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Taylor was not a very sociable girl, she was an average student and her parents were disappointed

in her for not being like her sister "the perfect daughter". Things may change or may not change

She decided to try to join the school's women's soccer group, she had practiced a lot and during
the test everything was going very well except that one of the girls who were doing the test
caused Taylor to fall and suffer a broken arm, once in the hospital her mother spoke to her.

Mother: Why did you do this Taylor?

Taylor: I wanted you and dad feels that at least I'm good for something ... I'm sorry mother

Mother: you always do these things to get our attention, stop doing these things you won’t
achieve it, and you only bring more problems to me and your father.

Taylor: it’s okay mom ... I'm sorry for always give you more trouble, it won't happen again.

A few weeks later Taylor was walking around the school, until he passed by the music room and a
girl playing the piano caught her attention.

Mackenzie: hello

Taylor: emmm .... Hello, I was leaving alone, what you did caught my attention

Mackenzie: quiet, you can stay ... My name is Mackenzie, you are Taylor, right?

Taylor: yes .... how do you know?

Mackenzie: I'm friends with your sister, she told me about you…. may you play the piano?

Taylor: I might not, but I can try it

At first it was not very good but with a little practice and help from Mackenzie she was improving,
about two months later there would be an event at the school where whoever wanted may could
demonstrate some talent that they had so Taylor decided to participate.

-after her presentation –

Taylor: If there is one thing I can tell you, it is that you never give up everything with effort can be
achieved and I hope that my story inspires you to want to achieve your goals just as I did

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