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YMA – CWTS Research Report

Research Work in Barangay ___________, ____________

Date of Research: ________________________________

A. Research Team

Team Leader : :
Team Members :

B. Fieldwork Methodology/ Process/ Proceedings

(Summary of the processes & approaches conducted prior to, during and after the data gathering
exercises, including a description of how you carried out or conducted the various methodologies during
the actual fieldwork in your assigned community. You may also add your observations and/or insights
during the fieldwork.)

C. Results / Outputs

1. Focus Group Discussion/ Mind Mapping

- Participants’ name and profile
- FGD responses, appropriately clustered and coded
- Results of the dot democracy
- Major discussion points

2. Survey
- Profile of respondents (summarized/statistically treated)
- Summary of responses, appropriately clustered and coded

3. Transect/ Resource Inventory Mapping

- Transect Matrix, appropriately clustered and coded
- Spot Map

4. Conclusion
Top 3 assets, needs, opportunities, and threats, with explanation why the group came up with such.

5. Recommendations
Proposed potential actions or solutions that you and the community can do to protect the assets or
maximize the opportunities, or address the needs and possible threats, taking into consideration the
assets or resources available within the community. Explain your recommendations.

D. Annex

- Sample survey questionnaire

- Documentation photos with labels

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