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Student Name:​ Miriam Salais

Date:​ 6/14/2020

Portfolio Artifact Description:​ Can Town

What you learned:​ I learn about measurements and how to access different tools on
my computer. Usually I don’t explore anything especially if I don’t know what I’m doing.
This assignment made a little more comfortable using different tools.

National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS-S) Addressed:

I think this project is great for students it may be a bit difficult at first bu after a while fun
and it allows them for interact with each other.

​Application of Skills Learned for the Future:​ I think it is great that we had this
assignment. I also think is great project for students. I think they will have fun sharing
with other information about where they were born we can even extend the project and
make a family project.

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