Cast Away

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December 1995

An engineer at FedEx Chuck Noland is a time obsessed and success driven person who would stop at
nothing to make sure every delivery is made as fast as possible to a point he even steal a little boys
bicycle to do so.Lecturing his crew about their laziness and how the times running out before they get
shutdown by the competition chuck mails a clock to himself which shows the time it takes for their
deliveries while bursting into anger. Chuck constantly leaves messages for his beloved girlfriend Kelly
Frears whom he intends to marry but his schedule and work gets in the way. At the dinner with all his
family relatives and friends chuck receives a call that he is needed in Malaysia and as to depart soon
likely to miss Christmas. Kelly as the understanding person she is understands and pleads him to be back
on Christmas if possible to which he agrees and then flies away after exchanging gifts with Kelly. During
their flight to Malaysia the plane starts getting turbulence and everyone starts putting on their gas
masks and chuck tries to hold on to his wife’s heirloom gift and ends up unbuckling himself result in the
death of a Stuart in flight with him. Chuck inflates the raft and uses it to survive but ends up loosing his
emergency location tracker in the process and loses consciousness while getting hit with the tides.
Chuck wakes up on a deserted island alone with a couple of FedEx boxes that come ashore from the
crash. Chuck tries to survive by drinking water from coconuts, Leaves and mud at times while eating
insects, crabs and raw fish later as well. Chuck starts opening all the FedEx boxes he found besides the
one with the wings and finds a dress with a net which he uses to fish for small fishes, a volleyball he later
names Wilson and a pair of ice skates that he turns into a knife to cut coconuts and later (after lighting a
fire) removes one of his teeth with which causes him extreme pain to the point he faints. Chuck tries to
light a fire and ends up severely bleeding his hand and this leaves a mark on the volleyball as he touches
it which later he looks at designs a face on and calls Wilson. After lighting a fire chuck starts conversing
with the volleyball about how he did it. After four years on the island chuck is an adept hunter, crafter
and starts talking to himself thinking it’s the volleyball aka Wilson. A portable toilet plastic wall comes
ashore and chuck takes it and makes it stand against the wind on the shore and it falls down due to the
winds direction and he gets an idea to build it as a wing for the raft to push against the tides and starts
working on building a raft by cutting trees and making ropes. While sailing through the storm Chuck
ends up asleep and Wilson becomes untethered and floats away from the raft. Chuck is wakes up by the
spray of a sounding whale, sees Wilson, and swims after him, but Wilson has gone too far to safely
retrieve. Chuck returns to the raft starts weeping, screaming sorry as Wilson drifts away and then he
collapses on the raft when a cargo ship sees him and rescues him. After returning to civilization, Chuck’s
girlfriend Kelly got married to his onetime dentist and had a daughter. His friend Stan’s wife is dead and
chuck’s friends and family have done his funeral. Chuck then tells his story about how he wanted to kill
himself and how this whole ordeal made him stronger wanting to live as the sun will rise again
tomorrow chuck goes on his way to Canadian , Texas to return the package with the wings on it to the
respected person and leaves a letter stating it saved his life as the package is what gave him the idea for
the sail that would fly with the wind and against the tide giving him the hope he needed.
Turning point one: SURVIVAL

From a man obsessed with time and success and being surrounded by people at all times chuck’s life
changes drastically when his plane crashes and all he has is his wife’s picture in a pocket watch to hold
on to while floating to an island in an inflatable raft let alone to find himself stranded alone. A man of
modern civilization with no knowledge whatsoever of the caveman ways mistakenly breaking a rock and
ending up making a flint trying to quench his thirst from coconut water and rain water left behind on a
leaf. Bleeding through his feet while walking through the stones and making a shoe out of leaves and
cloth to using bubble wrap and shoe lace to Band-Aid his wounds. Desperately looking for help only to
find a dead co-worker to bury and take a flashlight and shoes from Chuck wanted to hang himself and
tested it with a rope only to break the tree on the summit from the weight of the log. From a man
whose purpose was solely to be better, faster and successful to a man who wanted to die but couldn’t
die the way he wanted to even only to be left with the choice to survive and make it out of it alive by
using any means necessary

Turning point two: A Way Out

After spending four years in the island chuck becomes an adept at fishing and surviving in the island and
crafting but costing him a part of his mentality as he constantly talks with a volleyball treating it like a
person rejecting the thought that he has been alone for all these years. During his hunt for fish he
discovers a plastic material from a portable toilet labeled “Bakersfield”. He stands it aside on the shore
until a gust of wind blows it in its direction giving him the idea of building a raft which could push
through the tide using the wind as he saw a FedEx box with the design shaped liked wings.

Turning point three:

After returning to civilization, chuck life did change but for better or worse his girlfriend Kelly got
married to his dentist and had a daughter. His friend Stan’s wife dead and chuck’s funeral already been
done. Chuck then tells his story about how he wanted to kill himself and how this whole ordeal made
him change his mind that quote” I have got to keep breathing because tomorrow then sun will rise
again. Who knows what the tide could bring?”. From a man who was derived with obsession to a man
who wanted to die chuck became a man who wanted to live after going through his ordeal feeling
grateful for his survival.

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