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Week 7:............................................................................................................................................2

Answer 7.3...................................................................................................................................2

Being organized........................................................................................................................2


Strong partnership....................................................................................................................2

Week 8:............................................................................................................................................3

Answer 8.3...................................................................................................................................3

a) Internationalize strategy....................................................................................................3

b) Resources..............................................................................................................................3

c) Development of international strategy..................................................................................4

Week 9:............................................................................................................................................4

Answer 9.3. VRIO framework.....................................................................................................4

Week 10:..........................................................................................................................................5

Answer 10.3.................................................................................................................................5

a) Resource based perspective..............................................................................................5

b) Required adaption.................................................................................................................5

Week 11:..........................................................................................................................................6

Answer 11.2.................................................................................................................................6




Week 7:

Answer 7.3.
Company faces extreme challenges within the supply chain which stretches its capabilities to
breaking out. There are many kinds of issues faced within that can be solved through dealing
with many steps which are as follow.

Being organized
This will be effective for the organization to being organized through having detailed
documentation with established guidelines which presents the operations plan for supply chain
emergency (Monczka, et al., 2015).

Uncertainty at external level hampers chaos that leads to host of many other challenges hence the
organization should be clear as well as open regarding the suppliers timely. Transparency will
support within the process of recovery.

Strong partnership
The organization should focus to create strong partnerships through the strategic supply chain
(Chopra, Meindl, and Kalra, 2013). Strong partnerships will enable to manage disaster level

There should be more dedication about time, energies, as well as commitment within the supply
chain designing which stop and diminish disruptive risk impact of natural disaster. In fluid
atmosphere found within most of the nations, disruptive events like volcano eruptions is certainty
hence timing as well as magnitude is unknown. It will be effective for the organization to use
many strategies that support to control inconvenience within the crisis.

Appropriate use of suppliers that apply many ports of dispatch will enable the organization to
monitor level of services to recover from disaster. Use of diversified suppliers will enable to
connect to UK in across the globe through many alternative routes.

Monitoring of suppliers regions will be done by supply chain intelligence that will enable to
introduce initiatives for improving the awareness regarding variables. Big storage facilities will
support to ship products within the big quantities and stored until the requirement. It will
eliminate the inconvenience in any type of emergency and choose the international level
suppliers in UK.

Week 8:

Answer 8.3.

a) Internationalize strategy
Trade at international level with engagement comes with risks as well as benefits (Sui, and
Baum, 2014). There are many kinds of risk associated for global level trading organization which
include political level risks and foreign trade risks.

A risk at financial level likes foreign exchange risk that regards to currency and valued within
the international level arena. This is important that currency at domestic level should appreciate
relative to foreign currency as it is always nit within the internationalization case.

A risk at political level regarding the policies work is making of policy and it can negatively
influence international level business if policies prepared are dissolving like introduction of
barriers in trade within a nation. It is generated through the discrimination as well as asset

Strategic level risks to create a decision are wrong within the international level market entry.
Operations risk includes compliance of tax and regulations which can be unfavorable.

b) Resources
Quality is important for international level business and obtained by research and development
(Luiz, Stringfellow, and Jefthas, 2017). It will be important to develop procedures which help to
provide regular quality over the time. There should be appropriate management of time through
the upper management with commitment that overall lead to increase internationalization

This can be completed by hiring of human resources at strategic level. Innovation with
rethinking procedure will be effective enable to survive within the arena at international level.
Innovation can be gained by extensive level investment within the research and development that
enable the organization to survive in difficult situations.

c) Development of international strategy

Better generation develops strategy through considering resources that required to being devoted
for effective control of operations that overall allow to retaining procedure of work that will
support to choose best entry mode within the international level arena.

Better generation effectively develops the international level strategy regarding chosen nations
and modes of entry with effective management of language and culture level differences, local
level employees, political as well as economic level challenges.

Week 9:

Answer 9.3. VRIO framework

Lego group is known as the private organization which is based within the Denmark. It is Danish
toy organization which effectively works within the manufacturing of plastic toys of Lego Brand
and create parks around the globe that recognized as Legoland.

VRIO framework will be effective for the Lego group as enable to conduct internal level analysis
and developing the important competencies. First source would be analyzed within the important
financial level resources that are valuable and provide competitive level parity with advantage
within the market (Song, and Sung, 2015).

This effectively works through having modern plants with facilities as well as location which is
important and valuable. The company has transferred production to count tries that have cheaper
products with strategic level location which is situated near market.

Application of digital age has been generated through the Lego group by new media age and
effective utilization of new media which outline platforms regarding strategy of branding as well
as advertising particularly online multiplayer gaming development that is recognized as Lego
Universe which was lucrative setup.

Theory of dynamic capabilities has supported the group to succeed (Ariyani, and Daryanto,
2018). This uses redundant to analyze method in which group attained as well as put resources to
meet demand of market.

Growth arenas’ opening has opened for organization through cooperating effectively with
gaming organization and licensing partners that working within the movies.

Lego Group laid strategies have been effective as evident within the organization sales in 2008
and 2009 as group achieve huge rate of growth with regular growth since 2005 and subsequent
year. Groups require better strategies due to competitive market in future through ensuring an
appropriate future regarding Lego Group.

Week 10:

Answer 10.3.

a) Resource based perspective

As per the resource based perspective there are many resources required for development of
machine regarding distance level market like China in which multinational enterprises to be
found. Following are the lists of resources are required to be established down the machine.

This is important to put initial cost within the building for machine to start the production
effectively (Shaw, Park, and Kim, 2013). It will be effective to take the earlier permissions
regarding land or building for the purpose of making machines. Land or building will be
necessary that can be owned or rented.

There should be appropriate estimation of labor costs that necessary for skills employees. Raw
material will be required for the machines that will help to start the production through the

There should be proper estimation of skilled labors that enable to effectively work within the
division of adaptability as well as innovation (Chuang, and Lin, 2017). It overall enables to
compete at competitive level environment.

b) Required adaption
Adaption is explained as allow labors as well as employees to manage any kind of situation that
could be managed to them and give perfect solution. In sector of engineering, technology
regularly changing which creates it important as well as creative with curative and open to
regularly change within the technological field. There are many adaptions can be effective for
the organization as overall help to improve the procedures to run the operations effectively.

This is important to observe and monitor changes within the market through regularly employing
innovation. There should be creativity used within the research and development that overall
improve and increase the investment conditions that enable to raise the number of fund in
positive way.

Week 11:

Answer 11.2.

There will be discussion about the issues as well as challenges that could be encountered due to
use of accounting information system in business (Wang, and Sengupta, 2016). I would
emphasize on data security. Further, following are the major components.

Data is effective as allow to record important information of business such as plans of future
financial plans, with vision and mission.

AIS mobile will enable to store, download as well as analyze the data process of business. It will
improve the reality, consistency with appropriate security.

People, instructions, and procedures present instruction used through collet and store information
of user. This includes automatic as well as manual procedures.

Infrastructure is basic hardware structure which effectively used for operating AIS. It focuses on
speed, capacity of store in which data can be easily expanded and upgraded.

Internal level control gives particular guidelines which complied to protect sensitive as well as
confidential information. Implementation should be secure through monitory on timely basis that
save from occurrences of discrepancy.

Sending employees to effective work within the Iraq will relied on many factors with decisions
and some of the important points are as follow.

Capability to response from employees with willingness will play an important role to decide an

Capability of every individual working is different and varies as per situation. Decision would be
complete as per the employees that enable to gain best productivity.

Governing laws as well as regulations are vital for company to maintain best capability through
ethics and culture.

This is important to develop connection with subordination as enable to connect with advice to
decide level of productivity.

There will be focus on the highly experienced employed by me that improve the safety of peers
as well as subordinates.

Management of situation is vary from person to person as known as technical skills that carried
through few employees which is vital to decide efficiency.

Ariyani, W. and Daryanto, A., 2018. Operationalization of Internal Analysis Using the VRIO
Framework: Development of Scale for Resource and Capabilities Organization (Case Study:
XYZ Company Animal Feed Business Unit). Asian Business Research Journal, 3, pp.9-14.

Chuang, S.H. and Lin, H.N., 2017. Performance implications of information-value offering in e-
service systems: Examining the resource-based perspective and innovation strategy. The Journal
of Strategic Information Systems, 26(1), pp.22-38.

Chopra, S., Meindl, P. and Kalra, D.V., 2013. Supply chain management: strategy, planning,
and operation (Vol. 232). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Luiz, J., Stringfellow, D. and Jefthas, A., 2017. Institutional complementarity and substitution as
an internationalization strategy: The emergence of an African multinational giant. Global
Strategy Journal, 7(1), pp.83-103.

Monczka, R.M., Handfield, R.B., Giunipero, L.C. and Patterson, J.L., 2015. Purchasing and
supply chain management. Cengage Learning.

Song, J.J. and Sung, H., 2015. A study on relation between strategic attributes of technological
resources and competitive advantage: Empirical analysis of VRIO framework by using
technology evaluation results of technology based SMEs. Journal of Korea Technology
Innovation Society, 18(3), pp.416-443.

Sui, S. and Baum, M., 2014. Internationalization strategy, firm resources and the survival of
SMEs in the export market. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(7), pp.821-841.

Shaw, J.D., Park, T.Y. and Kim, E., 2013. A resource‐based perspective on human capital losses,
HRM investments, and organizational performance. Strategic management journal, 34(5),

Wang, H.M.D. and Sengupta, S., 2016. Stakeholder relationships, brand equity, firm
performance: A resource-based perspective. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), pp.5561-

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