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Project Charter

Wilmont’s Drone Project

June 12th, 2020

DroneTech will perform the improvements to systems, hardware, interfaces

and processes to develop four prototypes of drone delivery system for four
Project Description
stores of Wilmont’s Pharmacy ubicated on San Francisco City, CA. It’s a pilot
To determine how feasible are the delivery of prescriptions and drugstore
ítems by means of flying drone to customers. This determine if this delivery
Project Purpose method is more effective to deliver and perform the quality of Wilmont’s
Pharmacy. The project goal is delivery four functional drones to Wilmont’s
• The high level scope the project is the success delivery of drugstore
ítems and prescriptions on San Francisco, CA.
• To Recopilate information about the delivery’s processes.
• To make the customizes to the drones.
Scope/Boundaries • To deliver four functional drones ready to the store’s delivery.
• To perform the systems and information security of drones.

 To perform the information security for processes differents to

delivery drone is excluded of this project.
• The hardware, interfaces, systems of drones are complete and
• The drones did pass the tests and quality evaluation.
• Wilmont’s Pharmacy use the drone satisfactorily.
• Customers of Wilmont’s Pharmacy are satisfied with the delivery
Deliverable/Objective Success Criteria
Deliver 4 drones to Wilmont’s
Customize 4 new drones.
Testing and quality controls
Deliverables/Objectives Systems Integration.
The customers receive their orders
First delivery
no later than 30th november.
Wilmont’s Pharmacy’s data security
Guarantee data security
Start Project: January 5th, 2020.
Recopilation Information: February 2020.
Develop the customizes: Between March and Jule of 2020.
Tests of fligths and quality systems: Start October 1st, 2020.
4 Drones’s delivery: November 25th, 2020.
First drone delivery: Before November 30th, 2020.
Pre-Approved Financial Resources Less than US $ 1’750,000.
Wilmont’s will provide all funding for the pilot project.
Assumptions And Constraints
Regular meetings will be scheduled for Team and Stakeholders
• Testing and Quality Control issues may arise
Risks • Contract negotiation issues
• Legal risks associated with prescriptions
Previous projects doings by Dronetech about the delivery drone.
References Expert help within Project Managers.
Base in the knowledge writting on the PMBOK.
Key Stakeholders

Customer Wilmont’ Pharmacy

Sponsor George Cranston (GWC), Operations VP (Wilmont’s)
DroneTech CEO (Finance Manager) Jordan Kempler (JXK)
Project Manager Juan Ferrer (JCF)
Fligth Operations Manager Gerald Hasper (GPH)
Eileen Seymour (ERS)
IT Systems Lead
Mary Pearson (MJP) (Wilmont’s)
Security Team Lead William Scott (WKS) (Wilmont’s)
Katie O’Ryan (KRO)
Legal Team Lead
Alan Swanson (AES) (Wilmont’s)
Julie Green (JRG) (Wilmont’s)
Steve Haskell (SLH) (Wilmont’s)
Store Managers
James O’Donnell (JLO) (Wilmont’s)
Wilma Marcy (WPM) (Wilmont’s)

Authority Levels: Project Manager has full authority of schedule and labor allocation.
The Fligth Operations Manager have authority to manage the activities within the Schedule of tests fligths and
perform this.
The IT Systems Lead have authority to manage the activites within the Schedule for perform the systems drones.
The Security Team Lead hace authority to manage the activities that allow the information security and permorm

Project Approval Requirements: The expenditures are approved for DroneTech and the Project Sponsor (George
Cranston, Operations VP of Wilmont’s Pharmacy).
The different activities that must be done to success the project is approved to Team Leads, leads and Project


Project Sponsor: ____________________________________ Date:___________________

Project Manager: ___________________________________ Date:___________________

Finance Manager: __________________________________ Date:___________________

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