Political LawReview

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POLITICAL LAW  Pertain to the election of the

representatives of the government by

➢ is a branch of public law which deals with the the people, the limitation on the conduct
organization, and operations of the governmental of election. It has something to do with
organs of the State and defines the relations of the the government because without
State with the inhabitants of its territory [People v. election, there cannot be a government
Perfecto, 43 Phil. 887; Macariola v. Asuncion, 114 or officials in the government
SCRA 77] 6. Public International Law
 Deals on the Study how these states
➢ POLITICAL comes from the Greek word “Polis” relate with other states
(City/state) (eg. Republic of the Philippines – modern
➢ It is a study about the “State” and when you study
about the state, you study about “group of people”
more or less with numerous tiny definite proportions of 1. 1987 Constitution
territory having a government to which they render
habitual obedience and enjoys sovereignty. 2. 1973 and 1935 Constitutions

3. Organic laws made to apply to the Philippines—

(CALLE) a. Philippine Bill of 1902
1. Constitutional Law—the study of the
maintenance of the proper balance between Philippine Bill of 1902 (Cooper Act) otherwise known as “The
Filipino Political Reach Head”
authority as represented by the three
inherent powers of the state and liberty as When we were UNDER AMERICANS, by the virtue of
guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. [Cruz, Philippine Bill 1902, we have now Filipinos who composed of
Constitutional Law, 1993 ed., p. 1]. the Philippine Assembly which is the Lower House of the
2. Administrative Law-- That branch of Legislature at that time.
public law which fixes the organization,
determines the competence of administrative ➢ Under the Philippine Bill of 1902: it defined the “Filipino
authorities who executes the law, and Citizens” as those who are “Native born in general or
inhabitants of the Philippine Islands.”
indicates to the individual remedies for the
violation of his right.
b. Jones Law of 1916
 Those who are in the Executive Branch,
in the different administrative bodies: It says that “The Children subsequent there to” (Meaning
What are the powers and how do they the children of those who have been considered as
relate with each other?
inhabitants, therefore citizens of the Philippines are likewise
 Deals on how government officials run
considered as “Filipino Citizens”)
the government and the extent of the
exercise of the powers on how one ➢ The Jones Law of 1916 with refers to the government,
branch or one department, bureau or was likewise significant. Why significant?
agency or instrumentality relates with
each other. ➢ It was otherwise known as “The Philippine Autonomy
3. Law on Municipal Corporations Act”.
 Study of “How does the Natural government
relate with the Local Government?” (That Q: Why “The Philippine Autonomy Act”?
may be changed in the future, because as of
now, we only have Local autonomy for Local ➢ Autonomy: when there is recent realization of powers or
government are subject to the authority of transfer of powers.
the “National Government” meaning “they
cannot pass laws independent of the There was a transfer of legislative powers from the
“National Government”) Americans passed to the Filipinos.
4. Law of Public Officers
 When they are chosen, how do they relate c. Tydings-McDuffie Law of 1934
with the govern?
 What are their duties and responsibilities? Q: What is Tydings-Mcduffie Law?
5. Elections Law
➢ It is otherwise known as “The Philippine Independence
 How do we choose our government

1 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019


➢ Because we were now promised with the GRANT OF It is the highest fundamental law of the land upon
INDEPENDENCE. Preparing for that independence from the which all activities of the government are based on.
US, it was a condition to DRAFT CONSTITUTION which will
be the basis of a government that will be establish and that  That body of rules and maxims in
was the COMMONWEALTH (1935 CONSTITUTION). accordance with which the power of
sovereignty are habitually exercised.
4. Statutes, executive orders and decrees, and
judicial decisions  That written instrument enacted by
direct action of the people by which the
5. US Constitution fundamental powers of the government
are established, limited and defined, and
Notes: by which those powers are distributed
among the several departments for their
What is your basis in studying Philippines safe and useful exercise for the benefit
Political law? What would be your reference? of the body politic.
➢ 1987 Constitution. There are provisions in the
Constitution recalled by your study of “Political Law”.  It is the basic and paramount law to
which all other laws must conform and
➢ 1987 CONSTITUTION IS NOT THE SOLE to which all persons, including the
SOURCE. IT IS NOT EXCLUSIVE. Because highest officials of the land, must defer.
understanding Political Phenomenon, it’s better if you No act shall be valid, however noble its
have other sources to refer to because that may not intention, if it conflicts with the
be answered by the 1987 Constitution. Constitution. The Constitution must ever
remain supreme. All must bow to the
mandate of this law. Right or wrong, the
➢ Treaty of Paris & Treaty of Peace: There was a war Constitution must be upheld as long as
between Spain and US. Spain lost that war, so it was the sovereign people have not changed
compelled to sign TREATY OF PARIS ceding the it.
amount of $20 Million on sale. To include other And so therefore in case of a conflict between a
territories that Spain was able to acquire, the same statute and the Constitution – always the Constitution
were ceded to mention a few (Eg. Palma Islands) prevailing over the statute, as a general rule because
sometimes it would depend on the system of the
➢ Palma Islands: Acquired by Spain, then interceded government.
to US by the virtue of Treaty of Paris.
Therefore, laws find their justification if there is a
➢ For the first time, there was a concept of conformity with the constitution.
Citizenship. (Remember, during Spanish Colonization,
there was no concept of Citizenship for Filipino Citizens Decisions and acts of the President are only be
that’s why they are described as “Indios”.) considered as “valid” if they are in consonant
with the constitution.
Indios - Uncivilized people of the islands, because
is no such concept.
➢ We are only considered as the “subjects” of the
King of Spain. 1. It is the supreme law of the land. It is a
legislation direct from the people acting in
➢ No rights or whatsoever, we were chattels or their sovereign capacity, hence, it is more
properties by the King of Spain. superior than an ordinary law or statute which
is merely a legislation from the people’s
representatives subject to limitations
prescribed by the Constitution.

2. It is the symbol and monument of the people’s

will. As such, it should be submitted for rati
cation of the people.

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According to Origin
3. It outlines the infrastructure of the Conventional Cumulative or Fiat or Granted
government. or Enacted Evolutionary
deliberately When it is a it is a
4. It must be obeyed by all. It governs the poor made at a result of an Constitution
and the rich, the governed and governors. definite period evolution of made by one
of time history of the country for
5. The courts are the ultimate guardians of the activities the another usually
Constitution. people of the it’s by way of a
country and of treaty of peace,
CONSTITUTION VS STATUTE the government after one
in particular territory/country
is defeated by
legislation direct from legislation from the formally struck the result of sovereign
the people; people’s representative; off at a definite political country would
time and place evolution, not prepare a
states general provides the details of the following a inaugurated at Constitution for
subject matter of conscious or any specific a defeated
which it treats; deliberate effort time but territory
taken by a changing by
intended not merely to intended primarily to constituent body accretion rather
meet existing meet existing conditions or ruler than by any
conditions; only; systematic
it is the fundamental it conforms to the enacted by a made by one
law of the State Constitution Constitutional a product of sovereign for
Convention history another
Notes: PH has a Conventional or Enacted Constitution – From
the 1935 Constitution, which was enacted by the 1934
Constitutional Commission (ConCom) and ratified by
the people subject to the approval of the Pres. Of the
USA because at that time we were not yet
independent. It took effect upon ratification by the
people on May 14, 1935. There were amendments of
the 1935 Constitution. Because of the major changes,
it was also called as the 1947 Constitution where there
were major changes were
introduced after we were granted with our

 There was only originally the 1935 Constitution

which was revised in 1971 by the 1971 ConCom, this
was ratified by the Citizen Assemblies. Declared having
been validly ratified by virtue of Pres.Proclamation
1102 by Marcos. It took effect on that day when
Marcos declared as was having been validly ratified on
Jan. 17, 1973. Take Note: the 1935 Consti took effect
upon the ratification of the people while the 1973
Consti took effect upon the declaration of its valid
ratification by Marcos on Jan. 17, 1973.

 Then there was an EDSA revolution, we had a

Revolutionay Gov., it was based on a Freedom
Constitution that was promulgated by Cory Aquino
otherwise known as Proclamation No. 3 which
practically adopted the provisions of the 1973
CLASSIFICATION Constitution except for the provisions of the
government because the government was
revolutionary. It took effect immediately upon its

3 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

promulgation by Cory Aquino. Notes:

 Then there was the promulgation of the 1986

ConCom which was created by virtue of Proclamation
No. 9 and then the ratification of the Constitution on
Take Note: it was only declared as having been validly CONSTITUTION
ratified by Cory Aquino by virtue of Executive Order
No. 50 on Feb. 9, 1987 and thus the controversy when
does the 1987 Constitution take effect - whether on (BBD)
the date of ratification or the date when it was BROAD
declared as having been validly ratified.  Has to cover the entire government,
structure, and organization.
De Leon vs Esguerra BRIEF
The SC emphasized Sec. 27 of Art.18 of the  Not a place for details, you can only
Transitory Provision wherein the Constitution have general principles and the rest will
shall take effect only upon the ratification of the be supplemented by the statutes passed
people. It is settled that the declaration of its by Congress.
valid ratification retroacts from the date of the
ratification as to its effectivity. Thus it is settled Ex. Congress has the power to appropriate Public
that the 1987 Constitution took effect on Feb. 2, funds
1987. for Public purpose (Does it state specifically for what
purpose is the project? – It does not specifically state,
because you’re limiting your constitution)
According to Source
a constitution whose not necessarily not  To avoid ambiguity and conflicting
sources are found in one reduced in writing – the interpretations of provisions of the
single instrument sources could still be constitution.
written, however the
sources are scattered Notes:

one whose precepts are consists of rules which

embodied in one have not been integrated
document or set of into a single, concrete
documents form but are scattered in
various sources
The kind of Constitution that PH has is a Written
Constitution where all provisions are found in one
instrument such as the 1987 Constitution.

According to Manner of Changing

one that can be amended one that can be changed
only by a formal and by ordinary legislation
usually difficult process

difficult to change.
Not flexible
must follow a certain
a. proposal
b. submission
c. ratification
The Philippine Constitution is written, conventional and
rigid. It is embodied in one document and can be
amended only by a formal and usually difficult process

4 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

examined in the light of the history of the
(LGS) times and the conditions and circumstances
under which the Constitution was framed.
A CONSTITUTION OF (Civil Liberties Union vs. Executive Secretary,
LIBERTY sets forth the fundamental civil 194 SCRA 317)
and political rights of the
citizens and imposes
limitations on the powers of 3. Ut magis valeat quam pereat—the
the government as a means of Constitution has to be interpreted as a whole.
securing the enjoyment of (Francisco vs. HR, G.R. No. 160261, November
those rights 10, 2003)

ex: Bill of Rights If the plain meaning of the word is not found to be
GOVERNMENT outlines the organization of clear, resort to other aids is available—construe the
the government, enumerates Constitution from what “appears upon its face”. The
its powers, lays down certain proper interpretation, therefore, depends more on how
rules relative to its it was understood by the people adopting it than in the
administration and framers’ understanding thereof.
defines the electorate
In case of doubt, the provision should be considered
ex: Legislative, Executive and as self-executing; mandatory rather than directory;
Judicial Departments, and prospective rather than retroactive.
Constitutional Commissions

SOVEREIGNTY the provisions pointing out the Notes: The general rule is that it is mandatory, you
mode or procedure in have to follow them. It is not just directory, unless the
accordance with which formal law itself provides otherwise that it is merely directory
changes in the fundamental or by a Supreme Court interpretation.
law may be brought about
And then, it is selfexecuting. You dont need
ex: Art. XVII-Amendments or legislation inorder to implement them. It can be
Revisions executed right away without need of implementing
rules as a general rule. As exception to that is
ARTICLE II which is not self-executing. You need
legislation inorder to implement. TN of the case of
Tañada vs Angara. Suffice to say that as a general rule
it is selfexecuting. Later you would learn from the
decisions of the Supreme Court where it emphasized
CONSTRUCTION/INTERPRETATION the fact that there is no need of a law or legislation
Whenever the words used in the constitution must be inorder to implement the provisions if the
given their ordinary meaning except when technical Constitution. You could go to court and seek judicial
terms are employed, then you should give them relief. If it is not self executing that cannot then be the
ordinary meaning. provisions of the Constitution especially Art. II cannot
be used as judicial basis for judicial action.
Ex. People -- could be inhabitants or residents
(ordinary Meaning, you cannot question the validity a particular
meaning) in case of ambiguity, it should be interpreted act of the government if there is no law prohibiting it
in accordance with the intent of the framers. Whether on the basis only of Art. II because is not self
people only refer to qualified voters or to all residents executing. And our economic provisions as well. Most
regardless ofcitizenship. understand how the word is of them are not self executing. In a recent decision of
being used in the provision or it ha to be interpreted the Supreme Court, it made emphasis on some
as a whole. provisions there that are self executing and therefore
need not require any legislation.
1. Verba Legis—whenever possible, the words
used in the Constitution must be given their But generally, it is self executing.
ordinary meaning except where technical
terms are employed. Finally, you don’t apply the provisions of the
Constitution retroactively, they only have prospective
2. When there is Ambiguity—ratio legis et application unless it does not conflict with the previous
anima--A doubtful provision shall be Constitutions

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then it may be applied retroactively. General rule is, indicating that the subject is referred to for legislative
prospective application. action.


The history of the 1987 Constitution began on 11 April
1899, the date when the Treaty of Paris between the
United and Spain of 10 December 1898 became
 One which is complete in itself and becomes effective upon the exchange of instruments of
operative without the aid of supplementary or ratification of both countries. But the sources of the
enabling legislation, or that which supplies a 1987 Constitution are (i) McKinley's Instructions to the
sufficient rule by means of which the right it Second Philippine Commission; (ii) Spooner
grants may be enjoyed or protected. Amendment; (iii) Philippine Bill of 1902; (iv) Jones Law
of 1916, otherwise known as the
SELF EXECUTING NON SELF EXECUTING Philippine Autonomy Act; (v) 1935 Constitution; (vi)
assumes that the those provisions that are 1973 Constitution and (vi) Freedom Constitution of
provisions of the consti only guidelines or 1986 and its implementing orders.
are complete. principles that would
guide the congress on A. The Philippine Revolution and the
And being complete, you what laws to be passed or Malolos Constitution
need not pass an guide the SC on how the
enabling law in order to provisions of the
enforce or implement it. constitution shall be
interpreted or how
it is complete by itself
the laws passed by
congress should be
construed or guide the
president in the passing
or implementing of a law.
Ex. Article II provisions of
the constitution
B. The Organic Laws Under the American
Being non self executing, Period
they cannot be used as
basis for judicial action. 1. SCHURMANN COMMISSION
Meaning, if it is not 2. TAFT COMMISSION
followed, you cannot go 3. McKINLEY’S INSTRUCTIONS
court and ask for judicial President McKinley, legislating as Commander-in-Chief,
relief saying that that issued on 7 April 1900 his "Letter of Instruction to the
action of the government Second Philippine Commission " under Taft.
is contrary to Article II
and therefore It set up a "divided civil and military government" with
unconstitutional the existing Military governor as the Executive, and a
Philippine Commission, created on 1 September 1900,
Case: Manila Prince Hotel vs GSIS as the Legislative, both representing the US President
as Commander-in-Chief.
SC said a provision lays down a general principle such
as those found in art 2 of the 1987 consti is usually It also extended to the Philippines all the rights in the
not self executing but a provision which is complete in Bill of Rights of the US Federal Constitution, except the
itself and becomes operative without a aid of a right to bear arms (because the country was in
supplementary or of an enabling legislature or that rebellion) and the right to a trial by jury (because the
which supplies sufficient rule by means of which the Americans distrusted the Filipinos capacity to be a just
right it grants maybe enjoyed or protected is self judge of his peers). The right to jury trial of an
executing. American charged with a crime in the Philippines was
Thus, the constitutional provision is self executing if by the courts in US v Dorr, 2 Phil 332 (1903) by virtue
the nature the extent of the right conferred and the of the Letter of Instruction.
liability imposed are fix by the constitution itself so This was the first Organic Act (a law which establishes
that they can be determined by an examination and the structure and limitations of the government) of the
construction of its terms and there’s no language
6 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019
Philippines. What it lacked, as a constitution, were the
ratification by the people, and the right of amendment On 29 August 1916, the US Congress passed the Jones
(which was reserved solely to the US President). Law, otherwise known as the Philippine Autonomy Act.
It established a tripartite government with real
The judiciary was subsequently established on 11 June separation of powers; this was the prototype of our
1901, with a Supreme Court, Courts of First Instance, present set-up. The executive power was in the hands
and Justice of Peace Courts. of an American Governor-General, who was
independent of the Legislature, and who was given the
4. THE SPOONER AMENDMENT power to suspend the writ of habeas corpus and
impose martial law without the recommendation of the
On 4 July 1901, the Spooner Amendment, which was Legislature. The Legislature was composed of the
actually a rider to the "Army and Navy Appropriations Senate and the House of Representatives, all
Act," changed the then "divided, military and civil composed of Filipinos. The judiciary continued to be
government" into a fully civil government, under the made up of the Supreme Court, the CFIs and Justice
US Congress. All acts of the Philippine Commission of Peace Courts.
would now begin: "Be it enacted by the authority of
the US government," and no longer by authority of the Under this set-up, while the Filipinos has all the
US President. legislative power, the Americans had all the executive
power and thus, also the control of the government.
5. THE PHILIPPINE BILL OF Thus, in the Board of Control (National Coal
1902 Corporation) cases, the US Supreme Court ruled,
despite the dissent of Holmes and Brandeis, that the
The US Congress now in control of the Philippines, President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
ratified all the organic acts of the President, in order to could not vote the
prevent disruption of government, and on 1 July 1900, stocks of the NCC and elect its directors because this
passed the Philippine Bill of 1902, which was to be was a political function. Only the Governor-General
organic act of the Philippines from 1902 to 1906. The could vote the government shares, said the court.
organic act introduced significant provisions to
constitutional history. The definition of who were citizens of the Philippines
first enunciated in the Philippine Bill of 1902, was
The Philippine Commission was the upper house. It carried over by the Jones Law.
was under the Governor-General who retained all the
executive power, including the power to suspend the 7. TYDINGS-MCDUFFIE ACT OF
writ of habeas corpus upon recommendation of the 1934
Philippine Commission. Although this was not an organic act, it is important in
the constitutional history of the Philippines because it
It established an elective lower house called the was to be the enabling statute, providing the
Philippine Assembly, composed entirely of Filipinos. It mechanism whereby the constitution of an
called for the first election in the Philippines to fill up, independent Philippines could be adopted. The law,
the membership in the lower house, as soon as the upon its acceptance by the Senate and House of
Philippine insurrection stopped and there was a Representatives of the Philippines, provided for
condition of general peace, except in the Moro and (i) the calling of a Constitutional Convention to
Non-Christian provinces. draft a Constitution for the Philippines,
(ii) the adoption of a Constitution that established
A census was taken and completed on 28 March 1903 a republican government, with a Bill of Rights,
and with a certification of peace and of Filipino and a separation of church and state,
acceptance of the US government made by the (iii) the submission of the draft to the US
Philippine Commission on 29 March 1907, the election President for certification that the Constitution
for the Philippine Assembly was conducted on 10 July was in conformity with the conditions set by
1907, with Osmena as speaker. the Tydings-McDuffie Law, and
(iv) its ratification by the people in a plebiscite.
The Bill also defined for the first time who the citizens Complete independence was to take place ten
of the Philippines were. They were all the inhabitants (10) years after its effectivity.
of the Philippine islands who were subjects of Spain as
of 11 April 1899, who continued to reside therein, and C. The 1935 Constitution
all the children born subsequent thereto. This D. The Japanese Occupation
definition is still good law today. E. Declaration of Martial Law

6. THE PHILIPPINE AUTONOMY Accordingly, on 30 July 1934, an election was held to

ACT OR JONES LAW (1916) choose the delegates to the Constitutional Convention.

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Claro M. Recto was elected President of the Agreement, and reflected as an amendment in the
Convention. On 8 February 1935, the Concon Constitution.
approved the draft. On 23 March 1935, the draft was
certified by the President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt as The Senate approval of this bill gave rise to the case
conforming to the Tydings-McDuffie Law. On 14 May of Vera v Avelino, 77 Phil 192 (1946). The Senate then
1935, it was ratified by the people in a plebiscite, with had 11 Nacionalistas and 13 Liberals. Three
the provisions on the qualifications of the President, Nacionalista Senatorselect (Vera, Diokno and Romero),
Vice-President and members of Congress taking effect known to be against the Bell Trade Act, were
upon ratification. In September 1935, the first election prevented by the rest of the Senate, in what is known
under the 1935 Constitution was conducted with as "exclusion proceedings," on grounds that their
Manuel Luis Quezon as elections were marred with fraud. The political
President and Sergio Osmena as Vice- President. motivation was clear but the SC was conned into lifting
the injunction it issued for the withholding of the
On 15 November 1935, upon the inauguration of the suspension, because of the unfulfilled promise that the
Commonwealth, the 1935v Constitution took effect. Senate would not carry out the suspension. With the
This Constitution was to serve as the charter of the balance of power offset, the Bell Trade Act was
Commonwealth, and upon withdrawal of US passed. Subsequently, the SC had to dismiss the
sovereignty, of the Republic. petition on the ground that the principle of separation
The Constitution provides for a tripartite government, of powers, it could not order a co-equal branch to
with the executive lodged in the President who had a reinstate a member.
six-year term, the legislative in a unicameral National
Assembly, and the judiciary in a Supreme Court, CFIs The Senate authorized President Roxas to enter into
and Justice of Peace Courts as before. an Executive Agreement, which he did on 3 July 1946,
the eve of the declaration of Philippine Independence.
In 1940, it was amended to provide for (a) a bicameral
Congress with a Senate and a House of Then came the amendment of the Constitution in
Representatives; (b) a term of four years for the order to include the Parity Rights Agreement, which
President, but with re-election and (c) the gave rise to the case of Mabanag v Lopez Vito, 78 Phil
establishment of an independent constitutional body 1 (1947). Under the Amendatory Provisions of the
known as the Commission on Elections. 1935 Constitution, Congress, acting as constituent
body, needed 3/4 vote to propose an amendment to
War ensued, and the Philippines was so devastated the Constitution. But with the three Senators still
that the declaration of its independence, due 15 suspended, only the 21 remaining were used as the
November 1945 had to be postponed. At any rate, on basis for computing the 3/4 requirement.
23 April 1946, the election of the first officials of the
Philippine Republic was held, and on 4 July 1946, the When this was raised in court, it begged off from
Republic was inaugurated and the Philippines became ruling on the ground that it was a political question. It
"politically" independent of the US. also used the Enrolled Bill Theory. So with the
amendment proposed, it was subsequently ratified on
Theoretically, to an extent that sovereignty is never 5 March 1947.
granted to a people but is earned by them as they The third time the Constitution was amended (1940,
assert their political will, then it is a misnomer to say 1947) was in 1967. A Resolution of both houses
that 4 July 1946 was the day US granted provided for (a) the amendment of the Constitution by
independence to the Philippines. More appropriately, it a Convention, (b) the increase of seats in the House of
was the day when the US withdrew its sovereignty Representatives to make the Concon sufficiently
over the Philippines, thus giving the Filipino people an representative, and (c) allowing members of the
occasion to assert their own independence. House as delegates without forfeiting their seats. The
first was
But not "economically". On 30 April 1946, one week approved, the second and third were rejected. This
after the election, the US Congress passed the Bell became the subject matter of Gonzales v COMELEC.
Trade Act which would grant Philippine prime exports
entry to the US free of customs duties from 1946 to Election of delegates to the Concon took place on 10
1954, and a gradual increase in duties from 1954 to November 1970. Then the ConCon met on 1 June
1974 (LaurelLangley agreement), provided that the 1971. Before it finished its work, it came up with a
Philippines would grant US citizens and corporations resolution calling for an amendment to the 1935
the Constitution reducing the voting age from 21 to 18, so
same privileges, and in addition, the right to explore that a wider base could vote in the ratification of the
natural resources of the Philippines in parity with the Constitution then being drafted. A plebiscite was set
Filipinos, and to operate public utilities. This must be by the COMELEC for 8 November 1971 but this was
accepted by Congress, embodied in an Executive enjoined by the SC in the case of Tolentino v

8 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

COMELEC, the court ruling that a piece-meal The validity of the "Snap Election Law" called by
amendment was not allowed by the 1935 the Batasang Pambansa was raised in the case of
Constitution since it provided that the amendments Philippine Bar Association v COMELEC, 140 SCRA
were to be ratified at "an election" which meant only 455 (1985). The issue was raised because of the
one election. The Court upheld its jurisdiction over the conditional letter of resignation sent by Mr. Marcos
ConCon by arguing that since the Concon derived its to the Batasan, making his resignation effective
power from the Constitution, it was thus limited by the only upon (i) the holding of a Presidential election,
Constitution. (ii) the proclamation of a winner, (iii) the
assumption into office by the winning candidate. It
But it was subsequently overtaken by Martial Law. On was contended that a conditional resignation was
30 November 1972, the Convention submitted its not allowed under the 1973 Constitution, for it did
"draft" to the President, who called on a plebiscite to not create a vacancy, and without a vacancy,
ratify the there was no reason to call for an election. But the
Constitution. This was questioned in the case of Planas SC failed to
v COMELEC, 49 SCRA 105 (1973) on the ground that issue a preliminary injunction to enjoin the
there can be no freedom of expression under Martial COMELEC from preparing for the election, thus
Law. But the case was rendered moot and academic making "the initially legal question into a political
when the President cancelled the plebiscite and one." In the meantime, the political parties have
instead held a started campaigning and the people were so
citizens' assembly on 10 to 15 January, 1973. On 17 involved in the election that to stop it on legal
January 1973, the President came up with a grounds would frustrate their very will. And so,
proclamation that the Constitution had come to full failing to come up with the majority to hold the
force and effect after its overwhelming ratification by Snap Election Law unconstitutional, the SC could
the people in a viva voce vote. not issue the injunction prayed for. The election
went ahead.

F. The 1973 Constitution The rest is history. The results of the election were
proclaimed by the Batasan, naming Marcos and
Tolentino as the winners. But the February 2 to
The validity of the ratification process was 25, 1986, EDSA revolution took place. On 25
questioned in the case of Javellana v Executive February, Marcos was proclaimed in Malacanang
Secretary, 50 SCRA 30 (1973) but the failure of by Makasiar, while Aquino was proclaimed in Club
the SC to come up with the necessary votes to Filipino by Teehankee. Later that evening, Marcos
declare the act as unconstitutional forced it into fled to Hawaii.
the conclusion that "there are no further obstacles
to considering the constitution in force and effect." G. The 1986 Provisional Constitution
1. The Snap Elections
The 1973 Constitution was amended four times. 2. The February 1986 Revolution
The first, in 1976, gave the President, legislative 3. Proclamation No. 1 (Feb 25, 1986)
powers even if the Interim Batasang Pambansa 4. Proclamation No. 3 FREEDOM
was already operating. CONSTITUTION (March 25, 1986)

The second, in 1980 was not significant. It merely Freedom Constitution

raised the retirement of justices of the SC from 65 What was the basis of the Aquino government? Did it
to 70 as to keep Fernando for five more years. assume power pursuant to the 1973 Constitution, or
was it a revolutionary government?
The third, in 1980 changed the form of
government from Parliamentary to Presidential. Proclamation No. 1, 25 February 1986 (Provisional
government).-- But Proclamation No. 3 which
The fourth, in 1984, responded to the succession announced the Provisional Constitution, seemed to
problem by providing for a VicePresident. suggest that it was a revolutionary government, since
in one of its whereases it announced that the "new
The start of the end of the Marcos years, of government was installed, through a direct exercise of
course, could be treated as early as 21 August the power of the Filipino people assisted by units of
1983. But its immediate precursor was the Snap the New Armed Forces," referring to the EDSA
Election which the President was forced to call and revolution.
set on 7 February 1986 to respond to the clamor
for popular mandate. The better view is the latter view. The Aquino
government was not an offshoot of the 1973
Constitution for under that Constitution, a procedure

9 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

was given for the election of the President ---
proclamation by the Batasan --- and the candidate The President appointed 48 Commissioners, who
Batasan proclaimed was Marcos. worked on the Constitution from 1 June to 15 October
1986. The draft was submitted to the people in a
Lawyers League v Aquino (GR Nos. 73748, 73972 & referendum on 2 February 1987. On 11 February
73990, May 22, 1986).—This view was affirmed in 1987, the President, through Proclamation No. 58,
Lawyers League v Aquino where the legitimacy of the announced its overwhelming ratification by the people
Aquino government is questioned on the ground that it and that, therefore, it had come into force and effect.
was not established pursuant to the 1973 Constitution.
The SC ruled that petitioners had no personality to sue In Re: Saturnino Bermudez (145 SCRA 160)(1960).--
and their petition states no cause of action. "For the In the case of In Re: Saturnino Bermudez , the SC
legitimacy of the Aquino government is not a held, quoting the previous case of Lawyers League v
justiciable matter. It belongs to the realm of politics Aquino, that:
where only the people of the Philippines are the judge.
And the people have made the judgment; they have [T]he legitimacy of the Aquino government is not a
accepted the government of President Aquino which is justiciable matter. It belongs to the realm of politics
in effective control of the entire country so that it is where only the people of the Philippines are the judge.
not merely a de facto government but in fact and law And the people have made the judgment; they have
a de jure government. Moreover, the community of accepted the government of President Aquino which is
nations has recognized the legitimacy of the present in effective control of the entire country so that it is
government. All the eleven members of this Court as not merely a de facto government but in fact and law
reorganized, have sworn to uphold the fundamental a de jure government. Moreover, the community of
law of the Republic under her government." nations has recognized the legitimacy of the present
government. All the eleven members of this Court as
The Aquino government was a result of a "direct state reorganized, have sworn to uphold the fundamental
action." It was not as if a small group revolted and law of the Republic under her government.
succeeded in wresting power in the end. Rather, the
entire state revolted and overthrew the government, H. The 1987 Constitution
so that right from the beginning, the installation was 1. The Constitutional Commission of 1986
already lawful and the government was at all times de 2. Proclamation No. 58 (February 11, 1987)
jure. 3. When considered ratified—
Article XVIII, Section 27
In this regard, it must be noted that there is no such
thing as a constitutional right of revolution. A I. Effectivity of the 1987 Constitution
revolution, from the point of view of a State, is always
lawful since a State can never go wrong; it can change 1987 Constitution, Art. XVIII, sec. 27.
its government in whatever way the sovereign sees fit. Art. XVIII, Sec. 27. This Constitution shall take effect
But this right of revolution, inherent in sovereignty, immediately upon its ratification by a majority of the
cannot be recognized in a Constitution, for this would votes cast in a plebiscite held for the purpose and shall
be self-destructive. The nature of a Constitution is to supersede the all previous Constitutions.
set-up a government and provide for an orderly way to
change this government. A revolution contradicts this The foregoing proposed Constitution of the Republic of
nature. the Philippines was approved by the Constitutional
Commission of 1986 on the twelfth day of October
Proclamation No. 3, March 25, 1986 (Provisional 1986,
Constitution).-- At any rate, the Provisional and accordingly signed on the fifteenth day of October
Constitution or Freedom Constitution was adopted on 1986 at the Plenary Hall, National Government Center,
25 March 1986 through Proclamation No. 3. It Quezon City, by the Commissioners whose signatures
abrogated the legislative provisions of the 1973 are hereunder affixed.
Constitution, modified the provisions regarding the
executive department, and totally reorganized the Proclamation No. 58 (Proclaiming the Ratification of
government. (Its use of the 1973 Constitution, the 1987 Constitution), February 11, 1987
however, is not be to construed that it was a
continuation thereof.) De Leon v Esguerra, 153 SCRA 602 (1987.)
The 1987 Constitution took effect on 2 February 1987.
Then it provided for the calling of a Constitutional F: The case arose due to Art. III, Sec. 2 of
Commission, composed of 30 to 50 members Proclamation No. 3, which provided that: "All elective
appointed by the President within 60 days. (In our and appointive officials and employees under the 1973
history, all major constitutions --- Malolos, 1935, 1971 Constitution shall continue in office until otherwise
--- were drafted by elected delegates.) provided by proclamation or executive order or upon

10 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

the designation or appointment and qualification of Take Note: Most of the questions asked in the bar is
their successors, if such appointment is made within a on how do you propose amendments or revisions in
period of one year from 25 February 1986." the Constitution.

De Leon was a barrio captain in Taytay, Rizal. On 9 Changes could simply be an:
February 1987, he was replaced by the MLG (DLG). So 1. amendment or
the question arose as to when the 1987 Constitution 2. an overhaul such as a revision.
took effect. If it took effect on 2 February, the
replacement was no longer valid, since Proclamation Take Note: the one proposing may not be qualified to
No. 3 would have been superseded. But if it took propose a revision but only an amendment.
effect on 11 February (the date of proclamation), the
replacement would have been valid. AMENDMENT REVISION
when you only make it’s an overhaul, it
The SC, consulting the proceedings of the Concom, changes to such a part or changes the philosophy,
ruled that the intent of the framers of the Constitution parts of the constitution. the rinciple, it changes
was to make it effective on the date of its ratification. It does not change the the whole thing
Art. XVIII, Sec. 27 clearly provided that "this philosophy of the
Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its constitution or the basis
ratification by a majority of the votes cast in the of the constitution
plebiscite." The 1987 Constitution was ratified in a
plebiscite on Feb. 2, 1987, superseding the Provisional
Question: When you change the term of office of the
Consequently, after that date, respondent OIC president, from 6 years to 8 years with one reelection,
Governor could not designate respondents to the amendment or revision?
elective positions occupied by petitioners. Petitioners
must now be held to have acquired security of tenure. Answer: It’s an amendment because it does not
change the system of government, still presidential.
The dissenting opinion pointed out that by What is
contemporaneous construction, the 1973 Constitution changed is simply the term of office.
had a similar provision as the present one in issue
(Art. XVII, Sec. 16, This Constitution shall take effect Question: The term of office of president shall be
immediately upon its ratification by a majority of the indefinite based on whether he still holds the trust and
votes cast in a plebiscite), and yet it took effect on the confidence of the members of legislature, then in
day of the proclamation. The 1981 and 1984 effect you are having a parliamentary system of
amendments contained similar provisions (valid when government,
approved), and yet the practice has always been to amendment or revision?
make the date of proclamation, the date of effectivity.
Furthermore, if the effectivity was 2 February, then Answer: Revision because it is not simply a change of
the appointments made by the President to CA posts term but you’re changing the system of government,
after that date would be invalid for they were not the
submitted to the Judicial and Bar Council. On this philosophy of the government being established.
point, however, Teehankee noted that the President
issued the appointments in the end of January. THREE ENTITIES THAT CAN PROPOSE CHANGES TO
A concurring opinion noted the debate between Davide
(date of proclamation) and Bernas (date of
This is important because in the proposal, who can
ratification), and Davide's comment that he was giving
propose changes to the constitution? There are only
up due to tyranny of numbers.
three entities who can change or propose a change to
the constitution;
1. Congress – 3/4 votes where you convert congress
as a constituent assembly, one of their legislative
PROCESS OF CHANGING THE CONSTITUTION function although other than making laws
1. Proposal 2. Congress may call or establish a ConCon in two
2. Submission of the Proposal to the People ways:
3. Ratification a. by 2/3 votes they may call for a concon or
b. by a majority vote submit that question to
the people whether or not they want a concon

11 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

in order to propose changes to the 2. Representation - each legislative district is
constitution represented by at least 3% of its registered voters.
Take Note: If it is by Congress or ConCon, they can a) And According to the Lambino case,
propose both amendment and revision. because the people who are the authors of the
proposed the amendments,
3. People – Initiative and Referendum (legal basis, RA
6735) but limited only to proposing 3. Signing - they must sign the petition itself. Not just
amendments to the constitution. you make attachments to the petition the signatures
but the petition itself must be signed by the registered
RA 6735 is very clear that people could only propose voters being the authors of the proposed
amendments amendments.
4. Ratification - Ratification by majority of the people
Question: How about the president? Because now you who casts their votes during the plebiscite.
have the problem with the Bangsamoro where the a) So plurality, based on the result of the
president proposing to the congress to pass BBL which plebiscite, majority vote is all that is required.
may in effect amend the constitution.
On the concept of congress acting as a
Answer: Case involving Arroyo: declared constituent assembly:
They’re supreme within their own sphere so far
proposing changes to the constitution. This is separate
Province of North Cotabato vs The Republic of and distinct from its power to make laws and to
the Phils. Peace panel. appropriate funds. So when they are considered as
constituent assembly, the function is only to propose.
It was declared by the SC to be unconstitutional
because to implement the Memorandum of Agreement  That does not include appropriating funds. The
with the MI before would propose an amendment to appropriation will be done by congress acting as a
the constitution to recognize an associate state which legislative body.
the constitution of 1987 does not allow. So to
implement it then, in effect the president through the  Thereafter the proposal there is the Submission.
MOA is proposing that the constitution be changed in The submission is made when their done with their
order to recognize an associate state. The challenge to draft, it is
the constitutionality of the BBL is similar to the MOA submitted to the people for consultation so people will
case. The justification for declaring it later as understand what it is they are going to decide on,
unconstitutional is firstly, the president cannot propose whether to approve or disapprove it.
amendments or revision to the constitution. There are
only three entities under the 1987 constitution which  The only principle that we need to remember here
can propose. is the manner of submitting it.

Question: Then why did Marcos able to change the  It CANNOT be done piecemeal.
1973 constitution?
Answer: Because he had legislative power. It was  It has to be the whole thing so that people will be
under martial law and by amendment no. 6, he able to fully understand the provisions and their
arrogate unto himself legislative power that enables relationship with each other. That was one of the
him to make amendments to the 1973 constitution. reason why the changes proposed by Marcos to the
1973 consti, it was scheduled for referendum or
Question :Then why Cory Aquino? plebiscite was declared unconstitutional because it was
Answer: because there was no legislative body. It was done on installment basis. It cannot be done that way.
a revolutionary government. She arrogate unto herself
both legislative and executive powers. But not under
the 1987 consti. The consti is very clear, only three SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION
entities can propose changes to the consti; congress,
concon (constitutional convention or constitutional Supremacy of the Constitution
commission) and people.
➢ The basic and paramount law of the land, which all
How? Procedure under RA 6735, it must be: other laws must conform, which all people including
highest officials of the land must defer.
1. Proposal - proposed by 12% of the registered
voters ➢ Even for grave abuse of discretion and improvised
wherein by a Co-equal branch of government like of the
President or of Congress, it can still be reviewed by
12 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019
the SC in order to assert not the superiority of the constitutional. The SC will first justify this exercise
Supreme Court, but the Supremacy of the of judicial review on the issue of constitutionality
Constitution. by discussing first whether or not the requisites
have been complied with otherwise the supreme
Justiciable questions: Questions involving court will simply dismiss the petition for lack of
“Controversies” on contrariety of assertion of rights. jurisdiction simply because of the observance of
Based on existing laws or applicable rights of the the separation of powers.
1. There must be an actual case or controversy;
Theory of Judicial Review 2. The question must be raised by the proper party;
3. It must be raised at the earliest possible
Angara v Electoral Commission, 63 Phil 139 (1936). In opportunity;
1935, the National Assembly adopted a resolution that 4. The issue is the lis mota of the case.
"all members- elect, with no election protest filed on or
before 3 December 1935 are deemed elected." The  this means that the main case cannot be
Electoral Commission, a constitutional body, on the decided without first deciding on the
other hand set the 9 December 1935 as the deadline constitutionality
for the filing of election protest.
Ynsua, who lost to Angara, filed a motion of protest
(complaint) on 8 December 1935. The question has to be a justiciable question and
not a political question.
This was entertained by the Electoral Commission.
Angara contended that the deadline set by the Political question pertains to the philosophy, the
National Assembly was controlling. Who prevailed? rationale of the law or the act of the government; it
has nothing to do with the legality that is political
The SC, through J. Laurel, ruled for Ynsua, thereby because they are in the best position to know whether
upholding the authority of the Electoral Commission, in the law is beneficial to the people. As to the reason for
view of the constitutional provision granting the its enactment, we leave it to congress that makes the
Electoral Commission jurisdiction over election law to determine the propriety of its enactment and
protests. such can only be acted by congress themselves as
regards to the matter of policy and why such particular
In justifying the power of judicial review, J. Laurel law is implemented by the president, that is within the
pointed out that when the court allocated domain of the president to determine. So in which
constitutional boundaries, it neither asserts case, if it is a matter of political discretion, such is
supremacy, nor annuls the acts of the legislature. It beyond the ambit of judicial inquiry. Only when there
simply carries out the obligations imposed upon it by is an allegation of grave abuse of discretion, then the
the constitution to determine conflicting claims and to SC may look into. So should it be justiciable, meaning,
establish for the parties the rights which the there has to be an applicable law or a constitutional
constitution grants to them. provision as basis for invoking or questioning the
validity or the constitutionality of a particular act of
Take note however that no less than the constitution government or of a law passed by congress.
provides for judicial review
By case we mean it is contested. There has to be a
 This is one way of checking the exercise of conflicting rights claimed by the parties. It cannot be
the discretionary powers of the executive friendly debate or mere resolution of court to ask the
and legislative branches of the government. court to be a referee. It is not for the court to give an
 Because however of the maintenance of the
separation of powers where you have to maintain Actual means existing at the tie of filing of the
the independence of the three branches of the complaint up to the termination WON the act
government, this judicial review power of the complained of is valid. So a premature filing is not an
courts particularly that of the supreme actual case, in which case, it is dismissable such as the
court may only be exercised provided that case of BANGSAMORO.
the requisites are complied.
SC said dismissed questions pertaining to BBL because
there is still a pending bill in Congress. Thus, it will
 In all questions that relates to the preclude Congress in the enactment of the law if the
constitutionality of any act of government, the SC SC will assume jurisdiction. Prematurity could also
will not directly go to deciding whether or not it is
13 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019
mean that the complaint has not yet resulted into a GR in Civil Cases: must have an actionable right;
conflict but a mere anticipation that his right will be personal interest in the outcome of the case.
violated that would be speculative. Otherwise, no legal personality to seek relief.

It must not be moot and academic as well, in such THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN POLITICAL LAW.
that the controversy must sustain until the
determination of the act complained as valid or not. At In Political law, it is sufficient to have Locus Standi:
the option of SC, even if it is already moot and PROPER PARTY
academic, SC is not precluded in reviewing the act
complained of and determine its constitutionality to As a TAXPAYER
establish jurisprudence so I the future the same issue 1st instance: when there’s an appropriation of funds
may be raised, then there will be a guideline for our and the disbursement is anomalous. Not just any
lawyers, judges, and public. disbursement of public funds, it has to be anomalous
that would result to misappropriation of public funds.
GR: mootness of issue cannot be considered as
magical 2nd instance, when taxpayer questions an exorbitant
formula in dismissing a case just because the issue is tax imposition, because that would tantamount to
no longer there. It cannot close its eyes just because taking his property without due process and so,
the issue is moot and academic. unconstitutional.

There are 4 EXCEPTIONS: As a VOTER

A. Patent And Gross Violation Of The Must show an obvious interest in the validity of the
Constitution election law, that will affect his right to vote or to run
The supreme cannot just close its eyes and for public office.
simply dismiss the case because the case has
become moot and academic. The supreme As a CITIZEN
court has to review the act and establish GR: you can’t be a proper party if you’re just a
guidelines for the future that if the issue would concerned citizen because of Direct Injury Principle
be raised at least there would be a prevailing
principle EXC: There must be showing that the issues are
transcendental importance which must be settled
B. Issue Is Of Transcendental Importance Or Of early. So that the issue of proper party might be
Paramount Interest Or considered as mere procedural technicality which can
C. When There Is Necessity Establish Guidelines be set aside by the SC that is discretionary of the SC.
Or Precepts For Future Reference So even if you are not directly affected by it, if the SC
D. When It Can Be Repeated In The Future takes that it has transcendental importance.
However It May Evade Review Then In Which
Case Supreme Court As a LEGISLATOR
There must be a claim of official action that infringes
2. PROPER PARTY upon their prerogatives as legislators.

who is the proper party to raise a question of

constitutionality? As a CORPORATE ENTITY
The parties suing has substantial relation to the third
DIRECT INJURY PRINCIPLE party, the third party cannot assert his constitutional
They must be aggrieved or in the imminent danger of right: the right of the third party to be included unless
sustaining injury if the issue on constitutionality is not the third party by the Court is allowed to the
resolved. constitutional claim.

It would not just be any citizen. He has to be affected 3. EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY

directly by the law for him to be a proper party. The issue of constitutionality must be raised at the
earliest opportunity, which is when you file your
Direct Injury : personal and substantial interest in pleading, that's the earliest opportunity. If you do not
such that he has sustained or will sustained direct allege that in your complaint or in your answer, you
injury as a result may not be allowed to present evidence on the
unconstitutionality of the act complained of during the
3. LOCUS STANDI trial.

If you presented in your pleading, however you did

not present evidence to substantiate what you alleged

14 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

in your pleadings, then you may not be allowed to (1) the Supreme Court may declare the law as not
raise that for the first time on appeal if you lose the unconstitutional, what we call as double negative
case. declaration.
That's the general rule. However, take note of the
exceptions where even if it was not raised in the In other words, ratifying or legitimating what is
pleadings in the trial, it may still be allowed to be already presumed to be valid as valid or it may
raised for the first time on appeal.
(2) declare the law as unconstitutional. So how do you
1. When it is a criminal case. You are treat a law as declared as unconstitutional? The
questioning the validity or the process in such declaration can only be decided by the
constitutionality of the penal laws. Supreme Court sitting en banc with majority vote of
Because after all, if a penal law is declared those who actually participated in the deliberation,
unconstitutional, it would be to the based on a quorum.
advantage of the accused, and it would be
applied retroactively, so meaning if there Let us review!
is no law punishing the act, then, it would There are 15, so you’ll need majority (no. divided by 2
be as if no crime was committed. In which plus 1) so 8. If there are 14 justices, you’ll still need 8.
case, it would be beneficial to the accused If 13, you need 7. If there are 12, you need 7 votes as
because it is as if he did not commit a well. If there are 11 or 10, you’ll need 6. If there are
crime. The case can be dismissed. So it 9, you’ll need 5. If there are 8, you’ll still need 5. If
can be raised for the first time on appeal. you have 7, there is no more quorum, in which case
there cannot be any deliberation. If they cannot obtain
2. On the issue of jurisdiction. That could the requisite majority, the petition will be dismissed,
raised anytime at any stage of the thereby sustaining the constitutionality or the validity
proceedings before finality of the decision. of the law that is being questioned.

3. And finally, in civil cases, only when it is the lis Justiciable Question—a given right, legally
mota. Meaning, the relief sought for cannot be demandable and enforceable, an act or omission
determined or cannot be resolved without first violative of such right, and a remedy granted by law
settling the issue of constitutionality. for said breach of right

Political Questions—those questions which, under

4. LIS MOTA the constitution, are to be decided by the people in
Only when it is the lis mota. Meaning if there are other their sovereign capacity; or in regard to which full
grounds by which the case can be resolved or be discretionary authority has been delegated to the
disposed of, as much as possible, our courts should legislative or executive branches of government.
not touch on the issue of constitutionality because it
might endanger the stability of our country. So, only •Political questions are questions of policy. They
when the issue or the case cannot be resolved without involve the wisdom of an act or the efficacy or the
settling first the issue on constitutionality, then the necessity of a particular measure. These are questions
Supreme Court may exercise judicial review. which are better left for the political branches of the
government to determine or resolve.
Take note of Belgica et al., vs. the Executive
Secretary, Supreme court said of these requisites, the •Arose from doctrine of separation of powers
case law states that the first two are the most
important. What are the first two? Two (2) Types of Political Question
a) Actual case or controversy 1. Those to be decided by the people themselves in
b) It must be raised by the proper party their sovereign capacity
2. Full discretionary authority has been delegated by
the Constitution to the Legislative or Executive branch
Now let us go the effects of the declaration of of the government
unconstitutionality. Assuming that judicial review was
exercised properly, what would be the outcome? Legislative and Executive—political branches of the
government—where laws are enacted and enforced

Assuming that judicial review has been exercised

properly, the outcome may either be that:

15 Political Law Reviewer. WLCNotes | NTS2019

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