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Volume 10 - Issue 1 - Jan 2011

MUNA Official Newsletter of BAYAN MUNA (people first)

Bayan Muna lambasts 2011 budget

The following is an abridged version of Rep. Teddy Casiño’s Turno en Contra speech (Oct. 16, 2010) against the then proposed 2011 budget.
Gov’t abdicating its responsibility transportation, reduced by
P7.9 billion or 5.2%; water
The 2011 budget is actually a small and resources development
shrinking budget relative to the needs and flood control, off by
of our people for development and P4 billion or 21.4%; and
improved government services. At only power and energy, cut
18.2% of the GDP, a decrease since 2010, by P3.4 billion or 65.5%.
it is one of the smallest national budgets
in the region. The cuts pave the way
for further privatization
This budget continues the tragic legacy of of critical public
automatically appropriating a quarter to infrastructure. A token land
as much as a half of the national budget reform budget and absence
to debt servicing alone, at the expense of funding for subsidies for Jes Aznar, Pinoy Weekly
of social services and development. The farmers reveal government’s continued other facilities. All state colleges and
biggest increase in the 2011 budget is in abandonment of agriculture and genuine universities will get nothing in capital
debt servicing at P80.9 billion. This is by agrarian reform. outlay and almost all will suffer cuts in
far the largest absolute increase in the maintenance and operating expenses.
country’s history, consuming almost 80% Social services are non-priorities. The
of the total budgetary increase of P104.4 already insufficient health budget is A rehashed, flawed anti-poverty
billion. reduced even further by 3.5% from P40 program
billion to P38.6 billion. There is a P1.3
Net of this item, the budget actually billion cut in the budgets of our public Perhaps the most objectionable feature of
shrinks in real terms by two percent. and specialty hospitals. the proposed budget is its adoption and
expansion as centerpiece anti-poverty
In contrast, there are large cuts in The education budget has been slashed program of the previous administration’s
the budgets for vital sectors such to P172 billion from P174 billion this flawed and short-sighted conditional
as agriculture and agrarian reform, year; it is least P100 billion short cash transfer (CCT).
which is cut by P23.1 billion or of what is required to address the
26.0%; communication, roads and shortages in 
teachers, classrooms and Continued on p.4

Editorial: GLORIAQUINO 2
Blind-friendly Bill Design 3
Morong 43 3
Hacienda Luisita 5
Bayan Muna Photo essay 6-7
The Changing Landscape 8-9
Summary Legislative Measures 10-11
Bill against LGBT discrimination 12
Datu Puti, Suka Pinakurat war 12 Women health workers, members of the so-called Morong 43,
Coal Plant Moratorium 12 after being released from Camp Bagong Diwa. Story on page 3.
PAGE 2 Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010


The first five months of the Aquino have been already 20. At this rate there is an
administration leave a lot to be desired with EJK victim every week.
hardly any concrete benefit for the Filipino
people. Mr. Aquino’s campaign promise to Aquino promptly issued an amnesty Boy Bagwis, Pinoy Weekly
take the “daang matuwid” (straight road) proclamation for some 400 rebel soldiers but
and “pagbabago” (change) has not only hemmed and hawed before taking decisive government would guarantee and
remained unfulfilled, he is in fact doing action to release the Morong 43. compensate the profits of foreign investors
the opposite. It is still business as usual for on big infrastructure projects if Congress or
traditional politicians and big foreign and Mr. Aquino has taken a hands-off stance the Court refused high toll and users fees.
local capitalists and landlord patrons. as his maternal relatives, the Cojuangcos, The PPP’s are the reason why power rates
evaded and torpedoed the DAR decision and water rates are up and why toll fees have
President Benigno Simeon Aquino III nullifying the stock distribution option increased and why even the MRT fares are
projected himself as the anti-thesis of scheme and ordering the Hacienda Luisita set to rise next month. Aquino also vowed to
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. But instead land distributed among the farm workers. push further the imperialist-dictated Arroyo
of immediately prosecuting her, the new open skies policy.
administration is treating Arroyo like a Rather than ensure job security, he has
sacred cow. Up to now no case has been tended to side with the Philippine Airlines More than ever the class bias of Pres. Aquino
filed against her. Except for some superficial (PAL) management in retrenching 2,600 is evident - a bias against the peasants,
reforms, almost all of Arroyo’s wrong policies workers. He refuses to heed the demand of workers, the poor and oppressed. A class
and programs are being continued, some are the people for meaningful wage hikes and a bias that shows us where the “straight” road
made worse. stop to massive contractualization of labor. Aquino is leading the country -- to the altar
of greed of foreign monopolists, favored
Unravelling before our eyes is the regime of At the APEC Summit this November Mr. big comprador and landlords, corrupt
GloriAquino. Aquino parroted the US line of continuing bureaucrats, militarists, social democrats
globalization which would mean opening and his classmates.
Despite the legitimate objections raised by further our economy to the rapacity of foreign
Bayan Muna and our allies, Aquino and banks and corporations. He made public- The only significant difference between
the Liberal Party-led majority in House private partnership (PPP) his main economic Arroyo and Aquino is that the latter is hobbled
of Representatives hastily approved a program. Last November 18, he by a deeply divided cabinet.
disappointing national budget. All the bad declared Its officials are perceived
features of anti-people and graft- that his to be lightweight and
prone budget are sustained and inept, as evident in the
magnified in the 2011 budget. It handling of the Luneta
is aptly denounced as an LP-3D hostage crisis.
budget – a budget that prioritizes
and enlarges lumpsum, pork barrel, It is no wonder that the Filipino
debt service, dole-outs and death- people are beginning to
squad allocations at the expense be disillusioned with his
of essential social services and promises; they are beginning
job creation. to realize that he is no
different from Arroyo.
Like Arroyo, Aquino tolerated high
officials who were linked to jueteng We remind the new
operations and corruption and the government that
many who committed blunders. without addressing the
fundamental issues
Human rights violations and no real change can
extrajudicial killings continue under happen. No amount
the Aquino administration. Under Arroyo’s of yellow ribbons and
nine-year misrule, there were 1,206 victims empty slogans can do
of extrajudicial killings; under Aquino there that. BM
Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010 PAGE 3

Blind-Friendly Design Commended:

Passage of Blind-Friendly Majority of Morong 43 released
Design Law Urged After more than ten months in detention,
the courts have finally ordered the release of
custody. Those in Capinpin allegedly
admitted to being members of the New
Bayan Muna Representative Neri Javier the “Morong 43.” Criminal charges against People’s Army and are facing criminal cases.
Colmenares commended the Bangko Sentral ng the 43 health workers were ordered to be
Pilipinas for integrating the recommendations withdrawn by President Benigno Aquino III Jules Matibag, one of their lawyers said,
contained in House Bill 3209 that Philippine on grounds of illegal search and arrest. “Without any authenticated warrant of
currency design should have “raised dots” to make arrest issued by another court, all of the 43
coins and bills ‘blind-friendly’. On December 17 and 18, 38 of the health should be released immediately.”
workers were discharged from Camp Bagong
“When I called the Central Bank last July their Diwa, Bicutan and were greeted by tears and The group’s other lawyer Edre Olalia said
Numismatics Committee tasked with designing applause from relatives and supporters. having them under military custody is,
the new bills informed me that it was too late to from the start, illegal. He said they were
integrate the proposals in HB 3209 as the printing The two nursing mothers confined at the being held against their will. In March
process has started,” Rep. Colmenares said. Philippine General Hospital were fetched this year, three of them had already been
and were later reunited with fellow health isolated from the rest of the group and were
“Although they were happy with the proposal workers and loved ones. This came a week reportedly being forced to turn against their
they informed me that only the old Two-Hundred after Pres. Aquino ordered the Department fellow health workers.
Peso Bill is blind-friendly as it has embossed of Justice to withdraw the cases against the
denomination. I was really disgusted at that time health workers. The health workers were Weeks later, two were released from Bicutan
considering that many countries have blind- on their eighth day of hunger strike at that after the courts decided that the cases
friendly designs many years ago while our Central time. against them involved namesakes.
Bank didn’t even consider the visually impaired in
their new design. Our office immediately wrote a “We recognize that their right to due process Hundreds more to go
letter to BSP Gov. Amando Tetangco, attached a was denied them. As a government that is
copy of House Bill 3209 and reiterated our demand committed to the rule of law and the rights According to Casiño, there were 369 political
that the bills should have raised dots to designate of man, this cannot stand. Therefore, I detainees in the country as of October, most
their denomination. have ordered the DOJ to withdraw the of which the human rights group Karapatan
informations filed before the court,” he said said were illegally arrested, abducted and
We seldom commend the Central Bank, but this during the International Human Rights Day jailed on trumped-up charges.
is one of those times when credit should be given on December 10.
the BSP at least for producing new currencies that House Resolution No. 555 filed by Casiño
are friendly to the blind and the elderly. We will Bayan Muna Rep. Teddy Casiño said, “We and Rep. Neri Colmenares called for “the
still push for the passage of the “Blind Friendly are happy that finally, the President has seen government’s immediate and unconditional
Currency Design Law” just to make sure that the light and has ordered the withdrawal of release of all political prisoners.”
future designs continue to consider the welfare of charges against the Morong 43, although
the visually impaired. We hope that a senator will with certain caveats. It’s just disappointing The resolution stated that, “as a gesture
also file a similar bill in the Senate so that it can that it took six months for him to correct the of justice and goodwill and in the interest
immediately pass into law next year, ” he said. BM atrocity done by the previous administration of attaining an atmosphere of peace and
and that they had to resort to a hunger strike impartiality, the government should release
for it.” all political prisoners and drop all charges
against them, including those who are not
8 still left unaccounted presently incarcerated.” BM
However, five health workers were left in
Official Newsletter
of Bayan Muna (People First) Bicutan because of supposedly standing
warrants or cases against them while
Editorial Board: Satur C. Ocampo, another five are under military custody in
Nathanael S. Santiago, Teddy A. Casiño, Camp Capinpin, Tanay, Rizal.
Neri J. Colmenares
Managing Editor: Amy V. Padilla The group’s lawyers have expressed dismay
Writers: Vincent Borneo, Dang Viernes, over the incident, saying the cases, including
Kristine Sabillo that of a bouncing check case, may have
Cartoonist: Jerry Matagsico been trumped-up. They are also clarifying Bayan Muna members participate in last year’s Gay
Lay-out Artist: Kristine Sabillo whether it is true that the five in Camp Pride Parade. Related article on page 12.
Capinpin had chosen to stay under military
PAGE 4 Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010

budget ... from p.1 The increase, including P5 billion in Table. Fast Facts on the proposed
“modernization funds”, is being allocated 2011 General Appropriations
The CCT is a World Bank and Asian despite the AFP’s failure to follow UN
Development Bank-designed and recommendations, through the Alston
funded program that lulls the poor Report in 2007. These include reforms FY 2011
ITEM in 2011
into a continued state of abject poverty made in the government’s counter- (proposed)
and mendicancy by handing out insurgency program to stop the policy
TOTAL BUDGET 1,645.00B 100%
money without providing them gainful of extrajudicial killings, enforced
Debt interest
employment or livelihood. The largest disappearances, red-baiting and 357.09B 21.70%
dole-out program in the country’s witch hunting of activists and political Education 271.67B 16.51%
history at a whopping P21 B, the CCT is dissenters. The Aquino government is, Basic Ed 207.27B 12.06%
a mere statistic booster. After the fund in fact, closely hewing to the US counter- Higher Ed 23.42B 1.42%
is depleted and the poverty statistics insurgency guide that masquerades Dept. Natl
artificially increased, what is left is the behind socio-civic activities to hide its 104.50B 6.35%
same poor, jobless family who cannot get militaristic, all-out war approach to the Health 38.63B 2.35%
decent services from government. armed rebellion without addressing its CCT 21.19B 1.28%
root causes. PPP** 12.53B 0.76%
NFA 2.50B 0.15%
More pork for everyone Rural
1.4B 0.08%
A glaring feature of the proposed
*Biggest share in the 2011 budget. This does not
budget is its lack of transparency and include the P466B earmarked for the payment of
accountability. Maintained in the special principal debt amortization.
purpose funds and tucked into the **Originally P15B but P2.5B, through the lobbying
budgets of the various departments are of both the NFA and the congressmen, was
huge lump sum allocations – estimated realigned for the procurement of palay.
New born babies and mothers share beds in a hospital in by some of our colleagues at more than
Manila (
P500 billion. What we are witnessing is the shrinking
Not only does the CCT offer an empty of government and abdication of its role
promise of alleviating poverty, it further We have been demanding lists of projects in development. Government will be left
contributes to the country’s worsening to be funded by these lump sums to no to engage mainly in giving out dole-outs,
debt burden, with multi-billion loans avail. Instead of a clear and concrete line law enforcement and providing minimum
from international financial institutions. item presentation of such projects, the social services. Tertiary education will be
Executive promised a guaranteed pork corporatized and eventually privatized,
Why not invest these huge funds barrel of P50 million per congressman as will be health and other government
directly in essential services and in from the DPWH lump sums to placate functions.
developing agriculture and industry - legitimate calls for an equitable
such as health, education, irrigation and distribution of government resources. Government will end up being a mere
subsidy to farmers and support to local regulator of strategic sectors like power,
entrepreneurs? More lump sums at the discretion of water, oil and petroleum, transportation
the Executive and more lump sums at and communications that will be
Furthermore, the CCT program the discretion of legislators mean only controlled by the private corporations.
strengthens the corrupt, patronage- one thing – more pork, more patronage This is the discredited neoliberal
based political system. At the end of the politics and more corruption. framework of governance that underlies
day, politics will dictate who gets these the 2011 budget.
cash transfers. Privatization of development
The 2011 budget reflects the lack of
A huge war budget Lastly, we object to the allocation of P15 substantial reforms that provide for
billion to public-private partnership (PPP) gainful employment, that strengthen
Added to the huge increases in debt projects – again a lump sum amount. domestic and local industries especially
servicing and dole-outs and cuts in basic This is nothing but a sugar-coating of the agriculture, and that provide for the
services and development is a huge war outmoded privatization policy imposed establishment of basic, integrated
chest through the budget of the Armed by foreign creditors and governments on industries vital to national development.
Forces of the Philippines (AFP). This developing countries, where government’s
will get an all-time high increase of 81% role in national development is practically The change promised by the new
despite the AFP’s dismal record in human reduced to being a mere facilitator of government is really more of the same, if
rights. private contracts. not worse, this time around. BM
Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010 PAGE 5

An unending quest for social justice?

By: Satur C. Ocampo
The following is a revised article, first printed from the author’s weekly estate today -- must be turned over to the
column “At Gound Level” published in the Philippine Star last August farmworkers. This never happened.
21, 2010.
Twenty-eight years later, in 1985,
The core element of agrarian reform, as we know, is social justice. the martial law regime of Ferdinand
Yet throughout the four centuries of Philippine colonial and neocolonial Marcos tried to compel the
history, which is up to the present, the quest for social justice as regards the Cojuangcos to comply with
ownership of agricultural land has remained elusive. the Garcia conditionality
through the Manila regional
The first social justice decree issued by the First Philippine Republic in 1899, trial court. The court ruled
promulgated by Apolinario Mabini, placed all lands held by the Spanish in favor of the government,
friars under administration by the government pending their distribution and the Cojuangcos
among the Filipino tenants through a process that had yet to be defined. elevated the issue to the
Court of Appeals. Then came
That social justice intent, however, was truncated by the outbreak of the the ouster of Marcos and the installation of Cory Aquino
Philippine-American war. It was frustrated altogether by the defeat of the through People Power. Declaring agrarian reform to be the “centerpiece” of
poorly-armed Filipino forces and the imposition of US colonial rule. her administration, the new president caused the enactment of RA 6657 (the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program) in 1988. The following year, the
Under the American colonial administration, the friar lands were given back Cojuangcos asked the Court of Appeals to set aside the Manila court ruling,
to the Catholic Church. As a “benevolent” gesture of enabling Filipinos to on the ground that the disputed lands had been placed under the CARP.
own lands, the US colonial government under Governor-General William They got what they wanted. The case was dismissed.
Howard Taft, bought 450,000 hectares of friar lands from the Vatican and
offered these for sale to Filipinos. Of course, only the very rich families were In its declaration of principles and policies, the CARP law states: “The
able to afford it. The project led to the establishment of the big landed estates welfare of the landless farmers and farmworkers will receive highest
in the hands of these few families. consideration to promote social justice and to move the nation towards
sound rural development and industrialization, and the establishment of
The Commonwealth government did not initiate an agrarian reform owner-cultivatorship of economic-sized farms as the basis of Philippine
program. But President Manuel L. Quezon enunciated social justice as a vital agriculture.” Further, the law sets as objective “to provide farmers and
aspect of governance. By way of setting an example, Quezon voluntarily gave farmworkers with the opportunity to enhance their dignity and improve the
to the tenants some of his agricultural landholdings in Central Luzon. That quality of their lives through greater productivity of agricultural lands”.
gesture did not provoke the landed elites to imitate him.
To the great disappointment of the majority of farmers and farmworkers
During the Japanese occupation, agrarian unrest was a powerful motivation all over the country, the CARP has failed to realize its declared policies and
for the peasantry especially in Central Luzon to take matters into their attain its objective. This was because multiple loopholes were provided in
hands and drive out their abusive landlords while waging armed resistance the law, as well as exemptions and alternative modes of implementation
against the hated foreign invaders. After the war, the landlords returned instead of outright land distribution.
and, backed by the Americans, were able to “restore peace and order.”
One of these alternative modes is the stock distribution option (SDO)
Hacienda Luisita is a peculiar case of injustice crying for redress. preferred by the management of Hacienda Luisita. Upon petition by the
farmworkers in 2005 the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council (PARC)
In 1957, loans from a foreign bank and the Government Service Insurance revoked the SDO that it had approved in 1989. After 16 years, the PARC said,
System financed the purchase by the family of Jose SDO had not caused any improvement at all in the lives of the farmworkers.
Cojuangco Sr. (father of Cory It ordered the land to be distributed to the farmworkers as originally
Aquino) of 6,000 hectares of envisioned by President Garcia. However, the “compromise agreement”
farmlands from Tabacalera. entered into recently between the hacienda and the farmworkers apparently
Social justice was invoked intends to counter before the Supreme Court the conclusion that SDO has
by President Carlos P. failed to benefit the farmers.
Garcia in imposing the
condition for a national This is the case that awaits resolution by the Supreme Court. How will the
government guarantee outcome affect the men and women who have toiled the land, grown old,
for these loans. After 10 in Hacienda Luisita? How will it affect the millions of Filipinos who today
years (or in 1967), he said, remain “bowed by the weight of centuries” of struggle to own their piece of
the land – the Hacienda Luisita soil? Is this really just a dream, an impossible dream? BM
interest and welfare
of the people first

September 24, 2010 - Bayan Muna Rep. Neri

Colmenares help distribute relief goods to victims
of a six-hour fire in Barangay Navotas West and
Sipac-Almacen, Navotas.

October 7, 2010 - Rep. Teddy

Casiño waits for a response
after raising anomalies (during
his Department of National
Defense budget interpellation)
in the bidding of several attack September 16, 2010 - Students, congressional staff
helicopters for the Armed and other participating organizations during a hands-
Forces of the Philippines. on workshop on Free and Open Source Software.

November 16, 2010

September 28, 2010 - Bayan Muna
- Bus drivers and President and former
conductors accompany Representative
Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo and
Teddy Casino and other mass leaders
Anakpawis Rep. lead the march to
Rafael Mariano as they Hacienda Luisita, in
file House Bill 3370 commemoration of
or the Bus Drivers the 6th year of the
and Conductors Hacienda Luisita
Compensation Act Massacre.
(1) October 14,
2010 - Rep.
Casiño with
ng Pilipinong
and Ogie
Alcasid during
a discussion
on the plight of
local artists;
(3) with Miss
Venus Raj
during her visit BAYAN MUNA filed House Resolutions 77 and 555 to call for the dismissal of the trumped
to Congress. up charges against the 43 health workers. Seen in the pictures are: (1) one of the victims
handcuffed to a soldier during a court trial; (2) Satur Ocampo negotiating with a military
officer outside Camp Capinpin.

September 21,
2010 - On the
38th anniversary of
the declaration of
Martial Law, Rep.
Colmenares, one
of the youngest
political detainees
during the Martial
law, relived how
he was tortured in

October 4, 2010 - Rep. Casiño joins other progressive party-

list representatives in calling for the scrapping of the Aquino
administration’s conditional cash transfer program.

November 15, 2010 - Rep. Teddy Casiño filed House Bill No. 3665 which aims to create centers that will provide free therapy
and other services to poor children. Seen in the picture are beneficiaries of similar centers and their proponents
PAGE 8 Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010


The ruling elite seeks a stranglehold of the Party list system
By: Rep. Neri Javier Colmenares
The window of opportunity for the The Court ruled in Bagong Bayani that the party-list nominee must not
marginalized people’s representation in only be a member of the marginalized party-list organization but must
Congress through the party-list system is “belong” to the marginalized sector as well:
closing, as the ruling elite and powerful
political clans dominated the 2010 party list “xxx it is not enough for the candidate to claim representation of the
elections. They used their huge resources and marginalized and underrepresented, because representation is easy
regional patronage politics to gain more seats to claim and to feign. The party-list organization or party must factually
in Congress. and truly represent the marginalized and underrepresented constituencies
mentioned in Section 5. Concurrently, the persons nominated by the
The changing landscape requires a major party-list candidate-organization must be “Filipino citizens belonging
adjustment in our work, both in Congress and in the regions. We must to marginalized and underrepresented sectors, organizations and
strengthen Bayan Muna, expand its reach and influence to a substantially parties.” (Emphasis supplied.)
larger number of constituents while consolidating our constituents into
Bayan Muna chapters. It is also imperative to militantly expose these
pseudo party-list groups to frustrate this insidious attempt to marginalize
progressive parties in the party-list system.

Despite the clear Supreme Court decision in the Bayan Muna vs. Comelec
case in 2001 (also known as the Bagong Bayani case) which limited the
party-list system to the marginalized and underrepresented, the Comelec
not only accredited pseudo party-list groups but also allowed nominees
from powerful political and economic interests.

Together with the other pseudo party-list groups pretending to have

progressive pro-people agenda and the military-backed rightists, these
groups have launched a concerted effort to defeat Bayan Muna and other 2007 Bayan Muna Miting de Avance,
progressive party-list organizations. Millions of pesos in resources were
used in TV and radio ads, as well as vote buying and paying off local That a nominee must represent and belong to a marginalized and
officials. Some groups relied on government support, particularly through underrepresented sector is a cumulative requirement. The Supreme
the use of government facilities and funds. Court clearly declares so:

Many also played into the regional sentiments of the people to get votes “To repeat, under Section 2 of RA 7941, the nominees must be Filipino
by lulling them into believing that their poverty would be solved and that citizens “who belong to marginalized and underrepresented sectors,
they would be ably represented by electing a “kababayan” into Congress. organizations and parties.” Surely, the interests of the youth cannot be fully
They must know that the party-list system was precisely established for the represented by a retiree; neither can those of the urban poor or the working
underrepresented because many of their “kababayan” congressmen failed class, by an industrialist. To allow otherwise is to betray the State policy to
to truly represent their constituents’ interest in Congress. give genuine representation to the marginalized and underrepresented.”
(Emphasis supplied.)
For the
marginalized and Worse, even district congressmen, such as the son of former President
underrepresented Gloria Arroyo, and former cabinet members made bids to get party-list
seats. As Bayan Muna pointed out during the oral arguments in Bagong
Should the nominee of a Bayani, : “Why reserve 20% of the seats in Congress if the 80% are allowed
party-list group belong to get seats from the 20% anyway?”
to a marginalized sector,
or merely pretend to The Court in the 2001 Bayan Muna Petition has favorably ruled on this
advocate for the cause of matter:
Former Bayan Muna Representatives Satur Ocampo, the marginalized to be
Liza Maza and the late Crispin Beltran during their first allowed to represent the “Logic shows that the system has been opened to those who have
year in Congress (2001).
marginalized in Congress? never gotten a foothold within it -- those who cannot otherwise win
Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010 PAGE 9

hold on Congress and

in regular elections xxx. Conversely, it further marginalize
would be illogical to open the system the progressive
to those who have long been within it -- party-list groups. The
those privileged sectors that have long progressive party-
dominated the congressional district list groups will find
elections. it more difficult to
xxx push for pro-people
Because the marginalized and legislation and expose
underrepresented had not been able to corruption and abuse
win in the congressional district elections in the face of larger
normally dominated by traditional politicians forces of the ruling
and vested groups, 20 percent of the seats elite within the party-
in the House of Representatives were set list system itself.
aside for the party-list system. In arguing
that even those sectors who normally Various groups have
controlled 80 percent of the seats in the filed petitions in the
House could participate in the party-list Supreme Court and
elections for the remaining 20 percent, The problem with merely relying on our mass the Comelec to disqualify these fake party-list
the OSG and the Comelec disregard base was that our mass base was also beset by groups for violating the party-list law and SC
the fundamental difference between the constant attacks from the military and raided decisions. There are also current attempts in
congressional district elections and the by regional party-list groups. Furthermore, Congress to amend the party-list law to limit
party-list elections.” (Emphasis supplied.) we failed to maintain organizational presence the party-list system to genuine representatives
in the form of chapters or core groups in many of the people and weed out these misfits and
The “Carpio Formula” used in the recent areas virtually making it difficult for us to institute a system of recall.
Supreme Court decision only spurred these challenge these pseudo party-list groups.
pseudo party-list groups into running due to
the very low number of votes required to get a Additionally, while many party-list groups
seat. The said formula practically invalidated focused on single issue campaigns catering to
the 2% threshold, thereby allowing groups who only one or two sectors, Bayan Muna involved
garnered at least 146,000 votes to get a seat itself in many national issues and failed to
in Congress. These pseudo party-list groups nurture important gut issues that were easily
calculated that spending tens of millions of remembered by voters come election time.
pesos is still a good investment compared to the
largesse that they expect by being in Congress Currently, many of these pseudo party-list
for three years. groups are forming alliances with traditional
political parties such as the Liberal Party, Lakas
Members pose for the camera during last year’s filing of
NUCD and NPC. The formal linking up of these Bayan Muna’s Intent to Participate in the 2010 polls.
party-list groups with major political parties
could spell massive advantage for them in the However, we must mainly rely on our own
2013 elections. It could also obviate the latest efforts, and not on the Supreme Court
ruling in Bayan Muna vs. Comelec in 2009 (also and Congress, to ensure the voice of the
known as the Banat case) that major political marginalized and underrepresented in the
parties are disqualified from participating in the party-list system. As mentioned earlier, we
party-list system. must intensify our efforts in Congress and
among our constituencies in the regions to
Bayan Muna Relief Mission in Bulacan (2005) Additionally, we must seriously consider the reach the broadest and the largest number of
fact that under the Carpio formula all party- people and consolidate our electoral mass base
Major adjustment in our work list seats were filled up. Unlike in the previous into organized chapters.
congresses when there were barely two dozen
Bayan Muna and other progressive party-list party-list representatives, there are now 57. Bayan Muna also needs to involve itself not only
groups come under constant attacks from state Most of them steadily gather more resources in national issues but also in local mass struggles
security personnel during campaign period. and political power both nationally and in their especially on important gut issues such as
They were also hobbled by financial constraints respective ‘bailiwicks,’ whether geographical or power, water, fare hikes, etc. We must also
and could not match the resources of these sectoral. expose the corruption and anti-people activities
elite-run party-list groups and had to rely on of pseudo party-list groups especially in their
their traditional mass base and traditional More than the electoral implications, the entry supposed bailiwicks so that they can no longer
campaigning. of these party-list groups will bolster the elite’s delude the people in the 2013 elections. BM
PAGE 10 Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010


Entrepreneurship Development, Suffrage and Electoral Reforms
Congressional Oversight Committee on
Magna Carta for Micro, MEMBER FOR THE MAJORITY,
Small & Medium Enterprises Constitutional Amendments,
Higher and Technical Education Local Government,
MEMBER FOR THE MAJORITY, Foreign Natural Resources,
Affairs, Information and Communication, Trade and Industry, Joint
Natural Resources, Trade and Industry, Public Congressional Oversight Committee
Information, Justice, Appropriations, Population on Automated Election System
and Family Relations, Health, Good Government
Rep. Teddy A. Casiño and Public Accountability Rep. Neri J. Colmenares

Summary of Measures Filed by Bayan Muna Party-list

July 1 to December 21, 2010 | House of Representatives
HB No. Topic Committee Referral Others
Now in the Technical Working
132 Whistleblowers’ Protection Justice Group
133 Freedom of Information Public Information Ongoing hearings
Compensation for Plaintiffs who filed and won a case against the estate of
954 Human Rights Pending
Ferdinand Marcos in the US Federal Court System
1008 Repeal of Presidential Decree 1177 Appropriations Pending
1009 Decriminalization of Libel Justice Pending
1010 Repeal of Batas Pambansa 880 Human Rights Pending
1011 Free Open Source Software Trade & Industry Pending
Anti-Discrimination Law for Equal Rights for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals &
1483 Justice Pending
Transgenders (LGBT)
1460 Ethnic Origin Census National Cultural Communities Approved at the Committee Level
1630 Removal of VAT on Electricity Ways & Means Ongoing hearings
1631 Katipunan Day Commemoration Revision of Laws Pending
Mandating Compensation to Victims of Human Rights Violations during the
1693 Human Rights Pending
Marcos Dictatorship
1960 Early Media Voting Rights Suffrage & Electoral Reforms Approved at the Committee Level
Basic Education & Culture, Higher &
1961 Private School Tuition Fee Regulation Pending
Technical Education
2137 Election of LGU Sectoral Representatives Suffrage & Electoral Reforms Pending
2138 Providing for Interim Succession for the Presidency in case of Failure of Elections Revision of Laws Pending
2308 Child Nutrition Bill Welfare of Children Pending
2309 Prohibiting the Naming of Public Properties & Government Services After Public Information Pending
Incumbent Public Officials
2719 Removal of VAT on Oil Products Ways and Means Ongoing hearings
2830 Establishing Barangay Fitness Centers Youth & Sports Development Pending
2842 Journalist Insurance Act Public Information Pending
2843 Bud Dahu Day Commemoration Revision of Laws Pending
2844 Protecting the Right of Students to Enroll in Review Centers of their Choice Higher & Technical Education Approved on third reading
(now 3546)
3046 Defining and Penalizing Enforced Disappearances Justice Pending
3135 Tuition Fee Moratorium Basic Education...
3145 Release on Recognizance Justice Pending
3209 Elderly & Visually-Impaired Friendly Currency Design Banks & Financial Intermediaries Pending
3230 Amendments to the Official Development Aid (ODA) Law Economic Affairs Pending
3231 Student Entitlements Basic Education... Pending
3288 September 21 Day of Remembrance Revision of Laws
3328 Campus Press Freedom Day Public Information Approved at the Committee level
3329 International Students Day Higher & Technical Education Ongoing hearings
3343 ATM Fees & Charges Banks & Financial Intermediaries Pending
3370 Bus Drivers & Conductors Compensation Labor & Employment Pending
3413 Anti-Political Dynasty Suffrage & Electoral Reforms Pending
3475 Repealing Art. 247 of the Revised Penal Code Revision of Laws Pending
3593 Anti-Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPP) Justice Pending
3769 Prohibiting the Use & Installation of Bright White Headlights in Motor Vehicles Transportation Pending
3787 Local Music Industry Incentive Act Ways & Means Pending
3827 Sustainable Sanitation Gov’t Reorganization and Health Pending


Privilege Speeches: 5 | Impeachment complaint: 1 (vs Merceditas Gutierrez)
Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010 PAGE 11

HR No. Topic Committee Referral Others

Probe into the Dubious Circumstances of the Death of Interpreter Gregan Cardeño on
67 February 2,2010, in Camp Ranao, Datu Saber, Marawi City & the Related Killing of Major Human Rights Pending
Javier Ignacio
Probe into the Controversial Award of Coal Operating Contracts to Monte Oro Resources
72 Natural Resources Pending
Energy Inc. that will result in Permanent Damage to Three Towns in Catanduanes
Calling for a Stop to the Alarming Encroachment of Mining Companies into the Remaining
73 Natural Resources Pending
Habitat of the Endangered Philippine Eagle
Probe into the Alleged Environmental Destruction & Human Rights Violations by Metals
74 National Cultural Communities Pending
Exploration PLC Against Tribal Residents of Quezon, Nueva Vizcaya
75 Probe into the Sulu Sea Oil Exploration of Exxon-Mobil Energy Pending
Condemning the Killing of Human Rights Worker & Bayan Muna Member Benjamin Bayles
76 Allegedly Perpetrated by Elements of the 61st Infantry Battalion on June 14, 2010 in Human Rights Pending
Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental
77 Calling for the Immediate & Unconditional Release of the Morong 43 Health Workers Human Rights Pending
Condemning the Killing of Bayan Muna Officer & Municipal Councilor Fernando Baldomero
78 Human Rights Pending
on July 5, 2010 in Kalibo, Aklan
Probe on the Anti-Consumer Move of the PSALM to Pass on its P470.865 Billion Debts &
97 Energy Pending
Expenses to Electricity Consumers
Probe on the Multi-Million Anomalies in PAGCOR under the Macapagal-Arroyo Good Government & Public
98 Pending
Administration Accountability
Probe on the Alleged Failure of the GSIS to Effectively Perform its Mandate to Provide Social Government Enterprises &
119 Ongoing Hearings
Security Benefits to its Members Privatization
Probe into the Entry of the PNOC-EDC Geothermal Project into the Mt. Kanlaon Natural Park
120 Ecology Pending
that will Irreversibly Damage the Fragile Biodiversity of Negros
153 Probe into US troops in Zamboanga & Basilan incidents Foreign Affairs Pending
172 Against MRT-LRT fare hikes Government Enterprises... Pending
Probe on the Energy Regulatory Commission’s Performance-Based Regulation (PBR)
191 Energy Pending
Methodology That Favors the Continued Upward Adjustment of Electricity Rates
192 Probe on the Budget Overshoot of the Philippine Information Agency Good Government... Pending
Probe on the Alleged Discriminatory & Inhumane Regulations of the Philippine Airlines
194 Labor & Employment Pending
Against its Flight Attendants & Stewards
212 Probe on the SLEX toll fee hike Government Enterprises... Pending
218 On the Hacienda Luisita Compromise Agreement Agrarian Reform Pending
236 Calling for the Return of the Balangiga Bells Basic Education... Pending
237 Probe on the Biosafety of BT Eggplant Testing Agriculture & Food Pending
256 Probe on Video of Police Torturing a Hapless Man Human Rights Pending
275 Probe on the Philippine Airlines Outsourcing & Contractualization Scheme Labor & Employment Pending
294 On the PNP Botched Rescue in the Manila hostage incident Public Order & Security Ongoing hearings
For on-site public
346 Probing the Conditions of the Eskaya Tribe National Cultural Communities hearing in Bohol
Banks & Financial
353 ATM Surcharges Probe Pending
354 Accounting of Existing Bilateral Trade Agreements Trade & Industry Pending
355 American employer who dismissed 416 workers by e-mail Labor & Employment Pending
381 Probe into Illegal Mining in Biak-na-Bato, Bulacan Natural Resources Pending
382 USS George Washington visit to Port of Manila Foreign Affairs Pending
387 Probe on the use of intelligence funds in GOCCs Appropriations Pending
409 Prescribing an Agenda for Pres. Aquino’s first US Trip Foreign Affairs Pending
For on-site public
481 Probe on FPIC Process in Bakun, Benguet Mining Project of Royalco Corp. National Cultural Communities hearing in Benguet
545 Probing the troubled Albay Electric Cooperative (ALECO) Energy & Cooperatives Devt Pending
546 Probing the Public Health Implications of the Coal-Fired Plant in Iloilo City Health Pending
555 Calling for the Release of All Political Prisoners Justice Pending
Probing the Deed of Usufruct Entered into by the Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission with
556 Serviam Foundation & the 728 Families Relocated in Jaime Cardinal Sin Village, Punta, Sta. Housing & Urban Development Pending
Ana, Manila
Small Business &
577 Probing the Unfair Competition of Datu Puti Pinoy Kurat over Sukang Pinakurat Pending
Entrepreneurship Devt
Probe on the Delayed Implementation of Supreme Court Decision Finding Philippine Airlines
587 Guilty of Illegal Dismissal & Ordering the Reinstatement of Cabin Crew Personnel
Consolidated into
613 Commending Rep. Emmanuel Pacquiao HR 607 Adopted in
Plenary as HR 44
660 Probe on the Extrajudicial Killing of Leonardo Co Rules Pending
Calling for a Moratorium on the Construction and/or Expansion of All Coal-Fired Plant
692 Energy Pending
725 Commending Slain Botanist Leonardo Co Ecology Pending
Probe into the Status of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) as a Government Printing
762 Rules
Agency Attached to the Presidential Communications Coordination Office
784 Probe into delay in installing Ati tribe in their ancestral domain in Boracay island Rules

HJR No. Topic Committee Referral Others

7 Abrogation of the US-RP Visiting Forces Agreement National Defense & Security Pending
PAGE 12 Bayan Muna Newsletter | December 2010

Bill penalizing discrimination vs. LGBTs pushed Environmentalists in

Rep. Teddy Casiño (Party-list, Bayan employee compensation, training, incentives, Congress Join Forces
Muna) is seeking the immediate approval
of a bill penalizing discrimination against
privileges, benefits or allowances, and other
terms and conditions of employment.
to Push for Coal Plant
lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders Moratorium
(LGBTs). Casiño filed House Bill 1483 or “LGBT students are denied admission or
the “Anti Discrimination Act of 2010” which expelled from schools due to their sexual “Coal is considered one of the ‘dirtiest’ sources of
defines discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Companies energy and is one of the leading contributors to
orientation and gender identity and imposes block the promotions and stymie the career climate change and global warming. Environment
penalties against such a bias. advancement of gay or lesbians employees advocates have been pressing the government for
due to the deeply embedded notion that years to prepare, in a comprehensive and strategic
The bill defines discriminatory practice as homosexuality denotes weakness. Laws such manner, sources of energy alternative to coal such
denying access to public service, among as the current anti-vagrancy law are also as geothermal and hydro power, but to no avail.
others, including military service, to any abused by the law enforcement agencies to It is time Congress intervenes and comes up with
person on the basis of sexual orientation and/ harass gay men,” Casiño added. measures to help protect our environment and
or gender identity. These also include sexual human lives before it’s too late,” Bayan Muna Rep.
orientation and gender identity, as well as the Under the bill, those who discriminate against Neri Javier Colmenares said.
disclosure of sexual orientation, in the criteria the LGBTs will pay fine ranging from P250,000
for hiring, promotion and the dismissal of to P500,000 or face imprisonment of up to six Bayan Muna Reps. Colmenares and Teddy Casiño,
workers, as well as in the determination of years, or both at the discretion of the court. BM together with other environmentalist members of
Congress filed House Resolution 692 last November

House to probe Datu Puti vs. Suka Pinakurat war 24 calling for the immediate moratorium on the
construction and / or expansion of coal-fired
Goliath vs. David power plant projects. Bayan Muna is also joined
by Reps. Lani Mercado-Revilla, Manny Pacquiao,
Saying it is high time for Congress to look into Intellectual Property Office in 2008 and the Raymond Palatino, Antonio Tinio, Rafael Mariano,
unfair practices of big business corporations United States Patent Office in 2009. Luzviminda Ilagan, and Emerenciana de Jesus.
that unduly infringe on the successes of small
enterprises, House Committee on Small The progressive solon said that “Datu Puti According to the resolution, there are currently 10
Business and Entrepreneurship Development Pinoy Kurat” appears to violate Section 123 coal power plants in the country consuming 80% of
chairperson Teddy Casiño said his committee of the Intellectual Property Code (Republic the nation’s coal supply. There are four additional
will look into how one of the giants in the Act 8293) which states that “a mark cannot coal fired power plants to be completed by 2012 and
condiments industry has been allowed to be registered if it is identical or confusingly there are still proposals for more coal power plants
strangle a small, Mindanao-based vinegar similar to an already registered mark. As in different provinces and cities.
manufacturer. such, it may be considered a trademark
infringement, which is a form of unfair Colmenares said that coal plants cause irreparable
In a press conference last December 15, competition.” damage to the environment and health of
Casiño said he filed House Resolution 577 surrounding communities. He pointed out that
to investigate the violations committed by “While the Philippine Intellectual Property “External costs arise when project impacts such as
Southeast Asia Foods, Inc. (SAFI), makers of Office has yet to act on the application for damages to human health are not fully accounted or
Datu Puti Pinoy Kurat Spiced Tuba Vinegar, registration of the Datu Puti Pinoy Kurat compensated for by a power plant.”
of the tradename and trademark of Green brand, SAFI is already flooding the market,
Gold Gourmet Foods, Inc., original maker of resulting in lost sales and other detrimental The solon also stressed that power rates have not
the Suka Pinakurat brand. effects on the original Suka Pinakurat. really gone down even if power generation from
Government has yet to do something to coal is branded as the cheapest source of energy.
SAFI is listed as the manufacturer and protect our small players in the face of this He added that the country has enough renewable
distributor of Datu Puti Lines, Mang Tomas, clear case of unfair and illegal competition,” energy source that can be tapped to supply the
Golden Fiesta Cooking Oil, and Nelicom said Casiño. country’s growing energy needs like geothermal,
Lines, among others. It is said that SAFI is wind and solar energy sources.
lording it over the condiments market. He said DTI should prohibit Datu Puti Pinoy
Kurat from selling their version of Suka The Network Opposed to Coal-Fired Power
In contrast, GGGFI is a small vinegar Pinakurat until the matter is resolved by the Plant (NO COAL Power Plant) composed of
manufacturer based in Iligan City. Its main IPO. “It is only right that we hear this to come environmental groups and advocates is also
product is the Suka Pinakurat, which they up with new policies that will prevent big conducting a petition-signing in support for the
registered with the Philippine Intellectual businesses from eating up the success of small resolution to stop the construction of additional
Property Office in 2006, Australia’s corporations,” Casiño said. BM coal plants in the country. BM

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