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Língua estrangeira moderna - Inglês

Aluno (a):

1º Trimestre Professor: Douglas Nogueira

Data:___/____/2020 7º Ano Visto:

Exercícios Avaliativos

1) Como dizemos "pavão" em inglês?

a) Peacock b) Possum c) Pouce d) Pig

2) Qual dos animais abaixo dizemos que faz parte dos "farm animals"

a) Dolphin b) Duck c) Bird d) Eagle

3) Qual dos animais abaixo é famoso por representar a Austrália?

a) Peacock b) Kang c) Roo d) Shark

4) Como fica o verbo to be no passado?

a) Was/wasn't. b) Were/weren't. c) Was/where. d) Was/Were.

5) Como fica a frase "I am Happy." no passado?

a) I was happy. b) I were happy. c) I where happy. d) I're happy.

6) Como fica a frase " your parrots were chatty." na forma interrogativa ?

a) your parrots were not chatty? b) Were your parrots chatty?

c) your parrots are chatty? d) Are your parrots chatty?

7) Qual dos animais abaixo NÃO está em risco de extinção?

a) Blue Macaw b) Jaguar c) Vulture d) Marine turtle

8) A frase abaixo está falando de qual animal?

They can be found in the southeastern Brazil.
a) Red panda b) mountain gorillas c) Siberian tigers d) Golden lion tamarins

9) Escolha a melhor opção para completar os espaços:

_____________ many diferent animals?

Oh, yes! ________________Zebras, baby elephants and three talls giraffes.

a) Were there / There were b) Was there / There was

c) Was there / There were d) Were there / there was

10) Marque a alternativa que completa melhor o espaço:

__________ only one ______________. It was big and dangerous.

a) There was / tiger b) There were / birds c) There was / chick d) There were / elephant

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