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Participating in Workplace Communication
In the workplace, you will be dealing with different kinds of people and industries for
work and business transactions. Thus, it is crucial for you to know the necessary skills
to communicate to these various sources. Welcome to the second module of the
communication course: "Participating in Workplace Communication." 
This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to gather, interpret,
and convey information in response to workplace requirements.  For the first part of this
module, we will discuss obtaining and conveying workplace communication. Meanwhile,
the second part of this module will focus on completing relevant work-related

Unit 1: Obtaining and Conveying Workplace Communication
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
1.    Identify different types of communication sources;
2.    Acquire skills needed to communicate to various sources;
3.    Identify different types of communication media and storages; and
4.    Compare advantages and disadvantages of different communication media and

Lesson 1: Communication Sources

Indeed, communication is a vital part of being a team. However, there are other people,
besides your team, you also need to communicate with. These are the appropriate
sources. These are the people who communicate relevant information with you, such as
requests, commands, and inquiries.

These sources are classified as internal and external sources.

Internal Sources
Internal Sources refer to the people who are already inside or are already part of your
company that you communicate with. This includes:

 Team Members
 Supervisor/Department Head
External Sources
External Sources refer to the people outside your company you communicate with. This

 Suppliers
 Trade Personnel
 Local Government

Although they are termed as sources, in a true communication flow, these sources can either
play the role of a sender or a receiver of the message.

Lesson 1: Communication Sources

Topic 1: Communicating with Team Members

Communicating effectively with your team builds a happy and healthy workplace. It makes the
team more efficient and the work easier for everyone. Whether dealing with agreeable or difficult
workmates, here are some tips to ensure effective communication.
Take responsibility and be a good example
As the one who understands, take the responsibility of being the model of what you
want your members to be. Lead your team by setting a good example.

Learn how to adjust depending on the personality of your team members. Understand
them by observing both their verbal and nonverbal cues. Their personalities will affect
how they would respond and communicate.

Discuss communication issues

If there are problems in the workplace, talk directly to the ones involved. Avoid sharing
stories to those who are not involved in the problem. Always talk things out and never
let conflicts pass without talking about it.

Discuss rift among members

If your team members have personal issues with each other, try to help in resolving it by
listening to everyone’s grievances. Be sincere in talking to them. Make your team
members feel secure in sharing problems to you. Mediate if you can. Make sure to
apply your active listening and understanding skills.

Keep a tight agenda

Always know what to talk about and when to talk about these things. Do not deviate
from your plans. Allot right timing for everything. When in a meeting, provide your team
members a detailed agenda of what you are going to talk about.

Ask for questions from others
Check if things have been clear to everybody. Encourage them to ask questions and
clarify instructions.

Topic 2: Communicating with a

Supervisor/Department Head
Communicating with bosses, supervisors, and department heads can be challenging
especially if you feel very inferior to them. However, communicating with them does not
need to feel challenging or intimidating.

Here are some tips to help you communicate with them effectively:

  Go straight to the point. Do not say unnecessary things. Respect their time.
 Show numbers and visual representations. When presenting numbers to your
boss, do not just present them in paragraph forms.
 Schedule your appointment. Do not expect that they are always ready for an
ambush talk. They are busy people and their time is precious.
 Prepare your agenda. Before speaking to your boss, plan what you need to say.
Make a list. This will help you remember all your concerns.
 Be solution-focused. When consulting problems, always have a solution in mind.

Topic 3: Communicating With Suppliers

Communicating with your suppliers is as important as communicating with your
customers. It saves you from future problems regarding the services and products
provided to you. Keep in mind that you and your suppliers need each other.

1.)   Specify what you want.

If you want a specific part of a chicken, or a specific size of a vegetable, say it to your
suppliers. Order exactly what you want to get.

2.)   Avoid jargon

Jargon are words that only you and those in your industry understand. Make sure to
give clear instructions and clarify whether your suppliers understand them.  For
example, instead of saying “I need a low-boy” say “I need a refrigerator that can be put
under the counter."

3.)   Talk as if they are customers

Just like making sure to have regular customers, it is also important to make sure you
have regular suppliers. Maintain good relationship with them. Talk to them clearly,
concisely, and politely.

4.)   Put things in paper

As much as possible, make transactions between you and your suppliers legal. Have
contracts if necessary. Write down your agreements.

5.)   Communicate regularly

Once in a while, update your suppliers whether they are still operational or whether they
still have what you need. This will save you from cramming on where to find other
suppliers when they fail.

Topic 4: Communicating with Trade Personnel
Trade personnel are people skilled in a specific task. They provide services. Maintaining
constant communication with them is very important especially when you depend on
their services.

Here are some tips to effectively communicating with trade personnel:

1.    Be precise with what you want. Most trade personnel want to know what specific
things they need to do for you.

2.    Ask them how much time is needed to complete their tasks.

3.    Ask them what other things you need to prepare in advance.

4.    Do not be too demanding. Know their limitations.

Topic 5: Communicating with Industry Bodies

Communicating with industries and organizations can be both overwhelming and
challenging. Some cannot be tapped immediately. Here are several ways to reach
industry bodies.

1. Reach them through email

Communicating through email gives a more formal appeal than communicating through
phone. However, not all industries respond immediately to emails.

2. Be updated on their newsletters and magazines

Important announcements and development of the industry bodies’ projects are

published through their newsletters and magazines. Knowing these things can be
effective when building rapport with your industry partner.

3. Networking meetings

To talk to them personally, you can attend network meetings. This would be helpful
especially if your concerns are urgent and need face-to-face communication.

Topic 6: Communicating with Local Government

Communicating with the local government, especially regarding legal matters, can be
challenging. You need to go to different stages and offices, and talk to different people.
However, there will be instances wherein you will be obliged to communicate with them.

Here are some ways on how to communicate to local government.

1. Be present in the different events that the local government is organizing to be aware
of the internal processes that they do.

 Council annual planning

 Council consultations
 Other proposals

2.         Directly talking to officials.

3.         Monitoring of Local Government performance

Topic 7: Communicating with Customers/Guests

Of course, communicating effectively with your customers is essential in maintaining the
reputation of any business. When employees are polite and are effective
communicators, customers will most likely come back to avail services. In order
to maximize your customer communication skills, here are some points to

1. Establish a genuine relationship.

2. Listen well.
3. Use easy words, and not jargon when explaining complex topics.
4. Address issues or misunderstanding immediately.

Effective customer communication skills also increase the likelihood of customers going
back to your establishment. Thus, communication is really needed in increasing trust
and reliability of your business or organization. Here are some tips you can apply in
order to keep connected with your customers:

1. Send e-Newsletters or emails informing them of new promos or offers.

2. Give out survey sheets to see their needs and opinions.
3. Use social media platforms to keep your audience informed and updated.

Handing Difficult Customers

Handling difficult situations will be unavoidable when you get to the industry. However,
here are 3As that you should keep in mind should such occurrence occur.

1.         Apologize. Immediately say sorry to the persons involved.

2.        Attempt to solve the problem.

3.        Alert your supervisor.

Activity: Say What?

Say What?
Directions: Read the following situations and choose the best response for each

1. In the office, you happen to hear some bad rumors about your certain workmate.
They ask your opinion if you think the rumor is true. How do you respond to them?

a. "I'm not sure. Maybe let's ask what the others think."

b. "I don't think we should be talking it behind his back. Let's just talk to him directly
about this."

c. "Really! How true is this!?"

correct is b

Problems should be addressed directly if anyone is concerned. Sharing stories,

especially gossip and rumors, should be avoided in the workplace.

2. After a team meeting, all the tasks have been divided among the group. What do you
do before ending the meeting?

a. "..."

b. "Okay. That ends today's meeting."

c. "Any questions? Clarifiations?"

correct is c

Questions and clarifications should be addressed and answered as soon as possible to

avoid mishaps and delay in the future.
3. After serving for many years in your organization, you came to realize your salary
nevery changed despite the added workload. You want to talk to your boss about
getting a raise. How do you communicate with your boss?

a. You tell him about how you started off in the company, accomplishments you have
achieved, milestones, and several stories in the workplace. Then you conclude by
asking for a raise.

b. You give a brief reason justifying how you think you need a raise.

c. You talk about your workload and duties over the years, hoping that the boss will
realize and ask you himself that you deserve a raise.

correct is

It is always important to get straight to the point and tell him/her what you need.

4. You wanted to propose a new idea for a project you ar thinking will benefit the
organization. You've prepared an outline and a small presentation about your proposal
to your boss. How do you approach him/ her?

a. Send an e-mail, asking your boss the best time to propose the idea, then, wait
patiently for a reply.

b. Knock on the office, with a laptop and a few notes. Upon entry, mention that you are
going to present the proposal.

c. Send a letter with the attached proposal paper and leave it at your boss's desk.

correct is a

You boss, like any other workmate, is a busy person. Respect her time and expect that
she won't be available for ambush every time.
5. Your boss tasked you to urgently request 5 pieces of photocopying machines from
your supplier. You are on the phone with the supplier, what do you tell him/ her?

a. "Can you send a list of available products that you have in my email? Thanks!"

b. "Can we have five units of photocopying machines delivered in the office within this
week? Thank you!"

c. "We need a few Xerox machines in the office. Thanks!"

correct is b

Specify your needs; the quantity and the specifiations if specified. Always get straight to
the point especially since this is an urgent request.

6. In a phone call, your supplier asks you if you want to avail for a new promo package
of office supplies with a large discount. The team gives you the go signal to take the
offer. What else do you ask supplier?

a. None. Tell them to charge it to the company and have it delivered right away.

b. Ask for the contract and where you will sign your agreed negotiation.

c. Negotiate for better offers.

correct is b

It is important to put things in paper because contracts are important to make sure that
transactions and agreements are legal and recorded.

7. Your organization hired carpenters as trade personnel to build the office extension.
You boss asked you to supervise them with whatever they need to keep track of the
efficiency of the extension. How do you think you can ask them?

a. "May I ask how much time you need to finish the extension?"

b. "Will the extension be finished soon?"

c. "Please have it done by next week since we need work space already. Thank you."

correct is a

Always consult them about their time and not rushing them to not sacrifice the quality of
their tasks. Be considerate and clear.

8. You boss tells you if you can ask the carpenters if they can install the electrical
wirings as well of the extension they are building. How do you respond to your boss?

a. "Uhm... okay I will try to ask them even if it is not in their job description, Madam."

b. "Madam, I hink we should ask an electrician for that matter."

c. "It's not my job, Madam."

correct is b.

You should know that trade personnel have their own skills fit for a certain job. You
cannot ask people to do all the work just because they are available already. Instead, in
this case, electricians should be outsourced for the job.

9. As a manager, it came to your attention how two of your employees are in an

unhealthy competition in sales. Both employees make unnecessary remarks and
critiques to each other and the two don't take the critisims very well, merely worsening
their treatment to each other. How do you manage them?

a. Let the issues subside. Most likely they will get along in time.

b. Facilitate between the two parties and facilitate conversations.

c. Give them warning on misconduct and unprofessionalism.

correct is b
Dialogue is important for any conflicting parties. They should unite with their differences.
And good communication is key to resolving issues within team members.

10. A colleague asked you to help her with getting familiarized with the local
government unit of the city. She says she would need contacts in the future for
developing local knowledge of the hotel's services. What advice can you give her?

a. "There's a long process. Just give up on coordinating with them."

b. "For now, you can attend different events of the LGU so you are familiar with the
internal processes."

c. "Maybe you could just ask someone else."

correct is b

Understanding the process will be easier in the long run as she continues familiarizing
herself with the process and the people involved

Lesson 2: Presenting Yourself in the

Topic 1: Presenting Yourself - Voice

Your voice is the sound produced by your vocal organs and it is affected by many
factors such as pitch, volume, rate, quality, etc. Make sure that all these factors work
together in order to deliver your message well. Here are what you should consider in
order to present your voice:

 Pitch – the highness or lowness of your voice

 Volume – how loudly or softly you should speak
 Rate – the speed of your speech
 Intelligibility – if the message is understandable
 Articulation – using the tongue, teeth, palette, jaw, and lips in order to produce
vocal sound
 Pronounciation – form and accent of various syllable of a word
 Accent – Inflection, tone, speech habits of a speaker
 Vocal expression – variety in voice which can be a achieved by changing and
appropriating the pitch, volume, rate, as well as stressing certain words and
 Monotony – should be avoided since it is lack of vocal expression. This occurs
when there is just a constant pitch, volume, and rate.

Topic 2: Presenting Yourself - Appearance

Appearance play a major role in communicating effectively. It can boost an employee’s
confidence and it can also represent the image of the organization or the industry where
the employee works for. In addition to that, good appearances can also maintain a good
first impression; thus, it really is something that should not be overlooked. Here are
some tips in presenting a good physical appearance:

1.    Consider the receiver of your message and the situation

 Always consider your audience and make sure that your appearance fit their
expectations. Dress appropriately. Doing so would increase your credibility in
delivering the message.

2.    Consider the topic and the purpose

 For example, the more serious your topic or purpose is, the more formal you
should dress. If there is also a set uniform for a specific situation, you should
adhere to these rules.

3.    Do not be over the top

 Too much of something is never admirable. For example, too much make-up or
extreme clothing may distract your audience instead of actually paying attention
to you.

Besides these guidelines, here are some basic grooming tips that you can apply in the


o Complete uniform should be:

o Clean and wrinkle free
o Replaced when they are no longer up to standard
o Worn properly
o Shoes and socks/stockings suitable for the job
o No missing button

Name Plate

o Should be worn at all times

o Worn on the left side of the chest


o Short and well-trimmed for males

o Tied up for females
o Must be natural colored
o With hairnet for females
o Clean and shaven beard for males


o Short and trimmed

o Nail without polish
o Must be cleaned regularly


o Only simple earrings for females is allowed

o No other jewelry except for wedding ring and wrist watch

Make up

o Excessive make up is not allowed

o No visible tattoos are allowed

o Strong perfumes are not allowed
o Must use deodorant or antiperspirant daily.

Personal hygiene

o Take a bath before going to work

o Brush teeth regularly
o Hands and face must be washed regularly

Personal belongings

o Personal bags are not allowed in the work areas

o Mobile phones and gadgets are also not allowed in the work areas

Topic 1: Participate in Simple Conversation with

Starting Conversations
Starting conversations is not an easy task; however, it is necessary to keep
relationships in tact in the workplace. Executing and understanding opening statements
are necessary skills in the workplace. Learning this skill can leave a good impression to
your co-workers, while neglecting this skill may cause misunderstanding and confusion
in the workplace.

Examples of Opening Statements:

 How are you?

 Have you eaten?
 Anything new today?
 Are you busy?
 What time do you finish work?
 Good morning!
 Nice to meet you.
 Where are you from?

Suggestions when starting conversations:

1. Find common interests.

2. Listen well.
3. Relax.
4. Avoid gossip and controversies.
5. Be genuine.

Closing Conversations 
Meanwhile, closing out conversations is just as important as initiating conversations. If
not done properly, your listener may be left hanging and you can come off rudely. The
key to concluding conversations is to make sure that both you and the receiver enjoyed
the conversation. You don’t want to make a customer feel unwanted because he/she
seemed like a boring conversation partner. Instead, you would want someone to learn
something from your talk or to gain something positive from the conversation.

Examples of Concluding Statements:

 Thank you. I had a nice talk with you.

 Goodbye. I hope to talk with you again soon.
 Thank you for staying at Hotel Eleganza!
 Have a great time.
 I will call again to confirm. Thank you.

Suggestions when ending conversations:

1. Be genuine.
2. Use appropriate closing remarks.
3. Be clear and direct. Do not be ambiguous.
4. End on a good note.
5. Avoid unnecessary comments.

Topic 2: Respond to Simple Requests
Do not be afraid to ask for clarifications especially when there are things you do not
understand. When you do understand a task, it is important to confirm whether you
have received the message effectively.

Confirm Understanding
You could use short messages or nonverbal language to communicate your
understanding to your supervisor.
Examples of short responses:

 Understood.
 Yes, Sir/Ma’am.
 Noted, Sir/Ma’am.

Nonverbal language to showing understanding of simple requests

1. Thumbs up
2. Okay hand gestures
3. Nodding your head
4. Doing the instruction correctly.

Asking for Repetition and Clarification

There will be times when requests will be quite difficult to understand. However, the
challenge is that people find it hard to clarify questions because they feel shy or they
think that they are not eloquent enough. This topic will aid you in politely and effectively
asking for clarification in the workplace:


 Could you please repeat your order, Sir/Ma’am?

 Sorry, I did not catch that. Would you care to repeat?
 Can we go over again, please?
 I would like to confirm that you would want me to...
 So, I should be...
 What would you like me to do?

Make sure to give yourself time to understand the instruction first. Repeat the instruction
to confirm, and if you still cannot understand the instruction, ask for repetition of the
Topic 3: Make Simple Requests
Polite language is a good form of first impression. Using polite language in the
workplace, especially when requesting something, will make you appear more
agreeable in the workplace. Failing to use polite language when making requests will
make you seem rude or demanding.

Using the words, “Please”, “Thank you”, “Will you…”, is helpful in constructing polite


 May you please give this form to...

 I was wondering if I can have a glass of water, please.
 Thank you so much.
 May I have your name, please?

Do not forget to express your gratitude when people respond to your request. When you
fail to affirm the person by expressing your thanks, it may lead to negative feelings.
Saying even a simple “Thank you” can be uplifting to a person.

How about those who do not respond to your request? There will be times when some
people would not agree or respond to your request. However, the best way to address
this is to still approach them with kindness and professionalism.
Topic 4: Express Likes, Dislikes, and Interests

Different people have varying opinions, especially in the workplace. You will encounter
various people with different likes, dislikes, and interests. Thus, knowing how to adapt to
these kinds of situations will be helpful in dealing with your co-workers and in avoiding
misunderstanding and confusion.

The present simple past tense is used in order to talk about things you like or things that
interest you. The present simple tense can also be used to express dislike or discomfort
toward a certain person, activity, or situation. Whatever the likes or dislikes of your co-
workers may be, it is important to approach them kindly.

Here are some phrases or expressions that can assist you in expressing your likes,
dislikes, and interests:

Expressing your interest

 I love...
 I like...
 I enjoy...
 I am into...
 I am fond of...

Expressing your disinterest

You can use the negative forms of the verbs you used in expressing your likes in order
to show your dislike. For example:

  I am not into...
 I am not fond of...
 I am tired of...
 Maybe you can improve on this...

The most crucial part in agreeing or disagreeing is the way you deliver the statement. 
Disagreeing should not come off as disagreeable or rude, and expressing likes or
interest should not come off as fake. Be genuine when expressing that you like
something, yet be kind when expressing disinterest.

Topic 5: Giving and Receiving Constructive Feedback

Sandwich Technique
A method known as sandwich technique is also helpful in expressing your criticism or
dislike in the workplace. Basically, the sandwich technique involves three steps:

1. Start with a positive comment.

2. Say the constructive criticism while still using an affirmative tone.
3. End with another positive observation or comment.

This is called the sandwich method because you “sandwich” a criticism between two
positive comments. Using the sandwich method helps in lessening the damage of a
negative statement and the same time, affirming the receiver of his/her efforts.

Scenario: A workmates is too energetic and positive every morning that it distracts other
employees from working. How would you confront this situation?

Using the sandwich method:  "Janet, I noticed your bright aura every morning and its
just refreshing since it’s also encouraging to some of us here in the office. However, I
heard that it can somehow be a bit distracting to your other workmates, so let’s try to
balance the positive energy and the interactions between you and your workmates. But
it is encouraging Janet. Some have affirmed you for having an encouraging aura."

Lesson 3: Participating in Workplace

Meetings and Discussions
Topic 6: Work Meeting Etiquette
Good First Impression
First impressions are important because it can greatly influence how people would be
treating you in the future. If you gave off an aloof impression, people will most likely
treat you the same in future interactions. When you treat people politely and
professionally, you will get respect in the workplace. Here are some tips in making good
first impressions:

 Maintain eye contact

 Give a gentle, but firm handshake.
 Genuinely smile at people
 Dress professionally
 Be alert! Avoid falling asleep during meetings.

On treating people

 Learn people’s names. Keep their business cards. Forgetting people’s names will make
it seem like you do not care about the person.
 Do not judge people based on their job position. Treat managers, maintenance staff
members, and administrative support staff the same way.
 Be careful when sharing your personal life with co-workers.
 Respect people’s personal space. Know proxemics. Before getting overly familiar or
comfortable, check whether the other person is comfortable.

E-mail correspondence

 Compose grammatically correct e-mails. This ensures professionalism in the workplace.

 Return calls and e-mails within 24 hours. Do not forget to reply.
 Avoid using CAPS LOCK.

During Meetings

 Arrive on time.
 Do not judge people.
 Listen well.
 Express your opinions politely.
 Avoid confrontations. There is a time and place to confront someone, and it should never
be done in a meeting. Doing so will be embarrassing for the both of you and can result to
more conflict.

Activity: Now What?

Now what?
Directions: Read the following situations and choose the best response for each

1. During a meeting, which of these do you observe while listening?

a. Maintain eye contact and avoid falling asleep during the meeting

b. Avoid eye contact as much as possible

c. Arrive late

correct is a

Maintaining eye contact is important to show that you are interested to the discussion.

2. You are not good with remembering names especially after the first meeting. Which is
the best practice so you would remember them?

a. Nothing

b. Ask each time if you forget

c. Keep their business cards

correct is c

Business cards are important to remember names, their position, and their affiliation.
This is the best practive in professional interactions.

3. You are tasked to check your colleague's output. Even after your comments, he did
not do what you asked. You feel angry because the deadline was a week ago. How do
you respond to him?

a. Scold him in front of everyone

b. Be patient and talk to him properly at a good time and place

c. Do nothing
correct is b

Avoid confrontations as much as possible if these cases can be talked in private. And if
the two of you talk properly, further conflict will be avoided.

Lesson 4: Communication Storages

There are two ways of storing data- the manual filing system and computer filing system.
Manual filing system refers to the act of storing data in paper files, folders, and cabinets.
Computer-filing system refers to the act of storing data in electronic devices.


Manual Filing

- Filing is less complex

- Files cannot be tampered or edited illegally

Computer Filing

- The texts are searchable thus the files are easir to access

- Cost is cheaper because there is no need to buy supplies

- Files can be edited immediately and shared to people from distant place


Manual Filing

- Files can be physically damaged

- Files can be slower and harder to access because they need to be looked for manually

- Files cannot be edited thus a new copy should be produced when mistakes occur

- Files may be out of order depending on who handles them

Computer Filing

- Confidential files can be hacked and accessed by anyone

- Accessing files may be complex especially to those who do not know how to use computers

opic 1: Manual Filing System


 Filing is less complex.

 Files cannot be tampered or edited illegally.


 Files can be physically damaged due to fire, flooding etc.

 Files can be slower and harder to access because they need to be looked for
 Files cannot be edited thus a new copy should be produced when mistakes
 Files may be out of order depending on who handles them.

Topic 2: Computer Filing System


 The texts are searchable thus the files are easier to access
 Cost is cheaper because there is no need to buy supplies like cabinets, folders,
and papers.
 Files can be edited immediately and shared to people even from distant places.


 Confidential files can be hacked and accessed by anyone.

 Accessing files may be complex especially to those who do not know how to use

Topic 3: Storing Organizational Information

Information that has been collected and assessed for relevance to the organisation’s
activities is usually stored for future use, or passed on to another person for use within
the organisation. These records must be stored in their correct place directly after using
them, so that they can easily be located when needed again.

Records are often stored for many years, so the storage system needs to keep records
in good condition, secure and accessible. Your organisation may have different systems
for storing:

 print documents
 electronic documents
 confidential documents
 archive documents.

Archives are old documents that are kept in long-term storage. These documents
cannot be destroyed, for legal or other reasons, before a specified date.

Much of the stored information should be kept confidential, and your organisation will
have developed policies and procedures relating to storing and disclosing of
information, based on privacy legislation and regulations.

Information Storage Protocols

The organisation in which you work is responsible for the safe and secure storage and
handling of its documents and records. This system must be supported by your
organisation’s policies and procedures for documentation, methods of filing and
retrieval, release of information and maintenance of confidentiality.

Examples of relevant policies include:

 Record keeping policy

 Access policy for confidential information
 Record disposal policy
 Confidentiality policy
 Privacy policy

Legal and Operational Requirements

The storage of most operational documents, and particularly personal and case-related
documents, is prescribed by legislation or organizational protocol.

Using Databases
A database refers to any structured collection of data, for example, sets of client records
saved on a computer, or kept in files or folders in a cabinet, or contact details or records
kept on an index card system. Protocols for naming files and storing them in appropriate
folders will enable other staff to locate and access the documents they require.
Regardless of its physical format, you still need to rely on information being up-to-date
and accurate. When access to the database is open to many users, maintenance of the
data can be more difficult and critical.

Strategies for ensuring accuracy of data need to be formalised in a system. This system should
be time-efficient, simple to use and effective. All users need to be educated regarding their
responsibilities to ensure ongoing maintenance

Unit 2: Completing Relevant Work-Related Documents

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

1. Identify different types of workplace forms;

2. Accomplish relevant work-related forms; and
3. Determine how to utilize electronic media.

Lesson 1: Guidelines in Completing

Relevant Work-Related Documents
It is unavoidable that as part of the workforce, you would need to submit work-related
documents. Documents are necessary to ensure formality and record-keeping in the
workplace. It can also demonstrate the professionalism of an employee. Forms may
include HR/Personnel forms, telephone message forms, safety reports, etc.

Written communication is just another mode of communication. Thus, it is important for

employees to be able to understand written texts, as well as create them. For this unit, different
workplace forms will be identified. In addition to that, guidelines that must be followed when
accomplishing written documents will also be tackled.

Lesson 1: Guidelines in Completing

Relevant Work-Related Documents
Topic 1: Guidelines in Completing Relevant Work-
Related Documents
Workplace Forms and Documents

Most business operations rely on complete and accurate workplace

documents for communication, information management and record
keeping. Your role may require you to write emails and letters, and
complete documents and reports

Determine authorizations and permissions

You might prepare documents to be signed by delegated persons, or

be authorized to sign certain documents yourself. Some information
is protected by privacy and confidentiality policies that determine
who can see it.

Identify any rules and formats that apply

Organizations are often specific about how to present formal

correspondence and case management notes, as well as reporting and
record keeping, including for legal purposes. Workplace guidelines,
templates and forms are often provided to ensure that these tasks are
completed correctly.

Check your information thoroughly

Misleading, incorrect or missing information is not only frustrating

for the people who process or refer to the information; it could have
client service, financial, duty of care or reporting implications for
which your organization is legally liable. If you are in rural or
regional areas, incorrect information could delay important processes
that could severely affect your client. If you are unsure how to fill
out forms or complete documentation, always ask – don’t guess.

Lesson 1: Guidelines in Completing

Relevant Work-Related Documents
Topic 2: Administrative Protocols
A protocol is simply a set of rules that describe the standard way to approach a task.
Following administrative protocols means that you perform tasks in accordance with
your organization’s policies, procedures, and expectations.

Some of the areas covered by administrative protocols may include:

 designated officers required to approve or sign a document

 time frames set for completion or submission
 restrictions on who can access or use the information
 storage and archiving requirements
 obtaining comparative quotes for goods or services.

Lesson 1: Guidelines in Completing

Relevant Work-Related Documents
Topic 3: Communicating Your Message

On occasion, you may be required to develop a new form or document for a specific purpose.
The format you choose will be determined by the preference of your organisation. Whatever
format you choose, pay particular attention to how well your document conveys your message,

• its purpose, message and audience 

• the layout of the information

• use of headings and paragraphs to make the document easy to read

• use of logos, disclaimers, privacy, and copyright statements.

Topic 4: Organizational Policies and Procedures

Procedures provide specific guidelines for completing a task, such as filling out and
submitting a form. The procedures are normally based on organisational policy, which
deals with broad issues, roles and functions relating to the specific area, such as case
management, workplace safety or purchasing.

f you are unsure of the policies or procedures that apply in your workplace, ask a more
experienced co-worker to assist you, or refer to your organisation’s guidelines or
manuals. Procedures you must follow may be similar to the following examples:

Most business operations rely on complete and accurate workplace documents for
communication, information management and record keeping. Your role may require
you to write emails and letters, and complete documents and reports.

You might prepare documents to be signed by delegated persons, or be authorized to

sign certain documents yourself. Some information is protected by privacy and
confidentiality policies that determine who can see it.

Organisations are often specific about how to present formal correspondence and case
management notes, as well as reporting and record keeping, including for legal
purposes. Workplace guidelines, templates and forms are often provided to ensure that
these tasks are completed correctly.

Misleading, incorrect, or missing information is not only frustrating for the people who
process or refer to the information; it could have client service, financial, duty of care or
reporting implications for which your organisation is legally liable. If you are in rural or
regional areas, incorrect information could delay important processes that could
severely affect your client. If you are unsure how to fill out forms or complete
documentation, always ask – don’t guess.

Lesson 2: Types of Workplace Forms

Topic 1: Formal Letter
Block Letter
The most commonly used format for business letters is the Block format. In this format,
all the parts are aligned left. Block format uses single spacing.

Parts of a Business Letter

1.       Date – State the month, date, and year that you wrote the letter.

2.       Sender’s name and address – State your name and company address. This
part is sometimes no longer required when writing business lettters.
3.       Inside address – State the complete name of the receiver of yur message. If you
can, also include his/her position in the organization. Also add the address of her

4.       Salutation – Remember to use a colon ( : ) instead of a comma ( , ) since this is

a business letter.

5.       Body Text – State the reason why you are qriting the letter. Do not forget to use
a professional and affirmative note when writing the content of your letter.

6.       Closing/”Call to Action” – At the end, mention what your receiver needs to do
or how to reach you should there be follow-up questions.

7.       Signature – End your letter with your signature. Use black or blue ink only.

Guidelines in Writing a Business Letter

1.       Use a professional tone and save chatty, lengthy, and casual language for email.
Business letters should be professional sounding, yet friendly.

2.       Be clear. Be straightforward when writing your letter. Avoid using jargon or words
that will not be understood by your receiver.

3.       Organize your information well. Before writing your letter, you can write an outline
first to organize information first.

4.       Know your reader. Write the appropriate message for your receiver. If they follow
a style guide or guidelines in their organization, use that format when writing your letter.

5.       Do not forget your “call to action”. Do not let your reader hanging at the end. Let
them know what they should do after getting your letter. In addition to that, let them
know how they can reach you should they have follow-up questions.

6.       Proofread! Check if there are any errors or information which you forgot to add.

Letter of Insufficiency in Supply

Lesson 2: Types of Workplace Forms
Topic 2: Memorandum

A memorandum is a workplace document intended to point out and resolve issues.

1.)   At the top of the page, type MEMORANDUM

2.)   TO: (Intended receiver)

3.)   FROM: (Sender of the memo)

4.)   CC: (Carbon Copy/ other secondary receivers)

5.)   DATE: (Date the memo is made)

6.)   SUBJECT: (The problem that needs to be addressed)

7.)   In writing the body, skip the salutation.

8.)   Introduce the problem in the first paragraph.

9.)   Suggest the needed solutions.

10.)  Close the Memo with a warm note such as:

“I am looking forward to your response.”

11.)  Sign your name below.

12.)  Use Arial typeface unless your organization has a standard format.

Topic 3: Circular

A circular is a formal and official letter addressed to a group of people in the workplace,
a department, or a whole organization.

1.)   Letter Indexing. The first line refers to the organizational level and the second line
refers to the specific department a circular is addressed to.

2.)   Date

3.)   Receivers

4.)   Subject: (What the letter is all about)

5.)   Body
6.)   Sign off with “yours faithfully,”

7.)   Sender’s name and position

Topic 4: Notice
Notices are short formal documents that are sent to send urgent or important matters.

What a notice shall contain:

 Name of the issuing workplace or organization

 Date
 Eye-catching header
 Description of the header
 Purpose why it is written
 Other important details

Types of notices:

 Notice of an event
 Lost and Found notice
 Notice about future tours, camps, or fairs  

Lesson 3: Utilizing Electronic Media

Topic 1: Social Media

Because of the emergence of the social media, different offices have enforced policies
regarding the proper use of them. Our social media accounts represent us and we
represent our companies. When using the social media, remember some of these basic

●     Stay professional and polite.

●     Don’t spread gossip and malicious content.

●     Don’t share personal information.

●     Adhere to your organization’s social media policy

●     When using social media as a workplace communication tool, stay professional

when chatting with others.

●     You may talk informally if the conversation permits but never forget to address
people accordingly.

●     Double check your messages or posts.

Topic 2: E-Mail

Electronic mail (e-mail) is the most commonly used medium of communication in the
workplace especially when you are communicating with people away from you.

Here are some rules when sending e-mails:

1.    Always add a subject.

o Your subject should contain what your e-mail is about. Make your subject
sound professional. It should also be clear and concise. Avoid using ALL
CAPS as it may look like you are shouting to the receiver.

2.   Know the difference between the BCc and the Cc.

o BCc stands for Blind Carbon Copy while Cc stands for Carbon Copy.
When you use the BCc, the email address of those you sent the message
to will not be visible to others. On the other hand, when you use the Cc,
the e-mail addresses will be seen by others. Use the BCc when the
recipients do not each other. This will ensure their privacy. You can use
the Cc when the recipients belong to the same workplace.

3.   Address the recipient properly.

o Know your recipient. Know his/her full name and position. Add salutation.

4.   Compose your e-mail as if composing a formal letter.

o Take note of your proper capitalization, punctuations, and grammar.

5.   Be cautious when replying to all.

o Do not click reply to all if your message to a single person is not relevant
to others.

6.   Check your attachments.

o If you have attachments, state it in your message.


Attached in this e-mail is…

Attached herewith...

o Rename the files before attaching it. Avoid sending files with informal
o Make sure there really is an attachment if you say so.
o If you are sending large files, ask permission first. If the file is directed to
the drive, also state it in your e-mail.

7.   Include sign-offs before your name.



Respectfully yours,


8.   Limit your signature to 5-6 lines only.

Topic 3: Fax Machine

A facsimile or fax machine is used to send a document electronically to another fax

machine. Fax machines operate on phone network.

To send a document:

·         You need to have a fax machine and a working telephone.

·         Make sure your machine has ink (toner) and paper.

·         Take the document you want to send and place it in the feeder. Make sure it is
placed properly in the correct direction.

·         Dial the number you want to send the document to.

·         Press send.

In receiving a document:

·         Do not answer the phone when a fax document is being sent.

Set it to automatic if you want to receive a document

Topic 4: Text Messaging

Nowadays, Short Message Service (SMS) or text messaging is one of the most used
mediums when doing business transactions. However, it must be utilized with care.
Here are some guidelines should you decide to use text messages to communicate with
your communication sources:

1. Make sure that the message you are sending is appropriate to send via SMS. As
much as possible, it is more appropriate to use email in the workplace. However, SMS
can be used for urgent requests or when you immediately need feedback.

2. Do not send messages after work hours. Do not call a client to remind them of an
appointment during the wee hours of the night—may it be text or call.

3.  Keep it short and simple. Also avoid use of abbreviations and emoticons.

4. Use correct grammar and punctuation.

5.  Write text messages as if you were writing a formal business letter or email.

Activity: Think Before You Click!

Think before you click!

Read the following situations and think critically before choosing. Click "Appropriate" if the situation is
appropriate when utilizing electronic media and click "Whoops. That was inappropriate" if it is
undesirable online behavior.

1. Your team decided to use Facebook to relay urgent matters through a group chat. The boss chats,
saying that you will have a meeting today at 4 pm. One of your co-workers sent a meme GIF as a reply. Is
this appropriate?

answer: Whoops

Sending memes or gifs is very informal and is inappropriate online behavior. As much as possible, avoid
making unnecessary chats since it is still a digital workplace. It is preferred to reply "Noted" instead.

2. You were tasked to distribute company newsletter to different organization who are allies with your
company through e-mail. You used a Blind Carbon Copy to pass the files in order to ensure the privacy of
the different organizations.

answer: appropriate

Blind Carbon Copy or BCC is used when the recipients do not know each other. This will ensure their
3. Posting a Facebook status on the details of your work and what you do every day and posting tweets
about your workmates on Twitter since they do not follow you anyway.

answer: whoops

Some of your work may entail confidential information; thus, it would be inappropriate to share it on
social media. Also, talking about people rudely on social media is foul.

4. Maintaining the integrity of your Facebook profile through keeping things personal and avoiding from
posting anything related to work.

answer: appropriate

As much as possible, keep your Facebook profile as you are and avoid posting anything about work since
it may contain confidential information not for the public and not for every one to see

5. Posting about your workmate's rude behavior on Facebook and tagging your bosses.

answer: whoops

Internal issue should be handled inside the office and not online. Do not bring conflict outside the office.
This will reflect badly upon you and the organization which you represent.

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