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 Introduction
 Effect of change of pressure on the
 Physical nature of matter
State of Matter
 Rigid and Fluid
 Evaporation
 Classification of Matter
 Plasma
 Interconversion of states of matter
 Bose-Einstein condensate (B.E.C.)
 Curve (Temperature time graph)

INTRODUCTION Sugar contains a large number of separate particles. These

particles when dissolved in water occupy the vacant spaces
There are a large number of things around us which we between the particles of water. That is why, the water level
see and feel. For example, we can see a book in front of in the beaker did not rise. Had sugar been continuous, like
us. A book occupies some space. The space occupied by a block of wood, the water level in the beaker would have
the book is called its volume. If we pick up the book, we risen.
can also feel its weight. So, we conclude that the book has
some mass. We cannot see the air around us, yet if we fill
a balloon with air and then weigh it carefully, we will find
that not only does air occupy space (bounded by the
Adding Sugar
balloon), but it also has mass. Glass rod
Things like a book and air are examples of matter. Other
examples of matter are wood, cloth, paper, ice, steel, water,
oil etc. Further, that matter offers resistance is borne out
by the fact that we cannot displace an object from one Water level
place to another without applying some force. We have to does not change
apply force to pick up a stone from the ground. Thus, matter
can be defined as follows-
Anything that occupies space, has mass and offers,
resistance is called matter. Experiment to show that matter is made of particles


(A) Matter is Made up of Particles
Evidence 2 :
(i) Everything around us is made up of many tiny
pieces of particles. Movement of pollen grain in water : The best
(ii) Particles which made up the matter are constantly evidence for the existence and movement of particles in
moving. liquids was given by Robert Brown in 1827. Robert Brown
(iii) Particles which make up matter are atoms or suspended extremely small pollen grains in water. On
molecules. looking through the microscope, it was found that the pollen
(i) Evidence for the presence of particles in matter: grains were moving rapidly throughout water in a very irregular
Most of the evidences for the existence of particles way (of zig-zag way).
in matter and thei r motion come f rom the Conclusion : Water is made up of tiny particles which
experiments of diffusion and Brownian motion. are moving very fast (The water molecules themselves are
Evidence 1 : invisible under the microscope because they are very, very
small). The pollen grains move on the surface of water
Dissolving a solid in a liquid : Take a beaker. Fill because they are constantly being hit by the fast
half of it with water. Mark the level of water in the beaker. moving particles of water. So, though the water particles
Add some sugar to the water and dissolve it with the help (or water molecules) are too small to be seen, but their
of a glass rod. You will see that the sugar has disappeared, effect on the pollen grains can be seen clearly. The random
but there is no change in the level of water. motion of visible particles (pollen grains) caused by the
much smaller invisible particles of water is an example of
Conclusion : This can be explained by assuming that
Brownian motion (after the name of the scientist Robert
matter is not continuous, rather it is made up of particles.
Brown who first observed this phenomenon)

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1


Water level
Movement of mark
pollen grains
Beaker 20g Stirring
100 ml
glass rod

Sugar Sugar
getting solution
(a) (b) dissolved (c)
Brownian motion : Zig-zag motion (in a very irregular When we dissolve sugar in water, there is no change in the volume of water

way) of particles is known as Brownian motion. Brownian (B) Conclusion : The level of sugar solution in the
motion can also be observed in gases. Sometimes, when beaker is at the same mark where water level
a beam of light enters in a room, we can see tiny dust was initially in the beaker.
particles suspended in air which are moving rapidly in a
It shows that particles of sugar go into the spaces
very random way. This is an example of Brownian motion
between various molecules of water due to which there is
is gases. The tiny dust particles move here and there
no change in the volume. Thus, from this experiment it can
because they are constantly hit by the fast moving particles
be concluded that, the molecules in water are not tightly
of air.
held but they have spaces between them.
T he existence of Brownian motion gives two
conclusions : (Colourless)

 Matter is made up of tiny particles.

 Particles of matter are constantly moving.
 Note : Brownian motion increases on increasing the After some time colour
temperature. Diffusion

(B) Characteristics of Particles of Matter :

The important characteristics of particles of matter Bromine
are the following : (Red-brown)
(i) The particles of matter are very, very small :
(A) Experiment : Potassium permanganate is a purple Diffusion of bromine vapour
(or bromine gas) into air
coloured solid substance and water is a liquid. We
will take 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate (iii) The particles of matter are constantly moving :
and dissolve them in 100 ml of water. Now we will This property can be explained by diffusion.
take out 10 ml of this solution and put into another (A) Diffusion : "Intermixing of particles of two
90 ml of clear water. We will keep diluting the different types of matter on their own is called
solution like this 5 to 8 times. diffusion". It is the phenomenon in which the
movement of molecules or particles occur form
their higher concentration towards their lower
e.g. : When a perfume bottle is opened in one
corner of a room, its fragrance spreads in the
whole room quickly. This happens because the
particles of perf ume move rapidly in all
(B) Conclusion : This experiment shows that just a directions and mix with the moving particles of
few crystals of potassium permanganate can colour air in the room.
a large volume of water. It means the crystal of (A) Experiment : We take a glass jar full of
KMnO4 is made up of millions of tiny particles. They bromine vapours and invert another glass jar
keep dividing themselves into smaller and smaller containing air over it, then after some time, the
particles. red-brown vapours of bromine spread out into
(ii) The particles of matter have spaces between the upper glass jar containing air.
them : (B) Conclusion : In this way, the upper glass jar
(A) Experiment : We take about 100 ml of water which contains colourless air in it, also turns
in a beaker and mark the level of water. We will red-brown. The mixing is due to the diffusion of
also take 20g of sugar. Now we will dissolve the bromine vapours (or bromine gas) into air.
sugar by stirring and we get a sugar solution.  Note : The particles of matter possess kinetic energy
and so are constantly moving. As the temperature
rises, particles move faster.

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(iv) Particles of matter attract each other : There are Solution:
some forces of attraction between the particles of (A) When sugar dissolves in water, its tiny particles
matter which bind them together. break off from the solid ‘sugar crystals’.
(A) Cohesive Force : The force of attraction (B) The sugar particles go into the spaces between the
between the particles of same substance is particles of water and mix with them (to form sugar
called cohesive force. solution)
(B) Adhesive Force : The force of attraction (C) The dissolution of sugar in water tells us that:
between the particles of different substances is (i) The matter (here sugar and water) is made up
called adhesive force. of small particles.
e.g. : If we take a piece of chalk, a cube of ice and (ii) The particles of matter (here water) have spaces
an iron nail and beat them with a hammer, between them.
chalk will easily break into smaller pieces, but
more force will be required to break a cube of CLASSIFICATION OF MATTER :
ice and iron nail will not break. On the basis of physical states, all matter can be
Reasons : The reason for this is, that the force of classified into three groups :—
attraction in quite weak in between the chalk particles, but (A) Solids (B) Liquid (C) Gases
force of attraction in between the particles of ice cube is a (A) Solids : A solid is that state of matter which has
bit stronger, while force of attraction in between the particles definite shape, mass and volume
of iron is very-very strong. (i) Properties :
• Solids have a definite mass and definite volume.
RIGID AND FLUID : • Solids have a definite shape
(i) Rigid : Rigid means 'unbending' or 'inflexible'. Solid • Solids have negligible compressibility.
is a rigid form of matter so that it maintains its • Solids have high densities.
shape when subjected to outside force. • The intermolecular force in solids are very strong.
(ii) Fluids : Fluids are the substances which have
• The dimensions of solid do not increase in large
tendency to flow. The liquid is a fluid form of matter
proportion on heating or on cooling.
which occupies the space of the container. Liquids
(B) Liquids : A liquid is a state of matter which has
have a well defined surface. A gas is a fluid form of
matter which fills the whole container in which it is kept. definite mass and volume but no definite shape.
 Note : Liquids and gases are known as fluids. (i) Properties :
Illustration 1. • Liquids have a definite mass and volume.
When a crystal of potassium permanganate is placed • Liquids do not have a definite shape.
in a beaker, its purple colour spreads throughout the water. • Liquids are slightly more compressible than solids.
What does it observation tell us about the nature of • Density of liquids is lesser than that of solids.
potassium permanganate and water? • The force of attraction between the molecules of
Solution: liquids is less than that of solids.
This observation tells us that the crystal of potassium • Liquids expand more than solids on heating.
permanganate and water are made up of small particles of • The particles of two different liquids can diffuse in
the same type. one another easily to form homogeneous mixture.
Illustration 2. (C) Gases : A gas is a state of matter which has
In a beam of sunlight entering a room, we can definite mass, but no definite shape and no definite
sometimes see dust particles moving in a haphazard way volume. e.g. : O2, N2, H2 etc.
in the air. Why do these dust particles move? (i) Properties :
• A gas contained in a vessel has a definite mass.
• Gases do not have definite shape and volume.
Motion of dust particles can be explained with the help • Gases are hi ghly compressible because
of mutual collision between them which is resulted by the intermolecular spaces between them are very-very
mutual attraction of the same. large as compared to solids and liquids.
Illustration 3. • Density of gases is extremely small as compared
What happens to sugar when it dissolves in water? to solids and liquids.
Where does the sugar go? What information do you get • Intermolecular forces are negligible.
about the nature of matter from the dissolution of sugar in • Gases expand to large extent when heated.
water? • Gases diffuse is one another rapidly to form
homogeneous mixture.

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Property Solid state Liquid Gaseous state
Interparticle spaces Very small spaces Comparatively large Very large spaces
spaces than solids
Interparticle forces Very strong Weak Very Weak
Nature Very hard and rigid Fluid Highly fluid
Compressibility Negligible Very small Highly compressible
Shape and volume Definite shape and Indefinite shape, but Indefinite shape as
volume definite volume well as volume
Density High Less than solid state Very low density
Kinetic energy Low Comparatively higher Very high
than solids
Diffusion Negligible Slow Very fast

Gases are Highly compressible therefore :

Daily Practice Problem-1
(i) LPG (liquefied Petroleum Gas) is used in our home
for cooking. 1. The quantity of matter present in an object is called
(ii) Oxygen cylinders supplied to hospitals contain liquid its :
oxygen. (A) weight (B) volume (C) mass (D)density
(iii) These days C.N.G. (Compressed Natural Gas) is 2. Which of the following is/are rigid(s) ?
used as fuel in vehicles. (A) Solids (B) Liquids
(C) Gases (D) Both (B) and (C)
Note : Gaseous particles move randomly at high speed
3. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
and hit each other and also walls of the container, so exert
pressure. (A) Intermolecular forces of attraction in solids are
Illustration 4.
(B) Intermolecular forces of attraction in gases are
Why do gases have neither a fixed shape nor a fixed
(C) Intermolecular spaces in solids are minimum
Solution: (D) All of the above
Due to large intermolecular spaces and high kinetic 4. What happens to the volume of the aqueous solution
energy of gaseous molecules they can spread in any given when small amount of sugar is dissolved in it ?
volume and attain the shape of container.
(A) Volume increases
Illustration 5. (B) Volume decreases
Why are gases so easily compressible whereas it is (C) Volume first increases then decreases
almost impossible to compress a solid or a liquid? (D) No change in volume
Solution: 5. Which of the following is not correct for gases ?
Easy compressibility of gas is due to large volume (A) Gases have definite mass
occupied by gaseous molecules. Same amount of liquid (B) Gases have definite shape
and solid occupy lesser volume. If indicates high separation (C) Gases have definite volume
among the gaseous particles. (D) Both (B) and (C)

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6. Which of the following is not an example of matter?
(A) Air (B) Feeling of cold
(C) Dust (D) None of these
7. Which of the following statements is/are correct ?
(A) Inter particle spaces are maximum in the
gaseous state of a substance.
(B) Particles which constitute gas follow a zig-zag
(C) Solid state is the most compact state of
(D) All are correct
8. Which out of the following does not make sense ?
(A) Solids have fixed shape and fixed volume Activity : The study the change of state from ice to
(B) Liquids can be compressed easily, but not water.
gases Materials required : A 100 cc beaker, a thermometer
(C) The particle of solids have negligible kinetic (Celsius), a glass stirrer, wire gauze, a tripod stand, a
energy. Bunsen burner an iron stand, ice cubes.
(D) Property of diffusion is maximum is the gaseous
Method : Half fill the beaker with ice cubes and place
state it over a wire gauze and tripod stand. Suspend a Celsius
9. Which of the following has highest intermolecular thermometer from the iron stand, such that its bulb is
forces of attraction ? touching the water level. Place a glass stirrer in the ice.
(A) Liquid water Record the temperature of ice. You will find it is 0°C
(B) Liquid ethyl alcohol (273 K). Now heat the beaker on a low bunsen flame and
(C) Gaseous CO2 continuously stir the contents of beaker. Record the
(D) Solid CO2 temperature five to six times, till all the ice melts. You will
10. Which of the following compounds will undergo observe that temperature through out remains 0°C (273 K),
sublimation ? till all the ice melts.
(A) Common salt (A) Melting or Fusion : The process due to which a
(B) Camphor solid changes into liquid state by absorbing heat
(C) Sugar energy is called melting or fusion.
(B) Freezing or Solidification : The process due to
(D) Sand
which liquid changes into solid state by giving out
INTERCONVERSION OF STATES OF MATTER : heat energy is called freezing or solidification.
(C) Melting Point : The constant temperature at which
The phenomenon of change of matter from one state a solid changes into liquid state by absorbing heat
to another state and back to original state, by altering the energy at 1 atm pressure is called its melting point.
conditions of temperature and pressure, is called (D) Freezing Point : The constant temperature at which
interconversion of states of matter. a liquid changes into solid state by giving out heat
The various states of matter can be interchanged into energy at 1 atm pressure is called freezing point.
 Note : The numerical value of freezing point and
one another by altering the conditions of
melting point is same.
(A) Temperature (B) Pressure Melting point of ice = Freezing point of water = 0°C
(A) Altering the Temperature of Matter : (273.16 K)
(i) Interconversion of solid into liquid and vice Explanation : On increasing the temperatures of
versa : solids, the kinetic energy (K.E.) of particles
Solids can be converted into liquids by heating increases. Due to increase in K.E, the particles start
them. Similarly liquids can be cooled to form vibrating with greater speed. The energy supplied by
heat overcomes the force of attraction between the
particles. Then, the particles leave their fixed
e.g.Ice at 0°C changes into water at 0°C, when
positions and start moving freely and thus solid
heat energy is supplied to it. The water of 0°C melts.
changes into ice at 0°C on freezing. Latent Heat of Fusion : The amount of heat
energy that is required in change 1 kg of solid into

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liquid at atmospheric pressure and its melting point Explanation : When heat is supplied to water, particles
is known as the latent heat of fusion. (In Greek starts moving faster. At a certain temperature, a point is
Latent means Hidden). Latent heat of fusion of ice reached when the particles have enough energy to break
= 3.34 × 105 J/kg. the forces of attraction between the particles. At this
 Note : Particles of water of 0°C (273 K) have more temperature the liquid starts changing into gas.
energy as compared to particles of ice at the same
temperature. Latent heat of vaporisation : The amount of heat
(ii) Interconversion of liquid into gaseous state which is required to convert 1 kg of the liquid (at its boiling
and vice versa : point) to vapour or gas without any change in temperature.
Liquids can be converted into gases by heating Latent heat of vaporisation of water = 22.5 × 105 J/kg.
them. Similarly, gases can be converted into  Note : Particles in steam, that is water vapour at
liquids by cooling them. 373 K have more energy than water at the same
e.g. : Water at 1 atm pressure changes into
temperature. Because steam has absorbed extra
gas (steam) at 100°C changes into water by
energy in the form of latent heat of vaporisation.
giving out energy.
Activity : To study the change of state from water to steam. CURVE (TEMPERATURE TIME GRAPH) :
Materials required : A 100 cc beaker, a thermometer We can show the change of temperature with time in
(Celsius), a glass stirrer, a wire gauze, a tripod stand, a the form of a temperature-time graph drawn by using the
Bunsen burner, an iron stand, tap water. readings obtained in the above experiment. Such a time-
Half fill the beaker with water and place it cover a wire temperature graph is shown in figure.
gauze and tripod stand. Suspend a Celsius thermometer
from the iron stand, such that its bulb is touching the water
level. Place a glass stirrer in the water.
Record the temperature of water. Heat the beaker on a
low Bunsen flame and continuously stir the water with glass
stirrer. Go on recording the temperature till water starts
boiling. Allow the water to boil for few minutes and record
its temperature. Time of heating (in minutes)

You will notice that temperature of water rises till it In this graph of point A, we have all ice. As we heat it,
starts boiling. The temperature of boiling water is 100°C the ice starts melting to form water but the temperature of
ice and water mixture does not rise. It remains constant at
(373 K). If we continue heating the water is changes into
0°C during the melting of ice. At point B, all the ice has
steam, but the temperature remains constant , i.e. 100°C
melted to form water. Thus, we have only water at point B.
(373 K). Now, on heating beyond point B, the temperature of water
(A) Boiling or Vaporisation : The process due to which (formed from ice) starts rising as shown by the sloping line
a liquid changes into gaseous state by absorbing BC in the graph.
heat energy is called boiling. (iii) Direct Interconversion of solid into gaseous
(B) Condensation or Liquefaction : The process due to state and vice versa : The changing of solid
which a gas changes into liquid state by giving out directly into vapours on heating and of vapours
heat energy is called condensation. directl y int o solid on cooling is known as
(C) Boiling Point : The constant temperature at which sublimation.
 The solid which undergoes sublimation to form
a liquid rapidly changes into gaseous state by
vapour is called 'sublime'.
absorbing heat energy at atmospheric pressure is  The solid obtained by cooling the vapours of a solid
called boiling point. is called sublimate.
(D) Condensation Point : The constant temperature at e.g. Ammonium Chloride (NH4Cl) iodine, camphor,
which a gas changes into liquid state by giving out naphthalene (moth balls) and anthracene.
heat energy at atmospheric pressure is called
condensation point.
 Note : The numerical value of condensation point
and boiling point is same.
Condensation point of vapour (water) = Boiling point of
water = 100°C (373.16 K)

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Specific Heat : Illustration 7.
The specific heat of a substance is the amount of heat Out of solids, liquids and gases, which one has:
which is required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of (A) maximum movement of particles?
the substance by 1°C. Now, if we measure the heat in (B) maximum interparticle attractions?
"joules" and mass in "kilograms", then the definition of (C) minimum spaces between particles?
specific heat becomes. The specific heat of a substance
is the amount of heat in joules required to raise the Solution:
temperature of 1 kilogram of the substance by 1°C. (A) gases (B) solids (C) solids
The specific heat of a substance is usually represented Illustration 8.
by the symbol C (Sometimes, however, the specific heat of If you take ice, melt it and then boil it, which state of
a substance is also represented by the letter's). The specific matter would you get?
heat of a substance varies slightly with temperature. The
change in the specific heat of a substance with temperature Solution:
is due to the changes which occur in the structure and On melting, ice will change into liquid water which on
organization of the molecules in a substance with change further boiling will change into steam. We will finally get
in temperature. gaseous state of matter.
Units of Specific Heat :
The unit of specific heat depends on the units in which
Daily Practice Problem-2
'heat' and 'mass' are measured. Now, the S.I. unit of heat
is 'joule' and that of mass is "kilogram", so the S.I. units of 1. On changing which of the following, the states of
specific heat is "joules per kilogram per degree Celsius matter will change ?
which is written in short form as : J/kg/°C or J kg–1 °C–1. (A) Temperature (B) Pressure
Effect of change of pressure on the state of Matter : (C) (A) & (B) (D) None of these
The difference in various states of matter is due to the 2. Melting & freezing point of water
different intermolecular spaces between their particles. So (A) are same
when a gas is compressed the intermolecular space (B) have large difference between them
between its particles decreases and ultimately it will be (C) have close difference between them
converted into liquid.
(D) None of these
Pressure and temperature determine the state of a 3. The boiling point of alcohol is 78°C. What will be
substance. So high pressure and low temperature can
liquefy gases. the temperature in Kelvin scale ?
(A) 373 K (B) 351 K (C) 375 K (D)78 K
e.g. : Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas under normal
conditions of temperature and pressure. It can be liquefied 4. Latent heat of vaporisation of water is :
by compressing it to a pressure 70 times more than (A) 2.26 × 102 J/kg (B) 22.5 × 105 J/kg
atmospheric pressure. 5
(C) 3.34 × 10 J/kg (D) 33.4 × 102 J/kg
Solid CO2 is known as 'Dry ice'. Solid CO2 is extremely cold 5. S.I. unit of temperature is :
and used to 'deep freeze' food and to keep icecream cold. (A) Kelvin (B) Celsius (C) Both (D)None
Unit of pressure : 6. In sublimation process
Atmosphere (atm) is a unit for measuring pressure (A) solid changes into liquid
exerted by a gas. (B) liquid changes into gas
The S.I. unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa.) (C) solid changes directly into gas
(D) None of these
1 atm = 1.01 × 105 pa
7. When a liquid starts boiling, the further heat energy
Illustration 6. which is supplied :
Why is heat energy needed to melt a solid? What is (A) is lost to the surrounding as such
this heat energy called? (B) increases the temperature of the liquid
(C) increases the kinetic energy of the liquid.
(D) is absorbed as latent heat of vaporisation by the
Heat is needed to melt a solid to reduce, the attraction
among the particles of solid. This energy is called as ‘Latent
8. 10°C temperature is equal to
heat of fusion’.
(A) 163 K (B) 10 K (C) 183 K (D)283 K

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9. W hich is the most f avourable condition f or Difference between evaporation and boiling
liquefaction of ammonia? Evaporation Boiling
(A) High pressure, high temperature It is a surface It is a bulk phenomenon.
(B) High pressure, low temperature phenomenon.
(C) Low pressure, low temperature It occurs at all It occurs at B.P. only
temperature below B.P.
(D) Low pressure, high temperature
The rate of evaporation The rate of boiling does
10. Liquefaction of a gas can be caused by depends upon the not depend upon the
(A) increase in kinetic energy of molecules surface area of the surface area, wind speed
(B) decrease in interparticle separation liquid, humidity and humidity
(C) both (A) and (B) temperature & wind
(D) neither (A) nor (B) speed.
(B) Cooling Caused by Evaporation :
EVAPORATION : The cooling caused by evaporation is based on the
The phenomenon of change of a liquid into vapours at fact that when a liquid evaporates. It draws (or takes)
any temperature below its boiling point is called evaporation. the latent heat of vaporisation from 'anything' which
it touches.
Water changes into vapours below 100°C. The particles
For example :
of matter are always moving and are never at rest. At a
 If we put a little of spirit, ether or petrol on the plain
given temperature in any gas, liquid or solid, there are
of our hand then our hand feels very cold.
particles with different K.E.
 Perspiration (or sweating) is our body's method of
In case of liquids, a small fraction of particles at the maintaing a constant temperature.
surface, having higher K.E., is able to break the forces of (C) We wear Cotton Clothes in Summer :
attraction of other particles and gets converted into vapour. During summer, we perspire more because of the
 Note : The atmospheric pressure of sea level is 1 mechanism of our body which keeps us cool. During
atm. evaporation, the particles at the surface of liquid gain
(A) Factors Affecting Evaporation : energy from the surroundings or body surface. The
(i) Temperature : With the increase in temperature the heat energy equal to latent heat of vaporisation, is
rate of evaporation increases. absorbed from the body, leaving the body cool.
Rate of evaporation  T Cotton, being a good absorber of water helps in
Reasons : On increasing temperature more number absorbing the sweat.
of particles get enough K.E. to go into the vapour
state. (D) Water droplet on the outer surface of a glass
(ii) Surface Area : Rate of evaporation  Surface containing ice cold water :
area. Since evaporation is a surface phenomena, if If we take some ice cold water in a glass then we
the surface area is increased, the rate of evaporation
increases. So, while putting clothes for drying up we will observe water droplets on the outer surface of
spread them out. glass.
1 Reason : The water vapour present in air on coming in
(iii) Humidity of Air : Rate of evaporation  .
Humidity contact with glass of cold water, loses energy. So water
Humidity is the amount of water vapour present in vapour gets converted to liquid state, which we see as water
air. W hen humidity of air is low, the rate of
evaporation is high and water evaporates more
readily. When humidity of air is high, the rate of Illustration 9.
evaporation is low and water evaporates very slowly.
Why the wet clothes dry up very slowly in a humid air.
(iv) Wind speed : Rate of evaporation  wind speed.
With the increase in wind speed, the particles of Solution:
water vapour move away with the wind. So the It is because in humid air the rate of evaporation is very
amount of water v apour decreases in the
slow and wet clothes loose moisture very slowly.
(v) Nature of substance : Substances with high boiling Illustration 10.
points will evaporate slowly, while substances with
low boiling points will evaporate quickly. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some
acetone (or perfume) on it?

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Solution: 2. Which of the following statements does not go with
Acetone absorb latent heat of vaporization from our the liquid state ?
palm and hence palm feels cold. (A) Particles are loosely packed in the liquid state
(B) Fluidity is the maximum in the liquid state
Illustration 11.
(C) Liquids can be compressed
Will the rate of evaporation be faster or slower after
(D) Liquids take up the shape of that container in
which these are placed
Solution: 3. Which of the following will respond to sublimation ?
The atmosphere around will be humid after raining, so (A) Common salt (B) Sugar
rate of evaporation will be slower. (C) Camphor (D) Potassium nitrate
Illustration 12. 4. Solids cannot be compressed because :
(A) Constituent particles are very closely packed
Why are we able to sip hot tea faster from a saucer
(B) Interparticle attractive forces are weak
than from a cup?
(C) movement of constituent particles is restricted
Solution: (D) constituent particles diffuse very slowly.
Saucer has a large surface area, so the evaporation of 5. The two major gases present in air are
hot tea from saucer is faster. And this faster evaporation (A) nitrogen and oxygen
cools the hot tea more quickly making it convenient for us
(B) nitrogen and hydrogen
to drink it.
(C) hydrogen and oxygen
PLASMA : (D) nitrogen and carbon dioxide
This state consists of super energetic and super excited 6. Evaporation of a liquid can take place
particles. These particles are in the form of ionised gases. (A) at its boiling point
For e.g. Neon sign bulb and fluorescent tube. (B) below its boiling point
(C) at all temperatures
Neon sign bulb – Neon gas. (D) at a fixed temperature
Fluorescent tube – Helium gas. 7. A liquid is kept in an open china dish.The
When electrical energy flows through gas, it gets evaporation of the liquid can be accelerated
ionised and hence plasma is created. (A) by keeping the dish in the open
Plasma glows with a special colour depending on (B) by blowing air into the liquid
nature of gas. Sun and the stars glow because of the (C) by keeping the dish under a running fan
presence of plasma. (D) all the correct
8. Which of these choices will not change the state
The B.E.C. is formed by cooling a gas of extremely (A) Temperature (B) Crushing a crystal
low density, about one-hundred-thousandth the density of
(C) Pressure (D) Electricity
normal air, to super low temperature.
9. Which of the following is not matter?
Daily Practice Problem-3 (A) Fog (B) Humidity
(C) Melting point (D) Blood
1. Which of the following is/are application(s) of high 10. In which of the following substances, the interparticle
compressibility of gases ? forces of attraction are the strongest?
(A) L.P.G. is used as fuel in homes for cooking food (A) Sodium chloride crystal
(B) Oxygen cylinders are supplied to hospitals
(B) Glyerine
(C) C.N.G. is used as fuel in vehicles
(C) Ethyl alcohol
(D) All of these
(D) Carbon dioxide

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Introduction : massof a gasin grams
Matter is defined as anything that has mass and Number of moles of gas (n) =
gram molecular mass of gas
occupies space. Matter exists in three distinct physical
states: gas, liquid and solid. Gases are the most diffused Volume:
form of matter. In a gas the molecules (the smallest particles The volume of the gas is measured with the gas burette,
of which the gas is made) are highly energetic and they known as Eudiometer.
can be widely separated from each other. We can understand
Generally volume of gas is expressed in litres (L)
the behaviour of gases and their properties from these facts.
millilitres (mL) or cubic centimetres (cm 3) or cubic metres
Sometimes the term vapour is used to describe a gas. (m³)
Strictly speaking a gas is a substance at a temperature 1L = 1000 mL [1mL = 10-3 L]
above its boiling point. A vapour is the gaseous phase of a
substance that, under ordinary conditions, exists as a liquid = 1000 cm 3 [1mL = 1cm 3 or cc]
or solid.
=1dm 3 (1dm = 10 cm)
General Characteristics of Gases :
1. Gases have neither definite shape nor definite volume 1m³ = 10³dm³ = 106 cc =103L = 106mL
as the molecules in this state are far apart from one
another. They occupy the entire volume of any given Pressure :
container and their volume is assumed to be the The pressure of the gas is the force exerted by the gas
same as that of the container. per unit area.
2. Gases have very low density because of their large P = F/A
intermolecular separation. Atmospheric pressure:
3. Gases are easily compressed by application of
pressure The air exerts pressure on us called atmospheric
4. Gases form homogeneous mixture with each other pressure. The atmospheric pressure on a surface is due to
because their molecules move into the empty spaces the weight of the column of air above the surface.
of other gases (diffusibility) Torricelli invented a simple device, the mercury
5. Gases may be monatomic (noble gases), diatomic barometer, to measure atmospheric pressure. Commonly
(e.g. , O 2, H2, N2, Cl 2 , etc.)or the barometric pressure at sea level is found to be 76 cm of
polyatomic(e.g.,O3,H2O2,CO2,etc.). Hg at 0oC (density of mercury = 13.6 g cm –3) and at g =
6. A gas exerts pressure on any surface in contact 980cm s-2 (g is standard acceleration due to gravity) is
with it. called one atmosphere.A device known as manometer
The volume of a gas depends both on the pressure measures the pressure of a gas sample.
and temperature at which it is measured. Thus, Units of pressure are often somewhat confusing,
whenever the volume of a gas is stated, the because of the different systems in use.
conditions of pressure and temperatures at which the
The Pascal is now widely used. This is the S.I. unit,
measurement was made must also be stated. The and equals a force of one Newton per square metre (in
measurable properties of gases are turn, a Newton is the force required to give a 1 kilogram
1. Mass 2. Volume mass an acceleration of 1 metre per second per second.)
3. Pressure 4. Temperature The Pascal is quite a small pressure, so we often use
Mass : KiloPascals (kPa), equal to one thousand Pascals.
The mass of gas is measured in grams or kilograms A Torr (named after Torricelli) is the pressure produced
In the system of international units (SI) the mass of a by a column of mercury 1 mm high, so equals 1/760th of
gas is expressed in kilograms. The mole (symbol: mol) is an atmosphere.
the SI term identifying the number of particles in a given Pounds per square inch (psi) used to be common in
amount of matter. It is a dimensionless quantity (meaning the U.K. One atmosphere is approximately 15 psi.
a number without units) numerically equal to Avogadro’s
The Bar is widely used in industry, and is still often
number (6.023x1023.). The mass of Avogadro number of
used to specify the pressure in compressed gas cylinders,
molecules ,which is expressed in grams is called its gram
so many gas regulators are calibrated in Bar. One Bar is
molecular mass.

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100,000 Pa, and for most practical purposes can be Illustration 1.
approximated to one atmosphere (more precisely, 1 Bar =
0.9869 atm). Convert (a) 114 cm Hg pressure into the atmosphere
unit, and (b) 0.5 atm into torr.
Units of pressure :
1 atmosphere = 76 cm of mercury Solution:

= 760 mm of mercury 114 Hg 1atm 114

(A) 114 cm Hg =  atm = 1.5 atm
76 cm Hg 76
= 760 torr
1 atmosphere = 1.013 x 106 dyne/cm² [C.G.S] 0.5 atm  760 torr
(B) 0.5 atm = = 380 torr
1 atm
= 1.013 x 105 newton/m² [SI]
Illustration 2.
1 Nm -2 = 1 pascal we can write.
Convert the following temperatures on the Kelvin scale
= 1.013 x 10 5 pascal (Pa) = to Celsius scale.
1.013bar=101.325kPa(1kPa=103 Pa) (i) 353 K (ii) 159 K (iii) 254 K
1 bar = 106 dyne/cm² = 0.987 Solution :
atmosphere = 105 Pa (i) 353K = (353 – 273) o C = 80o C
(ii) 159 K = (159 – 273) o C = -114o C
sometimes pressure of gases is measured relative to (iii) 254 K = (254 – 273) o C = -19o C
atmospheric pressure, such pressure is called gauge
Boyle’s law (Pressure–Volume relation) :
pressure. An example of this is the air pressure in an
automobile tire, which might be said to be “220 kPa”, but is The relationship between the volume of a gas and its
actually 220 kPa above atmospheric pressure. Since pressure at a constant temperature was discovered by the
atmospheric pressure at sea level is about 100 kPa, the Irish scientist Robert Boyle, and is known as Boyle’s law.
absolute pressure in the tire is therefore about 320 kPa. The law states that at constant temperature, the volume
Temperature : of the fixed mass of a gas is always inversely proportional
to the pressure exerted by the gas.
Generally temperature is measured in Celsius scale.
In this scale the melting point of ice is taken as 0oC and If ‘V’ is the volume of the fixed mass of the gas (n
moles) and ‘P’ is the pressure exerted at the temperature
boiling point of water is taken as 1000C.The temperature
‘T’ then expressed mathematically,
below the melting point of ice has negative value.
Kelvin temperature scale (after its originator, Lord 1
Kelvin), a temperature scale having an absolute zero below V when n and T are fixed.
which temperatures do not exist. Absolute zero, or 0 K, is
or PV = k (constant) or p1v1=p2v2
the temperature corresponds to a temperature of -273.15°
Where v 1 is the volume at pressure p1and v 2 is the
on the Celsius temperature scale. Temperature is always
volume at pressure p2.
positive in Kelvin scale. The magnitude of degree in Kelvin
The Boyle’s law can be expressed graphically in
scale is same as in the in Celsius scale.
various ways.
Temperature in Celsius scale (t0 C) is converted to The plot of V against P at constant temperature is
temperature in Kelvin scale or (K or T) absolute scale by a rectangular hyperbola. (fig –1) The nature of this
K = t0C + 273. relationship between p and v is more obvious if one
Note: plots v against 1/p:
The graph of v against 1/p is a straight line through
A degree sign ( 0 ) is not used with the Kelvin scale.
the origin(fig-2). This means that the measured
The Kelvin temperature (or absolute temperature) is volume is inversely proportional to its pressure (at
always used in calculations of other Parameters (P, V, n) constant temperature). We can confirm that v =k/p
of gases, otherwise they will get negative sign or sometimes by looking at a graph of pv against p.If, v =k/p then
they may become zero pv=k.. The graph of pv against p should be a
Gas laws : straight line parallel to the p-axis, as shown
below(fig-3). In other words, the product pv is a
Various gas laws given time to time in order to explain
constant at a fixed temperature.
the behaviour of gases were however, based on experiments

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We can obtain similar relationship between the pressure of
Rectangular a gas and the volume that it occupies, in that a gas exerts
V hyperbola V PV zero pressure at -273°C. As matter cannot contract beyond
a zero volume or exert less than a zero pressure, it follows
P 1/P that -273°C has become known as absolute zero - the limit
beyond which temperature cannot be lowered.
Boyle’s Law predicts that at very high pressures, a At absolute zero or –273oC. All molecular motions could
gas should have a negligible volume. This is not true for stop and the gas would become a liquid or solid. The
real gases, where the actual volume of the gas molecules absolute zero is that temperature at which no substance
becomes significant at elevated pressures, and the observed exists in the gaseous states.
volume is greater than that predicted by Boyle’s Law. Therefore it is the hypothetical temperature and is the
Charles’– Gaylussac’s law (Volume–Temperature lowest possible temperature that can be reached by any
relation) : means.
 Note:
It states that “At constant pressure, the volume of a At absolute zero
fixed mass of a gas(n moles) increases or decreases by  No gas can exist
1  Movement of gas molecule ceases.
part of its original volume at 0oC for each one degree  Velocity of gas molecule becomes zero.
273  Kinetic energy of gas molecule becomes zero.
rise or fall in temperature”
Graphs representing charles-Gaylussac’s law at
or. different pressures and at different volumes
“At Constant pressure the volume of given mass of a
gas is directly proportional to the absolute scale of
P2 > P1 v1>v2
temperature”. P1 v2
v P
V T P2 v1

= K (Constant)
Avogadro’s law:
V1 V2 Avogadro’s hypothesis states that at equal pressure

T1 T2 (P and n are constant) and temperature equal volumes of gases contain the same
number of molecules. This hypothesis leads to Avogadro’s
Pressure –Temperature law : law, which states that the volume of a gas maintained at
Volume remaining constant, the pressure of a given constant temperature and pressure, is directly proportional
mass of a gas increases or decreases by 1/273 of its to the number of moles of the gas.V  n (P, T are constants)
pressure at 0oC per degree change of temperature. Illustration 3.
(or) The volume of a sample of a gas is 25 mL at a pressure
At constant volume, the pressure of given amount of of 76.0 cm Hg. At what pressure will the volume be 15 mL,
gas( let n moles) is directly proportional to its absolute keeping the temperature constant?
temperature. Solution :
P Let the required pressure be P cm Hg. Then,
PT (or) = constant From Boyle’s Law P1 V1 = P2 V2
Here P1 = 76cm Hg, P2­ = Pcm Hg
P1 P2 V1 = 25 mL, V2 = 15 mL
 ( V and n are constant)
T1 T2 P cm Hg x 15 mL = 76. 0 cm Hg x 25 mL
If graph is plotted volume (V) against the temperature 76.0 cm Hg  25ml
at constant pressure and on the extending line towards left P= = 126. 7cm Hg
(mathematical term is extrapolation) the line will intersect 15ml
the x-axis at 273oC.So at 2730C gas will have no volume.

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Illustration 4. molar gas constant and it is independent of the
At a certain temperature the volume of a gas sample is amount of gas taken.
120 mL at 1 atm pressure. Keeping the temperature same,  R value depends on the units of pressure and
the pressure is raised to 5 atm. What would be the volume volume.
of the gas?
 If R is divided by Avogadro number, we get another
Solution : constant, called Boltzmann constant which is
Give P1 = 1 atm, P2 = 5 atm  R
V1 = 120 mL, V2 = ? defined as the gas constant per molecule. k = N 
 A
P 1 V 1 = P2 V 2
Values of k = 1.38x10-16 erg/K/molecule
P1V1 1120 = 1.38x10-23 joule/K/molecule
 V2    24 mL
P2 5 Deductions from ideal gas equation :
Illustration 5.  Let us suppose that 1 mole of a gas has a pressure
At what temperature will the volume of a gas at 0°C P1 and volume V 1 at a temperature T 1 Let its
double itself, pressure remaining constant? pressure be P2 and volume V2 at a temperature T2.
Solution :
Given V1 = a cm3, V2 = 2a cm3, T1 = 273, T2 = ? PV
1 1
V1 V2 T1 = n R (Initial state)

T1 T2 PV
2 2
V2  T1 2a  273
T2 = n R (Final state)
 T2    546 K.
V1 a P1V1 P2 V2
As n = 1 in each case =
Ideal gas equation (Equation of state) : T1 T2
 A gas that strictly obeys all the gas laws under all  If ‘w’ is the weight of the gas and ‘M’ is the
conditions of temperature and pressure is an ideal molecular weight of the gas, then
gas. But there is no ideal gas in nature. All gases
are real gases ,they obey the gas laws reasonably w
well at moderate pressures and at temperatures number of moles of gas (n) =
which are significantly higher than their liquefaction
point. i.e., Real gases tend to show the behaviour From the ideal gas equation PV = nRT
of ideal gas at high temperatures and low pressures.
 The ideal gas equation is obtained by combining the w
three gas laws. PV = RT
 Boyle’s law V  1/p (at constant temperature for
fixed mass of gas). w RT dRT
 Charles’ law V  T (at constant pressure for fixed P =  = (w/V =d)
mass of gas). M V M
 Avogadro’s law V  n (at constant P and T). Where d is the density of gas
V n or V = R.n. d = ; =
PV = nRT Since M and R are constant for a particular gas ,
Where R is the gas constant per mole of gas.
This equation is called the ideal gas equation of thus, = constant
state. We can use this ideal gas equation to explain P
behaviour of real gases which is accurate enough For the two sets of conditions
for most practical purposes.
d1T1 d 2 T2
 As the value of gas constant ‘R’ is same for all =
P1 P2
gases it is also called universal gas constant or

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Open vessel concept :
Value o f gas constant (R) in different units
In open vessel of a gas, pressure and volume are
always constant Pressure Volume R Value
PV=n1RT1 - - - - - (1) Atmosphere litre 0.0821 lit atm mole K
–1 –1

PV=n2RT2 - - - - - (2) 3 3 –1 –1
Here n1 and n2 number of moles at temperature T1 Atmosphere cm 82.1 cm atm mole K
and T2 Dyne cm –2 cm3 8.314 × 107 erg mole –1 K– 1
Dividing (1) by (2), we get
Newton m–2 m3 1.987 cal mole – 1 K– 1
STP OR NTP conditions  Note : Remember while using different R values, be
 0oC or 273 K temperature and 1 atmosphere careful about units of pressure and volume. for
pressure or 76 cm or 760mm of Hg Pressure are example if you are using R value as 0.0821 all the
called standard temperature and pressure . other quantities in the equation, specifically, P must
Physical Significance of R and its Values in Different be in atm and V in litre. Be careful for “traps” set
Units by the examiners, notably, pressure given in kPa or
For 1 mole of an ideal gas: atmospheres and/or volumes in cm3 or dm3).
Illustration 6.
PV Pr essure  Volume Force  Length A gas cylinder containing cooking gas can withstand
R= = = to pressure of 14.9 atm. The pressure gauge of cylinder
T Temperature Temperature
indicates 12 atm at 27oC. Due to sudden fire in the building
Thus R represents work- done per Kelvin per mole. its temperature starts rising. At what temperature the
cylinder will explode?
 From the ideal gas equation R = Solution :
nT Suppose the cylinder will burst at T2 K. ; When the
 Value of gas constant R in litre-atm. pressure will increase from 12 atm to 14.9
If P = 1 atm; V = 22.414 L PV PV
1 1
n = 1 mole we have,  2 2
T1 T2
T = 273 K then
P1 = 12 atm, T1 = (27 + 273)
1atm  22.414 litres P2 = 14.9 atm, T2 =?
R = Here V1 = V2 as the volume does not change
1 mole  273 K
R = 0.0821 lit atm mole –1 K-1 P2T1 14.9  300
T2 =
 = 372.5K
 Value of gas constant (R) in ergs P1 12
P = hdg = 76 × 13.6 × 980
Illustration 7.
V = 22.414 lit = 22,414 cm3
A large cylinder for storing compressed gas has volume
n = 1 mole; T = 273 K 3ft 3. If the gas is stored under a pressure of 150 atm of 300
K, how many moles of the gas are contained in the cylinder?
1.013 106 dynes cm 2  22, 414 cm3 What would be the weigh of oxygen in such a cylinder? (1
Then R =
1 mole  273 k ft3 = 28.32 litre)
Solution :
= 8.314 × 107 erg mole –1 K-1
PV = nRT
= 8.314 joule mole –1K-1
 Value of R in calories 150  (3  28.32)
n = = 517.4
Since 1 calorie = 4.184 joules 0.0821 300
(R = 0.0821 lit. atm /K /mole)
8.314 joule mole 1 K 1 Weight of oxygen = moles x molecular weight = 517.4
4.18 x 32 = 16556.8 grams
Illustration 8.
A litre of a gas at 10o C is heated until both its volume
and pressure are tripled. Find the new temperature.
Solution :
Initial conditions Final conditions
P1 = P P2 = 3P

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V1 = 1L V2 = 3L  Diffusion of gas through a fine hole from a region of
T 1 = (273 + 10) k = 283k T 2 =? higher pressure to a region of lower pressure or
From the gas equation vacuum is called Effusion.
 Graham’s law of diffusion is applicable also to
1 1 PV P  1 3P  3 effusion.
 2 2  
T1 T2 283 T2 Applications of diffusion :
 The isotopes of uranium(solid) (U235 and U238 ) are
3P  3  283 converted into their hexafluoride’s(vapour) and
(or) T2 = = 2547K
P 1 separated by using the difference in their rates of
Illustration 9. diffusion.
If one litre of a gas A at 600mm of Hg and 0.5 litre of  Molecular weight of an unknown gas can be
gas B at 800 mm of Hg are taken in a two-litre flask calculate determined by comparing its rate of diffusion with
resulting pressure? that of a known gas using Graham’s law.
Solution : Illustration 10.
Gas - A Diffusion of helium gas is four times faster than
V1 = 1 litre; P1 = 600mm V2 = 2 litre; P2 = ? (A) CO2 (B) SO2 (C) NO2 (D)O2
600  1 Solution :
P1 V1 = P 2 V 2  P2 = = 300 mm of Hg
2 1
Gas - B Rate of diffusion of gas 
V1 = 0.5 litre; P1 = 800mm V2– = 2 litre; P2=? molecular mass
Let the molecular mass of other gas = x
800  0.5
P1 V 1 = P 2 V2  P2 = =200mm of Hg rHe Mx
2  4
from Daltons law of partial pressures rx MHe
resulting pressure P = 500 mm of Hg
Graham’s law of diffusion: Mx
 The spontaneous mixing of gases against gravity to 4
form homogeneous mixture is called diffusion of Mx
gases. 42 
 The volume of gas diffused in unit time is called rate
of diffusion. Mx  64
 The rate of diffusion for gases is defined as follows. The gas having molecular mass 64 is SO2.
(A) Rate of diffusion is equal to distance travelled Illustration 11.
by gas per unit time through a tube of Identify the pair of gases that have equal rates of
uniform cross-section diffusion
(B) Number of moles or volume of the gas diffusing (A) CO, NO (B) N2O, CO
per unit time is also called rate of diffusion
(C) N2O,CO2 (D) CO2,NO2
(C) Decrease in pressure of a cylinder per unit time
is called rate of diffusion of gas Solution :
 At constant temperature and pressure the rate of Rate of diffusion depends upon the molecular masses
diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the of gases. Therefore, the gases which have equal molecular
mass, have equal rates of diffusion.
square root of its density. r 
d r1 M2
 For two different gases under the identical conditions 
r2 M1
of temperature and pressure
1 1 Molecular mass of N2O  28  16  44
r1 d2
r1 
d1 and r2

d2  r  d Molecular mass of CO 2  12  32  44
2 1

 The rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional rN2O

to the square root of its molecular mass  1
r   rN2O  rCO2
 For two different gases 

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1. Which of the following are matter ? 16. Why are we able to sip hot tea or milk faster from
Chair, air, love, smell, hate, almonds, thought, cold, a saucer rather than a cup?
cold drink, smell of perfume 17. What type of clothes should we wear in summer?
2. Give reasons for the following observation: 18. Convert the following temperatures to Celsius scale:
The smell of hot sizzling food reaches you several (A) 293 K (B) 470 K
metres away, but to get smell from cold food, you 19. Convert the following temperatures to the Kelvin
have to go close. scale :
3. A driver is able to cut through water in a swimming (A) 25°C (B) 373°C
pool. Which property of matter does this observation 20. Give reasons for the following observations :
show? (A) Naphthalene balls disappear with time without
4. (a) Tabulate the differences in the characteristics of leaving any solid.
states of matter. (B) We can get the smell of perfume sitting several
(b) Com ment upon the f oll owing : ri gidi ty, metres away.
compressibility, fluidity, filling a gas container, 21. Arrange the following substances in increasing order
shape, kinetic energy and density. of forces of attraction between the particles : water,
5. What are the characteristics of the particles of sugar, oxygen.
matter? 22. What is the physical state of water at
6. The mass per unit volume of a substance is called (A) 25°C (B) 0°C (C) 100°C ?
density. 23. Give two reasons to justify that :
(density = mass/ volume) (A) Water at room temperature is a liquid.
Arrange the following in order of increasing density (B) An iron almirah is a solid at room temperature.
– air, exhaust from chimneys, honey, water, chalk, 24. Why is ice at 273 K more effective in cooling than
cotton and iron. water at the same temperature ?
7. Give reasons. 25. Which produces more severe burns, boiling water or
(A) A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is steam ?
kept 26. Name A, B, C, D, E and F in the following diagram
(B) A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the showing change in its state.
(C) A wooden table should be called a solid. Increase heat and
(D) We can easily move our hand in air but to do Decrease pressure
the same through a solid block of wood we need E
a karate expert.
8. Liquids generally have lower density as compared
to solids. But you must have observed that ice floats
on water. Find out why? A B
9. Convert the following temperatures to celsius scale: Liquid
(A) 300 K (B) 573 K Solid Gas
10. What is the physical state of water at :
(A) 250°C (B) 100°C ?
11. For any substance, why does the temperature
remain constant during the change of state ?
12. Suggest a method to liquefy atmospheric gases. F
13. Why does a desert cooler cool better on a hot dry
day? Decrease heat and
14. How does the water kept in an earthen pot (matka) Increase pressure
become cool during summer ?
15. Why does our palm feel cold when we put some
acetone or petrol or perfume on it?

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13. W hich of the following indicates the relative
EXERCISE -1 randomness of particles in the three states of matter?
(BASED ON JEE MAIN/NEET) (A) Solid > liquid > gas
(B) Liquid < Solid < gas
1. The density of water is maximum at
(C) liquid > Gas > Solid
(A) 0°C (B) 277 K (C) 100°C (D)283 K
2. Addition of impurities to water (D) Gas > liquid > solid
(A) decreases the freezing point of water 14. The process of evaporation causes
(B) increases the boiling point of water (A) heating (B) cooling
(C) does not affect the freezing or boiling point of (C) increase of (D) none of these
water temperature
(D) both (a) and (b)
15. The conversion of a gas into liquid is called
3. As the solid melts to from liquid
(A) interparticle forces of attraction of decreases (A) gasification (B) sublimation
(B) the kinetic energy of the particles increases (C) condensation (D) freezing
(C) compressibility increases 16. The force that binds the particles of a matter
(D) all of these together is known as
4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of (A) intermolecular space (B) bond
solids ?
(C) intermolecular force (D) nuclear force
(A) high rigidity (B) high fluidity
(C) low compressibility (D) high density 17. Ice floats on the surface of water because
5. 300 K temperature may be written in Celsius scale is (A) it is heavier than water
(A) 300°C (B) 127°C (C) 27°C (D)573°C (B) the density of both water and ice is the same
6. The physical state of water of 10°C is (C) ice is lighter than water
(A) solid (B) liquid (D) none of these
(C) gas (D) may be solid or liquid
18. Which of the following statements is not correct ?
7. The boiling point of water at normal atmospheric
pressure is (A) Matter is continuous in nature
(A) 273 K (B) 373 K (C) 100 K (D)0°C (B) Interparticle spaces are maximum in the
8. Which of the following has highest intermolecular gaseous state of a substance
forces of attraction ? (C) Particles which constitute the matter follow a
(A) Liquid water (B) Liquid ethyl alcohol zig-zag path
(C) Gaseous CO2 (D) Solid CO2
(D) Solid state is the most compact state of a
9. Which of the following compounds will undergo
sublimation ? substance
(A) Glucose (B) Naphthalene 19. 10°C temperature is equal to
(C) Salt (D) Gravel (A) 163 K (B) 10 K (C) 183 K (D)283 K
10. W hich one of the following gases undergoes 20. During evaporation, particles of a liquid change into
diffusion most readily ? vapours only
(A) LPG (B) Carbon dioxide
(A) from the surface
(C) Hydrogen (D) Nitrogen
11. The standard room temperature is taken (B) from the bulk
(A) 0°C (B) 298 K (C) 273 K (D)20°C (C) from both surface and bulk
12. In which of t he f ollowi ng substances, the (D) neither from surface nor from bulk
interparticle forces of attraction are the strongest ?
(A) Sodium chloride (B) Glycerine
(C) Ethyl alcohol (D) Carbon dioxide

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

p q r s
A p q r s
1. The state of matter without any fixed shape
C p q r s
(A) Gaseous state (B) Liquid state
(C) Solid state (D) None of these D p q r s
2. Freezing point of water is :
(A) 0°C (B) 273 K 1. Column-I Column-II
(C) 32°F (D) All of these (A) Liquid  solid (p) Condensation
3. 1 Pa is equal to : (B) Solid  gas (q) Sublimation
(A) 1 N/m2 (B) 10–5 bar
(C) Gas  liquid (r) Solidification
(C) both A and B (D) None of these
4. Classical states of matter are : (D) Gas  solid
(A) B.E.C. (B) Plasma (C) Solid (D)Liquid 2. Column-I Column-II
5. Constituent of plasma are : (A) Increase in surface (p) Evaporation
(A) Electrons (B) Molecules area increases
(C) Ions (D) Atoms (B) Decrease in temperature(q) Evaporation
6. Which of the following statements is (are) false about
(A) Independent of surface area (C) Evaporation (r) Bulk phenomenon
(B) Independent of temperature (D) Boiling (s) Surface
(C) Independent of wind speed phenomenon
(D) None of these 3. Column-I Column-II
7. Absolute zero is : (A) 300 K (p) – 63°C
(A) –273°C (B) 0 K
(B) 573 K (q) 300°C
(C) –459.4°F (D) None of these
8. Amorphous solids are : (C) 646 K (r) 27°C
(A) Regular in shape (D) 210 K (s) 373°C
(B) Isotropic in nature 4. Column-I Column-II
(C) Pseudo solids (A) In liquids, particles (p) Slightly
(D) Long range order solids are held together
9. The true statements about evaporation of water are:
(B) Liquids can be (q) Less firmly
(A) causes heating effect
(B) causes cooling effect
(C) takes place across a range of temperature (C) In gases, particles (r) Most firmly
(D) takes place below boiling point of water are held together
10. Crystalline solids are : (D) In solids, particles (s) Least firmly
(A) regular in shape are held together
(B) true solids 5. Column-I Column-II
(C) isotropic in nature
(A) Liquid (p) Definite shape
(D) short range order solids
(B) Solid (q) Definite volume
(C) Plasma (r) Super low density
MATRIX MATCH TYPE : (D) BEC (s) Super energetic
In this section, each question contains statements 6. Column-I Column-II
given in two column which have to be matched. (A) Particles move (p) Water
Statement (A, B, C, D) in Column-I have to be randomly
matched with statements (p, q, r, s) is Column-II (B) Layers can slide (q) Sugar
the an sw ers to th ese q uesti on s h ave to b e over each other
appropriately bubbled as illustrated in the following (C) Becomes solid (r) Nitrogen
example. If the correct matches are A-q, A-r, B-s, under pressure
C-r, C-s and D-q, the the correctly bubbled matrix (D) Particles are not (s) Carbon dioxide
will look like as shown. free to move

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1


Directions : In each of the following questions, a 0 0 0 0

statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a 1 1 1 1
corresponding statements of Reason (R) just below it. 2 2 2 2
Of the statements, mark the correct answer as 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
(A) If both assertion and reason are true and
reason is the correct explanation of assertion. 5 5 5 5
(B) If both assertion and reason are true but reason 6 6 6 6
is not correct explanation of assertion. 7 7 7 7
(C) If assertion is true but reason is false. 8 8 8 8
(D) If assertion is false but reason is true 9 9 9 9
1. Assertion : During ev aporation of liquids the 1. The density of ice is maximum at a temperature (°C)
temperature remains unaffected. of.
Reason : Kinetic energy of the molecules is 2. A fixed mass of ammonia occupies a volume of 480
directl y proporti onal to absol ute L at a certain pressure X atm. If the gas is
temperature. transferred to another container of pressure 240 atm
2. Assertion : Camphor disappears without leaving and volume 12 L, then the value of x is.
any residue. 3. A pressure of 228 cm Hg is equivalent to x
Reason : Camphor undergoes sublimation. atmosphere. The value of x is
3. Assertion : The process of diffusion is always 4. Mass of 270 g block of iron displaces a volume of
followed by effusion. 30 mL of a liquid. The density is
Reason : Both diffusion and effusion deal with 5. The temperature of a liquid before heating was
spreading of gas. recorded at 25°C and after heating was recorded as
4. Assertion : HCl diffuses faster than ammonia. 300 K. The difference is temperature is
Reason : Rate of diffusion of gas is inversely 6. 280 K temperature in Celsius scale is X°C, X is
proportional to the square root of the 7. Matter can be classified into how many states
density. 8. If f or a f ix mass of ideal gas at const ant
5. Assertion : Liquids diffuse less easily as compared temperature, volume is 10 L. If pressure is 5 atm.
to gases. W hat will be the new volume if pressure is
Reason : Intermolecular forces are greater in increased to 10 atm.
gases. 9. At a certain temperature the volume of a gas sample
6. Assertion : Glass is an amorphous solid. is 120 mL at 1 atm pressure. Keeping the
Reason : Glass has irregular, random temperature same, the pressure is raised to 5 atm.
arrangement of atoms.
7. Assertion : Ionic solids conduct electricity in solid  volume of gas 
What would be the value of  
state.  24 
Reason : They are made up of cations and
8. Assertion : Ice floats on the surface of water.
PASSAGE 1 : The molecules of a gas are free to move
Reason : The density of both water and ice is
about in any direction. Because of large intermolecular
spaces, the gases are easily compressible. The kinetic
9. Assertion : The intermolecular forces in solid state
energy of the molecules of gases is maximum and they
are stronger than those in the liquid
move about randomly at a high speed. The randomly moving
high speed molecules hit against the sides of containing
Reason : The space between the particles of
vessel. The pressure exerted by any gas is due to the force
matter is called intermolecular space.
exerted by its molecules on the sides of containing vessel.
INTEGER ANSWER TYPE : 1. A gas fills at the space in a container in which it is
kept because
This section contain 5 questions. The answer to
(A) the gases have large intermolecular spaces
each of the questions is a single digit integer, (B) the molecules are not free to move
ranging from 0 to 9. If the correct answers to (C) the randomly moving molecules hit against the
questions numbers X,Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 walls of container
and 2 respectively, then the correct darkening of (D) the molecules have large intermolecular forces
bubbles will look like the following. of attraction.

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

2. When pressure is applied on a gas, it is converted 1 atm = 760 mm of Hg = 76 cm of mercury
to a liquid due to At a depth of 33 ft below the sea level, an additional 1
(A) increase in intermolecular forces of attraction atm pressure is exerted by water. Other units of pressure
between the particles are torr and bar. S.I unit of pressure is pascal (Pa). (1 atm
(B) increase in intermolecular distances between the = 1.01 x 105 Pa)
1. When we blow air into a balloon, it inflates because
(C) decrease in intermolecular forces of attraction
(A) air particles diffuse in balloon.
between the particles
(B) air particles collide with walls of balloon and
(D) increase in kinetic energy of particles.
exert pressure on them.
3. The force per unit area exerted by the particles of
(C) rubber is elastic in nature.
the gas on the walls of container is called
(D) the temperature of air in the balloon becomes
(A) atmospheric pressure
(B) pressure of the gas
2. At a depth of 100 ft below sea level what is the value
(C) kinetic energy of the gas
of total pressure experienced by a diver ?
(D) density of the gas
(A) 1 atm (B) 2 atm (C) 3 atm (D)4 atm
PASSAGE 2 : The pressure exerted by air is called 3. A pressure of 1520 mm of mercury is equal to
atmospheric pressure. The pressure is generally measured (A) 1.5 atm (B) 2 atm (C) 1 atm (D)2.5 atm
in atmospheres. The atmospheric pressure at sea level is
1 atmosphere and is taken as normal atmospheric pressure.


1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (D) 1. A  r,, B  q; C  p, D q
6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (B) 2. A  p,B  q; C  s, D r
DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM-2 3. A  r,, B  q; C  s, D p
4. A  q,B  p; C  s, D r
1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (A)
5. A  q,B  p,q; C  s, D r
6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (B)
6. A  r,s;B  p; C  s, D q
1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (A) ASSERTION AND REASON TYPE
6. (B) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (A) 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (D) 5. (C)
EXERCISE -1 6. (A) 7. (D) 8. (C) 9. (B)
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C) 1. (4) 2. (6) 3. (3) 4. (9) 5. (2)
6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (C) 6. (7) 7. (5) 8. 5 L 9. 1 mL
11.(B) 12. (A) 13.(D) 14. (B) 15. (C)
16.(C) 17. (C) 18.(A) 19. (D) 20. (A) PASSAGE COMPREHENSION
1. (AB) 2. (ABCD) 3. (ABC) 4. (CD) PASSAGE 2 :
5. (AC) 6. (ABC) 7. (ABC) 8. (BC)
1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (B)
9. (BCD) 10. (AB) 

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

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