Baquiran, Mark Anthony

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Mark Anthony Baquiran

Assessment of Good and Bad Things

COVID-19 Quarantine Had Given Me

Every situation has its benefits and detriments depending on which perspective a
person will look into it. There has been a lot of ways presented and done to win over the
battle of COVID-19. With the solution, quarantine, it is hard to point out whether it has
brought good things or not.

The detriment of quarantine to me is my lack of freedom to go to places where I

want and need to go since quarantine prohibits people from traveling. Since we were not
allowed to go out, it had been hard for me and my family to sustain our basic needs such
as food.

Another dilemma this quarantine had given me is boredom. Being restrained in

the four corners of our house is really dreary. Since I used to spend most of my time
outside our house, I tend to miss what is it like to be outside.

Yet, one good thing this quarantine had given me is that, I had more time to be
with my family. We eat at the same time. We share and talk about things we don’t often
discuss. I got to know more of them. This quarantine had made our bond tighter and

Another good thing this quarantine had given me is, I was able to enhance my
skills. Days after the quarantine begun, I was able to go to field along with my cousin I
exposed myself in farming and I was able to learn things regarding it.

Quarantine may give trouble for other people and we cannot blame them. As I
have mentioned above, it is hard to point out whether a situation can give good things or
bad. We can only be able to see it if we know where to focus our eyes.
Mark Anthony Baquiran

The world seemed to stop the moment COVID-19 had spread and infected
countries all around the globe. It’s difficult to move forward. It’s difficult to become
accustomed with the new normal.
Community quarantine started last March 15. Since then, different types of
quarantine were implemented to meet the needs of the people.
During those times, where people have to stay inside their houses, I was able to
think and reflect for myself.
I have realized how important humanity is. Amidst the pandemic, I have watched
from news, the struggles of different people. I always feel emotional and happy whenever
I see my fellows helping these people who need help. This pandemic may had brought
the worst scenarios but it undeniably restored also my faith in human.
Moreover, this pandemic made me realize how important it is to have time with
family. Since I am a student, I used to leave our house early in the morning and go home
late in the evening. We only have weekends to bond with each other yet we seldom do it
because we have errands to do.
This pandemic also gave me the chance to see who among our so-called leaders
are really leaders who serve their people. From the different interviews of citizens, we
can hear different stories of bravery, struggles and sadly, corruption. With that, I have
seen and experienced that some of these leaders are only leaders by name while others
proved that they are indeed leaders.
Lastly, I realized that it is important to have time for self-improvement and
reflections. Before the pandemic, everyone had seemed to be rushing and bumping
shoulders that we forget how to take things slowly and think thoroughly.
This pandemic had caused such ups and downs among the people all across the
world. We had learned different things because of it. The best thing we can do is to not
forget the things this pandemic had taught us.

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