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 Pure Substance  True Solution
 Metalloids  Suspensions
 Hydrogen is the Lightest Element  Colloidal Solution
 Mixtures  Separation of Heterogeneous Mixtures
 Solutions

(ii) Classification of elements :

(I) On the basis of physical states, all elements can
A homogeneous material which contains particles of be classified into three groups :-
only one kind and has a definite set of properties is called (1) Solids (2) Liquids (3) Gases
a pure substance. It has been found that :
Example : Iron, silver, oxygen, sulphur, Carbon dioxide  Two element exist as liquids at room
etc., are pure substances because each of them has only temperature. They are mercury and bromine.
one kind of particles.  Eleven elements exist as gases at room
temperature. They are hydrogen, nitrogen,
Characteristics of Pure Substance : oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, helium, neon, argon,
(i) A pure substance is homogeneous in nature. krypton, xenon and radon.
 Remaining 102 elements are solids at room
(ii) A pure substance has a definite set of temperature.
properties.These properties are different from (II) Elements can be classified as metals and non -
the properties of other substances. metals. There are 22 non - metals and 93 metals.
(iii) The composition of a pure substance cannot  Amongst the metals, only mercury is liquid
be altered by any physical means. metal. All other metals are solids.
 Amongst the 22 non - metals : 10 non - metals
(A) Elements :
are solids. They are boron, carbon, silicon,
A pure substance, which cannot be subdivided into phosphorus, sulphur, selenium, arsenic,
two or more simpler substances by any chemical means tellurium, iodine and astatine. 1 non-metal,
is called an element. bromine, is a liquid. Five non-metals,
hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine and
(i) Example : Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, copper,
chlorine are chemically active gases. Six non-
zinc, tin, lead, mercury, etc. are all elements as
metals, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon
they cannot be subdivided into simpler parts by
and radon are chemically inactive gases.
any chemical means. A substance made up of
These are also called noble gases or inert
the atoms with same atomic number is called
an element.
 Hydrogen is the lightest element.

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METALLOIDS : they do not undergo any chemical change, but retain their
individual characteristics, the resulting product is called a
There are a few elements which show some properties mixture.
of metals and other properties of non - metals. For example
(B) Types of Mixture :
they look like metals but they are brittle like non - metals.
They are neither conductors of electricity like metals nor (i) Homogeneous Mixture : A mixture in which
insulators like non-metals, they are semiconductor. The different constituents are mixed uniformly is
elements which show some properties of metals and some called a homogeneous mixture.
other properties of non-metals are called metalloids. Their Examples : All solutions, such as solutions of common
properties are intermediate between the properties of salt, copper sulphat, sugar etc. are examples of
metals and non-metals. Metalloids are also sometimes homogeneous mixtures. Similarly, alloys such as brass,
called semi-metals. The important examples of metalloids bronze etc. are homogeneous solid solutions of metals.
are : Boron (B), Silicon (Si) and Germanium (Ge).
(ii) Heterogeneous Mixture : A mixture in which
(III) Elements can be classified as normal elements and
different constituents are not mixed uniformly
radioactive elements. The elements which do not
give out harmful radiations are called normal is called a heterogeneous mixture.
elements.Elements from atomic number 1 to atomic Example : A mixture of sand and salt, iron powder
number 82 are normal elements.The elements and sulphur powder, soil etc. are examples of
which given out harmful radiation are called
heterogeneous mixtures.
radioactive elements. Elements from atomic number
83 to atomic number 112 and 114, 116 and 118 are Illustration 1.
radioactive in nature.
Which of the following are ‘pure substances’?
(B) Compounds :
A pure substance, which is formed by chemical Ice, Milk, Iron, Hydrochloric acid, Calcium oxide,
combination of two or more elements in a definite ratio, Mercury, Brick, Wood, Air
such that it can be broken into elements only by chemical
Solution :
means is called compound.
The two or more elements present in a compound Iron mercury, ice, hydrochloric acid, calcium oxide
are called constituents or components of the compound.
Illustration 2.
For example, water is a compound of hydrogen and
oxygen, combined together in the ratio of 1 : 8 by weight. Name three mixtures found in nature.
The water can be broken into its constituents only by Solution :
electro-chemical method, i.e., by passing electric current
through it. Minerals, air, soil.
The compounds can be further classified as acids, Illustration 3.
bases and salts. Sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric
acid, formic acid, etc. are the compounds which can be Give reason why
classified as acids. (A) Copper metal is used for making electrical
Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, zinc wires.
hydroxide and calcium hydroxide can be classified as
bases. Ammonium chloride, zinc sulphate, lead nitrate and (B) Graphite is used for making electrodes in a dry
calcium carbonate can be classified as salts. It must be cell.
pointed out that salts are formed by the chemical reaction Solution :
between acids and bases.
(A) It is a good conductor of electricity and is
MIXTURES : ductile.

Most of the materials around us are not pure (B) It is a good conductor of electricity and having
substances, but contain more than one substances, very high melting point.
elements or compounds. Such materials are called Illustration 4.
Which of the following substances are elements ?
(A) Definition :
Water, salt, Mercury, Iron, Marble, Diamond, Wood,
When two or more substances (elements, compounds
Nitrogen, Air, Graphite, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Sugar, Chlorine
or both) are mixed together in any proportion, such that

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Solution :
Mercury, iron, diamond, nitrogen, graphite, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, chlorine
Mixtures Compounds
1. Nature 1. Nature
In a mixture, two or more elements or In a compound, two or more
compounds are mixed, such that they elements combine chemically.
do not combine chemically.
2. Structure 2. Structure
Mixture does not have a definite Compounds hav e a definite
structure. structure.
3. Composition 3. Compositions
In case of mixture, their constituents In case of a compound the
can be present in any ratio, i.e., they constituents are present in a fixed
have variable composition. ratio by weight.
4. Properties 4. Properties
The constituents of a mixture retain The properties of a compound are
their individual physical and chemical entirely different from the
properties. properties of its constituents.
5. Separation of constituents 5. Separation of constituents
The constituents of a mixture can be The constituents of a compound
separated by physical means. cannot be separated by physical
6. Energy changes 6. Energy changes
During the formation of mixtures, no During the formation of a
energy changes take place, i.e., it is a compound energy is either
result of physical change. absorbed or released, i.e.,
compound is the result of a
chemical change.

REASONS FOR REGARDING AIR AS A MIXTURE : Reasons For Regarding Water as a compound :
(i) Composition of air is not same at all places. The (i) The composition of pure water is same throughout.
percentage of oxygen decreases in the air at higher It always contains one part of hydrogen and eight
altitudes. Similarly, the air in industrial areas has parts of oxygen by weight.
more amount of carbon dioxide gas and other
polluting gases as compared to air in the (ii) The constituents of water cannot be separated by
countryside. physical means. However, by electrochemical
(ii) The main constituents of air can be separated by means water can be decomposed into hydrogen
physical methods, such as liquef action and and oxygen.
fractional distillation.
(iii) Chemical reaction takes place with the liberation of
(iii) No chemical action takes place when the
heat and light energy when one part of hydrogen
constituents of air, i.e., oxygen, nitrogen, water
vapour and carbon dioxide are mixed. Thus, no combines with the eight parts of oxygen by weight.
heat or light energy is evolved or absorbed, when (iv) The properties of water are entirely different from
its constituents are mixed. the properties of its constituents. For example,
(iv) Each of the constituent of air retains its physical and hydrogen is a combustible gas, oxygen in supporter
chemical properties. For example, oxygen helps in of combustion, but their compound water
combustion, carbon dioxide slowly turns limewater extinguishes fire.
milky, etc.

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Reasons For Regarding Alloys as Mixtures : (a) Components of a Solution :
Though the alloys are homogeneous mixture of The substances present in a homogeneous solution
metals which cannot be separated by any physical means, are called components of the solution. A solution basically
yet they are regarded mixtures on account of the following has two components, i.e., a solvent and a solute.
reasons : (i) Solvent : The component of a solution which
(i) The composition of constituent metals can be varied is present in large proportion, is called solvent.
in an alloy. For example, brass is an alloy of copper Usually, a solvent is the LARGER component of the
and zinc. If an alloy has 60% of copper and rest solution.
of zinc or 58% of copper and rest of zinc, in either
For example : In the solution of copper sulphate in
case it is brass.
water, water is the solvent. Similarly, in paints, turpentine
(ii) The individual metals in any alloy retain their
oil is the solvent.
chemical and physical properties. For example, if
brass is treated with dilute sulphuric acid, then zinc (ii) Solute : The component of the solution which
in it reacts to form zinc sulphate and hydrogen, but is present is small proportion is called solute.
copper does not react For example : In the solution of common salt in water,
the common salt is solute. Similarly, in carbonated drinks
Illustration 5.
(soda water), carbon dioxide gas is the solute.
Explain why glucose (C6H12O6) is a compound not a
Usually, solute is the SMALLER component of the
mixture ?
Solution : (B) Examples of Solutions :
(1) Glucose cannot be separated into its constituents (i) Solid - Solid solutions : All alloys are solid solutions
as C, H, O by the physical methods. of metals. Brass is a solid solution of approximately 30%
of zinc and 70% of copper. In this solid solution, copper
(2) The properties of glucose are entirely different from (larger component) is solvent and zinc (smaller
those of its constituents like Hydrogen, Oxygen & component) is solute. Similarly, Bell Metal is a solid solution
Carbon. of 80% of copper and 20% of tin, in which copper is the
solvent and tin is the solute.
(3) Heat & light are given out when C 6H 12 O 6 is
prepared by burning carbon and hydrogen in (ii) Solid - Liquid solutions : Sugar solution is an
oxygen. example, in which sugar is the solute and water is the
solvent. Similarly, common salt solution is an example, in
(4) The composition of glucose is fixed. It contains which common salt is the solute and water is the solvent.
Hydrogen, Oxygen & Carbon combined together in In case of tincture of iodine, iodine is the solute and ethyl
a fixed proportion by weight. It has a definite alcohol is the solvent.
formula C2H12O6.
(iii) Liquid - Liquid solutions : In case of an alcoholic
Illustration 6. drink, ethyl alcohol is solute and water is solvent. Similarly,
in case of vinegar, acetic acid is solute and water is solvent.
What is brass ?
(iv) Liquid - Gas solutions : In case of aerated drinks
Solution :
(soda water), carbon dioxide is the solute and water is the
A mixture of copper and zinc,. solvent.
Illustration 7. (v) Gas - Gas solutions : Air is a homogeneous
Which of the following is a mixture ? mixtures of two main gases, i.e., 78% of nitrogen and 21%
of oxygen. In this mixture, nitrogen is solvent and oxygen
Salt, Air, Water, Alum, Sugar
is solute. Similarly, the petrol fed into the engines of
Solution : automobiles is a mixture of petrol vapour and air.
Air is mixture. Salt, Water, alum and sugar are (c) Types of Solution :
(i) Saturated solution : A solution, which at a
SOLUTIONS : given temperature dissolves as much solute as
it is capable of dissolving, is said to be a
A homogeneous mixtures of two or more substance saturated solution.
is called a solution. Usually we think of a solution as a (ii) Unsaturated solution : When the amount of
liquid that contains either a solid or a liquid or a gas solute contained in a solution is less than the
dissolved in it. However, this is not true. We can also have saturation level, the solution is said to be an
a solid solution as in the case of alloys. unsaturated solution.

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

(iii) Super saturated solution : A solution, which (ii) Concentration of a solution in terms of volume
contains more of the solute than required to percentage of solute : If a solution is formed by dissolving
make a saturated solution, is called a super a liquid solute in a liquid solvent, then the concentration of
saturated solution. the solution is expressed in terms of volume percentage
of solute. The concentration of a solution is the volume of
TRUE SOLUTION : the solute in millilitres, which is present in 100 millilitres of
a solution.
A solution in which particles of the solute are broken
down to such a fine state, that they cannot be seen under It is very important to keep in mind that the percentage
concentration of solution refers to volume of solute in 100
a powerful microscope is called a true solution.
ml of solution and not 100 ml of solvent, i.e., water.
(a) Characteristics of a True Solution : The concentration of a solution in terms of volume
(i) A true solution is always clear and transparent, percentage of the solute is calculated by the formula given
i.e., light can easily pass through it without below :
Volume of solute (in ml )
(ii) The particles of a solute break down to almost Concentration of solution   100
Volume of solution (in ml )
molecular size and their diameter is of the
order of 1 nm (10-9 m) or less. Volume of solute (in ml)
  100
(iii) A true solution can completely pass through a [Volume of solute  Volume of solvent ] (in ml)
filter paper as particle size of solute is far
smaller than the size of pores of filter paper. The concentration of a solution is a pure percentage
(iv) A true solution is homogeneous in nature. number and has NO UNITS.
(v) In a true solution, the particles of solute do not
settle down, provided temperature is constant. Illustration : 8.
(vi) From a true solution, the solute can easily be What is the meaning of 15% solution of NaCl ?
recovered by evaporation or crystallisation.
(b) Concentration of a Solution :
15% solution of NaCl is a solution, 100 g of which
It is defined as the amount of solute present in a given contains 15 g of NaCl and 85 g of water.
quantity of the solution. The most common method for
expressing the concentration of a solution is called Illustration : 9.
percentage method. The concentration of solution refers Calculate the amount of glucose required to prepare
to the percentage of solute present in solution. 250 g of 5% solution of glucose by mass.
Furthermore, the percentage of solute can be expressed
in terms of :
(i) Mass of the solute (ii) Volume of the solute. Mass of solute
  100
(i) Concentration of a solution in terms of mass Mass of solution
percentage of solute : If a solution is formed by dissolving
a solid solute in a liquid solvent then the concentration of Mass of solute
5  100
solution is expressed in terms of mass percentage of solute 250
and is defined as under :
The concentration of solution is the mass of the solute 5  250 125
Mass of solute =   12.5 g.
is grams, which is present in 100 g of a solution. 100 10
It is very important to keep in mind that the percentage Illustration : 10.
concentration of a solution refers to mass of solute in 100
g of solution and not 100g of solvent, i.e., water. A solution contains 50 mL of alcohol mixed with 150
mL of water. Calculate concentration of this solution.
The concentration of a solution in terms of mass
percentage of solute is calculated by the formula given Solution
below: This solution contains a liquid solute (alcohol) mixed
Mass of solute (in grams) with a liquid solvent (water), so we have to calculate the
Concentration of solution   100
Mass of solution (in grams) concentration of this solution in terms of volume
Mass of solute (in grams)
percentage of solute (alcohol). Now, we know that :
  100
[Mass of solute  Mass of solvent] (in grams)
Volume of solute
Concentration of solution =  100
Volume of solution

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Here, Volume of solute (alcohol) = 50 mL 6. The concentration of solution is the mass of the
And. Volume of solvent (water) = 150 mL solute in grams, which is present in -
(A) 10 g of solvent (B) 10 g of solution
So, Volume of solution = Volume of solute + Volume
(C) 100 g of solvent (D) 100 g of solution
of solvent
7. A solution, which at a given temperature dissolves
= 50 + 150 = 200 mL as much solute as it is capable of dissolving, is said
Now, putting these values of ‘volume of solute’ and to be a -
‘volume of solution’ in the above formula we get: (A) saturated solution
(B) semi saturated solution
50 50
Concentration of solution =  100   25 (C) unsaturated solution
200 2 (D) super saturated solution
percent (by volume) 8. Which of the following is not a compound ?
Thus, the concentration of this alcohol solution is 25 (A) Marble (B) Washing soda
per cent or that it is a 25%. (C) Quick lime (D) Brass
9. The elements which give out harmful radiations are
Illustration : 11.
called -
How much water should be added to 16 ml acetone (A) normal elements
to make its concentration 48% ? (B) representative elements
Solution (C) radioactive elements
(D) none of these
Vol.of solute 10. Air is regarded as a
Concentration of solution =  100 (A) compound (B) mixture
Vol. of solution
(C) element (D) electrolyte
 100  48 SUSPENSIONS :
A heterogeneous mixture of insoluble particles of
x= × 100 = 33.33 ml solute, spread throughout a solvent, is called a
48 suspension. The particle size (diameter) in a suspension
Volume of solvent = 33.33 - 16 = 17.33 ml. is more than 10-4 cm. The particles has a tendency to settle
down at the bottom of the vessel and can be filtered out,
Daily Practice Problem-1 because their size is bigger than the size of the pores of
the filter paper.
1. Which of the following provides an example of a
true solution ? (a) Example :
(A) Blood (B) Milk (i) Muddy water, in which particles of sand and
(C) Starch solution (D) Sugar solution clay are suspended in water.
2. Which of the following can be classified as a pure (ii) Slaked lime suspensions used for white -
substance ? washing has particles of slaked lime suspended
(A) Milk (B) Sea - water in water.
(C) Ice (D) Cast iron (iii) Paints in which the particles of dyes are
3. Which of the following is a compound ? suspended in turpentine oil.
(A) air (B) Milk
(C) Iodine (D) Water (b) Characteristics of Suspensions :
4. The particle size of solute in true solution is of the (i) The size of particles is more than 10–4 cm. in
order of - diameter.
(A) 10-6 m (B) 10-7 m (ii) The particles of suspension can be separated
(C) 10-8 m (D) 10-9 m from solvent by the process of filtration.
5. Which of the following statement is not true about (iii) The particles of suspensions settle down, when
true solution? the suspension is kept undisturbed.
(A) It can pass through filter paper. (iv) A suspension is heterogeneous in nature.
(B) It is homogeneous in nature. (v) More scattering takes place in suspensions,
(C) At constant temperature, particles of solute because of bigger size of particles.
settle down.
(D) From a true solution, the solute can easily be The process of settling of suspended particles under
recovered by evaporation or crystallisation. the action of gravity is called sedimentation.

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COLLOIDAL SOLUTION : Place a beaker containing soap solution inside the
A heterogeneous solution in which the particle size is wooden box. Place a powerful bulb on the side of the
in between 1–100 nm, such that the solute particles neither convex lens and move it backward or forward till a narrow
dissolve nor settle down in a solvent is called colloidal parallel beam of light is formed. Looking through the
solution. microscope, we will observe individual colloidal particles,
In a colloidal solution, relatively large suspended surrounded by a cone of bluish light. The bluish cone of
particles are called dispersed phase and the solvent in light is called Tyndall cone.
which the colloidal particles are suspended is called
continuous phase or dispersing medium.

(A) Examples of Colloidal Solutions :

Few examples of colloidal solutions are as follows :

 blood  Milk  Writing ink  Jelly

 Starch solution  Gum solution

 Tooth paste  Soap solution

 Liquid detergents
 Mist and fog.
Experiment showing Tyndall effect
(B) Characteristics of Colloidal Solutions :
(C) Classification of Colloids :
(i) The size of colloidal particles is in between 1 –
1000 nm. The colloids are classified according to the state
of dispersed phase (solid, liquid or gas) and the
(ii) The particles of a colloidal solution are visible under state of dispersing medium. A few examples
a powerful microscope.
are shown in the table :
(iii) The particles of a colloidal solution do not settle
down with the passage of time. Dispersin Dispersed Type of
g Medium Phase Colloidal Examples
(iv) The particles of a colloidal solution can easily pass solution
through filter paper.
Gas Liquid Aerosol Fog. Mist,
(v) The particles of a colloidal solution scatter light, i.e., clouds
when strong beam of light is passed through the Gas Solid Aerosol Smoke
colloidal solution, the path of beam becomes visible. Liquid Gas Foam Shaving
(vi) Colloidal solutions are not transparent, but
Liquid Liquid Emulsion Milk, face
translucent in nature.
(vii) The particles of a colloidal solution are electrically Liquid Solid Sol Milk of
charged. magnesia,
(viii) The colloidal solutions are heterogeneous in nature. blood
Solid Liquid Gel Jelly,
Tyndall Effect : cheese,
The phenomenon in which light is scattered by colloidal honey
particles and path of light becomes visible as a Tyndall Solid Solid Solid Coloured
cone is called Tyndall effect. Sol gem
Experiment : Stones,
milky glass
Take a wooden box, which is fitted with a convex lens
on one side and a microscope on the other side, such that Colloidal solutions can be separated by the process of
convex lens and the objective lens of microscope face CENTRIFUGATION.
each other as shown in the figure.

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True Solutions Co lloidal Solutions

1. The particle size i s less than 1 nm. 1. T he par ti cle si ze is in between 1-1000 nm

2. The parti cles are not visible under powerful 2. T he particl es are visible under a
optical m icr oscope. m icroscope.

3. The particles of a true soluti on can be 3. T he parti cles of a colloidal solution cannot
recovered by evaporation and be recovered by evaporation and
crystal lization. crystalli zation

4. The particl es of a true solution do not 4. T he parti cles of a colloidal solution scatter
scatter light. light.

5. True solutions are cl ear and transpar ent. 5. Coll oidal solutions are translucent.
6. True solutions are hom ogeneous i n nature. 6. Coll oidal soluti ons are heterogeneous in


Illustration 8.
Daily Practice Problem-2
Classify the following into true solutions and colloidal
solutions :
1. Which of the following is/are example of suspen-
Ink, Salt solution, Starch solution, Blood, Sugar solution sion ?
Solution : (A) Muddy water (B) Slaked lime
True solution — Sugar solution, salt solution (C) Paints (D) All
Colloidal solution — Ink, starch solution, blood 2. Which of the following statement is not true about
suspension ?
Illustration 9.
(A) The particles of suspension can be separated
What are the properties of suspension ? from solvent by the process of filtration.
Solution : (B) When the suspension is kept undisturbed the
1. It is a heterogeneous mixture. particles of suspension settle down.
2. The size of solute particles in a suspension is (C) A suspension is homogeneous in nature.
quiet large. It is larger than 100 nm in diameter. (D) Scattering of light take place in suspension.

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3. Fog is an example of - techniques are employed depending upon the difference
(A) foam (B) emulsion in our or more physical properties of the constituents of
(C) aerosol (D) gel the mixture.
4. Which of the following statement is not true about
(A) These are visible under powerful microscope. COMPONENTS OF A MIXTURE :
(B) Their particles do not settle down with passage
of time (a) By Evaporation :
(C) Their particles are electrically charged. (i) Separation of coloured components (due) from
(D) These are homogeneous in nature. blue black ink : The process of evaporation is
5. Which of the following is an example of emulsion? suitable for the separation of non-volatile
(A) Face cream (B) Shaving cream soluble solid (dye) from its liquid solvent
(C) Honey (D) Smoke (water).
6. Soap solution is an example of - (ii) Method :
(A) true solution  Heat sand in an iron vessel by placing it over
(B) suspension a tripod stand. This arrangement is called sand
(C) colloidal solution bath.
(D) none of these  Place a china dish on the sand bath. Pour
7. When a beam of light is passed through a colloidal about 5 cc of the ink into the china dish.
solution, it gets -  Heat gently evaporates water from the ink such
(A) reflected (B) absorbed that it does not boil. In a few minutes the
(C) scattered (D) refracted waterevaporates leaving behind dry blue black
8. Which of the following is an example of gel ? ink. Method of evaporation is suitable for the
(A) Coloured gem (B) Jelly following solid-liquid mixtures.
(C) Smoke (D) Shaving cream
9. Which of the following will show Tyndall effect ? Solid liquid Mixture Non-volatile Solid Liquid
(A) Starch solution
(B) Sodium chloride solution Common salt and water Common salt Water
(C) Copper sulphate solution Sodium nitrate and water Sodium nitrate Water
(D) Sugar solution
10. Colloidal particles can be normally seen by Copper sulphate and water Copper sulphate Water
(A) naked eye
(B) optical microscope
(C) electron microscope
(D) telescope


Heterogeneous mixtures can be separated into their
respective components by simple physical methods such
as handpicking, sieving, filtration.
Generally following physical properties are
considered in the separation of the constituents of a
mixture. (b) By Centrifugation :
(i) Density of the constituents of the mixture. The method of separating finely suspended particles
(ii) Melting points and boiling points of the constituents in a liquid, by whirling the liquid at a very high speed is
of the mixture. called centrifugation.
(iii) Property of volatility of one or more constituents of (i) Separation of cream from milk : The process of
the mixture. centrifuging in employed in separating cream from
(iv) Solubility of the constituents of the mixture in milk. This process is generally employed in
different solvents. separating colloidal solutions which easily pass
(v) Ability of the constituents of the mixture of sublime. through the filter paper.
(vi) Ability of the constituents of the mixture to diffuse. (ii) Principle of centrifugation : It is based on the
However, for separating homogenous mixtures special principle that when a very fine suspension or a

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colloidal solution is whirled rapidly, then the heavier Immiscible Heavier Liquid Lighter Liquid
particles are forced towards the bottom of liquid and Liquid-liquid Mixture
the lighter stay at the top. Benzene and water Water Benzene

Kerosene oil and water Water Kerosene oil

Turpentine oil and water Water Turpentine oil

Chloroform and water Chloroform Water

Mustard oil and water Water Mustard oil

(ii) Method :
 Close the tap of separating funnel and clamp
it in a vertical position in an iron stand.
 Pour the immiscible liquid mixture (say
benzene-water mixture) in the separating
funnel. Allow the mixture to stand for half an
hour or more.
 The immiscible components of the mixture, i.e.,
benzene and water separate out into two
distinct layers. The benzene forms the lighter
(iii) Method : layer on the top and the water forms the
 Pour full cream milk in the test tube with a heavier layer at the bottom.
pivot in your laboratory centrifuge.  Place a conical flask or a beaker under the
nozzle of the separating funnel. Turn the tap
 Shut the lid of the centrifuge and switch on the
gently so that the water trickles in the flask or
current. When the centrifuge starts working, the
the beaker drop by drop. Once the water is
tub containing milk swings out in the horizontal
drained out, close the tap.
position and whirls around its axis at a high
 Now place another conical flask or a beaker
under the nozzle of separating funnel. Open
 The centrifuge pull (the outward pull) pushes the tap to drain out benzene.
the heavier particles outward, i.e., towards the
bottom of the mixture. Thus, the heavier
particles of the proteins, carbohydrates, etc. are
pushed towards the bottom of the tube, but the
lighter particles of the fat stay near the top of
the tube and hence separate.
(iv) Applications of centrifugation :
 It is employed in milk dairies to separate cream
from the milk.
 It is employed in diagnostic laboratories in Separation by separating funnel
testing urine samples.
 It is employed in blood banks to separate (iii) Applications :
different constituents of blood.  This method is used for separating any two
immiscible liquids.
 It is used in drying machines to squeeze out  This method is used in separation of slag (a
water from the wet clothes. waste material) form the molten metals during
(C) By Separating Funnel : their extraction. For example, during the
(i) Separation of mixture of two immiscible liquids: extraction of iron from its ore, the molten iron
The separation of two immiscible liquid is based on and slag collect at the base of blast furnace.
the difference in their densities. The apparatus used The slag being less dense floats up the surface
for separation is separating funnel. It is a long glass of molten iron. They are topped out from two
tube provided with a tap at its bottom. The Table different outlets.
below shows different immiscible liquids which can (d) By Sublimation :
be separated by separating funnel. The changing of solid directly into vapours on heating

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and of vapours into directly solid on cooling is known as appropriate absorbent material is called chromatography.
sublimation. The adsorbent medium is generally magnesium oxide,
(i) Separation of a mixture of common salt and alumina or filter paper. The solvent generally used for
ammonium chloride : This method is used in the dissolving a mixture of two or more constituents is water
separation of such solid-solid mixtures where one or alcohol. The different constituents of a mixture get
of the components sublimes on heating. However, absorbed differently on the same absorbent material,
it is useful only if the components of the mixture because they have different rates of movement. The rate
do not react chemically on heating. The tale shows of movement of each adsorbed material depends upon :
the list of mixtures which can be separated by the
 The relative solubility of the constituents of
process of sublimation.
mixture in a given solvent.
Solid-Solid Mixture Sublimeable Solid
 The relative affinity of the constituents of
Common salt and ammonium Ammonium chloride
mixture for the adsorbent medium. If a filter
Chloride paper is used as an adsorbent material for the
separation of various constituents of a mixture,
Sand and iodine Iodine then this method of separation of mixture is
called paper chromatography. Paper
Common salt and iodine Iodine chromatography is very useful in separating
various constituents of coloured solutes present
Sodium sulphate and benzoic Benzoic acid
in a mixture of lime, ink, dyes etc.
Iron fillings and naphthalene Naphthalene Kroma means colour in Greek language and
technique of chromatography was first applied for
(ii) Method : the separation of colours, so this name was given.
 Place the mixture of common salt and
ammonium chloride in a china dish and heat (i) Separation of coloured constituents present in a
it over a low Bunsen flame. mixture of ink and water.
 Place a clean glass funnel in an inverted (ii) Method :
position in the china dish and close the mouth
 Take a filter paper 22 cm long, 5 cm broad and
of its stem with cotton wool.
stick its smaller end to a glass rod with the
 The ammonium chloride in the mixture
help of gum. On the other end, measure a
sublimes to form dense white fumes. These
distance of 2 cm from lower end and mark a
fumes condense on the cooler sides of the
small point. On this point pour one or two drop
funnel in the form of fine white powder.
of the ink.
 When the mixture gives off no more white
fumes, lift the funnel, scrap the fine white  Suspend this filter paper in a wide and tall
powder from its sides on a piece of paper. This cylinder as shown in Figure. Gradually, pour
is pure ammonium chloride. The residue left water into the cylinder till the lower end of filter
behind in the funnel is sodium chloride. paper slightly dips in the water. Cover the
cylinder with a glass lid to prevent any
evaporation and leave the apparatus
undisturbed for an hour. The water rises up the
filter paper and reaches the ink mark. This
water then dissolves various constituents of the
ink, gets absorbed by the filter paper in
different amounts. More the constituent gets
absorbed, the lesser it moves upward and vice
 When the solvent (water) reaches near the top
of filter paper, the filter paper is removed from
Separation by sublimation water and dried. On the filter paper will be seen
Dry ice (solid CO2), naphthalene, Anthracene, Iodine a band of colours, of various constituents.
etc. are sublimable solids.
 A filter paper with separated bands of various
(e) By Chromatography :
constituents of a coloured substance is called
The process of separation of different dissolved
constituents of a mixture by absorbing them over an

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(ii) Fractional distillation : Separation of mixture of
two miscible liquids for which the difference in the
boiling points in less : In case of two liquids which
have very close boiling points, both the liquids tends
to distil over in different proportions. It means lesser
the boiling point of a liquid, more is the proportion
of it distilling over.
The above problem can be avoided by using a
fractionating column. It gives the effect of repeated
distillation by offering resistance to the passage of vapour.
The process of separation of two miscible liquids by
the process of distillation, making use of their difference
(iii) Advantages : in boiling points, is called fractional distillation.
 It can be carried out with a very small amount
of material.
 The substances under investigation do not get
wasted in chromatographic separation.
(iv) Applications :
 It is used to separate colours from dye.
 It is used in the separation of amino acids.
 It is used in the separation of sugar from urine.
 It is used in the separation of drugs from the
samples of blood.
(f) By Distillation :
Distillation is the process of heating a liquid to form
vapour and then cooling the vapour to get the back liquid.
Distillation can be represented as :
The process of fractional distillation is useful only, if
the difference in the boiling points of the two miscible liquids
Liquid 
  Vapour (or Gas)
Cooling is less than 100C.
The liquid obtained by condensing the vapour in (A) Method :
the process of distillation is called DISTILLATE.
 The process of fractional distillation is similar
(i) Liebig condenser : Liebig condenser is a water to the process of distillation, except that a
condenser. It is a long glass tube surrounded by a fractionating column is attached.
wider glass tube (called water jacket) having an inlet  The design of a fractionating column is such
and outlet for water. During distillation, cold water that the vapours of one liquid (with a higher
form tape is circulated through the outer tube of boiling point) are preferentially condensed as
condenser. This water takes away heat from the hot compared to the vapours of the other liquid
(with lower boiling point).
vapour passing through the inner tube of condenser
and causes it condensation.  Thus, the vapours of the liquid with low boiling
point, pass on to the Leibig’s condenser where
Process of simple distillation is used to recover both they condense. The liquid so formed is
salt as well as water, from a salt - water mixture collected in receiver.
(or salt solution) and to separation of components  The thermometer shows a constant reading as
of a mixture containing two miscible liquids that boil long as the vapour of one liquid are passing
without decomposition and have sufficient difference to Liebig’s condenser. As soon as the
temperature starts rising, the receiver is
in their boiling points.
replaced by another receiver to collect second

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Miscible liquid-liquid Component (iii) The compressed and cooled air is passed
through a spiral pipe, placed in a vacuum flask.
mixture which distils
The end of spiral pipe is provided with a fine
over jet.
Ethyl alcohol (bp.78°C) + Ethyl alcohol (vi) When compressed air suddenly escapes from
the jet, its pressure suddenly falls. Thus, its
Water (bp.100°C)
molecules move wide apart. W hen the
Methyl alcohol Methyl molecules move wide apart, they need energy.
(bp.64.5°C) + Ethyl alcohol This energy is taken by the molecules from
alcohol (bp.78°C) themselves and hence their temperature drops.
(v) The air so cooled, is now at a pressure equal
Acetone (bp.45.5°C) + Acetone to that of atmosphere. This cooled air rises up
Water (bp.100°C) and in the process further cools the incoming
Acetone (bp.56.5°C) + Acetone compressed air in spiral tube. The air is then
sucked again by the compression pump and
Ethyl alcohol (bp.78°C) the cycle is repeated. With every cycle, the
Methyl alcohol Acetone temperature of air drops, till it liquefies.
(bp.64.5°C) + Acetone (C) Fractional Distillation of Air :
(bp.56.5°C) (i) The liquid air mainly of nitrogen and oxygen,
and is at a temperature of - 2000°C.
(ii) The boiling point of liquid nitrogen is - 1950°C
SEPARATION OF GASES FROM AIR : and that of liquid oxygen is - 1830°C.

In order to separate the major components of air, it is

first purified, then liquefied and finally fractionally distilled.
The steps involved in the process are as follows -
(A) Purification of Air :
(i) Air generally contains carbon dioxide gas,
hydrogen sulphide gas and sulphur dioxide gas
as impurities. In addition to it there are dust
particles also.
(ii) First of all air is washed by passing it through
water, where the dust particles are removed.
(iii) The washed air is passed through dilute
caustic soda solution, where the gases like
carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and hydrogen
sulphide are removed. (iii) The liquid is gradually warmed to -1950°C,
(iv) The purified air, however, contains moisture. when nitrogen starts boiling off from the liquid
The moist air is passed through pipes, air. The nitrogen gas so formed, is compressed
maintained at a temperature below-200°C, and filled in steel cylinders.
where vapour present in it freezes and hence, (iv) The liquefied oxygen left behind, is also
air becomes dry. changed to gas and then filled in compressed
(v) The air leaving the cooling pipes is free from state in steel cylinders.
all impurities.
(B) Liquefaction of Air : CITY WATER SUPPLY :
(i) The cool air, f ree from all impurities is
compressed to a pressure 200 times more River water is normally used to supply drinking water
to big cities. This water is unfit for drinking purposes as it
than the atmospheric pressure. The
contains a large amount of suspended impurities and
compression raises the temperature of the air. harmful micro-organisms, such as bacteria and germs.
(ii) The hot compressed air is then passed through The river water is purified in the following stages -
cooling tank in which cold water enters from
(A) Sedimentation :
one end and warm water leaves from the other
The water is allowed to stand in big tanks where
heavier suspended impurities settle down. To increase the

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rate of sedimentation, alum is added to it (loading). The there is 8 g of oxygen required. Thus, only a physical
impurities settle down at the bottom. change has occurred.
(B) Filtration : (ii) The change is temporary and reversible : It
The semi - clear water is allowed to pass through beds means the change can be reversed by altering the causes
of sand, charcoal and gravel to remove suspended which produce the change.
impurities. After that water is passed through sand filter. Example : The water formed from ice can be changed
(C) Removal of harmful Micro-Organism or Sterilisation: back to ice by placing it in a freezing mixture (a mixture of
The harmful bacteria in filtered water can cause very ice and common salt).
serious diseases such as typhoid, cholera, jaundice, On altering the experimental conditions, the
dysentery, etc. change which gets reversed, is a physical change.
Thus, to the filtered water bleaching powder or chlorine (iii) There is no net gain or loss of energy : The
gas is added. This kills the micro-organisms and hence amount of energy required to bring about a physical change
the water becomes fit for drinking. This water is directly is generally equal to the amount of energy required to
pumped into overhead tanks for supply to a city. reverse the change. Thus, there is not net energy change
Example : If 1 g of water of 1000°C on changing into
steam needs 2260 J of heat energy, then 1 g of steam at
1000°C on changing into water at 1000°C, gives out 2260
J of h eat energy. Thus, the net energy change is zero.
(iv) There is no change in the weight of substance.
During a physical change it is only the energy which is
added or removed. No matter is added during a physical
change. Similarly, no matter is removed during a physical
change. Therefore, mass of the substance remains same.
Illustration 12.
How can you separate a mixture of sugar and sand? SOME EXAMPLES INVOLVING PHYSICAL
Solution :
Sugar is soluble in water, whereas sand is insoluble CHANGES PROPERTY:
in water. This difference in solubilities can be used to
1. Switching on The bulb glows The physical
separate them. an electric bulb and gives out heat appearance
Illustration 13. and li ght energy of the bulb
Name the process used to separate a mixture of changes
anthracene and copper sulphate 2. Rubbing a The steel rod gets The steel
Solution : permanent magnetized. If it is rod acquired
Sublimation magnet on a brought near iron the property
steel rod. nails, they get of attracting
PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES : attracted. pieces of
Some kind of change always takes place in the matter iron.
when it is subjected to every changes. Almost all the 3. Action of The brownish grey Change in
changes (except nuclear changes) taking place in the heat on iodine crystals of iodine state and
matter can be classified under two heading, these are as change to form colour.
follows - violet vapours. On
(a) Physical Changes : cooling the
Definition : A change which alters some specific vapours condense
on cooler parts on
physical property of the matter, like its state, texture,
the test tube to
magnetic or electrical conditions or its colour, without form crystals.
causing any change in the composition of its molecules, 4. Dissolving of The whi te Change of
is called physical change, provided it get reversed, if the common salt in crystalline sal t state.
cause producing the change is removed. water disappears in
Following points need special consideration : water. However,
(i) Now new or different product is formed : The the water tested
composition of molecules of the substance remains exactly like
unaltered. common salt.
Example : ice melts to form water. In this example
common salt can
only the appearance (state) of matter has changed from
be recovered by
solid to liquid. However, the composition of the molecules evaporation
of ice or water remains same, i.e., for every 1 g of hydrogen

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Some Common Examples of Physical Changes : from carbon atoms and join together to form water.
 Formation of dew. The carbon atoms are set free and are left as black
 Evaporation of water. residue.
 Crystallisation of sugar from its solution. Sugar  heat
 Ringing of an electric bell.  carbon + Steam
 Breaking of a glass pane. (ii) The weight of the substance undergoing
 Making of ice cream. chemical change usually changes :
 A rock rolling down a hill. Example : During the heating of sugar, the weight
 Bending of a glass tube by heating. of the black residue is far less than the actual
 Melting of wax. weight of the sugar. However, this is an apparent
 Sublimation of camphor. change in weight. If we take the weight of steam
(B) Chemical Change : into account and add to it the weight of carbon, then
Definition : A change which alters the specific total weight will be equal to the weight of sugar
properties of a material by bringing about a change in its crystals. Thus, strictly speaking, total weight of
molecular composition, followed by a change in state, is substances taking part in a chemical change
called a chemical change. remains constant.
Following points needs special consideration : (iii) The chemical change is permanent and
(i) A chemical change results in the formation of irreversible : It means the change will not reverse
one or more new products : The products formed by altering the experimental conditions.
have diff erent properties than the original Example : The sugar, which has decomposed on
substance. Thus, the composition of the molecules
heating to form carbon and steam will not change
of products is different from the original substance.
Example : Heating of sugar to sugar on cooling.
When sugar is gently heated in a test tube, it melts. (iv) During chemical change energy is either
It gradually changes to brown colour, giving a large absorbed or given out : The various atoms in a
amount of steamy fumes. In the end a black mass chemical compound are joined by attractive forces
is left which consists of carbon. Thus, new commonly called bonds. The making or breaking of
substances, viz. carbon and water (steam) are the bonds always requires exchange of energy.
formed. In this change, the arrangement between Thus, some amount of heat is either absorbed or
the molecules of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen given out during a chemical change.
breaks. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms separate


Chemical Change Observation Equation
1. Burning of magnesium in air When a magnesium ribbon is Magnesium + Oxygen 
heated in a flame of Bunsen Magnesium oxide
burner, it catches fire and burns
with a dazzling white flame to
form white ash.
2. Rusting of iron When iron (silver grey) is left Iron + Oxygen (from air) + Water
exposed to moist air for a few vapour  Rust
days, reddish brown powdery
mass (rust) is found on its
3. Burning of LPG When LPG ( Liquefied Petroleum Butane (LPG) + Oxygen 
Gas) is burnt, it burns with a pale Carbon dioxide + Water
blue flame and liberates
colourless gas carbon dioxide
along with steam.

Some Common Examples of Chemical Changes :  Rusting of iron

 Burning of wood or charcoal  Clotting of blood
 Digestion of food  Baking of cake
 Formation of biogas (Gobar gas)  Formation of wine
 Smoking of cigarette  Decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen.

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 Formation of water from hydrogen and oxygen  Drying of paint
 Burning of candle  Ripening of fruit
 Curdling of milk  Fading of the colour of a dyed cloth
 Burning of petrol or diesel  Photosynthesis
 Butter turning rancid
(C) Difference Between Physical and Chemical Changes :

Ph ysical change Chemical Change

1. The change takes place only in the 1. The change takes place in the state,
state, texture, colour, electrical or texture, colour, electrical or magnetic
magnetic properties or of solubility, etc. properties along with the change in its
However, molecular properties molecular properties (i.e. its molecular
(composition) do not change. arrangement changes).

2. The specific properties of the substance 2. The specific properties of the substance
remain unaltered after the physical change completely after the chemical
change. change.

3. Now new substances are produced. 3. Always new substances are produced.

4. There is no change in weight, if a 4. There is always a change in apparent

substance is undergoing a physical weight, when a substance undergoes a
change. chemical change.

5. There is no net absorption or release of 5. There is always a net absorption or

energy (such as heat or light energy) release of energy during a chemical
during a physical change. change.

6. It is temporary change and is usually 6. It is a permanent change and cannot be

reversed by removing the cause of the reversed by removing the cause of the
change. change.
Illustration 14.
Which of the following are chemical changes and Daily Practice Problem-3
which one are physical changes? Give reason.
(A) a glass bottle breaking 1. Which of the following substances when mixed with
(B) coal burning in air sand cannot be separated by sublimation ?
(C) making a cake (A) NaCl (B) NH4Cl
(D) wool being knitted into a sweater (C) Camphor (D) Iodine
Solution : 2. Which of the following is a physical change ?
Physical change — (a) and (d) (A) Evaporation of (B) Melting of ice
Chemical change — (b) and (c) alcohol
(C) Rusting of iron (D) Both (A) & (B)

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3. What will be the sublimate, when a mixture of sand, 8. A mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium
sulphur, common salt and iodine is sublimed ? chloride can be separated by
(A) Sand (B) Iodine (A) chromatography(B) hand picking
(C) Sulphur (D) Common salt
4. Mixture of sand and camphor can be purified by - (C) by sublimation (D) centrifugation
(A) distillation (B) filtration 9. Which of the following is not a chemical change ?
(C) sedimentation (D) sublimation
5. A mixture of alcohol and water can be separated by (A) Rusting of iron
(A) separating funnel (B) Cooking of food
(B) fractional distillation
(C) simple distillation (C) Freezing of water
(D) sublimation (D) Digestion of food
6. To separate the various coloured pigments present
in a substance which method is used ? 10. W hich of the f ollowing method is used f or
separation of different components of petroleum ?
(A) Sublimation (B) Chromatography
(C) Centrifugation (D) Evaporation (A) Fractional distillation
7. Carbon burns in oxygen to form carbon dioxide. The (B) Sublimation
properties of carbon dioxide are - (C) Chromatography
(A) similar to carbon
(D) Simple distillation
(B) similar to oxygen
(C) totally different from both carbon and oxygen
(D) much similar to both carbon and oxygen


9. Type of Colloidal systems : 10. Multimolecular, Macromolecular and Associated
Finely divided particles of any substance with Depending upon the molecular size, the colloids can
diameters lying within 1nm to 1000nm range dispersed in be classified as:
any medium constitute the colloidal system. 1. Multimolecular colloids:
The dispersed phase may not necessarily be a solid In this type, the particle consists of an aggregate
always. It may be a liquid or even a gas. Similarly, the of atoms or small molecules. For examples, sols
dispersion medium may be a gas or a liquid or even a of gold atoms and sulphur (S8 ) molecules. In these
solid. Several different types of colloidal system depending colloids, the particles are held together by van der
upon the states of aggregation of the dispersed phase Waals forces.
and the dispersion medium, are possible, as shown.

Dispersion Medium Dispersed Phase Examples

Gas Liquid Clouds, mists, fogs.
Gas Solid Smoke, volcanic dust.
Liquid Gas Foams, whipped cream.
Liquid Liquid Emulsions (milk, cod-liver oil)
Liquid Solid Starch, Proteins, arsenic sulphide, gold.
Solid Gas Adsorbed or occluded gases, Pumice stone
Solid Liquid Jellies, gel, cheese.
Solid Solid Coloured precious stones, rock–salt, alloys.

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2. Macromolecular colloids: C17 H 35COONa C17 H 35COO   Na 
In this type, the particles of the dispersed phase are Sod. stearate (soap) Stearate ion
sufficiently big in size (macro) to be of colloidal In concentrated solution, these ions get associated
dimensions. These macromolecules forming the to form an aggregate of colloidal size.
dispersed phase are generally polymers having very When the dispersion medium is a gas, the colloidal
high molecular masses. Naturally occurring system is called aerosol. The systems with solids
macromolecules are starch, cellulose, proteins, as dispersed phase and a liquid as dispersion
enzymes, gelatine etc. Artificial macromolecules are medium are known as sols. When the liquid
synthetic polymers such as nylon, polythene, medium is water, the system is called hydrosol or
plastics, polystyrene, etc. Since these aquasol. When this is alcohol or benzene or any
macromolecules have large sizes, the solutions of other organic liquid, the system is referred to as
such molecules are called macromolecular colloidal alcosol, benzosol or organosol respectively.
solutions. Their solutions are quite stable and Classification based upon interaction forces between
resemble true solution in many respects. Thus, the the dispersed phase and dispersion medium..05
common examples of macromolecular colloids are  If strong interactive f orce exist between the
starch, cellulose, proteins, plastics, etc. dispersed phase and dispersion medium then such
3. Associated colloids:
colloids are called Lyophilic colloids e.g., starch,
These are the substances which behave as normal
electrolytes at low concentration but behave as gum etc.
colloidal particles at higher concentration. These  If no interactive forces exist between the dispersed
associated particles are also called micelles. For phase and dispersion medium. Such colloids are
example, in aqueous solution, soap (sodium called Lyophobic colloids.
stearate) ionizes as


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1. What is meant by a pure substance? (E) Butter from curd.
2. List the points of difference between homogeneous (F) Oil from water.
and heterogeneous mixture. (G) Tea leaves from tea.
3. Diff erentiate between homogeneous and (H) Iron pins from sand.
heterogeneous mixtures with examples.
(I) Wheat grains from husk.
4. How are sol, solution and suspension differ from
(J) Find mud particles suspended in water.
each other?
5. To make a saturated solution 36 g of sodium 12. Write the steps you would use for making tea. Use
chloride is dissolved in 100 g of water at 293 K. the words solution, solvent, solute, dissolve, soluble,
Find its concentration at this temperature. insoluble, filtrate and residue.
6. How will you separate a mixture containing 13. Pragya tested the solubility of three different
kerosene and petrol. (difference in their boiling substances at different temperatures and collected
points is more than 25°C), which are miscible with the data as given below (results are given in the
each other? following table, as grams of substance dissolved in
7. Name the technique to separate 100 grams of water to form a saturated solution).
(i) butter from curd (ii) salt from sea water
(iii) camphor from salt
8. What type of mixtures are separated by the
technique of crystallisation?
9. Classify the following as chemical or physical
(A) cutting of trees.
(B) melting of butter in a pan
(C) rusting of almirah (A) What mass of potassium nitrate would be
needed to produce a saturated solution of
(C) boiling of water to form steam potassium nitrate in 50 grams of water at 313
(D) passing of electric current through water and K?
the water breaking down into hydrogen and (B) Pragya makes a saturated solution of
oxygen potassium chloride in water at 353 K and
(E) dissolving common salt in water leaves the solution to cool at room
(F) making a fruit salad with raw fruits temperature. What would she observe as the
solution cools? Explain.
(G) burning of paper and wood
(C) Find the solubility of each salt at 293 K.Which
10. Try segregating the things around you as pure
salt has the highest solubility at this
substances or mixtures.
11. Which separation techniques will you apply for the
separation of the following? (D) What is the effect of change of temperature on
the solubility of a salt?
(A) Sodium chloride from its solution in water.
14. Explain the following giving examples.
(B) Ammonium chloride from a mixture containing
sodium chloride and ammonium chloride. (A) saturated solution

(C) Small pieces of metal in the engine oil of a car (B) pure substance
(D) Different pigments from an extract of flower (C) colloid
petals. (D) suspension

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

15. Classify each of the following as a homogeneous 20. Classify the following into elements, compounds
or heterogeneous mixture. and mixtures.
soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar, filtered tea.
(A) Sodium (B) soil
16. How would you confirm that a colourless liquid
given to you is pure water? (C) Sugar solution (D) silver
17. Which of the following materials fall in the category
(E) calcium carbonate (F) tin
of a "pure substance"?
(A) Ice (B) Milk (G) silicon (H) coal
(C) Iron (I) air (J) soap (K) methane
(D) Hydrochloric acid
(L) carbon dioxide (M) blood
(E) Calcium oxide (F) Mercury
(B) Brick (H) Wood 21. Which of the following are chemical changes?
(I) Air. (A) Growth of a plant
18. Identify the solutions among the following mixtures.
(A) Soil (B) Sea water (B) Rusting of iron
(C) Air (D) Coal (C) Mixing of iron filings and sand
(E) Soda water.
(D) Cooking of food
19. Which of the following will show "Tyndall effect"?
(A) Salt solution (E) Digestion of food
(B) Milk (F) Freezing of water
(C) Copper sulphate solution
(D) Starch solution. (G) Burning of a candle


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EXERCISE -1 9. For a colloidal solution, dispersion medium disper-
sed phase is liquid-liquid. This is an example of
(A) emulsion (B) aerosol
1. A mixture contains four solid compounds A, B, C,
(C) gel (D) sol
D. On heating C changes to vapour state. “C” can
10. Suspensions are
be separated from rest of the solids by (A) visible to naked eye
(A) crystallisation (B) sublimation (B) invisible through microscope
(C) distillation (D) filtration (C) not visible by any means
2. A liquid is found to scatter a beam of light but (D) invisible under electron microscope
leaves no residue when passed through the filter 11. Butter is colloid formed when
paper. The liquid is (A) fat is dispersed in fat
(A) a suspension (B) a true solution (B) fat is dispersed in water
(C) a colloidal sol (D) oil (C) water is dispersed in fat
3. Identify the false statement (D) proteins dispersed in water
(A) colloids are homogeneous 12. Which one in an example of Micelle system ?
(B) colloids show Tyndall effect (A) Soap + water (B) Rubber + benzene
(C) colloids show Brownian movement
(C) Protein + water (D) Rubber + water
(D) The size of colloidal particles ranges between
13. The cause of Brownian movement is
1 – 100 nm
(A) heat change is liquid state
4. Which is not an example of macromolecular
(B) convection current
colloids ?
(C) impact of molecules of dispersion medium on
(A) Nylon (B) Plastics
colloidal particles
(C) Rubber (D) Soaps
(D) attractive forces between the particles
5. Which of the following in not a colloid ?
14. The number of phases in colloidal system are
(A) Foam (B) Cloud
(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four
(C) Roohafza syrup (D) Egg
15. If we heat iodine, then it is a
6. Smoke is an example of
(A) physical change
(A) gas dispersed in liquid
(B) chemical change
(B) gas dispersed in solid
(C) solid dispersed in gas (C) no change
(D) solid dispersed in solid (D) colour change
7. Micelles are 16. Colour of rust is
(A) emulsion cum gel (A) blue (B) green
(B) associated colloids (C) reddish brown (D) white
(C) true solution 17. Which of the following is not a chemical change
(D) suspensions (A) electrolysis of water
8. Which one of the following is correct matched ? (B) boiling of water
(A) Emulsion-curd (B) Foam-mist (C) digestion of food
(C) Aerosol-smoke (D) Solid sol-cake (D) burning of magnesium

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

18. Which of the following is a compound ? 6. Which of these is (are) a mixture?
(A) Steel (B) Water(C) Brass (D) Iodine (A) oil and water (B) sand and water
19. Tincture of iodine is a solution of iodine in (C) diet soda (D) distilled water
(A) water (B) acetone
7. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
(C) benzene (D) ethyl alcohol
20. Which gas present in air has the highest boiling (A) A pure substance must contain only one type
point ? of atom
(A) Oxygen (B) Nitrogen (B) A mixture containing two compounds must be
(C) Argon (D) Hydrogen heterogeneous
(C) A heterogeneous mixture must contain at least
EXERCISE -2 three elements
(D) A homogeneous mixture must be uniform
1. Which of the following is (are) true for mixtures? (A) can have the same composition throughout
(A) Mixtures can be homogeneous or heterogen- (B) have physical properties dependent on its
eous components
(C) always have non-uniform composition
(B) Components in a mixture are present in a fixed
(D) can be separated into their components
9. W hich of the f ollowing is an example of a
(C) Both A and B heterogeneous substance?
(D) Components of a mixture can be separated (A) mixture of sand and rice grains
easily by physical methods. (B) sodium sulphate
(C) aspirin
2. A mixture of sulphur and iron filing is heated (D) salad dressing
strongly to obtain a residue. Which of the following 10. W hich of the f ollowing is an example of a
is/are characteristic property/properties of the homogeneous substance
residue? (A) Glass (B) Dirt
(A) It can be separated into sulphur and iron filings (C) Flowers (D) Deionized water
by physical methods.
(B) Its composition does not change from one part ART ASSERTION AND REASON TYPE
to another DIRECTIONS : In each of the following questions, a
(C) Its properties are entirely different from those statement of Assertion (A) is given followed by a
of sulphur and iron filings corresponding statement of Reason (R) just below it.
Of the statements, mark the correct answer as
(D) Its appearance is different from those of
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and reason
sulphur and iron filings
is the correct explanation of assertion.
3. Which of the following is (are) true for a compound? (b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
(A) It is heterogeneous in nature not correct explanation of assertion.
(c) If assertion is true and reason is false.
(B) A compound contains different elements is a (d) If assertion is false but reason is true.
fixed ratio 1. Assertion : In sublimation a substance changes
(C) Properties of a compound are entirely different directly from solid to vapour without
from those of the elements present in it passing through liquid state and vice-
(D) Constituents of a compound cannot be
Reason : Distillation involves two process i.e.
separated by simple physical methods. vapourisation and condensation.
4. Which of the following is an example(s) of alloy? 2. Assertion : Impure benzoic acid can be purified by
(A) Sugar (B) Brass sublimation.
Reason : Benzoic acid sublimes on heating.
(C) Bronze (D) NO2 3. Assertion : Colloidal solutions are stable and the
5. Which of the following is (are) a mixture (s)? colloidal particles do not settle down.
Reason : Brownian movement counters the
(A) Solution (B) Alloy force of gravity acting on colloidal
(C) Amalgam (D) Ammonia particles.

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4. Assertion : Chromatography can be used to (B) Solution which (q) True solution
separate a mixture of plant pigments. has excess of
Reason : Chromatography can be used to solute
separate coloured substances into
(C) Solution which (r) Supersaturated solution
individual components.
5. Assertion : A mixture of benzoic acid and cannot dissolve
naphthalene can be separated by any more solute
crystallisation from water. (D) Solution which (s) Unsaturated solution
Reason : Benzoic acid is soluble in hot water has particle size
but naphthalene is insoluble in hot 10–7 cm
water. 3. Column-I Column-II
6. Assertion : A mixture of sugar and benzoic acid
(A) Salt solution (p) Suspension
can be separated by shaking with
ether. (B) Blood (q) Colloid
Reason : Sugar is insoluble in water. (C) Smoke (r) True solution
7. Assertion : True solution exhibit Tyndall effect. (D) Chalk water (s) Emulsion
Reason : Particles are very small in size. 4. Column-I Column-II
8. Assertion : When a beam of light is passed (A) Butter (p) Solvent hating
through a colloidal solution placed in (B) Cheese (q) Associated colloid
a dark place the path of the beam
(C) Micelles (r) Emulsion
becomes visible.
Reason : Light gets scattered by the colloidal (D) Lyophobic (s) Gel
particles. 5. Column-I Column-II
9. Assertion : A solution of table salt in a glass of (Property) (Application)
water is homogeneous. (A) Tyndall effect (p) Smoke precipitator
Reason : A solution having different composition (B) Electrophoresis (q) Sewage disposal
throughout is homogeneous. (C) Coagulation (r) Cleansing action of
10. Assertion : Lyophobic sols are less stable than soap
lyophilic sols. (D) Micelles (s) Blue sky
Reason : Lyophilic sols have solvent hating 6. Column-I Column-II
nature. (A) A solution (p) No units
generally has
MMTQ Matrix Match Type Questions
(B) A true solution is (q) True solution
In this section, each question contains statements (C) The concentration (r) Two components
given in two columns which have to be matched. of solution has
Statements (A, B, C, D) in Column-I have to be matched (D) Only one phase (s) Homogeneous in
with statements (p, q, r, s) in Column-II. The answers
to these questions have to be appropriately bubbled exists in nature
as illustrated in the following example. If the correct 7. Column-I Column-II
matches are A-q, A-r, B-p, B-s, C-r, C-s and D-q, then (A) Miscible liquids (p) Distillation
the correctly bubbled matrix will look like as shown. (B) Immiscible liquids (q) Crystallisation
p q r s (C) Impure copper (r) Sublimation
A p q r s
(D) Salt and (s) Funnel
B p q r s ammonium
C p q r s chloride
p q r s 8. Column-I Column-II
(A) Diamond (p) Mixture
1. Column-I Column-II (B) Iron (q) Compound
(A) Fog (p) Solid in gas (C) Water (r) Element
(B) Smoke (q) Solid in solid (D) Gun powder (s) Metal
(C) Steel (r) Solid in liquid 9. Column-I Column-II
(D) Toothpaste (s) Liquid in gas (A) Rusting of iron (p) Physical as well as
chemical change
2. Column-I Column-II
(B) Melting of wax (q) Chemical change
(A) Solution which (p) Saturated solution
(C) Burning of candle (r) Physical change
can dissolve (D) Baking of cake (s) No change
more solute

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

10. Column-I Column-II 1. Which of the following is/are oil in water type of
(A) Aluminium (p) Compound emulsions?
(B) Fluorine (q) Metal (A) Ink (B) Detergent
(C) Tellurium (r) Non-metal (C) Soap (D) Milk
(D) Lime stone (s) Metalloid 2. Which of the following is homogeneous?
ITQ Integer Type Questions (A) Milk (B) Paint
(C) Shampoo (D) None of these
This section contains 5 questions. The answer to 3. Cold cream and butter are emulsions in which
each of the questions is a single digit integer,
ranging from 0 to 9. If the correct answers to (A) milk fat is dispersed in water
question numbers X, Y, Z and W (say) are 6, 0, 9 (B) oil is dispersed in water
and 2 respectively, then the correct darkening of (C) gas is dispersed in water
bubbles will look like the following.
(D) water is dispersed in oil
X Y Z W 4. The substances like proteins,gums are added to an
0 0 0 0 emulsion as emulsifying agent.Their main function is to
1 1 1 1 (A) stabilise an emulsion
2 2 2 2 (B) precipitate an emulsion
3 3 3 3 (C) dilute an emulsion
4 4 4 4 (D) increase the concentration of an emulsion.
5 5 5 5 PASSAGE 2 : Both water and cooking oil are 98 but their
6 6 6 6 chemical properties are different. They differ in odour and
7 7 7 7 inflammability. Oil burns in air whereas water extinguishes
8 8 8 8 fire. It is the chemical property of oil that makes it different
from water. During a chemical change one substance
9 9 9 9
reacts with other to undergo a change in chemical
1. 0.5 g of substance is dissolved in 25 g of a solvent.
compositions. A chemical change is also called a chemical
The percentage amount of the substance in the
reaction. Sometimes both physical and chemical change
solution is
2. If 117 g NaCl is dissolved in 1000 g of water, the take place together.
concentration of the solution is said to be ..... molal. 1. The interconversion of solid, liquid and gas state is a
3. Air contains about 0.03% of a carbon dioxide. If (A) physical change
concentration in parts per million is x × 102 ppm, (B) chemical change
the value of x is (C) both (a) and (b)
4. A solution contains 30 g of common salt dissolved
(D) no change
in 470 g of water. The concentration of solution is.
5. The weight percentage and volume percentage 2. Burning of a candle involves a
(w/v) of solution are 22 and 44 respectively. The (A) physical change
density of the solution is (B) chemical change
6. How many molecules of water is present in blue
vitriol. (C) both physical and chemical change
7. How many elements are present in brass. (D) no change.
8. How many metals are present in liquid form at STP. 3. Chemical change brings change in....... of matter.
9. A solution contains 30g of sugar dissolved in 370
(A) physical properties
g of water. Calculate the concentration of this
solution. (B) chemical properties
(C) both physical and chemical properties
PASSAGE 1 : Emulsions are colloidal solutions in 4. Colour, hardness, melting points, boiling points,
which dispersed phase as well as dispersion odour, etc. are
medium are liquids. It may be oil in water or water
in oil type. Emulsifiers like soap, detergents, gum, (A) chemical properties
etc. are used to stabilise emulsions. In oil in water (B) physical properties
type emulsions water acts as dispersion medium (C) both physical and chemical properties
while in water in oil type emulsions, oil acts as
(D) example of chemical reactions.
dispersion medium.

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1



Qus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. A  s, B  p, C  q, Dr
Qus. D C D D C D A D C B
2. A  s, B  r,, C  p, D q
DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM-2 3. A  r,, B  q, C  q, Dp
Qus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
4. A  s, B  s, C  q, Dp
Qus. D C C D A C C B A B
5. A  s, B  p, C  q, Dr
DAILY PRACTICE PROBLEM-3 6. A  r; B  s, C  p, D q
Qus. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. A  p; B  s, C  q, Dr
Qus. A D B D B B C C C A 8. A  r; B  s, C  q, Dp
EXERCISE -1 9. A  q; B  r,, C  p, Dq

(BASED ON JEE MAIN/NEET) 10. A  q; B  r,, C  s, D p

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (c) 7. (b) INTEGER TYPE ANSWER
8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a) 11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 1. (2) 2. (2) 3. (3) 4. (6) 5. (2) 6. (5) 7. (2)

15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (a) 8. (1) 9. 7.5


1.(AD) 2.(BCD) 3. (BCD) 4.(BC) 5.(ABC)
1. (D) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (A)
6.(ABC) 7.(ABC) 8. (BD) 9.(AD) 10.(AD)


1.(B) 2.(A) 3.(A) 4.(B) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7.(D)

8.(A) 9.(C) 10.(C)


CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1


Important Notes

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

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