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To Kill a Mocking Bird


The plot revolves around scout finch, Jem finch and Atticus finch. Maycomb is suffering through
the Great Depression, but Atticus is a prominent lawyer and the Finch family is being faring well
than the rest of society. One summer, Jem and Scout befriend a boy named Dill, who has come
to live in their neighborhood for the summer, they play around together and tell tales and the
story about the Radley house fascinates him.
The house is owned by Mr. Nathan Radley, whose brother, Arthur who is later nicknames boo.
the three of them head out every day to stake out the house as to what Arthur is doing as he
has been living in that house for years and has never taken a step outside.
She and Jem find gifts left for them in a knothole of a tree on the Radley property. Dill returns
during next summer, and they start to act out the story of the Radley house. Atticus has a
discussion with the children making them understand and to see life from someone else’s
perspective before judging them. But, on Dill’s last night in Maycomb for the summer, the three
sneak onto the Radley property, where Nathan Radley shoots at them. Jem loses his pants
while running away with Scout and Dill. Later he talks Scout into staying back and heads over
alone to get his pants and finds them hung over the fence instead of being trapped.
Nathan Radley eventually plugs the knothole with cement. Shortly thereafter, a fire breaks out
in another neighbor’s house, someone puts a blanket on Scout’s shoulders as she watches.
Convinced that Boo did it, Jem tells Atticus about the pants and the presents they go from the
knothole of the tree.
Maycomb suffers with a white racist community, Atticus agrees to defend a black man named
Tom Robinson, on the request of the judge himself. who has been accused of raping a white
woman. Because of Atticus’s decision, Jem and Scout are abused by other children, even during
Christmas at the family compound on Finch’s Landing. Calpurnia, the Finches’ black cook, takes
them to the local black church, where the warm community largely embraces the children.

Tom Robinson is brought for trial and later that night the mob gather round to kill him before
the trial even begins and Atticus knowing this leaves his house for the night and stands guard
for Tom Robinson while dealing with the mob who are intent on killing Tom. Jem and Scout,
sneak out of the house, join Atticus Scout recognizes one of the men, and her polite questioning
about his son shames him into dispersing the mob.
At the trial itself, the children sit in the “colored balcony” with the town’s black citizens. Atticus
provides clear evidence that the accusers, Mayella Ewell and her father, Bob, are lying as their
statements varied from one another and while in the witness box Tom is found out to have only
one arm working and is in fact a right-handed person who at the age of 12 tore all his left arm’s
muscles in an accident whereas Bob mayella’s Father is a left-handed person with both active
arms. in fact, Mayella propositioned Tom Robinson, was caught by her father, and then accused
Tom of rape to cover her shame and guilt as the racist society would never accept what she
tried to force Tom into and the beatings and guilt forced her hand as she lied and screamed at
everyone in the court of not listening to her as she suffers for what Tom did to her. Atticus
provides impressive evidence that the marks on Mayella’s face are from wounds that her father
inflicted upon discovering her with Tom, he called her a whore and beat her and she flinches
and then bursts out in anger, Lies and then runs to her seat in the court acting like a victim she
was not. The all-white jury is sent to take a decision sadly they turn out to be racist as well
without giving any regard to how Tom was and the evidence they announce him guilty but
Atticus doesn’t give up he goes to apply for an appeal only to find out before that Tom was
being taken for safekeeping in a prison
The innocent Tom later tries to escape from prison and is shot to death. In the aftermath of the
trial, Jem’s faith in justice is badly shaken, and he falls into doubt.

Despite having won the case and Tom’s, Bob Ewell (Mayella’s father) feels that Atticus and the
judge have made a fool out of him, and he comes over to Tom’s house where his dad is just told
his son was shot and his wife just collapsed calling Atticus out. Bob spits on his face in front of
jem and Atticus controls his temper and walks away. He menaces Tom Robinson’s widow, tries
to break into the judge’s house, and finally attacks Jem and Scout as they walk home from a
Halloween party. Boo Radley intervenes, however, saving the children and stabbing Ewell and
killing him during the struggle. Boo carries Jem back who is severely wounded to Atticus’s
house, where the sheriff, in order to protect Boo, insists that Ewell tripped over a tree root and
fell on his own knife. After sitting with Scout for a while, Boo leaves and goes home

Scout then realizes what life is like for Boo. He has become a human being to her at last. With
this realization, Scout embraces her father’s advice to practice sympathy and understanding
and demonstrates that her experiences with hatred and prejudice will not sully her faith in
12 Angry Men

There are twelve men sitting in a courthouse as the jury for the murder of a father who is
supposedly stabbed by the accused (his son) who is 18-years old and who has been living the
life of slums and known for his anger issues and the beatings his dad used to give him on a
regular basis ranging from punches. The judge instructs them to reach a ruling on a trial for
first-degree murder. All of the jurors seem pretty convinced that he did it. It barely takes them
any time to vote for Guilty when they enter the jury room. But one of them Davis (juror #8)
gives the Not Guilty verdict. In the U.S., juries usually need to reach a unanimous vote in order
to decide a case, so it looks like the jurors aren't going anywhere until they can get Juror #8 to
change his verdict
At first, Juror #8 says he just wants to talk for a while about the verdict. After all, they're about
to send an 18-year-old kid to the electric chair, and Juror #8 doesn’t want to be the last one
whose vote sends a kid to his death when there is room for possibilities. He brings up certain
details of the case that have been bothering him, but the other jurors want him to stop stalling
so they can get on with their daily affairs and some to see him punished just because of their
prejudice to slum kids (often referring them as rats and born to be killers only to find out one
juror was a slum child #5). Finally, Juror #8 asks the foreman to take a second vote, which he
will abstain from. If everyone votes for Guilty again, he will pull the plug to the discussion and
end the whole thing.
But one of the other jurors votes Not Guilty (juror #9) out of respect for juror #8’s motives as to
not send a kid to his death without exploring the possibilities, and the conversation continues.
One of the biggest evidence against the young man on trial is the unique knife that was used to
kill his father. A store owner reported selling this same type of knife to the kid earlier that night.
But Juror #8 proves that the knife isn't unique at all when he pulls out an exact replica and
slams it down into the jury table. The jury gets flabbergasted as to the uniqueness of the knife
wasn’t as seemed in the slums, and Juror #8 gets a little more support for his Not Guilty verdict.
The longer the discussion goes on, the more we realize that certain jurors (like #3 and #10) are
just really vindictive dudes who want to send the kid to the electric chair for personal reasons.
Juror #3 wants the kid sent to their chair just because he is a slum born and is born into the acts
he committed as its in their blood. His prejudice gets the best of him and in that regard, he
wants the boy electrocuted assuming his background only brings violence and death. Juror #10
raised his own son so harshly that he one day punched him and left home so he carries a
grudge. However, Juror #8 continues to argue on the testimonies by proving that it was
impossible for one of the witnesses (an old man) to have been in the place he was when he
allegedly saw the defendant fleeing the murder which he goes as far as to bring in a
drawing of the old man’s room who is actually a slow walker with one leg he drags and

estimates the time taken was 41 seconds not 15 and later the jury realizes well almost half of
them he did to be acknowledged for once in his life that he did something and got in the paper
One of the last pieces of evidence that stands in Juror #8's way is a woman who testified to
seeing the defendant kill his father from across the street. But one of the other jurors brings up
the fact that the woman wore glasses and wouldn't have had time to put them on before
looking out her window (juror #9). At this point, a few of the last remaining Guilty jurors give up
and change their verdicts. One of the remaining ones (#10) goes on a rant about how they
should kill the defendant because of his race and being born in the slum he is entitled to be on
that chair, but the others stop listening to him and turn their back on him standing up one by
one until he quiets done and changes his verdict
All of this leaves us with just one juror (#3). We know from earlier in the movie that this guy has
it in for the defendant because he (#3) has issues with kids not respecting their fathers. He
hasn't seen his own son in over two years, and he feels the need to punish someone for what's
happened in his own life turning it all into a personal affair and that someone is the kid on trial.
he can’t get over and sees his son in the defendant referring him at the end as “Ungrateful
brats nothing u do for them is enough” which makes him later burst to tears and change his
verdict the foreman calls in the bailiff, and the men give their verdict.
After leaving the courthouse, Juror #8 runs into another one of the jurors (#9) and exchange
names and #8 walks off with a big smile on his face, feeling proud for having saved the life of an
innocent young man. 
Presumed Innocent
The story revolves around Sabrich a deputy prosecutor. Sabrich’s colleague, Carolyn Polhemus,
just gets murdered after being raped by someone she knew. The news has affected Sabrich
deeply who has had an affair with her while having a wife and kid but is unsatisfied with his wife
and is still in love with Carolyn. Her murder is also a shock to Sabich’s boss, Raymond Horgan,
who is up for reelection. Horgan assigns Sabich to investigate the crime; telling sabrich to take
whatever means necessary to find the killer or he would lose office. When Sabich fails to
uncover the murderer and Horgan consequently loses the election, Horgan conspires to frame
his deputy (Sabrich) for the murder along with two other prosecutors Molto and his companion
Nico Della Guardia who supposedly will take the Chief’s position (Raymond Horgan’s).After
some time with the investigation molto and Nico secretly investigate on Sabrich’s case and find
out his fingerprints are found on the glass in Carolyn’s apartment on the day of her death along
with his DNA inside her left on her diaphragm. Sabrich hires a lawyer named Sandy Stern who is
interested in him as a fellow prosecutor who posses a challenge and takes on his case. During
the trail the glass with the prints is lost from the evidence room which turns the table on
Sabrich’s favor and Sandy blackmails the judge Laron Lytle as he takes bribes and Carolyn was
his lover as well of Horgan who was the last in relationship to that self-serving women. It is later
known that she had been intimate with everyone she could as long as she could get what she
wanted and she wanted to make sabrich take Raymond’s place and to take deputy’s position
for herself but when he refused she broke up with him which made him call her randomly, stalk
her and eventually the accused as Horgan didn’t know about his affair with her and the stalking
afterwards and he turns on Sabrich. During the next hearing the glass is still not found and the
blackmail makes the case easier and it gets dismissed. Later It is revealed that Sabrich’s partner
hid the glass and said the woman was bad news even he had killed her she had it coming to her.
When Sabrich get home, he sees while fixing the fence that one of his tools an axe and a
hammer joined together has been used and has a strand of hair and blood on it. He washes it
up and then his wife shows up and takes him to the dining table and tells him. How she killed
the destroyer who destroyed people’s houses and put Sabich’s DNA there from her own
diaphragm so she could have the man she loved for herself but never intended on him getting
in trouble as the DNA was sterile and now everything is “Saved”. Sabrich says in the end about
how the murder is forever unsolved as he could never take the mother of his child away even as
a prosecutor who served the balance.

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