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Amador Valley High School

AP Testing 2019

● The registration period for AP Exams is January 14 - 31, 2019. ​January 31, 2019 is the last day
to sign up. ​Late registrations will be accepted until February 7 with a $50 late fee per AP exam.

● All AP exam registrations will be processed through the website:

● Exams are only available for courses offered at Amador. The fee is $100 per exam. Refunds are
only given during the registration period. If you decide not to take a test that you registered for, no
refund will be given.

● Students qualifying for the free/reduced lunch program are eligible for a fee waiver. Please click on
the following link and see “Eligibility Criteria for Schools NOT Participating in Community Eligibility”
for details: ​

● Exam arrival times are: ​7:20am​ for an 8:00am exam and ​11:20am​ for the 12:00pm exam.
Per College Board policy, late arrivals will not be admitted and will not be allowed to test.

● Approved calculators may be used on some exams (list of approved calculators:​).
You must bring your own calculator or see your teacher prior to the test to borrow one.

● If two exams are given at the same time, we will notify the student which exam will be taken first.

● No student will be admitted without a current school year ID​. If you do not have a current AVHS
ID, go to the Activities Desk to get an ID card as soon as possible (replacement ID cards are $5).

● Students are expected to attend the full day of school even if only taking a morning or afternoon test.

● Electronic equipment of any kind is ​NOT​ allowed in the testing room​. This includes cell
phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches (or anything with an alarm), iPods, cameras, etc.. If you
are in possession of any of these materials, your exam will be canceled.

● Snacks and water are ​NOT​ permitted in the testing room​. ​Students will ​NOT​ have access
to their backpacks/purses once admitted​. There will be an area outside the exam room to
check in food/water that can be accessed during a break. All food/water must be placed in a clear
bag with the student’s name on it, and will be left outside at the student’s own risk.

● Bring several No. 2 pencils (​NOT​ mechanical) and pens with blue or black ink.

● Testing locations will be posted in the main office windows and will be sent to you electronically.

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