Admitted A 20y

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Admitted a 20y/o female with history of on and off fever accompanied by vomiting for several times

since last night now associated with abdominal pain and body weakness hence admitted

Patient denies respiratory symptoms and LBM

Serum k 3.1

A night prior to admission, patient experienced intermittent fever associated with vomiting. No consult
done, no medication taken.

Few hours prior to consult, persistence of above symptom now with body weakness and abdominal pain
prompted consult in this institution, hence admitted

-Px is a known case of Breast Ca with Mets, previously admitted at our institution 10 days PTA

-3 days PTA - persistent DOB with decreased appetite

-FH PTA - persistent and worsening DOB and no appetite. prompting consult and admission.

3 days prior to admission, patient started with natural therapy for her breast cancer with lung
metastasis and was also noted to have poor appetite. No complaints of fever noted

Few hours prior to consult, patient is already feeling weak, still with poor appetite. This prompted
consult in this institution, hence admitted.

cachectic looking


breast cancer with lung mets

> few hours ptc - the patient complained of dizziness, in which he complains he feels like falling to his
right. There was also pins and needles sensation on extremities. BP was 160/100, and was given losartan
50 mg and catapress 75 mcg SL. The patient was then brought here and admitted for further
3 days PTC - the patient while about to sleep, noticed chest heaviness and felt like fainting. She was then
brought to Naguilian District Hospital and BP was 190/110. The patient was given Losartan and Clonidine
sublingual, in which BP was lowered to 130/90, then sent home. At their house, when she was about to
sleep again, the patient again felt same symptoms, hence decided to be admitted back in Naguilian
District. At the Hospital, the patient’s BP was 180/110, hence admission. She was also found to have
mild UTI hence started on co amoxiclav, as well as dyslipidemia, hence started on atorvastatin. She was
also given furosemide and vitamin b complex.

few hours ptc - patient felt her palms and soles are sweating, as well as pins and needle sensation on
extremities, and chest pain in which she claims she feels these everytime her blood pressure increases.
BP was checked and revealed to be 160/110. Patient was injected with an unrecalled anti hypertensive
meds, and decided to be transferred here at our institution instead

Few hours PTA pt was noted to have decrease appetite with associated body weakness. No noted fever,
chills cough.

Pt was then brought to LMC and hence admitted

Chronic Kidney Disease Secondary to chronic Progressive Nephropathy; DiabeteS Mellitus, Non-Insulin
Requiring Select IDNumber to show medicines b


-Previous history of elevated BP but no maintenance meds

-history of vertigo

-gouty arhtritis - unrecalled meds

-consistently takes fish oil

ngina pectoris, HCVd, anxiety reaction

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