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Patient is known case of diabetes mellitus compliant to medication

2 weeks prior to admission patient had onset of intermittent right nape pain mild to moderate throbbing
in characteristics. Patient denies other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, difficulty of breathing, chest
pain, loose bowel movement. No consultation was done and no medication was taken.
1 week prior to admission patient had onset of headache non radiating, dizziness non rotatory
associated with generalized body weakness.
Few hour prior to admission patient had persistence of above symptoms therefore prompted consult
and was subsequently admitted at our institution for further evaluation and management.

Past medical hx
Past Medical History: (+) hypertension- 2009 on Neobloc, Losartan + HCTZ, (+) diabetes
mellitus-2008 on Insulin, Glyxambi, Pregabalin (+)URTI 2004, (-) asthma, (+) UTI 2011, (-) heart
disease, (-) cerebrovascular disease, (-) history of trauma, (+) previous operation: Debridement
And Excision Of Callus Right Foot 2019, (-) allergies to foods and drugs
Family History: (+) hypertension, (+) diabetes mellitus, (-) asthma, (-) heart disease, (-)
cerebrovascular disease, (-) cancer
Personal and Social History: patient is a non-smoker and non-alcohol beverage drinker

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