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Government and Youth Advocacy in relation to industrial revolution 4.

We have seen the Industrial Revolution as the transition to new manufacturing

processes in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840. This
transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical
manufacturing and iron production processes, the increasing use of steam power, the
development of machine tools and the rise of the factory system.
Long before that, the capital money and power reside along the landlords, but after
the Industrial Revolution, factories swiftly and gradually had taken control over investors and
market-attention. The same phenomenon happened when the next revolution took place and
that was both Second and Third Industrial Revolution which was; mass production, assembly
line production, electricity-powered production and computer and automation.
All of these three revolutions had their own major pros and cons, similarly to each
other, the same as the Fourth Industrial Revolution and that is; Cyber Physical Systems
where Decentralization, Interoperability, Information Transparency and Artificial Intelligence
(AI) Technical Assistance is being invented and popularized. Of course, we will be facing
new and uninformed challenges in near future so we should be ready for them.
These revolutions mainly focus on minimizing their costs and maximizing their profits.
Decentralization means that there will be no single entity that would be responsible on the
act. We will focus on peer-to-peer (P2P) and machine-to-machine (M2M) connection as a
single modular of trust and workability. We and the government should take immediate
responses and acts as to comprehend this invention and how to cooperate with it.
We all understand the most interactive and reactive generation for new things are
young people, so our Youth Advocacy should be the most upbeat advocacy in dealing with
this kind on invention, namely because Interoperability which is; The ability of machines,
devices, sensors, and people to connect and communicate with each other via the Internet
of Things (IoT) or the Internet of People (IoP), are the things for youngsters.
But the most feared and anticipated feature in this revolution 4.0 is that it promises
the transparency of information, as there are no central power and state that hold all the
information. So, all of them is being contented by all the connecting devices. Thus, everyone
knows about everyone, there are no secrets. We can find this feature being applied in the
cryptocurrency system that has been approved by the Germans and Japanese government.
The most debatable issue about this upcoming revolution is the reliability of AI to
substitute the presence of human-touch in production. Loss of many jobs to automatic
processes and IT-controlled processes, especially for lower educated parts of society is
being predicted. Our Youth Advocacy should give utmost attention to this issue as we are
going further to more fast and quick changing world for us.
Last but not least, I have seen many beneficial events coming out from this
revolution, we hope to see more and participate in it, even be the lead in it!

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