely made
of the material world we would know all material laws perfectly and couldn´t go wrong in any
way. I hope you can understand what I mean. The mental human being has to adapt himself in
the way of thinking, feeling and creating, acting to the limited material world. In the magical
training you have to readapt yourself to the limitless laws of your higher planes - e. g. flying
boundless through the air with your mental body, going through walls, seeing through time and
space. So with each new incarnation we have to condition ourselves to the material level again
and vice versa after death. This explains a lot of strange things.

(All three planes have different levels of vibrancy – finer ones and more material ones –
regarding the mental and astral maturity/ refinement.)

Let´s come to the problems we have to manage as magicians in the training.

Imagine you are a beginner of Bardon´s first book. You are a normal human being, conditioned
to the material world and the experience of yourself as a material being. One thing is that you
discover through the training that you are a composite being made of four planes. But here I
want to focus something else. Imagine you start your training with vital energy. At first there is
the idea that there is something which is called vital energy. Now you do your first exercises.
You think - and this is important - you just think that you breathe vital energy in and out. This
means you do the exercise "only" on the mental level. By these exercises you have probably the
feeling that you have more mental energy. After some time practicing the exercises you have
got more in touch with the vital energy, you can really feel it - denser - the astral level. It
strengthens now also your soul. After a long time of practice you are probably able to work
with the most dense kind of vital energy which is analogue to the material body. Again the
feeling is different. For healing treatments you can differentiate on which plane you give vital
energy to the patient, up to the case you give on all planes vital energy at the same time.
Another examples are the exercises with the elements - e. g. the fire element. In the first period
of training you think of the fire element and the warmth of it - it is just a mental thing, a
mental action. In the next training period you have reached the astral plane and now you are
able to really feel the fire element and its warmth. Later the fire element becomes so dense
that you are sweating on the physical plane. The highest step in this training is to reach total
mastership on an element. This means that just by your authority the element manifests itself
on the plane you want to. It works without effort. It is similar to a king who gives an order and
this order is directly executed, accomplished. That´s for sure something great and special. And
this has to be gained for all elements and different energies. This works also for wishes.

Now to the problem. If things do not really work in magic, in most cases the reason is that the
magical operation was performed only on the mental plane. There was not enough energy on
the astral level or maybe also on the material level. Thinking something is often not enough.
Therefore the master says that we should work with our astral bodies, souls to do training with
the energy breathing exercises.

So how can we optimize this thing?

First point is that we are aware of this problem. Second point is to work on giving dynamic
power to our wishes, magical work. Third point is to do a lot of training with breathing vital
energy, the elements, the fluids, light to activate the astral body for stronger performances.
Forth point: Concentration means to make mental energy dense to the astral level and deeper.
By you will and concentration power you densify energy to the level you need to. Therefore
focus on your concentration training and your will power. Fifth point the higher you have
refined, spiritualized yourself the more authority you have to control all energies and to fulfill
your wishes. The astral body is then nearly on mental high energy level. Sixth point you help
yourself very much when you do Eucharist with all energies, this means to load water or food
with an energy and then eat it. This makes it much easier to work on the astral and material
level. But it can be hard to bear the dense energies so be careful with this technique.

To manifest things your wish has to go through all planes - first the idea, then wrapped in
thoughts, a plan, order, then concretized into a situation - the real performance, work, then the
manifestation on the material plane. There are a lot of techniques for all purposes.

So if things don´t work as they should you know now the possible reasons. It is just a matter of
long, hard training and real spiritual intentions. Then mastership comes naturally.

It was my wish to put light on this topic as it is not easy to understand - especially for beginners
- and as it is very important in many ways.

So - mission accomplished!

God and the Three Types of Magicians

Summary: This article is very important for the right orientation on the magical path.

Essay: This article has the aim to differentiate between the three types of the magical path and
their relation to God. This is a basic topic which everyone in magical training should
understand to give himself the right orientation.

In general there are three types of magicians, three paths, three different fates and only one
path leads to God, the highest aim of all spiritual development.

We start from the bottom:

3. The negative (black) magician, the path of darkness and destruction

2. The dualistic magician, the path of good and bad

1. The positive (white) magician, the path of light and construction

0. God

Let´s have a look on the details of differentiation:

3. The negative (black) magician, the path of darkness and destruction

He is led by his beastly desires, his uncontrolled emotions, his selfish wishes, no heart, no love,
no higher feelings, just the greed to satisfy his appetite for might, money, torture, destruction,
rage, hate, sex, revenge, control of others and so on. He is dedicated to pure darkness, no light
at all. His fate is self-destruction. He will be dissolved in the end. If he is lucky, someone will
free him from darkness to return to the path of light. The law of karma says: "Seed darkness
and you will reap darkness!"

2. The dualistic magician, the path of good and bad

Creation is dualistic. Everything has its two sides - the good side and the bad side. Normal
humans are good and bad in their characteristics, in their behavior. And so is the dualistic
magician - he does good things and he does bad things, it depends on his own limited point of
view, on his personal view. He is stuck in duality! He is trapped, imprisoned in duality, no real
development possible. The law of karma says: "Plant bad seeds and you will reap bad fruits,
plant good seeds and you will reap good fruits!" The dualistic magician is trapped in his limited
personality. His good actions annihilate his bad actions and vice versa, in sum it means zero. No
real development in any direction. He is open for two possible ways - for the dark side or for
the light.

1. The positive (white) magician, the path of light and construction

The real magician is dedicated to the light; he is a servant of God and creation. He has
mastered his personality, he has mastered dualism, duality, he has overcome the limitations of
a personal point of view, he has won unity with God, he is a true agent of God, he is the
highest and the most perfect initiate, a true adept, a real master. He is free! He follows Divine
Wisdom, his work is an act of true all-embracing love, he is empowered by God himself, he is
able to do whatever has to be done in the name of God.

0. God

God is the sun of creation. In the sun there is no place for darkness. It is 100% light, 100%
positive. God is the source of the highest wisdom and knowledge, the highest powers, the
highest happiness, the highest love. In God you find all answers to your questions. God satisfies
all your needs, all your wishes, all your desires. God is the beginning and God is the aim, the
end, the perfection of the human development.

From darkness to the light. From limitation to no limits. From unawareness to cosmic
consciousness. From needs to fulfillment. That´s the way.

Everyone who is on the way has to make his decision where he wants to go - to darkness or
trapped in duality or to the source.

It should be clear that we only support the path of pure light dedicated to God in deepest love
and humbleness, in service of Divine Wisdom for the benefit of creation.

Neglect darkness for your own prosperity.

I hope you all understand and everyone does the right decision.


Add on:
I forgot to add the law of karma for the white magician:

The law of karma says: "Plant good seeds and you will reap good fruits, serve God and creation
and you will be blessed endlessly!"

In conclusion: The best thing in life you can do is to become a brother of light, a real master, a
humble servant of God and creation, a so called white magician, blessed in all aspects,
unlimited, loved by everyone.

Dear fellows,

there is beautiful saying in Italy: When a child is born they say " the child is brought into the
light". I was deeply touched when I heard this - being brought into the light - born in the light -
it sounds so spiritually. Imagine yourself born in the light - what a great feeling, what a great
happening. What a happy celebration.

Let´s be born in the light!

Some Points to the Quabbalah Training in General

Quabbalah is the most complex magical science and especially the training is very
sophisticated. Differences in the details count in Quabbalah, so you have to examine and to
understand deeply what Bardon writes about the cosmic language.

Therefore it is not enough to take only a summary of a letter and work with it. A summary is
only a kind of help to learn easier. You must work close, very close to the book.

In the internet there are some sources for Bardon´s Quabbalah with the qualities, colors and so
on of each letter and also of the formulas. This is "second hand". There are often faults in
it. For professional training I suggest to make your own list, to work yourself through KTQ.

Everyone has to go his own way, especially in magic and Quabbalah!

When you work by yourself then you will learn at the same time. With "second hand stuff" you
learn nothing, no learning effect.

Cook for yourself and you will know how to cook. Just by eating dishes you won´t become a

In the qualities and the right performance of the cosmic letters there are so many possibilities
for mistakes, for wrong descriptions. So be careful in your work and in the choice of sources.

Very often the wrong colors are shown. Often by stupid things like unfitting color
transformations by software for picture finishing and internet.

Especially KTQ has to be read over and over again to get aware of the smallest details in the
description of the letters to understand them better.

So understand this as a warning if you want to study Quabbalah seriously with good results.

Add-on: Quabbalistic training

Dear C.,

to answer your questions:

1. Question: Which plane do you use each letter on please? For instance each letter has in most
cases a different quality on each plane (material, astral, mental, Akasha).
Answer: Certainly has each letter a special quality referring to the used plane. I also certainly
agree with the listed qualities from you. In general each letter has "endless" qualities analogue
to the "endless" qualities of creation. Remembering that the sum of cosmic letters is analogue
to the whole creation. So I have simplified and focused only on a very few (main) qualities in
my short article - the "joyful mood" of Z for example. My experience is that the single planes
are not really far away from each other. So when I perform one letter for example on mental
plane it has effects on the other planes as well (the longer and stronger you charge yourself the
more effects occur on the other planes as the planes are only a matter of density). Another
main aspect is that you focus with your will and mind on a special plane, quality, result and this
altogether makes the end result. This means that to a certain degree the differentiation
between the planes is not "really" important but this depends on your aims.

(Note: About the JZH-formula for healing:)

You can use J on Akasha plane, Z mental and H on astral plane - in fact regarding my
experiences the performance of the letters has directly effects on mental and astral plane - very
powerful charging = powerful results. You can also charge your body directly on the astral plane
or do it on mental plane and a second time on astral plane. The most important things are: To
get dynamic element energies - (J) water really cool, (Z) lightness of air and (H) powerful fire
energy. The qualities - I would focus on the all-embracing love (J), the positive light mood (Z)
and the purest divine might/power of H. In fact by your training you have merged the powers
with its qualities already, so I would emphasize the element feeling, the color and the right

When I do it then I speak each letter three times > JJJ-ZZZ-HHH to make them extremely
powerful, alternatively you can speak them J-Z-H, J-Z-H, J-Z-H with bigger intermissions. And
then it works - you are bathed in love with good mood, fiery power and the combination of
water (J) + air (Z) + fire (H) is perfect, altogether the earth element, tetragrammaton. You can
really feel the energy working, cleaning, healing your body, soul, mind. For this it is a great

(There are differences in the way of speaking = performing the letters regarding what you
charge and from where e. g. Akasha point, spheres, forms, with program and without and
especially how dense the letters become by repetition or will,- all depends on your purpose
and your maturity/abilities.)

2. Question: I suppose for me, it wouldn't work, because I am locked in already to the
descriptions of qualities that I already have years behind me in memorizing for each letter.

Answer: The results are not so much depending on the qualities, indeed they depend more on
the evoked powers and the right speech of the letters. I did not invent any "new" qualities,
these are qualities which are already in these letters and derived from my experience, from
feeling them. So certainly you and everyone else can do the same with total respect to Bardon
´s descriptions - there are no differences. When you read the descriptions again you will find
"my" qualities also there. (So I really hope that you use this formula for your own benefits, you
can do it, no doubt.)

Regarding this topic please remember the J-H-W-H formula Bardon recommends for healing
purposes - this formula is the so called quantity key of the first Mercury being, this means it is
pure power, the quality is not the main or interesting point there - just pure power. With J-Z-H
it is not completely similar but the main focus is also here on the power - maybe 75% power
and 25% quality.

(Note: The differentiation between quantity keys and quality keys of the names of the spirits
from the Mercury sphere.)

I must admit that I needed maybe a whole year for the right speech of the letter H and that I
am able to perform J and I in the right way only since a few months ago. The right speech
makes the energy really dynamic and powerful. Unfortunately you can get the right technique
only by much training.

In general - just try the formula, perform it and then call on divine mercy for complete healing.
Just try it and you will know everything for yourself much better than I am able to describe it.

(Note: JZH formula for healing/mercy is meant.)

Certainly you can use this formula also for its "original" purpose to call on divine mercy for
other concerns than healing.

So these are just some "latest" experiences and I hope you can benefit from them. As we are
true brothers on the same path we are here to share and to support each other. Certainly
there are so many things to learn for all of us. Progress is a very kind gift from above.
Cosmic Ordering, the Way of Realization, A Critical View

Reference: Bardon´s teachings, funny books about positive thinking and cosmic ordering

Summary: This article is a critical comparison of two ways of realization

Essay: You all probably know books about positive thinking and cosmic ordering. The ideas in
these books are derived from old magical knowledge „We are the creators of our lives." The
problem of these books is that they provide the idea that all you have to do is to keep a
positive attitude, to send your wish to the universe and everything will manifest by itself. So
everything is quite easy as it seems - just tell the universe what you want or need and it will
realize as you have ordered.

Strangely when people do this technique, very often nothing happens. So the authors of those
books are forced to write more books where they explain how to improve the cosmic ordering.
This helps also not much. So the authors are forced to hold seminars and lectures. The side
effect is that the authors increase their wealth. If the people are able then to fulfill their wishes
by cosmic ordering is a different question.


The cosmic ordering is a nice idea but not more. Why? Because it is just a small and not
completely understood part of magical practice.

Let´s see how it really works. Bardon gave us the explanation:

0. There is an initial situation. In this situation you get an impulse, an idea to change
something, to satisfy a need or to fulfill a wish. This is the stage of Akasha - the idea, impulse,

1. The idea is there. Now the idea has to be wrapped into mental energy. This means the idea
is abstract and it has to be made more concrete. So you start thinking about the idea, you use
your intellect, the principle of mercury, you analyze, synthesize, think about everything from A
to Z, you develop a plan for manifesting your idea, your wish. This is the mental stage, the
mental plane, the stage of concrete thoughts, plans for manifestation.

2. So, your wish is now worked out on mental plane and now it wraps itself in astral energy.
This means that your thoughts are combined with feelings and that your plans concretely
manifest themselves in circumstances, situations to manifest your wish in the material world.
The astral stage, plane of so called situations, circumstances of manifestation, ideas wrapped in
thoughts and plans, wrapped in emotions and situations.
3. Now it is time for realization, time for action. You act to manifest your wish. The material
stage, plane. Your wish realizes itself.

These are the four stages of materialization. To understand them better I show here a small

0. The initial situation: You sit on the sofa. Suddenly you stomach makes a noise. You have the
idea "Oh, I am hungry! “

1. Now you start thinking: "It is already time for dinner? No, I probably should eat only a small
thing. What can this be? A cake? A muffin? A salad? A cake is too sweet; the salad is good for
my health. What do I have in the fridge? And so on."

2. You have the concrete thought to get up from the sofa to have a look in your fridge. This is
the situation which manifests itself in near future. Feelings of appetite for nice things to eat

3. The situation manifests, you stand up, go to the fridge, open it and examine what there is
left to eat. Either you get directly something to eat or another initial situation starts....

Let´s have a short look on the professional way of creation as we do it as magicians:

0. Same thing - always first - the initial situation - the idea to do something.

1. Now you think, meditate upon the problem, idea and you work out a plan how to solve the
problem, how to manifest your wish in the best way. What factors have to be regarded, right
time, right place, right quality, right quantity, right circumstances, right period of time and so
on. So you have a master plan for manifestation. Now you charge your thoughts with
imagination, so that it can manifest easily - mental power plus clear order, vision.

2. You charge your wish also with emotions, feelings to give astral power in addition, to
increase the process of realization. Now (at the latest) you set your wish free for realization.
The situation for realization manifests it.

3. The situation has arrived, your wish realizes itself in the material world. Alternatively you are
working to manifest your wish on the material plane guided by the work on the higher planes.


Just mentioning some thoughts on the mental plane is not enough for materialization of
wishes. You have to put much energy and clear orders on all three planes for good results.
Especially the third stage is often dropped. For most of your wishes you have to work
physically, have to act in the material world. Imagine you want a girl-friend or a boy-friend. It is
not enough just to send such a thought into the universe; you also have to go out to find one
or to be found. Or imagine that you would like to study to become a doctor. You can dream
your whole life of being a doctor but if you do not start your studies at the university then you
will never become a doctor.

In general: "No pain, no gain!" or "No sweets without sweat!"

This counts also for magicians but fortunately we are the most professional for manifesting
things. Certainly there are different methods and endless possibilities to manifest something
but in general it will be always the same process.

In devotion to the laws of wisdom (number three) it is good to regard these three stages of
realization for full success.

I hope I was able to clear some misunderstandings referring to this topic.


Latest Add-on:

The idea of cosmic ordering has to do with magical or divine authority, when God sends out a
wish into the universe the spirits of the spheres will realize it. This is also true for all divine
masters, yogis, high initiates and so on. Jesus taught such a technique to his students, - the
heart prayer. I write about it in a different essay. Unfortunately most of the readers of these
books about cosmic ordering have no divine authority developed – so why should a spirit
realize their wishes?

Another important point – it is not foreseen for everyone to live in wealth and to get
everything that they have on mind. Why? Just because the life circumstances of a person are
restricted to the individual purpose of the incarnation. A person incarnates to make well
defined and sense full experiences for new steps in human and spiritual development. So all
factors of life are more or less clear defined and in most cases limited. This depends also on
your karma.


My articles are in most cases quite short and compromised,- especially because I have not
much time and somehow it is my way to do it.

I have to admit that I needed several years to really understand what Bardon means with astral
situations and those things. Therefore I often recommend reading his books over and over
again to sense small details which explain big things.

Another thing which I have to admit is that I am not a "model magician" like people often
having in mind when they think about magic. A "model magician" probably does magical things
daily. But I am just a student with main focus on refinement and development. So indeed I
have gained most results in life by hard work - the fourth stage of realization.

1. The laws of wisdom: Bardon says that behind the numbers from 1 to 9 higher laws are
hidden (Quabbalah). The number three (3) stands for the three planes, stages of realization. All
things which want to manifest in the material world have to go through these three stages,
planes - mental plane, astral plane and then the realization on the physical plane. The law says
that everyone who wants to manifest something in the material world has to regard the three
planes otherwise it won´t work. Therefore it is a law of wisdom.

2. Everyone can examine the process of realization by himself as it is valid for all kinds of
realization - not limited to magic. Let´s try an everyday life example. We start from the result:
There is a warm cake in the kitchen. This is the material result, something which has realized on
physical plane, fourth stage. Why did it realize? Because someone has baked it - a situation
(astral plane) has manifested itself in the material world. Why did someone bake this cake?
Because there was the idea to do it - Akasha plane. How did this idea arrive? It came by the
circumstances of a situation - stage zero (0) - a child has birthday, so a cake must be baked -
need, wish. Stage one (1) - mental level - the baker: „What kind of cake do I want to bake?
What do I need for it? How do I bake it? When do I need it? And so on" - the stage of planning,
mental work, concretizing the abstract idea of a cake which leads to the situations of buying
ingredients and baking them.

In conclusion: All things start with a situation where an idea arise that there is a need/which
impulse for something to do. The idea, impulse to do something is born, now it has to be
concretized by thinking, planning. The mental plans lead to situations to manifest in a physical
process the wished for result.

I guess it is comprehensible. It is very logical and everyone knows such examples by own
experiences in everyday life.

3. The four planes are very close and somehow similar and related. This means from Akasha
plane to the mental plane it is not far and it is also not far from mental plane to the astral
plane and from this to realization on the physical plane. All planes are close parts of one thing -
the universe. The difference depending on what is examined is sometimes very small. For
example in Akasha you have an abstract idea and on mental plan it is a concrete idea/thought -
there is not much difference. On the astral level you have the whole situation which mirrors
itself on the material plane, also not many differences.

Certainly a magician should know also small differences, for example to use Akasha to set seeds
and the mental plane to make them grow, to blossom completely on the astral level and to
realize on the material plane.

4. MBO - Management by Objectives. This is a special management teaching which is derived

unconsciously from magical knowledge of realization - getting things done. MBO says that at
first an idea, aim has to be defined from which all techniques, measures have to be derived to
realize it. This is the aim as above: A situation which shows a need/ wish to act - the idea, aim,
then the deriving of measures, plans from it and the realization of it through situations in the
material world.

So in general it is always clever to define at first the aim, then to plan everything and then to
act to realize it. This is also what Bardon says: Imagine your aim fulfilled already here and now -
this is the idea for the Akasha plane - to set, plant the seed of the tree which has to grow as
you wish for.

5. Let´s have a closer look on this: Example - you want to increase your will-power = first idea
because you have experienced that there is a need for it (situation of stage 0). From this first
idea you come to the right formulated aim „I have a well refined and strong will." This is the
seed you plant now on the Akasha plane so that it will realize on all planes. Now you give
power and life to this idea (already on the Akasha plane just by strong thought, repetition of
this idea). This works like watering a new planted seed. It will grow faster. So, the seed is
planted and now it has to grow, to manifest itself through all planes. This functions on two
ways, one way is to start thinking by yourself how to strengthen your will, the other way is that
the universe is starting to develop this seed - your mental work is the active part, the work of
the universe is the passive part. You water your seed and care about it and the earth is
nourishing it in addition. Through both ways situations manifest where you strengthen your
will - the active way through your own magical training with focus on will and the passive way
that circumstances in life occur where you have to show a strong will (what we can call "fate")
- in conclusion an active development of your will and the passive one where you are forced to
develop your will. As a result your will has grown after some time to the aim you set in Akasha -
a well refined and strong will.

So it makes clear sense when Bardon says „Formulate your aim as it is manifested already and
then work on it, feed it with energy and do something to realize it." All seeds have already the
perfect tree or flower inside.
6. Examples of my own experiences: At first I have to say that with a higher level of
training/refinement your abilities of manifestation are increasing. It also depends on the
energy you are charged or in general on your energy level (quantity). Because of my long
training things manifest easier and faster than in former times.

a) In general small wishes realize quickly - when I want to speak to someone or I want to get
the train in time - the situations arise without much effort just an impulse of my will is enough.

b) When I prepare a magical operation or when I plan a wish then I often experience that just
by thinking about the plan to manifest something it already realizes itself.

c) One day I was thinking about to have a nice day with a friend of mine in a foreign city. I
wanted to visit with her a special zoo, then the Old Town, to have a nice dinner and to make a
boat trip - so it was a big program to accomplish. The weather forecast for this day was not
good - rain, clouds and sun - altogether. The only magical thing I did was to wish for a smooth
working, perfect day with much fun and the right weather. And this is what happened.
Everything worked fine, really fine. At first we found, without any problems, the zoo and we
discovered there a beautiful park (with good weather), then directly a good parking place in the
Old Town which is normally hard to find, when we arrived at the promenade we got directly in
time a ship for the river tour - no need to wait for a ship, the weather was great on this tour
with a lot of sunshine, then we got back into the Old Town and we just arrived in a cafe when it
started raining, after we had finished our ice cream and coffee the sun came back and we
started walking again, later we needed to have a break, something to drink and in time as we
sat in the cafe it started raining again as long as we were busy with having our drinks, then the
sun came out again. The day was closed with a discovery of a very good restaurant with really
fine meals. It was a blessed day, a perfect day which manifested itself through my wish, through
me, my friend and the universe.

d) I am single. Sometimes I have the idea to end it and then I wish for a girlfriend but not really
professional because I have often too many other things on my mind. When I do such an
unprofessional wish with some desire behind it then I am confronted with meeting girls which
look like beautiful actresses from movies or beautiful singers from MTV and so on. So my wish
draws girls in my range which I find attractive because there are similarities between them and
famous actresses/singers. This has something to do with my subconsciousness. In future I will
do it more professional and then I will find the right girl for me.

These are probably some funny things.

Beside these examples I have done real magical operations with good success as a proof that
magic works, also over long distances (healing work, loading of people, objects and so on).
Bardon says that great masters are able to manifest things just by wish because they are real
power stations. So it makes sense to have full control over your thoughts because thoughts
could be dangerous at this level of manifestation abilities. Normal people are small batteries in
comparison to great masters. So they are not able to manifest things in this way.

Another thing: The more you climb up the ladder the less magic you need to master your life.
Why? Because of the balance inside you which makes you successful and blesses you with
fortune. Inner balance is the key to success, fortune and wealth.

1000 Dollar – example:

Getting back to the 1000 Dollar check: In general you can plant the seed „I get a check over
1000 Dollar at the bank". You can nourish it with energy to make it grow. The question which
comes up is: "Where does the money come from?" There are the two ways - you, active, making
plans how to get the money and the universe, passive manifesting situations to let you get the

I think it could be dangerous to leave it up completely to the universe to manifest referring

circumstances. There are stories, bad stories where bad things happened to realize wishes by
universe. So it is recommendable to put the aim/wish into nice conditions for manifestation - in
a lawful, positive way (without harm, danger and so on). „I get a check over 1000 Dollar at the
bank in a lawful, positive way".

Bardon himself says about this problem something in his "Frabato". He says he could ask God
(the universe) to make him slim but he dropped it because the universe could have caused him
a bad disease to let him getting slim.

The whole thing is complex here because Bardon assumed the bad karma of the person who’s
physical body he assumed to accomplish his mission here.

In conclusion: Be careful with what you wish for and regard positive circumstances for the type
of manifestation especially when you only focus on the universe as the passive way (better you
let your brain work in addition).

I hope some things are now better to understand.

A normal person or a beginner in magic should do it in this way:

First clear your aim/wish, define it.

Think about how to manifest it in the best way.

Then use your imagination (mental) and the power of your feelings (astral) to make your wish
strong and fast in growing.

At last act and work physically to realize your wish.

Dear C., I hope I have answered some questions. The whole thing is probably too easy and our
brains are too conditioned to solve only complex problems.


Dear N.,

I try to answer your question. Please excuse me when I amplify too much and do not come
directly to the point.

From a higher point of view, you can say - there is only one universe with defined laws of
nature and one highest being - God, the eternal light. From the limited view of human beings
there are a lot of religions, beliefs, different kinds of laws, different opinions about the
universe and how it works. As a normal human being you like to discuss or want to prove that
your belief, your religion, your mental construct of the universe and God is the only true one.
As an honest spiritual person you are not really interested in these human discussions which
religion is the best one or who knows the truths as the only one. You focus more on unity than
on separation. For a true spiritual person only one thing is important to understand - God, his
laws and his creation as it is - the higher, absolute view and real science of creation.

So this is what we came for to study God, his laws and creation from the absolute point of view
without human limitations. This means real science without any selfish projections or human
constructs, just neutral, raw science.

In conclusion we have the absolute view, neutral, seen from above, God and the limited,
relative view from humans with mental constructs in context of time and culture. These two
polarities are in interaction, this means all religions and philosophies are derived from the
absolute reality but they are relative and limited. Religious people try to understand God, his
laws and creation from their personal point of view. On the other hand God is teaching through
his agents, masters the science from the absolute view which is often wrapped by the masters
in the cultural and religious context of time and country.

Magic and Quabbalah and also parts like Alchemy and all other sciences are in their purest
stage directly from above and no human inventions. In general you can say that there is only
one science of everything and we call it here magic.

So in general there is only one science and all techniques, all insights are derived from it by
intuition, examination and experience or direct teachings from higher beings/ masters. Names
of spiritual movements or religions do not really count. The more they understand the absolute
laws of nature the more success do they have in their techniques. That´s it.

"New thought" and other movements have all their roots in mysticism and magic, old spiritual
traditions. Really new inventions in spirituality are not possible. The timeless wisdom just
changes its cloths referring to time and culture.

Beside this you find magical knowledge in all sciences, in psychology, in management teachings,
in motivation and success training, in mental training of athletes, simply everywhere, nothing
works without magic.

The main point of realizing wishes is to put enough energy in it (thoughts and feelings), to take
a realistic aim, to regard the referring laws and to work for it in the material world. That´s all. In
fact you don´t need all the higher knowledge which I have analyzed in my last articles. It is
enough when you believe in yourself, when you have personal power - a good energy level and
when you are willing to work for your needs/wishes.

There are many people who do nothing and are astonished that nothing happens.

To answer your questions directly:

Would you say that New Thought practitioners such as Science of Mind and Unity churches
perform magic? Yes. More or less unknown.

A more basic question would be: What is the difference between a Magician and a New
Thought follower? Magicians (should) have clear defined aims for their development. (There is
only one perfect way of development.) There are probably differences. Originally magicians are
directly dedicated to the absolute knowledge/science - free from human limited conceptions.
So they fit in nearly every religion, time and culture.

Do they both use the same spiritual laws to manifest their desire? Yes, there are only the laws
of nature. There are so many different techniques to manifest something but the laws are
always the same and have to be regarded for success.

Magic is not limited. So somehow everything is magic but maybe not done in the professional
way as magicians do it (because of their special training).

I hope it was not too long and your questions are answered.
Spiritual techniques
Meditation to Balance Mind and Soul

Summary: In these days there is often a great need for balance - I present here a simple but
effective technique

Essay: The magical training is often very demanding - mind, soul and body have to cope with
high and powerful energies. Beside this normal everyday life is already full of distress
and challenges. So it is very easy to get in disharmony - imbalance.

There is a simple technique which can help to restore balance in mind, soul and also body. Just
take your asana. Imagine yourself in a light green universe and focus on the feeling
of heaviness. So you are surrounded with heavy light green energy. Now sing in thoughts the
sound "F" in a middle high tone for some time. Imagine that this energy has balancing power.
Now do some breathing exercises to load yourself with this energy like you know it of the
element-breathing-exercises of the first book. In the end you dissolve the energy as normal.

You should feel very quickly the balancing effect on yourself.

For your body - please impregnate a glass of water or some food with this energy and consume
it completely.

If you like you can load your room with this energy - for example to sleep in it and to recover
over the night.

Just make some experiments. It is good energy.

Meditation on the Human Bodies

Dear fellows,

in the last days I´ve been thinking about the different bodies or parts of the human being
together with making experiments. I like to share here my thoughts and insights as it may help
you in your own practice and also in the understanding of Bardon´s training system.

In the beginning we are all "normal" people who identify themselves with what they can see
and feel - the material human body. So indeed we think that we are a material unit, a physical
person in a physical world. This is some kind of conditioning. By this limited identification with
our material parts, body we also limit us in our cognition and activity to the material world. We
have simply forgotten about the other parts, levels of existence and all what is related to them.

So at first we have a unity with focus on the material world in cognition and activity.

After being "normal" we started to sense that there is more in life. To make it short - Bardon
teaches us that we exist on a physical plane, on an astral plane and on a mental plane. He
shows by his training system that we have to activate and build up these occult, higher parts of
ourselves as they are normally sleeping in an unaware state.

It is comparable to the situation where someone is forced to lie in bed for his whole life
without using his arms and legs. He is simply not aware that he has arms and legs and that he
could use them. One day Bardon comes in. He pulls the bedspread away and says: Look you
have arms and legs; you can use them to experience the material world on your own - freedom.
The man in bed is astonished about his "new" body parts. He tries to move them but he can´t.
He has nearly neither muscles nor real feeling in them. Bardon gives him a training schedule to
build up muscles and feeling and after a difficult start he is able to use his body better and
better. After a while he is able to get out of the bed - he is free.

The same is true for our training, for our higher bodies and all the abilities which are related.
By our conditioned focus on the material world the rest of our nature is more or less asleep,
weak and undeveloped.

The main point where I want to focus on is that we have to differentiate our human nature
regarding the different levels of existence. By doing this we pay respect to the different
referring laws and possibilities which we incorporate. For a better understanding:

For practical purposes we can differentiate the human being into these parts:

1. Human mind, consciousness which is a principle of Akasha - independent from space and
time (and from any body/form) - completely unlimited
2. The mental body which is also not bound on time and space but it has a mental form - the
body on a level of a thought form (simply said) - nearly completely unlimited - the mental body
can change his appearance (no breathing necessary)

3. The astral body - more concrete, denser than the mental body - form, situation, with the
possibility to influence directly the material world - limited to the astral plane (breathing is part
of the astral body)

4. The material body - for acting in the limitations of time and space - limited to the material

Regarding these facts you can derive meditation techniques and simple insights for your

1. Meditation on your mind

Identify with your mind and meditate, feel, know that you are free, free from space and time,
free from any kind of form.

By repeating this you will increase your ability to set your consciousness wherever you like to,
in objects, in people, in plants and animals, in gods... and also into ideas, thoughts, problems
and so on...

2. Meditation on your mental body

Identify yourself with the mental form of yourself and feel that you are free from space and
time, that nothing can hinder you from going, floating, flying wherever you like to. See with
your mental eyes, listen with your mental ears and so on, set your mind into your mental body,
become one with it. This meditation will help you to master mental traveling. You act totally
aware with all your mental body parts and senses.

3. Meditation on the mental being in an astral body

You know that you are originally a mental being in denser bodies which you use to express
yourself on these planes and to make experiences there. Here you are, feel yourself as a mental
being in an astral body. This is good for astral traveling.

4. Meditation on the physical body

You know that you are a mental being in an astral body bound to a physical body. This physical
body is not you; it is just a part which is submitted to grow and to get old, in last consequences
to fell off from you. One day you will leave it behind. As you identify yourself with your highest
immortal mental nature this will be no problem and no reason to fear for you.

5. At last you are a unity again but you are fully awake on all planes and this is the aim.

Another important thing here is that you should use this differentiation for your training and
your magical work.


When you train your imagination you work with your mental and maybe astral senses but not
really with your physical eyes.

When you want to send someone a thought then you must send this thought to his mental
body, not to the physical one.

When you want to go on a mental travel then you must set your consciousness on the mental
plane, don´t focus on your physical body.

When you want to influence the material world with element energy then you must densify
this energy to the astral level or more. Mental energy is not enough.

A big mistake is to have the idea to breath in vital energy or element energy with your physical
body - focus on your astral body and it will be much easier. Remind yourself of all the small
advices which Bardon gives.

Such things. Just regard the differentiation of the planes, the referring bodies, senses and the
referring laws. In this way you avoid mistakes and negative results in your training/work.
These are all very simple things but they are really important and helpful for progress and

Become full aware and vital, powerful on all planes of your existence!

Just set your consciousness, your vital feeling on the right plane, body to master it.
Prayer - Calling On Higher Beings (Spirits)

Dear fellows,

some words in general on the higher beings described in Bardon´s evocation book:

These higher beings have well defined functions in creation. One function is certainly to provide
the process of spiritual growing for human beings. This support is normally for humans
unconsciously and often of only a very little bit of energy in comparison to what is possible. As
an example: We all receive the radiation of Nasi with the quality of happiness and wealth and
all what is referring to it but indeed we receive not much as in most cases a developed
structure is missing to keep it and to use it. So when you work with Nasi as a magician or as a
Quabbalist you receive deep blessings and high feelings of happiness from him. This is the
difference between conscious and unconscious work with higher beings.

All higher beings respect the authority of God. A developed magician is able to manifest this
divine authority in himself and with this he is respected by all higher beings. Then they support
the magician as a bearer of divine spirit. This happens especially and nearly unlimited when it
is a selfless, serving task for what the magician asks for help.

When you pray to God or to angels then your prayers can be heard by these higher beings and
in best case you receive blessings, inspiration and guidance from them to help you as

As you are spiritual students with high ideals and aims you can pick out fitting names of higher
beings from Bardon´s evocation book and pray directly to them for positive influences,
inspiration, enlightenment, powers, support, healing and so on. The main point here is that all
your prayers should be realistically (seen from their point of view) and - very important -
selfless, serving your spiritual development, making you grow, helping you to master
challenges, supporting you in serving higher aims and idols. Then you will certainly get good
support by them as these things are divine.

So when you have to face a very hard situation, equal what kind it might be, then call for divine
support to master it, choose if you like the fitting higher being. If you like you can use Akasha
to make the connection. Ask for clear signs how to act. Ask them to help you to understand
your lesson. Ask them to show you the best way to get rid of bad karma and obstacles. Show
them that you are really ready to learn your lessons actively without the need to be kicked by
fate. Call God and his hierarchy and tell them that you want them to support you in your
spiritual development. They will do. This works like a vow which is very serious. Call them to
help you to develop higher abilities and divine qualities.

Just don´t make the mistake to ask for stupid selfish things. Remember - you can´t kid them and
you can´t make deals with them. Be honest and speak frankly from your heart. Or set yourself
into the divine consciousness.

See your problem or your request from a third point of view - objective, independent, like a
teacher, mentor and then formulate your request. The higher beings are like teachers, mentors
and they think like them. So when you understand their way of thinking and judging you can
ask them in the right way for their support. We human beings are like children for them.

So maybe these were some hints to support you on your individual paths of growing and
mastering of challenges.

Your attitude really matters, your purity, your aims, your love and your formulation really
matters when you ask God and higher beings for something.
462 - Ritualistic Charging Of Batteries

Dear fellows,

Bardon talks about the number 462 several times in his books. 462 is the number of
repetitions to charge a volt/battery for all kinds of purposes on a ritualistic way. A wish/idea
must be repeated 462 times to manifest itself from mental plane down to the material world.
This is true for a normal human being. Spiritually trained people do not need so many

The main point here is that this technique is easy and just depends on repetitions, also that
nearly all purposes can be realized by it.

Otherwise it means that if you repeat an exercise or an ability in training about 462 times that
you probably should have mastered this ability then (at last).

This technique is often used for talisman purposes to manifest things like success, fortune,
power, protection, intuition and other things.

You can choose a fitting sign, symbol, on an object (talisman) or just in your imagination or as a
ritualistic gesture or special secret word for your purpose and then you give your wish a clear
definition - space, time, function etc. like Bardon describes it for charging things. Ready with
this you make your ritual, imagination with all referring ideas, qualities and powers up to 462
times in repetition or more. By using your ritual you will experience the work of your charged

As you know repetition of rituals is the secret of all gestures, ceremonies and their powers in all
secret societies.

I think such experiments bring fun with making them. If you make only ten repetitions per day
you just need about one and a half months for results. Something interesting to try.

Don´t forget to make the repetitions with full awareness regarding all parts of your wish and
ritual. Have also in mind that it should be realistic.

Senses - Technique for the Developing Of the Astral Senses

Dear fellows,

for those who want to develop their astral senses for clairvoyance, clairaudience,
clairfeeling and eventually clairsmelling and clairtasting Bardon describes special techniques.

I want to present here alternative techniques which are nearly equal but maybe a little bit
easier or maybe easier to understand and to practice.

In general the aim is to activate the five senses - seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting
on the astral/mental level - and this by will and with full control.

Indeed for all senses we have the same structure: sense organ + referring element + Akasha =
activation of the astral sense

This means:

1. clairvoyance = eyes charged with light (fire element) and Akasha

2. clairaudience = ears (with cochlea) charged with air element and Akasha

3. clairfeeling = hands or soma chakra or… (depending on which organ you prefer for feeling)
charged with water element and Akasha

4. clair smelling = nose (with paranasal sinuses) charged with earth element and Akasha

5. clair tasting= tongue charged with earth element and Akasha

For all students who work with the first book of Bardon it may seem strange but you can
imagine element energy together with the quality of Akasha. When you work later with
Quabbalah this will be quite normal. This means you produce for example the earth element
and then you give it additionally the qualities of Akasha: Earth element = heaviness + Akasha
qualities = heaviness + time- and spacelessness

Technique itself:

1. clairvoyance
You sit in your favorite asana. Imagine yourself sitting in the center of a universe filled with
light (as you know from other exercises), give this light the qualities of time- and spacelessness
- this light penetrates time and space, it is unlimited (divine). Now charge your eyes with this
light. Maybe first one eye and then the other one, maybe about seven times each one. Now
concentrate on your charged "light-eyes" and imagine that you are able now to see everything
you wish to - independent from time and space, equal if it the past the presence or the future,
equal if it is near to you or far away, equal if it is super small or super big. You are unlimited in
your sight. Keep this meditation for a while, then dissolve the light out of your eyes and then
dissolve the light-universe-imagination. The exercise is finished.

Repeat this exercise day by day for several weeks until you have mastered your new ability. It
can take some days/weeks/months until you can really use your light-eyes,- important is just
that you keep your meditation and the repetition of charging and discharging. After a good
training period you will be able to activate your light-eyes quickly without long meditation.

In the same way you can develop all your senses. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are certainly
the most important senses but the others are also useful and interesting. The point here is to
sense different energy qualities.

From my personal point of view these techniques are simpler and easier to work with than the
techniques of Bardon and the differences are only very small. So you have at least two
possibilities. Certainly it is your choice how you want to develop your higher senses.


I forgot one thing - when you work on your astral senses for clairvoyance and so on then it is a
great thing to meditate that clairsensing is a divine ability - so when you train for example your
clairvoyance then think/feel that you see unlimited over past, present and future like God does
- unity - the father and you are one. This gives a special quality to the training and to the


It is also advisable to unite your senses with the idea of perfect clairvoyance etc. Imagine and
feel your senses in perfection.

Second, - I recommend to start with short exercises and to increase the training time smoothly.
Maybe 5 minutes for some days at the beginning, later 10, then 15 and more minutes. This is
better for your health. You will experience that your organs, senses refine more and more and
that they stand better and better the concentration. You can also experience the different
states of concentration like the yogis describe them.
Imagination Exercises

When you do training with your senses to develop imagination skills then I recommend
increasing the vital energy level before – this is good for your health, the health of your sensing
organs and also supporting the development. Please increase the training time smoothly as
written above for the development of clairvoyance etc. This is healthy. Your nerves, chakras
and sensing organs are in a transforming procedure which is really demanding. Too much
training can cause damages, pain. Do it smoothly and you will witness the changes, the rising of
your abilities.

Those who have a favor for yoga know this term. It means sat = to be + chid =
awareness/consciousness + ananda = total happiness altogether a state of pure being in
happiness and awareness.

Satchidananda can be defined as the spiritual aim of yoga. Through my latest studies I have got
some interesting insights about this term. Indeed this term describes perfectly our highest and
original nature. Everyone who is able to differentiate/separate his mental self/ consciousness/
mental body from his astral and physical body can experience this state directly. When you are
separated from astral and physical body/ plane then you are satchidananda - you are nothing
else than awareness which is happy. It is the same with the term atman - the so called true or
highest self. These terms refer all to the mental plane and the mental life "behind" the scenes
of the astral and physical worlds.

The mental plane is comparable with the white background of a paper - it is perfect in itself but
you can´t experience it because of the colors which are painted on the paper - the astral and
physical things.

So indeed we can experience highest peace (happiness), wholeness, unity, liberty from any
needs and pure awareness on the mental plane as pure consciousness or consciousness in a
mental body. There is nothing but "being".
The Magical Diary

I have been writing my magical diary for several years now. I must admit that it is nice to do so
but I have noticed that I can´t find important things in my notes when I look for them. So
concerning my own experiences it makes sense to organize your spiritual experiences in a clever
way to keep the overview.

I would recommend the following:

Differentiate between exercises, the documentation of special experiences and technical

use the PC and "word" for your notes as you can use the search function to find things
useful is also excel for lists for evocation and Quabbalah
if you use an excel list for controlling your exercises then you can perfectly see your
progress, the time you have needed, the problems/mistakes and the changes of the
Cooperation in the Exercises with Higher Beings

This is something which I suggest to try. Among the higher beings of the different spheres,
especially earth zone spirits and those from the mercury sphere, you can find masters, -
initiators of magic, mysticism, evocation and Quabbalah (also for alchemy, healing, life and so
on). These higher beings are all great in their nature and very special to experience. Their "job"
is to keep the world working, to influence people, also to help people to make spiritual

For example you are a beginner and you work on stillness of mind. Then you could take a white
candle, look up in an eBook of Bardon´s Evocation Practice a being which provides "silence" -
for example Alosom, Nr. 289 from the earth zone or you take a master/initiator of magic like
Lilitha (earthzone) or someone else. Then look up the referring sigil and engrave it in the
candle. Every time you do your stillness exercise you light the candle with the sigil first and
send a prayer to the higher being for his blessings and assistance in your exercise. At the end of
the exercise you pray again to say thank you. Imagine that you get the attention of the higher
being by lighting the candle with the sigil. Imagine that the higher being hears you. During your
exercise you probably can feel the help, the good influences of the higher being and you will
improve your abilities in a better way.

Important is that you contact these higher beings directly from your heart with the true wish
for their assistance on your holy path to spiritual perfection. This attitude is the door opener -
the only one. Depending on your karma account and your maturity you can ask them also for
their help to master your life. Certainly it is good to ask for help for others in need. Beware of
selfish requests; the consequences could be quite negative.

The higher beings are so refined and pure, and of a true cosmic nature which is unknown to our
physical world. Respect this by a kind, honest, spiritual, heartily and thankful attitude to them.
And have in mind that you are an open book for them.
Magical Self-Defense - Basic Self-Defense

For basic self-defense try the following technique:

How to build up a magical shield:

Sit down in your asana, then imagine a violet energy bulb. Concentrate on this for at least 5 to
10 minutes to make it strong. Then imagine yourself inside in the middle of this violet bulb with
enough space around you - a bulb maybe with about two meters radius or more. Now imagine
and give the order that this energy shield protects you against all evil which might be sent to
you. Evil energy is not able to penetrate this shield. Evil energy bangs on the surface of the
shield and it is directly routed into the earth. Imagine that the earth banishes all negative
energy which is banging on your shield and that the earth dissolves this energy. (You can
visualize this - imagine a dark cloud banging on the violet shield, led directly into the earth,
being banished and dissolved.) Then imagine that your shield lets the negative and exhausted
energies of yourself pass through it so that you keep clean in your bulb. Tell the shield to
stabilize and to renew its power from the universe for three up to seven days. Tell it that you
are the only one who is able to program your shield.

Now it is ready. It is recommendable to strengthen the shield referring to the threat every few

When you use it then have in mind that it keeps also aggressive feelings away from you - for
example when you are in a situation of dispute, heated argument. Your behavior will be
different as you are not touched by the negative emotions of the disputant. You must keep
high control about your behavior as it can be not normal. (Your disputant will look stupid when
you are not touched in any way by his angry energies.)

Additional techniques:

Beside this technique you can imagine a ball of energy or light. Tell it to let you appear invisible
to aggressive people in the streets so that they don´t sense you as a potential victim.
Concentrate on this energy ball for 5-10 minutes. Tell it to recharge automatically from the
universe for three or seven days.

Another possible order could be to distract the attention of the aggressive guys from you. Third
possible order is to cause great anxiety in them when they are looking forward to victimize you.

Think about these possibilities and do experiments with them. This will be interesting for you
to experience - a good lesson in practical magic.

Excerpt from a letter:

I suggest dropping your former technique. The reason for them to attack you is your energy
radiation - they sense that you are a potential victim. If you have the radiation of a martial arts
master then they feel that you are highly dangerous and would not try to attack you. Do you
understand? Therefore you can experiment to change your radiation to a dangerous radiation
by imagine to be a great warrior. But please try this at home in front of your mirror to sense
the difference. This is what good actors are doing - changing their energy to the character they

Your former technique is a technique which has the aim to call on the divine self in the
aggressive person to change his behavior. For this aim there are better techniques but in
general I would drop this completely.

(Try to keep away from dangerous places.)

Guidance - Making the Right Decisions

Besides praying for divine guidance and the right decision I suggest the following technique:

Take your asana, do some deep breathes in and out to calm down - feeling inner peace,
harmony. Now look for your thymus gland - the root of your heart chakra (only if you don´t
know where it is). Your heart chakra is like a beautiful bloom, an open swirl with petals - you
know probably how chakras look like and how they work as you are from Great India with its
glory traditions and deepest wisdom.

Okay, let´s think that you have found the point/area of your heart chakra. Now close your eyes
and lead your sense, your feeling, your empathy to this point, to your heart chakra. Just by
thinking to sense your heart chakra you will contact it. Now do a smooth concentration on your
heart chakra over several minutes and as long as it is comfortable. Through this concentration
you will activate your heart chakra - feelings of deep, all-embracing love, deep peace and
harmony will flow through your soul. When you feel this it is time to concentrate on your wish:
Meditate as long as it is comfortable on the idea: "Thanks to Divine Guidance I make the right
decision. I make the right decision. I know the answers to my questions. I make the right
decision. And so on." You must feel totally sure that you make the right decision. In
combination with the feeling of deep love and the activation of the heart chakra you will be
successful. Do this meditation two or three times a day or as long as you need it. After the
mediation don´t think about this decision, do something completely different. In this way your
performed wish can work well to inspire you. You will receive signs, visions, direct messages
which show you the right decision or which verifies or reinforces your ideas about this problem.
Just be open for intuition and inspiration, for messages in dreams, hints and so on. Also thank
God in total trust for making the right decision.

This technique should work well for you. Beside this spiritual technique you can use your
intellectual abilities: If you have e. g. two alternatives for your future then make a mental
simulation with both. This means think how it feels to do this or that, which consequences you
have to bear - the good ones and the negative ones, which circumstances are waiting for you
when you do this or that. Try to imagine yourself in the future alternatives. Look if you feel
happy there, if it is what you are meant for.

Also think about the reason why you want to do this or that. Are these good reasons? Are
these reasons made up from yourself or from others?

This technique is "analysis and synthesis" which is "meditation" with pure intellect. A good
tool. In combination with intuition, higher spiritual techniques it works perfect.

So, I hope these suggestions are helpful for you.

May God bless you with love and intuition to answer all your questions!

Your brother, Ray

Questions and Answers
Q: Missing Organs and Spiritual Training

Surgery is always a sad thing - loosing organs or destroying parts of the vital system. In general
you can do the whole training without any problems.

Important for your training is: Your organs are "only" missing on the physical plane - your
physical body. This means that you still have your lost organs on the astral and mental plane.
This means that you have to do your training like all organs were still there. There will come
exercises where the student has to charge all organs with different energies. You will do these
exercises also with the organs you have lost on the physical plane. Just ignore that they are
Q: Natural Spiritual Progress

Dear T.,

unfortunately it is not this way - we are just here to make experiences - this does not include
that we refine ourselves from incarnation to incarnation - we are not becoming better human
beings automatically. It is more the other way that by making uncountable experiences -
positive and negative - that there is a point where we have the enlightenment to go actively
the spiritual path - this means as always hard work. Fate is kicking our butts until we
understand to differentiate between "good and bad", until we choose to refine ourselves and
to dedicate us to the divine light.

So in general there is progress but it is not only positive - in the end all is positive.

The forces of darkness and the forces of light are working together on everyone to make
him/her a piece of art, a real son/daughter of God, a brilliant, a master, a spiritual being.

This as a short comment on evolution/development.

Q: Spiritual Attitude

Something general:

It should feel natural to be frank and honest in this group as everyone and his opinion/ his way
is respected - we are magicians.

So I am also frank here and like to tell you about my opinion which I normally keep for myself
because it is just "my" opinion and I do not feel any need to convince anyone about it.

My opinion:

I really can understand you, C. Also your disappointments, your frustration about "magicians"
on the web and fellows on the path.

I think there are many traps for everyone of us - especially these trivial human traps, to feel
important, to think you have a special mission, to feel like an unchallenged expert - the only
one; to think there is a need to show how small Bardon´s work is, how many faults are in his
books and so on.....

I personally find this "human" behavior very boring and sometimes I am really bothered and
sometimes I look into the sky and think "Oh Lord, why? What a pain!"

About myself - I am what I am, - not more and not less, a brother, student among other
brothers, students on the path. I know what I am able to and I also know what I am not able to
do or what I do not know so far. And when I look on my life I feel a pain about all the things I
am not able to perform so far. But I am deeply thankful for all my progress and the gifts God
blessed me with - where I never have dreamt of to receive them so early. I think true spiritual
students are thankful and humble in their attitude.

About Bill Mistele:

He is one of the few genuine magicians, masters. I appreciate him very much. I think he has
mastered a lot of steps, nearly all steps in magic and spirituality. I really appreciate his articles.
He is a master of meditation, of analyzing and synthesizing things. I don´t know why he does
not like to use Quabbalah much. It is a brilliant tool for all kinds of magical operations. Beside
this practical side Quabbalah is for me the greatest spiritual training leading to absolute
perfection with fantastic experiences. Mistele says that he rarely uses Quabbalah, but why?
Everyone who knows Quabbalah loves to use it.
About R.:

I have read some weeks ago his comment on Quabbalah. His whole comment is more than
painful. He didn´t get the point of Bardon´s teachings. Bardon said that his Quabbalah is of a
universal nature and shouldn´t be merged with the relative traditional Kaballah – this simply
cannot work. But R. ignores this and does it. It was a real torture for me to read it. So many
misunderstandings, also errors and the embarrassing statement that he was led by Bardon
himself. How painful!

About Nita:

I have experienced that she has very much good intention but normal people don´t share it.
Her own magical alphabet is an alphabet but it is totally different from Bardon´s Quabbalah, it
works differently - batteries in/from Akasha. I don´t use it but I tried it. It provides success but
this is not my way. Nita does much healing work for free. I respect this and her. She is an old
spiritual soul, a true agent of Divine Providence, a true spiritual sister. She is a master of coping
with negative beings and people. She is also a master of traditional magic. I appreciate her very

About some fellows:

We all have somewhere a human nature, human imperfection. From the point of view God has,
we are probably all little children. My personal wish is to serve those who are on their way as
good and far as I can. This is my service by true love from my heart. I am deeply thankful for
each small step I am able to help with. Service for God and his children on the search for his

As I like to say: Love is the way (and certainly forgiveness).

Those "magicians" or spiritual students with strange ideas I can ignore, I don´t have to read
their books, websites or comments. I also know that I can´t change them.

So, just "my" opinion.

I think it is good to talk about such things - exchange is always good.

I guess we are all on our way to perfection. :-)

About Bardon: "The light fell into darkness but darkness didn´t get it."

For me Bardon is best of the best and directly from above without any human distortion.

I have chosen Bardon because there is simply nothing better in quality and his teachings will
bring me where I always wanted to go.
Q: About Introspection
Question: For the introspection exercise every time I think some more issues come up, but the
list is getting long and I am afraid I am making a lot of repetitions now. I am also unable to get
rid of some of the bad problems. What should I do now?


In general it makes much sense to get to know the aim or aims of an exercise. In this way you
know what is important or not and where to set priorities.

The sense or aim of introspection is at first to get to know yourself - to be aware of your
characteristics - of their quality (good/bad/ which element) and their quantity (light, middle,
strong/heavy). You must know yourself as a magician. This is the base for self-control and

A second aim is to get rid of bad qualities in your personality - bad thoughts, bad thought
patterns, bad feelings, bad emotional patterns and bad behavior. "Bad" means that they are
useless and that they block you from progress and a good life.

A third aim is to cultivate all good characteristics.

A forth aim to get a balance in your personality - a balance in the elements of your character as
Bardon describes it.

A general aim is to act wisely - that means to get away from making stupid things/ mistakes and
when you do a mistake then you should learn your lesson quickly for better behavior in the
future, clear up the negative consequences of this mistake and then forget about it.

A fifth aim is later in the future that you know which elements in your personality have to be
balanced and where your personal focus of higher perception is. This is important to reach the
magical equilibrium in the later steps.

So you know now the main aims of this exercise - introspection and from these aims you can
derive what is important and where to set priorities.

So - for examples - it makes not much sense to list mistakes of the past endlessly up. Learn your
lesson and then it is okay. From the kind of mistakes you can derive the problem in your
personality - this is important and that has to be changed/ solved. So look for the reasons of
your mistakes and work on it.

Control yourself how far you reach these aims and then you know how well you do the
To fight against bad habits/behavior has the aim to strengthen your will so that you are able to
manage the magical training completely. So occupy yourself with thoughts about the right way
to master these bad things. After a good amount of meditations on this and work you can
certainly ask for more advice if you have still problems with it.

3. Question: For grouping problems according to elements, I am unable to group many of them.
Also, some of the problems seem to "obviously" belong to some element, but I cannot get a
logical relationship. Is this okay?


The grouping of problems has the aim to show you the imbalances of the elements in your
personality. And this is the base to balance everything.

This exercise has also the aim to get a deeper understanding of the elements and their
relationship to thoughts, feelings and behavior - it is a kind of meditation.

Some or several problems will be a mixture of diverse elements. So you can separate them or
say they are referring to an element or you focus on the dominance of one element in this
mixture and set the problem in the category. I personally think that this is not so important.
You probably will see by the other clear mistakes/problems where your imbalances are. In the
next step Bardon gives some further instructions about this topic. Just have a look there.

Grouping of mistakes to the elements let´s you see where the main focus in your personality is
– which element is dominant in the positive mirror and which one in the negative. This gives
general orientation for refining your soul.
Q: Magnetism Of Water

Bardon Mentions Something About The Temperature Of Water

Suitable for "Magnetization". What Is The Meaning Of Magnetization
Here? Can Someone Please Elaborate?

Water has the quality of magnetism - like a normal magnet which draws iron things to it. So
water - cool water can draw and keep energy in it - this is called magnetism. When you use the
quality of cool water to draw and store energy in it you can speak of magnetization. Warm
water is not magnetic.

To “magnetize” something means in general to charge something with vital energy –

mesmerism. This is something different to magnetism dealing with magnetic fluid, water
element or cool water, cool energy.
Q: Effort Of Training Time

Question: I am presently working about six hours a day for development, but once my exams
are over (about 15 days) I will be spending about 16 hours a normal day as I have holidays
because school is over and college yet to start. Are there any precautions to be followed if I
spend long continuous duration?


Just keep your health and well-being in mind. Between your exercises it is good to go out for a
walk and to make some gymnastics. Care also for enough and good air in your exercise room.
Create a good diversified mixture of exercises to keep balance of mind, soul and body. Make
enough breaks.

Question: If I spend a lot of time a day on one exercise then maybe it will get a little boring, I
think. So can I do more than one exercise at a time or even more than one step?


Yes, it is good to bring some life and diversity in your exercises. Combine exercises with things
you like and you are interested in. This brings fun and makes it easier. The mixture of exercises
of steps should make sense.

In general it is very good to invest much time into the exercises as it brings results faster. Try to
give the exercises a good rhythm (time of day). Then exercises become a good habit and are
easier to master.
Q: Working On the Astral Development

Dear C.,

to continue in your training I would suggest to work more on the astral level as you said
already. This will help you also very much for your out-of-body-experiences/training.

It is certainly not easy or maybe comfortable but it is in general necessary to work on mental
and on the astral level. The soul - astral body has to be transformed to have good results in
magic, to develop spiritually.

In general one good way to work on the astral body is to do Eucharist with all kinds of energy.
(And certainly strong breathing exercises.)
Q: About Introspection II

Dear J.,

I try to answer your questions:

1. Your dreams are the mirror of your subconsciousness, the product of your subconsciousness.
In general it makes no differences if it is dream state or awake state - you have to work on your
subconsciousness. One part of this work is to analyze it in your soul mirror, the other part is to
do exercises, training to clear and master your subconsciousness by fitting techniques, for
example strengthening your fire element, your will. You are in some way in a fight with
negative thought forms which you have to master.

2. In general: You can/should differentiate for those purposes between quality and quantity of
the elements and also their relation to your level of refinement/energy. For example your
energy level is 100% so in best case each element has 25% in quantity = perfect balance. For
quality you take for example +10 points for perfect quality (positive), 0 points for normal and -
10 points for worst quality (negative) of an element. When you have in all elements + 10 points
you are perfect = perfect balance of quantity and quality. During your training you will refine
and increase your energy level from beginner 100% to master of vital energy 1.000% then to
master of the elements, fluids, light much more than 10.000% of the beginner level. This only as
something to think about for deeper understanding.

For your question: If you have a strong and also negative water element then you have to
increase your fire element (and also the other elements) to the quantity degree of your water
element. In addition you have to transform the negative aspects of the water element into the
positive opposites (aspects of quality).

Being angry belongs to the negative qualities of the fire element and can be balanced with
water element feeling peaceful and also with the positive fire element - will as you have
already said.

In general a magician has to develop a powerful will to be the master of his microcosm, to be
centered in himself, to have full control over his life. Those who are not masters of themselves
are the match-ball of fate and its powers.

Just think about these things and you will get deeper in this topic.
Q: Phases of Training

This is a general problem of exercises/training. There are several phases of training something
to mastership. The first phase is to start with it, to understand and to try things. The second
phase is to get first results. The third phase is to tighten the results, the training in itself, the
rhythm and the process of the training/exercise. The fourth phase is to increase the results,
make it easier to get them faster and better in quality and quantity. The fifth phase is to
become one with the training so that it feels completely easy and natural to perform the result.
The sixth phase is to do small exercises from time to time to "stay in" training like all musicians
do with their instruments and other professionals.

The problem occurs when you drop your exercises in an early phase where your training/results
are not tightened so far. Then you must probably restart it. But through your former trainings
you will get in it faster.

In your case - don´t feel sad about it or angry, keep calm and do the training day by day and
you will see that your results increase again.
Q: Moving Consciousness

It seems that you have moved your consciousness somewhere for a short time. Later in the
training there are exercises where you are supposed to move your consciousness for example
into the Akasha point of your body (the center) - it can feel like this.

I think it is no problem, maybe you try to get to know where you move. I think that it will not
happen often until you focus on it.

In general - try to increase the level of your will-power to master yourself and especially the
water element and transform the negative qualities of the water element into the positive
opposites. For your mind training - just keep it, the results will return.
Q: About Introspection III

Dear J.,

I try again to answer your questions:

Your dreams come along with "imbalances" of your normal life when you are awake. So you can
probably derive the answer from your "normal problems". I don´t really think that it is a
problem to do strange things in dreams, it might be “strange” but do you really think that you
have to change there something?

A good indicator for the right transcription of such things into the referring element is to watch
which kind of feelings occur. So please try to ask yourself what do you feel and why do you do
such things. This will help. Maybe also who or what are you in your dreams that you these
strange things in your dreams?

I think I understand where your problem derives. It is the play of the elements in their
interdependence and interaction. Okay, let´s try to make it clearer. Let´s take your example of
someone who is gossiping. Bardon says and you say and I also say that gossiping comes from
the negative air element. The logical consequence is now to work on this negative aspect of the
air element. There are different possibilities: To control it with your will - fire element, to
balance it with the water element - to calm down, to balance it with the earth element - to
show discipline, control, calm, to transform it from negative air element to positive air element.
In conclusion: It is necessary to differentiate between the "problem" and the way you want to
solve it. Then the whole thing is easier to understand. This is one side of the whole thing.

The other side is maybe better to understand when we look for an analogy:

Imagine a man who is an athlete. He has to train himself - on the one hand his power
(quantity) and on the other hand his performance (quality).

Imagine this man focuses only on power (quantity). The consequence is that he becomes very
powerful but he is too stupid for good performances in his sports.

Imagine this man focuses only on his performance (quality). He will be perfect in his
performance but he has not enough power to be successful in his sports.

In conclusion it is intelligent to work on both - power (quantity) and performance (quality) for
best results.

Imagine now this man focuses only on his right arm (e.g. fire element). So he has a really big
right arm which does not fit to his thin left arm (e.g. here water element).

Imagine he works on both arms but forgets to work also on his legs or on one leg (e.g. here air
and earth element). So he has strong arms for good performance but thin legs.

In conclusion: All body parts (elements) have to be trained in balance. They have to be trained
in power (quantity) and also in performance (quality).

Now let´s return to your example of gossiping: Negative air element means negative quality, in
this analogy example we have strong left leg but its performance is not good. So what can you
do? You can try to balance it with your will or with your other body parts in the case that you
have to do your sports. But I won´t really work so you are forced to work on the performance of
your left leg = to work on the quality of the air element.

I hope this example can help to understand it better.

Another aspect of the elemental interaction or interdependence is that the fire element is the
master element which should take control over the other elements as it is the active element,
the commander, the will. So at last everything depends on the fire element, how far someone
mastered himself. And you are right that most problems occur because people are not strong
and refined in their will, fire element. For mastership in life you need a strong refined fire
element, will. For magic as well.

The play of the elements is something basically to understand. It is probably not easy but when
you understand it you have one master key to solve all problems in the world.

Let´s try to answer your question:

The fire element is active, the opposite is water element - passive, then we have the air
element which controls the communication, the balance of fire and water and we have the
earth element which gives all other elements a form, a unit, which keeps them together.

How do they play? The fire element gives the impulse, the order which is communicated
through the air element to the water element which gives birth and life to the impulse to
manifest itself in a form, body - the earth element.

The fire element is the commander, the will, the impulse in everything, the water element is
what gives birth and life in everything, the air element is the manager, the communicator, the
intelligence, the law of manifestation in everything and the earth element is the form, the
body, the end result of everything.

In general you can do a lot of meditations upon the four elements, how they depend and
interact. All this will let your wisdom grow and your understanding of creation.
Q: Perfect Concentration

Maybe another hint: How does concentration function? For perfect concentration you need
both polarities - the fire element and also the water element. It works like an endless battery
which recharges itself through polarity. The water element is nothing else then cold,
compromised fire and vice versa. Also something interesting to think about.

So, I wish you good success for your studies! Think of the treasures you will be blessed with
when you completely understand the four elements! (One master key to understand creation!)
Q: Body Battery

I agree with you. Further on I see the body with its organs as structure which can be trained to
contain and to resonance with cosmic energies like crystals do. From this view it doesn´t matter
if an organ or body part is sensitive or not. Certainly organs and body parts have their special
function in the human system.

So maybe a useful add-on to your view which I certainly share. The body is a big battery for all
kinds of energy.
Q: Forcing Chakras

It is for sure a great thing and honor to witness the Kalachakra celebration of the Dalai Lama. I
think that the so called opening of the chakras and the abilities which come along with this
depend especially on the individual disposition. Obviously you have a good disposition for

There are several traditions which put force on the chakras by concentration exercises for
higher abilities. This works to a good degree but it means somehow destruction as it is like
burning a hole into structure to be able to see/ hear/ smell higher things. When such a forceful
technique is used then you can watch a tendency of healing this "hole" with the consequence
of losing the ability. Such things are known of Yoga exercises and of the Sufi tradition.

A softer and healthier way are the exercises of Bardon where the structure is refined and
activated to sense higher worlds.

A third method is to change your structure by higher beings.

I have experienced that the different energies support during exercises special abilities and the
use of the higher senses. All exercises with the elements and so on change structure and
support higher abilities. It is always interesting to watch such things - the activation of chakras
and abilities.

Certainly it is good to keep health and full control over yourself and your higher senses.
Q: Transformation and Chakras

I try to answer your questions. In the training system of Bardon nearly all exercises serve the
transformation of the energy structure/ system in the human microcosm. Transformation
means more energy (quantity), higher quality (refinement), higher activity of the energetic
metabolism, higher activity, opening and refinement of the chakras. Especially powerful for
transformation is the work with fire element, with light, with the fluids and later with
Quabbalah. So indeed the awakening, opening of the chakras is a natural process during the
training by Bardon. Not all higher abilities which are associated with their referring chakras are
manifested directly by activating and refining them. It is more a matter of special training with
chakras focused on the wished for ability. You can experience this by yourself and when you
study the literature of Yogis and Sufis.

By my long training all my chakras and my whole energy system are refined and very active -
especially because of the Quabbalah training as it deals with high macrocosmic powers.
Additionally to this refinement I have to train abilities separately.

What do I mean with burning structure?

Chakras are similar to open flowers with their petals. Additional chakras have a safety net
which works like a filter and protects the chakra from negative beings which could penetrate
into the body. This net protects also from impressions of higher worlds. When such a net has a
break or a hole then the person is able to get impressions from the astral world. This is the
case when people misuse drugs or have deep psychic problems. When people do forceful
concentration exercises on chakras they can break these nets also - they can burn holes in them
- which they use for impressions of the astral world. These holes can be open and closed by will
and training. Beside this you can do forceful concentration exercises on your sense organs
which will "burn" the nerves so that you are able to use your senses on the higher planes.
"Burning" is similar to when you put high voltage on a cable (nerve) which is not made for it - it
burns as it is not a high voltage cable. The same is with nerves which are not prepared for high
voltage. It causes damage and the body tries to heal it. So the ability to see or smell or
whatever on higher planes vanishes when you give your body time to heal the damage. This
you can watch at yogis and others.

For this reason it is very healthy and wise to transform the body and chakras in a smooth way
with not too much force. So your whole system can adapt itself to higher powers step by step.
And then you can stand high voltage and all abilities are easier to manifest. (Therefore I
recommend increasing slowly the time of training abilities.)

Bardon´s techniques are the most intelligent ones. He wants no damage, he wants a step by
step transformation of the whole energetic system and then he wants the student to refine
especially his senses by using analogue energies. For example clairvoyance - you create "light-
eyes" with the quality of seeing everything through space and time. If you need clairvoyance
then you integrate these light eyes in your system and afterwards you put them out like
glasses - perfect technique, perfect control and perfect results.

When you have a "high voltage" microcosm which means nothing else than a transformed and
spiritualized energetic system then you get easily higher impressions and you can train higher
abilities much better. For example can one charge of air be already enough to open your third
eye chakra to let you see higher planes.

I have made experiences with forceful concentration exercises and according results. It is easy
and does not need much time but your sense organ/nerves/chakras do not feel well - aches
and the ability does not last long. So I prefer the wise techniques of Bardon.


Indeed the training of Raja Yogis and the training of Bardon is very similar – the difference is
that Bardon uses a well balanced system. For all imagination exercises and later the
clairvoyance etc. exercises the basis is the soul training with vital energy and the elements to
provide the right energies and structure for the abilities to develop. Pure concentration on
senses like the Yogis do is too one-sided – unhealthy. You can read about the experiences of
Boris Sacharow,- there you will see the problems of “normal” not really initiated Raya Yoga. We
need to spiritualize the astral body and with this to increase and to refine its energy level.

Dear Reader,

if you like to contact me, please regard the following:

I can only provide answers for genuine spiritual seekers on the path – not for curiosity. Before
you ask me try first to answer your question by own research as many questions of beginners
and advanced students are already answered in my books and in the recommended spiritual

Please respect that

I have not much time for answering questions. I am very busy.

I do not provide any magical help in any case. There are others who provide direct
everyone has to go through the spiritual training by himself as training means a deep
transformation of your personality, - there is simply no alternative. Discipline in
training will let you reach all aims. Practice makes perfect!
I am not interested in joining any kinds of circles, secret societies, brotherhoods etc.
I am a genuine servant of the eternal light and only responsible to God, not to any kind
of limited religion or human interests.

Please join my community: SOLE – Servants of the Eternal Light

Please mail to:

Further books of me are published on

Thank you for your understanding.

In love, light and service,

Ray del Sole
About the author:

I am an architect with special skills in management, eco-biology and economics. I have visited
many foreign countries so that I got to know the beautiful diversity of cultures and people. I am
a cosmopolitan and I feel at home especially in the south and the east of the world. I feel the
old bonds of former incarnations to other countries, forms of old love and appreciation.

When I was a little child I have dedicated myself to the aim of understanding the world
completely, how everything works. Today I would say – to understand God, man and creation,
to gain real wisdom. So I started very early to study books about sciences, mysteries, religions,
cultures, ancient history and spiritual teachings. Around the age of eighteen I began with the
spiritual training system of Bardon. Indeed I chose this life to make as much spiritual progress
as possible. And with this I will continue until I leave the material plane. For the future I have
some spiritual, altruistic projects in mind. Let´s see what the coming years will bring.

Yours, Ray

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