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Student Name:​ Miriam Salais

Date:​ 6/21/2020

Portfolio Artifact Description:​ Adaptive Technology

What you learned:​ Adaptive Technology is a great access to students because it can
benefit them in many ways depending on their needs. I learn that their is difference with
AdaptiveTechnology and Assistive Technology. Adaptive Technology covers items that
are specifically designed for people with disabilities, and Assistive Technology is
something that is used to help individuals with disabilities.  

National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS-S) Addressed:

An Adaptive system can be self adjusted to suit particular leaning characteristics and
needs. It also helps achieve goals that are typically controlled by the computational
devices, adapting content for different learner’s needs.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:​ I think it is great that we had this
assignment. I also think is great that we have this type of assistant technology to help
students achieve their learning goals.

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