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English II

Maria Tehlma mateo


Homework #1

I. Datos Generales
Nombre de la Asignatura: English II Código: INE 205
Unidades valorativas: 3 Duración del Modulo:

I. Specific Objectives:
-Use there is/there are to name places in a town or city.
-Identify the vocabulary of places in a town or city.
-Practice the use of prepositions of place when giving directions.
-Learn basic phrases to ask and give directions.
-Recognize the parts of the body.
-State opinions about art.
-Distinguish different house parts and their corresponding furniture.

II. Goals to achieve:

-Create a description of the town or city where you live.

-Be able to give a word picture of their house or an specific room in it.

-Use the English language to provide or ask for an address.

III. Development

Exercise 1

Make a description of the place where you live. Use there is and there are when
doing it. At least 8 sentences. Use at least three prepositions of place.
English II

Ex. I live in San Pedro Sula. There is a park near my house. There are many
restaurants and huge buildings. There´s a lot of traffic. I like how fast life is here
but I hate the noise.


I live in San Pedro Sula. There is a boulevard near my house. There are many trees.
There is a shopping plaza. There is a supermarket and restaurant. There are many
grocery stores. There is a barber shop in front of my house. There is a gym two
blocks from my house.

Exercise 2

Copy and paste a picture of a GPS location. ( workplace, home, special place to

Write the address and give instructions in how to get there.

Ex. This is the central park near my house. It is in the 3rd avenue and 1st street.
If you are from San Pedro Sula you can take a taxi cab or drive. Take the 1 st
street and stop at the Cathedral. It is in front of it. At least 8 lines.

This is the Zip San Jose Industrial Park. which is two blocks from my house. It

is on 27th street along the boulevard of the second ring. If you are from San

Pedro, you can get there by bus by taxi or by driving yourself. If you leave the

center you can drive alone on the 15th street when you reach the boulevard

you turn to the right. one block forward is the industrial park.

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