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…………………………………………………………………………………..*Zài kāfēi tīng*

*At the café*

Syakila : Suraya, nà bùshì Haziq hé Amir?

Syakila : Suraya, they are Haziq and Amir right?

Suraya : shì a! wǒmen qù jiàn tāmen.

Suraya : That’s right! Let’s go and meet them.

Syakila : Haziq hé Amir, hǎojiǔ bǔ jiàn. Nǐmen hǎo ma?

Syakila : Haziq and Amir, long time no see. How are you guys?

Haziq : wǒmen hěn hǎo. hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào nǐmen liǎ!
Haziq : We are doing well. Nice to meet you two!

Amir : nà nǐ de kǎoshì chéngjì ne? wǒ de hěn hǎo.

Amir : What about the results of your final exam? Mine was good.

Suraya : wǒ hé Syakila de chèngjì hěn hǎo. Haziq, nǐ ne?

Suraya : Mine and Syakila’s result was good. What about you, Haziq?

Haziq : wǒ de chéngjì bùshì hěn hǎo, wǒ hěn nánguò.

Haziq : Mine was not good, I am very sad.

Syakila : bié nánguò, wǒmen yǐhòu huì bāngzhù nín de xuéxí.

Syakila : Don’t be sad. We will help you with your studies later.

Amir : zhège xuéqí kěndìng huì qǔdé hǎo chéngjì

Amir : You’ll definitely get good results this semester.

Haziq : xiè xiè nǐmen

Haziq : Thank you, guys.

Suraya : nǐmen zěnme qìngzhù kāizhāijié?

Suraya : How do you guys celebrate Hari Raya holiday

Amir : wǒ zài jiāxiāng Jílándān qìngzhù. cūnlǐ de qìfēn fēicháng rènào.

Amir : I celebrated in my hometown at Kelantan. The atmosphere in the
village is very lively.

Haziq : wǒ hái huì huí jiāxiāng, hé wǒ de zǔfùmǔ yīqǐ qìngzhù

Haziq : I also went back to my hometown and celebrated with my

Syakila : wǒ zhǐ zài Jílóngpō qìngzhù, yīnwèi wǒ méiyǒu jiāxiāng.

Syakila : I’m just celebrated in Kuala Lumpur because I have no any hometown.
Suraya : wǒ yěshì, Syakila. yīnwèi wǒ de zǔfùmǔ zài zhèlǐ.
Suraya : Me too, Syakila. It is because my grandparents lived here.

Amir : zài Hari Raya dì yī tiān, wǒ qù qīngzhēnsì zuò lǐbài le.

Amir : On the first day of Hari Raya, I went to the mosque to pray

Haziq : wǒ dà bùfēn shíjiān dōu zài chī hěnduō shíwù. wǒ ài chī zhūtóngfán,
zhēn hào chī.
Haziq : I spent most of the time with eating many kind of foods. I love lemang,
it is so delicious.

Suraya : wǒ de qīnqì lài wǒjiā bàifǎng wǒ de zǔfùmǔ.

Suraya : My relatives came to my house and visited my grandparents.

Syakila : gāi shàngkèle. wǒmen yīqǐ qù shàngkè.

Syakila : It’s time for class. Let’s go to the class together.

Amir : zǒu ba!

Amir : Let’s go!
* Zài kètīng lǐ*
*In the living room*

Haziq : Nǐ yào qù nǎlǐ, Suraya?

Haziq : Where are you going Suraya?

Suraya : Wǒ xiǎng qù yákē zhěnsuǒ. Wǒ jīntiān yào kàn yīshēng

Suraya : I want to go to the dental clinic. I have an appointment today with my

Syakila : Wèishéme?
Syakila : Why?

Suraya : Wǒ xūyào qù kàn yáyī jiǎnchá yīxià wǒ de yátào.

Suraya : I have to go to the dentist for a checkup on my braces.

Syakila : Wǒ kěyǐ zhīdào zhìzuò yátào duōshǎo qián ma?

Syakila : May I know how much it costs to make braces?

Suraya : dàgài shì liu qian lingji

Suraya : it is about RM6000.

Haziq : Wow. Very affordable and cheap.

Haziq : Wa.. Fēicháng shíhuì yòu piányí.

Syakila : Nǐ qùle nǎ jiā yákē zhěnsuǒ?

Syakila : Which dental clinic did you go?

Suraya : ai dentist in shah alam.f

Suraya : zài shā‘ā’nán de ài dentist

Amir : Wǒ yě zài zhèlǐ zuòle yátào. Tāmen de fúwù hěn hǎo.

Amir : I did my braces here too. Their services are good and excellent.

Haziq : Dàizhe yátào huì tòng ma?

Haziq : is it hurt wearing a braces?

Amir : Qùnián, wǒ dàizhe yátào, yáchǐ hěn téng.

Amir : Last year, I took my braces on and my teeth hurts so much.
Suraya : Shì. Hǎo tòng yǒu shíhou wǒ hái chī zhǐtòngyào
Suraya : Yes. It hurts. Sometimes, I take painkillers to relieve pain.

Syakila : Tāmen yǒu zhékòu ma?

Syakila : do they have discount?
Amir : Dāngrán, zhǐyǒu xiàng wǒmen zhèyàng de xuéshēng cái yǒu 50%.
Yājīn, nín zhǐ xūyào zhīfù rm700.
Amir : of course, 50% only for student like us. For deposit, you need to pay

Suraya : Shì de, měi yuè de tǐjiǎn zhǐ xūyào fù RM100. Yi bai lingji
Suraya : Yes, you only need to pay RM100 for the monthly medical

Amir : you are right, suraya.

Amir : Nǐ shuō dé duì, suraya.

Haziq : Yáchǐ tuō xiè zěnme yàng? Tāmen yǒu tèshū de suōfàng jiàgé ma?
Haziq : How about teeth scaling? Do they have special scaling prices?

Amir : Měi gè yuè, huì yǒu tèjià. Xiànyú 100 gè kèhù.

Amir : Every month, they will provide customers with special prices. Limited
to 100 customers.

Syakila : Tīng qǐlái bu cuò. Xià cì, wǒ huì qù nàlǐ.

Syakila : It sounds pretty good. Next time, I will go there.

Haziq : Wǒ yěshì!
Haziq : me too!
*Zài zhōumò*
*In the weekend*
Haziq : Amir, wǒ xiànzài xiǎng qù yīyuàn kàn Suraya. Nǐ xiǎng hé wǒ yīqǐ
Haziq : Amir, I want to visit Suraya at hospital right now. Do you want to
come with me?

Amir : shì. Wǒ xīwàng tā de fǎ shāo hǎozhuǎn

Amir : Yes. I hope that her fever is getting better

Haziq : wǒ yěshì. Zǒu ba.

Haziq : me too. Let’s go.

Amir : Suraya, wǒmen lái kàn nǐ. Nǐ fāshāo zěnme yàng?

Amir : Suraya, we come to visit you. How are your fever?

Suraya : Haziq, Amir, wǒ jīntiān gǎnjué hǎoduōle. Xièxiè lái kàn wǒ.
Suraya : Haziq, Amir, I’m feeling better today. Thanks for the visit.

Haziq : ò, nǐ yě zài zhèliǐ, Syakila. Nǐ shénme shíhoòu lái?

Haziq : Oh, you are here too, Syakila. When did you come?

Syakila : xiànzài. Wǒ lái zhèlǐ shì wèile gěi Suraya tā de zuo yè.
Syakila : Just recently. I come here to give Suraya’s her homework.

Suraya : Thank you Syakila. You are very helpful.

Suraya : xiexie, Syakiela. Nǐ hěn lèyúzhùrén

Syakila : zuòwéi péngyǒu, wǒmen de yídìng huì bāngzhù nín.

Syakila : It is our job as a friend to help you.

Amir : Suraya is lucky to have friend like Syakila.

Amir : Suraya hěn xìngyùn néng yǒu zhèyàng de péngyǒu.

Syakila : wǒ zhǐshì dānxīn tā, yīnwèi kǎoshì kuài dàole.

Syakila : I’m just worried about her because the exam is near.

Haziq : Suraya, yīshēng duì nǐ shuōle shénme?

Haziq : Suraya, what did doctor say to you?
Suraya ; yīshēng shuō wǒ míngtiān kěyǐ huílài.
Suraya : Doctor said that I can return home tomorrow.

Amir : zhēnde ma? Nà hěn hǎo.

Amir : Really? That’s good.

Suraya : dànshì yīshēng shuō wǒ hái xūyào xiūxí.

Suraya : But doctor said that I still need to rest.

Amir : méiguānxí. nǐ xūyào tīng yīshēng de huà。suǒyǐ nǐ huì huífù guòlái

Amir : It’s okay. You need to listen to doctor to make sure that you are

Haziq : Amir shì duì de. Nǐ yào xiān zhàogù hǎo zìjǐ.
Haziq : Amir is right. You need to take care of yourself first.

Syakila : rúguǒ nín yǒu shénme wèntí, kěyǐ jiào wǒmen bāngmáng
Syakila : If you have any problem, you can ask us for help.

Suraya : xièxiè, dàjiā.

Suraya : thank you, guys.

Syakila : bié kèqì, suraya.

Syakila : you’re welcome, Suraya.
*Xiàkè yǐhòu*
*After class*

Haziq nǐ kàn qǐlái yǒu hěnduō wèntí. Wǒ kěyǐ bāng nǐ ma?

Haziq Look like you have many problems. Can I help you?

Amir o, Haziq. wǒ de bǐjìběn diànnǎo chū le wèntí . Wǒ bùnéng wánchéng

wǒ de zuóyè.
Amir Ooh, Haziq. It is just my laptop. It’s too slow. I can’t finish my
homework like this.

Suraya zhè shì bù hǎode. Wǒmen míngtiān yào jiāo zuóyè.

Suraya That’s not good. we need to submit our homework tomorrow.

Syakila ràng wǒ kàn kàn nǐ de bǐjìběn diànnǎo. Yěxǔ wǒ kěyǐ bāngmáng.

Syakila Let me look at your laptop. Maybe I can help.

Haziq Amir? Còng shénme shíhóu kāishǐ shǐyóng zhè tái diànnǎo.
Haziq Amir? Since when did you use this laptop?

Amir wǒ juéde liù nián le Yěsǔ gèng zǎo

Amir I think it six years. Maybe longer.

Syakila zhēnde ma? Wǒ rènwéi zuì hǎo mǎi yī táixīn de diànnǎo.

Syakila Really? I think it is better to buy a new laptop.

Suraya Syakila shì duì de. Jiù bǐjìběn diànnǎo zǒng shì hěn màn.
Suraya Syakila is right. Old laptop always slow.

Syakila dànshì nǐ yǒu zúgòu de qián góumǎi xǐn bǐjìběn diànnǎo ma?
Syakila But do you have enough money to buy a new laptop?

Amir bié dānxīn. wǒ de qián zúgòu ne

Amir Don’t worry. I think I have enough to buy a new one.

Haziq ní xiǎng mǎi shénme diànnǎo?

Haziq what laptop do you want to buy?
Amir er… wǒ bù zhīdào. Wǒ duì zhè zhǒng dōngxī bù tài hāo.
Amir eer…. I’m not sure. I’m not too good with this kind of stuff.

Haziq hǎode. Nǐ xiǎng mǎi de shíhóu kěyǐ wèn wǒ.

Haziq Okay. When you want to buy, you can ask me.

Suraya dànshì shénme shíhóu yāomǎi? Nǐ jīntiān yào wánchéng zhège

Suraya But when you want to buy? You need to finish this homework today.

Syakila wǒ rènwéi zuì hǎo xiān shǐyóng haziq de diànnǎo.

Syakila I think it is better to use haziq’s laptop first.

Suraya shì, tā shàng gè yuè mǎile yī táixīn de diànnǎo.

Suraya yes, he bought a new laptop last month.

Haziq hǎo zhǔyì. Nín xiān shǐyóng wǒ de bǐjìběn diànnǎo, xià cì,wǒmen
qù mǎi nì de diànnǎo
Haziq Good idea. You can use my laptop first, next time we go buy a new
laptop for you.

Syakila quèbǎo mǎi yīge hǎo de

Syakila Make sure to buy a good laptop.

Suraya rúguǒ nǐ de qián búgòu kěyǐ xiàng wǒmen jiè qián.

Suraya If you don’t have enough money, you can borrow it from us.

Amir xièxiè, dàjiā. Wǒ xīwàng wǒ jīntiān néng wánchéng wǒ de zuóyè.

Amir Thank you, everyone. I hope I can finish my assignment today.

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